Due payments for pregnancy and childbirth. The maximum and minimum amount possible. What payments are due to pregnant women

All funds calculated for maternity leave are in the nature of prenatal and postnatal payments. Maternity allowance is a kind of financial assistance to a pregnant woman from the state, which is given at a time and is calculated for 140 calendar days of the entire duration of maternity leave. This is provided so that a temporarily disabled citizen of the Russian Federation has money for life, while she has the opportunity to earn it on her own.

Working Russian mothers can count on the following payments:

  • one-time prenatal allowance for pregnant women registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks;
  • pregnancy benefit.

Why is it important to register with a government agency?

The earlier a woman registers for pregnancy, the better for both her and the unborn baby. This allows early detection of all possible deviations and violations in the development of the fetus, to start timely treatment. Therefore, early registration for pregnancy is a concern for your future. Many women believe that private health centers are more reliable than regular state antenatal clinics, because there is a fee for monitoring pregnant women, and this is considered by many to be a guarantee of peace. In this case, you should choose a medical center in which a woman will have the right to receive an exchange card, as well as to issue a sick leave, on the basis of which she will be able to get maternity leave and receive all prenatal and postnatal payments.

One-time early registration allowance for pregnancy

The procedure for obtaining this prenatal payment is carried out either from the director of the enterprise where the woman is registered as an employee, or at the place of her training in some educational institution, or in the regional department of social protection, as well as in the social insurance fund in which the employer is registered. There are few documents that are required to receive a lump sum payment for early registration for pregnancy. It is enough for a pregnant woman to write an application in any form or fill out a special form using a sample. In addition, she will need a certificate from the appropriate medical institution stating that the woman is registered for pregnancy. This certificate must indicate the period of pregnancy at the time of registration.

In 2017, this kind of prenatal payment in Russia is 300 rubles. All pregnant women who register for pregnancy, regardless of whether the woman is employed or not, are entitled to this benefit only if the registration took place before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Maternity allowance

If a woman works, she is officially registered at her job, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then she is entitled to all maternity benefits, prenatal or postnatal. The typical length of maternity leave is 70 days prior to delivery. The main reason for obtaining this leave is a sick leave, which is drawn up by a gynecologist who observes a woman during pregnancy. The maternity allowance should be equal to the average monthly wage of a working pregnant woman over the past two years. If these calculations are made in relation to a student of an educational institution, then the amount of her scholarship must be taken into account. For unemployed mothers, calculations are made in accordance with the minimum wage in Russia, which in 2017 is 7,800 rubles.

When calculating the average earnings of a pregnant woman, the employer must take into account not only wages, but also all additional official payments, for example, all kinds of bonuses, but only if the employer also paid insurance premiums to the state from these payments. If during the two-year period of her work a woman took out sick leave, then this should also be taken into account when calculating maternity payments, prenatal or postnatal, because, as a rule, these days are deducted.

Nevertheless, as far as the maximum maternity payments were not, in Russia there is a certain limit, which in the form of monetary payments for pregnancy should not be exceeded. In 2017, the limit on the amount of prenatal benefits is 750 thousand rubles.

A woman must receive a maternity benefit no later than two weeks from the date of registration of a sick leave.

Who is eligible for benefits?

The following groups of women can receive a cash payment:

  1. Subject to compulsory insurance upon establishing the fact that the expectant mother is temporarily incapacitated for work due to pregnancy. The same applies to those women who are part of the ascriptive staff of Russian military units located abroad.
  2. Undertaking military service under the contract.
  3. Who are trained in educational institutions.
  4. Dismissed from work in connection with the liquidation of the organization, or with the completion of the practice of private entrepreneurship and for other reasons.

Required documents

What documents are needed for prenatal benefits (maternity benefits)? The list is as follows:

  • a statement that must contain a request for the appointment of a monetary payment to her in connection with going on maternity leave;
  • identity documents;
  • a certificate from a medical organization in which the woman was registered for pregnancy;
  • an extract from the work book, which contains information about the last place of work;
  • a certificate received from the body of social protection of the population, stating that the woman had not previously received this allowance.

Maximum payouts - what are the conditions?

To maximize maternity benefits (prenatal or postnatal), you need:

  1. So that at the time of maternity leave the woman has worked in the organization for at least two years. It’s okay if she changed several jobs at the same time, but it is desirable that these two years were work experience with the same employer. Only if there were several employers, it will be necessary to collect more certificates and documents than usual. Maternity payments will be lower if the woman has been officially employed for less than two years.
  2. To have a "white" wages. In such cases, all the necessary insurance payments by the employer towards the state are paid in full, therefore, the state will pay the pregnant woman as much as possible all the money due to her under the law.

Payments to unemployed women

Antenatal payments to workers are provided at the place of employment. If we are talking about those women who are recognized as unemployed in connection with the fact of the liquidation of the enterprise, due to the loss of their license to carry out entrepreneurial activities, then they must acquire the status of unemployed for a period of 12 months and receive unemployment benefits specified by the law of the Russian Federation. The registration of this status is carried out by the regional departments of employment services.

Antenatal benefits for non-working women are guaranteed by Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as Art. 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. These regulations indicate that not only those future mothers and fathers who have been laid off, but other relatives who provide the necessary care for the newborn have the right to receive help from the state. But here we are already talking about a cash payment that is provided in connection with childbirth.

Additional conditions for receiving prenatal benefits (maternity benefits):

  • the woman was dismissed during maternity leave (from the day of taking this leave, an allowance must be paid monthly);
  • dismissed during the period of leave to care for young children (in this case, the allowance is paid monthly from the moment of going on vacation);
  • dismissed during pregnancy (the allowance is paid monthly as an unemployed mother from the moment the child is born).

In all these cases, an unemployed mother receives payments until her child turns one and a half years old.

Today, the size of a one-time benefit in connection with childbirth is about 16 thousand rubles, and the monthly allowance for caring for a baby is about 3 thousand rubles.

If during maternity leave a woman is dismissed from her place of work, then in this case additional benefits are provided for her:

  1. Benefit, the amount of which is 40% of the average monthly salary for two years of continuous work experience for each of the children.
  2. For medical registration during early pregnancy.
  3. Pregnancy allowance.

In 2017, such payments are (approximately):

  • for dismissed women during maternity leave - about 35 thousand rubles (for ordinary childbirth), about 39 thousand rubles (for complications during childbirth), about 48 thousand rubles (for multiple pregnancies);
  • when a woman is recognized as unemployed - about 35 thousand rubles (for ordinary childbirth), about 3 thousand rubles (for 156 days of vacation), about 4 thousand rubles (for 194 days of vacation).

It is very important to know that all antenatal payments due to expectant mothers in Russia, as well as postnatal payments, are clearly defined by state legislation and must be paid. If a woman before giving birth did not have a permanent and official job, then she does not receive such payments. The law explains this by the fact that maternity leave is the same as legal sick leave, and the state benefit is a payment on the basis of sick leave, which a woman is not given only in cases where she does not work anywhere.

The situation of single mothers

Cash benefits for single mothers who do not have a fixed job are paid under the same conditions as women who are married. However, in each region of the Russian Federation, additional incentives or prenatal benefits may be established. When it is paid and in what order it is decided at the legislative level.

Single mothers can be considered only those women who gave birth to a child out of wedlock, as well as those who became mothers 300 days after breaking off relations with their legal spouse, if his paternity has not been established. This is what the law says. Also, single mothers are considered to be women who have given birth to children in a legal marriage, but the spouse of such a woman is not the father of her child, or, on the basis of a court decision, he was deprived of parental rights.

And the third category of single mothers are women who have given birth or adopted a child and support him on their own. In the birth certificate of such children, as a rule, there is no information about the father. In order to support single mothers, the state provides various benefits in the labor, tax and housing areas.

Registration for pregnancy

Today it is not difficult to choose a clinic in which the expectant mother wants to be monitored during pregnancy. This can be explained by the fact that registration now does not play the same role as before, when a woman had to be registered strictly at the place of residence. The main thing is that the clinic is reliable in terms of providing qualified medical services, and also has the legal authority to issue all the necessary documents and certificates.

If a woman's well-being does not cause her any anxiety, for the first weeks she can be quietly observed by an ordinary therapist, who, as necessary, will monitor her health, prescribe tests, consult about diet, and tell about some restrictions in the field of physical activity and much more. If a woman has the opportunity for early pregnancy to register with an obstetrician-gynecologist, then this will be the most correct decision for her, because this is not only taking care of the child's health and her own, but also receiving certain social benefits. The state, as you can see, makes sure that the demographic situation in the country is prosperous, and that women who took their interesting position with full responsibility receive monetary incentives.

This one-time payment is not so large, but it can be spent on the preparation of the necessary documents for registration, as well as on any minimum needs of a pregnant woman, even if it is a couple of kilograms of her favorite fruits - the benefits are obvious here.

During pregnancy, in the early stages, all vital systems of the unborn child's body are formed, the laying and development of organs, the musculoskeletal system is underway, so it is so important to register on time. In addition, in cases where the expectant mother did not plan pregnancy at all, led an unhealthy lifestyle, she needs a specialist consultation as early as possible, since such women are always at risk. Every pregnant woman should know and understand that registration is a guarantee of health not only for herself, but also for the child, and this is done not for formality, but in order to prevent and eliminate possible problems and their consequences in time. The parents themselves are always responsible for the health of their children.

What is required to register for pregnancy?

For registration, a pregnant woman has the right to contact any antenatal clinic, which must conduct an examination, as well as provide all the information she needs. In addition, a woman registering for pregnancy has the right to independently choose a doctor who will supervise her.

In many antenatal clinics, women are asked to donate a certain amount of money in the form of a charitable contribution to this institution. Often this amount fluctuates around 1 thousand rubles, but no one forces this money to be donated, because this contribution is not official, so a woman can make it voluntarily or refuse to contribute.

When registering, a pregnant woman must take with her identity documents, as well as a medical card from the clinic where she previously underwent any examinations. This is necessary so that the obstetrician-gynecologist, who will monitor the woman's health throughout the pregnancy, can take into account all the features of her body and the diseases she suffers from. This will help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and the delivery itself.

In addition, the doctor must provide the patient with an "Individual card of a pregnant woman", which she must fill out and enter into it all the basic information about past illnesses, current illnesses, as well as the presence or absence of various kinds of allergies, illnesses that have been observed in her family. capable of being hereditary.

After registration, the obstetrician-gynecologist issues a so-called "Exchange card" to a pregnant woman, which is a document. It is made in the form of a journal, in which information is entered on the delivery of tests by a woman, undergoing examinations related to pregnancy, and much more. The patient must carry this document with her at every appointment with the doctor, and also have it with her in case of emergency.

When registering, an obstetrician-gynecologist determines the physical condition of a pregnant woman and gives an opinion on whether she can continue to work, what loads can be acceptable for her.

The maternity leave established by the state for pregnant women begins at the 30th week of the term. However, in cases where there are additional health risks, if a woman works in hazardous conditions, then the attending physician may issue a document for the woman to leave on maternity leave earlier. Early maternity leave can be paid and unpaid. Also, the employer can transfer her to another place of work.

When registering, the doctor appoints a woman all the necessary examinations, a schedule for taking tests, and also issues referrals to other specialists - to an endocrinologist, dentist, therapist, infectious disease specialist. In addition, the gynecologist is obliged to conduct a general examination, check blood pressure, condition of mucous membranes, mammary glands, measure height and weight. The father of the child must also undergo some examinations, which include fluorography and blood tests to determine the group.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman is required to issue a birth certificate, as well as all documents that confirm her right to go on maternity leave, receive the benefits due to her in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

If during pregnancy a woman changes her place of residence, then she must be given all the documents available to the doctor in order to transfer the pregnant woman to another clinic for observation.

List of documents required for registration:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • medical policy.

When a woman is thirty weeks (twenty-eight weeks in case of multiple pregnancy), she needs to go to the medical institution where she is registered for a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave). This condition is relevant for working women. The sheet must be presented to your employer, who is obliged to pay benefits within ten days.

The exciting 9 months pass by unnoticed, and now the expectant mother begins to engage in pleasant chores - preparing a cozy "nest" for her baby, buying him clothes, diapers and toys.

The joyful expectation of the appearance of a toddler is often accompanied by concern about the financial component of the issue. Therefore, expectant mothers and those women who are just planning to expand their families, seek to obtain the maximum amount of information about what payments for pregnancy and childbirth they are entitled to. Can every pregnant woman count on financial assistance and support from the state? The answer is, unfortunately, in the negative. In addition, the amount of financial assistance will be different in each individual case.

Maternity benefits in 2017

Pregnancy benefits 2017: types of benefits

There are several types of financial assistance in the form of benefits for women in a special situation, which are assigned to expectant mothers in certain cases. What are the benefits for pregnancy?

  • "Maternity" - the right to receive this type of financial support are women, whose gestational age has "stepped over" 30 weeks (in case of waiting for one toddler). If two or more toddlers have settled in a woman's womb, then she can go on a well-deserved rest from the 28th week.
  • A one-time allowance, to which future mothers who have applied to the antenatal clinic in advance are entitled (the waiting period for the baby should not exceed 12 weeks at the time of contacting the LCD).
  • Women in a position whose spouses are doing military service can count on a separate type of payment. This type of support for women is also a lump sum payment for pregnancy.

Payment of maternity benefits 2017: grounds for obtaining material compensation

In the course of processing any type of payment, and pregnancy benefits are no exception, documentary evidence of the existence of grounds for receiving financial assistance is required. What documents for calculating benefits need to be prepared for the expectant mother?

  • Sick leave.
  • Application for maternity benefits.
  • Certificate of income, on the basis of which the calculation of the amount of the benefit will be made.

The FSS makes payments on sick leave for pregnancy, which is calculated individually in each case, within 10 days from the date of receipt of information from the enterprise. In addition, there are other nuances when applying for this financial assistance:

  • A woman must provide a certificate of incapacity for work to calculate the amount of material assistance no later than 6 months from the day of the end of the sick leave.
  • One of the most important differences of this type of assistance from other benefits for the baby, which the father of the baby can also issue, is that only a woman can apply for this type of payment.
  • Material compensation is not provided to a woman in parallel with wages. The expectant mother must choose - either to receive payments for maternity leave, or she does not interrupt her work and generally receives a salary.

Pregnancy: claimants for payments and benefits 2017

Many women in a position mistakenly believe that only the fact of having a baby in the womb gives the right to financial benefits from the state. This opinion is wrong. Financial support can be counted on:

  • Employed women. The amount of assistance is 100% of the average income in the 24 months preceding the onset of the decree. If, at the same time, the expectant mother was a part-time job at several enterprises, each of the organizations is obliged to calculate maternity benefits for the working employee.
  • Those dismissed before the onset of the decree, but who managed to register as unemployed during this period.
  • Female students studying in full-time (full-time) form of study. On a budgetary or contractual basis, the training takes place does not matter. The financial support is calculated based on the amount of the scholarship. To calculate the aid you owe, you should contact the dean's office.
  • Pregnancy payments to non-working women are also made, although this statement is not true for everyone. Only those unemployed women who were deprived of their jobs as a result of the liquidation of the organization can apply for payments.
  • Women who have applied for an individual entrepreneur. The amount of financial compensation will be affected by the amount of deductions that were made to the FSS.
  • Female military personnel on a contract basis. To calculate financial assistance, in this case, the amount of its financial allowance is taken as the basis.
  • Spouses of conscripts.

In addition, if a woman belongs to one of the categories from the list above, and plans to adopt a baby under three months old, she can also apply for state assistance.

One-Time Financial Assistance: Payments for Registration in Early Pregnancy 2017

If a pregnant woman applied to the LCD with the intention of registering in the first weeks (up to the 12th) of an “interesting situation”, she is entitled to an additional payment. The amount is issued once, its size is 581.73 rubles. This type of assistance is assigned simultaneously with the accrual of sick leave payments for pregnancy ("maternity"), but no later than 10 days after the submission of the document from the LCD. The allowance does not exclude other charges due to a woman, but it has a number of features that an expectant mother should know about.

Applying for maternity benefits and benefits 2017

In general, a woman in a position to receive “maternity” financial support should contact her employer. The exceptions are the following situations:

  • If, within six months after the end of the period of the certificate of incapacity for work, issued in connection with the expectation of the baby and his birth, the woman did not apply to the employer for the due payment, she should go to the FSS. And then the fund will decide whether there was a valid reason for the pass and whether it is worthwhile to accrue state aid.
  • The woman is registered as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, she needs to immediately contact the insurance fund. In this situation, the FSS calculates the pregnancy benefit.
  • If, when a woman turns to an organization, the latter has ceased to exist or has an insufficient amount of finance in her accounts, the mother must also go to the FSS.

List of documents for obtaining state compensation

A woman who registered for pregnancy earlier than 12 weeks is entitled to payment not only on the "maternity" sick leave, but also a one-time fixed amount. To register the latter, you will need:

  • A document from the LCD (certificate) confirming that the pregnant woman is observed earlier than 12 weeks of waiting for the baby.
  • Application for payment of maternity benefits.
  • Identity document (passport).

Calculation of pregnancy benefits in 2017

Material assistance in connection with the expectation of a crumb and its subsequent birth is paid in one-time, in full amount for the entire period under the certificate of incapacity for work.

Sick leave period

How many days of rest is a mother entitled to in connection with the upcoming appearance of the baby in the world?

  • 70 + 70. A total of 140 days is due to a mother who is expecting the birth of one baby.
  • 70 + 86. A total of 156 days of "leave" is received by a woman if she gave birth to one toddler, but the birth was pathological (cesarean section).
  • 84 + 110. A total of 194 days of sick leave should be paid for a woman expecting two or more crumbs.

Upper and lower limit for financial assistance

To determine the amount of due payments, an important role is played by the woman's work experience preceding the decree.

  • If the expectant mother has worked for less than six months at this point, then the payment of financial assistance is made on the basis of the minimum wage - the minimum wage rate. Until June 30, 2017, its value is 7,500 rubles, so the amount of the minimum benefit during this period will be equal to
    7500 * 24/730 * 140 = 34520,00 rub.

From July 1, 2017, it is planned to increase the minimum wage to 7800 rubles. If this happens, the woman can count on 35901, 37 rubles of material assistance.

  • The upper limit of the allowance has also been determined. To calculate it, I use data from 2015 and 2016.

The maximum amount of payment 2017 = (718000 + 680000) / 730 = 1901.37 * 140 (days of incapacity for work) = 266191.80 rubles in case of natural birth of one baby.

If the delivery was pathological, the maximum amount of payment for pregnancy will be 353,654.82 rubles. When two or more toddlers are born, the amount of material assistance is determined at the rate of 368,865.78 rubles.

Rules for calculating the amount of benefits

Material compensation for a woman's pregnancy and the birth of a baby does not have a clearly defined value. Several factors affect its size:

  • The amount of a woman's insurance experience.
  • Cumulative income for 2 years that lasted until the start of the decree.
  • Labor regime.

As you can see, the timing of registration for pregnancy does not affect maternity payments. When calculating the amount of state aid for a certificate of incapacity for work, the following formula is used:

C (sum of benefits) = D (average daily earnings) * K (the number of "sick" days - 140, 156 or 194), while the following algorithm is used to determine the average daily income:

D = M (monthly income) * 24/730
When determining the amount of total monthly income, all types of payments from which taxes are withheld are used. Tax on benefits received (personal income tax) is not withheld.

Thus, it is easy to see that the majority of expectant mothers are eligible for state financial assistance. In order to meet the deadlines for the payment of financial support for pregnancy and childbirth, provide documents in a timely manner to calculate the compensation due to you.

Having a 2nd baby is a serious decision. The state fully supports mothers and fathers who are planning the appearance of the second, third and subsequent children. However, in addition to state aid, regional programs have been developed. Let's analyze what payments are due at the birth of a second child.

Federal benefits

Payments upon the appearance of the second baby, enshrined in Russian regulations, practically coincide with those due at the birth of the first.

  • At the federal level, cash payments are provided for registering a pregnant woman in an antenatal clinic in the first trimester, made at the place of official employment of the mother (or in the department of social protection - for non-working mothers who have the status of unemployed and registered in the health insurance system).
  • The state guarantees one-time payments, which represent the payment of maternity leave of 140 days in the normal course of labor (156 days if the birth of the baby was with complications; 194 days if a cesarean section was done or 2, 3 or more children were born at the same time).
    The amount of such payments is calculated in accordance with the average salary and is 100% of the average monthly amount for the last 2 years. If a woman is unemployed, then payments are provided in the amount of the minimum wage (as of 2017). They are also produced if the baby was born dead or died shortly after giving birth.
    To receive maternity leave, a young mother submits papers no later than six months after the expiration of the term of the decree. Within ten days after the submission of the papers, benefits are calculated, and money can be received on the day when wages are paid at the woman's place of work.
  • In the Russian Federation, a lump sum of 16,350.33 rubles is provided. (2017 data) for the birth of a child, which is received by the mother, father or any person officially replacing the mother. Working parents are paid by the employer, and non-working parents are paid by the social protection committee in accordance with the registration. This assistance also extends to adoptive parents.
    Such an allowance is calculated no later than six months after the appearance of a newborn, and it must be paid within 10 days from the day the documents were submitted.
  • The state guarantees benefits for a second child up to one and a half years, made at the place of employment of the mother (or the person officially replacing her) and amounting to 40% of the average pay for the previous 2 years.

Important! If there is already one baby for whom monthly benefits up to 1.5 years are accrued, and the mother is expecting a second, then she can expect either to continue paying monthly amounts up to 1.5 years of the first or to pay maternity benefits for the second. Both of these benefits are not paid at the same time!

  • According to federal law, monthly payments for care up to 3 years are provided in the amount of 50 rubles at the place of employment of the mother or her substitute.
  • In the event of an insufficient amount of income per family member (less than the subsistence level), the family can apply for the payment of child benefits until the minor reaches the age of 16.

These payments can be obtained through the pension fund of the Russian Federation after the registration of the newborn and used to pay for food for the baby in the preschool. Also, you can improve living conditions, provide a pension (funded part) to the mother of the child, or educate any of the children in the family, if he is not more than 25 years old and is studying at the state educational organization of the Russian Federation. The recipient is the mother or the person officially replacing her.

Regional (governor's) benefits

Regional payments for the second child in a family are made by decision of a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation. They are charged in addition to federal ones.
For example, “baby money” for toddlers from low-income families under the age of 16 can be increased by 50% or 100% by local government authorities compared to federal payments for single mothers.

A number of regions provide material assistance by the decision of the governor when the 2nd newborn or subsequent ones are born:

  • in the Kaluga region, the amount of payments for the birth of a second child at a time is 2200 rubles;
  • in the Kursk region - monthly for up to three years, 2000 rubles. for the 2nd and 3000 r. on the 3rd;
  • in the Vladimir region at a time 3300 p. on the 2nd, at the birth of twins — 11,000, at the birth of triplets — 16,500 rubles;
  • in the Penza region - 10,000 rubles at a time;
  • in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - 10,000 rubles at a time;
  • in the Nizhny Novgorod region - 25,000 rubles at a time;
  • in the Sakhalin region - a one-time governor's payment of 150,000 rubles. on the second and all subsequent ones, etc.

By the decision of the administration of the region, in which unfavorable demographic statistics are noted, regional maternal (family) capital may be added to the federal one.

St. Petersburg: material support for families with a second child

In St. Petersburg, on the basis of the Social Code approved in 2011, a wide range of benefits is provided, which are transferred to special plastic cards, the funds from which can be spent exclusively on “children's” needs.
In St. Petersburg, funds are allocated for food for pregnant and lactating women.

Much attention is paid in the northern capital to supporting families where the child has a disability or belongs to the category of children with disabilities. For such categories, funds will be allocated for the purchase of technical means of rehabilitation and other benefits.

The St. Petersburg government provides material support to low-income or single-parent families with a second baby, military personnel, families with adopted children in difficult life situations, refugees, etc.

If you are planning a child, then, among other things, it is important to take into account the financial issue. You are probably calculating what additional expenses will appear in your family budget. The purchase of numerous items necessary for a newborn begins long before the baby is born. And already at this moment the family is faced with a problem when only dad provides for the family, and mom with a rounded tummy is actively preparing to meet a new family member. But, despite the fact that women are deprived of the opportunity to work for a rather long period of time, future mothers are provided with assistance from the state. Let's see what payments to pregnant women in 2013 working and non-working women can count on.

Benefits for pregnant women

The most basic benefit that the expectant mother receives is the maternity benefit. Its size varies depending on whether the woman is employed and what kind of salary she receives. In addition, working women who register at an antenatal clinic at an early stage of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks, are entitled to a one-time allowance in the amount of 438 rubles. The money is small, but it is not difficult to get it, you just need to take a certificate from the antenatal clinic and get the money at the cash desk of your enterprise.

What are the benefits for pregnant workers?

Let's talk in more detail about the maternity allowance for working women. If a woman works at an enterprise for more than six months, then in case of pregnancy she must be paid maternity payments at the level of her salary. You need to receive money at your company. But you should know that, in fact, this is state aid, so that subsequently all monetary payments to pregnant women are compensated by the state to the employer in full.

In 2013, a new procedure for calculating maternity benefits was introduced. The calculation will take into account the last two years of your work. Based on them, your average daily earnings will be calculated. The calculation formula is simple: the ratio of the salary amount for 2 years is divided by the number of days worked. At the same time, the calculation does not include days of sick leave, previous maternity leave, childcare and other days when social insurance contributions were not paid for you. It looks confusing, but do not worry, when you receive a certificate of your income, these days will be separately scheduled in it, since since 2013 the income certificate has been switched to another form, which is more convenient for monitoring all days worked.

The state has also set a salary ceiling, which is taken into account when calculating benefits. If your salary turns out to be higher, then this maximum possible amount will be taken instead, since when calculating social security contributions, the amount of salary was also limited to maximum values. For women who go on maternity leave in 2013, payments and benefits to pregnant women will be calculated based on income data for 2011 and 2012. In 2011, the maximum salary from which social insurance contributions were deducted was 463,000 rubles per year, and in 2012 - 512,000 rubles per year. Salaries above these amounts will not be taken into account when calculating maternity.

Having received the average daily earnings, you need to multiply this amount by the number of days of maternity leave. In a normal pregnancy, a woman is given 140 days of leave. Days are divided into 70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery. If the childbirth was with complications, or a cesarean was performed, then after the birth, the mother is given not 70, but 86 days to recover. When two or more children are born, a woman is entitled to a total of 194 days, which are divided by 84 days before childbirth and 110 days after childbirth. Having determined the days of maternity leave you are entitled to, and multiplying their number by your average daily earnings, you will receive the amount of maternity leave that must be paid to you once at the cash desk of your company.

When calculating maternity benefits for working women, there are several more important points. If a woman works in an enterprise for less than six months, then the maternity allowance will be calculated in the amount of the minimum wage. But if a woman previously worked at another enterprise, and within a year was dismissed due to staff reduction, then she can apply to this enterprise for a similar benefit.

Women working in several enterprises receive social benefits for pregnant women in all places of work, as social insurance contributions are made on all salaries.

Payments to non-working pregnant women

If a woman does not work, then, unfortunately, she receives a very small maternity allowance from the territorial social insurance fund, about 440 rubles a month. And the allowance for registration in the early stages of pregnancy is not allowed for her at all. The same applies to women who receive an informal salary and for whom no social security contributions are made.

All this is only government payments due to pregnant women. In addition to them, expectant mothers can count on help within the framework of regional programs. For detailed information, contact the social insurance authorities of your city. You must be told about all your rights and possibilities for getting help at your place of residence. Pregnant women can receive free prescription drugs, vitamins, food, and more. And it is also important to know that, according to the law, you have the right to apply for the payments due to you within six months after the end of maternity leave. And if there are good reasons, then later. Be sure to use the state aid you are entitled to.

Hello, dear future mothers and fathers! Let's talk about the material benefits that our state provides to women during pregnancy and childbirth. Yes, you heard right, the state helps pregnant women with money.

And your work has nothing to do with it, since all payments for pregnancy are fully reimbursed by the state to the employer. So, what gratuitous funds can you count on while waiting for your baby?

The very first payments to pregnant women

If you register with the LCD before the 12th week of pregnancy, you are entitled to an early registration allowance in the amount of about 400-500 rubles. You find it funny? Do not rush to refuse, because this is also money. And, as the people say, the ruble protects a penny.

So laugh and take it easy, you are entitled to such a lump sum, so why not use it? This allowance is paid at the place of your work or study.

And to obtain it, you must provide the employer with a certificate from the consultation on registration within up to 12 weeks and write a statement on the appointment of benefits. As you can see, nothing complicated. This is the first payments for pregnant women.

What's next? So, you are registered, take tests, regularly go to the gynecologist for examination, if necessary, do an ultrasound. Do not forget to eat right, walk in the fresh air, do gymnastics and ... go to work.

And now, finally, the 30th week of pregnancy, the time when you can be given a sick leave, and you will go on a well-deserved rest. Now we can talk about other payments, namely the maternity benefit or as we often call it maternity benefits.

Maternity benefits - how to get it?

Let's say right away that this allowance is paid at a time, that is, immediately for the entire vacation. The amount of the benefit will depend entirely on your salary.

And from January 2013, the calculation will be according to a single option, that is, the average earnings are calculated for the previous two years, taking into account all payments subject to insurance premiums.

Recall that payments to pregnant women in 2012 were calculated a little differently, you could choose the working years at your discretion.

In addition, the state provides for payments to pregnant non-working women. Their payments for pregnancy and childbirth will be calculated based on the minimum wage. The same allowance will be received by women whose average earnings are below the minimum wage.

Sick leave for registration of maternity benefits for ordinary pregnancies is issued for a period of 140 calendar days, in case of complications - 156 days and with multiple pregnancies - 194 days.

This allowance is also paid at the place of work. To get it, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • you write an application for the appointment of benefits in any form;
  • sick leave, which is given to you by the women's consultation;
  • for unemployed women, a certificate from the social security security that they are at the labor exchange.

And let's talk separately about what payments are due to pregnant wives of military personnel. If your husband is being drafted into the military and you are more than 180 days pregnant, you have the right to receive a lump sum stipulated for the pregnant wife of a soldier.

This benefit is paid regardless of the pregnant woman's eligibility for other benefits. The amount of the allowance is in the region of 17 thousand rubles. Just keep in mind that wives of military educational institutions or cadets are not entitled to this allowance and, accordingly, is not paid.