Registration of office on March 8 ideas. Decorating the flower pot

Get rid of the monotony of winter days, fill the space around the sun, freshness - the first desire appearing in the spring. For this there is a magnificent reason - Women's Day. The correctly selected decor on March 8 will make a holiday stylish and solemn at the same time. The house, apartment, place of work, rest are decorated. Cute crafts will be added to the triumph of tenderness, heat.

Decorate the dwelling for yourself

Before giving the full will of his fantasy, rush to decorate the apartment, loading it with flowers, balls, it is necessary to clean up. Clean, the wired room itself gives a good mood, if beautiful, then the celebration will definitely be held successful and pleasant. After completing cleaning, you should decide which wall decor, the windows to choose.

Usually used garlands. Kooy species set:

  • Horizontal - hangs on furniture, window frames, walls.
  • Vertical - fills the space of windows of windows, doors.
  • Made of one material or several.
  • Compiled by different slices, carved paper.

Horizontal, vertical garlands are usually made of thick paper, felt. The idea is as follows: on templates cut figures (flowers, sprockets, sunlight) of several sizes, flashing one after another, the distance of a pair of centimeters, keeping the thread whole. The amount depends on the window itself. Usually enough dozen. Finished stripes are attached.

Another option for horizontal garlands, dahlia paper flowers. To do simply. For pompon, 3 paper sheets 50x20 cm are required. The blank is placed in a stack, fold the harmonica (2 cm pitch), bind to thread by cutting the edge cone. The edges of the fan are unfolded, pinned with a stapler. Each layer is directed up, crushing. Flowers balls can be switched singing single, slightly ride the needle.

Ideas for design balls

Favorite decoration of almost most holidays are inflatable balls. They are perfectly suitable when creating large inscriptions, figures, perfectly look in the halls of institutions, corporate countries.

For the decor of the house in solemn moments it is worth using balls, just adhere to some rules:

  • Take small ligaments (3-5 pieces). Welsh cornis, furniture corners.
  • Use multi. Example: white + monophonic + asked.
  • Two-color compositions give flowers. 1 single color is taken, 5 other. In the center of the ligament of five balls is inserted less inflated with a tint. They are binding to rear, curtains are decorated.
  • To make some simple figurine, bend the wire frame, strig a ligament of small sizes.

Such decorations will suit offices where the ball eight will especially emphasize the spring mood, festivity. A similar decor by March 8 will require a lot of time, it is better to do in advance before the upcoming event.

Spring mood for a long time

In addition to the garlands, the ball compositions may like the decorations, which, after the festive sites, for some time still give a lightweight. With uncomplicated crafts, their own hands are decorated with housing, deserted office window sills, silent colleagues.

For example:

  • Multicolored plastic buckets, bright, adapted under kashpo, make boring windowsill more fun.
  • Unusual branch compositions. You have enough a few beautiful plates without leaves. It is necessary to rinse, label, cut off the paper, loskuts tight fabric of bugs, butterflies, flowers, ovalchik, glue. This beauty is put in small vases.
  • Satin, silk ribbons. Monophonic ordinary, tie the back of the chairs bow, slightly falling down - is it not a festive mood?
  • Wreath. Such a decor is somewhat unusual and interesting. Mass options: related twigs that will decorate live flowers; Twisted wire, wrapped with a bright green cloth, snapped with light paper birds, butterflies, dragonfly. As the framing is suitable small cones of conifer, pre-rosy degraded.

Attention! Decorated elements to take moderately, observe the combination of each other.

Festive floristics

Traditional, Mental Decor on March 8 Restaurant, Cafes - Live Flowers. It is possible to place an elegant pot with specially grown plants: crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, daffodies.

The familiar interior is well diluted with suspended vases. They are easy to do with their own hands, jars are suitable from yogurt, food for children, juice. Even more interesting, colored glass bottles. A thin twine is tied with a neck, fixed where it is necessary. Flowers are placed in the container, a fragile friction twig (pntavae, jasmine, even a cherry).

In the fruit, besides sweets, fruits put flowers, which is especially pleasant to the ladies sitting at the table. The usual napkins for the sake of female day are fixed by beads, light lace.

Fantastic will look at the table covered with a bright blue tablecloth, snow-white dishes. In the center, place a two-color bouquet: blue hyacinths, white lilies. Transparent glasses, glitter devices only emphasize the sophistication of the decoration.

Decoration of shop windows

With the first warm days of the streets are filled with mimosa traders, tulips. And what else can you decorate? Of course, shining shop windows with flowers and festive decoration. Shine should really in spring! It is worth working on the transformation to become a kind of magnet, a source of joy. For this, fabrics are used with floral print, just bright, solar tones. Here, some moments that will help you decorate showcases.

The cloth. Fashion on balls is gradually inferior to the composition of the compositions of large volumes, paper, fabric. Easyness, weightlessness attracts look. It is important that it is natural, without clutching the showcase. It is better to decorate a piece of the back plan, emphasize the impression of the beginning of flowering.

Important! Follow the colors of the surface. Avoid overloads.

Spring wreath (ecosil) can adole showcase for a long time, door, wall. Flax fabrics are usually used, a lorn. The form is familiar round, but even more interesting to make a butterfly outline.
Letters and numbers make flowers. Live, artificial, how much more like.

Interesting decor ideas do it yourself

Sometimes to decorate life, enough small little things. Talk about it. Even the simplest breakfast will be a holiday if there is a rosette on the table with delicate flowers, beautiful candles. The stands left after the New Year's festivals are decorated with green ribbons.

Give the second life to some old, but favorite things. Decoupage technique will help you. We need only multi-layered napkins, reselled object, varnish without color. With their help, you can upgrade old o'clock, desk lamp, wall plate. Make and skip paper roses!

The list is not completed, everyone is free to supplement it with its fantasy. Good helpers will be templates, stencils. They make it possible not only to cut 8 without flaws, but make it stylish characteristic. Possible complex patterns, up to lace. It should be remembered that this element of the decor should not suppress others, and harmoniously combined.

Important! Error implement everything at once! You should choose only ideas that suit you without having lost the interior.

Rejoice close to interesting ideas, surprise the fantasy!

How to celebrate the holiday of March 8

March 8 - First of all, the holiday of spring. This is the day when the presence of spring heat, mood and joy in the whole house is especially felt. Therefore, so that the house is also good and beautiful, as in the soul, on March 8, you need to decorate it as much as possible. This is especially true of the room in which the holiday will be celebrated, there will be a feast and showing children's ideas, tender congratulations will sound for women, girls and girls.

Interior design with your own hands on March 8

You can decorate the walls and furniture cut from paper with butterflies.

If the shower does not lie to the products from the store, then, for example, a spring bird can be made as follows.

Take tight paper and fold it twice. Then cut the body from it and color bright colors. For wings and tail, put the paper with the harmonica and cut the pattern. Then glue the halves of the body, but insert the tail and loop from the thread between them. Then make a hole for the wings and insert them.

An excellent decoration for the festive room can be the original balls from the threads, which look very impressive, and are easy to manufacture. For their manufacture, cotton threads need to lubricate with glue and wind on a small small balloon. For convenience, you can stretch a needle with a thread through the neck tube with glue, give threads to dry. After that, you need to release the air from the ball, pull it out of the filament frame.

Cooked balls can be decorated with flower, butterflies and blades.

If there are schoolchildren in the house, then they can be entrusted with an important task in the decoration of the room - draw a wall newspaper, which then you can hang on the most prominent place in the house. It can be framed in a formal or humorous style with beautiful drawings, small family photos, congratulations, jokes, etc. In general, it is necessary to attract all the fantasy, skill and desire.

I thought for a long time, is it worth writing separate articles with a selection of ideas for children's institutions and offices, but in the course of the matter, I realized that when it comes to mom, a person at any age feels like a child, and in the design of any premises I want to emphasize tenderness and love .

As usual, throwing ideas, and you can only choose suitable techniques for decorating the hall. Something can be done by himself, in some cases you will need help professional investors.

Digit "8"

Apparently, this is a strong tradition, from which in the coming years no one is not going to refuse. Request for March 8 to build a noticeable number "8" - the most common for customers of all categories.

Many decide the question independently. These can be large appliques from paper or upholstery from the form of the eight, which are placed on the stage of the scene.

Most often, "8" weave from the balls. The figure can reach 2 meters in height, and do it, naturally, professionals.

Call if you are in Moscow!

About from what other materials you can make figures for the holiday, I wrote here in this article (balls, paper decor, foam, etc.). Look, there are enough simple and original ideas.

Flowers for registration March 8

Of course, there should be many colors in such a holiday! Here are the most common options in the design of the hall for March 8:

Flowers from corrugated paper and paper "Tishya"

As they say, cheap and angry, larger skills are not required, and decorations are noticeable and sufficiently gentle. You can see those master classes that I collected in the article. Finished products Breeping to walls, ceiling, railings and doors.

Paper plastic

It looks very nice and many seems to make it yourself very easily. Alas, it is not. As in any case, some skill is required. Among the wedding decorators there are specialists who know how to make unmatched white tight paper flowers, you will find easily their contacts on the Internet. Here's what it looks like:

Bouquets from the balls

This is, of course, comic bouquets, but if such design is appropriate in your situation, do not refuse. Bouquets are bright and large enough. Some aerodizaynem managed to make buds of roses, daisies, tulips and irises. Fun and festively! Bouquets can be placed on the floor, window sills and tables. On the eve of March 8, you need such a bouquet in advance, you know the season)).

Ready artificial flowers

I can not say that absolutely all of them look elegant, just need to know where to buy. Artificial flowers are also for a cemetery, and we are not needed. Beautiful products that are difficult to distinguish from real, you can buy in stores for decorators. Fabric flowers wove into the arch, decorate the walls and the ceiling, decorated the photoconu and the front door. After March 8 and it is a pity ...

Natural flowers

In pre-holiday days, the flowers are expensive, but there are cases when only live flowers are appropriate. For office, several flower arrangements are excellent decoration.


I once made them myself, but believe me, it's long and tedious. Now so many ready pompons of all colors and sizes, which is not worth spending precious time. You will get decorations in the folded form, you need to flip - carefully divide the layers of paper. For each ball takes 10-15 minutes, so do the decor in advance if you decide to decorate the entire ceiling. .


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Today I want to tell you how with using paper, glue and your fantasy can decorate Placement for the holiday. It will look like this.

We need to work for work: scissors, plow glue, adhesive gun, white sheets paper A4.(I use paper for printer) , simple pencil, glue bruster, spanks, foam ball.

Stage 1. Manufacture flowers.

We take sheet paper A4., fold in half, then in half - it is a blank for large petals. Of 1 A4 sheet, 4 petals will be obtained.

We take sheet paper A4 fold in half, once again in half, once again in half, is a blank for medium-sized petals. Of 1 Sheet A4, there are 8 petals.

To get a blank for small petals in half, you need to bend 4 times. From 1 sheet A4 will be 16 petals.

On the blanks with a pencil, we draw any form of petals, we plan a cut in the middle and cut out.

FROM help Pencil or scissors make a bending from above the petal.

We glue the cut in the middle so that the petal becomes volumetric.

These operations are carried out with all the petals.

For big flower It will take 6 large, 6 medium and 6 small petals.

For medium flower It will take 6 middle and 6 small petals.

Cut the circle. For big flower with a diameter of 14cm., for average flower with a diameter of 10 cm., And in turn, glit the petals.

We start gluing in a circle from large petals.

Then inside glue the middle and small petals.

It remains to make the core flower.

It can be done in different ways.

From cropping paper Cut double petals, they will need 4 pcs, glue with snowflake and smith in the middle.

I do not glue the core yet.

Fold the A4 sheet along the length in half, make cuts with the method of grass, turn inside out, glue along the length, roll in a circle and secure glue.

For a large core we use a whole sheet paper A4..

For a small core, we use the floor of the A4 sheet, cut down in length.

Depending on your imagination flowers obtain different shapes, different volumes, different colors.

In order to flowers turned out color, paint sheets paper Initially, a gouache or watercolor in the desired shade, or we use two-way colored paper.

Stage 2. Production of a bulk ball from flowers.

For my ball, I needed 5 flowers big size and from 12 to 15 middle Size Colors. Sheds for kebabs, ball of foam, adhesive gun and rope.

On top to the skewer I nano a little glue, I do a skeleton through the middle flower and using a strip clip flower on a skewer. To do this, lubricate the strip with glue and spinning around the vessel around flower.

FROM help Adhesive pistol sticking the core.

I spend this operation with all flowers.

Then I take a ball from the foam, sticking a big skeleton and tie her a rope. Let's hang to the chandelier.

FROM help Adhesive pistol fix flowers On the skewers to the ball from the foam, piercing it. Begin to start with big flowers. They are fixed so - 1 below and 4 on the sides.

Then take turns fixing the average flowers.

In order to make a lot of different colors I spend the master - Class in kindergarten for all teachers and staff.

I wish all creative success. I will be glad if my master class will help in your work.

Publications on the topic:

Good day, dear colleagues and friends. In, first, I want to thank everyone for the support and your assessment of the methodological manual.

We are often making crafts and gifts for loved ones. I try to make materials for crafts available, and the manufacture of crafts.

Let's make a bouquet for moms, and for grandmothers too. Soon the holiday is the day of the mother. It is on this day that our mothers accept congratulations.

Good evening, dear colleagues presented to your attention the master - class "Flower Fantasy". I will tell you how easy and interesting from the priest.

Purpose: Attract parents to joint co-creation, to acquaint parents with various technologies for the manufacture of New Year's toys,.

I bring to your attention a master class for the manufacture of colors from napkins. What will take pictures. We take a napkin and cut in.

After a long winter, gray monotone days and cold wind, I want to fill the house with bright colors, freshness and sun. And for this there is an excellent reason - the first spring holiday. How to decorate an apartment for March 8, so that it looked stylish and solemn?


Perhaps the simplest decoration for any holiday is. Its varieties are a lot: horizontal and vertical, consisting of individual elements and carved from a solid piece of paper, made from only one material or different, etc.

As a rule, garlands are divided into vertical, which often adorn window and doorways, and horizontal, which are suspended on the window frame, on the wall and even sometimes on the furniture.


The simplest vertical garland makes paper and threads. Paper is worth choosing dense, and in some cases even replace the felt.

  1. Make cardboard templates: draw on it figures of different values \u200b\u200b(3 different sizes will be enough). It can be just a mug or something more complex - hearts, flowers, butterflies, etc.
  2. Cut on templates paper figurines of different colors. For example, it is worth taking the paper with a monophonic, striped and with some small pattern, but it is important that the shades are combined.
  3. On the sewing machine to flash the figures one after another strictly in the middle, without cutting the thread. There must be a distance of several centimeters between the elements.

The length of the thread is determined independently. For a window wide about 1 m, 12-15 threads of different lengths will be enough (depending on the height of the window). Each thread is tied to the eaves.


Of course, the horizontal garland can be made by the same principle as the vertical. However, the volumetric flowers strung on the thread look more interesting. How to make such decorations on March 8?

  1. 3-4 sheet of paper with a size of 50x20 cm. Fold with a stack and roll the harmonica with a step of 2-3 cm.
  2. Tie this harmonic in the middle of a thread, and the edges crop the cone to get sharp tips.
  3. Place the harmonica as a fan by making an even circle, secure the edges by the stapler.
  4. Now it is necessary to lift each layer up and flicker it so that he kept.

As a result, the flowers are similar to the dahlias, which are suspended on the rope or ride a thick thread with a needle. Since each element is quite voluminous, too much on one rope should not be done.

Decoration of balls

Decor's ideas for March 8 are not limited to paper colors. You must not forget about such a universal decoration like balloons. With their help create large figures, numbers, flowers, and so on. But all this magnificence will look good only in the Big Hall. Therefore, it is resorted to such design more often in kindergartens, schools and on corporate holidays. What to do at home?

Such a decor by March 8, with his own hands is not created very quickly, so it is best to allocate a day to decorate the apartment. Balls sometimes fill helium, but at home to make it will be very difficult.

Interior decorations

If the garlands and balls will be appropriate, most likely, only on the festival, then many other decorations will not lose their relevance and after it. What can be decorated with an apartment that will create a spring mood and will delight not one day?

You can come up with many more options than and how to decorate the apartment for the holiday. It is only necessary to ensure that the decorative elements are not too much, and also to be combined with each other. Otherwise, the jewelry will not please, but annoy.