Cool toasts in a circle of friends. Beautiful toasts about friendship

A lonely old hermit dies in a dense thicket. Lies on his bed and waits for death. There's a knock on the door. Old man:
- Who's there?
- I am Love.
The old man thought why he needed love for old age and did not open the door.
After a while, another knock on the door.
- Who's there.
- It's me - Wealth.
The old man thought: "Why do I need wealth? I have no relatives, and I am dying." And didn't open the door.
Third knock on the door.
- Who's there?
- It's me - Friendship.
The old man thought, and indeed, he had few friends in his whole life; and at the end of life, friends will not interfere. Opened the door. And along with Friendship came Love and Wealth.
So let's drink to friends who will always bring us love and wealth.

It's time for the old man to die. He prayed, raised his hands to the sky and turned to God: - God, let me live a little longer! - How much do you want? - As many as there are leaves on this tree. - That's a lot. - Well, then, as many as there are apples on this apple tree. - That's a lot too. I will let you live as long as you have friends. “But I have no friends,” the old man lowered his head and wiped away the tears that had come. Let's drink to our friends! And so that there are more of them than leaves on a tree!

If a person drinks alone, then he is ill. If he drinks with friends, then he is fine.
For friends with whom it is pleasant to drink!

One very beautiful bird lived in warm regions. Slender, with bright colors, long legs, she ate only very refined food and bathed only in very clear waters. But every morning this self-loving bird would rise high into the sky, fold its wings, and fall bare-backed into the hot sand. Scientists became interested in such a strange behavior of the bird, began to study it. We found out that this beautiful, proud, selfish bird had no friends at all, she was lonely!
So let's drink to friends who do not allow us to fall so low!

There are snakes in the forest. Some of them bite.
If a snake has bitten in the hand ... - the poison can be sucked out and spit out. If a snake has bitten in the leg ... - then the poison can also be removed - by sucking (from the leg) and spitting it out. BUT IF A SNAKE BITED IN J.PU ...... So let's drink to good friends who will not let you down in difficult times !!!

One great philosopher said: "A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother!" So let's drink for you - my Friends.

Once the king was leaving on a journey and he called his servant and said to him: you are my faithful servant and I entrust you with this key from my wife's chastity belt, hide this key away and take care until I arrive.
Before the king had time to drive off, he heard the cry of his faithful servant: "Sir, the key does not podkhol"!!!
So let's drink to the fact that we have more such true friends.

Wise Omar Khayyam advised:
Know only people worthy of friendship,
And do not know scoundrels, do not shame yourself.
If a vile medicine pours you - pour it out!
If a wise man gives you poison, take it!
My friends, I am happy to see everyone today. Pour yourself and me poison (after all, alcohol, as doctors say, is poison), I will gladly accept it from you and for you.

Time spent with friends does not count towards age. So let's drink to friends who prolong our life ...

There is such an anecdote. The wife sent a telegram to her husband: "BEER". He is to a friend, they say, decipher. Buddy says:
- It means: "I'm sorry, I changed, I'll come back, I'll explain."
Upset husband - to another friend. He deciphered:
- "I tried to change, everyone refused."
"That's another matter," said the husband.
So let's drink to real friends!

In youth, men often drink for girlfriends, and in old age for friends. Why? Because who will drink with friends for old girlfriends?
My toast to old friends!

A good friend is like the wind.
In case of misfortune
He will take away both sorrow and misfortune,
Like leaves that crumble in bad weather
In the autumn, cooling garden.
And in joy - he is a powerful shaft,
Safely on the path of your enemies.
I love reliable, real friends.
I appreciate it. And I raise a toast to them.

There lived two people. One constantly cleared the path to his house of snow, but the snow filled up everything in a new way, and the poor fellow got to work again.
And the other never cleared the path of snow. He had many friends who often came to visit him and tread the path to his house.
So let's drink to our friends!

What could be warmer and more pleasant than sitting with friends with or without it. Any holiday in the circle of close friends is especially fun, because like-minded people gather who are funny and interested in the same thing.

And also common holidays with friends are a great opportunity to say warm words to true friends and express gratitude for their support and participation. Sometimes we don’t do this simply because we are embarrassed or cannot find the right words. To overcome the awkwardness of direct confessions and make our congratulations more effective and original, you can start somehow allegorically or unusually, for example, with the help of a beautiful legend, but already then say the cherished words.

We offer a selection of Caucasian toasts, parables and table jokes for a friendly feast.

1. A table joke about two Georgians.

The two Georgians have been friends since ancient times. And so one calls the other to attend a singing circle with him:

Listen, what good is a Georgian who can't sing? - says the first.

Yes, singing is good, but what a barbecue I can cook!

Well, here you will cook a barbecue for us in a circle of singing!

How is it: in a circle of singing - barbecue?

And what? We play dominoes there, and read newspapers aloud, and watch football!

When do you sing? his friend wonders.

At home, dear, at home!

So let's raise our glasses for friends, from communication with which our soul sings!

2. Caucasian toast "For the talent to be a friend"

No one knows where talent comes from in a person. It is not clear whether God or the devil endows them. Perhaps earth and heaven endow human talent? It is incomprehensible how talent exists in us: does it live in the heart, is it spilled in the blood? We do not know whether the talent lives in each of us from birth or does a person find it later, making his difficult journey through the earth? What feelings feed him more: love or hate, evil or kindness, need or luxury? Or maybe he needs everything at once: both, and the other, and the third? What nurtures talent? What develops it? Is it transmitted from father to son, or does each find his own, experiencing sorrows and joys, seeing what he saw, heard, experienced, learned, read?

Talent is something mysterious that will not be revealed to people even when they know everything about the Earth and the stars, about their past and future, when all the rivers flow back and the Sun goes out, when water and fire make friends with each other. Even then, no one will fully discover what talent is, how it is obtained, where it is placed, and why one person has one and the other another talent.

Each of us is talented in our own way, because similar talents are not the same! Talent, reviving in a person, is not interested in either the greatness of the state in which a person lives, or the size of his salary. The appearance of talent is always akin to a miracle, and therefore a talented person so brightly illuminates everything and everyone who gets the happiness to meet on his way.

Therefore, I want to drink to my friends, each of whom has a unique talent to be a friend!

(such Caucasian toast for a friendly feast can be combined with the original congratulations "Bucket of Talents" - look)

3. Caucasian toast "For friends who will not let you howl out of boredom."

Somewhere far away, in warm climes, lived a beautiful animal. It loved itself very much for its long slender horns, iridescent plumage, large blue eyes and graceful wings. This animal ate only exquisite food and drank only spring water, but every evening it climbed high into the mountains and howled very sadly at the moon. Scientists biologists were very interested in the strange behavior of this selfish animal and found out that he simply did not have friends! Let's raise our glasses to the people who won't let us howl with boredom! For friends!

4. Parable about friendship "Bonfire of a true friend".

The Khunzakh Khan invented such a torture: the offender was led to the highest mountain, which was blown by seven winds, even in the heat of the day remained covered with snow. There, the executioners stripped the victim naked and left him until dawn. If the unfortunate survived after such a test, then the khan forgave him. But there were, oh, how few!

And two friends lived in the possessions of the Khunzakh Khan. Everyone marveled at their fidelity, which only grew stronger with time. Once one of them was guilty before the khan, and now the unfortunate man was taken to this terrible mountain to be tortured.

Hold on! shouted his friend. - I'll be on the opposite mountain all night! And so that you can see me, I will burn a fire!

So the whole night the unfortunate man endured chilling winds and suffered from burning snow under his feet. But all night, somewhere far away, he saw the flames of a fire. And hope warmed him. It even seemed to him that a faithful friend sang to him those songs that they both sang, sitting by the hot hearth, drinking new wine. So the night passed, and the punished man endured it!

I raise my glass to friendship! May her fire never go out!

5. A toast to friends.

One old Georgian had five friends: one was honest, the second was smart, the third was kind, the fourth was fair, and the fifth was generous. When a Georgian was told about how kind, fair or smart he was, he always answered: “I have five friends:“ one is honest, the second is smart, the third is kind, the fourth is fair and the fifth is generous. It was they who taught me to be like that - they encourage my best qualities to manifest!

I join the opinions of this wise old Georgian and ask you to raise your glasses to my friends!

6. Toast "Listen to the word" friends ".

A man's car broke down on the highway. It was very cold and scary. Passers-by looked indifferently at the car standing alone on the side of the road, and no one wanted to lend a helping hand. And then the man shouted out of his last strength, “Friend, help me, I'm freezing! ". A friend heard and rushed to help. So let's drink to friends who, wherever we are, will always come to the rescue!

Some strange martyr sits all at home, boring, and sees only a flaw in life. Go, weirdo, to your friends! For friends!

Two married girlfriends decided to have fun and went to the hippodrome. You should bet on some horse, but which one? Decided like this:
What bra number are you wearing? The first? I am the second.
- Two plus one - let's bet on the third number.
Horse number three came first. Having divided the winnings, the happy friends returned home and told everything to their husbands. Those next day, too, rushed to the hippodrome.
- Which one shall we bet on?
“Listen, how many times a night do you make love?”
- I? Seven!
- I'm nine! Let's put it on sixteen.
However, this time the horse number two came first...
Let's drink to always telling our friends the truth!

Dear friend! On this joyful and bright day, I want to drink for your coffin, which you will hollow out with your own hands from an old hundred-year-old oak tree, which will grow from a tiny tiny acorn that you will plant on the day of your centennial anniversary

The greatest pleasure is to bring joy to your friends! So let's drink to the pleasure that communication with you gives me, my friends!

"No, all of me will not die!" -
The great Pushkin said.
And this gave the answer to eternity question.
Well, my friends, let's pour a full mug!
For everything that is imperishable in us, we will make a toast!
For our friendship!

A person who has no friends lives a joyless life. Who does not know what to drink for, lives aimlessly! So let's drink to joyful and purposeful friends!

Once upon a time there were two friends - Vasya and Vanya. And it so happened that Vasya went into the army, and Vanya remained in civilian life. Vasya returned two years later, comes to Vanya, and then he did not waste his time, opened a company, earned a lot of money, married a beauty.
Vasya asks - take me to your company, but Vanya refused him. Then Vasya was offended and decided to go to his parents in another city.
But just before boarding the train, an old man comes up to him and asks: “Give, dear man, a parcel. Well, if no one meets you, take it so yourself. Vasya took the parcel, but no one met him at the destination station.
He then unfolded the bundle, and there are a lot of dollars!
Vasya opened a company with this money, things went well, but only six months passed, and he fell seriously ill. And no doctors could help him. And when he completely despaired, an old woman came to him and gave him a drug.
He drank it, and he felt better, and soon he completely recovered.
After some time, he met a beautiful girl and invited her to become his wife.
And at his wedding he sees Vanya. “But how dare you appear here, such a bastard, when you left me in trouble! "Vasya shouts. “I didn’t leave you in trouble,” Vanya says, “you came poor to me rich, and I couldn’t take you to my job, because then we would not be equal. You didn't have money - and my father gave it to you. You were sick - and my mother cured you.
And now you're marrying my sister."
So let's drink to strong male friendship!

Good wine is easier to find than a reason to drink it.
So let's drink to friends whose arrival is already enough reason to drink!

A pack of wolves lived in the jungle. The leader became very old. And when the flock had to go hunting, the leader said that he was not able to lead the flock. A young, strong wolf came out of the pack, approached the leader and asked him to allow him to lead the pack.
The old wolf agreed, and the pack went in search of food.
A day later, the flock came from hunting with prey. The young wolf told the leader that they attacked seven hunters and easily pulled them up.
It was time for the pack to go hunting again, and the young wolf led it. The flock was gone for a long time. And then the old wolf saw the young wolf covered in blood. He told the leader that the pack attacked three people, and only he was left alive.
The old wolf asked in surprise:
- But after all, on the first hunt, he killed seven armed hunters, and they all returned safe and with prey?
To this the young wolf replied:
- Then there were just seven hunters, and this time there were three best friends.
So let's drink to friendship!

I want to drink to the fact that we can buy a friend for a penny, but we would never sell him for a million.

As he said in the thirteenth century Persian poet Saadi:
Friends of feasts, conversations, friends of the soul -
Are all of the three kinds of friends good?
Feed the friends of the feasts and away from the door,
Do not deprive friends of conversations of conversation.
And we almost trust the friends of the soul,
Drain the cup of poison for them!
Friends! Although I have a feast today, I invited and always invite only “friends of the soul” to my place. Therefore, I raise my "cup" and drink - if you believe the doctors - this "poison" is for you, dear ones!

Even Aristotle said: "Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other blessings." May all my friends be happy!

“Whoever betrayed friendship, at least once, There is no faith in him, even if he sings like a saaz,” the 14th-century Indian poet Amir Khisrav once wrote. Let's drink to exactingness in friendship!

Even Aristotle said that two friends have one soul for two. So let's drink to the unity of our souls!

A tried friend is our second conscience. For never feeling ashamed! For a true friend!

One person gets a job in a solid company. The boss asks him a question: - First of all, I would like to know if you are prone to drinking? “No,” the man replies. - But if it is necessary for your company, I can learn! For our wonderful company!

True love is rare, and true friendship is even rarer. Let's drink to the rarity we possess! For friendship!

The jealous husband began to suspect that his wife had taken a lover. Hiring a private investigator, he asked him to keep an eye on his wife. A few weeks later, the detective reported:
- Here you have all the evidence of her betrayal. And who do you think? With your best friend.
Scrolling through the footage, the husband saw his wife with a friend in the cinema, theater, on the beach, at dances, in a restaurant.
Stunned, he was speechless and only muttered, “No, it can't be, I don't believe it. »
- But how can you not believe if I brought you documentary evidence? - said the detective offended.
"That's not what I'm talking about at all," the husband replied. - I could not even imagine that my wife could be so cheerful and joyful. So let's drink to friends who bring joy to our wives!

The birth of good is good. The birth can be of a person, an idea, a tree, a crop, a feeling... And now I want to drink to the birth of friendship this evening.

When opening the door to a new life, do not forget to invite old friends to a housewarming party. Let's drink to old friends who, despite the changes in life, always remain friends.

Benjamin Franklin believed that a true friend, in fact, is a brother, while a brother is not always a friend. Thank you, my friends, for the fact that I can call you family with an open heart! I drink to you brothers!

Our everyday life is full of all sorts of worries - both large and small. And only on holidays, as if shaking them off ourselves, do we forget about them for a while.
So let our mugs not become empty. We will drink, fill and raise again For eternal care with need Washed off without a trace by living water! Let's go, friends!

Two neighbors lived in the same village opposite. And then winter came and snow fell. The first neighbor began to clear the path near his house, and then decided to see how things were going with the neighbor. He looks, and he has already cleared everything, the path is well-trodden. On the second day, the first neighbor got up earlier and just started to remove the snow, he looks and the neighbor has everything removed again. On the third day, more snow fell. The first neighbor got up very early and just started clearing the snow, he looks and the first neighbor already has a clean path, so smooth and even. Then between times the first neighbor asks the second:
- Neighbor, tell me how you manage to clear the path so quickly.
To which the second neighbor laughed:
- What are you, I never clean it. It’s just that my friends often go to me, and they trample on me.
Let's drink to our friends and that they come to us more often.

For many years they were friends - from the very school desk. We lived without much controversy, Everything was in order. But one day they fell in love with the Proud Girl. They were ready to do everything - like little dogs. And once the friendship almost ended, But one said: "We need to Choose what's left." We sat, discussed, Drank drop by drop, And they forgot that girl, "Well, she's enough for us." So friendship won. Let's drink to friendship, So that she keeps her heart From the non-snowy cold.

Two friends met. Sit down, drink.
Because we have a roof over our heads! We drank once, twice, a third...
At this time, a snake crawls up and bites one of them. Another knows that the bite of this snake lasts exactly 14 hours. He carried his friend into the room, put him on the bed, went out and waited for 14 hours to pass. When the allotted time had elapsed, he went into the room to take the body and bury it. But the friend was lying on the bed, alive and unharmed. The newcomer ran to look for the snake. And found her dead.
So let's drink and live long!

Two friends met. One says:
- You know, my husband only smokes now after a good dinner.
- This is wonderful! - exclaims the second. - One cigarette a year won't do any harm. So let's drink to the indestructible female friendship!

There is no doubt that it is better to stretch out your arms a hundred times than to stretch your legs once. However, this statement is not just a private truth, but a whole concept: since we stretch out our hands to friends, in order not to stretch out our legs, we must have at least a hundred friends. It is for this installation that I propose to drink. Bravo friends in our lives!

I drink for you, friends! You are for me, like vodka for a drunk, like a tangerine for a Georgian, like a pullet for a hermit.

Who will find friends without wine and a good table?
For those who, having all the blessings of life, cannot imagine it without true friends!

Cool and beautiful toasts:

Friends, friends, I want to drink for you today. For your devotion and kindness, for your sincerity and courage, for your cheerful disposition and courage. Today I will drink about fifty grams for the fact that I will meet with you again. For our glorious brotherhood, for loyalty to our friend. For you FRIENDS!

Every person hopes to achieve his own happiness. The sages say that human happiness is like a magnificent palace, the walls of which form friendships, and the dome is erected by love.
My toast: "To friends who help build our happiness!"

Let's drink to our good friends. So that all the bad things are left in the past! And all the good things are just ahead. They deserve it, whatever you say! FOR FRIENDS!

Today we raise our glasses for people who will come to your aid at any moment, for people who know you like no other, for people without whom life would not be so fun and eventful, for you friends!

When everything in life is good, you need a person who can share the joy with you. When failures occur, support is needed, and sometimes a magic kick, to accelerate. So let's drink to friendship and friends, useful and indispensable in any situation.

For a person to be happy, three things are necessary: ​​the health of relatives, a good job, and many sincere friends. Let's drink fifty to become young again. How to have fun together in youth, so much so that you forget about problems. I wish all our wishes come true.

The strongest and most sincere friendship happens in cartoons. There, the boy Fyodor makes friends with a talking cat and a dog, and Gena the crocodile with a creature that is not written about in any encyclopedia. So let's drink to friends who accept and love us, no matter how we look or what we have achieved!

In times when we are having a hard time, we look for support from a friend. When we have happiness we share it with a friend. When he has problems, we help. When a friend is happy, we rejoice. So let's drink to real friends who will be there in any situation! May our friendship grow stronger and longer over the years!

There are people whom you know from childhood, youth or adolescence, they can always tell you something that you don’t like right in your face and keep you from a stupid act. With them you do the wildest things and think over the words in your resume, walk until Monday morning and go to work with a smile. These people will come at your first request and help you out of trouble, just like you did them. For friends!

I'm not ashamed to raise a glass of wine
And drink for your friends to the bottom!
For those who have always been with me
And for whom my trouble - and their trouble.

All joys or sorrows
We honestly divide in half
And there is no team stronger than ours,
For which I am very grateful to you.

Dear friends! Let's raise our glasses to our today's meeting after so many years, to our student years, to our successes and achievements. I am very glad to see you healthy and cheerful, full of prospects and I drink for our entire generation, for its happiness, hope and inspiration!

Toast to best friends

“Test the temper of your friends in various ways, but especially see how someone is in anger,” the ancients advised.
So let's drink to the fact that there will never be misunderstandings and insults between us, so that there is not the slightest reason to see what kind of person is angry! For our strong and proven friendship!

Toast about friends

Nothing in the world can replace true friendship. Over the years, the number of friends does not increase, friends leave. Over time, friendship is tested for strength, for devotion, for fatigue. With each passing year, the circle of old friends thins.
Let's drink to those who remain!

toast to friends

My toast to the most important treasure.
I drink to friendship, which is called lasting friendship.
Tie the paws of a sparrow with a thread, -
He will fly away, tearing that thread to shreds.
And if the threads are all connected
In a single - then - you can vouch, -
Not a lion, not a tiger, not a lioness, not a tigress
They will not be able to break such a thread.
This is the strength of our friendship.
I drink my toast for such friendship,
In which everyone, if necessary,
He would even give his life for a friend.

Short toast to friends

One smart person once expressed an idea that is still known today: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are! And I want to drink some wine because I happen to be an excellent person! For me! And for you - my friends!

Toast to friends in prose

There are moments in life when troubles occur both at work and at home, the problem piles up on the problem, and now it seems that all these mountains of problems cannot be conquered in any way, hands simply drop and there is no strength to fight. But at that moment a hand rests on your shoulder and a familiar voice simply and without embellishment says: Nothing, friend, we'll break through. For you friends!

Toast to friends in verse

Pour a glass
For opening doors for me
For keeping me warm
For kind words and speeches,
For coming out to meet me
Among all the joys brighter
Desire to be among friends!
Let's drink for us - the best friends! Our friendship is strong, and let no offense or misunderstanding affect the fact that we love each other and trust each other!

Best toast to friends

Friends! Let's drink to my very good friend, whom I think of very often. I constantly remember him during the day, I wake up regularly and remember him at night. Early in the morning my first thought and late in the evening my last thought about this friend. I remember him when I go to work, and even during a conversation with my superiors, when I visit and go for a walk, on hikes and on vacation, in rain and sleet, and in frost.
In general, I remember my friend everywhere and everywhere, and even now, when I’m sitting with you, my friends, at this table with snacks ... and I just can’t remember my good friend, damn him ...
So let's drink to not forget our friends!

Toast about best friends

I want to say words of support, respect to wonderful friends. I want to be friends with you forever. And your milky path will be successful, career growth is excellent. For my decent friends, I raise a glass. Empty of our friendship, the star in the sky will light up and never go out, and our friendship lasts forever. For my obstinate friends. May their life be beautiful!

Cool toast to friends

One day they gave me a huge cake for my birthday. And a stripper was supposed to come out of it.
But the stripper went over a little, and it so happened that he didn’t get out of the cake, but the cake came out of him.
Therefore, friends, let's drink to the fact that we know how to control ourselves!

Nice toast to friends

Two friends met. One says:
- You know, my husband only smokes now after a good dinner.
- This is wonderful! - exclaims the second. - One cigarette a year won't do any harm. So let's drink to the indestructible female friendship!