Practical baskets made of fabric. Cloth scraps baskets

For many, hand-made things are of great value, as they help to create an atmosphere of comfort.

The furnishings become more original, author's details appear, which bring individual features to the interior.

In modern stores there is a very large selection of interior accessories. Various useful little things can be quite expensive, especially when you need not 2-3 things, but a whole set of baskets, vases, paintings, etc.

For this reason, many choose the option in which you can decorate the house yourself.

Many advantages can be derived from such an undertaking - the thing will turn out to be beautiful and exactly what is needed - it will be convenient to use and fit the overall interior. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of money on it, or it will cost nothing at all if all the materials are available.

Storage systems will always be useful in the home. Wicker baskets do an excellent job with such functions. The process itself can even turn into a hobby with which you can captivate your family and friends.

Paper basket

You will need not plain paper, but wrapping paper. She could stay in the house, but if not, then she is not expensive and can be bought in large quantities. She comes across in hypermarkets, in flower shops or in shops with similar trifles.

Brown paper looks good on bends and has a nice color. As a last resort, instead of paper, you can take wallpaper, they have a similar texture.

For work you need a machine, paper clips and glue. The paper needs to be cut into even ribbons and folded several times. The denser our blanks are, the more reliable our paper basket will be.

To work comfortably and the product looks more aesthetically pleasing, the edges of the tape are stitched with thread. Indents are made around 5 mm. The color of the thread is chosen to match the overall color of the room. You can take black threads, they will look good with any scale.

In order to additionally fasten the product, the strips are coated with glue. Silicone is best suited, it sets quickly.

A basket of newspapers

A do-it-yourself basket can be made either from paper or from newspapers. The principle will be about the same. Even decorators often use this method of decoration. Black and white stripes look quite original and bright.

Newspapers are quite relevant today, despite digital technologies. People appreciate them, as do books - for the ability to touch and smell the print.

Many have large stacks of old editions at home that have nowhere to be identified. It is quite possible to make a dense product from them - it can be a fruit basket or a container for storing small things.

We'll need scissors and glue. As with paper, we make many blanks in the form of even ribbons and weave them together. To make the basket more reliable, it is sheathed with dense tape of any color.

Cloth baskets

You can make a good laundry basket out of old fabric. It can also store children's toys, magazines and newspapers, and even use it as a cover for flower pots.


For work, you will need a monochromatic and decorative fabric, threads. From decorative and monochromatic material, you need to cut 2 blanks - a circle and a rectangle. They must be the same length.

Then you need to fold 2 circles and 2 rectangles with the wrong side and sew them. After that we sew everything together and you're done.

Perhaps the first works will not look like a master class on how to make a basket, however, with some practice, you can make quite decent products that will not only be free, but also beautiful and functional.

Many housewives will agree that sometimes some things simply have nowhere to put. This is especially true of little things that seem to be very necessary in the household, but get in the way or are not always at hand. At the same time, finding a suitable option in a store can be quite difficult.

In the photo of the baskets, you can see options that are easy to make at home, moreover, completely free of charge or for little money.


DIY basket photo


And again, the baskets are textile, I am completely obsessed with them, probably :) This craftswoman makes them from strips of silk and in some technique that is not yet familiar to me, but I could figure it out, if I had a desire! Look what a beauty!

Sewing from scraps of fabric, schemes

From scraps of cloth you can sew adorable little things - toys, blankets, rugs, handbags and much more. Take a look at these interesting products and let them inspire you.

Crocheting is now very important. And in order to look fashionable, you need to learn how to make an air loop, columns, because these days no one can do without openwork and embossed hand-knitted things. Today we will learn how to make a crocheted basket... Crocheting is very comfortable and easy, and you will learn it very quickly if you follow my explanations and drawings. Practice a little and in just two days you will have a new trendy knitted accessory. So let's learn how to make a crocheted basket, for which we just need rags, waste fabrics, unnecessary tablecloths, from which today you will learn how to make a homemade rope. I really like knitted fabric baskets. I think everyone wants to learn this. And when you have a free minute, you will make a unique gift for your loved ones in a few hours with your own hands: for example, when you are sitting in front of the TV, or when you are waiting for children in the courtyard of a school or gym. You can make our basket very quickly. And if you have never crocheted before, then right now you will learn how to make a crocheted basket. And you will get an impressive and practical result.

Let's start.

Today we will make baskets out of rag rope. These ropes make more massive and shorter baskets, although they are very strong. If you don't have the fabric you don't need to make a rope with your own hands, or you just don't want to waste your precious time on this activity, buy such a rope in a special store.

What we need:

12mm crochet hook

Cotton fabric

And something comfortable to weave a rope on (I used the thick part of the tongue, but you can use thick cardboard paper or something else instead)

To make a 22 x 9 gray and blue basket, I used approximately 1.6 meters of my homemade cotton rope, which I made from different fabrics.

First, let's learn how to make ropes from rags and yarn.

Cut off unnecessary edges from fabrics.

Then tear the fabric into long strips. To do this, make a small incision in the fabric with scissors and tear along its length, not reaching the end, leaving up to 2 cm unbreakable. The stripes should be 4 cm wide. We make the next cut already from above, and again tear the fabric, not reaching the end (as shown in the picture). And in this way we tear the entire fabric until a whole torn strip comes out of it. In the same way, rip all your tissues.

To make the yarn of the fabric, tie one end to the door handle and move further down the length of the fabric. Now start twisting it in one direction until the fabric is curved along its entire length. The fabric should be round. From the end of the fabric in your hand, start braiding to the other end onto the tongue. Use the same method to make yarns from other fabrics.

If you find yourself an assistant, then you can twist a longer rope than you can do alone. First, slightly wet the fabric rope, but not very much, otherwise you will squeeze out the water all the time when knitting.

If you twist on your own, be careful, one awkward movement and your rope will twist backward. It is better to ask for help. And taking from both ends, start twisting in the opposite direction until the fabric is tightly curled.

You are probably already tired of explanations and pictures, right? Nothing, rest and carry on!

Let's start knitting!

The first thing to do is the magic ring.

This is the hardest part, when you do it, the rest will seem like a simple game to you.

Leaving the tail about 20cm below your hand, lift the yarn between your thumb and first finger and hold it that way.

Wrap the yarn over three fingers, then wrap under your fingers so that an X forms on your fingers (Photo 1). Hold the yarn with your little finger.

Pass the crochet hook under the first part X and over the second part (photo 2).

With the hook, pull the second part under the first and pull it through the first so that the hook is on top (photo 3, 4). (fig. 7)

Remove the ring from the fingers (photo. 5). Then, take the ring in your left hand, holding the knot between your thumb and second finger, and hold the yarn on your first finger, holding the hook in your right hand like a carandash. Wrap the thread around the hook (photo 6) and bring it to the loop. You should end up with one chain stitch.

This stitch is the only tricky part you have to learn ... Hook through the center of the ring (Pic 7).

Bring and hook the rope so that the hook is at the bottom (photo 7) Place the rope over the hook and pull it out through the center of the ring. You now have two hook loops (photo 9).

Wrap the yarn around the hook (Photo 10) and pull it out of the loop. Continue in the same way until you have eight rings.

Make sure your stitches are not too twisted like the photographs so that it is easy to work on later.

If you have eight stitches on the buttonhole, you drag the hook to close the buttonhole.

Starting with the magic rings is a little tricky, but this is the best way to make sure you don't have a big hole in the middle of your basket. (photo 13).

Attach new yarn as needed. To do this, you can simply tie a double knot. The node should be hidden in the basket texture.

Or, you can do it this way: open the end of the yarn and put the dark yarn inside it, overlapping them by about 8 cm.

Continue knitting, but only take two stitches at a time. As soon as you begin to do this, you will notice that the side begins to rise up. Crochet until you reach the desired height.

And in the end:

Cut the yarn like this and leave the end of the rope up to 20cm long. Wrap the yarn around the hook and pull it through the loop. Pull on the stitch as shown in the photo at the bottom left, and then poke the end of the yarn a few stitches to secure it and hide the ponytail (photo at the top right).

Perhaps you think that this is the longest lesson in your life. Do as shown in the photos and you will learn how to make a crocheted basket.

Admit it is beautifully done. Your work and time spent have yielded positive results.

All you need to make such a basket with your own hands is scraps of fabric, thread and some skills of working on a sewing machine. Although, if there is no one in the house, the basket can be carefully sewn by hand (it will turn out exactly with your own hands). Next, a step-by-step photo of making a basket ...

That's all. The basket of fabric scraps is ready!

Hello everyone! You've probably already noticed that I really love homemade things that help keep the house tidy and organize the storage of things. And really, why pay a lot of money for organizers and containers, if you can make them yourself with your own hands. Even if you do not turn out perfect, but your own. In addition, there is no limit to perfection, there will be something to work on. Today I want to show you how to sew a fabric basket in which you can store a lot of items.

The first thing that came to my mind was that this basket can be used to store underwear, socks, sewing supplies, personal care products, spices and even toys. It can be sewn both large and small, with high edges, and with low ones. In addition, a distinctive advantage of the rag basket is that it can be washed as much as necessary if it gets dirty.

DIY fabric basket

First of all, decide on the size of the product. What will be the height of the walls and the area of ​​the bottom. Based on this, draw a pattern on a piece of paper. Approximately this (see below), just draw your own sizes.

The variable n is your value, as well as the length.

Next, prepare three pieces of fabric: outer, inner and lining. Try to choose a fabric that is thick enough, such as high-density cotton or linen. This is necessary in order for the basket to keep its shape.

Cut out the piece of paper, attach it to the fabric so that the fold line matches the fold line on the fabric. That is, all three parts must be double. Take a look at the picture.

Then cut out the handles, you can take the width and length as you wish. They should also have three layers.

Now use the iron to glue the backing fabric to one of the pieces on the wrong side. It will give the product even greater density. Do the same with the handle patterns. In total, 6 parts turned out: the inner and outer layers of the basket, 4 sides of the holders.

So, let's start sewing.

Fold the inner part in half with the right side inward and sew the edge along the height of the basket on both sides, stepping back 1 centimeter from the edge. Do the same with the second part. The seams should be steamed as shown in the photograph. Then sew along the width of the seam, on the pattern it is indicated as 2 * n. It turned out, as it were, two unfinished baskets.

Let's take care of the pens. Fold the fabric right side up and sew around the perimeter, leaving one edge free. Turn them out and iron them well.

Let's start assembling. To do this, you need pins or special sewing pins. Turn the inside of the basket with the wrong side out, pin the handles where they should be. Then insert the inside into it, the wrong side should be inside.

Spread out the workpiece and secure it with pins. Now sew the edges around the perimeter, leaving 7 centimeters unstitched at the end. Now you can turn the basket inside out. Iron all folds and sew the edge where there is no stitching with a blind seam. That's all. The basket is very neat. Decorate it with ribbons, beads or iron-on stickers, if desired.

Which is done for a very long time, but will certainly be beautiful. DIY fabric basket, I will explain step by step how to make this master class at home. The dimensions of the basket will not be too large, if you want to make a huge craft, then increase it by analogy. The height of the craft is 15 centimeters, and the width of the fabric basket is 14 centimeters.

So, let's start a step-by-step description and a photo report of the master class on how to make a basket out of fabric with your own hands:

We start by cutting out the fabric, take a beautiful multi-colored, so-called HB fabric. And we cut out such squares from it as shown in the photo, the names of all fabrics and their quantity are also given there.
Important! When we cut out the squares, we add one centimeter on each side, since there will be seams there!

We take a linen fabric and put a pattern on it, namely, borders with an extra centimeter for seams and oval handles.

To the flax, from below, we pin the coarse calico, we also outline the borders on the sides.

Now we put a synthetic winterizer on the linen, and we also chop everything off.

From the side of the padding polyester, we make one line for the handle.

Now, from the side of the coarse calico, we also make a line for the handle, it turns out to be double and more strengthened.
You also need to cut out the middle at the oval. Make mini cuts around the edges.

Now we need to turn out what we have done.

We take an iron and carefully iron the fabric.
Important! It is necessary to make the other half in the same way.

It is also necessary to make walls without handles, they can be decorated with embroidery, the so-called thread.

We cleave these fabrics in the same way with padding polyester and linen. And then we sew them with the handle blocks.

Important! Also, one of the essential points is the line, we do not finish it to the end.

Here's what we got. We take an iron and iron the seams.

And this is the view from the other side. If we turn over what we did.

At the end, sew another part with a handle. Iron the seams. We turn it out and see the walls of the basket made of fabric that we made with our own hands.

Turn the basket inside out again and sheathe it with a beautiful fabric. Sew the red fabric together.

This is how we sew everything inside, the basket itself is currently under the lining. We iron all the seams.

Turn it over and see what we see.

In such a cycle, we connect the parts.

I'll show you from a different angle.

Do not be afraid to fold the craft as you please, if that is more convenient. She doesn't care.

When you sew the final parts, the string is not sewn all the way to the stop.

When several parts have been sewn, the whole thing needs to be ironed out.

And at the end we sew everything together finally.

Do not forget about the bottom of the basket, you need to take a synthetic winterizer, a sideboard and, of course, coarse calico. The bottom also needs to be made beautiful.

We make a line along the edge.

You can decorate the bottom with decorated seams. For sealing.

The most difficult thing is to sew the bottom into the basket itself, we use that one centimeter that we always leave.

By analogy, it is required to sew the bottom from the inside.

We trim the corners.

Now one more crucial moment!
It is necessary to fix together the parts of the basket that are inside. We connect both parts of the bottom, and this is the inner and outer.
We fold both sides of the bottom, the outer part and the inner, but this must be done precisely from the side of the handles!
If we do this from other sides, then we will not be able to turn out the basket itself.

We do the same on the other side where the handles are.
It turns out this is what (shown in the photo). The arrow shows how to turn the basket inside out.

Here is the final stage of our basket, but still a little unfinished.

That's how neatly we did it.

It is also necessary to connect the sides at the bottom. Let's remove the lining, then just turn out the outer part and in the place where the seam needs to be sewn, as it turns out.

Here is such a flat bottom of the basket.

Now you need to make a strip to attach it to the edge of the basket.
We take the fabric and cut it to length (measure one side of the basket, multiply by 4, since there are 4 sides and plus 2 centimeters, with a margin), and 7 centimeters across.

We iron the strip itself.

We cut the details off our basket.

It is required to turn out the basket and attach a fabric strip.

We bend the edge of the strip under ourselves and you need to outline where the seam will lie.

On a typewriter, we make an ordinary seam with red threads.

It remains only to turn the basket out and it is ready.

Here is her view from the other side.

Very long and hard work. But the craft turned out to be great.
Also try using or.

The problem of storing toys worries every parent, and it can be solved in stages. The main thing is to teach the child to order, using a personal example, and not to get attached to things that are no longer useful. Unnecessary, but whole and working toys, so that they do not accumulate, children should get used to giving to other children, and broken ones should be repaired or thrown away. It is important that the kid himself decides which doll or car it is time to get rid of, and which object still evokes emotions in him, therefore he is not ready to part with it.

Organization of space in the nursery

Having disassembled things in the children's room and getting rid of unnecessary things, parents, together with their child, should think about how to properly organize the space so that it is comfortable and beautiful. Cleaning should be fun, not a routine. Taking part in putting things in order together with mom and dad, the baby will begin to perceive this process as a game and will take care of cleanliness on his own. The toy storage area is separated from the work area - this will help children not to be distracted during class. It is important to leave enough space for activity in the play area.

Storage containers and baskets

It is convenient to store toys in colorful, signed containers and boxes on open shelves so that the child knows exactly where everything is and can quickly find any item. Organizing and distributing toys will make it easier for your baby to put them back in place. For this purpose, you can make roomy textile organizers and toy baskets with your own hands from fabric. These chests are easy to decorate and provide with unusual labels.

How to make a toy basket with your own hands: a master class

To make a textile basket for storing toys, you can use unnecessary scraps, for example, from old jeans, and other natural materials. Do not be afraid to mix different colors and textures. Combine different fabrics, and then a regular organizer will become part of the decor of the child's room.

The easiest way to make a DIY toy basket is with a furniture stapler and a piece of linoleum.

  1. Cut out a rectangle of the required size from linoleum - this will be the side of the basket. Along it, we cut out two parts of the sidewall with an allowance.
  2. We fold the rectangle into a cylinder, connect the edges with a stapler.
  3. The bottom diameter can be calculated from the sidewall dimensions, or you can circle the bottom of the cylinder by placing it vertically on the fabric. We make two blanks from fabric and one from linoleum.
  4. We trim the bottom with a cloth.
  5. We make a cover, stitching fabric rectangles, and pull them over the frame. Sew the bottom by hand. A do-it-yourself toy basket is ready.

Instead of a frame, you can use thick wire or a wire bent in a spiral. A do-it-yourself basket for toys will be easier and more convenient to move around the room, but will retain its shape.

Fleece or terry cloth basket

There are other options for making accessories for storing toys. They can be made, for example, from fleece. Any other fabric will do as well. You will need a lot of material for work, about 4 meters. From additional materials and tools, eyelets, a hammer for them, a denim thread and 2 pins are needed.

Let's start creating a basket for toys with our own hands:

Square basket

It is not necessary to sew a basket for toys with your own hands round. Square organizers in the form of drawers and boxes are even more convenient. If you use American, Japanese or South Korean cotton to create them, you can get a bright accessory for storing very high quality. To prevent the basket from wrinkling and keeping its shape well, the walls are additionally reinforced with doublerin. The handles are made of dense material: they must withstand a heavy load and not come off if the child wants to move his toys.

Making a square basket: master class

Before we sew a basket for toys with our own hands, we determine the size of the product and prepare the material. In addition to fabric and dublenine, you will need cardboard and a glue gun to make the bottom.

These simple ideas for organizing the space of your child's room are sure to help clean up and make cleaning easier. You just need to remember that children imitate adults, and it is best to teach them to be clean by personal example. And bright and unusual baskets for storing toys will definitely help bring comfort and harmony to your home!