Recipe for hands using essential oils. Choosing the most useful oil for hands and nails! Compress of mashed potatoes, almond oil and rose

Almost every recipe for essential oils involves the use of base vegetable oils that are saturated with fatty acids.

It can be jojoba, macadamia, avocado, almond or peach kernel oils. Wheat germ oil is widely used for these purposes.

Surely, every woman periodically finds time to take a bath. Why not give the same pleasure to your hands? To make the baths more effective, you can take 2-3 drops of any aromatic oil, mix it with a small amount of high-fat sour cream and add it to the water.

The maximum beneficial effect of such baths will be achieved if the water temperature is not higher than 40 degrees, and the bath time is at least 20 minutes.

Hand wraps

Wraps are considered to be another effective and not complicated method. Hands are wrapped in a paper or cloth napkin dipped in a mixture of base and essential oils.

Then cover them with a towel and wait for about 10 minutes. This method will be indispensable if you have cracks in the skin of your hands and when it is peeling. If the skin is sensitive, it is better to do cold compresses by wetting cotton swabs in the solution.

A special rubbing is very useful for hands, for this, the hands are steamed in warm water and for several minutes a special mixture prepared from ordinary oil and three drops of essential oil, for example, tea rose, is intensively applied to the skin.

It is also quite simple to prepare a cream with aromatic oils at home. This cream will be another wonderful tool for the beauty of your hands. It is necessary to prepare a couple of tablespoons of infusion of any herbs, a little butter, 1 tsp. honey and 2 tsp. base oil.

All ingredients must be mixed and melted in a water bath. Then you need to beat the mixture well, wait until it cools down, and only then add three drops of geranium or any other essential oil.

For the beauty of the hands, it is also necessary to make nourishing masks with a softening effect, tightening, firming, and also whitening. Some of the most popular recipes:

  1. A mixture of a few drops of myrrh and orange oils with the addition of fatty sour cream will have a nourishing effect. The mixture needs to be warmed up a little, applied to the skin for about 30 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water.
  2. A mask of a couple of drops of eucalyptus, a spoonful of honey and aloe juice mixed with wheat germ oil will perfectly soften the skin of the hands.
  3. A jojoba oil mask nourishes well if you add rosemary oil and a drop of mint there.
  4. A mixture of jojoba oil, fir and citrus aromatic oils will wonderfully strengthen nails. This mixture is applied with a special brush or cotton pad.

Products containing aromatic oils have a general strengthening effect and restore the structure of the nail from the inside.

They will not only benefit your hands, but will also give you incredible pleasure, allowing you to plunge into the bright notes of pleasant and original aromas.

Hello dear readers!

Beautiful, well-groomed hands are a visiting card of a woman. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that they always remain in excellent condition.

Today we will talk about the miraculous effect of ethers for nails, hand skin, cuticles. We will also find out which nail oils are useful and what effect they have. You will learn recipes for baths, wraps and masks. Stay tuned and happy reading!

The benefits of esters for hands and nails

Our hands are constantly exposed to various influences: household chemicals, cold temperatures. Most often, the back side suffers, it can give out our age when we don’t need it at all, it is irritated, reddened and chapped.

Therefore, you need to constantly take care of your hands so that they always look well-groomed and beautiful. Essential oils can help with this.

They will become your faithful companions in personal care. With their help, you can make various creams, lotions, wraps, baths. The most important advantage is that they have a completely natural composition and do not harm the body.

Esters have a number of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements. They are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis, saturating it with oxygen and rejuvenating.

You can notice the effect of using oils after just a few applications. The skin will become elastic, smooth, tender, velvety.

Very good means with the use of oils soften the cuticle. This makes it easy to remove. It also has a beneficial effect on the nails.

Esters help whiten them, give them a healthy color, prevent brittleness, delamination, and accelerate their growth. In this article, we will look at many different uses for oils that will help you maintain the beauty of your hands and nails.

We constantly draw your attention to the fact that for personal care procedures it is necessary to use only proven products. We already know how to choose a quality product.

Now in the cosmetic market there are many fakes that are harmful. If there is no store near you where you can buy high-quality essential oil, use the oils of the online store 4fresh.

Not only essential oils are collected here, but a lot of eco-products at good prices. All of them have a natural composition and perfectly help to take care of yourself without harm!

The online store format is gaining momentum, as it is very convenient, you do not have to waste time on trips, queues and stuffy shops. Now let's look at the main advantages of using oils.

Advantages of using ethers for hands:

  1. Strengthen the structure of nails, align the plate, prevent their fragility.
  2. Eliminate dryness, irritation and redness of the skin of the hands.
  3. Soften cuticles and help remove them.
  4. Rejuvenate, saturate with useful microelements and vitamins.
  5. In combination with base oils, they help protect against chemicals, frost and chapping.
  6. Help prevent calluses.
  7. Treat small wounds and cracks.
  8. There are a lot of positive aspects, and all this is due to the healing composition of odorous liquids.

Regular use of esters will help you maintain the beauty, health, youth of your hands for many years.

You can also enrich ready-made creams or lotions with them. This will significantly increase their action and the effect of the application will be much faster.

Ways to use essential oils in hand care

Not only salon procedures can restore dry and irritated skin of the hands. If you are faced with such a problem or just keep them in good condition, then we recommend that you use home methods for using esters.

We have compiled a rating of the best oils for you, and also prepared excellent methods and recipes for baths, masks, creams, etc. By regularly following the recommendations and following our advice, you can arrange a spa hand care at any convenient time and without leaving your apartment. .

Rating of the best esters for hand care:

  • sandalwood- strengthens the nail plate, smoothes it, gives a healthy, natural color without yellowness. Protects the skin from exposure to various chemicals, prevents chapping and dryness.
  • Ylang Ylang- an amazing tool that has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates fine wrinkles, makes the skin of the hands well-groomed and velvety. Saturates the epidermis with moisture and oxygen.
  • Tea tree- is a natural antiseptic, has a pronounced antibacterial property.

Helps protect hands and nails from household chemicals, frost. Rejuvenates, makes the skin velvety, smooth, well-groomed. Works great with lavender and rose essential oils.

  • Eucalyptus- refreshes, tones, relieves fatigue and redness. An excellent tool for strengthening nails, eucalyptus prevents their delamination, accelerates growth and makes them strong.
  • Myrrh- valued for its moisturizing properties. Nourishes hands and nails, softens cuticles.
  • Lavender- is an excellent universal tool that is used literally in all areas. And not in vain!

Lavender has wonderful soothing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. Cares for the handles, softens the cuticle, smoothes the nail plate, prevents the aging of the dermis.

Regular use of ether will help you always have an excellent manicure.

  • the Rose- has a chic aroma, and any procedure with this ether can be equated to a mini-session of aromatherapy.

Rose perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, it saturates them with oxygen and useful elements. Prevents skin aging and protects it from negative influences.

  • Fennel- relieves redness, irritation. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it smooth. Softens cuticles and prevents hangnails.
  • Lemon- Helps to whiten nails, removes yellowness. Favorably affects the skin of the hands, tones and rejuvenates. Works great with other citrus scents.
  • chamomile- perfectly moisturizes, heals small wounds, cuts. Soothes the skin, saturates it with useful trace elements, prevents dryness, chapping and irritation.

You can enrich creams and base oils with chamomile. It is a universal hypoallergenic remedy.

  • Cinnamon- penetrates deep into the skin, heals it, softens it. In combination with other esters, it has a powerful rejuvenating effect.

There is a great online store Zeitun. Here you will find a huge variety of wonderful oils that have a beneficial effect on the body without any harm to health.

I like that they offer both mono-oils and mixtures of essential oils, for example, to relieve joint pain ... You can also buy excellent natural cosmetics for body, face and hair care.

Quality control is carried out constantly, the formula is exclusive. Take care of your health!

Let's look at the most effective ways to care for the skin of hands, cuticles, nails at home. Remember that only regular implementation of these procedures will give an effect.

Ways to use oils (dosage of esters in drops):


This is a great way to strengthen your nails and moisturize your hands. As a basis, you can take not only water, but also decoctions of herbs (chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, etc.) and even potato broth. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

It is advisable to do baths at least once a week, but if time permits, you can 2 or even 3 times. It all depends on the condition of the skin and nails. If they need more complex and long-term care, then more often, if to maintain beauty - less often.
Recipe No. 1:

2 liters of warm (38 degrees) water or herbal tea + 3 lavender + 2 myrrh + 1 mint + 1 vitamin E capsule + 1 teaspoon of milk.
Recipe No. 2:

1 liter of water + 1 liter of potato broth + 1 teaspoon of almond oil + 1 rose + 1 cinnamon + 2 eucalyptus + 3 chamomile.


It can be used not only for cosmetic, but also for medicinal purposes. Prevents dry hands, strengthens nails, fights some dermatological diseases.

The resulting mixture should be applied to the hands, then wrapped in plastic wrap or put on cosmetic gloves. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. Regularity 2 times a week.

Recipe No. 1:

Avocado oil 30-40 ml. + 2 roses + 1 cinnamon + 2 tea tree

1 capsule of vitamin A.

Recipe No. 2:

Coconut oil 30-40 ml. + 3 ylang-ylang + 1 lavender + 1 fennel + 1 eucalyptus.


Homemade cream has a natural composition and does not contain impurities. Its action is more effective compared to the means that we see in the store. But as a base for a homemade product, you can use a ready-made cream, but only of the right quality!

Recipe No. 1:

50 gr. Butter + 20-25 ml. coconut oil + 3 geranium + 2 sandalwood + 1 chamomile + 1 lemon + 1 teaspoon honey.
Melt the butter and honey in a water bath, add the esters. Mix/beat thoroughly. Store in a cool place in a dark glass jar.


Perfectly cope with dryness, irritation, relieve inflammation and redness. Rejuvenate skin, strengthen nails. Apply the mixture in an even layer, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse with water.

Recipe No. 1:

Chamomile decoction 100 ml. + 15 ml. jojoba oil + 3 oranges + 3 lavender + 1 orange + 1 vitamin E capsule.

Recipe No. 2:

Milk 1 tablespoon + 15 ml. olive oil + 3 cinnamon + 1 sandalwood + 1 eucalyptus.

Today, dear readers, we have learned about caring for hands and nails with the help of ethers. Recipes of fragrant mixtures will help you make a complete care without leaving home. Our pens are our pride! Be beautiful and see you soon!

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Ilona was with you

Such a problem as increased dryness of the skin of the body, most often occurs in winter. Lack of vitamins, cold, windy weather - all this has a bad effect on the condition of the skin of the hands and other parts of the body. To restore the normal level of skin hydration, you can use expensive cosmetics, or you can give preference to natural products, from which you can prepare creams and lotions on your own. Vegetable oils are an excellent remedy for effectively eliminating dry skin. In this article, you will find the best moisturizing oils for dry skin on the body.

If you have dry body skin, what should you do?

In human skin, there are sebaceous glands that regularly secrete lubrication - it is she who moisturizes the skin, and also protects it from the negative effects of the environment. Sometimes, as a result of external or internal factors, the glands function incorrectly or are not active enough. Dry body skin causes unpleasant and painful sensations, as it loses its elasticity and former elasticity, sometimes it even becomes covered with cracks.

Constant care will help prevent excessive drying of the skin of the body. And it does not matter where it will be held - in the salon or at home. High-quality moisturizers will help to make the skin supple and smooth again. In addition, it is also important to normalize the metabolism in the body, if there is a violation.

For dry skin, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. - regularly cleanse, moisturize, nourish the skin and exfoliate its dead particles;
  2. - use homemade cleansing lotions and scrubs;
  3. - After cleansing, apply a moisturizer to the skin;
  4. - to stimulate blood flow in the capillaries, do exercises daily for 15 minutes;
  5. - take a contrast shower (it is also useful for increased dryness of the skin of the body, and in the presence of cellulite);
  6. - after a shower, be sure to rub the skin with a terry towel to give the body vigor;
  7. - Take a bath once a week for about 20 minutes (it will improve blood circulation, calm the nerves and help to completely cleanse the skin);
  8. - deep peeling of the skin once a week;
  9. In summer, be sure to use a high-quality sunscreen for the body.

Vegetable oil, which is made from olives, is an excellent remedy for combating increased dryness of the skin of the body. Pulled out and squeezed out olive oil for body only from ripe fruits. Olive trees grow profusely and bear fruit along the coastal regions of the Mediterranean countries of Europe, as well as in India, Africa and the Middle East. Almost everywhere olive oil is used for body skin care due to its rich natural content.

Benefits of olive oil:

  • - very useful for the skin (subject to application twice a day);
  • - retains moisture for 8 or more hours;
  • - has an antibacterial effect when caring for the skin of the body;
  • - contains the optimal pH level;
  • - has a natural sweet aroma.

olive oil moisturizer recipe

In its pure form, olive oil is an indispensable product for moisturizing, restoring and nourishing the skin. It is especially useful to use it in places where the skin is especially prone to dryness: hands; elbows, décolleté, etc.

To prepare an effective cream, you need to slightly heat the olive oil. Then add the egg yolk to it and mix these ingredients well. The resulting mass with gentle gentle movements should be applied to the neck, décolleté and other parts of the body. Wash off with warm water after 10 minutes.

Olive oil baths for hands and nails

With regular use of olive oil, you can make your skin soft and velvety. A couple of times a week, you need to do simple warm baths, in which you add a little olive oil. Soak your hands in this warm liquid for 30 minutes, hold, then rinse with cool water.

Coconut oil is especially recommended by experts for dry and depleted body skin. Coconut oil moisturizes, nourishes and does not dry the skin at all. It can be used both in its pure form and as a base for homemade cosmetic products.

Coconut oil has the following beneficial properties:

  1. - slows down the formation of deep and fine wrinkles;
  2. — moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, including after epilation;
  3. - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. - reduces the negative impact on the skin of external factors (bacteria, viruses, hard ultraviolet radiation, dust, etc.);
  5. - creates a protective layer, which contributes to a beautiful and even tan;
  6. - relieves stress and fatigue.

Coconut oil may thicken during use. You should not worry about this, on the contrary, it indicates its naturalness. To melt the butter, you need to place a jar with it under a stream of warm water. You can just store coconut oil for body in a warm room, for example, in the bathroom - there it will not change its consistency. When thickened, the oil can be used as a cream.

Coconut Oil Moisturizing Scrub

Mix the thickened honey and coconut oil in equal proportions. Stir to a more or less homogeneous state and apply to those parts of the body where it is necessary to exfoliate dead skin particles. Gently massage the skin, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Shea butter is a hard, white fat that can also be slightly yellowish or ivory in color. Real shea butter has a light nutty flavor. At room temperature, the product acquires the consistency of ghee.

Shea butter is extracted from the fruits of trees, which are commonly called karite. Its fruits are very similar to avocados, but are smaller in size. This healthy oil is obtained from the bone that is inside the fruit.

  • - with rough skin of the hands, elbows, legs, feet and other parts of the body;
  • - with increased dryness of the skin;
  • - with uneven, rough and flaky skin of the body;
  • - with thinned, dull and gray skin;
  • - with a lack of hydration and nutrition of the skin;
  • - with fading and flabby skin of the body, as a tonic and rejuvenating agent.

Shea butter cream for sensitive skin

For this cream, in addition to shea butter, you will also need almond oil, which will serve as the basis for preparing a moisturizer. Heat in a water bath 1 tbsp. teaspoon shea butter until it starts to melt. Then add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond oil. Finally, add a couple of drops of lavender and chamomile essential oils to the almost ready cream. Ready cream must be used daily and stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Shea butter cream for dry and mature skin

This cream is able to enhance the regenerating properties of shea butter, which will only contribute to skin rejuvenation. To prepare the product, it is necessary, in the same way as in the previous recipe, to melt 1 tbsp. spoon of shea butter, then mix it with 1 teaspoon of avocado oil and 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil. At the end, add 2 drops of rosewood and rosemary essential oils to the cream. Place the mixture in a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Argan oil is pressed from the green nuts of a tree called argan. There are such trees in Morocco, Israel and Algeria. Since they grow in limited quantities, the oil extracted from their fruits is considered rare and has a fairly high cost. To obtain 1 kg of argan oil, it is necessary to squeeze 100 kg of seeds.

Argan oil is a versatile cosmetic product. It can be used both for body skin care and to improve the appearance of hair, nails and facial skin. With the help of argan oil, you can restore the natural freshness and softness of the skin. With dryness, loss of elasticity and the presence of wrinkles, this oil is simply an indispensable product.

Massage with argan oil

Thanks to the use of argan oil, massage can improve skin elasticity, effectively moisturize it and even relax the spine. The product is easily absorbed into the skin, does not leave greasy marks, protects and moisturizes the skin. Argan oil can be mixed with any body lotion and massaged with it after a shower. Thus, the skin will become velvety, firm and elastic.

Sandalwood oil, which has many beneficial properties, is extracted from sandalwood wood. It is perfect for restoring and treating any type of skin. The balancing antiseptic effect of sandalwood oil is actively used in the care of skin that is prone to oiliness and acne. With it, you can adjust excessive sebum, reduce inflammation, and also prevent the formation of scars and scars.

Sandalwood oil is an excellent moisturizer, nourisher and emollient. For dry sensitive skin, it will be simply indispensable. The oil not only cleanses and tones, but also soothes, heals, removes irritation and itching.

You can take a bath with sandalwood oil. To do this, dissolve 5-7 drops of oil in honey, milk or sea salt, then pour this mass into warm water (about 37-38 ° C). Take a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Sandalwood oil can be added to homemade or commercial products to moisturize the skin of the body: creams, lotions, scrubs, etc. A small amount (only 3-4 drops per jar) of the product can work wonders with the skin: with regular use, it becomes soft, very pleasant and smooth.

Oil made from sunflower seeds has a unique composition and excellent technical characteristics. That is why it is used for the preparation of various cosmetics. Masks, lotions and creams based on sunflower oil perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin of the body.

Sunflower oil can also be added to an evening bath. Just a few drops diluted in warm water can effectively soften the skin. After the bath, you should also apply sunflower oil to the skin of the body and lie down quietly for 15-20 minutes. After that, wipe yourself with a dry towel, you no longer need to use the cream. The skin will become beautiful and healthy.

With sunflower oil, you can also do an excellent peeling for the whole body. By carefully massaging certain areas of the body with oil, you can remove dead skin cells, stimulate blood flow to the tissues and eliminate problems such as cellulite.

Moisturizing sunflower oil body scrub

Add to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil 1-2 teaspoons of oatmeal. Mix well, apply to cleansed body skin and massage it with light movements. Wash off after 5 minutes with warm water.

Sunflower oil hand mask

Take a small amount of cottage cheese and add a few drops of sunflower oil (only unrefined) to it. Apply a homogeneous mass on the skin of the hands and hold for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water, then wipe the skin with a slice of lemon or orange. This will return the hands to an even color.

This is one of the most expensive types of body butter. It is not very rare, but its high cost is due to the special production, which is carried out using complex technology. In addition, oil is extracted from grape seeds during a long process. The grape seed must go through a lot of procedures in order to finally get the consistency necessary to release hidden nutrients, and in fact, healthy oil is made.

Experts advise using grape seed oil for all women over 35 years old. It has the consistency of water and is very well absorbed by the skin. Suitable for all skin types, but especially indicated for oily skin, as it is lightweight and quickly absorbed.

Grape seed oil is most often used for cosmetic purposes:

  • - with increased dryness of the skin of the body;
  • – in neuro-scientific facial skin care;
  • - to quickly dry up acne and eliminate unwanted bacteria;
  • - with tired and flabby skin;
  • - against wrinkles;
  • - for the treatment of minor injuries, cracks, cuts, etc.

To restore skin elasticity, you can use grape seed oil in its pure form. But if the skin is dry all over the body, it is better to prepare a lotion or cream containing oil, as it will need to be used regularly and in large quantities.

For dryness, flaking, inflammation and withering of the skin, experts recommend mixing light grape oil in a ratio of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 with nourishing and fatty cosmetic oils. It can be avocado, wheat germ or jojoba oil. You can also add 1-2 drops of sandalwood, orange or blue chamomile essential oil to the resulting mixture.

Grapeseed oil moisturizer for massage

In the presence of dryness and stretch marks, add 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil and 1-2 drops of lavender and mint essential oils to the grape seed oil base. For massage, you can also use grape seed oil in combination with essential oils of marjoram and tea tree. Use like any other massage tool.

Known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, lavender is great for treating many skin problems on the body and face. The delicate aroma of lavender oil harmonizes well with lotions, creams and skin tonics (at a concentration of 1-2%). For the treatment of acne on the body and face, lavender oil is considered the most valuable.

If you add lavender oil to your hand cream and use it regularly, it will help to quickly heal cracks and wounds, as well as smooth and soften the skin. This supplement is very good to use in winter.

Massage creams can also be prepared with lavender oil. To do this, add a few drops of orange and lavender oils to the massage agent. Such a composition will significantly enrich the cosmetic product and, when applied, will improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.

Lavender oil cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the body. It can also be used to exfoliate dead skin particles and relieve irritation.

The hands of women admired and sang the classics at all times. Of course, they paid even more attention to the eyes, lovely face, grace, etc. But the hands have also always been one of the main components of the image of the fair sex.

And what are we now paying close attention to, looking at the hands? Of course, on the nails. If the nails are unkempt, without a sign of manicure, then the impression of such a woman is appropriate. And if, on the contrary, the nails are healthy, with a neat manicure, then we are already looking at such a person with interest. As the saying goes: "We meet by clothes" ...

Of course, first of all, establish proper nutrition, give up bad habits, take balanced vitamins, walk more in the fresh air. This is the right way to health not only nails, but the whole body. But this path is long, and our nails will be transformed slowly. And I want to be beautiful and well-groomed already now.

We need to help the body. Strengthen health not only inside, but also outside. It contributes to this.

What is nail and cuticle oil good for?

Oil for nails and cuticles has long been popular. It is especially recommended to make nourishing masks with oils for representatives of thin,. But other than that, using oil for nail care has the following benefits:

  • helps our sensitive hands cope with seasonal temperature changes;
  • effectively moisturize and nourish even the driest skin of the hands;
  • care for extended nails, shellac;
  • , helps to get rid of fragility;
  • has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

At the same time, there are no contraindications to the use of nourishing oil for nails. Except, of course, individual intolerance.

Ready-made solutions of oils are sold in stores and pharmacies. They contain components that meet the basic requirements of consumer demand: to strengthen nails, to moisturize, to nourish, heal, etc. The bottles have a convenient brush. But such solutions are not cheap and end too quickly.

Judging by the reviews, nail oil , home-cooked is in no way inferior to store-bought, and sometimes even surpasses them. The main thing is to find out what is the best nail oil for you personally.

What oil can be used to improve the appearance of nails:

  1. Vegetable oils:
    • sunflower;
    • olive;
    • peach;
    • coconut;
    • almond;
    • thirst.
  2. Essential oils:
    • burdock;
    • peach;
    • castor;
    • celandine;
    • wheat;
    • tea tree and others.

For greater effect, in addition to oils, vitamins are added to the solutions: A, E, C.

To choose the best oil, you need to understand their characteristics.

Characteristics of oils:

  1. Castor oil is included in the composition, effectively copes with rough cuticles and helps nails grow quickly. It has several healing properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, tonic.
  2. Wheat oil intensively moisturizes the skin, enriches it with the "beauty vitamin" - vitamin E.
  3. Burdock oil also perfectly moisturizes the skin, prevents its dryness. Ideal for ladies who are fond of nail extension. With the help of the vitamins included in the composition, it quickly restores nails.
  4. Celandine oil - known for its antibacterial properties, fights fungal diseases.
  5. Jojoba oil helps nails resist the harmful effects of the environment.
  6. Peach oil strengthens the nail plate, fights brittle nails, enriches with vitamins: calcium, potassium, iron.
  7. Citrus oil whitens nails, adds a healthy shine.
  8. Coconut oil (like cucumber oil) has a pronounced moisturizing effect. Saturates the nails with vitamins.
  9. Cedar oil (pine oil, sandalwood) strengthens nails, helps their growth and strength.
  10. Almond oil restores exfoliating nails. But for a noticeable effect, you need to rub this oil 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  11. Eucalyptus oil, lavender have a powerful antibacterial effect. It treats fungal diseases, relieves skin inflammation as a result of careless manicure.
  12. Olive oil - the most popular among women, is the main component. Most likely, this is due to its availability. But also useful properties attract in the composition of olive oil: vitamins A and E, strengthening effect, restoring effect on nails.

Each of these oils is already an effective nail medicine in its own right. But to make the nutrition and hydration even more intense, you can add some ingredients to the composition of the oils.

Ingredients needed for better absorption of oil by nails:

  • "Beauty Vitamin" - E. One drop of vitamin E per 1 ml of another oil will improve the nutrition of nails and saturate with vitamins.
  • propolis extract. It has many properties: antiseptic, water-repellent, nourishing, restorative and many others. Four drops of propolis extract per 10 ml of another oil solution will be enough for the maximum benefit of our nails.
  • in an oily solution called Aevit. One capsule per 10 ml of solution is enough to protect the skin from harmful effects, strengthen the nail plate and enrich it with vitamins.
  • CO2 extracts are a powerful antiseptic. It is enough to add to 10 ml of any oil for 4 drops of extract.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes themselves, it is necessary to make a few remarks so that the use of oils does not disappoint and does not cause inconvenience:

  1. When preparing a healing mixture of oils and vitamins, use a syringe. So it will be more convenient for you to accurately measure milliliters.
  2. The most important note - before proceeding with the procedure, check each component on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for allergies.
  3. Deep wounds, burns, cuts, fungal diseases are direct contraindications to the use of nail oils.
  4. If you plan to paint your nails with varnish, make shellac, do not apply oil on your nails before these procedures.
  5. Use only high quality proven oils. Don't trust cheap fakes. Watch the expiration date.
  6. It is best to prepare a healthy mixture of oils immediately before use.
  7. The course of application of oil for nails - 2 times a week, and also after each manicure. The duration is not limited.
  8. Remember the important proportion: 2 drops of essential oil should be added with two milliliters of vegetable oil.

Oil for nails. Composition of healing ingredients

To eliminate any one problem, you can use any oil. We have already listed their useful properties.

And if you need comprehensive nail care, then you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. To remove a slight inflammation of the skin and moisturize the cuticle will help: 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of tea tree oil, combine with 15 ml of any vegetable oil.
  2. To give your nails a glossy look, you should prepare the following ingredients: 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil, 3 drops of rose oil, 3 drops of lemon oil.
  3. The following ingredients will help to remove minor inflammation, promote nail growth and maximize hydration: 3 drops of tea tree oil, one vitamin E capsule, 5 drops of coconut oil, 3 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of peach oil.
  4. Nails will thank you with strength and a healthy look if you prepare: 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 drops of vitamins A and E, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  5. You will always have strong and healthy nails if you pamper them at least once a week with the following mask: 3 drops of cucumber oil, 5 drops of castor oil, 10 ml of peach and coconut oil, 3 drops of orange oil.
  6. Nourishing cuticle oil includes: 5 ml grape seed oil, 5 ml olive oil, 3 drops tea tree oil and lavender oil, 5 ml almond oil 1 vitamin E capsule.
  7. The following mixture of oils will help to cope with brittle nails: 1 capsule of vitamin E, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil, 4 drops of lemon, 7 drops of castor oil, 3 drops of masket rose.
  8. The effect of double action: care for nails and hands at the same time, the following components achieve: 2 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of almond oil, 2 drops of avocado oil. But the result will be noticeable with daily care of nails and hands.


Permanent application nail strengthening oils will help not only the nails, the skin of the hands to maintain health and good appearance. It also has one more indisputable advantage - it helps us to develop a habit qualitatively and with the body.

Lavender essential oil has been used medicinally for over 2500 years. Herbalists and doctors at monastery hospitals appreciated its healing and anesthetic properties. Lavender oil is still used to this day for skin and hair care, treatment of insomnia, stress, depression..

What does lavender essential oil look like?

Fluid, light, almost colorless oil with a slight yellowish tinge is extracted by steam distillation from fresh lavender flowers, called "blue gold" in Provence. This method was chosen as the most effective, because for many centuries lavender oil has been extracted by completely different methods - from enfleurage to complex distillations.

Only a few wrinkle their noses from its aroma. Usually everyone is delighted with the bitter spiciness of fresh flowers with sweet woody notes. Lavender oil is produced in many parts of the world: French oil is considered the most expensive, English, Australian and Crimean are also known.

Properties of lavender essential oil

Lavender oil has a positive effect on all body systems. Improves digestion, the functioning of internal organs, including the liver and gallbladder. Normalizes heart rhythm, relieves spasms of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, relieves swelling. Works as an anesthetic for muscle and joint pain, inflammation. Removes them, eliminating redness, irritation, peeling and itching, removes toxins. Calms the nerves, promotes healthy sleep. It is an excellent immunostimulant and even an anti-repellent.

lavender essential oil for hands

As a skin care product, lavender essential oil is primarily suitable for those who put it to the test every day: often cook and wash dishes without gloves, as well as those who often suffer from unsuccessful unedged manicure. It heals small wounds, effectively softens the cuticle and rough skin.

It is enough to simply add lavender oil to a regular cream in the proportion of 5-7 drops per 10 ml of base, this recipe is especially relevant in winter and when the seasons change, when the hands suffer from wind and bad weather. Damaged cuticles can be gently lubricated with pure lavender oil.

Lavender essential oil for hands, nails, skin and hair

It is useful to do self-massage once or twice a week. Mix 10 ml of jojoba oil, 20 ml of peach oil, add 1-2 drops of honey, 4 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of lemon and sandalwood oils. This tool effectively restores and nourishes the skin of the hands, strengthens nails, and has a rejuvenating effect. It can be used as a night mask under cotton gloves. The combination of the above oils can be replaced with a mixture: lavender + sage + lemon + chamomile, lavender + sage + eucalyptus + chamomile, lavender + mint + rosemary + thyme - each oil can be taken 2 drops.

If the skin needs moisturizing, mix approximately 10 ml of jojoba and wheat germ oils, add 2-3 drops of honey, 2 drops of lavender and eucalyptus oils, 1 drop of peppermint essential oil, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice. Put all this in the refrigerator, apply on the skin of the hands after a day as a cream or mask. Store leftovers in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Lavender essential oil for nails

Lavender oil can help solve several nail problems at once.

For general nail strengthening, use it mixed with one or more of the following oils: eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, chamomile, patchouli, thyme, sandalwood, myrrh, tea tree, bergamot. They should be dissolved in any of the base oils (for example, apricot, almond, olive) in a proportion of no more than 3-4 drops of the mixture per tablespoon of the base. Rub into nails at least once a day and use as a course.

To stimulate nail growth, add a drop of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus essential oils to a tablespoon of olive oil - rub this mixture once or several times a day into nails and cuticles.

Lavender essential oil for hands, nails, skin and hair

To polish the nail plate, you can use pure lavender oil.

Lavender essential oil for face and body

Lavender oil is one of the most popular oils in cosmetology. Most often, due to its regenerating and healing properties, it can be found in the composition of anti-aging products and anti-acne preparations, and due to its antibacterial properties, it is often added to intimate hygiene products. It relieves swelling, redness, peeling, ideal as a care for sensitive or damaged skin.

Lavender essential oil is added to the cream in the proportion of 5-7 drops per 10 ml. basics. And you can make masks with it. For example, from a mixture of one tablespoon of any of the base oils (apricot, olive, linseed) with two drops of lavender oil. This mask effectively fights inflammation and redness, you need to keep it for 30-40 minutes, after this time you can wash your face or simply wipe the skin with napkins or cotton pads to remove excess oil.

To eliminate pimples or scars, it can be used undiluted or mixed with tea tree oil.

It is good to take baths with lavender oil, they will have a double effect - to care for the skin and calm the nerves, attracting sleep. It is enough to mix 4-8 drops of oil with salt or milk and add to hot water.

Lavender essential oil for hands, nails, skin and hair

For massages and compresses, add 5-7 drops for every 10 ml of base oil.

Lavender essential oil for hair

Due to its antiseptic properties, lavender essential oil can get rid of dandruff or eczema and promote hair growth. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of oil to a single dose of shampoo, balm or mask or mask. To stimulate hair growth, a few drops of hair can be added to burdock oil heated in a water bath and applied to the scalp half an hour before washing. To strengthen and shine your hair, make a mask: mix 3 tablespoons of olive or apricot oil, 1 egg yolk and 5 drops of lavender oil. Apply this mixture first to the roots of the hair, then with a comb with rare teeth, spread along the length, paying special attention to the tips. Cover with a cap and / or towel, rinse after half an hour.

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