What to talk about with a friend on a walk. What you can talk to your friend about: ideas for a friendly conversation

All this contributes to the creation of a special atmosphere, a special state when you want to talk about the beautiful, kind and positive. Of course, if you meet for a smoke and drink wine or beer, then you can't get away from talking about the hardships of life.

By welcoming guests, creating a confidential space for communication, cooking and treating, showing concern, you increase your feminine energy.

And also calm conversations about something pleasant and interesting makes any woman happy. The main task of a woman is to have fun! You should also have fun with your friends.

What to talk about with a friend:

Talk about feminine, beautiful, light and interesting. Forget heavy topics related to politics, finance and crises.

For example,

Talk about how you take care of your body and face, maybe you've discovered a new skin care product, a new mask, a new procedure. Maybe you went to the bathhouse and made a body scrub from coffee pomace, dark chocolate, and olive oil. This recipe was just told to me by a friend.

All talk about beauty, about fragrances has a beneficial effect on the female psyche. We love to take care of ourselves.

You can discuss recipes. I always leave another friend of mine with a recipe for a new salad and with the desire to cook something new. Naturally, my mood rises. For example, now there are still a lot of zucchini, if you grate them, add an egg, a little flour and grated ordinary cheese, you get delicious pancakes.

When we know what to cook, when we cook with the mood, it always increases our level of satisfaction with life, which means positive energy.

You can talk about creativity, about women's needlework. With another friend, I discuss fabrics, models, the release of the new magazine Burda Moden. We exchange ideas about who and what will sew in the new season. It is very interesting and the feminine energy rises. There is no aggression, rudeness, harshness.

Diversify your female life! Start doing something new and you will always have something to talk about with your friends.

It could be growing flowers. Flowers will best represent your energy. If you are tired, driven, dissatisfied with life, they will not grow with you. Flowers, like all living things, need not only food. They need attention, and you can only give it at a certain level of energy.

Take up dancing, for example, I decided to master the tribal dance in the fall. Of course, we will discuss this with my friends over a cup of tea and freshly made pastries. And you will see a video clip with this dance at the end of the article.

Compliment, praise your girlfriend sincerely. Do not perceive your girlfriend as a competitor, you play with her on the same field and exchange energy with her and strengthen each other.

Our feminine strength lies in satisfaction and happiness.

Do not speak or participate in conversations:

  • That all men are bastards, and in no case can you trust them.
  • Men only want sex;
  • Men cannot be trusted;
  • All the good men were taken apart;

Give up gossip. Gossip is a bad habit. And any bad habits negatively affect the female energy. Everything negative takes a lot of energy.

By gossiping, you are deprived of the main thing - trust. If you gossip, then your friend subconsciously does not trust you, where is the guarantee that you will not tell something bad about her? Therefore, it is difficult to open up in such a relationship.

When you gossip, you do not live your own life, but delve into the problems and lives of other people, and this also requires energy, your precious energy. This also applies to gossip about celebrities.

Gossip does not give anything, does not change anything, it clogs the soul and psyche with negativity. Because gossip does not arise just like that, at first there is jealousy, resentment, some kind of tension in relation to a person, and then it turns into gossip. Yes, it has a temporary effect. Speaking badly about someone, we at this moment rise. Talking about other people's shortcomings, we forget about our own, but then devastation sets in, and we again return to our unsettled life.

Gossip is always condemnation of people. It's always out of pride. I am good, correct, but they are not.

“To think that I know what is best for someone else is to do something other than their own business. Even in the name of love, this is pure arrogance, and the result is tension, anxiety, and fear. Do I know what's right for me? This is my only business. " Katie Byron.

Do not waste your life and your energy on rubbing other people's problems, talk about yourself, about your life, about your results and about your changes.

You say, well, now what not to talk about others? Say only what you would say in front of the person with a calm soul.

Say only good things, let everything around you change and be charged with positive, become the one that sows good and beautiful.

If you want to break the habit of judging people, start praising and seeing the good in them.

The next thing to keep in mind. Don't complain or regret. We are used to reducing communication to discussing our problems, about how difficult our life is. Communication with a friend should charge, fill and make you happy. It is difficult for someone to imagine communication where one cannot talk about problems. But such communication is much better and more positive. Raise the bar, especially for yourself, and stop complaining and discussing problems, and your friend will stop doing it too.

Why give up pity? If you are sorry, then you consider yourself stronger and your friend weaker. You are denying her inner strength. But everything that happens to us in life is created by us and leads us to something better. How can you be sorry for that? Everything that happens in life has a meaning, even if you cannot yet reveal this meaning.

Pity also requires a lot of energy, and when you regret, you are inside the problem and not looking for a way out. Your life and the life of your interlocutor stands still. You do not gain any experience, do not develop, do not fill and do not get pleasure!

When you complain, you are connecting to a destructive channel! If you complain about your man, especially your husband, you are robbing him of his strength.

And of course, exclude the discussion of bad news, tragedies and negativity. And do not pour out your problems on your girlfriend, she will not solve them. You can solve them yourself. And this is an adult and responsible position.

Form correct communication in your circle, positive. This will give you a very important source of feminine energy. Thanks to this, shine and radiance will appear in the eyes, lightness in the body, inspiration in the soul, and in the heart a desire to share this state with others. Such a woman becomes extremely attractive.

Tatiana Dzutseva.

The promised dance. Fantastic!

In contact with

Good afternoon, dear readers! We often think that girlfriends are those with whom you can talk about everything in the world. You can raise and procrastinate any topic, express any of your emotions ... But still, if a friend is not a spiritual mentor, in some matters it is better to be careful. How to communicate with a friend? What kind of conversations are damaging?

Who are girlfriends?

Girls are looking for girlfriends with different goals:

  • to go to a fitness club or to parties together;
  • so that there was someone to chat with on women's topics;
  • so that someone can support in a difficult situation, so that there is someone to cry and talk to;
  • so that someone regularly gives a weighty kick, motivating for new achievements;
  • many are looking for like-minded people with whom they can develop together, discuss serious issues and find solutions together.

But no matter what the purpose of your friendship is, your friend is not a priest or spiritual guide. It is very good when you live with someone in perfect harmony and do not have any secrets. There is a very small list of topics that are forbidden to raise even with your best friend. But watch out for him!

What should you never talk about with your friends?

  1. You should never respond negatively. about your spouse... Even if he offended you. He didn’t give flowers for ten years. Didn't appreciate your dinner. Even if he flirts with others. Or you have a suspicion of treason. If you have not yet filed for divorce, do not discuss your spouse with anyone. Do not complain about him to your friends. Such complaints are very dangerous ... They destroy your respect for your spouse, destroy your relationship. You can only cry in your personal diary. Or - in difficult cases - to a priest, spiritual mentor. In extreme cases, a good psychologist. Who will be able to correctly respond to your claims, and not add fuel to the fire with something like “oh, did he really do this to you ?! How could he ?! Oh you, my poor girl ... ”What is the main danger? To discuss a person is already disrespectful. And to complain, to say something negative is absolutely bad. In addition, the friend will remember all your quarrels, all the flaws of your husband, and you will read her attitude. Be sure to read, and never complain about your spouse. Even if you really want to.

  2. One more addition: do not allow anyone to judge your husband. Even if everyone can see that he was guilty. Late for a meeting, for example. Strictly suppress any disrespectful words about your spouse. Soon, your friends will understand that you do not tolerate such statements, and will begin to talk in a different way. And if not, think about how to stop communicating with these people.

  3. Any gossip is destructive... Do not discuss events in which you are not sure, try not to talk about those who are not present nearby. This is not as strict as with your spouse, but still undesirable. Gossip sucks energy and also imbues you with a judgmental attitude. Don't judge others. And try to look for only good in everything.

  4. Be careful in everything that concerns your spiritual practice... You can only ask for advice from those who are much more experienced than you and are suitable for the role of a mentor. Otherwise, you can hear from a friend what will be pleasant to you, but not useful. If you have a spiritual crisis, a friend may say: "You have driven yourself too much with your austerities, take a short break, take a break from prayer." Or vice versa: "You read a little spiritual books, you need to strain hard." But what will be really useful for you - ask your spiritual father.

  5. Do not discuss health of their children... And your health too. If you have any problems - see your doctor! And talking about how someone had what only increases maternal paranoia. Or, on the contrary, they tune in: "Katya also had it, and everything worked out." Only a doctor advises on health! It's crazy, but I constantly notice how young mothers give each other "popular advice" on treatment, recommend medicines, etc. Even on the Internet, at every step there are messages like: “The child has a rash, the stool is green, he hasn't eaten anything for three days. What to do?" Go to the doctor, not listen to hundreds of other people's stories! Of course, in the simplest cases, you can go to an experienced friend. For example, what kind of cream to apply to dry baby skin? But instead of finding out the reviews of your friends about diseases and medications, get their reviews about doctors. And find yourself a doctor you really trust.

How to improve a relationship with a friend?

If you are having trouble with a friend, pay attention to the following points:

  • Friendship is not a consumer relationship. Here it is necessary not only to take, but also to give. Take the time to communicate, take the initiative, give gifts for no reason, give compliments, do not hesitate to call first ... When people see your enthusiasm and interest in their person, they often reciprocate.
  • Be gentle, not all people take disapproval of their beliefs normally. And if you think that it is evil, do not talk about it to the one whose children attend such institutions. At least until you are asked about it. And even when asked, think carefully about how to put it mildly.
  • Ask more questions about your friend's life and views. And listen carefully to the answers.
  • If you know your friend's husband, communicate with him as neutral as possible.
  • And if, despite all this, the friend does not want to communicate with you, relax and let her go. Friendship has no value without reciprocity.

In this video, a cute positive girl helps to make up:

I tried to tell you how to behave correctly with your friends so that your communication is not destructive. Share this article on social media and subscribe to new blog posts. See you!

Cinema Is a universal theme. We start with the question: "Have you been to the cinema *?" We find out what he likes to watch, whether he goes to night sessions, talk about new products and invite to the film - it's in the bag!

Hobbies. For example, you are rollerblading or collecting stamps. In the first case, after a short conversation, you can invite to ride. If he doesn’t know how, promise to teach. In the second - tell a romantic story related to your favorite brand and invite you to see the collection. In the conversation, do not forget to ask what the girl is interested in, and give time to talk about it.

Literature. Does the girl like to read? If yes, go ahead. What have you read lately? What is your favorite writer? Tell us what you are reading yourself. Maybe you know which book will soon be filmed? Already read a new book from a series she liked? Promise to give to read.

Museums, memorable places. There are a lot of them in any city. You need to pick up a guide and remember the information at least about those you visit most often. Then at any moment you can strike with your intellect something like this: "Do you know that Pushkin (James Bond, Carlson) lived in this house?" We are interested in the lady's favorite places, tell a romantic story about our favorite park and invite you to take a walk.

Bad habits. It is better to talk about "cute" shortcomings: the habit of being constantly late, losing pens, or vice versa - collecting them from everyone you know without noticing. The main thing is to have fun.

Money. Talking about the cost of daily travel and food, CDs, books is a good opportunity to strike up a conversation. True, it is not worth delaying it, he will still think that you are a curmudgeon. After a couple of opinions, move on to another topic. For example, food.

Food. From family dinners with grandma's pies to your favorite dishes, exotic seafood, good cafes, barbecues, etc. An invitation to your favorite cafe or out of town on the weekend will be perfectly logical in this case.

Travel, walks. You can talk about your recent trip. Ask where the girl likes to go, go, about her favorite weather for walking, where she would like to visit. What do you like more - a forest, mountains or diving into uncharted depths of the sea for treasures.

Cars, transport. Ask if the girl drives a car. If not, is there a desire? What kind of cars do you like? What other transport would you like to control - a spaceship or an armored personnel carrier? Share your thoughts on your dream car.

Work and study. Tell a couple of funny situations from your work or school experience. Ask about relationships in the team: are there any common holidays, ask about the bosses and teachers. There will definitely be something in common in these stories, there will be something to laugh at.

Recreation. What do you do on the weekend? With any answer to the question, we do not criticize anything, even if the girl does not get up from the couch all day, eating pounds of cakes. Maybe she has a terribly stressful job, and this is compensation for stress. Your task is to keep the conversation going.

Sport. Start carefully with your favorite sports. If you hear that a girl is engaged in ballet or dancing, do not rush to laugh "with all the crow's throat." Try at home in front of a mirror, standing on tiptoes, raising your legs, sitting down, jumping and at the same time beautifully waving your arms for a couple of hours in a row. Your torment will have nothing to do with ballet, but you will feel the degree of stress. Famous athletes, gyms, types of swimming, sports tourism - there are many topics.

From sports to health. Now is the time to say that it is better to ride bicycles in the fresh air than to sniff glue in basements. You can philosophize a little on this topic together. Unless, of course, the girl yawns during your moralizing lecture.

Religion. Do you believe in God, in fate, are interested in Buddhism, the history of religions, do not even believe in chance, etc.? Do not hesitate, ask: does she believe in predestination from above or thinks that a person creates destiny on his own. Feel like your meetings are not accidental? Hint at this. An interesting conversation can turn out.

Relationship. Here you can ask what kind of guy she would like to meet. What will not tolerate: betrayal, tediousness, greed, etc. In response, express your opinions. Ask about friends, tell about yours. Just do not start scrupulously sorting out your ex-girlfriends.

Children. Kids, younger brothers and sisters, nephews and just acquaintances. There will definitely be something to discuss: funny statements, pranks, whims. If the lady you have chosen is already a mom, the conversation can be endless. You can figure out how serious the person is in front of you.

Gifts, holidays. What is the best holiday? What kind of gifts does he like? Giving or receiving? About myself - a must. For example: you love winter, New Year, Santa Claus and swimming in an ice-hole under a tangerine rain in some flippers.

Clothing. Be sure to compliment her on the topic of her beautiful appearance. Make fun of your favorite jeans. Ask: how does she feel about the guys working on the podium? Hint that a woman in any dress is beautiful - any real man knows about it.

Pets. The topic is a win-win, unless you just ran into an outright psychopath. Does she have a cat, dog, rat, fish, parrot? Praise! It is mandatory to tell about your pets. Imagine what your favorite iguana and her guinea pigs would do together.

Sex. You can shock a girl by immediately reporting her sexual preferences. True, the result will be extremely dubious. Therefore, wait until your relationship is really close. In the meantime, you can talk about famous couples: do they really fit together.

In contact with

Female friendship is essential. During warm meetings with each other, girls often open their hearts and speak out. At the same time, it is very important to create the right atmosphere that will promote peace and openness.

Of course, you need to decide what to talk about with your friend so that the meeting is as useful as possible. After all, she is exactly the person with whom you want to discuss the most important things and get wise advice.

Even if everything is smooth in your life and you do not need support, communication with your beloved friend is always relevant. But if she is such a close person, why does the question arise, what can you talk about with your friend? Indeed, in such a relationship, communication goes on by itself and does not require a special attitude. In fact, there are often times when topics of conversation have to be specifically searched for, despite a strong friendship.

Topics to talk to your girlfriend if she's married

Despite a great relationship and spiritual closeness, there are many factors that separate people a little from each other. Most often this is the marriage of one of the girls. After she starts family life, her circle of interests changes dramatically, she is less likely to be in the same company and spends more time at home.

When a child appears, the situation is aggravated even more, because the amount of free time for a young mother is dramatically reduced. And here the insidious question often arises, on what topic to talk with a friend, when she is all in family chores and is not at all aware of the latest events in social life.

In this case, you should forget about selfishness for a while. After all, this is your close person who talks about the most precious thing - your child. And it is quite possible that she ceases to feel the boundaries a little.

It is important here that you listen to her, especially in the first months after she became a mom. Show understanding, because these are huge changes in life, and who, if not your best friend, should tell about them.

It doesn't matter how the conversation goes, on VKontakte or by phone, you will most likely be bombarded with detailed stories about the baby and his photographs. Show a little patience, and then slowly begin to remember what you loved to talk to your best friend about the most before this period in her life.

She is still that close person who has less time, but not love for you. Therefore, topics for conversation will be found very quickly. You can become her personal guide to social life, bringing her up to date on the latest events. This is a great option to talk about with your Vkontakte friend, for example.

You can tell her daily the latest news about mutual acquaintances, discuss new movies and literature, and keep up with the latest changes in fashion trends. Believe me, after a while she will tell you a sincere “thank you” for the fact that thanks to you she did not completely “fall out” of social life during the decree.

What can you talk to a friend about if you have different companies

It often happens that two close friends have different social circles. This leads to the fact that they mostly communicate in private on a walk or on Vkontakte.

What topics can be discussed in this case?

  • First of all, this is the latest news about people from their environment. After all, girls are especially pleased to discuss such things. Who is dating whom, who has a new phone, and whom the guy dumped - these are quite important topics for the female circle. Also, there will always be someone from the inner circle for whom something has radically changed in life, and this is a great option to talk about with a friend on a walk.
  • Topics from the world of cinema, fashion industry and sports also remain relevant. And if one of your friends changed her hair color or hairstyle, this is a great topic for a long conversation, both in person and on Vkontakte. After all, the Internet has now almost completely replaced the telephone, and since there is always little time for personal meetings, it has become the main way of communication.

What to talk about with a friend on VK

VKontakte is also a popular way to send birthday greetings. You just need to leave a virtual postcard with a wish on the person's wall. Thus, on social networks, you can talk with a friend about the same thing about which on the phone or in person.

Men are the main topic of women's conversations

It's hard to find a girl who doesn't discuss her love life with her best friend. Acquaintance with a new young man, an analysis of his actions and forecasts of the development of relations are the basis of conversations between beautiful ladies.

And, of course, in women's conversations, they always discuss a new young man who has appeared in a company, a nice neighbor, or just a passing guy who has shown some kind of attention. Men - always remain the main topic of intimate conversations of girlfriends.

What to talk about with a new friend

If you met recently, finding topics that would be interesting for both of you to talk about is a little more difficult. Here you need to start with questions about preferences.

Once you find out what each of you is interested in, topics will be much easier to find. The main thing is not to show selfishness and not strive to discuss only what is of particular interest to you. Respect for the interlocutor is the key to developing a strong friendship.

Not everyone loves social talk about anything. In fact, such conversations perform a very useful function: they help to defuse the situation, get out of an awkward situation or start communication in an unfamiliar company, as well as unobtrusively start a conversation and get to know a new interlocutor better.

To be honest, before it seemed to me that the ability to unobtrusively start a conversation is an exclusively innate talent. With these people, in a couple of minutes you feel as if you are talking to a good old friend. And I personally know such people - there are not so many of them in my environment.

In addition to them, there are comrades who just as easily start conversations with strangers, but after a minute they become like representatives of a Canadian company trying to sell you another set of knives, dishes or a vacuum cleaner. There is a huge difference between the former and the latter. How to understand that you are too carried away, and how to start a conversation correctly? Here are five simple tips from Celes, author of the Personal Excellence blog.

1. Ask a question

The easiest and most standard way to start a new conversation, many people use it.

"What do you do?"

This is a great question to start a conversation in countries with, for example Singapore or Hong Kong. People from there are used to identifying themselves with their occupation. If you know that this person loves his job and devotes a lot of time to it, feel free to ask. You will get a long enough and detailed answer so that the conversation does not end after a short phrase followed by an awkward pause. Also, the method is well suited for conversation at various conferences, seminars and business events. After that you can ask a huge number of work questions: "How long has he been in this business and has been working in this company?", "Does he like this job?", "What prompted him to join this company?" etc. Questions about clients, business trips, careers and fun experiences at work - the possibilities are endless.

"What brings you here?"

This question is especially useful for a variety of events, be it a house party or a business meeting. Use the answer to continue the conversation. For example, a phrase like “I'm here to meet new people” means that this person is inclined to communicate and make new acquaintances. Perhaps you can share interesting events that are included in your calendar.

"What did you do today?"

Sometimes the answer to this question is standard and uninteresting. And sometimes they can reveal fascinating details about the other person.

"How was the event (event)?"

If you know where the person has been before, use that for conversation. For example, some of your friends or colleagues recently returned from or attended an interesting conference. Ask him about this event.

"What are you doing this week?"

Since the question is about the future, ask it closer to the end of the conversation so that you can politely say goodbye later.

Remember that you may be asked counter questions, so be prepared to answer them.

2. Compliment

For example, the option that works best in a women's company: “What a beautiful dress! It sits so nicely on you. Where did you buy it? " and all questions related to accessories, hairstyle and appearance. Start a conversation like “You look great! Did you have a good rest / sat on / started playing sports? " and so on also works well with men.

Compliments regarding the work done will be pleasant to everyone, without exception. They work especially well with open and emotional people.

3. Use surrounding objects as a hook for conversation.

Having met at the conference, say that you liked the speech of a certain speaker, indicate which moments made a pleasant impression and ask the interlocutor what he thinks about it.

Use what is happening around you for conversation, thus creating a comfortable atmosphere. After the ice has melted, you can move on to more personal topics.

Often, one question or a simple request for help can result in a long, engaging and rewarding conversation.

Why does it work? Because people like to help. It gives them a sense of importance, a sense that they have done something useful. And admiring responses to answers make them feel like a senior mentor.

These can be questions about work topics. For example, you can say that you are currently busy with a new one and would like to know the opinion of the person, since he is an expert in this field.

Even if you don't really need help much, ask for it anyway. The advice given by another person can open up interesting perspectives before you that were previously unseen.

The most interesting thing is that the usually taciturn and humble person can break their standard behavior and show themselves from a completely different side. Some people directly thrive when someone is interested in their hobbies.

5. Tell us something about yourself

What have you been doing in recent months? What new and interesting things have you learned? What goals do you want to achieve in the near future? Tell us about it.

This method is the opposite of method # 1: you yourself take the initiative and share some information about yourself that may be interesting.

It is better to use it if your counterpart is very shy and is unlikely to start the conversation first. Or if the person did not respond to your question or comment. Then you can start by being the first to tell about yourself and be sincere in that way. When the person sees your willingness to evaluate and discuss, they can relax and open up in response.

How do you start a conversation with strangers?