Direct child. Seven major virtues of TV stars. Immediately in adults

Many parents are familiar to the situation when a cute children's bastard stopped being such, and had to be blushing, apologize and faster to run away from witnesses of your shame. How to cope with children's tactlessness and habit what you think?

1. Believe that children's directness occurs due to the lack of experience, misunderstanding the rules of adulthood, the inability of the child to predict the consequences and the reaction of other people. Therefore, try not to scold the baby, do not shout "you disgrace me!", And calmly and explain in detail, the inappropriateness of his words.

2. Teach the child to speak in a whisper. But explain when it is appropriate, and when it is impolite to do it.

3. Talk about the rules of behavior in society, encourage attempts to look at the situation with the eyes of other people. With the help of fairy tales, stories, real examples let me understand that some words may be unpleasant, despite their truthfulness. But do not expect a child immediately a lesson.

4. Play the "names". Let the child tell you something offensive, and you, with the consent of the child, will also somehow call him. And then discuss whether it was a shame and why.

5. To feel the difference, speak good friend, nice words. As an example, learn the child to search for such words, pick up a variety of and accurate compliments.

6. An acquaintance of the baby with the outside world, parents often indicate a finger to different items. Until some age, this is the only way to make sure that the child will connect the desired object with your words. But as soon as you learn to understand each other, get rid of the habit of showing all your finger. Because when the child shows a finger on a passerby and shout: "Look what a fat uncle", you will only have to fall through the earth.

7. Come up with a codeword with the child, which will mean that the conversation is now inappropriate.

8. At first, many adults laugh at children's immediacy, which encourages the child to speak so further. But when the kid involuntarily offended another person, and the parents are fun - it is also a very bad example of tactlessness. Therefore, if the child insulted another person - regret, apologize before those who were offended (if appropriate). And it is not necessary in the presence of a child to retell a funny story to relatives.

9. There should be no abyss between behavior at a party and at home. If a child asks in the restaurant a ring voice: "Why can you not lick the plate, you did it yesterday?", It is worth thinking, whose education should be done.

10. Eternal Council to parents - watch yourself and what example you are submitting. And, by the way, to scold or raise a child with strangers - this is also tactless about it.

You were in a situation where a cute children's bastard stopped being such, and had to blush, apologize and faster from the witnesses of your shame. How to cope with children's tactlessness and habit what you think?

    Believe that children's immediacy occurs due to the lack of experience, misunderstanding the rules of adulthood, the inability of the child to predict the consequences and the reaction of other people. Therefore, try not to scold the baby, do not shout "you disgrace me!", And calmly and explain in detail, the inappropriateness of his words.

    Teach a child to speak in a whisper. But explain when it is appropriate, and when it is impolite to do it.

    Talk about the rules of behavior in society, encourage attempts to look at the situation with the eyes of other people. With the help of fairy tales, stories, real examples let me understand that some words may be unpleasant, despite their truthfulness. But do not expect a child immediately a lesson.

    Play in the "name". Let the child tell you something offensive, and you, with the consent of the child, will also somehow call him. And then, whether it was not enough and why.

    To feel the difference, speak to each other good, nice words. As an example, learn the child to search for such words, pick up a variety of and accurate compliments.

    An acquaintance of the baby with the outside world, parents often indicate a finger to different items. Until some age, this is the only way to make sure that the child will connect the desired object with your words. But as soon as you learn to understand each other, get rid of the habit of showing all your finger. Because when the child shows a finger on a passerby and shout: "Look what a fat uncle", you will only have to fall through the earth.

    Come up with the codeword with the child, which will mean that the conversation is now inappropriate.

    At first, many adults laugh at children's immediacy, which encourages the child to speak so further. But when the kid involuntarily offended another person, and his parents have fun - it's also a very bad example of tactlessness. If the child insulted another person, express regret, apologize before those who were offended (if appropriate). And it is not necessary in the presence of a child to retell a funny story to relatives.

    There should be no abyss between behavior at a party and at home. If a child asks in a restaurant, a ring voice asks: "Why you can not lick a plate, you did it yesterday?" , it is worth thinking, whose education should be done.

    Eternal Council parents - watch yourself and what example you are submitting. And, by the way, to scold or raise a child with strangers - this is also tactless about it.

Children's sincerity and directness sometimes raise mood for a whole day, and from their statements a long time ago it would be possible to write not one wonderful collection.

We have collected several delicious statements from children's dialogues that will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • Sister makes biology:
    - What animals do the night lifestyle lead?
    - Google.
    - No, I do not know google.
  • Ivan (6 years):
    - Will you show me the ruins of the Soviet Union, or have everyone already removed there?
  • I speak Fed (3.5 years):
    - Fed, and you will soon be uncle.
    Seeing misunderstanding in the eyes of the child, I explain:
    - Roma (elder child) is a daughter will be born, and you will become uncle. You will be uncle Fedor.
    Child with full horror in the eyes:
    - I will now live with a cat and a dog in the village?! One?
  • Small child:
    - Mom, I want a tampon's birthday!
    - Do you know what it is?
    - No, but they say on TV that if you have a tampon, then you can go to the beach every day, ride a bike, run and do everything you like, and no one will notice anything.
  • Something broke under the window, and immediately happily flew the cry:
    - Mom, Mom, I am alive!
    - And what are you happy about it?! - An indignantly answered a female voice.
  • The spouse dragged children from McDonalds Happy Mil. There's toys of Engri Birds. And the son (3 years) loves them very much. Without opening the box, hesitantly looks at the bright pictures drawn on it, with indifference to its contents. Spouse:
    - And kiss?
    Son, not looking at the mother, with tenderness kisses the box.

  • We argue with my wife. Daughter (11 years old) issues:
    - Dad, rejoice that you have such a wife. And you, mom, rejoice that you have such a husband. And then you would marry an alcoholic.
  • - Dima, why do you want your little sister born?
    Dima (4 years 2 months):
    - Then at least someone in our house will be obedient ...
  • Child examining our wedding album:
    - And from "Zamuzha" you can go back back?
  • Prepared lunch, husband in the kitchen, I say my son:
    - Go, dad feed.
    Ran, returned across a second. I ask:
    - What, dad does not feed?
    And baby to me:
    "Mom, he can't, he feeds himself."
  • I say a three-year-old son:
    - Carefully, in a rosette kus!
    Six-year-old daughter adds:
    - And in scientific - the difference in potentials.
    And why did I teach her so early?

  • Cyrych rolling Max on a typewriter. Max described.
    - Mom, urgently give a rag, leakage gasoline!
  • Zhenya (4 years):
    - Mom, can I walk from here and Dotudov?
    - In Russian, there are no words "Schudov" and "Dotudov".
    - Is there a doctow?
  • Sestrenka in the garden, seeing the butterfly, asks mom:
    - Mom, who is?
    - Butterfly.
    - Where is the head?
  • Son (7 years old) takes the bath, I hear - shouts:
    - Mom, bring me shampoo.
    - I gave you shampoo.
    - It is written on it "for dry hair," and I already wet!
  • Misha flies to the kitchen by Edakim Hussar:
    - Dad! Pour me tea!
    - And what should I add, son?
    - Sugar!

  • Echorka (3.5 years) stayed at grandfather with grandmother. When picking it home, I ask:
    - You do not want to eat? Did the grandfather feed you?
    - I do not want. My grandfather fed me not know what but I got very good.
  • The niece this year went to grade 1.
    - Milanochka, what did you like the most at school?
    - Mashed potatoes with a chop.
  • Alina (3 years 9 months) in the evening:
    - Mom, I do not want a kindergarten. I want to go to school better or to work, - Dreamy: - And the best thing is to marry !!!
  • Alesya (3 years):
    - Mom, and Sonya does not want to go to visit me.
    - And what did you invite her?
    - Not…
    Pause. Suddenly - with wild roar and sobbing:
    - I forgot!
  • Son (4 years) sits at the table, eats and argues:
    - I will be well there, and I will have a big ass!
    - Why is she such?
    - To do not fall into the toilet!
  • The nephew asked:
    - How old is your dad?
    - Six.
    - How is it six?
    - Well, he became dad, only when I was born.

Natalia Kapartov

Reading time: 5 minutes


More than once we all heard the expression - "Learn from our children!", But few people seriously thought about - and what, in fact, can you learn from our crumbs? We, "Melted Life", Parents, do not even guess that your own children can give us more paint more than all psychologists, combined - enough to listen and look closely to them.

  1. The most important thing is what our crumbs can teach us - live today . Not in some kind of ever in the oblivion of the past, not in the illusory future, namely here and now. And not just live, but enjoy this "today." Look at the children - they do not dream of distant prospects and do not suffer about past days, they are happy, even if the conditions for their life leave much to be desired.
  2. Children do not know how to love for "something" - they love for what we are. And from the bottom of my heart. Unfortunately, devotion and naivety live in them harmoniously and contrary to everything.

  3. Children are psychologically flexible creatures. This quality lacks very many adults. Children easily adapt, adapt to the situation, adopt new traditions, teach languages \u200b\u200band solve problems.
  4. Little man heart is open to the world. And (the law of nature) the world will respond to him. Adults, locating inside himself on a hundred locks, are practically not capable of it. And the greater the offense / betrayal / disappointment, the strongest castles and the stronger the fear that they will betray. Living life according to the principle "The wider look at the arms, the easier it will be to crucify you," waiting for the world exclusively negative. Such perception of life is returned by boomerang. And we can not understand - why the world is so aggressive in relation to us? A, it turns out, the reason for ourselves. If we lock on all the locks, dig around the ditch with sharp stakes on the bottom and, for loyalty, we climb the tower higher, then there is no need to wait that you will knock on your door, smiling happily.

  5. Children know how to surprise . And we? And we are no longer wondering, naively believing that it emphasizes our wisdom. While our kids with a fading of the heart, open with the eyes and open mouth admire the first snow, streaming in the midst of forests, antacuasions and even gasoline divorces in the puddles.
  6. Children see only positive (Do not take into account children's fears). They do not suffer from the fact that there are not enough money for new curtains that the head of the rejugal for breaking the dress code that the favorite "boy" is lying on the sofa and does not want to help wash the dishes. Children see white in black and large in small. They rejoice in every minute of their lives, using it to the maximum, absorbing the impressions, splashing on all their sunny burdens.
  7. Children are directly in communication. Adult man shaves laws, rules, various habits, complexes, installations, etc. Children these adults are not interesting. They will tell you that your lipstick, like that half a half aunt, near the road, that you have a fat ass in these jeans, and that your soup is saved. They will easily get acquainted with new people (of any age), do not hesitate to behave "like at home" anywhere - whether the apartment of friends or the hall of the bank. And we associated with all the fact that they themselves voiced themselves, we are afraid to say what we think, hesitate to get acquainted, complex due to nonsense. Of course, to completely get rid of such "shackles" to an adult is very difficult. But to weaken their impact (looking at their children) - quite bye.

  8. Children and creativity are inseparable. They constantly mask something, draw, compose, tinted and design. And we, enviously sigh, we also dream like this and how to draw something masterpiece! But we can not. Because "we do not know how." Children also do not know how, but they are absolutely not embarrassing them - they just enjoy creativity. And through creativity, as is well known, the whole negative - stress, resentment, fatigue. Look at your children and learn. Creative Channels Blocked by Customs Never Late Unlock.
  9. Children make only the fact that they are delivered to them - they are not typical of hypocrisy. They will not read a boring book, because it is fashionable, and will not communicate with bad people, because it is "important for business." Children do not see sense in actions that do not bring pleasure. We are about it, an adult, forget. Because there is a word "necessary." But if you look close to your life, it is easy to understand that the weighty part of these "need" simply sucks out of us, not leaving anything in return. And we would be much happier, ignoring the "bad" people, running away from the bosses satrapses, enjoying a cup of coffee and a book instead of washing / cleaning (even sometimes), etc. Any occupation that does not bring joy - this is a stress for the psyche. Therefore, it should be either refusing to such a classes in general, or to make it brings positive emotions.
  10. Children are able to laugh from the soul. Even through tears. To the whole voice and throwing the head - at ease and easily. They do not have the meaning of convention, surrounding people and the situation. And laughter from the soul is the best medicine for the body and psyche. Laughter, like tears - cleans. When was the last time you laughed?

Look at your children and learn with them - wonder and study this world, having fun from every minute, see positive parties in everything, wake up in a good mood (children extremely rarely "get up not from that foot"), perceive the world without any prejudice, be sincere, movable, never Do not give up, do not overeat (children jump out due to the table, barely be satisfied, and not with a complete stomach), do not be upset because of the trifles and relax, if the strength has run out.

Direct people are, in the most common and generally accepted interpretation, sincere, the following their inner gusts, devoid, first of all, even a hint of hypocrisy and calcality, representatives of humanity. But, of course, much depends on the interpreter of the word. For example, F. M. Dostoevsky argued that the direct person is active in virtue of its stupidity and limitations.

Multivalued term

The adjective "immediate" influenced by various factors and time was modified, and in modern literature, as in colloquial speech, has two interpretations. One of them is explained as "Next immediately for anything, without intermediate links." For example, direct, that is, the immediate authorities.

The second concept most often exists in the "direct person" bundle, and refers to the creature reasonable. And here its meaning is of a very extensive space for interpretation, up to the fact that the term can mean "holy simplicity" or nonsense. And this option takes place. But it is impossible to Natasha Rostov, one of the symbols of immediacy, call the fool.

Positivity directity

Russian is rich, including due to the large number of synonyms and the ability to interpret the same word. With regard to a person, the immediacy can be deciphering both idleness and simplicity, naivety and ease, freshness and discharge. Simple powerfulness, naturalness, straightness, naturalness and frankness - all these features are suitable for this concept. Based on the listed, one can state that direct people are very pretty representatives of humanity. But not so common. First, because, society forms a human person, which grows up and becomes a full-fledged member, the following standards and rules of behavior. Secondly, even living far from society, it is difficult to preserve the freshness of spiritual experiences, joys and, especially confused. Roughly speaking, a person gets used to everything.

Immediately may be annoying

Or, the nature should be, really, very rich and strong to afford the behavior, deprived of the stereotypical framework, and at the same time not to look ridiculous and sorry, in the best sense - "cute silly", in the worst to such a person we will apply aphorism "Easy worse theft. "

There are still such sayings: "Simple, as an economic soap," "This is how bryaknet." You can remember the phrase L. Filatova "... I'm generally a child of Nature, even a bad, but child ...". That is, such individuals, which are appropriately characterized in a similar way, are shy in society. Of course, the tact and sense of measure are the necessary indicators of the pupils of a person. But one thing is not a hindrance. Can be brought up and sincere in the expression of their feelings. The main indicator is the lack of calculation. It can be said that direct people are antipodes of rational, reflecting (reflecting, weighing), living according to the principle of "seven times death, one resignation" of individuals.

Natural period of natural immediacy

There is, and there has always been a category of mankind, living on the principles of direct perception of peace and behavior in it. This is, of course, children. A lot is allowed to them. Children's immediacy, as a rule, Mila. Shot by K. Chukovsky in the book "From 2 to 5," she remained an example of childhood permissiveness. But the reaction of adults is usually always the same. Kids wander, explain that the "truth-uterus cut" is impossible. If this is not done, but constantly donate the audacity of the child, it grows out of it. Although it can be called the egocentric. In any case, the concept of "direct people" does not apply to the latter. These are moral freaks that can poison life around.

Charming immediacy

I would like to note that the described character trait is most appropriate for female appearance. The representative of the weak gender is directness (if it is not nagata, which is insanely annoying) makes captivating, irresistible and welcome. Especially it is valued by smart, decent, consisted of men who are able to assess the sincerity of behavior.

An example is the behavior of Tatiana Larina on the "Brides Fair". She was immediately in her indifference to what was happening, and "... Meanwhile, as an eye with her, some important general ...". And on the question "What does the immediate person mean?", First of all, I want to answer that without the "second bottom," a sir or madam, with which it is very easy, nice and always happily communicate. And many such or little surrounded - dependent, first of all, from the mental qualities and preferences of the person himself.