Proverbs about old age and their meanings. Sayings, sayings, aphorisms about old age, retirement age, folk and wonderful people. Folk sayings about old age

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Youth and old age in proverbs and sayings for children and adults.

Proverbs and sayings about youth. Proverbs and sayings about old age

For the young, time drags on, for the old it runs.

Young for years, but old for troubles.

No matter how much I live, I will not be young twice.

Youth is a golden time: he eats and drinks and sleeps alone.

While young, neither heat nor cold is terrible.

You will be old, but you will never be young.

Young in body, but old in deed.

Youth is not in years, but in strength.

The head is gray, but the soul is young.

The elderly have experience, the young have enthusiasm.

The old horse does not spoil the furrow.

Do not teach the old fox tricks.

Youth is stronger with the shoulders, and old age is with the head.

The tooth is rare, but the eye marks.

Young - for battle, old - for thought.

The older, the farther to the right - the younger, the more expensive.

The old pulls down, and the young up.

Youth is a bird, old age is a turtle.

Old - that little: they do one thing.

Not at the right time old age, not to the point of illness.

// Proverbs about old age and old people

  1. There are two wills in the field (old, field, duel). There are two wills in the field - whose will take (whose is stronger or: whose is to the right, that one is stronger). They come to the field, they are not considered by birth (from parochialism).
  2. In its corners there is no signpost.
  3. Pours old wine into new wineskins.
  4. Time paints, timelessness ages.
  5. God would have given me to grow younger, I would have known how to grow old.
  6. It's a distant time, old man.
  7. She lived to an old age, but did not find a change.
  8. Good old saint.
  9. Remember the good, but forget the evil! The old stuff is good in a dream.
  10. Live in the old way, but speak in the new way!
  11. Live the old way, you will live longer; shook in a new way, you will have more (about improvements in the economy).
  12. And there is a hole in the old woman.
  13. To whom is God's mercy in battle (old., From judicial fights).
  14. Cut a new caftan, and try on the old one!
  15. Whoever remembers the old will be out of sight.
  16. Whoever remembers the old will be drawn to the devil.
  17. Whoever remembers the old will be out of sight.
  18. The eldress Maremyana grieves about the whole world (she is a sad woman, a prospector for the whole world).
  19. You will know a lot - you will soon grow old.
  20. Young - toys, and old - pillows.
  21. Youth is a bird, and old age is a turtle.
  22. On whom God (fate), on that and good people (or: and the headman).
  23. Our great-grandfathers lived - they drank honey, drank beer, and like a jug - our old man.
  24. Do not ask the old, ask the experienced.
  25. Look for new happiness, but do not lose the old one! Wish for a new friend, but do not forget your old (happiness)!
  26. If he gets over it, he wipes himself off - everything will go the same way.
  27. From old memory, as from literacy.
  28. Shake up the old lady.
  29. The small hides (is buried) behind the old, the old behind the small.
  30. Let it be as old as the mother put it.
  31. Saryn on kichku (that is, barge haulers in muryu, on the bottom, do not bother to rob. Robber, old, Volzhsk.).
  32. From time immemorial, as the light stands, so it has been customary from time immemorial.
  33. The old people died out - they did not wait for us; young were born - we were not asked.
  34. The old people, tea, knew no less than ours (the answer to every innovation, admonition).
  35. An old man with a brain.
  36. Old man, old man, but did not reach us.
  37. Old man, what a wonder.
  38. The old style was more comfortable.
  39. Old-fashioned (cut, old-world man).
  40. The old woman Sophia is drying up about the whole world, no one will sigh about her.
  41. Old - stubborn, unfriendly; young - boisterous, uncaring.
  42. An old bird is not caught with chaff.
  43. Do not become an old fool.
  44. Not to rejuvenate the old, but to lobby.
  45. The old good has passed, the new has not reached the end.
  46. Old as old, but again nothing.
  47. The old grows old and the young grows.
  48. Old age is not a joy.
  49. The old woman said in two.
  50. The old woman remained with the old woman, and he will die with her.
  51. Shake the old days.
  52. It walks in the old days, and the wig is on the side.
  53. At least in the old way, at least in a new way, one cannot live without bread.
  54. What has passed - to remember what? To remember the old is to move the bones.
  55. What is old, so is deed.
  56. What an old woman has for money! All pennies.
  57. Flaunt from a young age, and die of hunger in old age.
  58. This hole was under the old governor.
  • Two centuries cannot be lived out, two youths cannot be crossed.
  • To while away youth is not to see old age.
  • The golden time is young summers. The golden time is young years.
  • The older you are, the farther to the right; and the younger, the more expensive.
  • They don't ask the father, they ask the fellow.
  • A man lives twice stupidly: old and small.
  • Old and small - twice stupid.
  • Old, that small, and small, that stupid.
  • They die neither by old age, nor by youth they live.
  • Not years, but grief ages.
  • Not the old one dies, but the ripe one.
  • Old age cannot live, and youth cannot die.
  • Young people die by choice, old people die.
  • The young works, the old mind gives.
  • Young for service, old for advice.
  • Do not do dirty tricks to the elder.
  • Do not laugh at the old, and you yourself will be old.
  • Youth is not a sin, and old age is not laughter.
  • Years are not ugly.
  • Not ugly years, but people.
  • And you can't trade an old cuckoo for a hawk.
  • Young for battle, and old for thought.
  • And old, but cheerful, and young, but gloomy.
  • And old, yes a rooster, and young, but rotten.
  • He is old himself, but his soul is young.
  • The old dog will not deceive.
  • The old raven will not croak past (experienced).
  • Gray hair in the beard - mind in the head.
  • The old horse does not spoil the furrow.
  • An old soldier and glad to try.
  • You can't fool the old sparrow on the chaff.
  • The old wolf cannot be driven into the snare.
  • An old man, but better than seven young ones.
  • A kid with a gray hair will come in handy everywhere.
  • The old goat has a bigger horn.
  • Small and stupid - they beat more; old and smart - two lands in it.
  • The old tree bursts, the young one flies.
  • Oh, poppy, yes green; good guy, but young.
  • The young crane flew high and sat down low.
  • The young mind has not matured. Young is green; old - but rotten.
  • Young, but walks around the world; old, but he feeds his family.
  • Chipped dishes have lived for two centuries.
  • What we ask in childhood, we will give up in old age.
  • The small one asks, but if he grows up, he will give up.
  • He fought young, and when he was old they let him go home.
  • The child falls - God lays down the perinka; old falls - the devil substitutes the harrow.
  • Old fools are dumber than young ones.
  • In old age, a person is either smarter or dumber.
  • Teach the old - that heal the dead.
  • You can't teach an old dog to chain.
  • The old woman is the grandmother of the povirukha: she survived from the old mind, did not take root in the new one.
  • We live the old mind, we don’t make a new one - we’ll die as fools.
  • Young gets old - gets smarter; the old is getting old - getting stupid (getting stupid).
  • Young - will go crazy, old - will not change.
  • Gray hair, but no conscience.
  • The cat is old, but loves butter.
  • Old fools have no life for the young.
  • To amuse the young - to hang the old.
  • Don't call an old dog a dad. Popov is not a dog to call him.
  • Old age is not a joy.
  • Old age is an injury; old age is bondage.
  • The dog is old, but the puppy is small.
  • Old ladies, soft edges.
  • Make money from your youth, and live in old age.
  • The old bones wanted to visit.
  • A worn-out fur coat does not warm. The sheepskin coat is worn - bald head and skin.
  • Old husband is that rotten deck.
  • Until the age of thirty, his wife heats up, after thirty a glass of wine, and after - and the stove does not heat.
  • Grandma is old, and she has little money.
  • The old knight has a different move.
  • When I was young I hunt, but when I get old I get dandruff.
  • Old age will come - fun will not go to mind.
  • Not a young man, not an old man in old age.
  • He was young - he flew on the wings; I have become old - I am sitting on the stove.
  • The old one wants to sleep, and the young one wants to play.
  • Young with toys, old with pillows.
  • If he were to be born again, he would know how to grow old.
  • Adam's summers from the beginning of the world.
  • We lived a century - not for canvas fur.
  • The years have drifted away like spring waters.
  • Youth cannot be turned back, and old age cannot be surpassed.
  • The first head is still on the shoulders, and the skin is not tossed.
  • From a young age, a crow did not fly across the skies, and it will not fly even in old age.
  • It's not for an old man to make bellies, but to live his days.
  • Roosters sit on their perches, and old people fall on the stove.
  • Old men can handle it. Not our food is nuts, but ours is porridge.
  • Old age will come - weakness will come.
  • Old people get sick, young people get sick.
  • The old is getting old, but the young is not getting younger.
  • Old age is not a joy, and there is no one to kill.
  • He was young - and he lived with sin.
  • Youth is not without stupidity, old age is not without stupidity.
  • To brag to the young, to whine to the old.
  • Old age is not old, only with daring he disappeared.
  • Not old for years, but temperamental.
  • The young does not believe in the old (and vice versa).
  • Nowadays young people - just look and stop.
  • Youth prowls - seeks from good for good.
  • He who is not healthy (not good) at twenty, is not smart at thirty, and is not rich at forty, will never be like that.
  • Small that stupid, and stupid, that small.
  • Young is green; old - yes sluggish.
  • Unripe grapes are tasteless, and a young man is inexperienced.
  • Green grapes are not sweet, and a young man is not strong.
  • Wort is not home brew, youth is not a man.
  • Youth with stronger shoulders, old age with your head.
  • Youth tears belts, old age and rushes on ly-chaga.
  • Young - green, ordered to take a walk.
  • The young wits have that spring ice.
  • The young will not succeed, so the old will go mad.
  • Do not ask the old, ask the experienced!
  • They did not teach as long as I fit across the bench; and at full length - you will not teach.
  • Not being young twice. Not two youths to live.
  • Blooms like poppies. Blood with milk.
  • Wet behind the ears. I'll put milk on your lips in the morning.
  • Even though there is not a bite of bread, but a fine fellow without a mustache.
  • Learn, for a generation the cartilage has not grown together.