The increased content of bilirubin in the urine of the cat. Treating proteinuria in dogs and cats

The phenomenon in which there is an increased protein in the urine of a cat is called proteinuria. Protein particles are small, then they easily pass through the renal glomeruli and therefore are excreted along with urine. If urine contains small amounts of protein, then this is the norm and a physiological process. When the protein is elevated, it indicates a health problem in the cat. In such a situation, it is important to identify the cause of the problem and provide quality treatment.

There are a lot of factors for the appearance of a violation, and only a veterinarian, after carrying out the necessary tests, will be able to determine why the urine of a cat contains high protein. There is a violation in the dog.


The appearance of a change in the composition of urine, in which there is an increased secretion of protein, is caused by various problems and further worsens the condition of the sick cat. Protein, which is washed out from the body along with urine, is present in the blood. A violation of its allocation is an indicator of a serious problem. The main reasons for the appearance of pathology are as follows:

  • systemic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus in which the kidney is also affected;
  • chronic bacterial damage to the body, especially the urinary and circulatory system;
  • infectious pathologies such as Lyme disease or ehrlichiosis;
  • diabetes mellitus - older cats most often suffer;
  • pituitary pathology, including Cushing's disease;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure - hypertension occurs not only in humans, but also in cats, most often over the age of 10 years;
  • hereditary predisposition to the appearance of violations in the process of urine production;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys, including the ICD;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the circulatory system - a fairly common reason that urine contains protein above the norm;
  • persistent metabolic disorders of proteins and carbohydrates, against the background of which there is an excessive deposition of amyloid in the internal organs.

The older the pet, the higher the likelihood that it will develop disorders in which the urine will contain excess protein.


If you suspect that the cat has proteinurinia, a complete examination of the animal is carried out, which includes:

  • analysis of urine in cats for carotene;
  • urinalysis for protein - decoding of urine analysis in a cat is carried out by a veterinarian. The amount of substance and its density are determined;
  • pressure measurement;
  • general blood test - shows the basic physical parameters of the animal's condition. Decryption is carried out in a laboratory or by a veterinarian;
  • blood chemistry.

If necessary, other diagnostic measures are also carried out, such as ultrasound and general urine examination. They detect the presence of stones. The veterinarian who treats the cat determines the list of necessary tests and studies. When in the urine of the noma protein is even the upper permissible limit, there is no talk of pathology.


The manifestation of the fact that urine has an increased protein is similar in symptoms to the signs of many pathologies, from which it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on them. Symptoms that suggest proteinuria in a cat are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • severe weakness;
  • lethargy and lethargy.

As soon as the first causes of the disorder in the body were identified in the cat, it is necessary to urgently visit the veterinarian for a diagnosis and quality treatment before it is too late. In some cases, when urine contains a particularly large amount of protein, and the pet's condition is very difficult, and therapy will definitely not give a result, the question of putting the cat to sleep in order to stop its torment may be raised. Excessive protein in the urine is serious for a cat.

Pathology treatment

Treatment is carried out after the reason for the high concentration of protein in the urine has been established. It is important to accurately determine whether proteinuria is cancerous in nature. If the violation is caused by an oncological process in the kidneys, treatment can be carried out only in the early stages of the disease, and therefore, if the process has already gone far, only supportive therapy is possible, as well as the appointment of drugs to relieve pain.

If it is revealed that the cat suffers from high blood pressure, then he is prescribed a course of drugs to normalize the pressure of the animal. Also, the cat is transferred to a special feeding, in which salt and fats are minimized. At the same time, to improve the condition of blood vessels and kidneys, agents with omega-3 fatty acids are prescribed. They must be given every day.

It is important that the owner carefully monitors the condition of the cat during therapy and observes all veterinary recommendations, this will normalize the condition of the pet, including the protein that urine contains. Puffiness may develop as a side effect of therapy. In such a situation, the cat should be shown to the veterinarian. The specialist, having established the amount of protein in urine, will adjust the treatment and prescribe means to remove excess fluid from the body. With timely treatment, a cat can live with a violation for many years.

The composition of urine quite fully reflects the metabolic processes occurring in the animal's body. Laboratory analysis allows you to identify serious deviations in the state of health, to recognize diseases of the genitourinary system, to determine the presence of infections or injuries.

General urine analysis with microscopic examination of sediment is prescribed for many diseases of cats and dogs, being informative and simple enough to perform.

Sometimes collecting the animal's excreta for testing can be difficult: cats often go to litter trays, and dogs are walked outside. In such cases, the sampling of the material can be carried out at the clinic during the appointment. For this, bladder catheterization is used, or urine is collected using cystocentesis (puncture of the bladder with a needle through the abdominal cavity). The latter method is considered the most informative and high-quality method of sampling material for analysis.

Interpretation of urine test results

The results of physical, chemical and microscopic studies are tabulated. Their decoding makes it possible to draw up a general picture of the state of the animal's body. Based on them, data from other analyzes and examinations, an experienced specialist makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Physical properties of urine

They are examined by the method of organoleptic analysis. Its essence lies in the assessment of visual characteristics: color, odor, consistency, the presence of visible impurities.

The following indicators are noted:

COL (color)- a yellow and light yellow tint of the liquid is considered normal.

CLA (transparency)- in healthy animals, the discharge is completely transparent.

Presence of sediment- may be present in small quantities.
It is formed from insoluble salts, crystals, epithelial cells (kidneys, urethra, bladder, external genital organs), organic compounds, microorganisms. A large amount of sediment is observed with metabolic disorders, the presence of diseases.

Additionally, the presence of an uncharacteristic odor, a change in consistency may be noted.

The pet owner should pay attention to the nature of urination and the appearance of the discharge. If the color or odor changes, the appearance of clots of mucus or pus, blood particles during urination, it is necessary to show the dog or cat to the veterinarian.

Chemical properties of urine

Investigated using the analyzer. This method analyzes the composition of the separated liquid for the presence and amount of organic and chemical substances.

BIL (bilirubin)- normally in dogs, this substance is contained in small, undetectable amounts. In cats, this component is not present in the normal composition.

Dogs - absent (tracks).

Cats - absent.

An increase in the indicator (bilirubinuria) may indicate liver disease, obstruction of the bile ducts, violation of hemolytic processes.

URO (urea)- is formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins.

Dogs - 3.5-9.2 mmol / L.

Cats - 5.4-12.1 mmol / L.

An increase in the indicator is evidence of renal failure, protein nutrition, acute hemolytic anemia.

KET (ketone bodies)- are not secreted in a healthy organism.

The presence of ketones is the result of metabolic disorders arising from diabetes mellitus, exhaustion, sometimes as a manifestation of acute pancreatitis or extensive mechanical damage.

PRO (protein)- an increase in the amount of protein compounds accompanies most renal diseases.

Dogs - 0.3 g / l.

Cats - 0.2 g / l.

An increased level of protein in the urine accompanies many kidney diseases. It can be due to a meat diet or cystitis. Often, an additional comprehensive study is required to differentiate the disease of the urinary system.

NIT (nitrite)- healthy animals should not have these substances in the urine, however, they cannot always reliably judge the presence of pathogenic microflora in the urinary tract. Refined analysis will show a more accurate picture.

GLU (glucose)- in a healthy animal, this substance is absent. The appearance can be triggered by a stressful condition, which is more common in cats.

An increase in glucose levels is an indicator of diabetes mellitus; for clarification, a blood sugar test is performed. Other causes of glucosuria can be: pancreatic disease, acute renal failure, hyperthyroidism, glomerulonephritis, and certain medications.

pH (acidity) is an indicator of the concentration of free hydrogen ions.
Changes in acidity are one of the factors leading to the formation of calculi in the urinary tract. Deviations of the indicator can occur with protein overfeeding, chronic infection of the urinary ducts, pyelitis, cystitis, emetic, diarrhea.

Dogs and cats - 6.5 to 7.0.

S.G (density, specific gravity)- shows the concentration of solutes. It is important to analyze the indicator before starting treatment, for control when prescribing droppers and diuretic medications.

Dogs - 1.015-1.025 g / ml.

Cats - 1.020-1.025 g / ml.

An increase over 1.030 and a decrease to 1.007 indicate functional impairment of the kidneys.

VTC (ascorbic acid)- is not deposited by the body and, in excess, is excreted in the urine.

Cats and dogs - up to 50 mg / dL.

The increase is caused by an excess of the vitamin when feeding or taking certain medications.

The decrease is associated with hypovitaminosis, unbalanced nutrition.

Sediment microscopy

It allows you to determine the presence of some diseases that do not have visible symptoms. In addition to substances dissolved in urine, its composition is supplemented with solid salt crystals, tissue cells, microorganisms. Their analysis makes it possible to draw up the most reliable picture of the animal's health status.

Slime- a small amount is the result of the activity of the mucous glands belonging to the urinary and reproductive systems.

An increase in mucus production before clotting signals the presence of cystitis (inflammation of the bladder wall).

Fat (drip)- May be kept in healthy animals, especially cats. The amount often depends on the feeding.

The increase is associated with overfeeding with fatty foods, sometimes indicates a violation of the kidneys. Requires additional research to clarify the diagnosis.

Leukocytes- in a healthy animal, single, up to 3 cells in the field of view during microscopic examination.
An increase in the amount indicates the presence of inflammation or infection of the urinary tract. It can also be associated with improper sampling.

Erythrocytes- appear in the urine as a result of bleeding that occurs in various parts of the genitourinary system.
Therefore, it is important to know in what portion of urine blood appeared (at the beginning, at the end or throughout the entire urination).

Up to 5 cells are allowed.

An increase in red blood cells (hematuria) or its derivatives (hemoglobin) leads to staining of urine. Hematuria or hemoglobinuria in the first phase of urination indicates damage to the urinary ducts or adjacent genitals, and in the final phase - to damage to the bladder. Uniform redness of the entire portion of the discharge can reveal trauma to any part of the genitourinary system.

Superficial epithelium- may appear with poor-quality urine sampling, where washes from the genital organs got.

Transitional epithelium- is not normally present, its presence indicates inflammation of the urinary tract.

Renal epithelium- normally not present, found in kidney disease.

Crystals- are insoluble salts that can be found in healthy animals without pathologies.

An increase in the number is observed in animals prone to the formation of stones. However, this is not a reason for prescribing treatment without additional research.

Bacteria- in healthy animals, urine is sterile. Bacteria can be detected in improperly taken samples, where swabs from the adjacent organs of the reproductive system get, as well as when the ascending tract of the genitourinary system is infected.

Sperm- fall from the genitals with poor-quality urine collection for analysis.

Cylinders- absent in normal condition. They have the form of urinary tubules, being a kind of plugs from organic structures of various origins accumulating in them, blocking the lumens and gradually being washed out by urine.

Up to 2 per microscope field.

An increase in the number of cylinders occurs with a disease of the urinary system. According to their form and origin, they diagnose: stagnation phenomena, inflammation processes, dehydration, pyelonephritis, necrosis, damage to the parenchyma and tubules.

A general analysis of animal urine with sediment microscopy enables the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis, which must be confirmed by additional studies.

A general urinalysis includes an assessment physicochemical characteristics of urine and sediment microscopy. This study allows you to assess the function of the kidneys and other internal organs, as well as identify the inflammatory process in the urinary tract. Together with a general clinical blood test, the results of this study can tell a lot about the processes occurring in the body and, most importantly, indicate the direction of further diagnostic search.

Indications for the purpose of the analysis:

Secondary ketonuria:
- thyrotoxicosis;
- Itsenko-Cushing's disease; overproduction of corticosteroids (tumor of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands);


Norm: dogs, cats - absent.

Hemoglobinuria is characterized by red or dark brown (black) urine, dysuria. Hemoglobinuria must be distinguished from hematuria, alkaptonuria, melaninuria, porphyria. With hemoglobinuria, erythrocytes in the urine sediment are absent, anemia with reticulocytosis and an increase in the level of indirect bilirubin in the blood serum are detected.

When does hemoglobin or myoglobin appear in urine (hemoglobinuria)?

Hemolytic anemia.
- Severe poisoning (sulfonamides, phenol, aniline dyes,
- After an epileptic seizure.
- Transfusion of an incompatible blood group.
- Sepsis.
- Severe injuries.

Microscopy of urinary sediment.

In the urinary sediment, an organized sediment is distinguished (cellular elements, cylinders, mucus, bacteria, yeast) and unorganized (crystalline elements).
Red blood cells.

Norm: dogs, cats - 1 - 3 erythrocytes in the field of view.
All that is higher is hematuria.

- gross hematuria (when the color of urine is changed);
- microhematuria (when the color of urine is not changed, and erythrocytes are detected only under a microscope).

In the urinary sediment, erythrocytes can be unchanged and altered. The appearance of altered erythrocytes in the urine is of great diagnostic value, because they are most often renal in origin. Unchanged erythrocytes are more typical for urinary tract lesions (urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis).

When does the red blood cell count increase (hematuria)?

Urolithiasis disease.
- Tumors of the genitourinary system.
- Glomerulonephritis.
- Pyelonephritis.
- Infectious diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, tuberculosis).
- Kidney injury.
- Poisoning with derivatives of benzene, aniline, snake venom, anticoagulants, poisonous mushrooms.


Norm: dogs, cats - 0-6 leukocytes in the field of view.

When does the white blood cell count rise (leukocyturia)?

Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
- Cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis.
- Stones in the ureter.
- Tubulointerstitial nephritis.

Epithelial cells.

Norm: dogs and cats - sporadic or absent.

Epithelial cells are of various origins:
- cells of squamous epithelium (washed off with night urine from the external genital organs);
- cells of the transitional epithelium (lining the mucous membrane of the bladder, ureters, pelvis, large ducts of the prostate gland);
- cells of the renal (tubular) epithelium (lining the renal tubules).

When does the number of epithelial cells increase?

Cell enhancement squamous epithelium has no significant diagnostic value. It can be assumed that the patient is not properly prepared for the collection of analysis.

Cell enhancement transitional epithelium:
- intoxication;
- intolerance to anesthesia, drugs, after surgery;
- jaundice of various etiology;
- urolithiasis (at the time of the passage of the stone);
- chronic cystitis;

Appearance of cells renal epithelium:
- pyelonephritis;
- intoxication (taking salicylates, cortisone, phenacetin, bismuth preparations, poisoning with heavy metal salts, ethylene glycol);
- tubular necrosis;


Norm: dogs and cats are absent.

The appearance of casts (cylindruria) is a symptom of kidney damage.

When and which cylinders appear in the general urine analysis (cylindruria)?

Hyaline casts are found in all organic kidney diseases, their number depends on the severity of the condition and the level of proteinuria.

Granular cylinders:
- glomerulonephritis;
- pyelonephritis;
- kidney cancer;
- diabetic nephropathy;
- infectious hepatitis;
- osteomyelitis.

Waxy cylinders indicate severe kidney damage.

Leukocyte casts:
- acute pyelonephritis;
- exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis;
- kidney abscess.

Erythrocyte casts:
- kidney infarction;
- embolism;
- acute diffuse glomerulonephritis.

Pigment cylinders:
- prerenal hematuria;
- hemoglobinuria;
- myoglobinuria.

Epithelial casts:
- acute renal failure;
- tubular necrosis;
- acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.

Fat cylinders:
- chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis complicated by nephrotic syndrome;
- lipoid and lipoid-amyloid nephrosis;
- diabetic nephropathy.


Fine the urine in the bladder is sterile. The detection of bacteria in the analysis of urine more than 50,000 in 1 ml indicates an infectious lesion of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). It is possible to determine the type of bacteria only with the help of bacteriological research.

Yeast fungi.

The detection of yeast of the genus Candida indicates candidiasis, which occurs most often as a result of irrational antibiotic therapy, the intake of immunosuppressants, cytostatics.

Determination of the type of fungus is possible only with bacteriological examination.


Mucus is secreted by the epithelium of the mucous membranes. Normally absent or present in urine in insignificant amounts. With inflammatory processes in the lower urinary tract, the content of mucus in the urine increases.

Crystals (unorganized sediment).

Urine is a solution of various salts that can precipitate (form crystals) when urine stands. The presence of certain crystals of salts in the urinary sediment indicates a change in the reaction to the acidic or alkaline side. Excessive salt content in urine contributes to the formation of stones and the development of urolithiasis.

When and what crystals appear in the general urine analysis?
- Uric acid and its salts (urates): normally can be found in Dalmatians and English Bulldogs, in dogs of other breeds and cats they are associated with liver failure and porosystemic anastomoses.
- Triple phosphates, amorphous phosphates: often found in slightly acidic or alkaline urine in healthy dogs and cats; may be associated with cystitis.

Calcium oxalate:

Severe infectious diseases;
- pyelonephritis;
- diabetes;
- poisoning with ethylene glycol;


Cirrhosis of the liver;
- viral hepatitis;
- the state of the hepatic coma
- Bilirubin: May be present in healthy dogs with concentrated urine or due to bilirubinuria.

In the article I will give the decoding of the results of the biochemical analysis of the urine of the cat. I'll tell you what indicators are the norm. I will describe what impurities can be detected in the analysis, and what are the reasons for this phenomenon.

The study of urine of cats and dogs is carried out for diagnosis and further treatment. Timely laboratory analysis allows you to timely identify serious disorders of the urinary system caused by infection, trauma, etc.

The liquid for analysis is collected in three ways: with the help of a special filler that does not absorb liquid, a puncture of the bladder and a catheter. The last two procedures are carried out without fail in a veterinary clinic.

The results of the study of cat urine are recorded in a special plate, which greatly facilitates their decoding.

Physical indicators

This group includes the following indicators:

  • Quantity... Normally, an adult cat, weighing 4-5 kg, secretes about 100-150 ml of urine per day. An increase in this amount indicates the possible development of diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure. Lack of urine can be observed with dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Sediment... Its insignificant amount is acceptable. It consists of epithelial cells, calculi (crystals and salts), microorganisms. If the amount of sediment exceeds the norm, this indicates the development of the disease.
  • Color or COL... Cat urine should be yellow in color. A red or brownish color indicates the presence of blood in the urine. indicates an increased amount of bilirubin. If pus is present, the urine will be slightly greenish. Very light, almost white urine indicates an increase in the amount of phosphates.
  • Transparency or CLA... Normally, cat urine is clear. In case of various diseases, it may contain inclusions of salts, bacteria, leukocytes, erythrocytes, and fatty drops. Also, the transparency depends on the period and temperature of storage of urine.
  • Smell... The appearance of an acetone odor in urine indicates the development of diabetes mellitus. If the urine smells like ammonia, the animal is developing a bacterial infection. Also, some foods and medicines can change the smell of urine.
  • Density... In cats, urine should have an average density of 1.020-1.040. An increase in these indicators indicates the presence of protein and glucose in urine. Also, density may increase with intravenous fluids and certain medications. A decrease in the indicator speaks of chronic renal failure, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus.

Cat urine chemistry

This group includes the study of indicators such as pH, protein, glucose, bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketone bodies, nitrites, erythrocytes, hemoglobin.

Normally, the alkaline pH balance in cats is 5-7.5. An increase indicates alkalization, which may be the result of the development of cystitis, the presence of a large amount of plant foods in the diet, and hyperkalemia.

A decrease in the indicator (acidification of urine) may be the result of chronic renal failure, dehydration, fever, prolonged fasting, diabetes mellitus.

Proteins should not be present in the urine.

The permitted concentration is 100 mg per liter. Protein build-up can be the result of increased stress, when your cat eats protein-rich foods.

Proteinuria is also observed with anemia, heart failure, dehydration, fever, diabetes mellitus. Often the appearance of protein accompanies the development of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, kidney disease (amyloidosis, pyelonephritis, etc.).

The appearance of glucose in the urine is abnormal. This may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus. Also, the appearance of glucose is observed against the background of intravenous infusions and the introduction of steroids, adrenaline.

The presence of bilirubin in the urine is due to jaundice. The norm of urobilinogen is no more than 10 mg per liter. An increase in this indicator may indicate the following diseases: enterocolitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, poisoning with toxic substances.

The appearance of ketone bodies in the urine is observed in diabetic coma, prolonged fasting, and fever. The presence of nitrites indicates that the infection has entered the urinary tract.

The presence of hemoglobin can be a sign of babesiosis.

The appearance of erythrocytes in the urine indicates the development of such serious pathologies as leptospirosis, pyelonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, tumors in the bladder cavity, cystitis. Also, blood appears with urolithiasis, kidney injury and other urinary organs.

Sediment microscopy

The development of the disease can be recognized by microscopic examination of the sediment:

  • Epithelium... A significant increase indicates nephritis, intoxication, nephrosis.
  • Erythrocytes... The allowed content is 0-3 per field of view. An increase in levels is often seen with infections.
  • Cylinders... An increase in the amount indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bleeding into the parenchyma. Cylinduria is also observed with pyelonephritis, fever, dehydration.
  • Bacteria... Small amounts of bacteria may be present in urine collected with a catheter. An increase indicates the development of an infection or urolithiasis.
  • Leukocytes... An increase in the level occurs with nephritis, glomerulonephritis and other infectious diseases.
  • Salt... Often the appearance in the urine of calculi (sand, oxalates, struvite, etc.) speaks of.

Urine examination is an effective measure for diagnosing diseases of the urinary system.

With the help of this analysis, the development of an infection can be recognized in a timely manner. However, a slight deviation from the norm of some indicators is sometimes observed when taking certain medications, eating disorders or drinking regimen.

Yekaterinburg city,
Thai Cats Club


Study material: urine

Method of taking material: For general clinical analysis, urine is collected in the morning in a dry, clean container. It is advisable to collect the urine in the vessel in which it will be delivered to the laboratory. A catheter or bladder puncture can only be used in extreme cases. Urine for examination cannot be taken from a long-standing catheter.!

Storage and delivery conditions: Long-term storage of urine at room temperature leads to changes in physical properties, cell destruction and bacterial growth. Urine can be stored for 1.5 - 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Factors influencing the results:

    overestimate the results of glucose in urine - corticosteroids, diuretics (thiazide, furosemide), nicotinic acid, etc.

    underestimate the results - ascorbic acid, tetracycline, mercury diuretics, etc.

    overestimate the indicators of ketone bodies - preparations of acetylsalicylic acid, methionine.

    approximately 50% of cells are destroyed after 2-3 hours at room temperature.

    overestimate the results of determining erythrocytes - anticoagulants, acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, penicillin, sulfonamides, X-ray contrast agents.

    overestimate the definitions of leukocytes - ampicillin, acetylsalicylic acid, kanamycin, iron salts,

    Many medications can form crystals in urine, especially at extreme pH values, which can interfere with the assessment of crystals in urine sediment.


Urine color: Normal - straw yellow.
  • Dark yellow- high concentration of dyes (with moisture loss due to vomiting, diarrhea, edema, etc.);
  • Light yellow, watery- low concentration of dyes;
  • Dark brown- hemoglobinuria (urolithiasis, hemolytic kidney); urobilinogenuria (hemolytic anemia);
  • Black- melanin (melanosarcoma), hemoglobinuria;
  • Greenish brown, the color of "beer"- pyuria (pyelonephritis, urocystitis), bilirubinemia, urobilinogenuria;
  • Red- gross hematuria - fresh blood (renal colic, kidney infarction);
  • The color of the "meat slop"- gross hematuria - altered blood (glomerulonephritis).

Transparency: On average, transparent. Clouding can be caused by a large number of leukocytes, bacteria, epithelial cells, mucus, salt crystals.

Acidity: On average, in carnivores, it is slightly acidic. Depending on the type of feeding (the predominance of the protein or carbohydrate type), the pH can be 4.5 - 8.5. Lowering urine pH below 5.0 (acidic side) - acidosis (metabolic, respiratory), high protein feeding, hypokalemia, dehydration, fever, intake of ascorbic acid, corticosteroids. An increase in urine pH more than 8.0 (to the alkaline side) - alkalosis (metabolic, respiratory), feeding with a high carbohydrate content, hyperkalemia, chronic renal failure, bacterial decomposition of urea.

Protein 0.0 - 0.4 g / l (0 - 40 mg / dl)Increase (proteinuria)
  • physiological proteinuria (increased physical activity, hypothermia);
  • glomerular (glomerulonephritis, hypertension, poisoning);
  • tubular (amyloidosis, acute tubular necrosis, interstitial nephritis);
  • prerenal (myeloma, muscle necrosis, hemolysis);
  • postrenal (cystitis, urethritis).
Decrease No information
Glucose (sugar) 0.0 - 1.5 mmol / lIncrease (glucosuria)
  • physiological glucosuria (stress, increased carbohydrate intake);
  • extrarenal (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, diffuse liver damage, hyperthyroidism, pheochromacytoma, traumatic brain injury, stroke, poisoning with carbon monoxide, morphine, chloroform);
  • renal (chronic nephritis, acute renal failure, phosphorus poisoning).
Decrease No information
Ketone bodies normal - absentIncrease (ketonuria)
  • uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • unbalanced diet (fasting, excess fat in the diet);
  • overproduction of corticosteroids (tumors of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands).
Decrease No information
Relative density (SPG)measured in the morning urine sample 1,015 – 1, 025 Increase (hypersthenuria)
  • an increase in edema (glomerulonephritis, circulatory failure);
  • large extrarenal fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.);
  • the appearance in the urine of a large amount of glucose, protein, medicinal substances and their metabolites (3.3% of protein in the urine increases the density by 0.001);
  • the introduction of mannitol or dextran, radiopaque substances;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women.
Decrease (hypostenuria)
  • acute damage to the renal tubules;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • malignant hypertension.
Urobilinogen up to 0.0 - 6.0 mmol / lEnhancement
  • hemolytic anemia, pernicious anemia, babesiosis;
  • infectious and toxic hepatitis (significant increases), other liver diseases, cholangitis.
Decrease No information
Bilirubin normal - absentEnhancement
  • damage to the liver parenchyma (parenchymal jaundice), mechanical difficulties in the outflow of bile (mechanical jaundice).
Note In hemolytic jaundice, the reaction to bilirubin is negative (weakly positive), which is of diagnostic value in the differential diagnosis of jaundice.
Hemoglobin normal - absentEnhancement
  • hematuria, hemolysis;
  • urinary sediment.
Decrease No information
Erythrocytes normally - singleIncrease (hematuria)
  • renal (glomerulonephritis, acute renal failure, kidney injury, kidney infarction);
  • urinary tract trauma, urolithiasis;
  • malignant neoplasms of the urinary tract;
  • inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;
  • the action of toxic substances (penicillins, sulfonamides, anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), radio-opaque substances).
Decrease No information
Leukocytes on average 0-5 in the field of viewEnhancement
  • inflammatory processes of the kidneys, urinary tract.
Decrease No information
Epithelium normally - singleEnhancement
  • flat epithelium - enters the urine from the vagina and external genitalia; does not have much diagnostic value;
  • transitional epithelium - comes from the bladder, ureters, renal pelvis with cystitis, pyelitis, neoplasms of the urinary tract;
  • renal epithelium - gets from the tubules of the kidneys during inflammatory processes, degenerative changes in the renal tissue.
Decrease No information
Cylinders normal - absentHyaline cylinders
  • all kidney diseases accompanied by glomerular proteinuria (glomerulonephritis, heart failure, toxic effects, including allergens and infectious factors);
  • acute pyelonephritis;
  • neoplasms of the kidneys;
  • fever;
  • the use of diuretics;
  • physiological factors (increased physical activity, hypothermia).
Granular cylinders
  • glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • fever;
  • poisoning.
Waxy cylinders
  • renal failure;
  • amyloidosis.
Leukocyte casts
  • interstitial tubular kidney damage (pyelonephritis).
Erythrocyte casts
  • glomerular pathology (glomerulonephritis);
  • kidney infarction, renal vein thrombosis;
  • subacute bacterial endocarditis, polyarteritis.
Epithelial casts
  • acute nephrosis;
  • viral diseases;
  • amyloidosis;
  • poisoning.
  • formations that do not carry diagnostic value.
Bacteria The appearance of bacterial bodies in the urine of more than 50,000 in 1 ml indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. It should be noted that the presence of bacteria may be due to their flushing from the external genital tract.
Fugitive sludge Normally, it can take place.
  • Crystals of uric acid salts - with an acid reaction, after exercise, protein diet, fever, hypovolemia (with vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)
  • Urates - with acidic urine, normal, hypovolemia, renal failure
  • Oxalates - for acid reaction, kidney disease, calcium metabolism disorders, diabetes
  • Triple phosphates (struvites), amorphous phosphates - with an alkaline reaction of urine, abundant intake of plant food, long standing urine, cystitis
  • Uric acid ammonium - with an alkaline reaction, with cystitis with ammonia fermentation in the bladder
  • Cholesterol crystals - for severe urinary tract infection, nephritis, amyloid and lipoid dystophia of the kidneys, kidney abscess, kidney neoplasms
  • Cystine crystals - for cystinuria and homocystinuria
  • Hematoidin crystals - for bleeding from the urinary tract

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