The child refuses to do his homework. How to get a child to do homework? What if the child does not want to do their homework on their own? This will give the child a reason to feel independent and teach him how to solve any problems.

How to teach a child to plan time?

We will develop an algorithm

Any changes in life force the child to adapt to new conditions. Having entered school, in a short time he must adapt to the children's team, get used to teachers, academic discipline, distribution of time and much more. As a result, the child experiences great psycho-emotional stress. The algorithm of actions will help to remove "anxiety": creating a daily routine where the time of load and rest will be harmoniously distributed. When choosing circles and sections that your child will attend, you need to take into account his capacity for work, health status, existing chronic diseases. Try not to overload it with a lot of extracurricular activities at the first stage. Leave a reasonable minimum that he can cover without loss of strength and damage to health. And when his body gets stronger (usually by the end of the second grade), you can expand the circle of additional hobbies.

Form a schedule of classes - school, additional, home. Include everything in the schedule: time for lessons, extra activities, time for rest, time for walking, getting ready for bed and waking up in the morning. Train your child to have a clear daily routine from the very beginning of learning. For example: “Look at the schedule, what's your plan today? First rest after school, and then homework. " The best way to relieve fatigue is a walk in the fresh air, about an hour and a half. A change of activity will serve as a good release after mental stress. Creative activities will also help to relieve fatigue. Creative activity creates a positive attitude, contributes to a painless return from play to lessons.

But this transition is very difficult for a child at the first stage of schooling. He cannot cope on his own. Therefore, the adult must help the child to track the appointed time by the clock. The phrase "Sit down to do your homework!" causes rejection. You probably remember this from your childhood. Therefore, turn on your imagination and, based on the individual characteristics of your child, find the "desired" signal. This can be, for example, a calm melody of an electronic alarm clock. Do not forget that the start time of the lessons must be entered into the schedule.

Correct construction of the algorithm of the day, the alternation of "rest - load" has a beneficial effect on the overall performance of the child and avoids overwork. It should be borne in mind that the child's body after eight o'clock in the evening must prepare for a night's rest. During this period, any activity, especially those related to lessons, cannot be useful and effective. Therefore, it is necessary to do homework at the so-called productive time, when the productivity of mental activity is high, the activity of the brain has sufficient potential for solving educational problems.

Stay on top of your timeline

Parents are puzzled: "We are preparing homework with the child, checking it, but the next day the child does not remember anything, he cannot tell anything." Observations showed that all of these children completed their homework after nine o'clock in the evening. The question arose: "Does the success of training depend on the time frame for completing homework?" The answer can be found in scientists. As a result of long-term research, psychophysiologists have determined that the highest activity of the child's brain occurs in the morning hours. That is why the school curriculum is designed for the morning hours. According to the proven theory, the productivity of the child's brain remains quite high in the daytime, part of which is supposed to be allocated for homework.

The older the child becomes, the more significantly his intellectual performance increases. Recommended "productive" time:

Primary school - 14.00-16.00 Secondary level - 15.00-17.00 Senior classes - 15.00-18.00

If the designated periods of time for preparing lessons for various reasons are not observed and the child only takes up lessons in the evening, and then sits until the night, no benefit should be expected from this work. There is a partial memorization and assimilation of educational material. Anything that presupposes a normal process of perception and processing of information fails. The result of such homework can be observed the very next day at school, when the child has difficulty remembering fragments of the assignment prepared late the night before.

The material is fully and qualitatively remembered only during periods of "activity" of the processes of the brain, and it is undesirable to ignore them. Otherwise, even the completed homework does not bring the desired results.

Important to remember!

In the evening, the child's body should prepare for rest, and not experience mental or physical stress. Even if part of the homework is left unfulfilled, you should not postpone sleep time, as this will harm the child's health and will not benefit the educational process.

Universal rules for doing homework

It is necessary to properly organize the workspace.

Choose furniture for your work area according to your child's height. The child should feel comfortable. Legs should not dangle in the air, so it is better to buy a chair with a height adjustment. The light on the notebook and textbook must fall from the left, otherwise the child will cover his text. If your child is left-handed, then the light should fall from the right. In the room where the child is doing his homework, there should be no loud, distracting sounds - the radio, the TV should be turned off, the only exception can be quiet, calm music, which helps the child to relax and concentrate.

You cannot sit down for lessons immediately after coming home from school.

An hour and a half after school, the child must rest, and only then sit down to do homework.

You cannot start with the most difficult homework.

Any child takes a lot of time on a difficult task, the child gets tired, begins to feel unsuccessful, does not know anything and does not know how, and then it is much easier to dismiss homework than to suffer with it. Therefore, it is better to start with the simple, with the most beloved.

You cannot work without interruptions.

We, adults, cannot work without breaks; naturally, children need breaks. Homework should be done with the same “lessons” and “breaks” as it happens in school, only such “lessons” should last 20-30 minutes, and “breaks” - 10 minutes. move around, relieve muscle fatigue, drink juice or eat an apple. The older the child, the longer the lesson becomes.

Do not overload the child with additional tasks.

At home with the child, you only need to do what is set at school, you do not need to overload the child. A child's life cannot consist only of mental activity.

When communicating with your child, exclude harsh statements from your speech.

Negative evaluative statements not only upset the child, they can often impair his mental performance. If parents believe that they are wasting their “precious” time helping a child and constantly tell him about it, the child develops an inferiority complex, a feeling of uselessness, which does not contribute to the quality of homework. Therefore, such phrases as "Really it was impossible to do it in 5 minutes", "I would for this time!", Must be excluded from the lexicon.

Stick to the baby's pace.

There is no need to rush or rush the child - this creates nervousness, prevents him from working on his homework. With constant calls not to be distracted, the child is not able to concentrate on the task itself, he begins to think about how to be more attentive, which does not contribute to his mental work. Perhaps the child is distracted because his nervous system takes time to recover, or he does not understand the task, and then this task needs to be explained to him at his level.

Method number 5. Persuasion + trust + self-control

Persuasive impact

It's not a secret for anybody that the method of "persuasion" for some parents is a belt. But neither fear nor suppression of children's desires, as practice shows, leads to the desired results. Homework remains a headache for these parents. Let's try to consider “persuasion” as a way of “soft” influence on the child, with the aim of adjusting his views in order to influence subsequent behavior. This method is the most ethical way of influence, since there is no gross violence or introduction into the subconscious of the child.

Direct way of persuasion

This method will work if you do not miss the time. Even before school, the child intuitively feels the value of knowledge, gets used to the idea of ​​the need for learning in order to someday truly become who he wanted to be in games (entrepreneur, pilot, cook, driver). A persuasive influence is a calm and reasoned story about the "pluses" of school life, an acquaintance with new requirements and responsibilities. During this period, the requirements for schooling, homework are perceived by the child as socially significant and inevitable. Parents during this period have sufficient authority to convince the child of the need to rigorously do homework. To obtain a positive result, both the parents and the child must develop an approach to lessons as an important, serious matter and be accompanied by a respectful attitude towards each other.

You may have seen families in which a mother considers it permissible to interrupt her son or daughter's classes. Suddenly you need to urgently bring something, run to the store or take out the trash can, or it's time to eat - lunch or dinner is prepared. Sometimes daddy suggests postponing lessons in order to watch an interesting program or movie on TV together, go to the garage. Unfortunately, adults do not understand that by such behavior they bring up in the child an attitude towards learning as an unimportant, secondary matter. In such cases, the child gets the idea that homework is one of the last places among household chores and responsibilities. The right thing to do are those parents who, from the first day of school, let their child know that in their importance the lessons are on the same level with the most serious matters that adults are busy with. The little schoolboy feels it perfectly. Previously, he had no business that his parents could not interrupt at their discretion. He could be called from a walk at any time, to cancel the started game. And suddenly now, among his affairs, there is one that his parents never interrupt! The child develops a strong belief that the lessons are just as important as the work adults do.

If you have chosen this method, then remember: the requirement of strict observance of the new rules and norms is not excessive severity towards the child, but a necessary condition for organizing his life. With the precariousness and uncertainty of requirements, the child will not be able to feel the uniqueness of a new stage in his life, which, in turn, can destroy his interest in school.

With a reasonable, correct use of this method, adaptation to schooling passes faster, the child is motivated to complete homework.

Indirect persuasion

An indirect way of persuasion consists in analyzing specific life situations, which allows you to convince the child to do homework; in discussing with the child his school failures; in using an example of a person who is authoritative for a child, a hero of books, films. An example would be a discussion of the story of Leo Tolstoy "Filippok" or the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Away Kingdom". But this method has pitfalls: the behavior of the parents themselves is of great importance. Children, especially those of preschool and primary school age, tend to imitate both good and bad deeds. As parents behave, so do children learn to behave. Remember that the child is instilled in only that which carries a strong emotional charge, that which the parents say sincerely.

Important to remember!

Persuasion is a complex method of influence in which parents turn to the consciousness and feelings of their children. It must be used carefully, thoughtfully and remember that every word convinces, even accidentally dropped. One phrase, spoken at the right place, at the right moment, can be more effective than a moral lesson. If you can convince the child of his own strengths and capabilities, he will turn to you for help less and less often.


Building trust in a family requires two important ingredients. The first is the reserved attitude of parents towards school failures. This does not mean, of course, that one should stop being interested in academic performance in general or take a position of patronizing attitude towards deuces. Sometimes it's enough to just shake your head to demonstrate your attitude, and this will make a bigger impression than an open scandal or constant notation and ridicule. The second is a genuine interest in the child's out-of-school life.

In an atmosphere of trust, the younger student gradually develops a need to share his experiences with loved ones, to seek advice and help from them. In such situations, parents need to be benevolent counselors, not strict judges. Whatever negative feelings the child's stories arouse in you, try to restrain yourself, calmly, fairly and kindly sort out the situation. If you begin to reproach and blame the child, do not rely on his frankness in the future. At the same time, one cannot constantly focus on the child's experiences associated with school, show his anxiety, overprotect him, solving all problems for him and depriving him of independence.

What degree of parental involvement in children's homework can come close to the golden mean? What actions will contribute to the formation of independence in children? The rule will help us to answer these questions: “If it is difficult for a child, and he is ready to accept help, be sure to help him. At the same time, take on only what he cannot do himself, leave the rest to him to do. As the child learns new actions, gradually transfer them to him. "

Petya started doing his homework in mathematics. I decided to immediately use my mother's help - it is convenient, does not require my own efforts. “Petya, you probably don’t know where to start, so you ask me to help?” Mom asked. Petya answered: "Yes." Mom helped: she clearly defined how to act, but did not decide for him. Petya was left with one option: to think and do it himself. This happened several more times, and Petya involuntarily began to develop the habit of picking up a textbook, sorting out a task that was incomprehensible to him. Subsequently, the mother noted that the son independently works with the textbook and resorts to her help only in the most necessary cases.

Important to remember!

If you notice a child's habit of starting lessons with a question to you, show him your firm intention to develop another habit in him - to independently search for an answer to the question.

It is necessary to control the actions of the child, which he uses to find solutions. If he resorts to your help, then analyze well whether he really did everything himself and you are his last resort. Only if reasonable, supportive control is used instead of harmful guardianship, will the child develop the independence long-awaited for parents.

Teach your child self-control

How to teach a child to self-control?

Consider what is meant by such a complex name as "self-control". If the child has learned to consciously plan and regulate his activities (rejoice, parents!), The child has developed self-control. Successful schooling involves the development of two main areas of self-control: self-control of behavior and self-control of learning activity.

Lack or insufficient development of self-control of behavior turns a child's school life into a real hell - it is difficult for him to meet the requirements of the regime and transfer the load of the curriculum. Self-control of behavior should be formed in a child even before school. In the first grade, he improves, stabilizes and usually the child copes with the stress of adapting to school life, acquires new communication skills with classmates, and is drawn into a new regime.

The development of self-control in educational activities is manifested in the ability to perform work, act according to a certain pattern, follow the sequence of actions, find mistakes in work and correct them on their own. To do this, the child needs to go through trial and error, and the parents need to discuss with him the results of erroneous actions, not scolding, but drawing conclusions.

The development of self-control depends largely on the parents' reaction to mistakes made in homework. Situations are not uncommon when a child, hastily completing his homework, makes many mistakes, gets angry, crosses everything out, and, not knowing what to do next, seeks help from relatives. In such situations, you need to support the child.

Mom soothes: “Petya, you were in a hurry with the decision, did not think. Do not be upset, you can only be angry with yourself, but this will not help the solution of the problem. Calm down, think, and everything will turn out right for you. " Petya coped with the task. Mom acted wisely - she did not upset her son, did not scold him, but supported him in understanding what was happening.

Parents and teachers, sometimes unwillingly, generate in children a fear of erroneous actions, a fear of punishment for mistakes. Therefore, the child's inner desire to act independently, to control himself, to take responsibility for the work performed is inhibited. When the adult's control is too strong, the child's personality is "crushed" and will be incapable of developing self-control for a long time.

Important to remember!

Formation of self-control in a child largely depends on the ability of parents to provide him with the opportunity to act independently, achieve results, and take responsibility for achieving goals in a timely manner.

The most difficult thing for parents in relations with a child is the recognition and development of his initiative, the transfer of responsibility into his hands, giving him a certain freedom of action, contributing to the development of independence and self-control.

Pay attention to developing an adequate emotional reaction in the child to mistakes. Instead of upset, anger and aggression, one must develop the ability to calmly accept the situation, reflect on it and draw conclusions in the future.


As practice shows, at the beginning of training, the child wants to complete tasks. He tries very hard, is determined to succeed. At this stage, you can use the so-called effect of primary successes. Indeed, children make many mistakes and blots from inability to distribute attention, from excessive stress and fatigue.

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand which element or which letter the child wrote. But, if you ask a child to show which letter he did best, he will point to almost all the letters. For a child, the very fact of writing letters is already a success, a new stage in his development. At this point, parents need to act under the motto "Do no harm!" The role of the parents is to cheer up the child, help if the child does not understand or forget something, delicately make changes to the child's work. If you need to make adjustments, use the phrases: “It seems to me that this figure is better for you ...” or “It's great that you learned how to write the letter K! You did it so beautifully! Well done!" Such phrases will create an inner desire to do even better, to try hard when writing letters. Having achieved even small successes, you can consolidate them the next day. But jerking exercises will not bring a positive result. Of course, you need to demand that your homework be done cleanly, neatly, beautifully. But all these requirements must remain within the child's capabilities. Gradually, the child will learn to compare his work with the model, and the quality of work will increase without nervous tension. At the beginning of training, the first grader has poorly developed fingers. Senseless rewriting can be replaced with more interesting work, for example, sculpting, constructing from "safe" matches, embroidery, etc.

It is advisable to speak words of support according to the situation, without over-praising the child, without accustoming him to light praise.

... Be consistent!

First graders are not given homework, teachers only recommend prescribing one or two lines of elements of letters and numbers. Very responsible parents make you rewrite your homework 10 times. But it also happens: today an adult will force you to rewrite your homework, and tomorrow he will not even check, because he will be busy or just get tired. As a result, the child may begin to be cunning, taking into account the busyness and mood of the parents, and he will not develop his own sense of responsibility.

Important to remember!

The main task of parents is to help create a mood in the child to overcome difficulties, to achieve a result.


The child often asks the question: "Why learn math?" or "Why should I do Russian?" Using “everyday situations” will help answer these questions. This method does not take much time. The method assumes, by demonstrating unexpected and interesting projections of mathematics, the Russian language and other disciplines on everyday life, to maintain and develop cognitive activity, allows children to form genuine cognitive interests as the basis of educational activity.

At first, the child is not yet familiar with the content of specific academic subjects. Cognitive interest is formed only as one deepens into mathematics, Russian and other subjects. And yet, thanks to interest, information about such, in essence, abstract and abstract objects as the sequence of numbers, the order of letters, and much more becomes necessary and important for the child.

By using this method, you can prepare your child for homework. You met him after class. Go home. He talks about school adventures, the knowledge he received, reads announcements, signs. At this time, you can repeat the whole phonetics: highlight vowels and consonants, for example, in the word "mail", talk about voiced and voiceless, hard and soft consonants. Or, for example, at home you cut a cake, pie. Now, for a child, one second, two thirds is not an empty phrase, but a completely understandable fractional number. All geometric material can be demonstrated on the architecture of the city. You can prepare for solving problems with the help of questions: “How many pairs of shoes will there be in the hallway when dad returns from work? When are you going to go for a walk? " or "How many apples should you buy for three days if each of us eats one apple a day?" Situations in which the child finds himself in the position of a buyer often help to master the practical skills of solving problems. The child gets the first experience in the school cafeteria. "Mom, look: I bought a pie in the buffet, you gave me one piece of money, and now I have so many of them!" - the kid says happily. The child likes his new role. Gradually, you can ask questions: “How much money do you need to take to buy bread and milk? I'll give you 50 rubles. How much change should they give you? " And do not hesitate, sooner or later all your efforts will bear fruit.

Important to remember!

Using this method, you kill not two, but three birds with one stone: you get to know your child better, develop his speech, demonstrate unexpected and interesting manifestations of school knowledge.

So the graduation party in the kindergarten has passed - goodbye to the period of cloudless childhood! Many parents send their children to school before the age of seven, without realizing that by doing so they shorten the time of enjoying irresponsibility. As soon as the child sits down at the desk, the burden of responsibility for the completed / unfulfilled homework will immediately fall on him. Like this. How to get a child to do homework? Let's think together.

Elegant first-graders with bouquets of flowers are on the first line. They do not yet realize what a school is and what is required of them. For them, the period of carefree childhood continues. And only parents understand that their child has taken the first step into the adult world - the world of science and knowledge. It looks solemn and exciting. What awaits the baby on this path?

In the first lessons, kids are introduced to a new subject for them - the kingdom of letters and numbers. Lessons are held in an abbreviated mode so that the psyche of a small student adapts to the educational process without stress. Homework assignments do not ask or allow simple creative work to be done. Grades are not given in the classroom: stars or circles are given instead.

Psychologists have thought out in detail all the nuances of the initial adaptation of babies to new circumstances. But now the time has come for real study and life has begun, full of responsibility for their actions. Now the efforts of a small member of society will be evaluated on a five-point (or ten-point) system.

Many parents notice that they "went to study" with their baby again. The first textbooks, notebooks and pens appear on the child's table. He has grown quite large and looks like an adult. Mom has a new concern: how to teach the child to learn? Oddly enough, this is not taught at school. In the lessons, kids are taught to write, count and read. The student must complete home lessons independently. At first, you can't do without mother's support!

First homework

The first school term passed, and my mother began to notice: the child did not want to do homework. A first grader can sit at a desk and draw with a pen, or look out the window. It also happens: the kid quickly gives up an occupation that is unnecessary for him and begins to play with toys. What if the child does not want to learn? The main thing is not to scold!

Try to understand the kid: he is not used to working! This is a school for adults - not a job. For kids, this is real work, because responsibility has appeared. Previously, he was engaged in any business at will, but now everything has changed: he is required to do his homework daily. This is a revolution in the minds of the kid: how is it, and why do you need to do what you don't like? A rebellion is brewing in a child's soul, the whole being is opposed to change.

Child psychologists note the following features of the psyche of first-graders:

  1. limited attention to time;
  2. tiredness from monotonous activities;
  3. loss of interest due to lack of motivation.

A first grader can keep his attention on the subject under study for no more than twenty minutes. Further attention begins to weaken and dissipate. Add a lack of motivation here, and everything becomes clear: the child does not want to do homework because he has lost interest and is tired.

The mother should do the first homework with the child, especially if he did not attend kindergarten. Kindergarten teachers prepare children for school, even teach them to read syllables. Psychological preparation helps the child quickly adapt to new conditions. It is much more difficult for home children to get used to the school rhythm, even if they have mastered reading.

We instill independence and responsibility

It only seems that the school is taught only to read and write. In the elementary grades, a new quality of a little person is formed - willpower. If earlier the toddler did everything at will, now there is responsibility.

The kid must learn the most important life lesson - to do "through I do not want to." It is to this that he must get used to, it is this skill that will be useful to him in later life.

Many mothers start scolding the first grader for being lazy. It seems to them that the child does not want to do homework, because laziness attacks him. This is not true: the baby is not yet familiar with laziness. He may have a poor understanding of the course material or not know where to start doing homework. All this puts pressure on the psyche, and the child loses the desire to go to school. This explains why the child does not want to learn.

If the mother starts scolding the first grader for being lazy, the situation can become disastrous. Mom should be sympathetic to the new problem of her child and help him to integrate into the educational process. Necessary:

  • patiently explain homework;
  • help draw / read / write;
  • instill the skill of accurately filling out a notebook;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the desk;
  • pay attention to an even posture during exercise.

If the mother is responsible for homework, the child will also become responsible. How to teach a child to do homework on their own? Only by example. Mothers who pay a lot of attention to their children will not be faced with a reluctance to capriciously go to school and do their homework. Moms who love to read books are a great example for first graders. The kid will not feel lonely in the educational process, because mom is also studying!

Important! Use your child's natural imitative instinct to teach him how to learn. Read books in front of the baby, keep notes in the diary in his presence.

Learning problems

You did your best to help your little student succeed in school, but suddenly his grades began to decline. What is the reason?

Academic performance can drop due to:

  • complex curriculum;
  • a large amount of studied material;
  • lack of interest in the subject;
  • fear of failure.

There is no unified curriculum for first-graders: the school itself chooses methodological teaching aids. The child may not understand in the classroom what he is being taught. In this case, the mother should take on the role of the teacher and explain the material to the child patiently and without irritation.

If the teacher has given a big homework assignment, the first graders may start to panic - how to cope with the lessons? Skipping lessons due to illness can also become a problem: classmates have passed new material that the child does not know.

Some students do not want to learn a subject that they do not like or understand. Mom should try to instill interest in the subject in any way, or diligently do homework together with the first grader, without irritation.

Fear of failure must be overcome together: the baby cannot cope alone. Mom needs help to raise the child's self-esteem, praise and encourage him more often.

If a first grader gets bad grades, don't scold or punish without asking why. This method of influence will quickly destroy all desire to learn and read books.

Peer problems

Are you puzzled how to get your child to do homework? Have you noticed that the kid stubbornly refuses to study and does not even want to go to school? Ask him about his classmates: maybe one of them offends the child? If the kid is silent, talk to the teacher: she must be aware of the situation. Problems that depress the psyche of younger students can be:

  • ridicule by classmates;
  • relationship with the teacher;
  • fear of the wrong answer;
  • feelings of inferiority.

If the kid is ridiculed by classmates, and the teacher shows indifference, the little student may develop neurosis on this basis. Feelings of worthlessness, fear and inability to defend themselves can so oppress the imperfect psyche that the child will begin to panic fear to go to school. Instead of thinking about how to get your child to do his homework, ask about his mental anxiety.

Over time, untreated mental trauma can develop into persistent psychosomatic diseases. Be close to the baby spiritually, let him always feel the support of his mother - this will make it easier to overcome troubles. Do not scold for low grades: it is better to find out the reason for the decline in academic performance.

An incentive for successful learning

How to motivate a first grader to study? This requires a good incentive.

  1. Show with all your appearance that learning is a very important and honorable occupation that earns the respect of the whole family.
  2. Don't start homework right after you get home from school: give your toddler a little rest.
  3. Do not overload your toddler with additional educational material so that he does not overwork.
  4. Do not force your child to complete school assignments as punishment for misconduct.
  5. Do not scold the kid for failures, praise for achievements more often.
  6. Don't be reminded of past mistakes and mistakes.
  7. Never do homework for a child: just help.
  8. You can introduce the practice of incentive prizes for good grades: to arrange a festive tea party.

The main incentive for a child's good studies will be the realization that his success will delight the whole family.

Caress is the only way
which is possible in dealing with a living being.
Nothing can be done about terror.
This I have stated, I affirm and I will affirm ...
M. Bulgakov

To begin with, it is worth noting that if you are exactly make do your homework, you are at great risk. Learning out of the box causes the opposite reaction: the more a child is forced, the less likely it is to instill in him a love and interest in learning. In this way, you can only cause aversion not only to homework, but to the entire learning process.

  • Select "X hour". Let the child decide for himself: when he will do his homework, when to go for a walk, and when to play computer games. Give your child the choice: you don't really want to break your own rules.
    If the child starts to suggest some kind of nonsense, like "I will do my homework at 10 pm", set a time frame. For example, indicate that homework is to be done, for example, before 8pm.
  • Equip your workplace... If a child learns the rule lying on the couch, writes exercises in Russian to the accompaniment of TV, and solves math problems with his mother in the kitchen - unfortunately, it will not work to teach the child to order. A teenager must get used to the fact that this particular table and chair is his workplace. Then the appropriate mood will appear.
  • Give your child a good mood and good spirits. It is extremely unreasonable for those parents who immediately after returning from school to put their child in for lessons. Give your child time to rest, take a walk, and lunchtime sleep is known as a good way to relax.
  • Observe a certain order completing the assignment. But here it is better to consult with the children: it is easier for someone to "get rid of" oral assignments, then with written assignments, for others it is easier to do everything first, leaving light objects "for a snack."
  • Learn to manage time... Have you heard about time management? An extremely useful and effective piece. It is better to teach how to manage and plan your time from childhood.

F. Cerillo suggested an interesting technique. His strategy for completing the tasks became known as the "Pomodoro Technique". The bottom line is this: it turned out that the optimal time to complete a task is 25 minutes. It is this time that our brains and bodies are able to work efficiently and without getting tired.

All tasks need to be painted according to a template and for each one spend no more than 25 minutes, or "1 tomato".

For example, my son was asked to complete two exercises in Russian, solve 1 problem in mathematics and write a report on geography.

We describe the tasks:

Now we set the timer for 25 minutes and proceed to the first task. No distractions or interruptions! When the alarm clock rings, put a "tick" in front of the first task and rest for 5 minutes.

Then we proceed to the task again (we didn’t have time to finish the exercises in Russian - we continue to work on them). Having completed the first task, we proceed to the second. After 4 time periods (tomatoes) we take a break for 15-20 minutes.

Important! If you have completed the task, and the timer is still ticking, do not be distracted. Sit, think, check again - sometimes it is at this time that brilliant ideas come to mind, bloopers are found.

Want to add motivation? Offer a reward. For example, for 4 successful "tomatoes" - an extra half hour at the computer.

  • Don't judge mistakes or shout if something doesn't work out. Mistakes are an essential part of effective learning. Be patient and instead of yelling and hurtful words, try to have a conversation. Why do errors appear? Maybe due to the fact that he is in a hurry, maybe the topic is not understood or there is some kind of gap in knowledge. It is important that the child always feels your support. And in general, it is better to be guided by the principle: "The performer - praise, the performed - criticize".
  • Don't make homework a punishment... Parents often threaten: "If you write dirty or with mistakes, you will rewrite everything again!" Believe me, empty rewriting will not bring up diligence and accuracy, but only discourage all the desire to study. Train yourself to use drafts and don't forget about the previous recommendation.

To help or not to help - that is the question!

Many parents ask: "How to teach a child to do homework on his own? Help or teach him to be independent?"

It is, of course, necessary to accustom oneself to independence. But not right away, not right off the bat. Thus, first-graders simply cannot do without parental help. But the older the student becomes, the more independence he must show.

It is important here to immediately warn your offspring that you will not sit with him forever, and after a certain time he will have to do everything on his own. And be sure to instill that the lessons are HIS work, NOT YOURS! After making sure that the child has learned the rules for doing homework, parents should "stop doing homework."

No, of course, you shouldn't leave everything to chance. Your task now is simply to control, to explain the incomprehensible (if he himself asks). The main thing is that the initiative does not come from you, but from your child.

Another helpful tip:. Today he remembered about your agreement with him to start lessons at 4 pm - it's already good, express your sincere joy. Tomorrow the child sat down to his lessons. Even if the matter has not gone beyond simple preparations, it doesn't matter: if you sit down for lessons yourself - praise again. It is important for the child want do homework. Let your joy for his success and for any manifestation of independence be an incentive - why not motivation?

To check or not to check?

Checking your homework is a must! And believe me, the question "Have you done everything?" - clearly not enough. Do not be lazy, check what your offspring has "piled up" in the notebook, whether he has memorized a verse, whether he has prepared for a geography lesson, etc.

All of the above tips are not rules, but recommendations. There is no panacea, alas, since all children are different. The principle of trust will work for someone (parents trust me, which means that I simply have to do my homework so as not to let them down), others may be helped by the principle: earned - get a reward, others will only be helped by patience and endless conversations. But you shouldn't despair. The main thing is not only to "give education", but to bring up a responsible and independent person, to preserve his health and your good relationships.

School time is full of not only new impressions, communication with peers and interesting events. This period is also characterized by intense study and constant homework, which the child does not always want to do. And sometimes a logical question arises: is it necessary to force the student, or not?

Eliminate the cause

It's easy to get a student to do their homework. But such actions can only lead to the appearance of negativity towards school and school life. Therefore, parents should be patient and find out why this is happening. Depending on the identified reason, take one or another action.

No interest in learning

Younger schoolchildren are happy to do only the work that is interesting to them. Some children do not like to do easy tasks, even if it is necessary to do it (as the teacher said). Tasks for which there is no interest are always performed last, when the child is already tired and wants to sleep. One can only dream of the quality of execution.

The solution to the problem will be to increase motivation to study. ... You can come up with a reward system for each completed task. Or make a treasure map with islands drawn (by the number of days in a quarter). On each island there are several points (school subjects) through which the chip moves (it means the student himself - the treasure hunter). Each completed task is a step forward. By the end of the quarter, the child reaches the end of the journey and receives a treasure (a ticket to the circus, theater, boat trip).

You can interest the student in knowledge. After all, every day he learns something new. It will be interesting to keep a notebook-diary "What's new I learned today." Every day, write in it everything that I learned during the working day. You can divide knowledge by subject: write with red paste what you learned in mathematics lesson, with blue paste - the Russian language, and green - with literature.

Parenting mistakes

Often, children lose interest in learning as a result of the wrong approach on the part of their parents:

  • If a student is constantly reminded that he is a slacker, then he will never forget about it and will correspond to the assigned status: why change something if no one believes in you?
  • Another mistake of upbringing is the desire to make the child's life easier, to make his childhood easy and carefree, solving all problems for him. Of course, the kid becomes uninteresting just to rewrite the solved tasks in a notebook, and the lack of consolidation (homework is designed for this) does not allow to fully assimilate the material.
  • When parents allow their child to play on the computer for a long time or constantly watch cartoons, then you should not be surprised that he will pay little attention to books.
  • Sometimes the student is forced to sit until he has completed all the assignments. This is fraught with health problems and a decrease in interest in learning (how can you like what you are forced to do?).

How to avoid such problems:

  1. Help the child believe in himself, support even in case of failure.
  2. Never complete assignments for a student - this is his job. You can only help if necessary, push you towards a solution.
  3. Control the time spent at the computer and TV. To cultivate a love of reading by your own example (even if it will be magazines - the main thing is to read!).
  4. Set a rest time for the child (for example, a five-minute break after 20 minutes of work).

Knowledge gaps

Misunderstanding and complexity of tasks is a common reason for reluctance to complete tasks, even among adults. What can we say about children? And there is no point in forcing them to do what they do not understand.

The only solution to the problem is to eliminate these gaps. You can ask a teacher for help or hire a tutor. Alternatively, find online simulators on the Internet on a problematic topic.


Responsible children try to do their homework as soon as they get home. Gradually, they accumulate fatigue (after all, the body has not rested). And this leads to emotional stress, aggression, unwillingness to learn. Children who attend a large number of circles and additional activities get tired.

To avoid the negative manifestations of fatigue, it is important to provide the body with rest. ... And this is adherence to the daily regimen and full sleep. It is undesirable to do homework after school - let the child rest a little, sleep or take a walk in the fresh air, and at 16-00 (when the second peak of brain activity begins) he will begin to exercise. It is better to start with difficult subjects, moving on to easier ones.

Conflict with classmates or teacher

Sometimes the reason for the "dislike" for homework is the class team or a specific teacher.

What to do in this case:

  1. Determine the scale of the "tragedy": maybe the child perceives the problem itself much more acutely than it actually is.
  2. Help the child resolve the conflict situation, advise on what to do.
  3. If the situation does not change, then it is better to transfer the child to another class (school).
  4. If the teacher ignores the student, treats him with prejudice, then you should think about replacing the teacher.

You can not ignore the problems of socialization of the student. The result of inaction can be not only a loss of interest in learning: constant conflicts provoke mental disorders.

Or not to force?

According to psychologists, a child should not be forced to do anything against his will. It is necessary to help him realize the need and benefits of doing homework. Still, independent work allows children to consolidate what they have already learned at school, to better remember the material, to learn how to use it. Skipping this step creates knowledge gaps and is therefore not recommended.

Experienced psychologists advise not to force the child to do his homework, but to help him. At the same time, do not forget that you are loving and wise parents, at the same time strict and kind, fair and patient.

When communicating with a child, one should not forget simple life rules that will help maintain good relations and trust:

  • You need to respect the child, remember that he is a person with his own unique abilities and character.
  • It is important to constantly remind him that he is dear, to help him believe in himself, to share the confidence that the baby will be able to cope with any failure.
  • Do not forget that children, no matter how old they are, need parental support.
  • Not to use material and monetary rewards to encourage the learning activities of students - this method will not always work, only when children need something.

There are a few more psychological tricks that will help your child cope with tasks faster:

  1. If a child does his homework always at the same time, then this gradually becomes a habit, which means that it will not be necessary to force him later.
  2. It is better to do the lessons on the day they were asked: firstly, knowledge will be better assimilated, and secondly, it will seem that not so much homework has been asked, because part of it will already be completed.
  3. From elementary school age, children need to be taught to do the exercises on their own, to train the ability to concentrate so that they can no longer be controlled in high school.

It plays an important role for the development of learning motivation: if a child does not want to tinker with homework, you need to convince him that timely completion of tasks is good.

The reason for this may be the following motives:

  • You can get a good grade in the next lesson.
  • After the job is done, the soul becomes easier - it is freed from the burden of responsibility.
  • When completing tasks, such qualities as responsibility, perseverance, the ability to concentrate develop, which means that the child is gradually developing.

Do not forget about praise: for a correctly solved example, for the ability to find mistakes, write beautifully, independence. Praise gives the child self-confidence, makes him meet the specified standard, and awakens interest.

Parents of schoolchildren have probably come across a situation where the child does not want to complete the lessons. He is ready to do anything but homework. Often, these moments lead to stressful situations in the family. Mom and Dad begin to worry, get nervous about this. The excitement is transmitted to the child, and depression ensues. Psychologists advise not to allow such situations. To do this, you need to know how to get the child to do the homework so that the process is interesting and entertaining for him. Whole methods and a set of measures have been developed, which we will talk about in the article.

Do not feel sorry for the first grader

Many parents are tormented by the question: "How to get a child to do homework?" Remember: it is necessary to teach your baby to do homework without hysterics from the first grade. From the very beginning, you need to make it clear to the child that the educational process has begun, now he has mandatory tasks that he must cope with on his own.

It is important for parents to properly prepare and adapt the baby to a new stage in his life. Even during the holidays, it is worth arranging a place for doing lessons, establishing a regime. After the educational process has begun, you need to:

    Hang the school timetable in a prominent place so that the child can draw up his own schedule. Do not forget to indicate the time of visiting the circles and sections. In the first couples, the baby cannot do without the help of parents. You don't need to decide everything for the child. Take a pencil and a notebook, make a detailed plan indicating the time for homework, walking in the fresh air, watching TV, playing games on the computer.

    Never do lessons for a child. Even if something does not work out for him, it is better to once again explain the rules again, ask leading questions, hint, suggest.

    Try to strictly follow the regime from day to day so that the child is involved in the process. Only deviate from the schedule in difficult situations (health problems, urgent matters, etc.).

    Explain to your child that school is work. And it only depends on him what the result will be.

Parents often feel sorry for their first graders, considering them small. But the educational process is structured in such a way that all age capabilities of kids are taken into account. You should not worry and think that your child is overworked, because if from the first days of school you do not teach the student to do homework, in the future the question of how to get the child to do homework will surely come up.

The draft is your friend

After the child starts attending school, the question arises of how to properly do his homework with him. Teachers recommend using drafts without fail. This will help save time for the child. It is necessary to write essays, solve examples and problems in a separate notebook. After that, you need to have the parents check the written. Only then can it be transferred to the final copy.

In a draft, the child can correct mistakes; you should not ask to rewrite it several times. For this, a similar notebook is needed.

When answering the question of how to do homework correctly with a child, it is necessary to be guided by the rules of psychologists and remember that up to grade 5 children are not assiduous, their attention is scattered. After 20-30 minutes of completing the lessons, it is worth taking a short five-minute break. Parents' mistake is not to let their children leave the table for 2-3 hours.

Why the child does not want to do homework. Finding out the reasons

Many children say they don't want to do their homework. In this situation, the question logically arises: "How to get a child to do homework without scandals?" First you need to find out the reasons why he refuses to comply with them. In fact, there are not so many of them:

    Natural laziness. Unfortunately, there are children who have a similar phenomenon. But there are very few of them. If you know that some processes (reading books, an exciting game, watching cartoons, drawing, etc.) captivate the baby for a long time, then the problem is clearly not laziness.

    Afraid of failure. This is one of the most common reasons, especially if there have been situations in which adults misbehaved before. Let's say a strict teacher scolded in front of the whole class for a mistake, or parents scolded for a bad grade. You cannot perform such actions. Otherwise, it will affect the further learning and success of the child.

    The child has not fully mastered the subject. This problem is especially acute for first graders and high school students. Every effort must be made to ensure that the child understands the material.

    Lack of parental attention. It would seem, how can failure to follow the lessons be associated with the love of mom and dad? Psychologists find a direct connection in this. Thus, children strive to attract attention to themselves and arouse at least some feelings. As a rule, similar situations occur in families of workaholics. There is only one way out of this story - to praise the baby as often as possible and say that you are proud of him.

    The process itself seems uninteresting to the child, especially for first-graders, who are accustomed to perceiving classes only in the form of a game. The task of parents and teachers is to adapt the little ones to learning as quickly as possible.

    Before asking the question of how to teach a child to do homework, it is necessary to find out the reason why he refuses to do his homework. If you cannot cope on your own, you should seek help from a specialist. He will recommend arranging a family council, and already at it to discuss the possible reason and the child's unwillingness to learn. And here the main thing is to find the correct demeanor for adults: not to shout, but to conduct a constructive dialogue.

    What to do if the child does not understand the subject

    Parents can cope with all of the above problems of not completing lessons on their own. But what about the situation when the child simply does not understand the subject, or it is given to him hard? Psychologists say that adults solve this problem on their own, simply performing difficult tasks for the children. Thus, they further exacerbate the situation.

    The only correct decision is to hire a teacher or tutor. You should not spare money, just a few individual lessons are enough to help your child deal with a complex topic.

    Do you need help learning the lessons?

    Some children do their best to relieve themselves of the responsibility for completing lessons. To do this, they pretend that they are sick, overworked, and ask their parents to help them. Of course, they agree, but they do not understand that the child is taking them on the hook. Once you succumb to the trick several times, this scheme will work all the time.

    To answer the question of how to teach a child to do homework on their own, it is necessary to analyze the following situations:

    how often the baby resorts to your help;

    how long has he been ill;

    what class the child goes to.

If he often resorts to your help, while he is a little sick, and even a high school student, you just need to explain to him that from now on he is doing his homework on his own. But it is better not to bring it to such a situation, but from the first grade to teach the baby to do his homework.

We teach the child to be independent

The question of how to get a child to do his homework on his own comes up with parents quite often. If, with the help of adults, a student still somehow tries to solve problems, then one cannot cope in any way. Against this background, scandals and squabbles occur, which only exacerbate the situation.

First of all, you need to try to explain to the child that further admission to the university depends on his studies. The better the success, the more likely it is to get into a prestigious institution. Never do your homework for a student. The most you can help is to clarify this or that rule.

It is not necessary to constantly monitor the process; it is enough to check the draft and the clean copy. This is the only way to develop independence in children. You need to start this from the first days of school, and then in the future you will not have a question: "How to teach a child to do homework on his own?"

Do I need a cash reward?

Recently, a new way of rewarding children for good grades in school has emerged among parents. The prize is money. Thus, they are sure that the student will try harder and do their homework on their own. Psychologists claim that this is a huge mistake. There should be no monetary relationship between parents and children at this age.

There are many ways to get your child to do their homework without crying or hysterics. You just need to gain strength and patience. After all, school time is a rather difficult time, especially for first graders.

A trip to a circus, cinema, game center can be a reward. It is desirable that parents spend this time with their children. Thus, they will establish contact even more.

Many parents ask psychologists: "How to get a child to do his homework on his own?" Using motivation techniques. But cash bonuses are unacceptable. Indeed, in the future, children will demand rustling bills for all their good deeds and achievements.

Algorithm for completing homework

School time is a rather difficult time for children and their parents. The child is required to be independent, more responsible, responsible for their actions. Often schoolchildren (especially first-graders) refuse to complete their lessons, or do it with great reluctance. This becomes the cause of the conflict. Often from parents you can hear the phrase: "How to teach a child to do homework on their own?" In order for the process to go like clockwork and not cause any particular difficulties, you need to know and follow the following rules:

    After the child has come from school, you should not immediately force him to sit down to complete the lessons. The following scheme will be optimal: a walk in the air, lunch, rest up to 30 minutes.

    The best time to do your homework is from 15.00 to 18.00. This has been proven by experts. During these hours, the brain was most efficient.

    Observe the regime. Try to complete tasks at the same time.

    Try to choose difficult subjects right away, and then move on to easier ones.

    You should not constantly monitor your child. Train him to be independent. To begin with, let him do the work in the draft, bring it for review, and then transfer the data to the draft copy.

    After your child is done with their homework, be sure to praise them.

So that you do not have the question of how to force a child to do homework, follow the above rules and recommendations.

Carrot or stick?

Psychologists very often face situations when a child closes in on himself, ceases to perceive his parents, he seems to withdraw from the outside world, and finds peace in computer games. Why it happens? It is all the fault of the wrong behavior of adults, who are approved at the expense of children.

Many people believe that the best way to get a child to do something is to show their advantage. This can be achieved by shouting or hitting them. This position is incorrect. with children, encouragement, praise is the key to success. The same goes for homework.

You can often hear the phrase that the child refuses to do homework. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that parents misbehave with schoolchildren. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

    When checking homework, never raise your voice, do not call names or humiliate children. Start by praising your toddler for getting homework done. And only then start pointing out mistakes, if they were made.

    Grades are a sore point for many parents. After all, you probably want your child to be the best. And how unpleasant it is sometimes to hear the phrase that the child did not cope with the task and received an unsatisfactory grade. Try to calmly talk with the student, explain that the key to success in the future is the acquired knowledge base.

In order to answer the question of how to do homework with a child without screaming, you need to remember the following: each person is a person, with his own character, you should not break him. Humiliation, shouting, hurtful words will only aggravate the situation, and the parents will lose their dignity in the eyes of the child.

Basic rules for parents to remember

Many parents ask: "If the child does not learn the lessons, what to do?" First you need to find out the reason why this is happening. Perhaps it is trivial - a lack of understanding of the subject. If so, help the child and hire a tutor.