He brought us gifts. “Santa Claus, red nose, you brought us gifts. Old Santa Claus, but naughty like a little one

New Year's poems

for preschool children.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree ...(V. Petrova)

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

In a long coat, with a beard -
Who is this who came?
This is Santa Claus
He brought us gifts.

In the New Year we Santa Claus
He brought gifts to everyone:
And toys and candy.
It's a pity he doesn't go in the summer.

New Year is already coming
He brings gifts to everyone.
He walks through the snowdrifts
And he wishes everyone happiness.

The Christmas tree put on the balls,
The children are waiting for gifts.
There will be a holiday and fun -
The New Year is coming!

I'm not afraid of Santa Claus
I'll ask for a gift
And for this, I'm a rhyme
I'll speak very loudly!

New Year, New Year.
Let's get together in a round dance.
Let's call Santa Claus
We will sing songs to him.

herringbone elegant
Standing in the lights
Santa Claus with gifts
In a hurry for the New Year.

Who's with the big bag
Did you come to our house today?
This is Santa Claus
He brought us gifts.

New Year comes to the house -
All lessons for later
And now gifts -
Glorious and bright!

The new year is coming...
Who gives us gifts?
Here's a big bag
The kindest Santa Claus.

I will hang on the Christmas tree
Glass ball.
Let Santa Claus see
What a beautiful tree!

Near the Christmas tree elegant
Have fun with Santa Claus
From the heart!

New Year - shout hurray,
This holiday was expected.
Christmas tree balls we
Decorated with mom.

We celebrate the holiday.

We decorate the Christmas tree

We hang toys.

Balls, crackers.


Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Here she is

Slender, beautiful,

Bright, big.

He grew to my eyebrows,

He climbed into my boots.

They say he is Santa Claus,

And naughty like a little one.

Christmas tree came to the holiday

Dressy is worth

And on top of the star

Sparkles and shines.

The Christmas tree is dressing up -

The holiday is approaching.

New Year at the gate

The tree is waiting for the kids.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Here she is

solid, beautiful,

Bright, big.

Our tree is full of toys
And the balls are hanging on it!
Our Christmas tree
Congratulations to all guys!

At the Christmas tree
green needles,
And from top to bottom
Beautiful toys.

We have fun today
We invited guests
We hung the toys
On your Christmas tree.
Dressed up the Christmas tree
In my garden
We will light the tree
Bright star.

Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday!
All my friends today
We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

We celebrate the holiday.
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys.
Balls, crackers.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
solid, beautiful,
Bright, big.

Santa Claus is dancing with us
Makes everyone happy today
And under the tree are distributed
Jokes, jokes, laughter!

Hello, forest tree,
Silvery, thick
You grew up under the sun
And she came to us for the holiday!

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year at the gate
The tree is waiting for the kids.

The tree came to visit us,
Brought joy to the children!

Dad chose a Christmas tree
The fluffiest.
The tree smells like this -
Mom gasps immediately!

Our tree is big
Our tree is high.
Above dad, above mom -
Reaches up to the ceiling

Mom decorated the tree
Anya helped her mother;
Gave her toys
Stars, balloons, crackers.

Santa Claus is coming soon
Will bring us gifts
apples, sweets,
Santa Claus, where are you?

With mom dressed up the Christmas tree,
And the lights were on.
There will be my Christmas tree
The most beautiful!

Santa Claus came to us
Let's have fun
We will sing and dance
Spin around with the music.

Christmas tree, you are a Christmas tree
The tree is just amazing
See for yourself,
How beautiful she is!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Here she is
solid, beautiful,
Bright, big.

In golden lights and beads
Our Christmas tree is standing
Children look and laugh:
"Brighter, Christmas tree, burn!"

Like our Christmas tree
green needles,
Decorations - balls,
Stars, lanterns.

Look through the door crack -
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
And toys hang on it -
From pedestal to crown.

Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

At the Snow Maiden-baby
There are friends: hedgehogs, bunnies,
Squirrels, bears and chanterelles,
Yellow-breasted titmouse…

The Christmas tree was decorated for the holiday
Fun to tears!
Who brings us gifts?
It's Santa Claus!

Shine with lights, tree,
Call us for a holiday
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Dear Santa Claus!
All decorated in fluffy snow
And he brought gifts!
Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know:
Father Frost,
gray-haired grandfather
With beard,
He is our dear guest.
He will light the tree for us
Sing songs with us.

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We are celebrating the New Year.

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree
He lit the fires on her.
And the needles shine on it,
And on the branches - snow!

From under the furry Christmas tree
Waving foxes with a fluffy paw:
"Here he is - Santa Claus!
He brought snow with him!

The Christmas tree is dressing up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year at the gate
The tree is waiting for the kids.

Soon, soon the New Year!
Santa Claus is coming soon.
He gives us presents
And he asks us to read poetry.

Children lead a round dance,
They clap their hands.
Hello hello.
New Year! You are so good!

Santa Claus goes to the holiday
In a red coat, in felt boots,
He brings gifts
For little kids!

Svetlana GOLUBOVSKAYA, Head of the Department of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Administration of Pereslavl-Zalessky:

I always prepare gifts ahead of time - I don’t like to run around the shops at the last minute and grab what comes to hand. There are only men in my family, so I bought practical and necessary gifts: one - a jacket, the other - a hat. But I prepared a real surprise for my husband: I ordered a thermal bath with massage, different oils for three hours ... Men are now more prone to stress than we women, which is why I want to give my strong half three hours of complete relaxation. Perhaps everyone will be able to go somewhere together during the New Year holidays - this will also be a gift for the whole family. And let the dragon bring me a mink coat under the Christmas tree as a symbol of stability, not only spiritual, but also material.

Vladimir, Serafima, Anzhelika ROMANOV, a family of folk craftsmen from the village of Nekrasovskoye:

This year we decided to spend all the holidays in the "economy" mode. We share the recipe: for this, you first need to quarrel with everyone so that you don’t give gifts to anyone, and then, on Forgiveness Sunday, ask for forgiveness. A very profitable regime for the family budget is obtained, if you figure it out. But seriously, for our family, the New Year's decade is like suffering for the peasants. With the whole family, day and night, we sculpt dragons, Santa Clauses with Snow Maidens, angels, so that there is enough for all our many friends and buddies, and even for tourists who come to us on excursions almost daily. How many were blind? Can you count! Several hundred - something in these limits.

Sergey KUZNETSOV, worker:

The management has already given us the main "gift": they made a three-day working week, the salary, respectively, fell by half. My wife works at another factory, in a hot shop. There is another New Year's "surprise": the prices were reduced, and the production rate was increased. Work - I don't want to. In such a mood, you don’t really think about gifts. We will buy, of course, something for the children, we will congratulate the parents. It is sacred, without it in any way. But in order to get something for myself, I'll manage somehow. They would let me work and earn normally, so as not to think about where to get money for a gift for a child. That would be a real gift and not only for the new year. And then the son of "Lego" asks, the designer's set costs one and a half thousand. And where to get them?

Svetlana KISTENYOVA, senior researcher at the Uglich Museum-Reserve:

I rather adhere to the principle once expressed by Zhvanetsky: holidays are not according to the calendar, but according to mood. I prefer to bring gifts from trips to my family and friends - it's always something original, stylish, unexpected. This year, I brought gifts to everyone from Italy, where I was in the fall, and, of course, I already handed everything over a long time ago. You know, it seems to me that all this New Year and Christmas fuss with gifts is simply a well-thought-out action by promoters in order to quietly sell everything that has been lying on the shelves during the year. I try not to fall for this bait and not to give unnecessary gifts simply because it is customary. From Grandfather Frost, I can only expect what I myself will put in a bag for him. This year it is a new computer monitor.

Nina Fyodorovna BRONDIKOVA, teacher of additional education at the Palace of Children's Creativity in Gavrilov-Yam:

My grandfather and I bought all the gifts for the New Year a long time ago. We try to give children something useful, grandchildren - of course, toys. I bought various New Year's souvenirs for my friends - a trifle, but nice. I sometimes make gifts to my loved ones with my own hands - dolls-amulets are different. And for ourselves, my grandfather and I do not think of anything. From material wealth - and so everything is already there. The main thing is that everyone is healthy, that everything is good for children and grandchildren both at work and at school. What else do older people need to be happy?


I bought gifts for the whole family, one might say, without leaving the workplace. Father-in-law - warm socks, mother-in-law - takes. Daughters - an elegant dress all in sparkles, on Christmas trees and on matinees she will dance. She looked after her husband’s sweater, she also didn’t bypass herself: what kind of New Year is it without a new thing? I brought souvenirs from Moscow to all my friends and acquaintances at purchase prices back in the fall. Yes, and familiar sellers gave way to me in price. It didn’t seem to offend anyone, and it turned out inexpensively.

Olga VOLKOVA, artist, employee of the Yaroslavl Art Museum:

My preparation for the new year began back in September - you can say the functions of "Santa Claus's assistant" were imputed to me in my official duties. The fact is that together with the artist Tatyana Okruzhnova and the specialists of the Pervomaisky plant "Pesochnoye" we developed a set of author's dishes "Mad Tea Party with Alice" - this will be a gift for children who will come to our museum for New Year's performances. For the friends of the museum, we made New Year's balls - also author's, very beautiful, with silk-screen printing, and New Year's greeting cards, which use a drawing by the artist Ivanov from the collection of the 5 Minutes at the Post Office art museum. I really like the words written on this postcard: "If fortune turned away from you, then behind her back you can do whatever you want." Agree, this inspires optimism and once again reminds that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. As for gifts to relatives and friends, I give my watercolors. I think that a gift should be personal, targeted, intended only for this person. As for myself, I am an intangible person, rarely when I think of something “tangible”. Although a new dress still does not hurt ...


Happy child 16.12.2017

Dear readers, the most wonderful New Year holiday will come very soon. And we are waiting for the main fairy-tale hero of this holiday, Grandfather Frost. He comes to us along forest paths, hurries along long-distance roads, hurries through cities and villages ... He will come with congratulations to every house.

How to respond to congratulations? Of course, good poems about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, about the New Year and forest animals, about blizzards and snow. Good New Year's poems will add a piece of magic to the holiday.

Today, with blog reader Olga Kozhevnikova, we offer you a selection of poems about Santa Claus. There are many wonderful poems, choose for the youngest and older children. Or maybe one of the adults will find a poem to their liking and tell Santa Claus, make him happy.

Poems to Santa Claus for children from 3 years old

Kids have known about Santa Claus since a year or two years. And with three-year-old children, you can already learn a short quatrain, and you will see with what pleasure they will tell the poem to the main character of the New Year's holiday.

This collection contains short, simple and understandable poems about Santa Claus for the little ones.

Beard and red nose

Coat, hat, gloves.
Titmouse sit on the nose.
Beard and red nose
It's Santa Claus!

Father Frost

Who's come?
What did you bring?
We know -
Father Frost.

New Year! New Year!
Santa Claus is coming to me.
I'll tell him a poem
I'll get a bag of candy.

Red cheeks and nose
It's Santa Claus!
Good Santa Claus
He brought me gifts!

Stars, balls, animals -
Our Christmas tree in toys.
Santa Claus, we are waiting for you.
New Year has come! Hooray!

New Year is coming
And the snow is blowing
Santa Claus is in a hurry
The tree is on fire!

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he is Santa Claus,
And naughty like a little one.

Santa Claus is good
Clapping hands
Walking in felt boots
The tree is on fire!

Poems to Santa Claus for children 4-5 years old

Often it is on New Year's holidays and matinees that children of 4 years old perform for the first time in front of a large number of people. Such an environment is unusual for them, they are often shy and may even stumble from excitement, forget a word or line. Therefore, poems for this age should be small and easy to remember.

Santa Claus came to our garden.
He congratulated all the guys
He lit the Christmas tree brightly for us,
Gave us all gifts
said goodbye and left
Went to congratulate others!

Snow swirls outside the window.
The tree is on fire.
This means - in every house
Santa Claus is in a hurry.

I will meet him
Songs, rhymes.
I won't let him get bored
To stay with us!

We didn't sleep tonight
The Christmas tree was decorated for a long time:
Balls, sweets, beads -
All hung with taste!
Santa Claus is coming soon
Bring us gifts!

A white snowflake lies on the hand,
A bunny runs merrily near the Christmas tree,
Near Santa Claus gray-haired,
With a big long beard
He dances and sings
Because New Year!

My dad is Santa Claus

Good Santa Claus
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat
And his eyes are big
Like dad, blue.
This is dad, I'm silent
I secretly want
Let them have fun
Maybe he confesses.

One two three four five,
We will all dance.
After all, today is the New Year,
Santa Claus is coming.

Brightly, Christmas tree, burn,
Let the lights shine.
Let the magic happen
The magician himself will rush to us!

New Year's round dance
We dance together.
And we will sing about the Christmas tree -
It's important, it's necessary.

Because Santa Claus
Dancing with us.
He will give gifts to everyone,
"Happy New Year," he says.

Poems about Santa Claus for children 6-7 years old

At this age, children are already becoming more mature, bolder, it is already easier for them to give longer poems, cheerful, funny. In addition, learning poems for the holidays is a good way and incentive to train your memory before school, because there children will still have to learn a lot of poems.

This selection of children's poems about Santa Claus for children of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten.

Santa Claus

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears.
But a happy evening comes in the year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
Brings gifts and kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.

Santa Claus is coming

Now fields, then forests,
Between birch trunks
To us on a troika with bells
Santa Claus is coming.
Rides at a trot and gallop,
Knowing what's coming
Straight down the secret paths
To the people of the New Year.
Snow wrapped in soft cotton wool
Birch branches...
Red-cheeked, bearded
Santa Claus is coming.
G. Tukai

Stars, balls, toys,
Sweet table and tinsel
Fireworks and fireworks
And a star on the Christmas tree!

Hand in hand with Santa Claus
We lead a round dance,
The lights are on the windows
Hello, hello New Year!

We are waiting for joy, laughter, fun,
Magic and miracles
Dances, sweets, gifts.
Happy New Year everyone, cheers!

Mood - fly away
We celebrate the New Year
Someone is throwing confetti
You can't go without a smile.

colorful crackers
They fly over the crown,
A lot of children's hands
We took it together, making a circle.

In the center - Santa Claus,
He didn't freeze anything.
Even if you come from far away..
How we have been waiting for you!

There is a lot of light in every house

There is a lot of light in every house
The New Year is coming!
snow white carriage
Santa Claus will bring.

Exactly at midnight will flash brightly
In the sky garlands of stars.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday Santa Claus!

Will gather near the Christmas tree
Cheerful round dance:
Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone welcomes the New Year.
Elena Mikhailova

winter guest

We will not meet him in the spring,
He won't come in the summer
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.

He has a bright blush
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.

Happy New Year congratulations,
Will light a magnificent Christmas tree,
amusing kids,
Get up with us in a round dance.

We welcome him together
We are great friends...
But drink hot tea
This guest is not allowed!
N. Naydenova

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
You gave us a fairy tale
Rushed on a sleigh
Was nearby.

Decorated the Christmas tree
You are a thin pattern
I lit the asterisk
Every spark.

We look with admiration
For your skills
And in return, let's cheer
Let's play, let's play.

Greetings from Santa Claus for children in verse

Many dads, wanting to please their children and arrange a fun holiday for them, put on a Santa Claus costume themselves and come to the guys with gifts and congratulations. And then they themselves need to prepare poems for speaking to children. This collection of greeting verses from Santa Claus is just for such occasions.


I am the real Santa Claus
I brought you news
That the New Year is already on the way
And will be on your doorstep soon!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!
After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone has a gift
Carefully packed in a bag
Tied up, packed brightly
After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales by January.
And this is all I give you!
Natalya Malyutkina

Dedmoroz congratulations

Children, children, stand in a circle,
Accept congratulations!
Fun, laughter, joy,
To have enough sweets
Full house of toys
Books, rattles,
Eat porridge and listen to mom.

Happy New Year to all guys
Congratulations Santa Claus
And so today
I brought you gifts.
Who ate well all year,
Did you study, listen to your mother?
I am such a baby
I'll put a surprise under the tree!

From Santa Claus

The Snow Maiden told me
That you are waiting for me
And the roads are all Metelitsa
covered with white snow,
On a magical fairy sleigh
That's when I ran to you.
Let it seem mysterious
My arrival, because I tried,
To this joyful holiday
Was mysterious, magical,
And I covered all the roads
And trees with white snow.
Came and made everyone happy
The best holiday is the New Year,
Have fun, dance and be happy!
Your gift is waiting for you!
Violetta Ogarkova

Monologue of Santa Claus

Hello kids!
Who wants candy?
I am a bag
Brought to you.
Blizzard on the street -
Let's keep each other warm!
And our round dance
Snow Maiden leads.
A beautiful Christmas tree
We are smiling.
Happy holiday, kids!
Though I rarely see you
But I love you all
I give gifts!

The kid also needs to respond to the greeting of Santa Claus, and always with beautiful verses. Read the poems from the following selection to the children and let the kids choose the poems for Santa Claus themselves. Tell the children that before presenting gifts, grandfather likes to listen to poems about himself or the Snow Maiden.

Dear Santa Claus,
Beard and red nose
I've been waiting for you so much
I dreamed about a bag of sweets!

The Christmas tree was decorated for the holiday
Fun to tears!
Who brings us gifts?
It's Santa Claus!

We're having fun today
Santa Claus is with us
Beautiful Snow Maiden
And a cart of gifts.

New Year like a fairy tale
Stepped to our doorstep
Our favorite holiday
Everyone is waiting for him.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Did you bring gifts?
Every year on New Year's
The people are waiting for you!

We'll read you a poem
Let's sing a wonderful song!
Praise us somehow
Don't forget to give a gift!
Kolesnik Olga

Hello Dedushka Moroz,
What did you bring us in the bag?
We will tell you poems
We'll show you what we can do!

Grandfather Frost,
Do you have granddaughters?
Grandfather Frost,
Take me in your arms.
I'm not afraid of frost
Because you are not evil
I will hug you tightly
Sit with me for a while!

Like our Frost
Here's a beard
(Yes, yes, yes, such a beard),
Like our Frost
That's a red nose
(Yes, yes, yes, such a red nose),
Like our Frost
These are the boots
(Yes, yes, yes, these are boots),
Santa Claus, you are a hundred years old,
And you play like a little one!

Letter to Santa Claus in verse

But how did we forget the most important thing?! Before the New Year, children should definitely write a letter to Santa Claus, tell how they behaved well, and ask for a gift.

Hello Dedushka Moroz,
Cotton beard.
Of course you will come to us
You'll make the kids happy.

Mom, dad say
Every year you come to us
You bring toys to everyone
Multicolored crackers.

We are always waiting for you
We learn poetry
Only you come late
We have been sleeping for a long time.

We want to ask
You have a gift:
May there be no evil in the world
Our world will be bright.

And we thought to ourselves
Sweets, toys,
Let's bake you a cake
And delicious tarts.

Come when it's light
We will be waiting for you
Here we draw the drawing,
Let's learn the song.

We say thank you
You for what you are
You give happiness to people
New Year's newsletter.
Irina Gusakova

Santa Claus
I am writing a letter
And a lot of gifts
I ask him.

Behaved diligently
And he was obedient
The whole bag is treasured
Honestly deserve it.

Letter to Santa Claus

My favorite holiday is
It is a New Year!
Because visiting
Santa Claus will come.

As a family we write
Grandpa's letter.
Let it be faster than the wind
It will fly.

I'll ask Grandpa
ginger kitten,
hamster alive,
Or maybe an elephant.

Grandpa is a wizard
He can do everything!
Mom smiles
Papa looks stricter...

Of course I know
Santa Claus is so busy.
And therefore to him
Dad helps.
Petrova Marina

Funny poems about Santa Claus for children

All New Year's poems are very kind and touching. But funny and funny poems about New Year's fairy-tale characters will not only offend no one, but will amuse and entertain everyone.

If the frost ends
Snow melts white
What about Santa Claus?
Poor man, will he do?

Water will run from it
Brooks on the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?

Dear Santa Claus,
Sweetheart, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our fridge!

What a wonderful grandfather
Appears in winter
With a beard of snow
And with a gentle smile
In a red hat, warm coat,
He is cheerful and friendly
He hurries to the children's houses,
Both girls and boys
Gives joy in the New Year,
Only takes poetry instead!

Father Frost

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You are probably frozen.
The day went around the city
Trimmed off the beard...
Put your nose on the battery.
I'll warm you up now!
A. Usachev

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is walking alive.
Well, Santa Claus!
What cheeks! What a nose!
Beard, beard!
And on the cap is a star!
There are specks on the nose!
And the eyes are ... daddy's!
A. Shibaev

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You see, I have grown up.
I've been waiting for you for a whole year.
I ate porridge and drank compote.

You haven't changed a bit
Do you like to sing, joke, play!
I don't want, grandpa,
You left us again.

Stay in the garden!
Well, I'm for you
All toys will be donated!
Nina Aksenova

Earlier with a stick, with a staff,
Santa Claus was walking.

He's not the same now
Today we are used to:
Santa Claus on New Year's Eve
Rushing on a motorcycle.

Or he rides in a taxi
Trees, trees everywhere...
Grandfather, wherever you invite
Promises: - I will! ..
A. Barto

Poems about Santa Claus for adults

On New Year's Eve, kids and older children learn poems about Santa Claus. Do not lag behind children and adults. New Year's corporate parties and home holidays are a great occasion to learn beautiful poems about the New Year and, of course, about the main character of the holiday, Santa Claus.

In this collection you will find poems for Santa Claus and congratulations from him.

At the table, hopefully a place
You have one for me too.
Oh, Frost shook
This haste, running.

Today I give you gifts
I brought the whole sled.
There is happiness and prosperity here -
Santa Claus tried.

Let there be for everyone
Here is a gift to your liking.
Understand wishes.
Everything in my bag.

Let's shout "Hurrah!"
Let bad weather pass you by
Life will be bright, good!
good wishes time
Coming for you, friends!
I have a confession for you:
I love you with all my heart!
At midnight the clock will strike
And the New Year will come!
I wish you all happiness -
It will come to every home!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Santa Claus will congratulate everyone!
Let bad weather pass you by
Let there be merry laughter!

As Santa Claus, I declare to all of you,
That I live not only for children.
I congratulate you all too
And I want to wish you adults

So that you believe in miracles all the time,
Then your dreams will come true too.
Then your burden will be light,
And life will fill the sea of ​​kindness.

Friends! The New Year has arrived!
Forget old sorrows
And mourn the days, and the days of worries,
And everything that killed joy;
But don't forget the clear days
Fun, fun light-winged,
Golden hours, for dear hearts,
And old, sincere friends.
Live new in the New Year
Leave old dreams
And everything that does not give happiness
And only one will give birth to desires!
Still in this new year
Love jokes, games, joy
And old sincere friends.
Friends! Meet the New Year
In the circle of relatives, among freedom.
Let it flow for you, friends,
Like childhood happy years!
Dmitry Venevitinov

Poems for Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden for children 3-7 years old are the most beautiful, funny and funny. Many children love to teach them, and then perform with them in front of the audience. Find time to repeat the learned New Year's poems with the baby, and then they will tell their poem with great pleasure for the main winter hero, who brings gifts to everyone.

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting short poems about Santa Claus for kids. The baby will easily remember them and tell Santa Claus by the Christmas tree at the children's party.

The troika rushes, the troika jumps,
And on it a cart of gifts.
The bells are ringing - which means
Santa Claus is coming!
(E. Nikiforova)

Good Santa Claus
He brought me a puppy in a bag,
But some strange grandfather,
Dressed in my mother's fur coat
And his eyes are big
Like dad's are blue.
This is dad, I'm silent
I secretly want
Let them have fun
Maybe he confesses.

The most important guest

Who is in an elegant warm coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy, and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!
(I. Chernitskaya)

The girls stood in a circle.
They got up and shut up.
Santa Claus lit the fires
On a high tree.

On top of the star
Beads in two rows.
Let the tree not go out
May it always burn!
(A. Barto)

Snow fluffy silver,
Santa Claus rides on a troika
Spruce elegant noise,
And the fireworks in the forest thunder.

It's snowing, it's snowing!
So it's New Year's Eve!
Santa Claus will come to us
Bring gifts to everyone!

New Year is coming -
I'll dress bright!
Santa Claus will come to me -
With him a bag of gifts!
(E. Nikiforova)

Old Santa Claus
With a white beard
What did you bring to the kids?
For New Year's Eve?
I brought a big bag
It contains toys, books,
Let them meet - good
New Years kids!

Santa Claus, take a bag
Untie the ropes.
And get it for us soon
Fashion updates!

Coat, hat, gloves.
Titmouse sit on the nose.
Beard and red nose
It's Santa Claus!

Give us, Santa Claus,
And skating rinks, and slides!
Turn us, Santa Claus,
"Twos" all in "five"!
(I. Ageeva)

Walks the street
Santa Claus,
Hoarfrost scatters
On the branches of birches;
Walks with a beard
White shakes,
stomping foot,
There is only crackling.
Ile breathes on the windows
Smoky huts
Yes, he writes patterns
Looking at guys...
(S. Drozhzhin)

Our Santa Claus with a beard,
With lush mustache
But as a young guy
Dancing with us.

Ah, thank you, Santa Claus,
For your gifts
We kiss you
You will be hot!
(I. Ageeva)

Listening to Santa Claus
voiced ditties,
Gave to all the children
Sound crackers.
(I. Ageeva)

Christmas tree paws
Hold candles firmly.
Santa Claus will light them for us
New Year's Eve!
(I. Ageeva)

Here is our Santa Claus -
He has a magic staff
He brought under the Christmas tree
We have a bunch of gifts...

We just said in unison:
“Come on, Christmas tree, light up!”
Lights up and down…>

That's how Santa Claus -
Freeze everyone seriously.
Look at the guys
Like icicles, everyone is standing.

Father Frost
Who's come? What did you bring?
We know: Santa Claus,
Grandfather with a gray beard -
He is our dear guest.
He will light the tree for us
Sing songs with us.
(E. Blaginina)

Without Santa Claus
Snowflakes don't fly
Without Santa Claus
Patterns don't shine...

Without Santa Claus
And the trees don't burn
And there is no frost
Fun for the guys.

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is walking alive.
- Well, Santa Claus! ..
What cheeks!
What a nose!
Beard, beard!
And on the cap is a star!
There are specks on the nose!
And the eyes are ... daddy's!
(A. Shibaev)

Santa Claus, though old,
But he's naughty like a little one:
Stings cheeks, nose tickles,
He wants to grab by the ears.
Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,
Stop, do you hear
Don't pamper!

Father Frost

Santa Claus paper
And gray-haired, and important,
With a beard and a bag
With a wooden stick...
A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
And now he's standing on a chair
He is under the tree, on guard -
Waiting for the New Year.
- Quiet! Do you hear? It's coming!
(S. Wheat)

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands, and firecrackers.
Good gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Blue cap.
You brought us gifts
Is it sweet there?
marmalade, chocolate,
All for the little guys.

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree with golden lights
Happy New Year
Dear guests.

Hello, New Year's holiday,
Christmas tree and winter holiday!
All my friends today
We will invite you to the holiday.

Smells like fresh tar again
We gathered at the tree.
Our tree is dressed up
The lights on her lit up.
Games, jokes, songs, dances,
Here and there I flash masks ...
I am a bear, and you are a fox, -
What miracles!
Together we will stand in a round dance:
Hello, hello New Year!

Santa Claus walking through the forest
Past the maples and birches,
Past the clearings, past the stumps,
Walked through the forest for eight days.
He walked through the forest
He dressed the Christmas trees in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them to the guys.
Silence in the meadows
The yellow moon shines
All trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice sparkles on the pond
The New Year is coming.

Balls are hanging on the tree
magic lanterns,
And beads, and snowflakes,
And blue ice.

To our Christmas tree oh-oh-oh
Santa Claus came alive.
Beard is a beard
And on the cap is a star.
There are specks on the nose,
And daddy's eyes.

"We are on holiday Santa Claus
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
And while I was in the garden,
Mom decorated the Christmas tree.

We have fun today
We invited guests
We hung the toys
On your Christmas tree.

Santa Claus looks out the window
I've been waiting for him for a long time.
Is someone knocking on the door?
Gotta hurry....

Ah, how the snowflakes swirl
unparalleled beauty,
Santa Claus will come out of the picture
And fulfill all your dreams.
Our house is so pretty!
So much holiday stuff.
Because in such a hurry to us
Wonderful New Year's Eve!!!

New Year's

Santa Claus is on his way
With a bunch of bears.
Serpentine and confetti
They circle in the air.
Fir trees with pines in the forest
They lead a round dance.
Congratulations Wolf Fox
Hello New Year!
hello bright beauty
Christmas garlands!
hello faith in miracles
Adults and children!
Let them come to every house
Joy and success!
We invite you to the Christmas tree.
Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You must be cold.
Day walked around the city
Frosted off his beard
Put your nose on the battery
I'll warm you up now.


It was in January
There was a tree on the mountain
And next to this tree
The bad wolves roamed.
Here once
night time,
When it's so quiet in the forest
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Bunnies and bunnies.
Who wants in the New Year
Fall into the clutches of a wolf!
The rabbits rushed forward
And they jumped on the tree.
They pricked their ears
They hung like toys.
ten little bunnies
They hang on the tree and are silent -
The wolf was deceived.
It was in January,
He thought that on the mountain
Decorated Christmas tree.

At the entrance, on the site
I collected snow with a shovel.
Although there was not much snow,
I made a snowman.
I put it in the corridor
And she ... melted!

Father Frost

Santa Claus brought gifts
They are colorful and bright
delicious sweets
Very fond of children
Lots of toys
naughty animals,
Laughter and joy brought to the house
Good Santa Claus.

Father Frost

I stand under the tree
Santa Claus,
Her needles are falling
On a snub nose.
In a warm coat, with a beard,
Maybe grandpa is hot?
And in a bag - for you and me
He has gifts!

Hello New Year!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Santa Claus
Brought on a horse
We are a cartload of gifts.
We walk around the tree
Let's sing songs
We lead a round dance
- Hello, New Year!

Father Frost

I want Santa Claus
Finally brought frost.
A lot of snow. powdered
Branches of Christmas trees and birches.
I want Santa Claus
He brought me a big bag.
It has a lot of toys
So it's joyful to tears.
I want Santa Claus
So painted cheeks, nose,
So that I don't guess
That everything my dad brought.

He has gray hair...

He has gray hair
And a huge red nose
Walks with a stick in a warm coat
And he brought a bag with him.
On deer in the cold
Merry hurry here
To wish you a Happy New Year
Mom, dad and me.

Father Frost

Santa Claus brought a bag
Sat on a stool.
I'll tell him a poem
I'll get candy.
Mom winks slyly
Invite to dinner
Grandfather will pour a stack,
So as not to freeze in the cold.

New Year's Eve...

Santa Claus is on his way!
Need to go around the earth
All desires to fulfill
And bring gifts!
Soon, soon he will come
The New Year will bring us
Christmas, roller coaster
Round dances around the Christmas tree.

New Year

Snow will cover all the glades,
Villages, whitewash the roofs.
This means that the beloved
Santa Claus rides on a sled.
He is carrying a bag of gifts
The best of the guys
Wants to arrange a holiday for them
And wish you good luck.

I am your favorite Santa Claus

I am your favorite Santa Claus!
I brought gifts to everyone again!
I am here again! The time has come!
I wish you all the best,
Health, joy, success,
Have a nice meeting, lots of laughter!..
And you tell me, I hope again
Give your love
And invite to the round dance
At this Christmas tree in the New Year!

Santa Claus brought gifts

Santa Claus brought gifts.
He doesn't feel sorry for us.
Because he is good
And looks like a daddy.
Well, he will dance, so he will dance -
Best of all on our Christmas tree!
And so on it -
He is more important than all the guests!

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Tonight Santa Claus
Snow and cold brought us.
The blizzard covered the road
Cold hands, cold feet
Pinches cheeks, pinches nose,
Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Good Santa Claus

Good Santa Claus
He brought us gifts
We thanked him
And they received gifts.
chocolate toys,
Stars, dolls and crackers
Everything will give us seriously
Good darling frost!

About Santa Claus

Dad brought me a Christmas tree
And under the Christmas tree, Santa Claus.
He is wearing a hat, he is wearing a fur coat,
There is a magic staff
Behind Santa Claus
It's a big bag for me.
It has candy and cookies.
There are many red apples.
And another poem
For friends and girlfriends.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

Santa Claus - purple nose -
We brought the Snow Maiden.
And in a painted carriage
All his forest people:
Hares and foxes,
nimble wolf cubs,
Owls and grouse -
In a word, birds, animals.
Have fun, forest people!
This is a tree. New Year!

Father Frost

He comes to the house every year
With a big heavy bag
He is a good gray-haired grandfather
With a big beautiful beard,
He brings the New Year with him
And brings joy to the kids
And the children believe in him
Like the best thing in the world..
We are waiting for him in every house
And we all call Santa Claus ...