Homemade soap recipes. How to make homemade scrub soap? Devices for soap making

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Scented and fragrant soap can be purchased not only in stores, you can create this cosmetic product yourself. We will share with you simple techniques on how to make soap with your own hands. To make sure how simple and exciting the soap making process is, you just need to participate in it. Let's create together, we propose to master several master classes on making soap.

Simple homemade soap recipes for beginners

Soap making for beginners is a very exciting experience, involve your family in this fascinating process and you will not only make a useful cosmetic product, but also get a lot of positive emotions. So, let's start making soap at home.

Remember, so that bubbles do not form on the surface of the soap, at the end of preparation (when you have already poured the mixture into the molds), sprinkle the soap on top of the soap with alcohol from a spray bottle (use alcohol, not vodka!), And also before starting all the manipulations you need sprinkle the molds where you will pour the soap.

Recipe number 1 - Fragrant chocolate soap


  • Soap base (preferably transparent) - 80 g.;
  • Peach oil - 1 tsp;
  • Vit. A and E - 3 drops each;
  • Peppermint essential oil - 15 drops;
  • Bitter chocolate - 1 square.

Step by step cooking:

Recipe number 2 - Coffee scrub soap


  • Children's soap without fragrances - 100 gr .;
  • Water - 210 ml;
  • Olive oil - 5 ml;
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 17 ml;
  • Patchouli essential oil - 6 caps.
  • Ground coffee beans - 3 tsp.
Cooking technology:

It is worth noting that other abrasive components will also be useful, for example, oatmeal, crushed walnut shells, and poppy seeds.

Home soap making for beginners consists in full compliance with all stages of creating a cosmetic product, only in this case it will be possible to preserve the useful qualities and cleaning properties of the manufactured hygiene product. Now you know how to make a scrubbing soap at home.

Recipe number 3 - Anti-cellulite oil with sea salt and algae

  • Organic soap base - 100 gr .;
  • Medium-ground sea salt - 1 tsp;
  • Ascophyllum algae - 7 gr.;
  • A mixture of oils (base + essential) - 1 tsp.
Step by step instructions for cooking:
This handmade soap at home is in no way inferior to store counterparts. This production option is the simplest of the recipes for anti-cellulite homemade soap, as it prepares very quickly.
  1. So, melt the base, you can do this both in a microwave oven and in a water bath.
  2. Add seaweed and salt to it. Mix these ingredients gently.
  3. Pour in the oil mixture (select essential and base oils to your taste: orange, lemon, but fennel, geranium, juniper, cinnamon, cypress, lavender oils fight cellulite no less effectively), continue mixing the components.
  4. If none of your seven have made cleansing cosmetics before, you should pay attention to the fact that a handmade soap mold is required. pre-lubricate with alcohol for better extraction finished product.
  5. Pour in the soap mixture from the base, let it set. When adding olive oil, make your own olive oil soap.

Important: When making an anti-cellulite cosmetic product, you can do without a soap base, and use soap from scratch, recipes for its preparation are posted just below. It is better not to make soap with salt based on baby soap, otherwise the mass may separate into flakes and water.

Recipe number 4 - Solid aroma shampoo from scratch in a hot way

You will easily master all the subtleties of soap making, a master class on making solid shampoo will help you with this, everything is as simple as shelling pears. Let's get down to business.


  • Coconut oil - 935 gr.;
  • Alkali - 155 gr.;
  • Water - 355 gr.;
  • Essential oils - 25 gr. (any, of your choice).
Step by step cooking:

You can adjust the soap recipes at your own will by adding new ingredients (see the photo-memo about useful additives below), do not be afraid to experiment, because soap making for beginners is a creative process!

Recipe number 5 - Liquid soap from remnants

  • Remnants -120 gr.;
  • Hot water;
  • Glycerin - 7 ml;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml;
  • Essential oil 5-10 drops
If you do not know how to do liquid soap at home, we will show you how easy it is to prepare a homemade cleanser, you will spend a minimum of time on its production. Do-it-yourself soap made from remnants will become your favorite cosmetic product, a step-by-step master class will help you create a fragrant and very gentle means for washing your hands and body.

  1. Before you cook the soap from the remnants at home, you will need to prepare the base, in fact, the remnants themselves. Rub them with a fine grater.
  2. Now you need to melt the soap, add hot water in an amount so that you get a homogeneous mass after melting in a water bath.
  3. In order to make the prepared liquid soap with your own hands smell of your favorite aromas, add a few drops of essential oils. Thus, it will be possible to make a new soap. By the way, you can use this method to create soap with honey.
  4. The next step is to add lemon juice and glycerin.
  5. Pour the mixture into a bottle with a dispenser. The soap with your own hands turned out to be not very liquid, and is no different from the purchased one. The detergent component in this product retained all its properties, now it remains to test the product - wash your hands. Now you know how to make liquid soap from remnants.

Soap making secrets

  1. In order to make soap with swirls with your own hands, you will need to use a special base for swirls, various dyes and fragrances. Mysterious zigzags and patterns can be easily created with a toothpick or bamboo stick. Watch the video:

  2. Before making a useful cosmetic product from remnants, carefully consider its composition. In addition to oils and dyes, you can use dry medicinal herbs, cosmetic clay. Not everyone knows how to make soap from remnants so that it turns out to be gentle and moisturizes the skin of the hands. It is enough to add a few secret components: with honey and propolis it will become very nutritious indeed.
  3. Instead of synthetic dyes, natural dyes can be used:
    - yellow: sea ​​buckthorn oil, turmeric;
    - pink: beet juice;
    - White: powdered milk, white clay;
    - Brown: cocoa, cinnamon, rose hips;
    - green: fresh spinach, henna, dry dill, dry seaweed, parsley).
  4. If you are making baby soap, it is advisable not to add essential oils so as not to cause allergies or irritation.
  5. Instead of water, you can add herbal infusions!

Good luck in your endeavors, master new soap recipes and get creative! For beginners, we recommend watching a video with a step-by-step master class.

Home soap making for me has become an exciting occupation, a favorite hobby, the first step on the way to making cosmetics with my own hands. When creating your own soap at home, it turns out that you can choose components that are useful for your skin, give room for imagination, and decide for yourself what its color, shape, smell will be.

How easy is it to make soap at home and how is it useful?

The pros of making soap with your own hands for me definitely outweigh the cons.

I think the main advantage, of course, is naturalness of handmade soap. When making it, almost everything that you consider useful for your skin can be used (milk, honey, coffee, oatmeal, vegetable oils, essential oils, vitamins, and more). Thus, you personally make "your" soap for yourself, select properties, smell. It does not contain industrial preservatives (well-known parabens), dyes.

Using handmade soap, in addition to benefits, I get an aesthetic pleasure from the appearance, I enjoy the feeling of its uniqueness.

Of the rather serious drawbacks, I can name, oddly enough, the same naturalness. Almost any of the natural ingredients can cause allergies and skin irritation. Therefore, if you buy or receive such a soap as a gift, do not rush to use it. Check on a small area of ​​skin at the elbow, and only then wash with pleasure.

Not too good foaming can also be attributed to the category of minuses. The fact is that the oils added to the composition, in addition to their beneficial properties, quench foaming. The more oils you pour in, the less foam you get. Therefore, measure is important in everything. You can also add special foaming agents, they are available in specialized stores.

Due to the absence of strong preservatives, such soap is not recommended to be stored for more than 6 months. Cooked and - straight into the business.

Like any other hobby, soap making takes time. It is advisable that during the process children, husband, pets do not dangle underfoot. Therefore, I mainly do what I love at night.

Of course, you will need a certain amount of money for the initial purchase of components, molds. Oils and other components, except for the base, are not consumed very intensively, and they are enough for a long time, but initially they need to be purchased. My advice: don't go chasing a large assortment right away. , choose 2-3 of the most versatile ingredients. Then, when you get a taste and delve deeper into the issue, you decide what else you need to buy.

There are two main ways to make soap at home.

1. From the base. Nowadays, many online stores are selling this very base. The cost of a kilogram is 200-300 rubles. It is from it that you can make soap of any shape and color. Plus, it is easy to use and safe. Some hobbyists use grated baby soap as a base. I didn't like this method already in the rubbing process (not too easy). Cooking is also not as simple as in the first case. In general, I refused the baby soap. In the article I am talking about soap from the base.

2. "Soap from scratch." My dream has not yet come true. Vegetable oils are mixed with alkali, a chemical reaction of saponification occurs, as a result of which soap is obtained. It is unsafe, the reaction occurs with the release of heat, and alkali is dangerous with chemical burns if handled carelessly. This soap matures after 1-6 months of reaction. It is clear that it cannot be poured into curly silicone molds, it is allowed to stand in a large piece, and then cut into cubes. I do not recommend taking on manufacturing without a thorough study of the theory.

What you can make soap from at home: a list of everything you need for soap making

All components can be purchased in special online stores, and a few can be found in grocery and pharmacies.

1. Soap base. Sold in large pieces in different packaging of 0.5 kg, 1 kg, 5 kg. There are transparent and white, organic, creamy.

2. Base oils. There are liquid and solid. These are vegetable, obtained by squeezing certain parts of plants. They have the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and restore it, acting from the inside. Some are also available at the pharmacy. They are selected according to the needs of the skin. The most common: olive, almond, wheat germ, peach, apricot, grape seed, cocoa and others. They nourish, moisturize, cleanse the skin, and create a protective barrier.

3. Dyes. Safe food colors, pigments, as well as natural substances that can change color are used, for example, clay, turmeric, calendula petals, etc.

4. Flavors. You can buy industrial, for example, bubble gum, berry aromas, perfume compositions.

It can be scented with essential oils, which not only impart a pleasant aroma, but also, more importantly, act as an active additive. These are highly concentrated volatile fragrances. They are able to penetrate the skin into the bloodstream and have a healing effect on the entire body. Their cosmetological properties are especially valuable to me. Use with caution, certain plants are prohibited for pregnant women and children. And cloves and cinnamon can cause burns.

5. Other additives. You can try to inject almost any usefulness into the soap that you want to use. True, there is no guarantee that the effect will be the one that was intended, but you can and should try. Additives can be:

clay, oatmeal, coffee and coffee grounds, hydrolates, dry medicinal herbs, honey, milk, glycerin, vitamins, chocolate, menthol, etc., and so on.

6. Forms. At the beginning of my career as a soap-maker, I used silicone baking tins in the form of different flowers. Now the choice is much richer, for every taste and budget. You can also use some bowls-cups, but only plastic ones, you just can't pull out the soap from the rest of the dishes.

7. Dishes. Kitchen utensils and utensils of a suitable size are used. In a word, whatever seems convenient.

8. Volumetric dishes. Scales with an accuracy of 0.1 g will not interfere very much. If there are no scales yet, it is quite possible to get by with different measuring cups, syringes, spoons. It is convenient to use wooden chopsticks for stirring.

How to properly cook soap at home?

First, of course, we decide on the recipe. At first, you can search on the Internet.

We prepare the necessary components and the molds you like. It is better to measure the number of components per 100 g of the base, it is easier to count this way. We cut the soap base into cubes with a side of 2-3 cm.If you do not know how much base is required to fill the mold, just fill it with cut pieces a little with a slide, then the mixture will be enough to fill and there will be no excess left.

We put on a water bath until melted. Stir all the time with a wooden stick so that there is no boiling, overheating. After the melting has been carried out, remove the base from the fire and add in turn while stirring:

  • base oils;
  • active ingredients (hydrolates, herbal decoctions, extracts, honey, milk, etc.), liquids must be heated;
  • add the dye drop by drop and stir each time to get exactly the desired color and not overdo it;
  • essential oils in a slightly cooled mixture or fragrances.

Stir thoroughly again, but do not beat, so that air bubbles do not form. Pour the resulting mixture into molds. We spray a little alcohol from the spray bottle over the surface to remove the bubbles. Leave to harden for 20-30 minutes. After hardening, take out the soap from the mold. It is recommended to leave it to "ripen" for another 2-3 days. And then - use it to your health.

Of course, then, with experience, the process will become more complicated. The pollen will be multi-colored, multi-component, with the addition of a great variety of usefulness. But first, it is better not to complicate things, but to “fill your hand” with simpler recipes with a small number of components.

Favorite handmade soap recipes

I almost never make one-to-one soap like the previous one, at least the oils change. But there are some simple recipes that I especially like, which I repeat almost unchanged.

The soap was conceived to get rid of pustular rashes on the back. It perfectly cleanses, promotes healing, at the same time, does not dry out the skin. You will need:

  • transparent soap base - 100 g;
  • wheat germ oil - 5-7 ml;
  • dry calendula petals (sold in a pharmacy) - a pinch;
  • extract of calendula CO2 - 5 drops;
  • essential oil of blue chamomile - 5-7 drops.

Pour calendula petals into the germ oil and leave for 10-15 minutes. In the soap base melted in a water bath, stir in the petal oil and calendula extract. Wheat germ oil gives the soap an orange hue. If desired, the color can be enhanced by adding a dye. In a slightly cooled mixture, stir in chamomile oil and pour into molds.

With loofah and honey

This soap is perfect for morning care, it gently exfoliates, massages the skin (it is necessary not to lather a washcloth with it, but to puff it directly over the body), moisturizes, has an anti-cellulite effect and awakens. We take:

  • white soap base - 100 g;
  • shea butter - 5 g;
  • honey - 5 g;
  • linden hydrolat - 10 ml;
  • grapefruit essential oil - 10-15 drops;
  • Loofah fibers - 1 tsp

We heat the soap base with shea butter and honey in a water bath. Separately heat (not to a boil!) Linden hydrolat. Pour the hydrolat into the soap mixture. Stir in the loofah, evenly distributing it over the entire volume. Finally, add the grapefruit oil and pour into molds.

We spend a lot of time on bath procedures. Because taking care of your personal hygiene is very good and it undoubtedly has a positive effect on your health.

When taking a bath or shower, be sure to take your favorite scented soap with you. Many do not even think about what it consists of. But everything is as easy as shelling pears. Today I will tell you how to cook this home hygiene product.

Even a child can cope with this simple task. For some, having tried to make it once turns into a hobby, because it is not only pleasant to wash with your own product, but also safe. Because in our time, due to the huge selection of products on the market, manufacturers are negligent in the manufacture of this product. By stuffing, thereby, into it any harmful and, God forbid, forbidden chemistry, in order to reduce the cost of goods.

When you master the soap making procedure, you will be able to add only those ingredients that you like to its composition. You will be able to give an incomparable aroma. Having beautifully decorated it and made an original shape, it will not be a bad gift for various holidays, be it a birthday or March 8th. Thus, you will undoubtedly surprise the person, because this gift is first of all made by hand.

Some people, for whom soap making has become a hobby, begin to slowly sell it, in this regard, they increase their budget.

To get started, you need to go to a specialty store and purchase a soap base. You can replace it with baby soap.

The history of soap making

So let's start our soap story, not some soap opera, but the real soap story.

It is believed that this hygiene product appeared around three millennia BC. The first time it was written about 2200 BC. It was then that the Sumerians wrote about it on clay tablets, or rather, about its manufacture. Despite the fact that so many millennia have passed, a similar manufacturing technology is used in our time.

There is one of the oldest documents, the Ebers papyrus, which says that in ancient Rome a substance was used for washing hands, which was made from ash and fat. In order to improve the detergent qualities of the soap, they began to add soda, or rather mix it with ash.

For a long time it was believed that soap came to us from Rome. Because the first soap factory was found exactly on the ruins of Pompeii. Not a little time has passed since people discovered the catch. The version they put forward turned out to be wrong. In fact, it was not a soap factory, but a so-called laundry (fullonica).

There is a belief in the world that the word soap (soap) came about thanks to Mount Sapo located in Ancient Rome. In fact, this is nothing more than a legend, because such a mountain does not exist.

Soap was not always used as intended. For example, the Arab doctor Avicenna prescribed such a procedure to his patients when a person developed a rash or various skin diseases. He advised healthy people to use clay to cleanse the body.

In fact, what is now being produced in factories can hardly be called soap, since synthetic additives are used in its manufacture. And plant ash is almost never used today, because the purity of the product (ash) cannot be guaranteed. Also, the technology that was used before is very complex and takes a lot of time. Therefore, now, instead of ash, alkali is used.

Many people, when making soap, begin to give up animal fats. They use ingredients that are more recent, such as CO2, silk, flower waxes and essential oils. Despite this, the soap that has been known to mankind for many thousands of years remains to perform the same functions of cleansing the skin as before.

Essential ingredients for soap making from scratch

Probably almost every person who is going to learn how to make soap, thoughts run through his head that it should not only be fragrant, but also have an original, not unlike anything else.

In fact, it is so, because when cooking, you can use various molds in the form of hearts, favorite flowers or exotic animals. If you have specialty stores, you can even buy multi-layer molds there, with which you can combine several colors in one blank.

Many people start using children's sandbox molds in the beginning. If you love baking, you probably have silicone molds, they are perfect for cooking.

You will also need two pots, a large and a small one, to make a water bath. In the large one, you will pour water and put it on the stove, and in the small one, put the soap itself. By placing one inside the other, you can easily melt the workpiece. In general, you can use various devices for making a water bath. You can also melt the soap base in a conventional microwave oven by placing the blank in a plastic bucket or glass.

You will also need a few plastic cups, toothpicks, a spoon or wooden stirring stick, an ordinary grater, a spray bottle with alcohol, and any paper towels or napkins.

We're done with the inventory, let's move on to the ingredients.

1.Essential oil.

If you want to give your soap a fragrant scent and soften your skin, you cannot do without it. Various flavors are presented on the shelves, it's up to you to choose.

2. Dyes.

To color the soap in your favorite color, you need special dyes. They can also be replaced with natural ones, using vegetable or fruit juices. Personally, I used grapes, or rather its juice, in other matters, you choose.


In addition to your favorite scent and color, so-called additives can be included in the soap. For example, to make a scrub, you can use ground oatmeal, coffee beans, or walnut shells. One of the popular additives is coconut flakes.

You can also use honey, lemon, or cream. Various useful herbs or berries dried since summer. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

4. Luffa (optional)

With this ingredient you can make a washcloth soap, let's say 2 in 1.

I think we figured out the inventory, now we go directly to the process itself.

How to make soap from remnants

It is very easy to brew soap from the wreckage. It will take you very little time to make it. Today we will consider two options for the product - a liquid and a regular toilet.

For normal, you will need

  • Scraps of old soap
  • Molds
  • Essential oil
  • Vegetable oil


1. Take the soap debris and collect them in a separate bowl.

3. In the third step, pour some water into a saucepan and put on fire. You will need to take one part of water for one part of soap.

4. After heating the water, pour our ingredient into a saucepan.

5. Stirring constantly, cook until it is completely dissolved in water.

6. We take out the vegetable oil from the refrigerator and grease the molds with it.

7. Remove the pot from the heat and add a little essential oil to it for the scent. Then we immediately pour it into molds.

8. Let the soap cool slightly, and place it in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

A hand-made fragrant personal hygiene product is ready.

You can watch the video in more detail:

Good luck in your endeavors!

Liquid soap from remnants

A lot of remnants that have probably accumulated in your kitchen can be successfully turned into liquid soap. A small handful is enough to get about 1 liter of product. Imagine how much savings this is. Therefore, start immediately.


  • Remnants
  • Tincture of calendula
  • Food coloring
  • Glycerol


1. First of all, we put water on the stove, it will boil and here we will arrange a water bath in order to melt the soap.

2.While the water boils, rub the remnants. We need 50 grams per liter.

3.Add 1 liter of water to them and put in a water bath. You need to be prepared that the soap does not completely dissolve. There is nothing wrong with that.

4. When the main ingredients are dissolved, remove from the water bath.

5. The next step, add calendula tincture, two tablespoons. If not, anything that contains alcohol will do, because that's what we need.

7.Add a little food coloring to make the color of the soap uniform and beautiful. A couple of drops will suffice.

8. Now pour in 4 tablespoons of glycerin. Its role is to increase the viscosity and maintain the required moisture content of the soap. Remnants are different in composition, but thanks to glycerin, everything will mix.

9. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly. After the reaction has occurred, it is necessary to strain everything, because there are large pieces that have not dissolved. For this we use a sieve.

10.Pour the finished raw materials into a bottle. Allow it to cool before use.

After the soap has cooled down, it will have a natural natural mother-of-pearl, it will be no worse than the store one. Moreover, it is even better.

This detergent can be used to wash not only hands, but also dishes. And your mother and grandmother will be grateful to this.

A liter of liquid soap is ready, which we made from almost nothing.

Use it to your health.

How to make soap from a soap base

Above, we looked at simpler cooking options. If you want to do it on a professional level, turn it into a hobby or surprise your friends and acquaintances, then this article is for you.

Today I will show you how I pour small parts of the soap base into the molds. This applies to plastic molds that have convex elements. They can be played with different colors.

Everyone does it differently, so my method is not the only correct one. I will pour the soap with a snowflake.

You will need

  • Plastic molds
  • Soap base
  • Dye
  • Alcohol
  • Perfume

Let's go to cooking

1. Melt the soap base in a water bath or microwave. Be sure to keep the base from boiling.

2. After the base has become liquid, it can be painted with white dye. Make sure that it is not very hot, because many molds cannot withstand temperatures over 70 degrees.

3. You can use a food container to keep the mold straight. We put a mold on top of it.

4.In order for the base to flow into small elements, the mold must be sprinkled with alcohol. After that, carefully pour the base so that it fills the snowflake. The excess can be removed with a toothpick after hardening, this will happen within 10 minutes.

5. Prepare the soap base for the main layer, we will make it blue. I will dye with a special dye bought in a store.

6. When the resulting liquid has cooled down, you can add perfume to it and pour it into a mold.

7.In order to ensure a good grip, you need to scratch on our snowflake with a toothpick. Sprinkle with alcohol and pour over. Sprinkle with alcohol again to remove bubbles.

Well, that's all, you can wait until the soap hardens and you can get it out.

How to make baby soap

Many people want to try to start making soap, but buying bases and so on is problematic. Therefore, if you want to do something useful for yourself, you can use the baby.

You'll need

  • Baby soap (no fragrances or dyes)
  • Olive oil (sunflower oil can be used)
  • Pink clay (you can take a dried flower plant and grind finely)
  • Milk


1.Grate the soap and place the plate in the water bath.

3.Pour in one tablespoon of oil and stir.

4.Add pink clay after diluting it with water. It will give color and hold the consistency better. You can also use cocoa, turmeric, orange peel, etc. for color.

5. The next step is flavoring, no more than 10 drops. You can use essential oil.

6. Take children's sandbox molds and put the resulting mixture in them. Shake the mold slightly to remove any voids.

7.Get patience and leave to dry. After a day, you can gently take it out and leave it to dry completely for 1-2 days.

Well, that's all. Hope you enjoyed the article. You can leave your questions and wishes in the comments.

Soap making secrets

  • If you heat the base in the microwave, be sure to make sure that it does not boil.
  • Food flavors should not be used with essential oils.
  • To prevent small air bubbles from appearing, sprinkle the mold with alcohol.
  • If you make soap in winter, take it outside to cool it down quickly.
  • Add ground coffee beans or sugar to the product for a scrub.
  • The finished product should be stored for no more than six months so that it does not dry out.

Several beautiful design options


4 starfish

5 ice cream

6 butterflies

I wish you good luck in such an interesting endeavor!

The demand for handmade foaming products is growing every day. Soap gained popularity not only because it looks beautiful and unusual: this factor was also influenced by the fact that there are no chemicals in the composition of such products that can harm the skin.

Homemade soap making for beginners - recipes

To make soap with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to own a soap factory, because you can make a product for personal hygiene at home. Soap making for beginners involves several ways to create decorative products, they differ in the type of the main component - the base, into which you can then add natural dyes, scrubs or essential oils.

What are they made of

The raw material for the soap base can be animal and vegetable fats or fat substitutes: rosin, tall oil, synthetic fatty acids, naphthenic acids. Before making soap, you need to know that the process is based on a saponification reaction. This means that under the action of alkalis, hydrolysis of fatty acid esters with glycerol occurs, and as a result, salts of alkali metals and fatty acids, trihydric alcohol are formed.

What is needed for soap making

After looking at all kinds of soap recipes and choosing the most suitable one, check that you have all the necessary ingredients and inventory prepared:

  • water (or other liquid required by prescription);
  • kitchen scales;
  • two mixing utensils;
  • products for the protection of hands and eyes;
  • oil, fat;
  • caustic water;
  • two thermometers;
  • mixing and measuring spoons;
  • handmade soap molds;
  • beaker;
  • blender (if possible);
  • disposable towels.

How to cook at home

There are several ways how to cook a personal care product with your own hands:

  1. Use a ready-made soap base (some recipes recommend taking even the remains of old remnants). The component is melted, the ingredients are added to it according to the recipe, then new pieces are formed.
  2. Rubbing regular baby soap. Milk and water are added to the crushed mass, everything is melted together in the microwave (or a water bath is being built), combined with the components specified in the recipe and poured into molds.
  3. Creation from scratch, i.e. without a foundation. The method implies that you yourself can make natural handmade soap from glycerin, oils, alkali and other additives.

Liquid soap at home

The production of hygienic soap is a process that must be followed. So, in order to cook it with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • a saucepan that is not used for culinary purposes;
  • glycerin - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dyes (optional);
  • essential oils (1 or 2 types) - 3-4 drops;
  • soap base - 1 pc .;
  • herbs (mint, chamomile, rose petals).

To make homemade soap, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare herbal decoctions: pour the collection with 10 tablespoons of filtered water, boil the liquid for 2 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Drain the infusion, add 10 glasses of water.
  2. Rub a bar of baby soap to make 1 glass of shavings. It is important to take the product without additives or other fillers.
  3. Pour the broth into a saucepan, send the soap base there. Do not turn off the heat until the chips are dissolved, while it is important not to digest the mass, otherwise it will not have the desired density. Cool the mixture, remove foam, pour in glycerin.
  4. Drop essential oil to the solution (there are two types). If you want the product to be colored, then the natural dye must be added at this stage.
  5. Pour the finished homemade liquid into a container with a dispenser.

From the remnants

A step-by-step master class shows that the process of turning old remnants into a new original product (as in the photo) is not too laborious. Knowing how to cook it from remnants, you can create a natural product with an unusual airy texture. For cooking you will need:

  • titanium dioxide diluted with glycerin (white dye);
  • essential vanilla and rapeseed oil - 6 drops each;
  • santal - 3 drops;
  • alcohol;
  • transparent base - 120 g;
  • remnants - 120 g.

Making such a product as in the photo involves the use of remnants of chocolate and different colors. Check out how to make such an original product:

  1. Divide remnants. Grate some of the chocolate color. Mix the shavings with half the base, cut into small cubes.
  2. Melt the workpiece by placing it in a water bath and covering the container with cling film.
  3. Grease the silicone mold with rapeseed oil.
  4. Pour the melted base into a glass, add vanilla oil and 0.5 tsp. rapeseed. Beat the contents into a foam using a mixer, then pour into a mold.
  5. Melt the colored remnants in the same way with the remaining base. Pour the mass too, mix with white dye, 3 drops of sandalwood, 0.5 tsp. rapeseed oil. Beat until lather.
  6. Sprinkle the already solidified first layer with alcohol, pour the whipped foam over it. Can be decorated with fine shavings.
  7. After all layers have hardened, remove the bar from the tray, cut.

Liquid household

Numerous positive reviews confirm that a homemade gel based on a solid bar of laundry soap is a great option for washing, even in the machine. For manufacturing you will need:

  • soda ash - 50 g;
  • essential oil - 4 drops;
  • grated soap mass - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 l.

The process of making a homemade gel for washing clothes from any material is not at all complicated:

  1. Send the soap shavings into the bubbling water, without stopping stirring, wait until the product dissolves.
  2. Pour baking soda, stir the components until a jelly is formed, casting mother-of-pearl.
  3. Cool the mass, drip a little essential oil.

Here is a description of the process for those who are interested in the topic of how to make laundry soap using the direct method:

  1. Vegetable and animal fats are taken as a basis.
  2. The components are boiled in special boilers, then soda is added to them. The result is a viscous liquid - soap glue, consisting of glycerin and soap mass.
  3. After hardening, it is cut and marked. The numbers 40-70% indicate how many fatty acids are contained in one bar.

There is also an indirect method, which consists in treating the resulting adhesive soap with electrolytes. This is done with a solution of caustic alkali and sodium chloride. The consequence of exposure to these components is that the liquid stratifies. The upper layer - the soap core - contains about 60% fatty acids, and the lower one is an electrolyte solution with glycerin.

Making soap from scratch at home

For beginners who are interested in how to cook soap without a soap base, it is recommended to start the practice with the cold method. The recipe data must be entered into the calculator so that you can find out the exact ratio of alkali to water. So, to do this at home, you need:

  • linseed oil - 10%;
  • coconut and palm oils - 20% each;
  • overfat - 7%;
  • olive oil - 50%.

It is worth noting that overfat is added to protect human skin, and the oils in the composition, reacting with alkali, form soap. How to make a homemade product? Follow everything step by step:

  1. Measure out all the ingredients (without water and alkali) by combining them in a saucepan. Melt at 50 degrees.
  2. Place the required amount of alkali in ice.
  3. Make the temperature of the alkali solution the same as the temperature of the oils.
  4. Using a sieve, pour the lye into the oily liquid, then whisk the mixture with a blender until it becomes like cream.
  5. Pour the liquid into a mold. You can make a nice lettering or draw a pattern. Once the product has hardened, it is ready to use.

From a soap base

You should make an organic soap at least once with your own hands, if only because it will moisturize your skin much better than what you buy in the store. Knowing the intricacies of the process, you can not only provide your family with natural hygiene products, but also make a gift set by tying the original products with a ribbon. For soap making at home you will need:

  • essential oils;
  • flavors;
  • soap base;
  • alcohol;
  • the form;
  • dyes.

The process of creating an original soap, as in the photo, is not very complicated:

  1. Prepare the base: grate or chop finely.
  2. Melt the product by sending it to the microwave (experienced soap-makers recommend putting the blank in a water bath). Remember not to let it boil.
  3. Add the oils and the selected flavors to the completely dissolved mass. Mix everything together.
  4. Sprinkle the mold with alcohol, then pour the prepared soap mass into it.

How to make tar soap at home

This product is often used to treat lichen, various skin conditions, dandruff or psoriasis. You can buy this useful hygiene product in the store, but it's very easy to make with your own hands:

  1. Mix 100 g of grated baby soap with half a teaspoon of honey, 5 drops of any essential oil, 10 ml of tar.
  2. Leave the components in a water bath, wait for them to melt.
  3. Pour the soap blank into molds, leave for 3 days.

Ideas for soap making

Most recipes for self-made soap can be used even by a beginner in this field. Modern ideas for soap making help everyone to create odorous and harmless skin care products. The products can then be used for personal hygiene purposes or, having beautifully designed, can be presented to loved ones just like that or on the occasion of a holiday.

With photo

You can create a wonderful product from an old photograph, dried flowers and a few more components:

  • transparent base - 100 g;
  • apple flavoring - 4 drops;
  • hop sprigs with cones;
  • titanium dioxide - 0.33 tsp;
  • macadamia oil - 0.33 tsp

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Print a black and white photo on water-soluble paper, crop it in accordance with the size of the form.
  2. Melt the base by adding flavor and oils to it. Put the mold on the photo, pour a little soapy mass inside.
  3. Focusing on the image, place a branch of hops on the bottom of the mold. "Drown" the cones so that they do not stick out.
  4. As soon as everything starts to harden, sprinkle with alcohol.
  5. Fill in a thin layer of base.
  6. Place the picture face down on the mold. The photo should be completely covered.
  7. Remove the scales from the cones, fill them, mix.
  8. Add titanium dioxide to the mass to color the base, pour in the oil mixture and flavor.
  9. Sprinkle the cooled soap in the mold with alcohol, pour the last matte layer. After hardening, carefully remove the product.

DIY scrub soap

An anti-cellulite or skin care product that will additionally moisturize your skin is easy to make on your own. The scrub is obtained by mixing the main (sour cream, honey, cream) and abrasive (coffee grounds, finely ground apricot seeds) parts. For example, a do-it-yourself coffee scrub can be made from:

  • bases - 180 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • ground coffee or grounds - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • boiled water - 0.5 tbsp.

Steps during cooking should be performed step by step:

  1. Melt the soap shavings, add oil to the mass first, then water in small portions. Stir the mixture all the time.
  2. After a couple of minutes, the mass will become plastic and homogeneous.
  3. Pour salt and coffee into it, mix.
  4. Send the future soap in greased forms for 3 days. When you get it, the block should be dry, dense, homogeneous consistency.


Such a product is distinguished by its bactericidal, relaxing and antiviral properties. Try to cook it with lavender oil, because it is not only healthy, but also has a wonderful, mesmerizing aroma. For cooking, you must have:

  • base - 100 g;
  • a mixture of oils (2-3 types) - 5 g;
  • lavender flowers - 1 tsp;
  • essential lavender oil - 15 drops.

The bar can be made in any shape that you like, but before that, the liquid must be properly prepared:

  1. Melt the grated base by building a water bath.
  2. Add selected oils, dried flowers of the plant to the mass.
  3. Treat the silicone mold with alcohol and pour the mixture into it.
  4. Leave the liquid until it hardens, then take out the finished products and put them in a dry place. After 6 hours it can be used as directed.

With glycerin

Products can be poured into molds with any images, but first you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a mixture of oils (soy, coconut, castor, safflower) - 800 ml;
  • lye - 115 g;
  • distilled water - 140 g.

Check out how to make DIY glycerin soap step by step:

  1. Add lye to water, stir. Let the solution cool to 65 degrees.
  2. Heat the oil mixture to 57 degrees.
  3. Combine the liquids and bring the mixture to a pudding consistency using a blender.
  4. Keep the resulting mass warm for 3 hours. When the solution reaches the gel phase, it will look translucent, like petroleum jelly. Stir.
  5. Next, take some of the product and try to dissolve it in hot water. If it dissolves, you can continue. If it forms a lump or there are lumps floating on top, then hold longer.
  6. Add 370 g of 70% alcohol and 85 g of liquid glycerin.
  7. Combine 225 g of sugar and 140 g of water, cook until the sugar crystals are completely melted. Pour into soap base. Stir, cover, refrigerate slightly.
  8. Pour the soapy liquid into the molds, cover with plastic wrap and leave in a dry place for a week.
  9. Cut the bars into pieces.


We come across this subject several times every day. Without it, it is impossible to take a full shower or to keep your hands clean. It can be in liquid form or in bars. There are household, children's, cosmetic, moisturizing soaps and other varieties of such a necessary item for all of us. It would seem that such a common thing, but how much can you tell about it. This is the history of the appearance of soap, its evolution, and methods of production, as well as various types and methods of using this tool. Do you know how to make soap at home? And what can be made from lonely remnants that no one needs? No? Then we will tell you.

The emergence soap

The reader will probably be surprised, but the appearance of soap is attributed to 2500 BC. NS. On a clay tablet, the Sumerians wrote down the recipe for its preparation. They immediately indicated the date. The method of its production consisted in the manufacture of a mixture, which included wood ash and water boiled with fat. At that time, such a suspension did not have any name. There is also no evidence that the solution brewed by the Sumerians was used to make soap. It is also unknown how it is used.

Most historians assume that the soap was invented by the Romans. And this was done in the first millennium BC. NS. There is a legend that says that the term "soap" comes from the name of the mountain, the top of which served as a place for sacrifices to various gods. And once, during the next ritual, a mixture of the same wood ash, fat and water appeared on the mountain, and then glass to the banks of the Tiber. At the same time, women were washing clothes by the reservoir. The substance from the mountain mixed with the water and got on the clothes, which were being washed. The women noticed that things were much cleaner than they were when they just rinsed them in water. After the incident, the soap solution began to be actively used as a means for hygiene and washing. During the excavations of Pompeii, scientists have found a real soap factory. And this indicates that the subject in question has really existed since ancient times. And, most likely, even then, people knew how to make soap with their own hands.

Soap varieties

There are many different types of soap in the modern world: perfumed, liquid, natural, scented, scrub and antibacterial. Also, there is a special soap and scent. Some of these varieties are subdivided into separate types. And each of them fulfills its function. So, if you want to cleanse your skin of dust, cosmetics or greasy secretions, then ordinary soap is suitable for you. It will also help you prepare for treatments such as applying nourishing products, moisturizing or deep cleansing your skin.

You can select soap separately for one or another type of hygiene. This is possible thanks to the components included in the product. There are these types of soap: natural, exfoliating, hygienic, antibacterial and perfumery. Each of the varieties has its own excellent qualities. But not all people can use any of them. For example, if a person suffers from allergies, then perfume soap is contraindicated for him. And in the case when he has very dry skin, the use of an antibacterial variety will only harm her. Therefore, it is better to learn how to make soap at home, learn how to prepare it and use a natural high-quality product.

There is also a soap that is made especially for the little ones. This product does not contain any chemical ingredients. It contains exclusively hypoallergenic and natural ingredients. Baby soap can be used by both toddlers and adults. The hygienic one in its composition resembles a child's, but it is unsuitable for toddlers. There are no chemical additives in it, but there are also no components that are allowed to wash babies.

What is natural soap?

When discussing what can be made of soap, what it should be and how to use it correctly, one thing should be remembered: natural is the best and highest quality. There are many varieties of it.

For example, natural castile soap. Its main component is olive oil. Handmade Castile soap, solid, beige or white. At the beginning of its use, it does not create a lot of foam, but later a copious creamy head appears. It is so soft that even children can use this product.

How to make homemade soap? For example, using a method that produces natural alcoholic soap. Alcohol is added to this product instead of water. As a result, it comes out very smooth and plastic. Such a hygiene item has a special charm and delicate texture. Natural clay soap is also prepared. Depending on how the clay is ground, the block will provide a gentle exfoliation or a slippery, pleasant silky feel. This soap cleans the skin very well.

Homemade soap

Today, many consumers prefer home-brewed soaps rather than store-bought soaps. “Own” product is considered more valuable and useful. Moreover, there is nothing difficult in this. It will not take much time, effort or expense. All the components necessary for this process are sold in almost any locality.

How to make soap at home? The easiest way to create your own product is to create it from a commercially available bar of baby soap or a special soap base. You need to melt the base or soap, add medicinal or aromatic ingredients (it depends on your wishes) and leave the mixture until it solidifies. A homemade product is used in the same way as a store product.

If you decide to make soap from a special base, then it will not take you more than 20-30 minutes. And once your masterpiece has solidified, you can use it immediately. The only thing to consider is that such a product can be very aggressive for sensitive and delicate skin. This is due to the fact that the alkalinity of the base is set in advance by its manufacturer. But this is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​finding out how to make soap at home.

If desired, the product can be welded, so to speak, from scratch, without using a purchased base. Then you will receive a unique and gentle product. There are two ways to do this.

Hot soap making

For this method, you need an alkali (caustic potassium or caustic soda) and a mixture of fats (solid or liquid oils of vegetable origin: olive, palm, castor, coconut, etc.).

Now let's look at how to make soap with your own hands using this method. First of all, protect your body: put on safety glasses, gloves and a gown, a hat and a respirator mask. Now mix all the fats prepared for soap (if necessary, melt them in a water bath beforehand). Place a homogeneous mass of fat on a steam bath and carefully add a solution of lye and water to it. After that, mix the whole mass thoroughly. Once you've done this, remove the pot from the stove. Continue stirring its contents until a trace forms. To determine its presence, run a non-metallic spatula over the surface of the soapy mass. In the process of this maneuver, the aforementioned trace should appear.

If it has formed, put the mass in the bath again and continue to cook it for two to five hours. In this case, the temperature should reach 60-65 degrees. At the end of the process, stir in honey, oatmeal, nuts, or essential oils into the soap. Divide the product into the molds and leave to harden completely. Once the soap has hardened, you can use it.

Cold soap making

Now let's take a look at how to make soap yourself using the cold method of soap making. Before a trace forms on the mass, it is necessary to do the same manipulations as with the hot method. After the appearance of a trace, the container with the mixture does not need to be put back into the hot bath. You can add all the prepared ingredients (plant extracts, fruits, cream, milk, or something else) to it and arrange in small containers. For such soap to mature, it will take from one to nine months - it all depends on the original composition.

Homemade liquid soap

In addition to solid bar soap, there is also a liquid product that is poured into plastic bottles. We already know how to prepare the first variety. But how to make liquid soap? Let's deal with this issue. Required ingredients: 10 cups of water, 1 cup of soap shavings, and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. Also prepare the following tools: a grater, a large saucepan, a measuring cup, spoons, a spatula to use for stirring food, a pump bottle, a funnel, and a container for leftovers.

First, rub the soap on a grater. The process is not complicated, but it takes a lot of time. The soap shavings will resemble grated hard cheese. About one and a half cups of shavings come out of one bar. There is only one mug in the recipe. Therefore, either we do not rub the entire piece, or we put the excess aside. We take a large saucepan and combine the soap shavings and the required amount of water in it. We put on medium heat and stir until the soap is completely dissolved. You will have to spend just a couple of minutes on this work. When the mass has completely cooled down, add glycerin to it. It will moisturize the soap. Pour the mixture into a bottle through a funnel. This recipe completely describes how to make a liquid soap at home.

Remnants are never too much

Many housewives are very unnerved by the remnants of a full-fledged bar. It is a pity to throw them away, and they are not quite suitable for use. Therefore, we will show you how to make soap from remnants. Grate them. Pour the resulting mass with water in a 1: 1 ratio. If the volume of rubbed soap residues is one liter, then the same amount of liquid will be needed. This solution must be cooked over low heat for about two hours. Stir the mixture from time to time. At the end of brewing, you can add aroma oils, finely ground coffee or any other ingredients that have a pleasant aroma to the suspension. After adding these components, boil the composition a little more and pour it into molds previously greased with fat. Soak the soap in them for several days until it is completely dry. Now you can tell your friends how to make soap from remnants.

Baby soap

Making a detergent from baby soap is the best way to learn the basics of how to make it. So, take odorless baby soap, a base oil (from almond seeds, olive or some other), a liquid with which you will dissolve this mass, the necessary additives, dyes and essential oils. Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to make soap from baby soap.

  • First step. We rub one block on a grater.
  • Second. Pour soap shavings with water and put on a steam bath. It will take ten to thirty minutes for it to completely melt. To speed up the process a little, you can add half a teaspoon of honey or sugar. The resulting mass should resemble sour cream. The content of lumps is unacceptable in it.
  • Third. Now add dry ingredients, base oil, dyes. We mix all this. We remove the composition from the stove and pour in essential oils. Stir and distribute the soap into the molds.

We leave the product to dry. This happens within one day.

Cleansing soap

There are many ways to make handmade soap. We have described some of them above, but I would also like to talk about the production of a cleansing type of product at home. Such a product can effectively cleanse the skin of the face, and it can easily compete with expensive lotions.

Prepare the following ingredients: a hundred-gram bar of baby soap, two teaspoons of camphor alcohol, one and a half small spoons of glycerin and ammonia, one teaspoon of lemon juice, 50 grams of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and one glass of water.

Grate the soap on a grater, pour it into a half-liter jar of water and leave for several hours to swell the chips. As soon as this happens, place the jar in a steam bath and, stirring constantly, heat the suspension. After the composition is homogeneous, add both types of alcohol and lemon juice to it. Stir all contents. While stirring, remove the jar from the stove. Leave the mixture to cool. But remember to stir it from time to time. In the still warm "brew", little by little pour in peroxide. Mix everything again until smooth. The soap is considered ready immediately after the suspension has completely cooled. That's it: you already know how to make hand soap.