Party hairstyles for medium hair. For different lengths. Hairstyle "Small curls"

Perhaps in everyday life you wear an uncomplicated ponytail or you have specially made a haircut that does not need to be styled. But there are times when you just have to be dazzling, whether it's a corporate party or your best friend's wedding, the date you're hoping for. The article describes hairstyles for a celebration for long, medium and short hair.

Trends this year are very controversial. Capricious fashion suddenly proclaimed radically opposite trends in one key. Natural casualness and retro style ascended to Olympus, characterized by bouffants, curls and the use of a large number of styling products. However, nobody asks to combine negligence and retro, they go side by side, and you will find yourself in trend with both a careless bun and smooth waves in the spirit of "golden Hollywood".

Rapunzel at a business dinner or date - hairstyles for a celebration for long hair

The widespread accessibility of building has led to the fact that now everyone can try themselves in Rapunzel. In the salons, not only the length is increased, but also the density. This explains the volume of modern styling: if a braid, then voluminous, if curls, then lush.


Versatile! It will be appropriate at a business dinner, if it is combed smooth, and at a pin-up party, if it is lush, decorated with a funny hairpin or handkerchief.

The tails are successfully combined with braiding, they are made high and low, on the side, with a fleece, a complex structure, when it is taken out of an intricate twisting.

The elastic should still not be visible, so one strand will necessarily mask it. The only exception is the case when the hairpin is an immutable attribute of the image as a whole.

Waves and curls

Curls on loose hair are still popular. Elastic curls ideally give the impression of natural, so do not get carried away with varnish and wax. Large curls from the very roots and small bends of the strands that frame only the face look advantageous.

You can comb everything on one side, then the shape will become more original and the accent will be enhanced by large earrings or a hair clip. Glossy waves accentuate any hair color, but only if there are no split ends.

It is easy to achieve a retro style by making a bouffant, twisting the strands with large curlers, as in the 60s, and tying them with a silk ribbon or rim.


The boho trend is experiencing a renaissance not only in clothing, but also among hair stylists. Long, naturally curly strands can be intercepted with a strap, a wreath imitating wildflowers, and go on a date. No one can resist such beauty.


For girls, a Malvinka was braided by a mother in childhood. Collect the upper strands at the back of the head, and let the lower ones remain "free". A bouffant will complete this picture. Do not wrinkle your nose and call her nursery, because even the brilliant-looking Mrs. Jolie at the premieres very often prefers Malvinka. And who will turn his tongue to call her unpretentious?


The spit-waterfall is a guarantee of a romantic and airy image, it does not come out of the preferences of graduates, bridesmaids and the brides themselves, it can be braided for a romantic dinner. The waterfall is also braided on one side, decorated with an elegant hairpin.


It's a win-win for a special occasion. At formal events, the braids become sleek and minimalistic, the basket around the head goes well with a formal dress or a trouser suit. In general, the variations with weaving are endless! Voluminous braids with woven flowers and ribbons are a guarantee of a festive look and add tenderness.

"Fishtail", braiding in buns, braids on loose hair - all this is at the peak of popularity this year.

False car

The fair sex loves to experiment with appearance, but what about when you want to try on a square, but it's a pity to cut off the hair that you have cared for and cherished for more than one year? Then your choice is a false square. Effectively, a false bob is combined with curls. Pin the strands with invisible ones and enjoy yourself in a new role.


Young ladies who are in their early 20s are accustomed to seeing the shell hairstyle on their grandmothers, and recently it has triumphantly returned to big fashion. Chanel and Oscar de la Renta used a simple version of this hairstyle in their shows, and it immediately took a place among the trendy hairstyles. The shell, or French twist, is combined with an evening dress and with a cocktail outfit, even with an elegant pantsuit.


At the length below the shoulder blades, it is easy to build an elegant retro-style bun, and a little disheveled (they are both in trend). Bundles are made with plaits and braids. The antique knot is still popular - it must look heavy, with an abundance of various weaves and is complemented by usually catchy makeup.

Those who need to dress formally and elegantly will appreciate the unconditional trend of this year - a high smooth knot, which is made almost on the crown. He is somewhat extravagant, but he creates the image of a real "shark" in both fashion and business.

The opportunity to remember childhood will give another bright trend of this year - a bun with loose hair. From the face and a little on the sides, the strands are collected in a sloppy bun and fixed with hairpins. Loose curls also should not fit perfectly together, you need to create a kind of "pajama" image, but with a luxurious dress or suit. This contrasting look is perfect for a fashion show or social evening.


You won't surprise anyone with this design, but young ladies still choose them when they want lightness and romance. You can collect the entire length in a bow or make a malvinka by putting a bow on the back. And loose wavy curls with a small bow on the side will be very flirty.

Bows look very intricate and a little childish, so at a youth party, wedding, graduation or date you will have the image of a sweet and gentle girl.


The hairstyle looks like the shell of this cute animal. A pigtail, which is woven in circles, will be perfect for a wedding dress, and for an exquisite, austere outfit.

Bridesmaid Fashion Show - Celebration Hairstyles for Medium Hair

A busy woman doesn't have much time to care for her hair below the shoulder blades. Therefore, around the vast majority of beauties with medium length, for which there are many styling - from laconic to luxurious.

Hollywood style

For a secular reception, the "Hollywood wave" is the best fit. Glossy curls, which will shimmer in the light, will perfectly complement an evening dress "on the floor" and precious jewelry. Perhaps this is the most sophisticated look in our collection, which will highlight what people call "breed" in a woman.

Weaving in a bundle

This year stylists can let their fingers frolic with all their hearts, because a variety of weaving is in fashion. The priority is the French method, when the braids in the bun do not look sleekly smooth, but somewhat disheveled, with thin strands falling off.

Until now, a hint of ancient variations of Greece and Rome remains synonymous with excellent style. Ornate compositions of braids and buns on the head can be chosen for a romantic event in life, your own birthday or a bachelorette party.

Simplicity with choker and ribbon

Loose hair, even not necessarily carefully styled, hide under a choker or ribbon. The view will turn out to be very unusual, it's time to run to a fashion show or a high-society party.


For medium curls, this is 100% suitable, because a heavy shock will not pull the pigtail down and you will not have to resort to a lot of invisibility and a lot of varnish. The waterfall does not take much time and will last long enough, you do not have to fix it all the time. Paired with a cocktail dress and fresh makeup, it will make you the most beautiful bridesmaid and graduate!

Side parting

Carelessly loosened strands, straightened with an iron, will form as an unusual side parting. Such an elementary solution will turn everyday life into an evening look. By the way, put some gel on the strands, now the effect of wet hair is a special priority.


Of course, a hefty bow at the top of the head cannot be assembled if you do not use overhead strands. But a small bow on a Malvinka or a waterfall will add a touch of flirting to your image, they can decorate curls straightened with an iron.


They are at the forefront on the catwalks and streets of all countries of the world! Volumetric fishtail and French braid, the most complex asymmetrical weaving - let your master play enough. They are fond of brides, but choosing a braid, only less magnificent, for a corporate meeting, you will not go wrong.


Low and high, smooth and disheveled, with weaving - definitely we do! French twist, babette - motifs from the banks of the Seine conquered changeable fashion.


If you need a laconic, but not boring option, then lay the strands with intricate bundles. They make bunches of them and braid them into pigtails, release the tail from the bundles and decorate the snail. The general style with harnesses denies the richness of shapes and colors, but it is not replaceable if you dress in military style - trousers, a jacket or a simple black dress.

View All 276 photos "Evening hairstyles"

Having received an invitation to a party, a romantic dinner or a gala event, almost every girl is ready to spend infinitely many efforts to think over and implement her own image. Choosing an evening hairstyle befitting the occasion can take as much time as choosing a style in which the outfit and makeup will be sustained. At the same time, acquaintance with current trends in the world of hairstyles will either become a good ideological guideline, or simply lead to a dead end. It is important to understand one thing - whatever the length of the hair, if you try very hard, you can create a decent festive composition on any of them. In this case, the task is somewhat simplified by the fact that recently, both in everyday and in evening hairstyles, naturalness, bordering on slight negligence, is highly welcomed. That is, the simpler the hairstyle, the more relevant it really is.

Without putting it on the back burner, we will try to systematize the information presented in various sources on how to choose the ideal option for evening hair styling for any occasion. Reading this article will not remain useless for you. In one of the photos presented in it, you will undoubtedly find exactly what you are looking for.

The main thing in choosing an evening hairstyle is meaningfulness.

Without a doubt, without an integrated approach, it will be extremely difficult to choose the most harmonious evening hairstyle. Therefore, if you intend to become a charming and unique goddess of the evening, heed the advice of the leading hair stylists:

  • The hairstyle should be, as they say, to the point. In other words, its compliance with a specific event is mandatory. If we are talking about an official exit, then it is better to dwell on a rather restrained style. At the same time, in an informal setting, a freer hair design will be appropriate - depending on your imagination, this can be both a daring and a romantic image.
  • Remember that hairstyle, makeup and evening dress are a tandem in which all elements are interconnected and are responsible for the integrity and harmony of the appearance. The winning hairstyle may be in question if it is discordant with the rest of the details of the image.
  • An evening hairstyle should be comfortable first of all. The feeling of discomfort that can be caused by a construction that requires constant attention is akin to walking in shoes one size smaller than it should be.
  • According to the rules, any hairstyle is selected taking into account the geometry of the face. Neglect of this nuance can result in the fact that the existing flaws in appearance will not be hidden, as required, but expressed as much as possible. Growth is another criterion to consider. Thus, a high hairstyle will optically "stretch" its owner, make her taller than she really is. If the growth is more than enough, then it is undesirable to raise the hair up.
  • Having made a choice in favor of an extravagant evening dress, the hairstyle should be softened, made less catchy. This rule also works in the opposite direction.

Evening hairstyles for short hair

As we managed to stipulate, the length of the hair is not a hindrance to a spectacular hairstyle. The advantage of a short haircut is that it is quite easy to style. In the presence of cute hairpins and high-quality fixing agents, it is possible to beautifully arrange such hair without the help of a hairdresser. In addition, a short haircut opens up the neck and favorably emphasizes its lines, which looks very sexy against the background of an appropriate evening dress. Unusual coloring can significantly increase the attractiveness of hairstyles on short hair. The color palette of modern paints contains very interesting tones that can be safely combined with each other or used independently. Wavy styling is ideal for girls who want to appear at the evening in a romantic way. To create it, they use styling products (varnish, foam or wax) and, depending on the length of the hair, a curling iron or large curlers. With soft curls all over her head, any lady will look very gentle and feminine. Smoothly combed hair with retro-twisted front locks will turn the hard-to-reach into a real fatal beauty in no time. In both cases, the strands at one of the temples can be fixed with a beautiful hairpin. Short hair, laid back, will acquire a certain bohemianness and at the same time restraint. At the same time, a high forehead will allow you to complement such a styling with a lush pile on the crown. This hairstyle will be appropriate both at a social reception and at a business meeting. Smooth hairstyles with a side parting are preferable for young ladies with neat ears and expressive features. In this case, variations are also possible - side strands freely falling or fixed with hairpins. For a short haircut, an elegant styling option is also suitable, in which the hair on the back of the head is lifted, fixing with wax, and the finished composition is decorated with a rim or diadem. In addition to romance, glamor and severity in evening hairstyles for short hair, mischief and even a little hooliganism are quite acceptable. Styling with a diffuser will help you go beyond the usual framework, during which they create the effect of careless, chaotically scattered hair in different directions. By the way, this hairstyle looks very stylish.

Evening hairstyles for medium and long hair

Medium and long hair give plus or minus the same opportunities in terms of evening hairstyles. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to embody a multi-tiered structure at an average length, but it is quite possible to use one of the options common for medium and long hair. Despite its tradition, evening styling in the form of curls does not cease to be the most relevant among girls. Due to the fact that long hair is initially heavier than medium hair, the resistance of curls on them is somewhat less. In addition, it is not so easy to achieve negligence of curls if by nature the hair is smooth and even. In this case, strong fixing styling products are indispensable. The easiest way to create large or small curls is to use a curling iron or curlers for this purpose. To curl your hair beautifully with an iron, you need to have well-developed skills. Finished curls can be left freely falling or stabbed with invisible ones, transforming them into a pretty bun or shell. A low, high or side bun is one of the simplest evening hairstyles for long and medium hair. If you comb them smoothly and collect the entire shock in a bun, such a composition will acquire a certain formality and, possibly, even “teacher's” severity. However, you can get the exact opposite effect - lightness and ease. To do this, it is enough to release one strand from the bundle and allow it to be freely on the side of the face. An evening shell-shaped hairstyle is, as they say, a classic of the genre. One has only to remember the eponymous "Pretty Woman", where in one of the scenes the unsurpassed Julia Roberts appears in a divine evening dress and with a shell on her hair. The win-win of such an evening look is beyond doubt. Evening hairstyles with braiding will never go out of fashion. On the basis of the most elementary classic braid, you can create a rather original festive composition. If you want to show off your hairdressing skills, you should practice weaving "spikelet", "fishtail", French, Dutch, inverted braids and with their help to make even more elaborate evening hairstyles. A ponytail looks very impressive on long hair. It can be high or low, smooth or voluminous. To hide the elastic, it is wrapped in a thin strand or masked with a beautiful hair clip. The evening ponytail is also available for medium length hair. Only in this case it is placed below or in the middle of the occiput. Any weaving can be an interesting addition to the tail. High evening hairstyles perfectly emphasize feminine grace. In addition, this is a great opportunity to present luxurious earrings or necklaces to the eyes of others. The main secret of such hairstyles is that they visually add height and slim the figure. Going to an event, you can not be too sophisticated, but just draw out your hair well with an iron, making it as smooth and even as possible. This is a very suitable option for girls whose curls are in impeccable condition.

Embodying this or that idea of ​​an evening hairstyle, do not forget that all kinds of hair accessories can be your faithful helpers. Headbands, hairpins, hairpins with pearls, flowers and tiaras will emphasize the sophistication of your taste and give your appearance a special charm.

A woman strives to look luxurious every day, even if the only spectators of her ideal image are colleagues or idle passers-by. If a special occasion comes, any celebration, for example, a banquet, New Year's corporate party, wedding or graduation, the lady's style should match the festive atmosphere as much as possible. It is necessary to carefully prepare every detail of the image: hairstyle, clothes, makeup, accessories and shoes.

All of this is worthy of equal attention, and nothing should be overlooked to create a sophisticated, luxurious and harmonious look. After all, a woman is going to a celebration, like to a ball, where she will shine and attract everyone's enthusiastic glances.

Differences between evening hairstyles and usual

The evening hairstyle is special because it is not meant for everyday life, but for special occasions. She adorns a woman, adds charm, grace and grace to her, as well as a little mystery and mystery.

Stop ruining your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent research on hair care products has revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoo spoil our hair. Check your shampoo for: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst thing! These chemicals enter the bloodstream through the pores and are carried through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommend that you refuse such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - Mulsan Cosmetic. The products comply with all norms and standards of safe cosmetics. It is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that the shelf life of natural cosmetics should not exceed one year of storage.

Modern tendencies

Fashion trends in evening hairstyles offer a lot of variety. Both classic curls and a classic bun are highly valued. Special attention should be paid to designs from braids, which have always been considered symbols of femininity and elegance.

For different lengths

Any woman with any hair length can style her hair into a beautiful evening hairstyle.

Short hair

Although short hair cannot be tied up in a bun or braided, this does not mean that an evening option for short hair is not available. On the contrary: the advantage of short hair is that styling requires only reliable styling and fixing products, as well as beautiful hairpins.

The main task of the formal style on short hair is to maximize volume, and this is easy to do on your own. If the hair is cut to a "bob" or "sesson", it should be raised at the very roots by means of a pile. Next, apply styling product to the ends and beat the hair randomly. At the end of the hairstyle, it must be fixed with varnish.

A hairstyle based on the contrast of curled and straight hair looks playful. Curl the side and back strands with styling products while keeping the bangs straight.

Medium hair

This length is versatile: medium hair can be pulled up into a small, elegant bun or divided into curls of different sizes. Small curls give the image cheerfulness and youth, and large curls - romance and tenderness. Sometimes curls are a sufficient element for an evening style when no additional decorations are needed.

If you want to open your face and neck, you can choose the Greek style, where the hair is braided in front in small braids, and in the back it is gathered in a voluminous bun.

Compositions of braids and loose hair are very convenient, since the hair is both loose and tidied up. For example, you can braid a horizontal French braid by releasing the bottom strands from each “cell” of the braid. You will get a kind of waterfall from the hair.

Braids are woven in completely different ways. Looks great as one large braid going down the center of the head, as well as two French fluffy braids.

Long hair

This length offers a lot of room for imagination. An evening style can be created by lifting your hair into a bun, creating a Greek hairstyle, building a weaving composition.

If you choose to pull your hair up, you don't have to tie up all the hair in a bun. Some strands can be specially let go by curling them into flirty curls. The bangs and side strands will thus contrast with the rest of the hair in a high hairstyle.

The back strands can also be slightly released from the bun, and then the image will turn out to be daring, youthful and stylish. So that the bangs do not distract attention from the back strands, it must be smoothed and laid on the side parting so that it covers the forehead diagonally.

And one more variation of the evening hairstyle, where not one bun is presented, but several at once. Such a complex styling looks very interesting and unusual.

Retro party hairstyles

In the evening hairstyle, a retro twist is allowed. An image in this style turns out to be mysterious, fatal and romantic.
If the hair is short, for example, cut under the "square", they need to be divided into strands and each curled to get airy curls. You can wear a headband decorated with a huge flower.

Another sign of retro style is curled and fixed waves. The wavy bangs, laid on the side parting and barely covering the forehead, look especially impressive.

Medium hair is retro-styled in a similar manner to short hair. Looking for curls and a huge retro accessory.

Compatibility with accessories

Accessories are only welcome at the celebration if they are selected with taste and taking into account the general mood of the whole image. The accessory is designed not to distract attention to itself, but to maintain harmony, adding subtle accents.

The choice of accessories depends on the celebration you are going to. For example, a bride adorns her pretty head with a diadem or a veil.

A flower-shaped accessory is suitable for prom. He will emphasize youth and tenderness.

A Greek hairstyle is unthinkable without a bandage, which not only decorates, but also fixes the hair roller.

How to keep your evening hairstyle for a long time?

Putting your hair into an evening hairstyle is not easy, but it is even more difficult to maintain it for the duration of the entire celebration. The following important tips will help you look shiny for hours on end.

So that the curls do not fall off, and the bun does not lose its shape, you need to prepare your hair in advance. First of all, you need to wash your hair the day before the planned celebration. Moreover, many styling holds well on the second day after washing, and this is important to take into account.

Begin styling with a dry shampoo can. This product helps to create a strong and long-lasting hairstyle.

And another unexpected helper in creating a lasting evening hairstyle is a smooth cotton towel. They should run through their hair to remove static electricity, which usually builds up in the hair and destroys the hairstyle.

Next, it's time to start directly creating the selected hairstyle. The various stylists who post their step-by-step tutorials disagree on the use of styling products. Someone recommends mousses and foams, someone refuses them, and someone uses hairspray, which begins to harden a few minutes after spraying.

Since every woman is individual and has her own unique hair, she knows best of all in what condition her hair holds her hair longer. Therefore, the advice serves only as a basis, and then you can figure out for yourself how to make your hairstyle look stunning all night long.

Famous personalities at receptions

Brilliant stars of show business have always been a guiding star in the art of hairdressing. How often do women bring photos of their favorite hairstyles to a beauty salon and ask them to do the same.

Who can be an example in choosing an evening hairstyle?

Female singers

Taylor Swift

This hairstyle looks very interesting, because the front strands are laid in waves in a retro style, and the back ones are gathered in a bun. Accessories adorn this hairstyle: a thin, barely noticeable hoop and a huge flower.


This famous singer is very fond of experimenting with her hair. This style is suitable for prom. A flirty bow, if desired, can be replaced with any other accessory.

Hollywood celebrities

Kristen Stewart

The actress's hairstyle consists of a long French braid that encircles her head in the back, and a messy knot of hair ends. This complex hairstyle for Kristen looks sloppy, because short side strands are knocked out of the general style.

Brooklyn Decker

The hairstyle of the actress and model is similar to the boho style, looking very romantic and gentle. Although Brooklyn's hairstyle is deliberately sloppy, if you wish, you can make the wreath neatly if you want to look formal.

How to do it yourself

In the video you will see how to make evening hairstyles quickly and easily, literally in 5 minutes.

Now is the time to consider step-by-step tutorials on how to perform the most popular evening hairstyles.

Greek hairstyle

The basis of the style is the bandage. Put it on your head, and then tuck the back strands under it. Instead of a bandage, you can use a design of two side strands attached to the back.

Greek hairstyle option

This style suits both curls and straight hair. It starts with a pile on the top of the head, then the side strands on each side are connected at the back.

French horizontal braid

You should start your hairstyle by dividing your hair into a deep, side parting. Next, one large strand is taken at the very base of the parting, it is divided into three thin ones, from which the braid is woven. If there are bangs, it should not be braided. Weaving is done from one side to the other, over the entire head.


So, here are how many options are offered to you to make you look great at the celebration. Choose and shine!

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As for hairstyles, hair styling, representatives women try to give as much seriousness as possible, and the reason does not matter. A girl should always look attractive and feminine. But the choice of evening and wedding hairstyles is something special. For the evening, you need to take into account all the details, the hairstyle should be suitable exclusively for your hair type, and do not forget about the outfit, you need to choose one that is in harmony with the hairstyle. The most important thing is to give the hairstyle as natural as possible, because you don't have to try hard at all for a memorable look. For an exquisite hairstyle, girls most often turn to professionals, but what if there is no time for salons at all? Luxurious hairstyles can be reproduced by itself, and without much effort.

All evening hairstyles for long hair are divided into several types:

1. Acentral - can be performed on all types of hair, of any length. Some hairstyles may require bangs.

2. Concentrated - to create such hairstyles you need long or elongated hair, since the hairstyle is mainly collected at the top of the head.

It is also not an exceptional option that the back hair can go after combing into bangs. Do a simple evening hairstyle can be done without the help of a master, but it can take a long time to create.

It is simple in its execution, it is enough that you wind the strands on papillotes (curlers in the form of boomerangs). Divide the curls along the rim line and collect the rest of the hair either at the back of the head or at the crown with the help of hairpins and invisible hairpins. You can pin them in any order. For special occasions you can make greek hairstyle, easy enough to execute. The main ones are hairstyles:... Lampadion. Greek knot. You can decorate hairstyles with a mesh chosen to match the color of the outfit.

Video lesson:

The image of "Malvina"

For long or medium length hair, it will work well image of "Malvina"... This look is open-faced. There are many options for its implementation. Standard- comb the hair, select a small part, then weave a French braid from it (vice versa), eventually adding the main part of the hair. Once finished, you need to secure with an elastic band, and twist the braid in the shape of a flower. It is desirable to create such a masterpiece on healthy hair and with a decorative ornament. They are especially beautiful- flowers in hair.

Video lesson:

Evening styling for long hair are assembled, semi-assembled or free. Other variations- collected. These are all kinds of beams with decorative elements. It will be better if you ask someone close to you to arrange such bundles. ... You need to wind your hair on a curling iron, the curls should hold well, so you need to use a strong hold hairspray. ... Make a small bouffant on the top of the head. ... Collect hair in a beautiful ponytail at the top of the head, or low at the back of the head and pin the curls in random order, imitating a bun. It is possible, and without a tail, by pinning the hair horizontally with invisibility just below the crown. And also with the help of hairpins, prick the hair in different directions. Decorative embellishments can be added.

Video lesson:

Evening hairstyles for long hair are expressed by a wide choice among representatives the fair sex. Unlike medium hair, you can achieve absolutely any hairstyle, since hair allows you to create the most beautiful images. Even just loosening curled hair, you will start to amaze with the beauty and peculiarity of those around you. You can create an image with an intricate, complex hairstyle, or you can delight with ordinary weaving, or correctly decorated bunches.

Evening hairstyle with braiding

We divide the hair into three partings vertically, making the temporal zones equal. From the frontal part, we begin to use the fishtail weaving technique. We fly to the top of the head, dissolve the strands for volume and tie with an elastic band. Now we are working with the temporal zones. We separate a small part of the hair, comb it, twist it one turn on the finger and bring the curl in the head, pin it with invisibility, we also make the second, third strand until we reach the crown. We do the same with the side of the temporal zone. After you have reached the crown from both sides, you need to continue one of them. We pin it with invisible ones, fix it with varnish.

Long, like all lengths, have their own disadvantages. For example, if a girl has heavy hair, it will be difficult for them to wear high styling, or the hairstyle can tightly tighten the hair, reflecting negatively on the structure of the hair and on your mood. And of course, because of the severity, it can easily fall apart. On long hair, you can embody any hairstyle, but you need to carefully consider some rules. Hairdressers advise girls to use some simple variations that can be easily corrected if something goes wrong. If collected hairstyles are more popular with you, then the best option would be to place them on the back of the head. If it is a bun, it will give you more grace. There are no restrictions among various kinds of braids, braids can be embodied in a variety of technologies. You can create a beautiful air braid, use French or standard techniques, or fishtail. In choosing an evening hairstyle, the choice of a dress is also very important. Harmony should exist between dress, styling, jewelry and shoes, and of course the format of the event.

Here are some tips for choosing an evening hairstyle for long hair:

  1. If your dress has open shoulders, then you can use options like with loose hair, with elements of weaving, collected. But you will become more graceful with collected hair, this styling can emphasize a beautiful neck. If you decide to wear a necklace to complement the dress, you can't go wrong when choosing with pinned hair.
  2. A side hairstyle will be an excellent option for girls who prefer dresses with one open shoulder. It can be simple Hollywood curls, a low graceful ponytail, or a bun with weaving elements. For a bundle, you can leave a couple of dangling curls around your face.
  3. For a dress with a V neckline, loose voluminous curls will be an excellent option.
  4. Only high hairstyles! Do not let your hair down if your dress has a closed neck, you can aggravate the situation by making it even shorter.
  5. If you wear a dress that has a cutout on the back, you should also refuse to loose hair, due to the fact that it will cover the cutout.

Better take advantage of gentle, neat hairstyle with gathered hair.

Collected evening hairstyles for long hair

The look of these hairstyles has many accomplishments.

  1. Gracefully open shoulders and neck, making you much more feminine than usual.
  2. Emphasizes the expressive features of your face, thereby hiding imperfections.
  3. With such styling, you can allow long earrings, voluminous necklaces, massive hairpins, brooches, etc.
  4. Suitable for all occasions, and almost any chosen outfit.

Evening hairstyles for long hair at home

Elegant bun... Use a donut to create a bun. Put it on the side and style it. Fix with hairspray to add shine to hair. Using this styling, you can safely wear long earrings. You can also make a low bun from the strands.


Another option- air. On the back of the head, you need to arrange a bunch using a donut or a roller. But before starting to release several strands from the face that need to be curled, you can leave one on both sides, and place the rest in a bun. Pour over with varnish to give shine and to fix.

Girls with an oval face the top beam is ideal. If you are planning any retro party, feel free to do this hairstyle. From the beginning, you need to leave two thin strands, in the future these will be our pigtails. Then, on the highest part of your head, pull your hair into a ponytail and create a bun. We braid the strands into pigtails and wrap them around the bundle. A very feminine image is obtained in women who have a bun on the side. It looks perfect with any outfit and anyway.

Choosing a side at occiput, and do bundle with bagel . Not twist, a simply put on on gum, then yet once fix his rubber band above and remaining hair we braid v pigtail, or the same harness, which the necessary anchor around our graceful beam. This option will Great look at girls with bangs.

Interesting openwork bundle , maybe become diversity your his image. His can do Little careless. For start share head on three vertical parts, average should to be more, how temporal. Temporal v this is time equal. On average we braid spikelet. Then neatly twist his v bundle. That the same the most doing with temporal zones and twist around beam. For diversity v hairstyle bundle, can add weaving on the whole head, initially weave bangs, usage french, fish tail and standard technician.

Evening hairstyles on long hair - curls

How young woman maybe get along without curls? They serve the most comfortable hairstyle, if on rest simply not enough time. Curls - universal option, after all maybe suit absolutely any length, structure hair, any alongside (except outfits with closed neck). Exists many technician fulfillment curls. For example, hollywood waves. Settle their necessary attentively, if throw over their on side, a rest hair lay down per ear. It will turn out delightfully gentle option. Ideally fit decorations from pearls.

A holiday for every girl is another reason to look gorgeous, and a beautiful hairstyle is an essential attribute of a breathtaking look. If there is no time or opportunity to visit the master before the event, then you should not be upset. Any girl can make a stylish hairstyle with her own hands if she carefully follows step-by-step photos and video tutorials. We offer you a selection of twenty of the simplest and most beautiful holiday hairstyles.

Hairstyles with braids

French braids are the trend this year. The simplest holiday hairstyles are made from braids. As soon as you learn how to weave a French braid, this styling will immediately go to the "favorites" section. She will be able to help out in the most unexpected situations when you need to get ready for a holiday in a hurry. To make a beautiful hairstyle with your own hands, you have to work hard. The weaving technique must be mastered in advance and well practiced. However, once you learn, the skill will remain forever. Consider several options for hairstyles from French braids.

Advice. If your hair is thin and sparse, then you should not immediately give up hairstyles with braids. The bouffant will help to make the styling more luxuriant.

Side scythe

The braid on the side is a light hairstyle, because you can do it with your own hands in almost ten minutes. To build such a styling on your head, use our instructions.

  1. Part a side part and toss the entire head of hair to one side.
  2. Weave a standard French braid. In this case, the hair must be grasped horizontally from the other side. You need to weave a braid behind the ear. It should only go down.
  3. Tie the end with an elastic band.
  4. Sprinkle hairspray on your hair to keep it in place all evening.

Elastic braid

If the classical technique of weaving French braids turned out to be beyond your power, then there is no need to despair. Ordinary elastic bands will help you to make a chic braid. You can decorate such a braid with a bright hair clip or an unusual elastic band. Similar hairstyles are shown step by step in the photo below.

Two pigtails at the back

This is a great festive hairstyle for medium hair. However, it is also suitable for long-haired beauties. Making a hairstyle is quite simple: you need to separate two strands on the sides, braid them in pigtails and carefully fasten them at the back with the help of invisible ones. The remaining hair can be rolled up, braided into a loose braid, or left as it is.


This is an easy hairstyle for long hair for a holiday. To create a bezel, you need to make a horizontal parting from ear to ear and start to weave the braid from the side. The French braid should be with hooks. There is also a second option: the hair is divided into a parted hair and braids are braided on both sides (they should fit snugly to the head). A rim is formed from them, and the ends of the braids can be fixed in the form of a small bundle.


This festive hairstyle for long hair can go well with a romantic style. You can watch the step-by-step weaving process in the video.

Other types of pigtail hairstyles

If your soul requires variety, then in this section you can see how to make original hairstyles with your own hands at home. The photo and video tutorials show the most daring experiments with braids.

Hairstyles with tails

Even the most ordinary ponytail, when done right, can turn into a festive hairstyle for medium to long hair. Such styling is more suitable for owners of straight hair.


A perfect high ponytail will be a great addition to a classic look. It can be made lush or smooth. The ponytail can be combined with both a stylish business suit and a cocktail dress.

Advice. To make the look sophisticated and attractive, the upper part of the hair must be combed before shaping the tail.

Ponytail and French braids combo

If there is a desire for a variety of images with a tail, then you can add braids to the hairstyle. You can make such hairstyles with your own hands in just fifteen minutes. You can complement the image with accessories.

Important! If your hair is thin and thin, then you should not combine the ponytail with French braids. This hairstyle is perfect for girls with thick hair.

Double tail

When the volume of the hair is not enough, then you can make a double ponytail. This will add some extra chic to your hairstyle. Hair can be rolled up, which will also add volume.

Romantic curls

This versatile DIY evening hairstyle is done in a few minutes (the time depends on the thickness of the hair). Curls look very sexy at any length and thickness of hair. They are ideal for going to the cinema, theater, birthday or wedding. You can make curls with a curling iron.

Elegant styling in Greek style

The following instructions will help you to make such a festive hairstyle with your own hands:

  1. Make a side part and curl your hair into a curling iron.
  2. Divide the head of hair in two at ear level. Pin the upper part for a while.
  3. Tie the lower part with an elastic band in the middle of the tail, comb the ends.
  4. Wrap the lower tail in a roll and secure with invisible ones.
  5. Repeat the same steps on the top of the hair.


A bun is another simple hairstyle that you can do at home with your own hands in just a couple of minutes. The bundle will suit any style of clothing and any occasion. And to do this styling correctly, use our step-by-step photo instructions.

Hair bow

This is an original festive hairstyle for long hair. It is more suitable for young girls. You can get this hairstyle done in five minutes, so this is a great option if there is absolutely no time left for training. A hair bow can be made in three steps:

  1. Gather your hair into a malvinka. Tie with an elastic band. Tie the second time, not passing the hair through to the end.
  2. Divide the tail in two.
  3. Pass the ends of the tail between the halves and secure them with invisibility.

Hairstyle with fleece

Such a do-it-yourself hairstyle for a holiday is suitable for young and courageous girls. It will add volume to fine hair and make the look very bold and attractive. It only takes a couple of minutes to do this. The hair on the sides and on top must be carefully combed and fixed with varnish. A comb with sparse teeth will help to make a good fleece. Then, from the combed hair, you need to form a styling and secure it with invisible ones on the sides. Bright earrings can complement the look.

Sloppy styling

Light mess on the head is the trend of 2017. Such styling requires a minimum of time and effort. It is perfect for a bold and daring look. To do it, you need to comb the hair at the roots, sprinkle it with varnish and wrinkle it a little in your hands. That's all - stylish evening styling is ready. This is the simplest DIY hairstyle. You can complement this look with bright makeup. For example, paint your lips with red lipstick.

Classic curl

If there is a very important and responsible event ahead, then a strict classic curl is the best solution. This quick DIY hairstyle will perfectly complement a trouser suit or light classic dress. The hair just needs to be lifted and combed, and then twisted into a curl. Such a hairstyle is fixed with invisibility. It can be performed in different variations. Do-it-yourself hairstyles for the holiday are presented in the photo.

Hairstyle with bangs

This is a very common type of styling. Quite often, such a do-it-yourself hairstyle at home is done for a daily look. However, when time is running out, she can go to the evening bow. It is very easy to make such a styling. To do this, you need a varnish, a pair of invisibility and a comb with rare teeth. On the head, you need to highlight the area of ​​the bangs, comb the hair thoroughly, fix it with varnish and invisibility. The rest of the hair can be rolled onto a curling iron.

Original styling for short hair

If you have a short haircut, it will be more difficult to make some original hairstyle. However, in this case, you can get by with a stylish styling or haircut. The haircut, of course, must be done by the master. You cannot cut your hair yourself. Otherwise, you will ruin your hair, and you will have to cut it completely. If you already have a haircut, then do a neat styling with a hair dryer, round brush and hairspray. You can also experiment with parting. You can complement the image with large earrings and bright makeup.

Hairstyle with a bandage for a summer holiday

The headband is a very stylish accessory that can be used to create an original hairstyle for a summer look. If you have a question on how to make such a hairstyle with your own hands, then see our photos and video tutorials.

Malvinka with fleece

This hairstyle is familiar to every girl since childhood. However, it is also relevant in adulthood. To form a malvinka, you need a regular elastic band, hairspray and a fleece brush. First, the hair needs to be combed well and sprinkled with a little varnish. Then the crown is assembled into a small ponytail. To add volume to the hairstyle, the ponytail can be combed and raised at the roots. You can tie a malvinka using a regular elastic band, or stab it with an original hairpin. If the hair is short, then the malvinka needs to be fixed on the sides. For this, the usual invisible ones are suitable.