Homemade rose water. Rose water - how to make at home from rose petals, use in cooking or cosmetology. Rose water from rose oil

To obtain real rose oil, special varieties of roses are grown. Rose petals are processed using a special technology and about a kilogram of natural rose oil is obtained from five tons of flower petals. You cannot make real rose oil at home, but you can make oil, which is also called rose oil, and which is also very good for the skin.

You need to collect roses for the preparation of oil in the early morning, even before sunrise, until the sun heats up the flowers and the essential oil evaporates from them. The petals may be slightly damp, but should be free of water. You need to choose roses of red color, the most fragrant, with a strong scent.

There are several ways to make rose oil at home, but for any of them you will need a base base - olive oil. Here are some of the most common homemade rose oil options.

1. Pour two glasses of rose petals with a glass of olive oil. Insist in a tightly sealed container in a dark place for two to three weeks. From time to time, the contents need to be mixed. Strain the resulting rose oil and use it in home cosmetics. They can be used to wipe the body after showering or taking a bath, in addition, rose oil is an excellent remedy for anti-cellulite massage.

2. Heat the olive oil in a water bath to 50 - 70 degrees. Pour rose petals as much as possible and keep in a warm place for two days. They take out the petals, squeeze out and lay new ones. This is repeated 10 to 15 times. The finished oil is stored in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place.

3. There is also an easier way to get rose oil. Put cotton wool in a transparent glass jar, but not to the top, but so that it takes up a little more than half of the jar. Fill the rest of the place with fresh rose petals and pour over everything with olive or sesame oil. The oil should completely saturate the cotton wool. Close the jar tightly and expose to the sun for the day. Collect fresh petals early the next morning. Remove yesterday's petals from the jar, squeeze and replace them with fresh ones. Repeat this process until the oil acquires a persistent rose scent. This usually takes 10-14 days, depending on the variety of roses. Cotton wool is squeezed out well, the finished oil is stored in the refrigerator.
Rose oil according to this recipe can be prepared with the addition of fragrant petals and leaves of other plants.

If you have a lot of roses in your garden, you can use fresh flower petals to make rose water. Of course, it will differ from industrial-made rose water; at home, infusions from rose petals are often prepared and they are also called rose water. It can be used as a toner or facial lotion.

For the preparation of rose water, it is better to choose red roses, preferably varieties with a strong scent. They collect the flower petals early in the morning and immediately prepare rose water from them. For the simplest recipe for making rose water, you will need mineral water and rose petals. The bottom of a small saucepan is covered with flower petals in two or three layers, filled with mineral water so that it only covers the petals, and the mixture is brought to a boil. Make the smallest fire, cover and simmer until the petals are completely white. The time is from thirty minutes to an hour. Allow the broth to cool, filter and pour into a glass bottle.

You can do it even easier. Pour a handful of freshly picked rose petals with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and pour into a glass dish. Store rose water in a tightly closed container in a cool place.

You can wash yourself with this rose water (add it to regular water), make cosmetic ice from it, or use it as thermal water. It perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, especially in the summer heat. For dry and aging skin, rose water is used as a skin softening toner.

For oily skin, you can make a homemade lotion based on rose water. A tablespoon of chopped young twigs of hazelnuts is poured into 200 ml. boiled water. In a water bath in a sealed container, heat for half an hour, allow to cool and filter. 50 ml. broth is mixed with 150 ml. rose water and this lotion wipe the face. For very oily skin, the decoction and rose water are mixed in equal amounts. The lotion refreshes, cleanses, tones the skin and has an astringent effect.

For normal skin, a tablespoon of lemon or orange juice is added to rose water and this lotion is used to wipe the face in the morning and evening.

Rose water can be added to an aroma bath or mixed with fresh rose petals and mint leaves. Take a handful of rose petals and the same number of mint leaves, crush them with a crush, so that the juice stands out and add to a warm bath. If desired, you can add aromatic oils to the mixture - one drop each of geranium oil, peppermint and two drops of rosewood. This bath will perfectly moisturize and cleanse the skin.

There are several recipes for making rose water at home, these are the simplest and most affordable. Rose water is prepared with the addition of sugar or other plants, with the addition of alcohol, it has a different composition and can be used for medical and cosmetic purposes

Homemade rose water (mainly for cooking)

To make rose water at home, take three handfuls of pure scented rose petals and pour 6 cups of water into a large saucepan. Put on a small fire and let it boil; cook until halved. Throw through a sieve to remove the petals and the rose water is ready.

"Gentle like a rose petal." So they talked about beauties at all times. It turns out that you can not only admire roses, but also use their petals for cosmetic purposes.

Rose water (or rose hydrolat) for face and body is an excellent refreshing and toning agent. You can buy a useful product or prepare it yourself. Use a natural product with a light scent every day to keep your skin looking beautiful and fresh.

Useful properties and action on the skin

Rose water is a tonic that gently and gently affects the epidermis. The product is so hypoallergenic and effective that many cosmetologists put this miracle product on the same level as elite thermal water.

Action on the skin:

  • tones, refreshes, actively moisturizes the epidermis;
  • has light antiseptic properties;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck;
  • reduces moisture loss in hot weather;
  • relieves leg fatigue after a working day;
  • improves complexion;
  • reduces irritation, itching;
  • strengthens capillaries, is used to prevent varicose veins;
  • protects the face and body from sunburn;
  • soothes the epidermis.

Note! The natural product is used in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area, helps to cope with headaches. Gargling with healing water is recommended for sore throat.

Application for skin care

Rose hydrolat is an indispensable care product for various skin types. The list of situations where a miracle rose petal product will be useful is quite impressive:

  • wash your face with a mild toner in the morning to refresh your face and in the evening after removing makeup;
  • spray your body well with a spray bottle before going to the beach. The sunburn will lie evenly, smoothly, the likelihood of sunburn will decrease;
  • with increased sweating of the legs, make baths with natural rose broth. This procedure will relieve puffiness, heaviness, refresh the epidermis;
  • in case of severe eye fatigue, rub a few drops of fragrant water into the eyelids. You can apply cotton pads moistened with a miraculous product to your eyelids for 5 minutes;
  • in the summer heat, moisturize your skin with rose water a couple of times a day. Always wear a spray bottle, treat exposed areas of the body. Freshness, lack of dryness, tightness of the skin, delicate aroma will delight you;
  • in case of severe headaches, fatigue, irritation, pour 2 glasses of rose water into a full bath, lie down for about 20 minutes. It is advisable to carry out such a useful procedure in case of irritation, dryness, rashes;
  • use healing water for making masks. The formulations are suitable for all types of epidermis;
  • to cope with dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, a simple procedure will help. Apply gauze or a tissue soaked in pink water to your eyelids and under your eyes. After 5-10 minutes, rinse the skin with cool water;
  • when the temperature rises, wipe the body with water infused on delicate petals, or spray from a spray bottle;
  • for headaches, you can not only take a bath with a rose petal tonic, but also put a cold compress on your forehead with this wonderful remedy.

Note! If your mouth becomes irritated, the mucous membranes become inflamed, before going to the dentist, rinse your mouth with healing pink water every half hour. A light antiseptic will ease the condition, reduce unpleasant manifestations.

Find out interesting information about properties and uses for face and body.

How to use micellar water? All the secrets of application for the face are described on the page.

How to make rose water at home

The task is not difficult, special skills are not required, special devices or utensils, too. Follow the instructions exactly and you will succeed.

There are several cooking recipes. Choose which one you like best.

Be sure to follow the rule - collect the petals of flowers grown far from the road. Poisonous fumes, dust, heavy metals absorbed into the plant will definitely not add beauty to your skin.

Method number 1

How to make rose water from rose petals? The easiest recipe. Gather suitable petals, select 3 tablespoons.

Fold in a thermos, pour boiling water over. You will need 2 glasses of water. The healing broth of rose petals will be ready after 12 hours.

Method number 2

Take delicate petals, fold into a wide saucepan. Build in several layers. Place a small bowl or jar on the bottom. Fill the petals with water one finger above the last layer.

Turn the lid with a regular metal handle upside down, cover the pan. Boil water, reduce gas to the lowest possible level. Place ice cubes on the lid. Add fresh water to the pot as needed. Let the petals simmer for about an hour.

Where does rose water come from? It's simple. The steam will rise, settle on the inverted lid, and then drain along the handle into the container. The main thing is to take a completely clean saucepan and jar.

Method number 3

Place 3-4 cm of petals in the bottom of a bowl or saucepan, pour in water to lightly cover them. Cover the dishes with a lid, let the mixture boil inside.

Keep the saucepan over low heat until the petals are discolored. Strain, squeeze the water out of the petals. The valuable pink tonic is ready.

How to store rose water

You need to pour the liquid hot. Pick up a clean bottle, sterilize it.

Pour in liquid, close the container. Cool the broth in a dark place, put in the refrigerator. Keep the natural product there.

Rose water face mask recipes

You can choose from several proven products containing a healing elixir. For oily skin, acidic foods are allowed; for dry epidermis, select more gentle ingredients.

Proven recipes:

  • whitening. The composition will not only lighten age spots and freckles, but also moisturize the epidermis well. Grate a medium cucumber, squeeze out the juice. Combine cucumber juice in equal proportions with a healing rose petal tonic, add half as much cottage cheese or sour cream. After the procedure, wash yourself with lukewarm water;
  • from wrinkles. A simple, effective way to fight early wrinkles. Take a couple of tablespoons of barley flour, dilute with rose water. Apply the resulting gruel of a suitable consistency to your face, wait 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Lubricate the skin with a light cream;
  • cleansing mask. Grind 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal or cooked oatmeal (oatmeal). Pour in some pink elixir, make sure that the mass is not too liquid. Spread over the skin. Without waiting for the oat layer to dry completely, wash off the cleaning compound;
  • nourishing mask. Collect rosehip flowers, chop, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials. Add some rose petal tonic and mash the mixture. For dry skin, pour in ½ tsp. almond or olive oil. To care for oily skin, add honey plus natural yogurt to the fragrant mixture.

Other uses

Check out these simple, effective remedies:

  • as a tonic. Freshness, elasticity of the epidermis will help maintain an uncomplicated ritual. In the morning and in the evening, wipe the face of the rose with a hydrolat with a delicate scent. For everyone who tolerates the effects of cold on the skin well, cosmetologists recommend pouring the tonic into ice molds, freezing it. In the morning, wipe your face with a refreshing liquid.
  • lotion for oily skin. Combine 1 cup of healing liquid with a delicate aroma, 2 tbsp. l. juice from sour fruits or berries, ½ tsp. soda, 1 tsp. quality apple cider vinegar. Store homemade lotion in the refrigerator and rub your face twice a day. Prepare no more than 100-150 ml of tonic at one time. The composition eliminates oily sheen, reduces the greasiness of the skin.

Popular rose water products

This hypoallergenic liquid with a delicate aroma has long been used for the preparation of face and body skin care products. Some girls and women prepare water with rose petals at home, others buy a natural product in a pharmacy, a cosmetics store, or order via the Internet.

Pay attention to interesting offers from well-known manufacturers of cosmetics:

  • natural rose water with thermal salt (215 g), manufacturer - MANUFAKTURA, Czech Republic, cost - 730 rubles;
  • healing elixir "Rose Valley" 200 ml, for normal and dry skin. Manufacturer - "Kingdom of aromas", Ukraine. Price - 125 rubles;
  • enriching tonic "Siberian rose", 200 ml, from 25 years. The product is manufactured by Siberian Health, Russia. Price - 380 rubles;
  • elixir from the Bio Fresh company, 230 ml. Manufacturer - Bulgaria. Price - 370 rubles;
  • natural hypoallergenic product "Bulgarian Rose - Karlovo", manufacturer - Bulgaria. Price - 475 rubles;
  • fragrant aromatic tonic, 200 ml. Manufacturer - "Kingdom of aromas", Ukraine. Price - 110 rubles;
  • House of Orient natural rose water, 250 ml, produced in Lebanon. Price - 290 rubles;
  • extract of rose water Nielsen-Massey 60 g. Country of origin - USA. Price - 360 rubles;
  • rose hydrolat from Meela Meelo, 65 ml, the product is made in Germany. Price - 420 rubles.

Take a note:

  • many cosmetic companies produce a magic elixir in large enough bottles;
  • the bottle often has a spray bottle for ease of use;
  • most of the products belong to the middle price category, there are also more expensive formulations;
  • the product is consumed quite sparingly.

In our time of abundance of everything and all this perfumery product, especially home-made one, will seem superfluous and unnecessary to someone. Meanwhile, rose water for face and body has been and remains a loyal ally. What properties does it have and what application can it find? Can rose water be prepared at home and according to what recipe?

Water with a history: some interesting facts

It may seem that it is used only for the production of perfumery products. Nothing further from the truth. Rose water has found active use since the days of Ancient Egypt. The legendary Cleopatra herself highly appreciated its soothing and cooling properties.

Rose water is made from damask rose, one of the types of flowers well known to us, ornamental shrubs. In many cultures - mainly in the Middle East - they are given as a gift at wedding celebrations to ensure that spouses can live happily together. The rose has always been a symbol of love and purity.

The Iranians are the record holders in its cultivation: they have more than 18,000 varieties of these flowers! They call the rose "the flower of the Prophet Muhammad" because they believe that its wonderful scent reminds people of him.

Rose water for the face and more: external and internal use

Moisturizes from within and rejuvenates

The aforementioned Cleopatra drank water from roses to subtract a certain number of years. The elixir does not work well enough to bring us back to our youth. However, it is true that rose water has anti-aging properties. Used regularly, it slows down the formation of wrinkles, brightens blemishes and tightens pores.

Above all, however, rose water perfectly moisturizes the skin from the inside out. If you have problems with dry skin, lotions and balms may not be enough. Water based on pink flowers will come to the rescue. It will make the skin look shiny, healthy and youthful.

Cure Skin Problems

This healing liquid also has an astringent effect. Rose water as a facial toner reduces redness, soothes inflammation and accelerates the healing of wounds and acne. Used regularly, it will make acne scars and blemishes less visible.

Soothes pain

The water, prepared on the basis of fresh damask rose petals, contains terpenes, glycosides, flavonoids and anthocyanins. They have beneficial effects on health with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Helps cure colds and flu

The benefits of rose water for the body are also in the fact that it relieves sore throat and other inflammatory processes. Damask rose extract can often be found as a component of cough syrups. It stimulates and expands the bronchi, which means it will help you get rid of various diseases of the respiratory system faster.

Reduces Digestive Problems

By consuming the liquid infused on the buds regularly, we can say goodbye to bloating, constipation or water retention.

Fights blues

Rose water has such a composition that it contains a lot of vitamins - A, C, E and group B. The use of healing liquid thanks to such a "vitamin bomb" provides a good mood. Two cups of rose water a day keeps us from unnecessary stress and keeps us in a good mood.

Provides the body with rest

Cooled rose petal water is a great way to refresh your body. It is very good during the heat: it soothes and moisturizes the body from the inside, allowing us not to worry about dry skin. You can also give it to children.

Brings relief to the eyes

If after a day of sitting in front of the computer your eyes are tired and watery, just put compresses soaked in rose water on your eyelids. It will bring immediate relief.

Take care of your hair

More and more shampoos and other hair care products contain rose extract. It strengthens follicles, stimulates hair growth and nourishes the scalp at the roots. Interestingly, the “pink product” can be used as a natural hairspray! However, it does not contain artificial ingredients, and in addition, it prevents hair loss.

Rose water at home: a recipe

How to make rose water yourself?

  1. Place a handful of rose petals - white, red, pink - in a colander and rinse very thoroughly with cold water.
  2. Place the washed petals on a clean, thin cotton cloth and tie the ends to form a tightly closed pouch.
  3. Place a makeshift napkin on the bottom of a glass bowl (jar, bottle) and pour boiling water over it so that the petals are half filled.
  4. Wrap the jar with aluminum foil and let sit overnight. This will make the water more "intense". Homemade rose petal water prepared with this recipe should be infused for approximately 12 hours before use. It must be consumed within 2 weeks.

Rose water for face, hair, internal consumption at home can be prepared according to a simple recipe and used just as easily. Do not miss the opportunity to become more beautiful and healthier in such a pleasant and "aromatic" way.

rose water at home

In this article, you will learn what rose water is, how to make rose water at home, how to use it, and some cosmetic recipes using this ancient medium.

For several hundred years, the beautiful half of humanity has been using a pink aromatic remedy to cleanse the skin of the face.

This delicate cosmetic is traditionally obtained from rose petals. The manufacturing technology of the product came to us from Iran and Bulgaria. As before, and today, these countries remain importers of the highest quality product.

Fragrant water made from rosebuds has the great advantage that it can be used safely on all skin types.

Application of rose water

  • cleansing medium;
  • regulating the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • moisturizing agent;
  • tonic and refreshing agent;
  • fights premature wrinkles;
  • a dull complexion and other signs of skin aging.
  • aromatic water is also recommended for sunburn.
  • men can also use rose water after shaving (scented water soothes irritated skin after shaving)
  • rose water is an excellent remedy for restoring damaged hair (especially for dry, split ends, thinned hair).

How to use rose water for hair

1. You can mix a small amount of fragrance with shampoo and use to wash your hair.

2. You can spray rose water over the entire surface of your hair with a spray bottle or simply rub gently into damaged hair, leave for 20-30 minutes to act, then rinse.

just roses

Rose water at home cooking, recipes


  • fresh rose buds 5-6 pcs.;
  • water is better to use distilled water 2 cups;
  • heat-resistant cookware with a lid;
  • sterilized bottle.

Preparing rose water

If you are using store-bought roses. Then the buds should be rinsed well to remove possible chemicals.

Place the rose petals tightly in a heat-resistant container and add boiling water there. Close the lid. Leave the rose petals in this form to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain the finished liquid. Pour the resulting aromatic water into sterilized bottles. Store such a cosmetic product in the refrigerator.

2. Recipe for obtaining rose hydrolat

  • fresh rosebuds
  • water is better to use distilled water;
  • stewpan with a tight lid;
  • small saucer;
  • sterilized glass bottles

1. Place the saucer in the middle of the saucepan, pour a small amount of water into the saucepan, put rose petals around the edges. The petals must not sink in the water. We close the saucepan with a lid (the handle of the lid should look down and fit snugly against the saucepan).

how to make rose water

2. Put on a very low heat for simmering (water should not boil!). The water will evaporate and drain off the lid into the saucer. The rose hydrolat will collect in the saucer. Pour the rose water thus obtained into bottles, close the lids. Keep refrigerated.

pink water

Homemade rose water according to the above recipes should be kept cool. The shelf life is limited to 7-10 days. It is recommended to add a little alcohol to extend the shelf life to one month.

Rose water and clay mask recipe


  • pink water
  • clay (white, blue, black, pink) choose clay according to your skin type

Mix rose water and clay until a creamy gruel is obtained. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse.

roses in the garden

Rose water lotion

Add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the rose water prepared at home (for 100 ml of rose water 1 tablespoon of juice).

Use lotions and masks with rose water - clean, matte, smooth, toned skin will be provided for you.

Pink water, made at home, absolutely bladeless cosmetic. After all, this product, prepared with your own hands, will certainly not contain any dangerous chemical additives in its composition.

Olesya Kolesnik

Rose water is a universal cosmetic product that has been used for a long time to maintain beauty and has a positive effect on all skin types. It is used to make a refreshing, lightweight toner perfect for dry or very sensitive skin.

Such liquids are on sale, but you need to read the composition very carefully in order to buy a product that does not contain alcohol.

But if you decide to make rose water for your face at home, you can be sure that it is as natural and environmentally friendly as possible. This product can then be added to drinks, desserts and pastries.

Now there are many different options on how to make rose water at home, and they are all quite simple to perform. Indian Ayurvedic rose water recipes guarantee an excellent anti-aging effect, help preserve beauty for as long as possible, and provide hydration and care for all types of facial skin.

The myths about the origin of roses are present in many folk tales and religions. And in almost all such legends, the rose is identified with the deity and the power of the feelings of love.

The oldest of all the tales is an Indian legend. It says that from the most beautiful rose flower, the most beautiful woman in the world was born. This rose had 108 large leaves and petals and 1008 small petals. The beauty was brought to life by the kiss of God Vishnu, who kept the universe. Then she became the goddess of beauty Lakshmi and the wife of Vishnu, and the rose was proclaimed a sacred flower, symbolizing the divine secret. And in ancient Rome, this remedy was considered a cure for 23 ailments.

What is rose petal water for?

  • Often used for cosmetic purposes. Mainly for making lotions and toners. Also as a basis for masks and steaming;
  • One of the best ways to moisturize your skin. In addition, it envelops with a light floral scent;
  • Controls the activity of the sebaceous glands. An excellent solution for those with oily skin;
  • Cools and removes inflammation;
  • Moisturizes dry skin;
  • It is a natural antiseptic. It can be used for throat ailments, in the treatment of wounds and inflammations;
  • Quickly removes puffiness and bags around the eyes;
  • Can be used as a hair rinse for extra shine.

The use of rose water for the face, hair and body is quite widespread in cosmetology and in traditional medicine recipes. It is suitable for almost all skin types, hair types and for women of all ages.

If you want to try making rose water with your own hands, please note that only flowers with a pronounced smell should be used. It is best to prepare freshly harvested petals from garden varieties of red or maroon roses that are grown without the addition of chemicals. For the same reason, roses sold in stores should not be used in lotions. Flowers picked early in the morning, when they are still in the morning dew and moist, are ideal.

2 best recipes for how to easily make rose water from fresh rose petals:

  1. Cover the bottom of a small saucepan with rose petals in 2-3 layers, fill them with water so that it covers them a little, put on a small heat and bring the broth to a boil, cover and continue to boil over low heat until the leaves completely lose their color. You will spend about 30-60 minutes on this. Then leave the broth to cool, strain and pour into a glass beam or bottle;
  2. Pour a handful of petals with boiling water and leave to brew for a couple of hours. Better to take mineral water. It contains much more useful minerals. Pour into a container convenient for you and you're done!

Sometimes, during the manufacture, add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of mint, or add two tablespoons of lime or lemon juice to the already prepared water. Then the tonic will not only get a new aroma, but also acquire a lot of other useful properties.

Such a product does not contain alcohol, it is a natural substance, and accordingly, its shelf life is not so long. You do not need to strive to make more water at once, it is better to let it turn out quite a bit, because making fresh is not difficult.

Homemade rose water can be used for more than just a lotion or tonic.

There are many ways to use it.

  • If you are used to applying oil, first spray the decoction with a spray bottle on your face, and then apply the oil. So it will be absorbed faster, but if after a few minutes you still feel excessive grease, wipe your face with a napkin;
  • If you suffer from puffiness, then moisten 2 cotton pads and dab your eyes. Relax for a couple of minutes. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate, so for your first attempts it is best to try thinning first. To do this, add rose water to mineral or filtered water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • You can prepare a pore-tightening product. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of ground hazelnut branches with 200 milliliters of boiled chilled water and heat in a steam bath for about 30 minutes. Leave to cool and then strain. Mix the nut broth with the pink broth in a 1: 3 ratio. This lotion has refreshing, cleansing and toning properties for the skin of the face and décolleté;
  • Option for aroma bath. 2 spoons of rose broth and 2 teaspoons of cosmetic almond or any other oil. Or a cup of milk and a couple of spoons of broth. Such a bath will perfectly moisturize and nourish the body with useful substances;
  • Excellent remedy for sunburn. Mix equal proportions of rose water, cosmetic oil, witch hazel, or glycerin. Cool and apply to sun-damaged skin. The product will quickly relieve itching and reduce redness.

Top 3 masks based on rose water

  1. 1 teaspoon of broth + 2 teaspoons of ground almonds + half a spoon of melted honey. Mix the ingredients to a single consistency, apply on face, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. The skin will become more elastic;
  2. Recipe for combination skin. A couple of tablespoons of vodka, a handful of rose petals, 50-80 g of oatmeal or oatmeal, 250 g of rose water. Dip the petals in mineral water and vodka, let stand for half an hour. After this, strain the tincture and dilute the flour in it, so that the mixture has the consistency of sour cream. Apply to face and décolleté. After rinsing, apply your favorite cream;
  3. To even out the complexion, you will need: several rosebuds, a glass of alcohol, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey, well-beaten yolk. Mix rose petals with alcohol and leave in a dark place for a couple of days. Strain this tincture and mix with liquid warm honey and the yolk prepared earlier. Apply to skin for 20 to 30 minutes, then remove residues with warm water. Repeat this procedure at least several times a week.

Any self-made cosmetic product is much healthier than a purchased one. It retains its natural properties, and you can be sure that it certainly does not contain chemical additives, nitrates or harmful substances. There are many more useful recipes based on this wonderful flower. You can choose any that suits you or come up with your own.