A child of 6 years old is annoyed by noise. Anxious children: what to do if the child is irritable? How to avoid conflict with your own child

Children are our happiness, our joy. We care about the development, physical health of children. How not to miss out of control deviations from the permissible norms of the psychological state of the baby? What to do if a child cries, protests against everything and everyone, while he himself suffers from his behavior. In order not to cross the line from an unpleasant emotional state to a mental disorder, let's take a closer look at our children.

  • The reaction of such a child to minor stimuli is too violent, even aggressive. He may throw a tantrum over the inappropriate color of his clothes or comments from his parents. The child cries, shows aggression in a verbal or physical form. For example, some children may even pull out their hair because they cannot do something.
  • Such children do not sleep well. They are restless, have a hard time going to sleep, jump up on the bed at night, cry.
  • A child prone to irritability has a low level of concentration, he quickly gets tired and tries to protest against everything that is offered to him, even if it is his favorite food or watching a cartoon.

  • Generally, increased excitability and nervousness are characteristic of babies aged 1 to 3 years. This is a normal phenomenon during periods of crisis in the psychological development of children.
  • If you notice that bouts of irritability, tantrums, aggressiveness cannot be controlled by the child himself. If they arise with a large crowd of people, for example. This means that the constraining factors no longer affect self-control and the psychological health of children is under threat.
  • If a child shows excessive irritability several times a day for more than 2 weeks in a row, and this was not typical of him before.
  • If, being in an irritated state, a child, incorrectly calculating his strength, is capable of harming himself or those around him.
  • You feel that you are no longer able to cope with the situation on your own.
  • All of these prerequisites do not mean that your child will be considered insane and will be given tranquilizers. Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice, because children's health is at stake. To get started, go to a consultation with a child psychologist and neurologist. A qualified physician is able, through unobtrusive methods, to identify the reasons for the appearance of a baby's nervousness, help him cope with it, and at the same time reassure his mother, because most often we are afraid of ignorance.

The reasons for irritability in children can be of all kinds. For example, the desire to draw the attention of others to your person. Children, learning about the world around them, strive to become its center for mom and dad. The reason can be either a lack or an overabundance of guardianship and attention.

Also, the reason that the child cries and is extremely irritated can be a banal frustration due to the fact that something is not working out for him. A toy that he had been repairing for a long time was broken, it was not possible to bring the matter to the end after long efforts. Children who make contact with others find it easier to endure this kind of disorder; it is much more difficult for non-contact children to cope with their own emotions.

Also, the cause of irritability can be the child's physical dissatisfaction. For example, he is hungry, tired, thirsty, or sleepy.

There are also a number of medical reasons for over-irritability in children. It manifests itself as a side effect of diseases such as complex allergies, certain viral diseases, psychoemotional disorders and low blood sugar.

To begin with, understand that children themselves feel discomfort from such situations, and older children also have a feeling of shame, but they, for one reason or another, cannot cope with their emotions.

Oftentimes, most of the child's misbehavior or reaction problems can be dealt with by the parents themselves. First, you need to create an aura of your baby's trust in you. Create a kind, safe, morally comfortable home environment. Listen, look closely at his behavior. Make a single parenting plan, stick to it with the whole family. Education must be systematic. The child perceives the absence of clear rules as his own insecurity. Discipline is very important.

  • Fundamentals of psychology on the way to solving a problem prioritize identifying the cause of the disorder. Understand the causes of this condition and eliminate them. If it consists in the physiological dissatisfaction of the baby, put in order his daily routine.
  • Eliminate most stimuli for a while, such as noisy events with loud music, watching TV before bed. At the same time, do not punish the baby with this, replace his active leisure with lighter ones. TV - an interesting book, circus - a trip to the zoo. Nobody canceled pleasant emotions.
  • Move automatic toys temporarily out of the child's reach. Place construction sets and other toys that require manual work in a prominent place.
  • Medicines for eliminating irritability should not be given to children without a well-established diagnosis and a direct prescription from a doctor. In the absence of allergic reactions, the child can be given warm milk with honey, tea with mint or chamomile.
  • Be in nature more often: the sight and murmur of a flowing stream, the flame of a fire have a calming effect.
  • Concentrate all your love and parental attention on your child and his health. Children prone to irritability especially need the attention and care of parents, which should be manifested in joint games, activities, walks and conversations.

Whims, disobedience and childhood neuroses - what is primary and what is the consequence? Some mothers consider the noisy tantrums of their children to be a manifestation of a disorder of his nervous system, but it also happens vice versa - endless whims and inappropriate behavior lead to the emergence of childhood neuroses.

Nervous child - illness or disobedience

Nervousness of children is associated with deviations in their behavior - increased excitability, tearfulness, sleep disturbances, irritability and impressionability. A nervous child is difficult to communicate, spoils the mood of others, but first of all, the inadequacy of behavior changes his own life, depriving him of simple childish joys. Long-term studies prove that the causes of children's nervousness in most cases are laid in early childhood and are the result of improper upbringing.

The nervousness and disobedience of young children are so closely intertwined that it is sometimes difficult to figure out who is to blame - the parents or their children. Among the many reasons for disobedience, the main ones can be distinguished:

1. The child's desire to attract attention to himself - having noticed that much more parental emotions are manifested in the event of any misconduct, the child suffering from a lack of affection unconsciously uses a proven method.

2. A child limited in independence and tired of numerous prohibitions defends his freedom and opinion by the method of protest disobedience.

3. Children's revenge. There can be many reasons for it - the divorce of dad and mom, failure to fulfill promises, unfair punishment, inappropriate behavior of one of the parents.

4. The baby's own impotence, inability to perform any actions available to others.

5. Diseases of the nervous system of children, mental disorders.

Despite the fact that only in the last paragraph, problems with the nervous system were named as the cause of disobedience, each of them convincingly testifies to the close connection between the child's behavior and his psychological state.

Childhood neuroses - causes and symptoms

The fragile and undeveloped nervous system of children is extremely susceptible to neuroses and mental disorders, therefore, the strange behavior of the baby, his whims and tantrums should alert attentive parents and prompt them to take immediate action. Constant stress, inhibitions, lack of attention gradually accumulate and develop into a painful state - neurosis. Doctors call this term a transient disorder of the child's psyche caused by all kinds of stressful situations. Neuroses can be the cause of the child's inappropriate behavior, and can be the result of it.

Most often, neuroses develop by about five or six years, although an attentive mother notices some of its individual symptoms much earlier. Particular attention should be paid to the behavior of the child during periods of age-related changes in the psyche - from 2 to 4 years old, from 5 to 8 years old and in adolescence. The following can be considered the causes of disorders of the nervous system of children:

- psycho-traumatic situations - parental alcoholism, divorce, quarrels with peers, adaptation in a children's institution;

- severe fright as a result of any mental impact;

- excessive severity and rigidity of parents, lack of attention and lack of affection;

- the atmosphere in the family and the relationship between parents;

- the birth of a brother or sister, on which the main attention of mom and dad switches, and bitter childish jealousy.

In addition, there may be external reasons - an accident, death or serious illness of loved ones, a catastrophe. The first signs that a child's nervous system is not functioning properly are:

- the appearance of fears and anxiety;

- sleep problems - a nervous child has difficulty falling asleep and may wake up in the middle of the night;

- the appearance of enuresis and gastrointestinal disorders is possible;

- speech disorders - stuttering;

- nervous coughing;

- unwillingness and inability to communicate with peers.

If parents note aggressiveness, increased excitability in the behavior of their little monster, or, conversely, excessive isolation, irritability, lack of sociability, then it is best to discuss the problems that have arisen with the doctor. Letting the development of a possible disease take its course and not taking any measures, parents run the risk of raising a timid, indecisive person who is unable to cope with emerging problems and contact others. It is imperative to consult a doctor even if the state of the children's nervous system disrupts the normal rhythm of life. The presence of stuttering, enuresis or a nervous tic requires immediate complex treatment from specialists.

Nervous tics in children - causes and symptoms

Doctors characterize a nervous tic as a short-term inappropriate movement of a certain muscle group, which the baby simply cannot resist. According to statistics, every fifth child, at least once, experienced such manifestations, and about 10% of children suffer from a chronic illness. This indicates that a huge number of children from 2 to 18 years old have complexes when communicating with their peers, are ashamed of their obsessive movements, and the existing problem really prevents them from living a full life.

Nervous tics in children can be divided into several main groups:

- motor - lip biting, grimaces, twitching of the limbs or head, blinking, frowning;

- vocal - coughing, puffing, hissing, snorting, grunting;

- ritual - scratching or pulling the ear, nose, strands of hair, clenching the teeth.

In terms of severity, nervous tics in children are divided into local, when only one muscle group is involved, and multiple, manifested simultaneously in several groups. If motor tics are combined with vocal tics, this indicates the presence of a generalized tic called Tourette's Syndrome, which is inherited.

It is important to distinguish between primary and secondary nervous tics in children, the clinical manifestations of which are similar. If the latter develop against the background of other diseases - encephalitis, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, congenital diseases of the nervous system, then the primary causes are:

- unhealthy diet - lack of magnesium and calcium;

- emotional shakes - quarrels with parents and their excessive severity, fear, lack of attention;

- stress on the central nervous system in the form of frequent and increased consumption of coffee, tea, energy drinks;

- overwork - prolonged sitting in front of the TV, computer, reading in low light;

- heredity - the probability of a genetic predisposition is 50%, however, under favorable conditions, the risk of tics is minimal.

In a dream, nervous tics in children do not appear, although their effect is observed in the fact that the child has difficulty falling asleep, and his sleep is restless.

Is it possible to cure a nervous tic and when to see a doctor

In no case should the nervous tics in children be left unattended. A visit to a neurologist is necessary if:

- it was not possible to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon within a month;

- tic causes inconvenience to the baby and interferes with his communication with peers;

- there is a strong severity and multiplicity of nervous tics.

Important! The peculiarity of nervous tics in children is that you can get rid of them relatively quickly forever, but you can also stay with the problem for life. The main condition for successful treatment is finding out the reasons for the appearance of a tic and a timely visit to a doctor.

After carrying out certain studies and consultations with other specialists, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment, which is carried out in combination:

- medication;

- activities aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system - individual psychotherapy and psychological correction in group sessions;

- traditional medicine.

Parents are required to provide a calm environment in the family, good nutrition and the correct daily routine, sufficient stay of the baby in the fresh air, and sports. Decoctions of soothing herbs - motherwort, valerian root, hawthorn, chamomile - reduce teak.

The age of the child has an important influence on the course of the disease. If nervous tics in children develop at the age of 6-8, treatment is likely to be successful, and there is no need to worry about the return of the disease in the future. The age from 3 to 6 years is considered more dangerous, you will have to watch the baby, even if the unpleasant signs disappear, until they fully mature. But the appearance of nervous tics before the age of three is especially dangerous; they can be messengers of schizophrenia, brain tumors and other extremely dangerous diseases.

Raising and treating a nervous child

Successful overcoming of failures in the work of the nervous system of children depends on two main factors - comprehensive medical care and the correct upbringing of a nervous child. You should not think that the problems will go away with age; without the qualified help of specialists, the treatment of a nervous child is impossible. If the doctor has diagnosed a neurotic disorder, both medication and sessions with a psychologist will be required. There are special types of therapy that help get rid of the tightness of the baby, adjust the ways of communication, restore activity and communication skills. Parents can be of great help in this.

Mom and Dad should carefully analyze the causes of the child's nervousness and try to eliminate them, create comfortable conditions for their child. In the absence of independence, which your offspring persistently pursues, you should give him more freedom, without focusing on controlling his actions. Catastrophically short of time to communicate with your baby? Think about what is your priority in life - a career and impeccable cleanliness in your home, or mental health and selfless love and dedication of the little man.

Raising healthy, mentally balanced children is not only an understandable desire of parents, but also their duty. Take care of the unformed and vulnerable psyche of the baby, so that in the future you will not need the treatment of a nervous child by specialists. Moms and dads are quite capable of creating a stable, balanced microclimate in the family, avoiding unnecessary quarrels and unreasonable prohibitions, giving their child maximum attention and tenderness, raising a self-confident person. In no case should you frighten the baby, react inadequately to his misdeeds, and excessively restrict freedom. Following these simple advice from experienced psychologists will serve as a reliable prevention of various neurological disorders in your children.

When talking about parenting, they try to stick to the positive sides. Everyone is ready to give advice on how to behave to parents in a given situation. If you read books on pedagogy, it turns out that mom and dad should be just ideal people, and also psychologists, educators, mentors. Wise, calm, reasonable.

But excuse me, aren't we all human? We have emotions, ambitions, mood swings. And often the newly-made mother begins to reproach herself only for the fact that she has negative emotions, which are written about in smart books on raising children. But it shouldn't be! In such a situation, depression is not far.

Another option is also possible, when the mother simply “gives up” and transfers her own negativity to the children, breaking into a cry and associating her irritation with the behavior of the child, who is capricious and does not obey. Both approaches ultimately turn out to be unconstructive, since in either case the true reason for the negativity is not revealed, and family relationships risk deteriorating.

Why am I angry?

It is important to understand that irritation is normal. Many parents, one way or another, are angry with their child, although only a few are capable of admitting this. It's just that someone has such outbreaks very rarely, someone more often, because the reasons that cause them are different.

If you notice that the child often pisses you off, you should accept your own emotions. There is no need to assess yourself, condemn or reproach yourself. Being angry doesn't mean you don't love your baby. It just exists and you need to deal with it, and not collect a "snowball" in your soul out of a sense of guilt, fear and helplessness. Emotional suppression is also unlikely to lead to anything good - the next outbreak can be much stronger than the previous one.

Irritation and anger is a "red light" that signals that something does not suit us and does not satisfy. Therefore, the first thing to do is to understand what is actually required when we experience resentment and rage.

Maybe it's not about the child?

It's a good idea to follow in what situation, and under what conditions, irritation manifests itself. Perhaps it's not the baby at all? It is often enough to find the cause of the dissatisfaction, and it fades away without any effort. Consider those cases when the baby has nothing to do with it, and the source of irritation lies in completely different things.

"Nothing comes out!"

The greatest remorse in young mothers causes irritation to a baby up to six months. How is it that you have been waiting for this little angel, getting ready and suddenly a wave of negativity towards him? What kind of questions will not pop into your head if your mother starts to get angry with this defenseless creature. This is "not normal"!

This is normal, and there can be many reasons for such emotions. Stress affects, because life has changed dramatically. In this state, a small push is enough to feel irritation.

The most common cause is feelings of helplessness. The baby is crying, the mother cannot calm him down in any way and is "infected" by the child's anxiety. Such outbreaks are especially acute in the first months of life.

It is good when someone is nearby during this period, and instead of calming the baby in an agitated state, the mother can go and have a cup of tea. But even if there is no way to leave the child to close people, it is better to move away from him, even when the baby is crying and, above all, calms down on her own.

Children are very sensitive to our emotions, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to calm the baby down when the mother herself is on edge. In a calm state, it will be much easier to understand the reason for the crying and give the child a sense of security and peace.

As you gain the necessary experience, such outbursts of irritation will attend less and less. After all, self-confidence will not allow helplessness and fear to get the best of you.


Fatigue is another reason that makes us irritable. Any person, before spending energy, including on a child, needs to take them somewhere. Think, have you forgotten about yourself? Perhaps something is worth changing, finding a little time for personal interests.

Let dad sit with the baby in the evening, and in the meantime, mom will not rush to cook dinner, but take a shower. If the grandmother has the opportunity to be with the baby, leave your remorse and go to your friend or just for a walk as soon as you feel tired.

Distribution of responsibilities in the family

With the advent of a child, the usual rhythm of life changes. And the woman may well not be satisfied with the new distribution of responsibilities. Perhaps it seems to you that the husband does not take part in raising the child at all? Too picky about you? Doesn't understand the burden of new responsibilities that have fallen on the shoulders of a woman?

In this case, it is clearly not worth transferring negative emotions to the baby. It is better to discuss the problem with your spouse. Sometimes a very small change is enough to subside the irritation.

Perhaps you are angry that you have to be torn between having to make breakfast, braiding one child and rocking another in the morning? And from the very beginning everything went wrong. A small redistribution of morning duties in this case will allow you to get a positive charge for the whole day.

When a child really gets annoyed

As he grows up, the baby begins to show his character. And not in everything he will suit you. One baby may be too temperamental, the other may seem slow.

If you notice that this is exactly the reason, you should work with your own perception and find the pros, which are always the reverse side of the minuses. The kid is restless, active, you do not have time to keep track of him? But how much easier it will be for him to find friends, he does not have to rush, he enthusiastically accepts most of your suggestions.

Do you think your baby is too slow? Can he spend hours getting ready for a walk or for kindergarten? But such a child will be assiduous, attentive to trifles, it will be easier for him to study.

Features of temperament can be used for your own benefit. Does the child want to constantly play, literally does not get off his hands, requires attention and is it exhausting? Go to the playground more often, let the baby communicate with other children, find him an active and interesting activity, this will allow the mother to be in silence for a while, and the child to throw out energy.

In addition to temperament, irritation can also be caused simply by the behavior of the child. Particularly acute conflicts arise in connection with the age-related crises of the baby. It is important to understand that often whims and tantrums during this period are temporary. It will be easier to understand your child at such moments if the mother gets acquainted with the peculiarities of the manifestation of the crisis at different ages. To smooth out negative manifestations will allow changing your own view of annoying phenomena.

"The child does not understand me!"

Sometimes it seems that the more you explain something to the kid, the more often he does the opposite, as if out of spite. In this case, it is important to figure out whether this is the appearance of another age crisis, when the child deliberately tries to do everything the other way around in order to track your reaction, or, perhaps, it is worth changing tactics and explaining to the baby differently?

For example, my son had an interesting habit of taking a decanter and drinking water from it. There were also incidents in the form of puddles on the table, floor and wet T-shirts. For some reason, there was no response to the request to take the cup. After some time, I realized that if rational arguments are not weighty for my son, you can find others.

A very beautiful cup and a small decanter for a child's hand were specially purchased. They explained to the son that now he has his own cup, from which it is very pleasant to drink water, and the process of pouring has been turned into a game. Raising the decanter higher, it was possible to make a thin stream, tilting it lower - a wide one. After that, we often asked what kind of water the son was drinking now, "thin" or "thick". Now he is already big, but the game has survived, and he gladly pours water and juice into a cup. And mom had no reason to be annoyed.

Baby tantrums

It is very difficult to endure the cry and cry of your own child, especially when there is no apparent reason for such behavior. Some advise in this case to distract the child, others - to move away and not allow their negativity to strengthen the child's. Both methods are good in their own way. But the third solution helped me - to put myself in the shoes of a child who still finds it very difficult to keep his emotions under control.

At first it seemed difficult enough in such an annoying environment, but every time it worked out better. After all, in this case, the baby is really offended, he feels helpless and cannot express his feelings in any other way. Most importantly, having received sympathy in such an unpleasant situation, the son calmed down much faster, and we had the opportunity to discuss the situation.

You can put yourself in the child's shoes in other annoying situations. For example, when he is naughty or does not want to do something.

How to avoid conflict with your own child?

If you feel that the irritation is growing - it's time to be a little alone. It is quite possible to agree with older children. For example, honestly say that you are angry with the situation and it is better not to bother you for the time being. Go to wash up, have a coffee, just sit in another room. So the outburst of anger will subside and the problem can be solved in the most constructive way.

If the same situation annoys you, you can try to change it. For example, knowing that in a store a baby may fall to the floor and have a tantrum that will certainly piss you off, you can try to avoid it by visiting the store in your free time, or by asking a relative to buy everything you need.

Sometimes it's worth giving in to something, rather than winding yourself up over little things. For example, a baby refuses to eat something. Some parents take this calmly and with cold indifference they convince that fish cakes are useful, and cottage cheese is necessary for growth. Others get annoyed and repeat the previous scheme, but with a cry. In this case, I asked what my son wanted at the moment, and removed the plate with the hated soup (by the way, the third of the ones offered) with the thought: "I will calm down for dinner and continue."

As you smooth out sharp corners, you will find that the internal stress has become less, and the baby is more happy than irritating. Sometimes this switch requires a lot of effort. If it is very difficult to break out of the “vicious circle of irritation”, you can try to plan a vacation, and upon returning, start building relationships with your child in a new way.

When you need specialist help

It is not always possible to pinpoint the root cause of anger and irritation. Not all people are prone to introspection, sometimes a look from the outside is needed. If you understand that you are unable to deal with negative emotions, do not be afraid to consult a psychologist.

There are reasons that can be a daunting task to cope with on your own. It can be:

  • serious childhood trauma to the parents themselves;
  • dissatisfaction with your own life;
  • a sense of missed opportunities in connection with the birth of a child;
  • identification of the baby with his father in the event of a divorce;
  • rejection of their own negative qualities in the child.

The main task in this case is to break free from the captivity of negativity and learn to enjoy what is happening now. Sometimes a few visits to a psychologist are enough to get a fresh look at the relationship with the baby and improve their own condition.

One of the most troubling topics for parents is feeling annoyed with their child. Moreover, the spectrum of this emotion begins with a slight "irritation" and reaches "ready to kill my child." Parents are frightened by their own feelings towards their child, and often they feel tremendous guilt that again they could not restrain themselves. They begin to think that they are terrible parents, because they are annoyed by their own child.

So what is this emotion and what does it signal? Is it necessary to suppress it and what to do with this "irritation"?

All emotions initially serve for self-regulation. They allow animals to survive and satisfy their needs in a constantly changing external environment.

To begin with, annoyance is a basic emotion, which means that all people, regardless of culture, have it. Irritation signals to us that the real situation does not correspond to the desired one and is aimed at changing something in it, in order to feel satisfaction again: we want to relax in silence, but the child makes noise and requires attention; you assume that the child will sit down and listen carefully to how his mother reads to him, but he runs away and does not listen. What does mom usually do in these situations? Mom is trying to change the situation and bring her to the desired one. If a mother acts under the influence of irritation without realizing it, then, depending on the state of the nervous system and the degree of physical and psychological exhaustion, she either endures and tries to suppress her irritation, or makes an offensive remark, or shouts and spanks. If you ignore your irritation for a long time, then there is a high probability that it, having accumulated, will grow into anger, into the feeling that you are ready to kill the child and result in physical or psychological abuse of the child (blows, shocks, insults, humiliation). So what to do so that it doesn't come to this?

- First of all, realize the irritation and admit that it is in you. It often seems to us that feeling irritated is bad and wrong, and we prefer not to notice it. “No, no, it doesn't annoy me at all that my child speaks in a whining voice,” we say to ourselves, until we suddenly break into an inadequately aggressive reaction to some completely innocent little thing.

- Try to determine what your expectations are from the situation, what is not going as you expected. (For example, you expect your child's table and clothing to remain clean after lunch.)

- Think about what you could do to bring the real situation closer to the desired one (for example, put on a protective apron on the child). In some cases, just tell a grown child that it annoys you, and he will change his behavior ("It annoys me when they take my things without asking. Next time ask me for permission before taking my thing").

- It often happens that our expectations are so different from the real situation that they are unrealizable. We feel helpless, despair, or intense anxiety, against which irritation builds up very quickly. In this case, it is necessary to adjust our expectations, up to a complete rejection of them and acceptance of the real situation. (For example, the expectation that brothers will never clash is unrealistic. But we can expect that they will not demand our intervention at every petty quarrel).

I would also like to separately say about those cases when the parent speaks of general irritability towards the child. Often the reason for such irritability is not the child himself, he is simply a safe object on which the parent can "blow off steam", but irritation, anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, are associated with work or family situation or dissatisfaction with himself. In this case, you should consult a psychologist who will help you find the source of your dissatisfaction and solve the problem.

And remember, it is normal to feel annoyed, it does not mean that you are a bad parent or do not love your child, it is important what you do with this annoyance.

Reading time: 4 minutes

The children's psyche has an increased sensitivity to external stimuli, which, in fact, causes a somewhat heightened reaction of minors to various kinds of provocative situations. With all this, the behavior of a disobedient, nervous child, showing irritability for no reason, requires an assessment by a psychologist. Find out what signs indicate that the crumbs have emotional problems.

Nervousness in children

The process of personality formation, as well as the higher mechanisms that ensure the implementation of behavioral reactions, is initiated from birth, but begins to develop more actively closer to three years. During this period, the baby cannot yet clearly express his emotions, fears, needs. Against the background of misunderstanding on the part of adults and awareness of his own "I", a nervous child manifests conscious volitional impulses.

If a 2-3-year-old baby becomes capricious for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious mental disorders. Otherwise, the onset of symptoms of neurosis in children is considered a completely natural phenomenon, characterized by increased excitability and an aggravated reaction to minor external stimuli.


Intellectual overload, coupled with irrational leisure time and improper nutrition, can become a trigger for the development of behavioral disorders in a child. The root causes of childhood nervousness affect the severity of its symptomatic picture. So, depending on the nature of the underlying disease (if any), resulting in a psychological disorder, the latter may be supplemented by a tendency to depression; sleep disturbance and other negative conditions. At the same time, other reasons that the child is very nervous and excitable may be:

  • previously transferred infectious diseases;
  • psychotrauma (separation from parents, the beginning of visiting children's groups);
  • wrong model of upbringing (authoritarian, permissive model);
  • mental illness;
  • nervous tension;
  • character traits.


Constant stress, whims ultimately develop into neurosis or transient mental disorder. In most cases, this condition develops by the age of 4-6, but sensitive parents may notice some signs of disturbances in the emotional plan earlier. At the same time, the behavior of the crumbs during age-related changes in the psyche requires close attention from adults. As a rule, during this period, a nervous child experiences the following conditions especially intensely:

  • sleep disorder;
  • the appearance of anxious states, fears;
  • the development of enuresis, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • speech disorders;
  • nervous tics (coughing, blinking, clenching of teeth);
  • unwillingness to communicate with peers.

What to do if your child is nervous

If the attacks of aggression are caused by pathological conditions, for example, psychological diseases, they need to be dealt with together with correctional teachers and psychologists. In a situation where nervous breakdowns are caused by age-related changes or any stressful situations, you need to be patient and try to find out what factors contribute to the occurrence of seizures.

In this situation, it is useful to reconsider educational methods. So, if you are an authoritarian parent, try to loosen some control. It is extremely important to protect the vulnerable child's psyche in order to avoid further aggravation of the situation. To this end, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate in the family, to avoid unreasonable prohibitions and punishments.

Successful overcoming of the manifestations of neurosis in an easily excitable baby depends, first of all, on the reaction of adults to the situation. Psychologists advise to patiently endure manifestations of aggression. At the same time, directly during the attack, it is important to try to calm the baby down and figure out the reason for his dissatisfaction. If the child is nervous and aggressive, you cannot frighten him or in any way belittle his dignity. In order to overcome the symptoms of increased excitability in children, psychologists recommend using the following techniques:

  1. Ask your child to draw the cause of the problem on the scrapbook, and then suggest tearing it up.
  2. Switch the attention of the capricious crumbs to something else.
  3. Entertain your kid with a sports game.

Parenting methods

In most cases, the treatment of nervous stress is reduced to establishing and maintaining the correct daily regimen. For obvious reasons, the baby may not like the change in the usual way of life, so it is better to make any adjustments in the form of planning the crumbs' leisure time. An excited child requires special attention and patience, which is why neurologists recommend spending more time with such a baby. So, a walk in nature or a trip to the zoo can be a good alternative to watching TV. At the same time, do not forget about parental love and attention.