Rules for whitening waffle and terry towels at home. How to wash towels correctly: tips How to wash bath towels

03/13/2018 0 8 143 views

It is difficult to imagine a kitchen without small towels and napkins. They give the room a neat and clean look. At the same time, these things quickly become gray rags with grease and sauce stains. Then the question arises, how to whiten waffle and terry towels at home? There are many ways that you can solve this problem.

If the towels are white, the boil method is best. Before that, you should wash them, otherwise the stain will eat into the material. In this case, it will be impossible to withdraw it. If the thing is colored, the method will not work. You need to use water with a temperature of 40 degrees, various softeners and other household chemicals.

What material are waffle towels made of?

This type is the most common among kitchen textiles. Composition - 100% cotton. It got its name from its special checkered structure, which resembles a waffle. Towels have the following features:

  • Rapid absorption of liquid. This material copes with this task much better than plain cotton. Not only water is absorbed, but also paint, gasoline, oil, etc .;
  • Wear resistance and strength;
  • The softness of the fabric. It is pleasant to the touch, after processing the glass and the varnished surface, it does not leave scratches, streaks or other marks;
  • Easy maintenance. No special detergents are required, you can put it in an automatic machine or use the boiling method (if the thing is without color patterns);
  • Drying is quick, no ironing required.

Previously, towels were mostly white, but now you can find a variety of shades, patterns. Often they buy textiles in the folk style - Gzhel and Khokhloma look great on it.

How to properly wash them at home?

Wafer towels are processed in a standard way. They can be cleaned along with other items that match in color. If mold appears on the surface, there is no particular difference, but while rinsing, you should pour in a little peroxide and vinegar. These funds will not harm your appearance. To make washing easy, you should not use the product for other purposes - wipe floors or very dirty dishes.

If the stains are not removed, you can use the folk remedies developed by our mothers and grandmothers. Let's consider the most effective ones:

  1. Vegetable oil method. Fill a bucket with water, put it on the stove. Wait for it to boil, then add dry bleach (2 tablespoons), washing powder (half a glass), pour in vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). Mix the ingredients well, put in a dry towel. Remove container from heat, wait for liquid to cool. Then remove the textiles and rinse.
  2. You can also bleach towels at home using oil as follows: pour a little hot water into a basin, then put in equal proportions soda, powder, "Whiteness" and vegetable oil 3 tbsp each. l. for 3 liters of water. Leave towels in the composition with sunflower oil and soda overnight, and upon waking, put them in the automatic machine, turn on the quick wash program.
  3. Salt method. Pour cold water into a basin, add salt so that the liquid acquires a characteristic taste (approximately 3 tablespoons of product per 3 liters). Leave the towel for several hours or overnight, depending on the severity of the dirt. Then wash as usual. As a result, the item will be perfectly clean. The method even surpasses boiling and bleaching.
  4. Laundry soap. The tool has not lost its relevance for many years, as it can remove not only yellow spots, but also stubborn dirt, for example, from massage oil and an unpleasant aroma. Fatty acids in the composition should be at least 72 percent (information is indicated on the piece itself). Apply on a towel, put in cellophane to limit the ingress of air inside. Wait 24 hours, then rinse in warm water.
  5. You can grate the soap on a coarse grater, then add baking soda (2 tablespoons). Put the composition in an enamel container, pour in the liquid up to half of the dishes. Wait until complete dissolution, then put the product in a saucepan and place on the stove. After the start of boiling, reduce the heat and wait a quarter of an hour. Finally, put the textiles in the automatic machine.
  6. Abrasive substances. Pour water into a basin, add dishwashing gel. Leave the thing for a quarter of an hour, then wash in the standard way. For white towels, you can use ammonia.

How to whiten waffle towels with your own hands?

Let's consider the main ways:

  • Mustard processing. Pour liquid into the container so that the products are completely covered. Pour in mustard (for 1 liter, add 2 tablespoons). Mix thoroughly, leave the item for 3-4 hours. After washing in a standard way;
  • Vinegar. Handle the towel by hand or with a typewriter. Soak the item in a colorless product for half an hour. Put it back in the machine on fast setting and apply a double rinse.

You can whiten towels with the help of the first aid kit:

  1. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Wash the thing, warm up the water, pour in peroxide (2 tbsp. L.) And ammonia (1 tbsp. L.). Leave for 15-30 minutes, put in the car, use fast mode. If washing is done by hand, add a tablespoon of ammonia to 3 liters of water.
  2. Potassium permanganate. Heat 10 liters of water, pour half a liter into a glass container, put 6-7 crystals. Stir until no sediment remains. Add the mixture to a bowl of water. Rub on a grater or with a knife a quarter of a bar of soap (72%), dilute with potassium permanganate. Leave the towel overnight, put it in the machine in the morning or process it manually, rinse it twice.
  3. Aspirin C. Take 10 pieces of 325 g each, crush to a powdery state - this will help rapid dissolution. Then put it in water (15 l). Leave the towels in the solution overnight. Then wash as usual. To save time, you can crush two or three tablets, put them in a machine with products, but the effect will be slightly worse.

Should boiling be used and how to do it?

Boiling is ideal for waffle and undyed linen items. Step by step algorithm:

  1. Wash the towel in the usual way.
  2. Fill a basin or metal pan with water, add dry bleaching agent (1 tablespoon per 6 liters).
  3. Pour in washing powder (half a glass for 6 liters).
  4. You need to stir things with metal tongs or a large wooden stick.
  5. Put the basin on the stove, turn on a small fire, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  6. After dissolving, put in towels.
  7. Wait for a boil, then leave for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally. It is important to prevent the products from boiling and burning too much on the bottom.
  8. Optionally, you can replace household chemicals with a mixture of grated soap and soda. It will be just as effective.
  9. After the allotted period, you need to turn off the fire and wait until it cools completely so as not to burn yourself. Afterwards, rinse in clean water.

How do I machine wash my terry towels to keep them soft?

Over time, the pile settles, deformation and compaction of the fabric. Because of this, the thing loses its primary splendor. This usually happens due to errors in leaving, such as:

  • The use of a standard washing powder instead of a special gentle form;
  • Processing in hard water without the use of softeners;
  • The spinning and rinsing procedure takes place when the drum is clogged with things or with a little water in the economy mode. Because of these errors, the cleaning agent stays on the thing;
  • Iron application. High-quality fabrics are allowed to be processed exclusively with hot steam.

For towels to serve as long as possible, you must follow the rules of care. Terry cloth is quite capricious and requires a careful approach. The main recommendations with which it will be possible to safely wash terry towels in the machine:

  1. Use liquid household chemicals intended for delicate processing. With this, the splendor of the material will be preserved.
  2. The mode should be standard, the set of water is the maximum, the temperature depends on the type of fabric. For white products - 60 degrees, colored - 40. After the main treatment, additional rinsing will be required.
  3. Balls for cleaning down jackets should be put in the machine. With their help, the terry threads are beaten, they are not crushed.
  4. Bleaching agents and conditioners are difficult to wash out, because of them, deformation of the pile is observed.
  5. Do not use an iron; in extreme cases, you should apply hot steam treatment at a distance.

It is important to keep the wash water soft. In taps, it is not of very good quality, so people put a filter at the inlet. Otherwise, scale and sediment are observed, things become hard after drying.

Terry material deteriorates in bad water - this is a fact. You need to soften it with home methods, using baking soda or soda ash, vinegar, salt. The towel not only stays fluffy, but also retains its color for a long time. Let's take a closer look at each method:

  • Salt. Extra is best, as the dissolution process is faster. Sometimes they buy special salt for the typewriters. Pour the product into a tray (3 tbsp. L.), Mix with the powder. Before that, you can dissolve it in 250 ml of warm water and add it to the tank;
  • Vinegar (9%). Pour 1/2 cup into the tray, the compartment for the conditioner. The method helps to get rid of unpleasant odors, keep things soft and fluffy;
  • Soda. Calcined is best, but plain food can also be used. Pour the agent into the drum (3-4 tbsp. L.). Water softening will occur during washing;
  • Soda and vinegar. You can use the listed ingredients together. Pour 1/2 cup vinegar into the conditioner compartment, 1/2 cup baking soda into the drum. Add detergent, start washing. After the towel is clean and soft, the method is good for whitening.

To make a conditioner at home from the listed ingredients, you need to pour water (250 ml), 9% acetic (six glasses), soda (one glass) into a deep container. After the foaming process is over, add more water (six glasses). To give the mixture a pleasant smell, it is worth pouring in a small amount of essential oil. Add the composition to an empty container, apply as needed. For one time, you will need 1/2 cup.

The listed methods are suitable for rinsing, softening things after processing. Pour into the detergent in the softener compartment or in a bowl of water for hand wash in the same ratio.

Can you use spinning and how to dry them properly?

The spinning power should not exceed 500 revolutions. If you choose the delicate mode, it will run at minimum speed anyway, but you can turn it off altogether. Drying is best done outdoors to avoid off odor.

You do not need to leave the item in direct sunlight, otherwise the material will dry out and acquire rigidity. It is best to leave it outside in a shady place. You can put the dryer on the loggia and hang products on it or spread them on the surface, first put a cotton cloth under them.

How to bleach terry towels at home without boiling?

Hand wash should be very gentle. It is not worth rubbing the material, because deformation may occur. To get rid of stains, you need to soak the fabric before the main treatment. It is better not to use standard powder, instead use liquid soap or gel for delicate washing.

You can whiten bath towels with laundry soap. It successfully removes stains while preserving the fluffiness of the fibers in their original form. Mix the product with warm water, add salt (1-2 tablespoons) to the basin, it is needed to soften. The product can replace baking soda (2 tbsp. L.). Put the thing in the mixture, wait half an hour.

Then wash gently with gentle whipping movements, rinse in plain water. Terry material absorbs detergent well, so the procedure will need to be carried out at least three times. On the last approach, you need to pour in vinegar, it will get rid of soap traces and make the fabric soft.

There are methods that will help to put in order even old towels for the face and hands - to restore their former softness and refresh the color. To do this, wash several times, pre-hold in water with a small amount of salt.

Pour salt into a bowl of warm water (2-3 tablespoons per 5 liters), put the products. After half an hour, treat using the standard method, adding an emollient. If it becomes tarnished, has a gray tint or stubborn dirt and cannot use synthetic bleach due to the fleecy of the material, leave the towel in a solution of the following ingredients:

  • warm water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ammonia - 1 tsp

We boil the makhra without fear of ruining the product

Boiling should be used as a last resort for this type of fabric. If the towel is not only made of cotton, that is, bamboo and synthetic fibers are present in it, the high temperature will lead to the loss of their properties and the thing will be damaged.

In the event that the product is old and washed with old stains, you can use standard boiling. Step by step algorithm:

  1. Pour water into a volumetric container;
  2. Mix soda ash and grated laundry soap, add;
  3. Lower terry products;
  4. Put on the stove, boiling should continue from 15 to 20 minutes;
  5. Wait for the liquid to cool;
  6. Rinse the towels thoroughly;
  7. Hang in the open air to dry.

You can put things in hot water, but do not put them on the stove. This method requires the following ingredients:

  • Boiling water - 15 l;
  • Peroxide - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • Ammonium - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components, lower the towels, hold for half an hour. As a result, there will be no stains and the material will be bleached.

Video: how to whiten waffle and terry towels at home?

Additional questions

At what temperature should I wash my towels?

White products can be processed at 60 degrees, colored - 40.

How to bleach them in the microwave?

This is the latest method that has been developed to remove grease stains from kitchen textiles. If the pollution is very intense, three approaches are required.

Step by step algorithm:

  1. Soak the thing.
  2. It is good to treat the entire product with soap, especially stains. Any detergent can be used.
  3. Put in a tight cellophane bag, wrap carefully.
  4. Put in the microwave. Processing time is 1.5 minutes.
  5. Wait a minute, then repeat the procedure.

Consider the features for each species.

Microfiber products have appeared on the market not so long ago. They vary in size, there are pocket and bathing ones. Usually they are used for sports (gym, swimming pool), travelers note this type. The main difference from terry towels is quick drying. Also, rags and napkins are made from this fabric, which are indispensable in everyday life.

For washing you can use:

  • washing powder;
  • household, baby and liquid soap;
  • dishwashing gel;
  • stain removers.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following properties:

  • alkaline level - no more than 10.5 ph;
  • no chlorine in bleach.

Conditioners should not be used, as they can reduce the absorbent property that distinguishes microfiber.

You can wash it with a typewriter and by hand. To wash in the machine, the following rules must be observed:

  1. It is not worth loading the drum with things very much, it is desirable that 2% of free space remains.
  2. For standard processing, the temperature should be 40-60 degrees. If the goal is to disinfect the product - up to 95 degrees.
  3. It is best to wash microfiber separately from other fabrics. Especially do not use fading materials as the towels can stain.
  4. First, you need to scroll the product in the pre-wash mode - this will make the cleaning effect more noticeable.
  5. Powder must be poured as indicated in the instructions. If the dirt is very heavy, you can slightly exceed the recommended dosage.

Washing by hand is quite simple. There are two main ways. When the spots are not very intense, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • wet towels;
  • mix soda with water until pasty;
  • apply the product, wait 60 minutes;
  • fill the basin with warm water, pour a small amount of liquid soap;
  • lower the products, rub a little;
  • rinse thoroughly, the last approach is best done in a solution of water and lemon juice - this will help to achieve a perfectly fresh aroma.

If the item is heavily contaminated, you need to proceed in this way:

  • dilute soap in hot water;
  • dip the microfiber in the solution, hold it overnight;
  • remove in the morning and rinse thoroughly;
  • if stains remain, lather and rub;
  • rinse and hang in the open air until dry.

After soaking, you can immediately put the item in the machine. Drying takes little time even at room conditions. If you hang it on the balcony, it will be removed after two hours. Do not use heating devices and hair dryers, as this can damage the fabric.

Linen towel is environmentally friendly and safe, it is safely used in contact with food. This option is durable and durable. The material will last for many years and even decades. It absorbs moisture well, is easy to care for, and is aesthetically pleasing. It also acts as an antiseptic, killing bacteria when wiping dishes.

With constant and proper care, linen only becomes softer over time, more pleasant to the touch. Key recommendations:

  1. It is important to pay special attention to the choice of cleaning agent. It must effectively deal with pollution, not harm the structure of the material. Preference should be given to powders and liquids without bleaches.
  2. Washing can be manual or automatic. In the typewriter, you need to choose a temperature up to 40 degrees, a delicate mode.
  3. It is better to turn off the spin or set the minimum speed. You cannot twist, it is worth squeezing a little from the liquid and hanging until it drains.
  4. Drying should take place outside, but can be left on the radiator. Before that, you need to carefully straighten the product and shake it - this will save it from the appearance of folds.
  5. Ironing temperature is more than 200 degrees. Use a steamer effectively. After that, the towel should be put on a flat surface, wait a little and put it in the closet.

Bamboo products are very light, pleasant to the touch and soft. They do not absorb foreign aromas and dry out in a short time. The material is safely used by allergy sufferers, since it does not lead to reactions. An interesting feature is that it promotes wound healing and relieves irritation. The towel is perfect for newborn babies.

Washing should take place at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, the mode should be set to standard or delicate, the spin should be at minimum speed. You can use any powder or laundry soap. Don't use bleach or conditioner. Ironing is also not recommended.

How to wash towels in the washing machine?

It may be standard, but not economical. Otherwise, rinsing will be difficult.

How often should you wash them?

Experts advise washing after three uses. Kitchen textiles and hand goods should be handled every day. If unpleasant odors appear, it is better to immediately send the item to the machine.

If the garment gets wet after washing, do not leave it in the dirty clothes basket. First, dry it thoroughly, otherwise a musty smell will appear. If it has already formed, it is best to hang the towel outdoors. The most effective way to solve this problem is to leave the item in the cold.

It is not difficult to wash towels correctly, it is enough to follow the listed recommendations. It is important to pay special attention to the choice of detergent. With careful handling, the products will last for a long time, retaining the absorption function and a neat appearance.

There are soft and tender terry towels in every home. Big and small, white and colored, they serve us faithfully. But improper care can lead to the fact that they lose their softness and impeccable appearance: they become covered with spots, stains, become shabby and unattractive. Improper washing will cause the towels to lose their main function: to dry the skin and hair. Therefore, today we will reveal to you the secret of how to wash terry towels so that they serve as long as possible and always look attractive.

Machine wash towels

Washing terry towels in the washing machine has its own peculiarities that you need to be familiar with.

If dirt constantly penetrates into the fibers, then they no longer fit so tightly to each other and, naturally, the product loses its appearance and softness. Then a natural question arises before us: how to wash washed terry towels on our own?

IMPORTANT: you cannot dry the towels in the washing machine, because of this they coarse and lose their softness!

We handle towels by hand

If we are faced with the question of how to wash terry towels, then follow a simple algorithm of actions, and you will achieve a brilliant result.

  • Soaking in cool water with liquid detergent and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.
  • After 2-3 hours, look at the result after soaking and thoroughly lather especially dirty areas with laundry soap.
  • If some stains are difficult to wash, try treating them with a stain remover or ammonia.
  • Start directly processing items in warm water of 40-50 degrees, it is ideal to use shavings of laundry soap for washing.
  • Pay special attention to rinsing, as the detergent granules can remain in the fibers of the fabric, and this will cause the product to lose its tenderness and softness. At the end of the rinse, add baby fabric softener or vinegar to the water.

IMPORTANT: when rinsing, the water must be changed at least three times!

  • When squeezing, you should not make too much effort, such a product does not tolerate rough handling.
  • It is best to dry in the fresh air for several hours to keep the product soft and smell fresh.

Important little things

Sometimes white towels turn gray or yellow, here the question is natural: how to bleach terry towels?

  • Do not use conventional bleaching agents, especially those containing chlorine. For bleaching, soda, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, or such unique products as blue or brilliant green are suitable.
  • After washing, place the products in a soft turquoise solution of blue or brilliant green, and after 30 minutes it will acquire a snowy whiteness.
  • To prevent large bath sheets or towels from losing their softness, add a little salt to the water the first time you wash them, and rinse only with water and vinegar.
  • Before drying, shake the product vigorously and hang it to glass with water, this will help all the fibers to straighten and take the correct position.
  • Ironing such products is not recommended, but if necessary, you can use the steaming mode and the ironing temperature is no more than 150 degrees.
  • Sometimes, after processing, elongated loops appear on the product, do not worry, but just cut them off. Terry products are woven, so removing ugly loops will not damage the entire towel.

When washing in the machine, set the standard mode with twice the rinse and the largest volume of water. Do not set temperatures over 60 ° C, use liquid powders and spin at maximum speed. Manually treat towels with a mild agent: baking soda (water softener), salt, lemon, ammonia, or hydrogen peroxide. Never use "Whiteness" to preserve the looped structure of the fabric and the integrity of the terry bristles.

Drying with a terry towel, you feel the softness of the material and at the same time get rid of excess water on the body. But often after the first wash it loses its properties, softness and becomes less pleasant to the touch. Carry out processing in a typewriter or by hand, using correctly selected folk or professional means.

Why does the mahra get tough?

When evaluating the structure of terry cloth under a microscope, you can see loops with many villi.

If washed or dried improperly, they shrink, which reduces moisture absorption and leads to stiffness.

The softness of terry is influenced by:

  • water temperature;
  • washing powder or rinse;
  • ironing;
  • insufficient number of revolutions during spinning;
  • a lot of things in the drum.

For towels to be soft after washing, it is important to know all the features of manual and automatic processing. The correct selection of funds will extend the life of the towels by maintaining the condition of the loops.

How to wash terry towels in a vending machine

Washing in an automatic machine makes life easier for the hostess, but it is she who usually makes bath towels unusable. If there are products made of terry in everyday life, it is better to refuse such processing or find out its features.

What affects the quality of the wash

If the material contains additives, then the processing process may differ from the one described below, or the manufacturer may completely prohibit washing at home (household) conditions. Then it is possible to maintain softness only when washing in dry cleaning.

If the product can be washed at home, follow these rules to preserve the quality of the material and splendor:

  • use detergents for delicate washing (in the form of a liquid substance);
  • be sure to put special or pretreated tennis balls (3-5 pcs.) into the drum when washing; they are safe for the drum to whip up the towels, preventing the loops from shrinking;
  • do not use heat;
  • set the washing mode with an additional rinse and the maximum amount of water;
  • do not wash other clothes with terry cloth - the more space in the drum, the better the result will be;
  • avoid bleaches and conditioners - they distort the integrity of the fibers and are difficult to wash out of the fabric;
  • do not iron terry items.

Hard water also affects the quality of your wash. Place any water softener in the machine before proceeding. You can buy it at a household chemicals store or replace it with salt, soda, vinegar.

The most important thing when washing any towels is timely processing. Wash them at least 2 times a week, because the less dirty they are, the easier the stains will wash off.

In what mode to wash

An incorrectly selected washing program is the main mistake of most housewives.

They use the “delicate” mode, thinking that it is best for such “delicate” fabrics, but this program uses a small amount of water and washes for a long time, which negatively affects the fabric.

  • for washing children's clothes;
  • standard double rinse.

On the eve of processing, be sure to check whether the set program in the machine does not exceed the temperature regime.

How to wash terry towels

The best for washing towels are:

  • liquid powder "Tide";
  • Colgate 2: 1;

The last remedy is used by many dry cleaners and is suitable for any fabrics, but it is expensive, so not all housewives can use it.

Most suitable rinses

We select the temperature of the water

Boiling, soaking in boiling water is suitable for washing kitchen waffle towels, but not terry.

Therefore, never set the maximum temperature, otherwise the fluffy product will turn into rough.

Never exceed the values:

  • for colored clothes - 40 ° C;
  • white - 60 ° C.

Temperatures of 30–40 ° C are ideal for all colors. Be sure to check if these parameters are set, especially if you are using the "baby clothes" mode.

Important! If you wash colored towels at 60 ° C, they will shed and lose their color attractiveness.

Knowing the optimal temperature to wash your bath towels will help reduce the chances of the terry becoming roughened. Therefore, run the machine, making sure that the values ​​are set correctly.


At the final stage of washing in an automatic washing machine, it is important to fluff the towel as best as possible.

To do this, pay attention to 2 factors:

  • be sure to put tennis or special balls for washing into the drum;
  • set the speed to more than 800 per second - this will allow you to completely squeeze out all the water, which will have a beneficial effect on the terry.

Secret from the hostesses! Do not hang towels outside in hot heat. This will harden the fabric and all efforts will be in vain.

After drying, use (instead of iron). It will stroke the fabric safely and restore its original appeal.

For more information about washing terry towels in a typewriter, see the video:

We wash towels by hand using folk remedies

Washing terry towels by hand is more effective, since stains are visible, you can easily adjust the amount of water, use improvised products that are gentle on the fabric and soften water.

  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • ammonia;
  • vegetable oil in combination with washing powder.

Soak the garment for several hours in the product of your choice, and then wash the stains by hand in the usual way. To enhance the effect, dissolve 2-3 ingredients from the list above in water (at the same time).

Note ! Hydrogen peroxide, washes stains, prevents the towel from turning gray. But it is forbidden to use it for colored terry, since the color dims upon contact with peroxide.

Washing with potassium permanganate

If you have liquid or crystallized manganese in your home, learn how to properly wash with this product.

Good old potassium permanganate

It is used for pink, red or white linen. It is better not to treat other shades with manganese, so as not to stain them.

  1. Prepare a pale pink solution by adding a little powder and liquid manganese (or crystals) to the water.
  2. Place clothes in there for 2-3 hours.
  3. Wash the product and rinse by hand.

White laundry will turn pink after contact with manganese. To restore the original whiteness, perform gentle bleaching by soaking the product in water with hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide will help.

How to dry towels

How to wash a white terry towel

You can tidy up the white terry with hydrogen peroxide by soaking it for several hours and washing it by hand. It is highly discouraged to use "Whiteness", since the chlorine contained in it spoils the structure of the fabric, makes the terry tough and impregnates with an unpleasant odor.

How to repair a towel that has become stiff

What to do if your towel is damaged after a wrong wash and becomes stiff?

Try to recover it by reprocessing.

Use the following recipes:

  • soak in cold water overnight - the method will help if the cause of hardness is the remains of powders, hard water;
  • the consequences of improper washing will help to remove a salt solution: dissolve 100 g of salt in 5 liters of water, soak a towel for 2 hours, wash by hand; repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • if resuscitating a dirty towel, dilute 5 tbsp in water. l. ammonia and the same amount of soda, leave the product overnight; Wash the stains in the morning and evaluate how softer the terry will become after drying.

The last method is the most popular, because it is not rational to rewash a clean towel. However, even after restoration, it is unlikely that it will become as good as new. Therefore, try to maintain softness, for which you regularly check the temperature of the water used for washing, use balls for drying and washing, and squeeze correctly.

Larisa, August 26, 2018.

After a while, even the highest quality terry towels will lose their appearance. The fastest light towels wear out due to frequent washes. Well-being and health depends on the cleanliness and freshness of towels, since they always come in contact with the skin of a person. Given the enormous importance of this household item, many ways have been found to preserve or return towels to their former softness and cleanliness.

Terry kitchen and bath towels require delicate care. The material consists of loops that are loosely adjacent to each other, between which dirt accumulates and pathogenic bacteria multiply. Getting rid of them is quite difficult, but still possible if you follow some tips:

In addition, to extend the life of terry towels, it is worth adopting a few simple tips:

Rinsing and drying rules

An integral part of the care of terry towels is to rinse them after washing. Failure to comply with the rules leads to the fact that the products become rough and tough:

After washing the towels, you can dry the items:

Before hanging terry towels, shake them well so that the loops are straightened as much as possible.

Folk remedies against pollution

Effective doesn't mean expensive. There are many ways to bleach terry towels that have been washed over years of use, but you should not use them more often than once a month: more often use of bleaches leads to stiffness of towels and their rapid wear. To cleanse different types of pollution, they turn to various folk remedies for help.

MeansPollution typeMode of application
Dishwashing liquidGreasy stainsThe product must be applied to the contaminated areas of terry or waffle towels, left for a day, and then washed.
Hydrogen peroxideFor removing stubborn stains of any type of originA container with hydrogen peroxide should be diluted in 3 liters of water, soiled laundry should be bleached, and then washed in the usual way.
Silicate glue solutionFor removing various stains from white fabricsThe solution must be prepared from a piece of laundry soap and a spoonful of silicate glue. The resulting mixture is diluted in 3 liters of water, then towels are boiled in it for half an hour.
ShampooFruit and fruit / vegetable juice stainsWe apply a large amount of shampoo to the place of pollution, wash it after half an hour and send it to the washing machine.
Laundry soapStains of various origins, including grease stainsAll towels are rubbed abundantly with laundry soap, placed in a plastic bag, which is then sealed hermetically. You should leave them like this overnight, and in the morning you should wash products from terry in a washing machine and rinse well, taking into account all the rules.
SaltRed wineFirst, you need to prepare a concentrated salt solution (5 tablespoons of salt per 100 ml of water), laundry is soaked in it for several hours, and then washed in a washing machine.
Tomato and coffee stains on colored and white productsIn a container, you need to prepare a solution (5 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water), place towels there for one hour, and then wash them by hand or in a washing machine.

Effective whitening methods

Terry cloths, especially white ones, with prolonged use become not only rough and tough, but also unattractive. If kitchen or bath towels have lost their appearance during use, you can use budget and simple methods.

Vegetable oil

Can effectively whiten towels with vegetable oil... It easily softens any dirt, after which washing is not a problem.

You will need:

  • 3 tablespoons each of vinegar essence, sunflower oil and bleach;
  • 2/3 cup liquid terry care product
  • 15 liters of water.

Algorithm of actions:

  • All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed;
  • Soak a washed towel in the resulting solution overnight;
  • The next morning, wring out the laundry thoroughly and place in the washing machine.

So that products made from terry cloth do not wear out quickly, it is necessary to take all measures to take care of such delicate textiles in a timely manner.

Boiling in a soda-soap solution

This is a great way to boil tea towels at home. Using laundry soap and baking soda, you can restore dazzling whiteness to old products without damaging the fiber. For boil bleaching you will need:

  • a bar of laundry soap 72%;
  • 50 g of soda ash.

Whitening method:

  1. It is necessary to pre-prepare the solution: in 3 liters of water, the laundry soap grated on a coarse grater is diluted, soda is added and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. The resulting soda-soap solution must be poured over soiled towels, having previously placed them in an enamel basin.
  3. The container must be put on low heat and boiled for 1 hour.

Boric acid application

For 3 liters of water, you will need no more than 2 tbsp. l. boric acid:

  1. Boric acid is diluted in water and mixed thoroughly.
  2. The resulting solution is poured into a basin.
  3. Soiled towels are dipped into a container of solution, where kept for 2 hours and then wash them with liquid detergent.

Mustard powder

Thanks to mustard powder, it is possible not only to whiten, but also to disinfect the fibers. To carry out care, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Mustard powder is diluted with hot water until a thick sour cream consistency is formed in such a volume that the mixture is sufficient for processing dirty laundry.
  2. The prepared mixture is applied to towels, which are then placed in a container and kept for 6 to 8 hours.
  3. Terry products must be thoroughly rinsed in water until the mustard is completely washed off, and then hand or machine wash.

Use of potassium permanganate

With the help of this substance, it is often possible to restore the old whiteness of old towels the first time. To whiten in this way, you will need to do the following:

  1. For 5 liters of hot water, you need to take 200 ml liquid detergent for washing linen and 3 g of potassium permanganate.
  2. Clean terry cloths must be placed in a container with a ready-made solution.
  3. From above, the container is covered with plastic wrap until the solution cools completely.
  4. After the towels, rinse thoroughly and dry naturally.

Attention, only TODAY!

Kitchen towels are essential items that should always be at hand and in sight. Therefore, they must be beautiful and clean. Let's find out with what methods you can wash even the oldest dirty towels to perfect condition.

10 effective and budgetary remedies for removing stains

The easiest way to wash dirty towels at home is in a washing machine, and it is enough to resort to special methods and means once a month, otherwise the fabric will quickly wear out.

Completely ordinary products will help you get rid of grease and stubborn stains, such as:

  1. Salt.

Best for: Removing coffee or tomato stains on white and colored fabrics.

Recipe: we make a solution in a basin at the rate of 5 liters of water - 5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, and then soak the kitchen utensils and leave them for 1 hour. Then we wash it by hand or in a typewriter.

Also suitable for: Removing red wine stains on white and colored fabrics.

Recipe: We make a very "cool" saline solution, soak and wash the fabric in it.

  1. Laundry soap.

Suitable for: Removing various stains, including grease stains on colored and light-colored fabrics.

Recipe: all dirty napkins should be rubbed abundantly with laundry soap and closed in a bag overnight. After that, you need to wash and rinse the products well.

  1. Washing powder + stain remover + vegetable oil.

Washing kitchen towels using this method almost always removes the oldest stains. In a large 10-liter saucepan, bring 5-7 liters of water to a boil, then turn off the heat. Then add 2 tbsp. l. washing powder ("Automatic" is better, since it foams less), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l of any stain remover or bleach and stir the solution. Then put the textiles in the pan, stir a little more and wait until the water has cooled. Then take out the towels and, without wringing out the water, put them in the washing machine. The oil will soften any dirt on the textiles and move away more easily from the fabric. You need to cover the container and wait until the water cools down, then rinse the products thoroughly. In this case, you do not need to boil and wash towels - the oil will not remain on the fabric.

  1. Shampoo.

Suitable for: Removing fruit stains.

Recipe: Pour shampoo on the stain, hold it, and then wash it.

  1. Ammonia + glycerin.

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Suitable for: Removing coffee and tea stains.

Recipe 1: you need to soak dirty kitchen textiles in a solution of ammonia and water in a 1: 1 ratio for 1 hour, and then wash.

Recipe 2: Tea stains can be wiped off with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a 1: 4 ratio.

  1. Silicate glue.

Best for: Removing all kinds of stains, but only on white fabric.

Recipe: A solution is prepared from a bar of soap and a spoonful of silicate glue. In this mixture, you need to boil the textiles for about half an hour.

  1. Dishwashing liquid.

Suitable for: Removing greasy stains on colored and white fabrics.

Recipe: dishwashing liquid is applied to greasy stains and textiles are left for a day, then the towels need to be washed and rinsed.

  1. Vinegar.

Best for: killing mold.

Recipe: you need to soak the product in a vinegar solution of 5-9% (if necessary, dilute the 70% essence) for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

Suitable for: Removing beet and tomato stains.

Recipe: first, under running hot water, wash the towel with laundry soap, squeeze it a little, and then sprinkle citric acid on the stains and leave for 5 minutes. Then we just rinse.

And also suitable for: removing old stains of various origins.

Recipe: Wipe all dirt with citric acid, leave the towel for an hour, and then rinse.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.

Suitable for: Removing stubborn stains of various origins.

Recipe: soak dirty places in a solution, leave for 30 minutes, and then wash in the usual way.

5 ways to bleach kitchen towels

So, we figured out the removal of stains and washing. How to bleach kitchen towels if they have lost their fresh look? You can restore whiteness to gray and yellowed kitchen towels with or without boiling.

Here are 5 effective and easy ways:

  1. Whitening without boiling with mustard.

This method both disinfects and bleaches. To do this, dry mustard powder is diluted in hot water to a thick slurry, after which the mixture is applied to wet towels and kept for 6-8 hours, and then washed.

  1. Whitening without boiling with potassium permanganate.

This is a very effective method that almost always works. For a bowl of boiling water, you need about 200 g of washing powder and a little potassium permanganate (the water should be only slightly pink). Put the previously washed items in the solution, cover it with a film and wait until the water has completely cooled down. Then rinse the towels well.

  1. Bleaching without boiling with boric acid.

This method is suitable for heavy towels, waffle towels or terry towels. Add 2 tablespoons of boric acid to a bowl of hot water, then soak dirty towels in the resulting solution for 2 hours, and then wash them as usual.

  1. Whitening with boiling, soda and laundry soap 72%.

With the help of baking soda and boiling, you can whiten your laundry and remove stains absolutely safe for you and as gentle as possible for the fabric. For this, approximately 50 gr. soda ash must be mixed with grated laundry soap (72%), and in this mixture boil textiles for 1-1.5 hours.

  1. Express wash and bleach without boiling.

Some bleaches and stain removers remove stains and dullness very quickly and literally before our eyes. For example, to hand wash 1-2 towels, you can use Amway's very effective All-Purpose Bleach for All Fabrics. It is usually added when washing in a washing machine, but kitchen towels with tough stains are best hand washed.

We offer such an express method for washing kitchen towels: pour 1 liter of boiling water into a regular bowl, put all the kitchen utensils there, then add 1 tbsp. l of Amway powder and stir our solution with a spoon. The water will immediately sizzle and foam. Then you can leave the napkins to soak until the water has cooled completely, or after a few minutes add cold water and start washing right in this solution. To wash more difficult dirt, you need to increase the soaking time or even boil the towels.

Tip: When washing kitchen towels, you can do without conditioner by simply adding a mixture of baking soda and a suitable essential oil to the water. So your kitchen textiles will delight not only with pristine freshness, but also with a pleasant aroma.

Tricks of storage and use

  • For wiping your hands while cooking, towels made from a variegated or dark cloth are more suitable, since grease and other contaminants are less noticeable on them. And, of course, try to wash your greasy hands whenever possible, rather than dry them on a towel. An alternative option is paper napkins.
  • Washing kitchen towels won't be a headache if there are a lot of them in the kitchen and you change them often. Ideally, you should have towels to cover baked goods, to wipe clean hands after washing dishes, to dry your hands while cooking, to wipe fruits and vegetables, to use as an oven mitt, etc.
  • Terry towels are not the best choice for the kitchen, since such fabric easily absorbs dirt and quickly loses its tidiness.
  • To prevent the stain-resistant towels you use during the day from ruining the look of your kitchen, just throw them in a pretty basket (not too high or too low). For example, a rattan wicker basket like in the photo on the right will do. Well, clean towels can be kept in plain sight.

Mar 4, 2016 Sergei