Celebration March 8 elementary school. Holiday script "March 8"; primary classes


  • foster love for mother, family, show the connection between generations;
  • to form in children a respectful attitude towards family and friends;
  • develop a sense of mutual assistance, friendships between boys and girls.


  • development of memory, attention, organization, independence, creativity;
  • the formation of a community in a team, the elimination of disunity between boys and girls.


festive decoration of the hall, Materials for contests and tricks, computer, musical equipment.

Holiday progress:

Lyrical instrumental music sounds.

Leading: Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mom. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most loyal heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this holiday and wish you good health, family well-being and harmony, endurance and patience, peace and longevity, and always good mood on this solemn day!

For mom's holiday
It's time in the spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will be
After all, mothers will now be congratulated
Their loving children.

Choir "Kolokolchik" with the song "Hello, mothers".


Let the sun shine brightly for you
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the Eighth of March day
Every day was considered your day!

Choir "Kolokolchik" with the song "Kapel"

Boy : Today, on the eve of the spring holiday, we guys want to express to you our deep love, respect and great gratitude.


March 8 is the only day when women have a rest, they are not allowed to do anything around the house by their husbands and children. Therefore, probably March 7 is the most difficult day of the year. Listen to a poem about it.

Evening. All right, I washed the dishes,

I ironed everything out and laid it out,

I cooked the soup, stewed the potatoes,

To her - a little chops and cutlets.

I put the birthday cake in the fridge,

I quickly tucked the salad with the sauce.

I cleaned the house - everything is clean,

Silently, she closed the cat into the pantry.

She took out coffee and sugar and cups

So that there is no mistake.

I took some water from the tap into the kettle,

She put up matches next to the stove.

Taking it out of the closet, put a vase,

Bandage and brilliant green - immediately behind the vase

And, without practically hesitating,

The burn spray was sent there too.

She looked around at everything. She sighed sadly.

She took a shower and fell asleep quietly.


As you can see, my mother's work is very painstaking, it requires special attention, dexterity and skills. We propose to hold the "Best of the Best" tournament. To do this, you need to organize 3 teams of girls and mothers and, based on the results of the contests, determine the winners of the tournament. We cannot do without an independent jury, which we propose to choose from the audience.

  1. Contest "Collect a portfolio".

With your eyes closed, you need to collect a briefcase (imagine that you turned off the light) You need: 3 boxes, 3 briefcases, 3 bandages, 3 diaries, 3 pens, 3 rubbers, 3 rulers, 3 textbooks, 3 notebooks, a soft toy, a pistol, a toy from a kinder surprise, seeds in packaging.


How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble

But used to keep your back straight
Love does not let you lose heart.
That love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of children
We are the only one shining a star
And it will warm you like a shawl on your shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
May even snowy March give you
Your smiles and flowers.
And what love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile at us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers have bloomed

The song "Modern Girl" is performed by Bozhko Diana

2. Competition "Jewelry fingers"


The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I am waiting for an answer from you, friends -
Help me remember!
It is waiting for its start now
The feast of the ladies ...

The song "Clubfoot Rain" is performed by Sasha Malikova.

  1. Competition "Hostess":

Moms pull out the recipe at random. Each lists the main ingredients of well-known dishes and baked goods. You need to guess the dish quickly and correctly.

Congratulations grade 2 (serpentine)

4. Competition (blitz tournament) for teams.

Feelings of selfless, heartfelt affection(Love)

Performer of roles in theatrical performances(Actor)

Citrus fruit with yellow skin(Orange)

Graduation Document(Diploma)

Ribbon tied in the form of loops tied in the middle(Bow)

Percussion musical instrument in the form of a cylinder, the top and bottom of which are covered with leather(Drum)

A device on the railway used for braking wheels ( Shoe)

Very deep abyss, abyss(Abyss)

Winter Bear Lair(Den)

A straight line bisecting an angle(Bisector)

Thin batter baked in a pan(Crap)

Disguised mockery expressed in disguised form(Irony)

A drawing comically and satirically depicting someone or something(Caricature)

Pouch sewn into the dress for storing small items(Pocket)

Earthly paradise with cute(Hut)

Beneath it ... the green sea of ​​taiga is singing about something(Under the wing of an airplane)

One here ... another there(Leg)

Fell ... fell to the floor(Hat)

Mare's drink(Kumis)

It's over ... the candles are out(Ball)

You can fill it yourself(Cone)

Land in miniature(Globe)

Rope in the boot(Lace)

Conductor's jacket (Tailcoat)

Snow, rain, hail(Precipitation)


How good, how good it is under my mother's wing
Turn off the road, the road is long, endless
At least for a day, at least for a day
become a carefree girl
And feel the dear warmth.

The song "You Know, Mom ..." is performed by Violetta Gladneva


Mom's work is not easy, and doing homework for your children is an integral part.

5. Competition for the best burime. (writing poetry for given rhymes)

There are bright gifts for my sister in the yard


The month of March is in the yard

A ray of sunshine is bright

This day to my sister

I give gifts.

Warm a gift a flower watered

May it warm your soul
March gift, mom,
After all, I raised a flower for you,
And watered with Love.


Today we continue the holiday

We congratulate our girls!

Chastooshkas for girls from 1st grade boys


We would sing for each one separately

Only we sing, let's say, it doesn't matter!



Spring brooks murmur
Soon the girls have a holiday!
Oh, it will come on March 8
And the boys will get hot!






This feast of obedience
Congratulations and flowers.
Diligence, adoration,
A holiday of the best words.

The song "Fashionista" is performed by Muslim Magomedova

6. Contest for moms "Tell about your mom"


Girls and boys,
Let's get together with you
Thank you to grandmother,
Thank you mom.
For songs and tales
For troubles and caresses,
For delicious cheesecakes
For new toys.
For books and rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam
For long patience.

Chastooshkas about grandmother, congratulates 2nd grade

Caustic, green,
Even grandmothers in the spring
In love with grandfathers!

And my grandma ... ..
Does not scold, does not grumble,
He goes to "parties" with me,
From the computer "sticks out"!

Baba Zina - champion

In culinary sports.

All were slain by "Napoleon" -

There are a hundred layers in the cake!

If grandma said:
Now do not touch, then - do not dare,
You have to listen because
Our house rests on her.

You, grandma, do not be sick,
Don't go to the pharmacy
You better run often
To the club to the disco.

We are once without a grandmother
Dinner was prepared.
We washed the dishes ourselves,
And since then there are no dishes.

We love granny
She is the highest class!
He will tell and show everything
And will always feed us!

I'm ready to suffer all day

Without yours, without pies.
Until then I suffered
One big nose remained.

On my sundress
Cockerels and cockerels
There is no more beautiful in the whole world
My dear grandmother!

I say to my grandmother:
“Don't sing too much in the evening!
When I hear your voice
Now I'm running home! "

I look like my grandmother
I am restless.
And my granny
The most fun!

Her pies, cutlets,
We gobble up the conversation!
And give us a drink of tea,
Our grandmother is now!

I came to granny
And hugged her own!
Live for many, many years
And the Lord save from troubles!

All the care and attention

She gave us!
Therefore, education,
We just have a bang!

I went to my grandmother,
Merry yes removed:
I with my snub nose
Two dozen worn out!

My grandmother's
The new apron is bright.
Accept, granny,
Gifts for the holiday!

7. Competition "Jewelry fingers"

There are many different small things in a three-liter jar. Participants with a blindfold should groping for the object that the presenter will name. The task is completed for a while.


Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
Doesn't sit at our desk,
And snowdrops - in the woods.

The song "Ding-dong" is performed by Violetta Gladneva

Game for spectators "He - she"

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.
He is a moose - she is ... a moose.
He is a cat - she ...

Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you were a little mistaken.
So let's play one more time
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she ... a walrus,
He is a hare - she is ... a hare,
He is a bull - she ...
Does everyone know this word?
Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

8. Draw a flower contest

Teams are involved. The guys are building one after another, sideways to the guests. The last player is shown a simple drawing of a flower drawn on paper and asked to draw it, without speaking out loud, on the back of the participant standing in front of him. Now he is already trying to draw what, as he understood, was drawn on his back. And so we reach the first participant, who depicts the final drawing on paper.


Let the flowers smell sweet
And the birds are not too lazy to sing,
Even they are in a hurry to congratulate
On International Women's Day.

Magic tricks from Julia Dachenkova. (materials "Young illusionist")

9. Competition What did you do there?

Participants sit with their backs to the audience. Each of them has a plate on the back with the inscriptions suggested above. You cannot say out loud what is written, otherwise the game will lose interest. The guests know what will be discussed, but the participants do not and the participants can answer the questions proposed by the moderator as they please, except for "yes" and "no".

Questions to suggest:

  • Do you often go there?
  • Do you like this place?
  • Who do you usually take with you there?
  • What items do you take with you when you go to this place?
  • What are you doing there? How much money are you willing to spend on this place?
  • Who would you like to take with you next time you go there?


You enter into magic dreams,
It is dear to you, every hour is great.
Happy New Spring Day,
Our lovely women you!

Summing up the results of the tournament

Scene: What kind of children are they now, right?(2 girls and 2 boys)

The boy is sitting on a chair, the girls are jumping on jump ropes.

Sash, what are you doing there? Come to us.

M - I'm thinking, wondering
Why are children born?
So guys, do you mind?
Let's weigh - all the pros and cons!

D - Why do you need all this?

M - For a specific answer!
Preparing for adulthood ...

D - You thought it up cleverly!

M - Yes, I'm sorry for my mother,
Life is not visible from the problems.

D - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Not an easy position - mom.
How much easier it would be for her
Without children like us.

D-Fu! What nonsense!
She will be bored then!
And in old age, compote
Who will bring it in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom has no children at all!

M - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

D - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
He is not alive without children!

M - But then, I'll tell you straight,
Mom is having a nice rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solve problems for children,
Write an essay,
For various tricks
Then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Sparing no nerve cells,
Drive children into bed!

D- And to hear, falling asleep, ...
You are so beautiful
Honestly - honestly,
Mom, I love you so much! ...

M - Yes ... um-hm ... sounds beautiful ...
And such a prospect? - "
Just raised children ...
Got married as soon as possible ...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

D - So what? Play again.
Respond to granny
They sat down, got up, ran,
All the toys were collected again,
Cooking at the stove
Carriage of home bustle

M - Why do they need such a life?

D - Aerobics is solid!
Hurry up to be in time for everything.
There is not even time to grow old

M - No! I still doubt
So many nerves and worries!
I am more and more convinced:
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to grow them,
And educate, teach,
Don't get enough sleep at night
Day and night do not get enough sleep,
To worry day and night
Sick to treat
Guilty - to beat,
And help in my studies,
And feed and dress up ...

D - What is the difficulty? I do not understand!
I dress up dolls!

M - Well, I compared! In - it gives!

D - Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
All the more important, I will say bluntly.
For mothers - a continuation in children.
And honor and respect!
And great love.

M - And care again and again ...

D - So, my friend, calmness!
Care is a pleasure!
While you bring up the kids
You won't get bored for a moment.

M - Yes-ah, I got the answer -
The meaning of life is evident in this.

D - The meaning of life is evident in
So that the kids are full of the house!
Each mother has a child!
All - Well, better just two!

D - So that mommy is out of boredom,
I didn't have a headache.


Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
The happiness of the cherished, the purest!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you, -
May your dreams come true!

This concludes our holiday concert.

Target: foster a respectful attitude towards mothers, a desire to help them; give children the opportunity to get to know their own mothers from an unexpected side; create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Event progress


Mama! Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear my mother's voice. He lives in you, such a familiar, dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes, mother’s hands.

Mom ... You, little one, did not know how to speak yet, she understood you without words. I guessed what you want, what hurts you. Mom taught you to walk, talk ... Mom read you the first book. From her you learned the names of the birds. Your mother helped you to see the first snowflake ... And no matter how old you are: 5 or 50, you will always need your mother: her care, her affection, her attention.

Today, friends, is the most gentle and affectionate holiday of our grandmothers and mothers! And it is no coincidence that we celebrate mother's holiday in the spring. The sun and mom warm us, spring and mom caress us.

Students come out to read poems:

Spring brooks are ringing

And they sing along with us.

The nimble rooks scream,

Sitting on the branches.

The sun is shining brighter

In honor of our kind mothers.

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

Came with the spring sun to us.

Sing joyful songs

Today is a holiday for our mothers!

Song for moms

Students argue:

I have such a mother, -

Everyone is jealous, I know!

From what? Why is that?

Mom is better with me!

Who said you got it?

Mom is the best - mine!

Leading: No need to argue! Each of us has the best mother, the most beautiful! Here you are, ... why do you love your mother?


I love my mother

Mom brings me

Toys, candy,

But I love my mother

Not at all for that.

Funny songs

She hums

We are bored together

It never happens.

I open it to her

All my secrets.

But I love my mother

Not only for that.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for

That she is my mother!


Oh, what are these boys? Let's see what they are talking about.

Scene "Gift for Mom":

The action takes place in an apartment where 2 brothers live. On the eve of March 8. The boys are thinking about what to give their mom for the holiday. Various tools, parts, paints, paper, plasticine, etc. are spread on the table, on the floor. The boys are lost in thought (one walks up and down the room, the other sits at the table with his head in his hands). There is a knock at the door. The boys' friend enters.

Let's go outside. The weather is wonderful today.

No, we cannot.

Are you busy with something?

Continue to ponder. Suddenly one of them cries out joyfully:

Hooray! It seems he came up with it.

Let's get Mom a Plimoyal.

And what is it?

It was I who connected the stove and the piano. (Show picture).

What for?

What do you mean why? Mom will put something on the stove to cook and at the same time will be able to play the piano.

No, I don’t like it.

They think again. Another boy happily:


Let's give mom an utyusos.

What is it?

Iron and vacuum cleaner. (Show picture).

Why did you do it?

But then mom will be able to iron the linen and vacuum the apartment at the same time.

Well, no, I don't really like your idea.

What if you give your mom a frying pan?

And why is this?

What do you mean why? Mom will put the cutlets on the stove to fry, and she can do other things or go to sleep. And when the cutlets are ready, they are fried, immediately the call is ready.

No. Our mother fries such delicious cutlets in a simple frying pan.

The boys think about it. Suddenly one with joy:

Let's draw a beautiful bouquet of flowers for mom and we will always help her and never upset her. (They sit down at the table to draw).

I'll run and I'll give my mom a gift.


The boys still found a solution to this difficult problem, but how often children and men puzzle over which gift to prepare. And we didn't think long. Now you yourself will hear and see everything.

Students recite verses about gifts for mothers:

And what a gift to mom

Will we give it on Women's Day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, a surprise is prepared for mom -

It is very interesting,

We will knead the dough in the bath

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a present for my mom

I will paint the wardrobe with flowers.

Well b and the ceiling,

It's a pity I'm short.

I came up with an extraordinary gift

Dear mom in honor of such a day.

I will give myself without comment,

This is an event for me!

On this day for all men

There are a hundred reasons for worry:

Is the same kind of perfume given?

Is the tea brewed well?

How long have soups been boiled?

How much cereal to put in porridge?

How the dishes need to be washed

So as not to break the cup?

I am a multi-colored gift

I decided to give it to my mother.

I tried, painted

With four pencils.

But first I'm on red

I pressed too hard

And then for red right away

Purple broke.

And then she broke blue

And the orange one broke.

All the same, the portrait is beautiful,

Because this is mom!

(Music sounds. Children present portraits to their mothers, which they painted for this holiday).


Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than mom's.

You will not find eyes in the world

Affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are dearer!

Hundred paths, roads around

Walk around the light:

Mom is the best friend

Better than mom - no!

Song about mom

Student grandmother riddle:

I will ask you a riddle

And you solve it:

Who puts a patch on the heel

Who iron and mend linen

Who tells me:

"How shaggy you are!" -

With a comb, trying to smooth the swirl?

Who patches me patiently,

If your pants rip on the fence?

Who cleans the house in the morning

Breeding a large samovar?

Who plays with the little sister

And takes you for a walk on the boulevard?

Whose hair is whiter than snow

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom I love and regret

Who did I write poetry about?

Leading: On March 8, we congratulate not only our mothers, but also the oldest women in the house - grandmothers. I know that each of you children is very fond of your grandmothers. If you have joy, and they rejoice with you, and if you are sad, grandmothers will calm and comfort you, together with them you will experience your failures ... Sometimes parents do not know what they know about you. And what golden hands they have, how much they can do! And we say a big thank you to them for their kindness, affection, care, attention, for the love that they give to their grandchildren.


Two grandmothers on a bench

Sat on a hillock

Grandmothers told:

"We have only fives!"

Congratulations to each other

They shook hands with each other

Although they coped with the dictation

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!

My grandmother and I are old friends.

My grandmother!

He knows so many fairy tales

What can not be counted.

And there are always new ones in stock.

But the hands of the grandmother -

It's just a treasure

My grandmother is not told to be idle.

Leading: On this day, we congratulate not only grandmothers, mothers, sisters, but also girls - our classmates, give them gifts and wishes. And now the boys will congratulate the girls.


All shirts are ironed.

All pants ironed.

Today we have bypassed the puddles.

And we did not fight.

We did not go upside down,

Didn't roll on the floor

We did not sit on each other

And they didn't get dirty in chalk.

Today we are like dandies

Before you at the blackboard,

But more beautiful than our girls

All the same, we didn’t.

You are beautiful as stars

And eyes shine with fire

And your smiles are lovely

Eclipse the sun during the day!

You are so glorious here!

You girls are just class!

Because we all want so much

Be like you!

We wish you only happiness

And let us tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

Not in the whole school!

And the girls will receive gifts in class.

Leading: Today the guys wanted to please you with their performances and wish you happiness and joy, health, family warmth and prosperity. And how to do it without ditties, because they are the decoration of any holiday!

I start the chorus

First initial.

I want to cheer

The audience is sad.

I'm for girls today

Taught congratulations

And now I got excited -

Eh, I forgot all the words.

If I were a girl

I would get up at dawn

Received only fives

And he didn't fight in the yard.

If I were a girl

I would not waste time!

I wouldn't run down the street

And I would solve the problems.

If I were a girl

I'd be much smarter

I would then not only hands,

But I washed my neck too.

If I were a girl

The house would be in order

If the house is littered

I’ll tell my mother right away.

Why aren't we girls?

Here's the trouble, and that's the trouble ...

Would always congratulate.

The mother says to the lazy woman:

"Make your bed!"

And the lazy woman: “Mamma,

I'm still little. "

Lena half chalked with passion,

And on the ninth

She didn't pick up the broom.

Smoked pan

Julia was cleaning with sand.

Three hours under the shower Julia

Grandma washed afterwards.

Dad made dinner himself.

And I'll tell you a secret

Has done a lot of troubles.

We finish singing ditties

And we always promise you:

Listen to you always, in everything

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon!

Leading: And now let's play a little naughty and take part in contests.

I think everyone will be interested to know how well children know their mothers, and mothers know their children.

We are sure that children know their mothers well. This is not surprising, because there is only one mother for each child. And now mothers are given the opportunity, without seeing the child, to recognize him by his voice. (optional in the auditorium)

Game 2 "Remember childhood"

Each child is given a glass of tea and a small spoon. Children from a spoon give tea to their mothers. Whoever drinks tea first will win. (3 pairs)

Game 3. "Cleaning the apartment"

Now let's get down to cleaning. The game takes place in a team (mother - child, 6 pairs). Line up. Purpose: put on an apron, a kerchief, take a broom, remove all this and transfer it to another along the chain. Who can handle it faster.

Game 4. "Chair". Chairs 5. Participants 6. Music sounds, when the melody stops, you need to take your places. As the game progresses, the number of chairs decreases.

Game 5. "Dress your child." Let's remember the time when your children were very young and did not know how to dress. Your task is to dress your kid on the road as quickly as possible. (3 pairs)

This concludes our competition. All participants are great! Prizes.

Final part

Well, our festive evening dedicated to the Day of March 8 has come to an end. Thank you all for responding to the invitation to come and participate in today's event. Thank you for your love and attention to children.

We are completing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old

Younger, prettier.

And you, children, do not grieve your mothers,

Never hurt.

Love them, take care

And grow obedient.


I know! I remember!

I haven’t forgotten - my mother’s holiday has come!

I repeat congratulations, I will not lose my words -

I've been saving them for a whole year:

Mom is dear, dear,

Best of all - one such!

Even if I'm being naughty

I love you anyway!

On our holiday, so welcome

What else can I tell you?

Allow us all now

I wish you health!

Do not be ill! Don't get old!

Never get angry!

So young

Stay forever!

To download the material or!

The program of school evenings dedicated to the 8th of March traditionally includes many beautiful and kind addressed to girls, mothers, grandmothers and teachers. Also, schoolchildren prepare various concert numbers: songs, dances and, of course, scenes, which are usually comic in nature, and therefore are especially loved. In elementary school, sketches are usually devoted to mothers, in older ones - to girls classmates.

Possibly suggested here scenes for March 8 for schoolchildren useful for drawing up a concert program or original congratulations.

Scene on March 8 for schoolchildren "How to congratulate girls"

(Based on "Three girls under the window ...")


3 boys,



Required inventory: chairs, desks, poster, diary, pens, notebooks, books


Cosmetics, high heel shoes, bijouterie.

Only boys take part in the scene, after each advice a demonstration follows.

1. The first thing is the figure - You need to keep yourself in tight hands, in other words. there is nothing.

2. Accentuate your personality with makeup.

3. Fascinating gait.

4. Clothes. Be extremely open (expose your shoulder by sliding the sweater)

5. Shoes must be elegant.

6. In intellectual contests, answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it's not me.

7. You must have good vocal skills. But it is not recommended to perform Ramstain, Rasmus, Okean Elzy, etc.

8. Do not wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull your ears and in old age they will be knee-deep for you.

9. To win, you should not risk your health and do a lot of plastic surgeries to improve your appearance - it is better to go to school, they will scare you and it will be better than any braces.

10. When entering the school of models, do not run after the director and do not ask "Well, take me." A girl should know her own worth.

All this you can learn in our model school "Grace".
You can finish the number with congratulations for all the girls

(Source: site tca77.narod.ru)

Dramatization-congratulation in verse.


Boy, Girl

Boy: Our bell is terribly ringing
I fly out into the corridor ...
I have with one girl
Conversation ensued ...
- And my dad is a champion!
He goes to the stadium:
He throws dumbbells up -
Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl: Although men are strong -
Pancakes can't bake ...
You men are fools
Educate you, teach you,
And parsley from dill
You can't tell!
By the way, who washes the house?
God has not given you talent ...
TV "consuming"
You lie down on the sofa!

Boy: No use from a man ?!
This talent is not given to us ?!
Who nailed the shelf in the kitchen?
Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl: You don't want to cook borscht,
Do not fry the cutlets ...
You should run away to work,
Well, there’s no more use.

Boy: You prickly splinter
You don't know us men well
Every now and then you shed tears.
And besides, for no reason ...
You speak prickly words, shy ...
Dad's head in the house!

Girl: And mom is in the house - a neck!

Boy: No, it is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is the most tender!

(Source: site sc-pr.ru)

Scene for March 8 for schoolchildren "And in our yard"

( Author Kruglova O.N.)

The guys are singing a song - an adaptation to the tune of the song from the movie "Carnival Night".5 boys and 3 girls participate

If you leave the house frowning,

Remember that today is a festive day!
That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you,
Or even an unfamiliar guy you meet!

And a smile, without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

Boy 1: Women's holiday!
Here's the reason
That's why we eat!
And congratulations heartily
We all women with this day!

Everything: Congratulations! (balls are thrown into the hall, fanfare sounds)

A young man with a portrait of Yesenin enters the stage and reads:

Young man 2: Shagan you are mine, Shagan!
There's a girl in the north too.
She looks terribly like you
Maybe he is thinking of me.
Shagane, you are mine, Shagane!

On the other hand, another young man comes out with a portrait of Pushkin and reads

Youth 3: No, to see you every minute,
Follow you everywhere,
The smile of the lips, the movement of the eyes,
Catch with loving eyes
To listen to you for a long time, to understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To die in agony before you,
To fade and fade ... here is bliss!

The next reader comes out with a portrait of Blok and reads

Boy 4: I called you, but you didn't look back

I shed tears, but you did not descend.

You sadly wrapped yourself in a blue cloak,

You left the house on a damp night.

I don't know where your pride is sheltered

You, dear, you, tender, found ...

I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,

In which, you left on a damp night ...

The reader also reads with a portrait of Lermontov

Boy 5: Oh heaven, I swear she was

Beautiful! .. I was burning, I was in awe,

When the curls running from the brow

He met silk with his golden hand,

I was ready to fall at her feet,

Give her will, life, and paradise, and everything,

The next one reads (a portrait of Pasternak):

Boy 6: To love others is a heavy cross,

And you are beautiful without convolutions,

And your delights are a secret

The answer is tantamount to life.

In the spring, the rustle of dreams is heard

And the rustle of news and truths.

You are from a family of such foundations.

Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

Young man 1: Oh, how many tender feelings
You called in my heart!
Oh, how many young men died in those feelings!
And we praise you for all the deeds of the heart,
It's great that school brought us together
With the beautiful half of the planet.
We will all praise the school for this!

(A girl (discharged, painted) drives out in a car, almost knocking over the poets. Squeal of brakes. The girl rides and looks in the mirror)

Girl 1: Light my mirror, tell me, but report the whole truth. Am I the loveliest in the world, blush and whiter than all?

Mirror Voice: You are beautiful, no doubt about it. But take it a little to the left. You fool, stop! Now to the right. Where are you going to the red light ... Brake! Uhab, ditch ... You are beautiful, no doubt about it, but you have not seen the white light of anyone dumber than you.

Girl 1: Ah well! Nasty toy! You're not my friend anymore!

The second girl comes out: (conduct a dialogue in modern jargon).
1st: Yo, friend!
2nd: Yo-Yo!
1st: Why didn't you come to the party yesterday?
2nd: Yes, the ancestors tore the brains. They tried to push through the notations again. Yes, I don't care.
1st: Well, why, will you drag your bones to the party today?
2nd: Hanging out is a sacred thing!
1st: Then move on, ciao!
2nd: Pokey - Pokey. (The girls call the "poets" with them, but they refuse!)

Young man 1: Of course, to see - to hear it is funny to us.
Sometimes it's a scary movie.
The boys and I are partly watching
And deep down always
We dream, of course, of Juliet, that - ("Juliet" comes out(girl in a beautiful dress)
Beautiful, gentle and simple! - (to the song "And in our yard" and all the poets leave for her)


Sergey,Mom (Sergei), Barsik (cat), Ilya,Denis

On stage - a disheveled, sleepless and grimy guy in pajamas.
He goes to a chair, removes something wrinkled and soiled from it.

Sergey: Ma-am! We congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?
Mama: Good morning son. I stroked it.
Sergey: Hey! Which one?
Mama: White.
Sergey: White?
Mama: White, white.
Sergey: Was it white for me?
Mama: Of course it was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?
Sergey: I do not remember…
Mama: You also wore her for the New Year, remember?
Sergey: On New Year's - I remember. And after - I don’t remember. A ... Is she white?
Mama: Of course, I washed it. She was lying under your bed - I found her forcibly! Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Ah, so this is where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws a dirty shirt under the bed, puts on a clean one.) Well, wait, now you'll get it from me! Barsik! Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Come here! .. Again in the kitchen eating something.

Fat Barsik enters. Chews.Barsik: What?
Sergey: Get out of here !!!
Barsik: (Exits).
Sergey: A pig, not a cat ... Ma-am!
Mama: What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?
Sergey: Yeah. And Barsik too.
Mama: Clever girl! Did you wash your neck?
Sergey: I'll give it some soap! (Takes a club). Barsik !!! Go here!
Fat Barsik enters. Chews.
Barsik: Well, what?
Sergey: Che-che! .. Yes, nothing!
Barsik: Ah-ah-ah ... I would say so right away. (Exits).

The boy removes his trousers from the chair - also dirty and full of holes.
Sergey: Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?
Mama: I stroked it. And a jacket.
Sergey: Do I have a jacket?
Mama: Of course have. (The guy tosses his pants under the bed and grabs his jacket with the sleeve torn off.)
Sergey: Well then it'll be a vest ... (Tears off the second sleeve).
Mama: What's cracking there?
Sergey: I'm doing this, mom!
Mama: Well done, well done!
Sergey: The girls have the eighth of March today, I prepared poems for them, I'll read it now, do you hear? (Combing her hair).
Mama: I hear! Good poetry!
Sergey: What poems?
Mama: That you have prepared.
Sergey: Ma, what are you doing there?
Mama: I'm making a pie, son. You will not come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.
Sergey: Why pie? I need flowers!
Mama: Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.
Sergey: And the briefcase?
Mama: In the same place, next to it. The bell is ringing, open the door!
Sergey: These are probably the guys from the class ... (Tidy boys enter with flowers in their hands).
Sergey: Ouch! Whom do you want?
Andrey: We need Sergey from 9 - "A".
Sergey: I'm listening to.
Everything: Seryoga! Are you?
Sergey: Well yes, me. What do you want?
Denis: Don't you recognize?
Sergey: Wait, wait! I will find out !!! We, it seems, rested with you in the summer ... Exactly - in the camp! ..
Denis: What summer? We're your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.
Sergey: Very nice ... oh, I mean ... Guys, is that you? Well, you are overdressed! Did not recognize…
Ilya: Look at yourself! ( Sergei rushes to the mirror, sees himself - combed and neatly dressed and faints).
Mama: Here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you are so smart - you cannot be recognized! Have you forgotten the flowers?
Ilya: No, I haven’t forgotten. Only I am not Seryozhenka, I am Ilya. Seryozhenka is lying around.
Mama: Seryozhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie in the hallway in clean clothes. Be patient until school.
Sergey: Mommy, I didn't recognize myself! What will happen now?
Mama: Nothing, nothing, nothing ... You will get used to it!

Scene "Wonderful Mom"

Mom sits at a laptop next to a child and recites a poem, at the moment when mom has to say her catchphrase in the text of the poem, he shoves her in the shoulder, mom takes her eyes off the computer and says: "No problem!" and again buries himself in the laptop.
I'm not a problem child
I tell everyone about it.
Even mom confirms ...
- Really, Mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

I don’t want to have lunch now!
I'd better eat candy!
Smiling mom will say

(shoves mom, mom zero reaction)
Mom will say ... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

Brought four deuces
And there are no fives at all!
Mom, don't be silent, what do you say?
- Everything is fine? (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

The house is a terrible mess
Cream is smeared on the floor.
I don’t want to clean up!
- May I, mom? (shoves mom)
- No problem!

I know that such a mother
Everyone wanted it at once!
Connect to the internet
And everything will be ... (shoves mom)
- No problem!!!

Target: instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, foster a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment: items for performances, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer.


Soundtrack "My only mother!"

Leading.: What kind of holiday is being prepared here?
Maybe the guests of honor will come?
Maybe the generals will come?
Students (in chorus) No!
Leading.: Maybe the admirals will come?
Students (in chorus) No!
Leading.: Maybe the President himself will come?
No! No! No!
Leading. :

Stop guessing in vain!
Look, here they are, guests!

Honorable, important, most ...

Hello, grandmothers and mothers are wonderful!

Leading: Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mom. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most loyal heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, allow me to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this holiday and wish you good health, family well-being and harmony, endurance and patience, peace and longevity, and always good mood on this solemn day!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble
But used to keep your back straight
Love does not let you lose heart.
That love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of children
We are the only one shining a star
And it will warm you like a shawl on your shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
May even snowy March give you
Your smiles and flowers.
And what love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile at us, dear mothers
After all, all the flowers have bloomed for you!

Children come out and read poems:

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. We send you hot hello!

Girl... For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Lovely, for you!

Girl. The concert is funny, joyful ...

Boy. We'll arrange it now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you dear mothers!

Boy. The sun smiles at you in the spring, dear mothers!

Girl. The birds have put together a ringing song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily!


I stand in front of you
I'm worried mommy!


Lean against my cheek with my hand
Calm down, mommy!


Let everyone see that you
I admire, mommy!


And I will not hide my love
Kiss Mommy!

CHILDREN: Student 1.

In March, the sun shone on the snow
Spring came to us with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's holiday is celebrated by the whole country.

Student 2.

Spring walks across the country
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Kind, radiant.

Student 3.

I know it’s for a reason
I guessed it myself
Because they know:
Today is a holiday for our mothers.

Disciple 4.

And every class is happy to congratulate
All mothers around the planet.
“Thank you” to moms they say
Both adults and children.

Student 5.

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
Doesn't sit at our desk,
And snowdrops - in the woods.

Student 6.

All showcases in stores
Painted in the spring
Men are running everywhere -
Waiting for a special day off!

Student 7.

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I am waiting for an answer from you, friends -
Help me remember!
It is waiting for its start now
The feast of the ladies ...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus). March 8!!!

Leading... Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are waiting for expensive gifts, but because it is a day of surprises. Our children have also prepared a surprise program.

Dear guests, in order to cheer you up, we invite you to look scene, which was prepared for you by the pupils of the 2nd grade, after watching it you will learn how you can cope with a toothache with the help of various means. (2 students participate in the scene: a patient and a doctor).
Sick... Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
Doctor... What hurts?
Sick... My tooth hurts!
Doctor. Did you visit me yesterday?
Sick... No.
Doctor. Here's my advice: take a string, tie one end to the tooth and the other to the door handle. And have someone in your family open the door. You will come to me tomorrow.
Next day.
Sick. Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
Doctor. What hurts?
Sick... My tooth hurts!
Doctor. Did you visit me yesterday?
Sick... Yes!

Doctor. What is my advice?
Sick... Torn off!
Doctor. What's ripped off?
Sick. The door handle was torn off!
Doctor. Here's another tip: take a rope, tie one end to the tooth and the other to the table leg, and have someone move the table half a meter. You will come tomorrow.
Another day.
Sick... Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
Doctor. What hurts?
Sick. My tooth hurts!
Doctor. Did you visit me yesterday?
Sick. Yes!

Doctor. What is my advice?

Sick. Torn off!

Doctor. What's ripped off?

Sick. Table leg.
Doctor... Here's another tip: take a thick rope, tie one end to the tooth, and the other end to the train carriage. You will come tomorrow.
Another day
Sick. Does not hurt! Does not hurt!
Doctor. What doesn't hurt?
Sick. The tooth does not hurt!
Doctor. Did you visit me yesterday?
Sick... Yes
Doctor. Well as my advice
Sick. Torn off!
Doctor. What's ripped off?
Sick... Wagon from the train
Doctor. Where is the tooth?
Painfully th. The stationmaster knocked out!

Host: Mom. This is the most precious and beloved thing in the life of every person. The closest and dearest person. Mom gave us life and loves us not for any merits, but simply because she has us. Mothers love us as successful and problematic, happy and unhappy, and we can always come to them for help, advice, support, understanding and sympathy.
You cannot find such words to express all our love, respect, gratitude for everything that mothers have done for us and continue to do. How many different events were in our life: the first illness, the first fight, the first Christmas tree and the first meeting with Santa Claus, the first time in first grade ... and they are always nearby - the closest, loyal and beloved, wise and sensitive - our mothers!

The song "Mom's Smile" is performed by students of the 3rd grade.

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, bring up children in the absence of mom. Who is this? Granny, of course!

Poems for you will be read by grade 4 students.

    The parents have a job.
    The sun draws a circle in the sky.
    Only grandma is a concern
    Our reliable, loyal friend.
    Both mom and dad
    Moms have their own too-
    This is grandma - care
    And she's here today.

    I love my mother very much
    Hello to her, hot send,
    But not only to her alone,
    But also to my dear grandmother.

    With grandma we are letters
    We will analyze in the book,
    We play dolls with her,
    We go for a walk in the park.
    Important secrets
    I whisper in her ear
    Because grandma
    Best friend.

    Who scolds us least of all?
    Who bakes us pies?
    Who accompanies us to school,
    And then waiting from school?
    Well, of course, this is the most
    The best person.
    Let the head be gray
    You, granny, are the most beautiful of all.
    She always has time
    To tell a fairy tale
    And with the grandchildren with everyone
    To frolic, play.
    Who will fry us cutlets
    And will fill our leisure time?
    This is my dear grandmother,
    The most loyal friend in the world.

    Who is in the kitchen with a ladle
    It always stands at the stove,
    Who darn our clothes
    Who's buzzing with a vacuum cleaner?

    Who in the world tastes better than everyone
    He always bakes pies
    Even dads who are more important
    And who is honored in the family?

    Who will sing us a song for the night
    To make us fall asleep sweetly?
    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
    Well, of course - grannies!

Leading: Dear grandmothers, pupils of the 1st grade have prepared for you Dance number "Granny, bake pancakes!"

Leading. On this day, we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Have you forgotten to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our lovely girls!

For you, grade 3 students have prepared ditties.


So that mom, like the sun, smiles at us,
So that mom always remains young
So that happiness shines from mom's eyes,
A little bit, guys, depends on you.

Dear mothers, grandmothers, pupils of the 2nd grade are in a hurry to congratulate you on the song "Seeds"

Leading: What is the very first word?
What is the brightest word?
What is the most important word?
It will never be misspelled
It is pronounced everywhere with a smile.
Whisper it softly, say it loudly
The main word of any child! (MOTHER!!!)

We continue our concert and the next number of our program was prepared by the students of the 1st grade.

Staging of the poem "The boy did not want to get his hair cut!"

Leading: Now girls will take a card with a question and ask their mothers, and mothers will take a card with an answer and answer the question. Let's try?
1Do you write poetry while sitting in the bathroom?
2Can you catch fish in the bathroom?
3 Do you often talk to your dog?
4Do you like to hide in the fridge?
5When the lilac blooms, do you want to turn into a bee?
6 Do you wear a hard hat when watching TV?
7Do you often wear a bucket on your head?
8Do you often chew on the battery at night?
9Could you paint an ostrich with lipstick on the mirror?
10Do you often sit on the roof?
11 Do you often ride in transport as a hare?
12 Do aliens often come to you on a beautiful moonlit night?
13Do you often talk in your sleep?
14Did you eat all the jam from the buffet?

1 No! To prevent this from happening, I eat cacti.
2 I just don't have time for this!
3No, but sometimes I sleep in diapers.
4Of course yes! And all this thanks to continuous training.
5 No, but sometimes I really want to.
6I'm not very good at it, but my neighbor on the right is a pro at it!
7I sometimes want it so badly that even my ears freeze.
8 No. I'm afraid this will make my hair come out.
9And I still know how to embroider with a cross.
10Not a bad idea! Need to try!
11 Yes, this is one of the most amazing qualities of my character!
12As you might think, I'm not that guy!

13 No, I just love to sleep on the windowsill.
14How Do You Know? I don’t tell anyone about this.

Leading: Well? Are you tired? Well then, we invite our mothers to the competition. competition "This is a song!"
For moms. Sing the song "A gloomy day is brighter from a smile" as a younger group in

And now, we invite girls….
For girls. Sing the song "Across the Blue Sea" as a male choir.

Leading: Everyone knows that our mothers are the dearest, most beautiful, and now our children will make you even more beautiful.

competition "Fashion designers-make-up artists"
Two mothers and 4 children are welcome. Each mother has 2 children. Jewelry boxes are placed on two tables. The task of the guys, in a short time, is to decorate their mothers as "smartly" as possible.

Host: Our mothers are the most gentle, the most caring. Do you agree? Then we invite our mothers to the next contest "DO NOT YAWN, DRESS UP"

Competition for moms or girls. There are 2 toy babies on the table. You need to put on the doll in a blouse and a hat, and then swaddle it. An important condition of the competition: you need to do everything with one hand!

Leading... No holiday is complete without dancing.

And I invite you to a general merry dance!
COMPETITION "Invitation to dance"
Inventory: 2 flowers of different colors.
All those present stand in 2 circles. Two participants are awarded a flower each. Music starts playing. While the music is playing, the players pass flowers. When the music stops, two players with flowers in their hands go to the center and start dancing, then take their places and the game continues.


May the sun shine for you
Lilac blooms only for you,
And let it last for a long, long time
The most women's day in the world!

We wish you all today
Health, vigor for many years.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.

Leading: Dear guests, pupils of the 2nd grade conclude our festive concert with the song "I kiss your hands!"


For listening to us attentively!

And they helped us diligently!

Thank you all for your attention.

The concert is over. Goodbye!


The proposed competitive program is intended for holding festive events of spiritual and moral education. The material can be useful for class teachers, educators in preparation for International Women's Day. The material can be used in classroom hours, as well as extracurricular activities for elementary school students.

Purpose: and foster love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers, grandmothers and girls. Tasks:

To teach to congratulate women on International Women's Day;

Foster respect for women;

Create a positive emotional background and a festive mood.

"Our most, most"


Leading: Good afternoon, our dear mothers, grandmothers and of course our girls. We are gathered here today to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday on March 8th.

Happy Women's Day

We congratulate you!

The concert is our gift for you -


Congratulations to mothers.

1.Mommy, beloved, dear,
My priceless treasure,
There is nothing in the world dearer to me
Than your mother's heart

2. I congratulate you on March 8,
And on this day I say to you:
For all the worries, for love, dear,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

3. Mom!
Happy spring holiday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Long years, love, fun
I sincerely wish you!

4 let all adversity melt away
And adversity will dispel.

5. I wish only happiness -
Do not let the years age you.

6. So that you do not leave your strength,
So that business is successful,

7 always be so beautiful
Smiling, tender!

8. Mommy, I'm sorry for all the bad things,
What was done, of course, not out of malice.
I want you to know: the most sacred,
Of course, only my mother is for me!

(Presenting gifts.)

Leading:We will not disregard grandmothers either.

Since March 8, grandmother,
Spring holiday!
Congratulations are kind
Take it from me!

Good health,
Long life years
A smile on my face
Joy in the soul.

Delicious pies
The oven is more often for us,
And by the word wise
To help out in life.

Be happy yourself
Drive away the longing
I'm your granny
I love you with all my heart!

The song "My dear Mommy"

(Giving gifts)

Leading:The boys have prepared congratulations for the girls.

Tails, pigtails, skirts,

Bows and ribbons ...

Congratulations, girls.

Sun bunnies

Let them play with you

And the boys never

You are not offended.

We wish you in life

Be the best

Beautiful, happy

Expectant mothers.

All those who share desks with us in class!

All those who suffer all our antics!

All those who write off gives us homework!

We wish you easy learning!

Laugh more, have more fun

Be the school standard of beauty

And so that all your dreams come true!

Like the sun, you radiate

You are warm and kind.

You help to wash the board,

You keep it clean ...

If the apple is in the portfolio,

You will certainly treat.

To those who themselves did not have time,

You will solve the whole control.

And homework

You give the boys to write off.

I would invite you on a date

I'm afraid you won't come.

We are our classmates!

Congratulations read

For dear girls.

Happiness to you, love, good luck

Mood, beauty.

Let bad luck go

And dreams come true!

(Giving gifts to girls.)

Leading:and now let's get down to the competitions. We divide into 2 teams, choose the team captain.

Warm-up competition.

1. Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother with a granddaughter. How many are there together? (Three).

2. How many steps will a sparrow take in 7 weeks, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 1 second? (None, since he only knows how to jump).

3. There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on ten hands? (Fifty fingers).

4. He himself does not see, but points out to another. (Pillar)

5. What color is the stop-crane on the plane? (He's not there).

6. Seven candles were burning, four of them were extinguished. How much is left? (There were four left, which were extinguished, the rest burned down).

7. Which three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1,2,3).

8. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream).

9. One and a half pike perch costs one and a half rubles. How much is a dozen? (Ten rubles).

10. One father has six sons. Each son has one sister. How many children does the father have? (Seven).

11. Who has a mustache longer than the legs? (At the cockroach).

12. How to divide five apples between five children so that each gets an apple and one remains in the basket? (Give one boy an apple together with a basket).

13. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will no longer be on an empty stomach).

14. Two sheep are standing, one head north, the other head south. Can they see each other without turning their heads? (They can, if they stand with their heads to one another).

15. A flock of 25 geese flew. One was killed. How much is left? (One, the rest flew away).

16. In what number there are as many numbers as there are letters in its name? (Hundred)

17. When turned over, what number is increased by one and a half times? (6).

18. A flock of geese was flying: one goose in front, one between two and three in a row. How many were there? (Three: flew one after another).

19. What does a half of an orange look like the most? (To the soul mate).

1 Competition "Most Apt"

With one hand (the second behind the back) hit the target with the ball.

2 Competition. "The fastest".

Leading: Before preparing a dish, girls, mothers or grandmothers must wear the appropriate attribute. (Klondike, apron, glove) 2 participants from each team. First one puts on, then passes to another. Who will do it faster?

3 Competition. Miss Wits.

Leading: Each team is given an envelope with riddles about spring. It is necessary to guess these riddles.

I made my way through the snow

An amazing sprout.

The very first, the most tender,

The most velvety flower! (Snowdrop)

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)

Someone's house is on a branch here

No doors in it, no windows,

But the chicks live there warmly.

This house is called ... (Nest)

The horse runs, the earth trembles. (Thunder)

Molten arrow

I dumped an oak near the village. (Lightning)

They ask him, they wait for him,

And how will it come -

They will begin to hide. (Rain)

I stand before you

As a messenger of a young spring,

I'm glad to see my friends

Well, my name is ... (Starling)

3 Competition "Fastest".

Leading: For the next competition, 3 participants will be required. 1 - peels potatoes, 2 - peels carrots, 3 - beautifully cuts and decorates. Who will cope with these tasks faster.

4 Competition "Most, most ..."

It is necessary to determine by touch what is in the bag, what cereal, etc.

5 Competition "Most Aim"

Each team needs to knock down as many pins as possible.

6 Contest "Most Polite"

1 participant from each team. Who will name more polite words.

7 Competition "The most accurate 2".

Participants hit the target 1 time. (Darts)

8 Competition "Most Economic"

Leading: The next competition will be dedicated to soup. Each team receives a dish and an envelope with the names of all kinds of ingredients. Cooks need to select and put into the dish only those that are included in the recipe.

Ingredients: sunflower oil, pickled cucumber, carrots, beets, potatoes, onions, fish, meat, sauerkraut, apple, banana, tomato, pepper, dill, garlic, buckwheat, rice.

9th competition. "Cinderella".

Who will put on an apron faster and sort out the peas from the rice.

10Miss Grace competition

It is necessary to draw a strip with chalk and whoever passes along it faster wins.

11 Contest "Best Cooking" - Bake a Cake

Leading: Each team writes on a piece of paper in one minute the names of the products that are needed to make the cake.

Leading: Our wonderful holiday has come to an end, Once again we congratulate everyone on this wonderful spring holiday.