Holiday Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services. Day of workers of consumer services for the population and housing and communal services

It just so happened that some holidays in Russia are celebrated twice. The people do not mind celebrating both Catholic and Orthodox Christmas, and the New Year in the new and old styles is generally taken for granted. By coincidence, representatives of some professions have more than one holiday. Housing and communal services is one of the striking examples, the date of its celebration was repeatedly postponed for half a century, and the service itself was organized back in the seventeenth century.

A bit of history

Since the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, or rather since April 1649, there existed in Russia the Order of the Gradsky Deanery, which, at the legislative level, was ordered to maintain courtyard territories in order. Peter the Great in 1721 completely transferred the functions of the so-called "public deanery" to the department of the police already organized by that time.

For the first time, the Bolsheviks, who inherited palaces, mansions and estates from tsarist Russia, which later housed museums and schools, houses of culture, as well as various organizations of the new regime. Parks also demanded care, especially those on the territory of which there were fountains.

The quality of the services provided then can only be guessed at. On that day, housing and communal services workers practically did not exist. Representatives of the proletariat mastered unfamiliar professions without qualified mentors and teachers, the only exception was the janitors, whose work did not require special skills and abilities.

When and how was the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers

Since 1966, on the fourth Sunday of July in the USSR, they begin to celebrate consumer services for the population and housing and communal services. By this time, the industry is already sufficiently developed and a number of educational institutions are preparing specialists in the relevant professions.

In November 1988, a number of changes were made to the legislation of the USSR concerning professional holidays and memorable dates. From now on, for utilities, sales workers and representatives of the service sector, the day of celebration has been postponed to the third Sunday in March. Subsequent changes, which took place in 2013, concerned the allocation of Trade Day as a separate holiday. It should now be celebrated on the fourth Saturday in July. The Day of Housing and Utilities Workers was not postponed, it is celebrated, as before, in March.

Is it easy to be a utility representative

Serving the population has always been considered challenging. This is partly because, using water or electricity, we simply do not notice it. The mechanism has been debugged due to the fact that today there are about 2 million housing and communal services workers in Russia.

We take the cleaned well-groomed flower beds, modern playgrounds, a properly working elevator, and renovated entrances for granted. And if suddenly something is wrong, then you can remember about communal services.

A leaking tap or sparkling wiring immediately evokes negative emotions. It is at this moment that we remember the existence of utilities. And if a brigade serving a large territory suddenly delayed, then there is no limit to indignation.

But how happy we are when the renovation is over. And immediately we forget about utilities until the next breakdown.

Employees in the consumer services sector receive much less negativity, because they go to them to fix and repair their personal belongings, and not common property, and they do not need to pay a monthly service fee.

Congratulations for workers of housing and communal services

Representatives of various specialties celebrate their own in different ways. Communal services also hear a lot of warm words in their address. The specificity of their work is such that some will have to spend the New Year on shift, while others will not be at home on March 8th. Among them there will be those whose change will fall on the Day of the worker of housing and communal services of Russia.

And if on this day you meet a plumber or an electrician, or maybe decide to go to check the bills for services in the management company, do not forget to congratulate those people who care about the improvement of your space on their professional holiday.

What should be a congratulation

How and whom to congratulate, everyone decides independently. It is not at all necessary to give gorgeous gifts, believe me, people whose work is invisible at first glance will be very pleased to hear any sincere wishes addressed to them. Congratulations can be said in prose or poetry, be serious or humorous, they can simply be sent by e-mail to the address from which you receive bills for services, be sure that the utilities will read every line and try to work even better and better.

The Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is a professional holiday, which was officially approved almost 40 years ago. This is an important holiday, because it is dedicated to people who provide comfort and cleanliness. In addition, this day is a professional holiday for trade workers, as well as other spheres of service to citizens. In this article, we will consider the number of housing and communal services workers' day in 2017 in Russia, the history and traditions of its celebration.

Holiday date and history

The date of this professional holiday falls on the third Sunday in March. Hence, this year it will be celebrated on March 19.

Day of workers of housing and communal services and consumer services of the population appeared officially more than 50 years ago. At this time, the holiday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July.

However, by order of the government 30 years ago, the date of the holiday was postponed to the third Sunday of the first spring month. However, employees of many organizations and companies did not abandon the previous date, so they began to celebrate both holidays. To this day, many trading companies and even government organizations celebrate the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers in 2017 in Russia in the summer or twice.

And the first decrees that dealt with the activities of the public services sectors appeared even before 1921. After all, it was during this period that the consumer services sector developed rapidly.

Holiday traditions

On this wonderful spring holiday, the best and honored workers receive gratitude, diplomas, certificates of honor and valuable gifts. On this day, conferences are often held to facilitate the exchange of experience and advanced training.

In addition, many organizations organize corporate parties, festive concerts and buffets. The holiday falls at the beginning of spring, so many groups prefer to celebrate the event in nature.

On television and radio on this day, you can see programs dedicated to the most significant events in this area, the history of development and the problems of our time.

Housing and communal services and consumer services in our time

In modern Russia, housing and communal services are going through hard times. Worn-out funds need urgent infusion of significant capital. Because of this, the accident rate of the housing and communal services industry is increasing every year. The depreciation of funds, according to official data alone, is more than 60%.

If in the days of the Soviet Union huge funds were constantly allocated to maintain the normal state and technical requirements, repairs and modernization were regularly carried out, nowadays the number of emergency and dilapidated housing is increasing. This is due to the fact that practically no funds are allocated for the modernization and repair of the housing stock.

Consumer services for the population, in turn, have moved to a completely new level. However, this service is chargeable. Its high quality is due to the competition among organizations that provide such services. Therefore, more and more plumbers, electricians, gas workers and other specialists in this field are called not from government organizations, but from private enterprises.

In this article, we examined when the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is celebrated, as well as the main traditions of its celebration. If there are housing and communal services workers among your acquaintances, relatives or friends, be sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. After all, it is they who help bring warmth and comfort to the house, as well as make the life of every person simple and comfortable.

Cooking recipes:

In Russia, the professional holiday "Day of Trade Workers, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services" is celebrated annually on the 3rd Sunday of March. It was established by the Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 1, 1988.

"Day of Trade Workers, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services" is a holiday of all people whose work is related to the spheres of trade, services and housing and communal services. It is intended to express respect for those workers, without whom we could not imagine our modern life.

Since the date of this holiday is sliding, it sometimes coincides with another similar holiday - the World Day for the Protection of Consumer Rights, which is celebrated on March 15th.

History of the holiday "Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services"

The holiday "Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services" in our country existed even before the official decree on its establishment, issued in 1988.

It appeared in the USSR back in 1966, then it was customary to celebrate it on the 4th Sunday of July. Then, by order of the government, it was decided to postpone this holiday to the 3rd Sunday in March. However, employees of the listed fields of activity did not abandon the usual date and began to celebrate both holidays. Even some trade organizations and regional authorities continue to celebrate this holiday in July.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this holiday was preserved not only in our country, but also in some CIS countries.

The Soviet government, back in the period from 1917 to 21 years, adopted the first decrees concerning the sphere of public services. Since then, the system of consumer services in our country began to develop at a rapid pace.

Consumer service

It is customary to call consumer services all services that help to make our life more convenient and comfortable. They include a variety of workshops, ateliers, consumer houses, hairdressers, salons that specialize in apartment renovation, furniture manufacturing and repair, as well as laundries, dry cleaners, etc. institutions. We also provide household services for the repair of household appliances, various electrical appliances and equipment, musical instruments and cars. Rented items for various purposes, services for cleaning apartments and houses, performing various orders, photography and other similar services refer to the sphere of household services.

A very large number of Russians today work in this area. Such work requires patience from a person, special skills and knowledge, responsibility, dedication, and the ability to find contact with people. A true professional in his field should be able not only to provide high quality services, but also to find an individual approach to each client, to always be smiling and friendly, despite personal circumstances.

Currently, trade and consumer services workers make a very large contribution to the development of the Russian economy. In our country, in recent decades, there has been a constant expansion of the range of services provided and an improvement in their quality. With their daily hard work, workers in this area improve the life of the townspeople.

In ancient times, trade was very important for the economic life of the state. The further development of market relations has led to the fact that the profession of a seller has become one of the most widespread and demanded today.

Housing and communal services (HCS)

Housing and communal services is a complex of subsectors that provide residents with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services implies ensuring the uninterrupted operation of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, power supply, is engaged in major repairs of buildings, current repairs of internal general building utilities and systems, is responsible for the improvement of adjacent territories, collection and removal of garbage, as well as the current cleaning of common areas. It should be noted that housing and communal services currently occupy an important place in the Russian economy.

Let us recall that during the period of economic reforms in the 90s of the last century, there was a sharp decline in investments in fixed assets of housing and communal services in our country. For this reason, the fixed assets of housing and communal services are already badly worn out by now. According to official data, their wear is already more than 60%, most of them are in emergency or pre-emergency condition.

Utilities and consumer services today

Now the housing and communal services of Russia is going through rather difficult times, the worn-out funds must be brought to the normative state, which requires huge financial investments.

The accident rate in this industry is increasing every year. It is important to note that in Soviet times, residential buildings were repaired regularly and fully met the requirements of the standards for the technical maintenance of residential buildings. And then a sharp reduction in repairs led to an increase in the volume of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

Consumer services for the population are part of the service sector, which provides the population with production and non-production services. Household services in Russia are paid.

Consumer services in modern conditions have a fairly extensive industrial material and technical base. It is acquiring an ever more universal character and in recent years has reached a qualitatively new level. The reason for this is the fact that in our country an increasing number of people and organizations no longer want to spend their own energy and time on solving various everyday problems. It is much easier for this purpose to hire qualified specialists who will cope with such a job much better. Incompetent plumbers or electricians are being replaced by professionals who receive a decent salary. There is a constant growth in the number of consumer service organizations.

We can say that our consumer services market is quite peculiar and differs from the European one. In this area, in our country, the most widespread is not small, but private entrepreneurship. In Western countries, the predominant type is family business, while in our country - collective, cooperative forms of management. Today, household enterprises are mainly owned by labor collectives and legal entities.

Tags: Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services

In Russia, the professional holiday "Day of Trade Workers, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services" is celebrated annually on the 3rd Sunday of March. It was established by the Decree of the President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 1, 1988.

"Day of Trade Workers, Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services" is a holiday of all people whose work is related to the spheres of trade, services and housing and communal services. It is intended to express respect for those workers, without whom we could not imagine our modern life.

Since the date of this holiday is sliding, it sometimes coincides with another similar holiday - the World Day for the Protection of Consumer Rights, which is celebrated on March 15th.

History of the holiday "Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services"

The holiday "Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services" in our country existed even before the official decree on its establishment, issued in 1988.

It appeared in the USSR back in 1966, then it was customary to celebrate it on the 4th Sunday of July. Then, by order of the government, it was decided to postpone this holiday to the 3rd Sunday in March. However, employees of the listed fields of activity did not abandon the usual date and began to celebrate both holidays. Even some trade organizations and regional authorities continue to celebrate this holiday in July.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this holiday was preserved not only in our country, but also in some CIS countries.

The Soviet government, back in the period from 1917 to 21 years, adopted the first decrees concerning the sphere of public services. Since then, the system of consumer services in our country began to develop at a rapid pace.

Consumer service

It is customary to call consumer services all services that help to make our life more convenient and comfortable. They include a variety of workshops, ateliers, consumer houses, hairdressers, salons that specialize in apartment renovation, furniture manufacturing and repair, as well as laundries, dry cleaners, etc. institutions. We also provide household services for the repair of household appliances, various electrical appliances and equipment, musical instruments and cars. Rented items for various purposes, services for cleaning apartments and houses, performing various orders, photography and other similar services refer to the sphere of household services.

A very large number of Russians today work in this area. Such work requires patience from a person, special skills and knowledge, responsibility, dedication, and the ability to find contact with people. A true professional in his field should be able not only to provide high quality services, but also to find an individual approach to each client, to always be smiling and friendly, despite personal circumstances.

Currently, trade and consumer services workers make a very large contribution to the development of the Russian economy. In our country, in recent decades, there has been a constant expansion of the range of services provided and an improvement in their quality. With their daily hard work, workers in this area improve the life of the townspeople.

In ancient times, trade was very important for the economic life of the state. The further development of market relations has led to the fact that the profession of a seller has become one of the most widespread and demanded today.

Housing and communal services (HCS)

Housing and communal services is a complex of subsectors that provide residents with a wide range of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services implies ensuring the uninterrupted operation of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, power supply, is engaged in major repairs of buildings, current repairs of internal general building utilities and systems, is responsible for the improvement of adjacent territories, collection and removal of garbage, as well as the current cleaning of common areas. It should be noted that housing and communal services currently occupy an important place in the Russian economy.

Let us recall that during the period of economic reforms in the 90s of the last century, there was a sharp decline in investments in fixed assets of housing and communal services in our country. For this reason, the fixed assets of housing and communal services are already badly worn out by now. According to official data, their wear is already more than 60%, most of them are in emergency or pre-emergency condition.

Utilities and consumer services today

Now the housing and communal services of Russia is going through rather difficult times, the worn-out funds must be brought to the normative state, which requires huge financial investments.

The accident rate in this industry is increasing every year. It is important to note that in Soviet times, residential buildings were repaired regularly and fully met the requirements of the standards for the technical maintenance of residential buildings. And then a sharp reduction in repairs led to an increase in the volume of dilapidated and dilapidated housing.

Consumer services for the population are part of the service sector, which provides the population with production and non-production services. Household services in Russia are paid.

Consumer services in modern conditions have a fairly extensive industrial material and technical base. It is acquiring an ever more universal character and in recent years has reached a qualitatively new level. The reason for this is the fact that in our country an increasing number of people and organizations no longer want to spend their own energy and time on solving various everyday problems. It is much easier for this purpose to hire qualified specialists who will cope with such a job much better. Incompetent plumbers or electricians are being replaced by professionals who receive a decent salary. There is a constant growth in the number of consumer service organizations.

We can say that our consumer services market is quite peculiar and differs from the European one. In this area, in our country, the most widespread is not small, but private entrepreneurship. In Western countries, the predominant type is family business, while in our country - collective, cooperative forms of management. Today, household enterprises are mainly owned by labor collectives and legal entities.

Tags: Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services

Back to the Holidays calendar

The Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is a professional holiday, which was officially approved almost 40 years ago. This is an important holiday, because it is dedicated to people who provide comfort and cleanliness. In addition, this day is a professional holiday for trade workers, as well as other spheres of service to citizens. In this article, we will consider the number of housing and communal services workers' day in 2017 in Russia, the history and traditions of its celebration.

Holiday date and history

The date of this professional holiday falls on the third Sunday in March. Hence, this year it will be celebrated on March 19.

Day of workers of housing and communal services and consumer services of the population appeared officially more than 50 years ago. At this time, the holiday was celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July.

However, by order of the government 30 years ago, the date of the holiday was postponed to the third Sunday of the first spring month. However, employees of many organizations and companies did not abandon the previous date, so they began to celebrate both holidays. To this day, many trading companies and even government organizations celebrate the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers in 2017 in Russia in the summer or twice.

And the first decrees that dealt with the activities of the public services sectors appeared even before 1921. After all, it was during this period that the consumer services sector developed rapidly.

Holiday traditions

On this wonderful spring holiday, the best and honored workers receive gratitude, diplomas, certificates of honor and valuable gifts. On this day, conferences are often held to facilitate the exchange of experience and advanced training.

In addition, many organizations organize corporate parties, festive concerts and buffets. The holiday falls at the beginning of spring, so many groups prefer to celebrate the event in nature.

On television and radio on this day, you can see programs dedicated to the most significant events in this area, the history of development and the problems of our time.

Housing and communal services and consumer services in our time

In modern Russia, housing and communal services are going through hard times. Worn-out funds need urgent infusion of significant capital. Because of this, the accident rate of the housing and communal services industry is increasing every year. The depreciation of funds, according to official data alone, is more than 60%.

If in the days of the Soviet Union huge funds were constantly allocated to maintain the normal state and technical requirements, repairs and modernization were regularly carried out, nowadays the number of emergency and dilapidated housing is increasing. This is due to the fact that practically no funds are allocated for the modernization and repair of the housing stock.

Consumer services for the population, in turn, have moved to a completely new level. However, this service is chargeable. Its high quality is due to the competition among organizations that provide such services. Therefore, more and more plumbers, electricians, gas workers and other specialists in this field are called not from government organizations, but from private enterprises.

In this article, we examined when the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers is celebrated, as well as the main traditions of its celebration. If there are housing and communal services workers among your acquaintances, relatives or friends, be sure to congratulate them on their professional holiday. After all, it is they who help bring warmth and comfort to the house, as well as make the life of every person simple and comfortable.

Housing and communal services are considered one of the most controversial services, however, the benefits of this work are obvious and indisputable. They do not like when they are late for a call, and are ready to carry them in their arms after the next long-awaited repair.
Housing and utilities, as well as household sectors, from the time of the appearance of the first large settlements and up to the present day, have been the main component of the standard of living in megacities. These services improve and decorate settlements, provide comfort and coziness for their residents, maintain cleanliness and order, despite any vagaries of the weather on weekdays and holidays, regardless of the season.

Housing and communal services workers also have their own professional holiday. The history of its origin stretches back to the USSR. Initially, the attitude towards these workers was far from being the best. The wording of the holiday was slightly different - the day of housing and communal services. In those days, repair and construction teams were equated with trade workers and provided support to the population for the communal services, which were huge under the USSR. Consequently, the holiday fell on the last Sunday in July, together with the trade workers.

However, after a while, the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces still decided to separate the day of the housing and communal services worker and made several amendments to the decree on holidays. After that, everyone who worked in this industry before the collapse of the USSR celebrated this holiday on the third Sunday of the month of March. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2013, the day of the worker of housing and communal services is a separate holiday and is also disconnected from the day of trade workers.

How is the day of housing and communal services workers celebrated?

There is not a single employee in housing and communal services organizations who would not accept congratulations on their professional holiday. Despite the fact that the holiday falls on Sunday, they begin to celebrate it on Friday. First of all, the management congratulates everyone. On this day, almost every employee receives not only bonuses, but also valuable gifts - from simple souvenirs to luxurious jewelry. The management reminds that housing and communal services workers are celebrating the day of one of the most peaceful, necessary and respected professions. Further, after the end of the working day, all workers are gathered in a large hall for the presentation of certificates of honor.

Especially celebrate those who gave their profession 20-30 and 40 years. The honorable mission is accompanied by songs, dances and other entertaining performances. In some cities, famous pop stars come to this holiday.
Some funny contests and riddles warm up the audience. After the audience has perked up, the solemn part continues. The awards program is followed by a traditional feast.

Whom to congratulate on the day of the utility?

The current holidays related to the work of trade, public utilities, and household services can be safely called nationwide. In Russia, as in any other country, there is a great variety of hairdressing salons, salons, dry cleaners, parking lots, workshops, companies for the installation of gas and electricity, water and heat, removal of household waste and rental, a variety of things. After all, whatever you say, but to have time, to do everything on your own with today's rhythm of life, the present person is simply impossible. Therefore, all employees who provide such a huge help to the population in overcoming everyday problems are simply obliged to have their own separate day of the year - every third Sunday in March.

What to give on the day of a housing and communal services worker?

So, before the cherished day - the third Sunday in March, you should decide on a gift. To please such a person, it is enough to buy a small cake or something sweet, especially for women and young girls. A jar of coffee or champagne can complement the gift. Any woman working in housing and communal services will be glad even for an ordinary bouquet of flowers, and a man in a public utility will be happy with a bottle of good cognac. The janitor will be sincerely grateful even if nothing is presented to him at all. There is simply no need to litter on the territory adjacent to the house and in the entrance.

What else will be appropriate for this day?

A beautiful mug or a set of dishes will appeal to a woman, a practical cigarette case or purse to a man.

If a housing and communal services worker is a dear family member, then jewelry is appropriate here - earrings, chains, necklaces, rings, bracelets. The owner will be especially pleased if natural pebbles show off on them.
A handmade gift will be, perhaps, the best for a housing and communal services worker. Let it be a picture, a tree made of beads, embroidery, an article made from natural materials, etc. Housing and communal services workers appreciate everything in which a piece of their soul is invested.

From practical gifts, thermoses occupy a special place, because these people work in any weather, and warm tea or coffee will become the best defenders from frost.

Compositions of fresh flowers will help to express respect for a woman. If a housing and communal services employee loves interesting gifts with a twist, then you should opt for a decorated box or a unique casket made of a large egg. For a man, look at a travel bag, a bill clip, or an elegant walking stick. The most fashionable gifts for housing and communal services employees are cup holders, figurines, semi-antique telephones, coffee or tea sets, leather boxes and the like.

When choosing a souvenir for a housing and communal services employee, it is necessary to take into account not only business peculiarities (after all, a gift for a holiday does not always have to be associated with a profession), but also personal qualities - ways of spending leisure time, hobbies, and so on.

How to spend the day of housing and communal services workers?

The very first thing a person can do on this very important day is not to litter. Everyone can do such a trifle, nevertheless, it is she who will be better than many presents. Housing and communal services workers themselves celebrate this day at home in the company of loved ones with a cup of tea and a cake, and perhaps even something hot. Some people are already storming the forests in order to taste delicious barbecue on a holiday.

On the eve of this day, congratulations are being prepared. Some workers rush to the concerts. At the ceremonial part, the best locksmiths, janitors, mechanics, drivers, engineers, in general, all representatives of the numerous professions of the city's housing and communal services, rise to the stage. At the end of the festive part, theater artists perform in front of the audience with a concert.

On this holiday, you can prepare a wall newspaper, post collages and photographs of the best workers. Today, on the global network, you can find hundreds of different wishes regarding this day. How to dilute the feast on this day? You can learn a couple of fresh stories or come up with a horoscope for everyone for this day. Since housing and communal services workers are crazy about everything that has been done with their own hands, you can even bake cookies with wishes and predictions.

As for the wishes, it is also very important to wish the person good health, because the work is extremely hard. The crisis is not terrible for these people, since this profession is considered one of the most in demand. The most important thing is that all relatives treat them with understanding and constantly have support. Often, housing and communal services workers work without holidays and weekends. Housing and communal services are famous for their low turnover in their team. Most of them work here with long-term experience, since work in this industry immediately excludes those who cannot understand why at any time, and sometimes even in the middle of the night, you need to wake up and rush to work. Only those who understand their duties and fulfill them in good faith stay here.

One of the most controversial, but at the same time so necessary and useful services. They are hated when they do not come to the call and idolize after the repairs done, arranging a real holiday for housing and communal services. And if on the 3rd Sunday of March, for any reason, you run into the employees of this institution, then before you complain about a breakdown, congratulate them on their professional holiday, and then timed the time. They will eliminate any malfunction in the shortest possible time, because a kind word can work wonders, especially on the Day of Housing and Utilities Workers.

THE USSR. RF. Housing and communal services

In the USSR, the attitude towards the employees of this organization was always not the best, but this did not prevent all employees of the structure from celebrating a separate date. True, the wording of the holiday back in 1966 was very different from today - Housing and Utilities Day. Then, under the repair and construction brigades, they were classified as trade workers and provided the population with consumer services for the huge Soviet communal services. Therefore, they celebrated their professional holiday every fourth Sunday in July, the day of trade workers. But in a later period, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, nevertheless, decided to isolate the Day of the Housing and Utilities Worker and made a number of changes to the decree on holidays. Thus, everyone who worked in this area at the sunset of the USSR celebrated the holiday every third Sunday in March. According to a fresh presidential decree of 2013, Housing and Utilities Day is a separate date and is also celebrated separately from the day of trade workers.

An excursion into history

The question of creating a structure that would serve the communal services of a large country matured with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. It was necessary to somehow manage all this crumbling economy, and at least patch up holes in the direction of movement into the bright future. Back in 1917, when no one had yet celebrated the Day of Housing and Utilities, the sphere itself began to develop actively. True, the level of training and professionalism of the then workers left much to be desired. After the victory over the autocracy, the hungry crowds of fighters wandering around the cities of fighters against the tsarist tyranny did not know what to do next, and as a result did not have the opportunity for a decent income. So I had to do what my heart was not in, and I didn’t have any skills.

Our days

The situation is completely different now. During the existence of the USSR, and in the modern history of Russia, a huge number of professional educational institutions were created, which trained future specialists in the field of housing and communal services. But in fairness, it must be said that most of the graduates in their specialty do not work, since the level of salaries leaves much to be desired. It is much more profitable to be lawyers and economists, counting losses from dilapidated housing stock and winning numerous cases of living in dilapidated housing. It remains to wish everyone that the day of consumer services in our country is not limited only to March 15, but continues every day.