Scheme for the introduction of complementary foods for artificial people. Fruit in the diet. How to introduce a new complementary food product

Every woman who is going to get pregnant and have a baby should know about the features of feeding and caring for a baby.

A neonatologist and a district pediatrician should also provide the necessary advice to a young mother.

Therefore, if you have any questions about the rules of feeding and caring for a child, then do not hesitate to ask them to qualified specialists. Some babies are bottle-fed due to hypogalactia, severe liver, kidney or breast disease in a woman. However, the baby must receive all the nutrients he needs, so the introduction of the first complementary foods in such children has its own characteristics.

Optimal timing of the introduction of complementary foods

There are exact dates when to introduce complementary foods to a child who is bottle-fed with adapted formulas. Artists are introduced to new food products 4 weeks earlier than babies receiving breast milk. therefore the optimal period for the first feeding is 3.5-4 months.

After the introduction of complementary foods, the baby should switch to a five-time diet, the same number of feedings is recommended for breastfed babies. It is important to understand that complementary foods should gradually replace the mixture with foods more familiar to an adult.

At the time of the introduction of new foods, the enzyme system of the baby's digestive tract is fully prepared to digest and assimilate food other than the usual breast milk or formula.

With artificial feeding, complementary foods are introduced in order to fully provide the child with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. It also contributes to:

  • getting enough fiber for normal bowel motility;
  • the correct development of the speech apparatus (through chewing movements);
  • gradual weaning from the mixture and a harmonious transition to a more adult diet;
  • in the process of growth, the child's body increasingly needs minerals, which are found in large quantities in vegetables.

Features of the introduction of the first complementary foods with IV

The decision about which product to introduce into the baby's diet first should be made in conjunction with the supervising pediatrician.

9 rules of the first feeding with IV

  • 1. If the child's weight lags behind the norm or there is a tendency to impair the digestion of food, then first he is given porridge, in other cases it is rational to give the first vegetable complementary food.
  • 2. A bottle-fed baby can first be fed once a day. With five meals a day, complementary foods are replaced by meals at 10 o'clock in the morning.
  • 3. The first portion of porridge or puree is 15-20 ml, and the remaining volume must be replenished with the mixture.
  • 4. It is very important to carefully monitor the condition of the baby during the first 24 hours after trying a new product. If you change the color of the skin or abnormalities in the stool, you should contact the pediatrician and discuss with him the scheme for introducing new food products into the baby's diet.
  • 5. On the second day of the introduction of complementary foods, its amount should be 50 ml, and the remaining volume of food should be replenished with the help of the mixture.
  • 6. On the third day, the baby receives 70-80 ml of puree or porridge and for 1-2 weeks the second meal is completely replaced by complementary foods.
  • 7. It is better to give the prepared food to the child with a spoon, even if the child at first refuses or is capricious to eat in a new way for him.
  • 8. Make sure that there are no lumps and large pieces of vegetables in your food, gradually thicken the porridge or puree.
  • 9. It is important to remember that complementary feeding with artificial feeding begins only when the baby is completely healthy. In the presence of any diseases, the introduction of the first complementary foods should be postponed and agreed with the pediatrician.

What products are better to choose

If the baby will receive complementary foods in the form of vegetable puree, then the most important rule is the introduction of only one vegetable into the diet at a time. This is due to the fact that if a child develops an allergic reaction, then the mother and the pediatrician will know for sure which vegetable caused the allergy.


Usually, first of all, the child is allowed to try mashed potatoes (potatoes can also be cooked in vegetable broth without salt). After 2 weeks, you can gradually (after every 3-5 days) add one vegetable to the potatoes.


The most suitable complementary vegetables are carrots, beets, cabbage and pumpkin. When the baby is six months old, you can add a few drops of vegetable oil to the puree, and at 7 months - butter.


In the event that the first complementary food begins with milk porridge, then it is advisable to opt for buckwheat, rice or corn grits. It is believed that it is better not to give your child oatmeal or semolina, as they contain gluten, which provokes the development of celiac disease.

The composition of the porridge should also gradually change:

  • During the first 7 days, you need to give 5% porridge, which is boiled in vegetable broth or half milk (50% water, 50% milk).
  • From the second to the fourth week, the baby receives 8-10% porridge with half milk.
  • After 4 weeks, you can cook 10% porridge in whole milk and add 5% sugar and 3% vegetable oil to it.
It should be remembered that for a month the child should receive only one type of cereal; after a month, other cereals can be introduced.

Introduction to the diet of healthy food additives

In the absence of medical contraindications the child needs to inject juices and fruit purees, as they are a source of many vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The main goals of the introduction of purees and juices are:

  • prevention of hypovitaminosis, anemia, rickets;
  • improvement of the secretory and motor function of the intestine;
  • positive effect on the intestinal microflora.

Fruit juice

The introduction of fruit juice begins at 3-3.5 months, at first the volume of juice should not exceed 1-3 drops.

You should carefully monitor the baby's condition after drinking the juice, if the reaction to a new type of food is normal, then the volume of juice is gradually increased (by the end of 4 months, the child should receive 20 ml of fruit juice per day).

It is advisable to prepare the juice just before giving it to the baby and exclusively from properly processed vegetables. First, for the first feeding, the most the best fruit for juice is an apple.

It is strongly not recommended to give your baby grape juice and juices from tropical fruits (the exception is banana juice from 4 months). You need to offer the child juice an hour and a half before or after a meal; sugar cannot be added to it to improve the taste.

Fruit puree

2-4 weeks after the introduction of the juice, the baby is given a taste of fruit puree. It is better to start with half a teaspoon of applesauce, the maximum amount of puree in the first half of the year is 50 mg.

For the introduction of the first complementary foods on artificial feeding only high quality products should be chosen... It is in the process of obtaining new products that the intestinal microflora and the enzyme system are formed in the baby, which have a huge impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract throughout a person's life.

If the child has a negative reaction to the new food (rash, diarrhea or constipation) or other alarming symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a pediatrician who will correct the scheme of introducing complementary foods to your baby.

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The first complementary feeding with artificial feeding is an important moment in a child's life. Timely introduction of various products into the diet helps to strengthen the health of the baby and creates all the conditions for his further harmonious development. How to introduce the first complementary foods correctly?

The timing of the introduction of complementary foods

According to the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization), the first complementary foods can be introduced to artificial people in 4.5-6 months. In contrast to this, breastfed babies are advised by the pediatrician to start introducing new food no earlier than 6 months. What is the reason for this scheme?

Fully bottle-fed children are fed an adapted formula. Some babies receive formula from birth, while others switch to it in the first months of life. No matter how high-quality and balanced the artificial formula is, it cannot completely replace breast milk. And if babies under the age of 6 months receive all the nutrients and vitamins with milk, then artificial people are deprived of this opportunity. In order to provide the child with everything necessary, pediatricians advise to introduce the first complementary foods a little earlier, before the baby reaches the age of 6 months.

Another important detail that young parents should not forget: bottle-fed babies are more likely to have digestive problems. This is due to the fact that artificial people are forced from birth to use a mixture that is different in composition and properties from mother's milk. Their digestive tract is not ready for such a load, as a result of which there is a malfunction in its work. On the other hand, bottle-fed babies adapt faster to new food, therefore, according to WHO recommendations, they can begin to be introduced as early as 4.5 months of age.

Why do you need complementary foods?

Complementary feeding is the preparation of the child's digestive tract to accept new food. As the baby grows, his needs for nutrients and energy naturally increase. At some point, the artificial mixture can no longer cope with the growing demands of the child's body. At this time, you need to start introducing new food in order to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the baby.

The gradual introduction of various foods into the diet enables the stomach, intestines and liver to learn how to digest unfamiliar food. When parents introduce complementary foods, they prepare the baby for the transition to an adult table. After a year, the child can eat food that is safe for him with adults.

According to WHO recommendations, the first complementary foods for formula-fed children begin with vegetables. Vegetables contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal growth and development of the child. As the first vegetables, WHO recommends introducing zucchini or cauliflower.

Vegetable introduction scheme

  1. All vegetables are offered to the child in the form of a homogeneous puree.
  2. Vegetables are introduced one at a time.
  3. Vegetables are offered to the baby during the daytime.
  4. New food should be introduced at the very beginning of the feed. It makes no sense to offer your baby vegetables after he has eaten the mixture.
  5. After the child has eaten the vegetables, you can feed him with formula.
  6. Simultaneously with the introduction of vegetables, water must be added to the diet.

You can give the water in a bottle or drink it from a spoon.

Approximate table of the first vegetable complementary foods:

How to introduce the first complementary foods correctly? First of all, you don't need to force-feed. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby does not fit into the WHO standards. The body of each baby is individual, and there is no point in forcing him to eat against his will. The child will definitely taste new food over time, the main thing is not to force events. As a protest, the baby may cry, or even refuse to try unfamiliar foods for a long time.

When can you include other vegetables in your diet? The WHO recommends cauliflower or broccoli as an alternative to squash. Potatoes and other vegetables can be offered to a child no earlier than 12 months. Parents should be especially careful with tomatoes and cucumbers. Even grown in their own dacha, they can lead to digestive upset, not to mention store-bought vegetables.

When can you offer your baby porridge? According to WHO recommendations, cereals are included in the second stage of complementary feeding. They can be used as a first course with small children. At the age of 4-6 months, you can begin to introduce only gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice). Wheat and other types of cereals are allowed to be offered to a child after a year.

Porridge introduction scheme (table):

Age 4-6 months 7 months 8 months 9-12 months
Porridge volume 10-150 g 150-180 g 180-200 g 200 g

In the first 1.5 months, porridge is introduced in the same way as vegetables. Starting from ½ teaspoon on the first day, you should gradually increase the volume of porridge to 150 ml. If the product is well tolerated, it takes 10-14 days to reach the desired volume.

When the baby has mastered vegetable purees and cereals, you can begin to introduce other foods into his diet. According to the WHO recommendations, meat (lean beef, rabbit, chicken) can be given at the age of 6 months. In the first year of life, pork, lamb, duck and other fatty meats should be avoided. Before 3 years, you should not introduce meat broths into the diet.

When can fruit purees be added? Fruit puree should not be offered earlier than 8 months. Having got used to sweet foods, the baby may refuse to eat vegetables and cereals. That is why pediatricians in recent years have given up on fruit as the first complementary food. Fruit juices can be administered no earlier than 12 months.

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • fruit juices.

All of these products are highly allergenic and can lead to adverse reactions.

According to WHO, these products can be introduced into the diet of a baby at the age of 9-12 months:

  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese.

Introduction table of various products for bottle-fed babies:

Possible reactions

The introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding is not always successful. Many children develop allergic reactions in response to a new product. The rash is most often localized on the face, but it can spread throughout the body and cause a lot of anxiety to the baby. An allergic reaction can occur to absolutely any product, both industrial and homemade.

If signs of allergy appear, pause complementary foods until you recover.

Another common problem when introducing new dishes is stool change. Some children react to unfamiliar foods with diarrhea, while others cannot empty their bowels for several days. Both constipation and loose stools are a reason to stop complementary feeding and replace a product that does not fit the baby.

When can I start introducing complementary foods again? Not earlier than 3 days after the allergy symptoms subside. With a pronounced reaction, it is worth postponing the allergenic dish for a month. After 4-6 weeks, you can try again to introduce this product into the baby's diet in small doses.

General feeding rules

  1. All new food is offered to the child on condition of good health.
  2. New meals are not introduced if the toddler is sick, teething, or has recently been vaccinated.
  3. The first complementary food is introduced in one of the daily feedings (from 10 to 14 hours).
  4. Food is given to the baby before formula feeding.
  5. All meals are offered from a spoon.
  6. All products are introduced one at a time. You cannot offer your baby to try two new dishes at once.
  7. The introduction of new dishes starts with small portions and is gradually brought up to the age norm.
  8. Baby food is not offered by force.
  9. When introducing solid food, it is necessary to offer the child water.
  10. If an undesirable reaction develops, complementary foods are stopped until recovery.

Is the child growing up and ready to try new food? It's time to diversify the menu and introduce complementary foods. For breastfeeding and formula feeding, complementary foods are slightly different, as is the recommended age for introducing new foods. Do the opinions of pediatricians, girlfriends and relatives differ? We understand this issue.

For the normal development of a child under one year old, a prerequisite is the timely introduction of complementary foods into the diet.

Complementary feeding - additional (in addition to breast milk or formula) food stimulating the digestive system and exercising the child's chewing apparatus, while preparing him to eat "adult" foods.

You need to start the introduction of new products from one type of vegetable, gradually expanding the diet and increasing portions
  1. The child must be at least 3-4 months old: children under this age will physically not be able to accept food that is unusual for them.
  2. The child must be healthy: the introduction of additional flavors is stress for the baby, you should not aggravate the painful conditions with additional worries.
  3. Consistency of products: starting with liquid puree, gradually "complicate the task", adding small pieces as the teeth erupt.
  4. Monocomponent complementary foods: it is better to start the introduction of new products one at a time, gradually (in the absence of allergies) expanding the diet and increasing portions.
  5. Amount of food: start with 1 tsp, increasing to 150-180 g - a full portion.
  6. Complementary foods complement, rather than exclude, breast milk or formula. How to store expressed breast milk.
  7. Do not introduce new products on the day of vaccination.
  8. Complementary foods should be fed in the first half of the day; complementary foods should not be given with the first and last feeding of the day.
  9. Expansion of the diet is carried out at intervals of about a week, after a good adaptation of the previous product.
  10. In the event of allergic reactions and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting), the product should be temporarily removed from the child's menu.

Estimated terms for introducing new products into the diet: infants - 6 months although some pediatricians stick with the earlier introduction.

What and how to feed: menu options by month

From 4-5 months

  • morning feeding with the main food;
  • the first complementary food with vegetable, fruit monocomponent puree or dairy-free porridge;
  • normal feeding.

From 5-6 months

  • basic food;
  • porridge 150-200 g;
  • basic food;
  • fruit or vegetable puree up to 150 g, then breast or mixture;
  • main food: breast or mixture.

From 6 to 9 months

  • the first morning feeding remains with the main food;
  • complementary foods throughout the day: cereals, mashed potatoes, yolk, cottage cheese in acceptable quantities (according to the table);
  • in the evening and at night (if necessary) - the main food.

From 9 months to a year

  • daytime feedings are practically replaced by "adult" food, morning and evening feedings remain.

The introduction of complementary foods with artificial feeding begins as early as 4 months, in special cases, and this: suspicion of anemia, insufficient weight gain and developmental delay.

Complementary foods are introduced from 3 months at the conclusion of a pediatrician.

For babies with a lack of weight, it is better to start complementary foods with cereals, for artificial children - with fruit purees
Infants receiving formula or mixed feeding are better equipped to digest foods other than mother's milk.

That is why complementary foods with artificial feeding are introduced a month earlier, and in case of underweight and if anemia is suspected from 4 months.

For babies, especially with insufficient weight, complementary foods should start with various cereals, and for artificial children it is better to start acquaintance with cooking with fruit purees, especially if the baby is slightly out of weight.

The scheme of introducing complementary foods with artificial feeding is also of particular importance.... Very often, parents cannot accurately determine the required amount of food, difficulties arise with feeding. we talk about this in detail.

To avoid this, use a simple calculation:

  • 4-6 months: 1/7 body weight;
  • 6-12 months: 1/8 of the child's body weight.

The introduction of additional food begins with small portions: ½ teaspoon of mashed potatoes, 5 ml. juice.

In this case, give juice after the main feeding, and mashed potatoes or porridge - before feeding. A large selection of ready-made canned foods for children greatly facilitates the problem of cooking, but they should not be overused.

An excellent solution is factory-made instant porridge, but an already grown-up child can be gradually accustomed to an adult's table.

The following table will help you navigate the average indicators of normal weight gain.

These figures, of course, will be very average, the average increase will depend solely on the characteristics of the organism, genetics, quantity and quality of the received food.

From 7 months, rabbit, veal, turkey meat can be introduced into the diet of complementary foods.

Pediatricians also use another calculation method: for the first six months, they add 800 g of weight every month, after 400 g.

It should be noted the approximateness of these figures, many parents begin to panic, starting to intensively feed the baby, or, on the contrary, limit food.
All these measures will not give a positive result; one should focus on the child himself: well-being, appetite, mobility and temperament.

We must not forget about heredity: if obesity is a completely common phenomenon in the family, one should not overly indulge the child with sweets and flour products.

In another case, an active and overly mobile child simply does not have time to "work up fat" and, in the presence of a healthy appetite, it is also useless to force-feed him.

And in this article, you will get acquainted with tips on how to enter. It is very useful to learn about myths that go among moms on this issue.

It will be a big mistake to initially transfer the child to regular food.: salt, spices and the technology of cooking many of our usual dishes can negatively affect the baby's digestive system and the still insufficiently formed kidneys.

After 7 months, the child's diet expands due to the inclusion of meat products - minced meat from lean meat, turkey, rabbit, veal are perfect.

Already after 9 months, 1-2 times a week, meat is alternated with boiled fish (in the absence of allergies), suitable species will be: flounder, pike perch, saury and cod.

It is also very useful to give unsalted hard cheese, large amounts of calcium, protein and the most important vitamins of groups A, B.

It is better to start entering cereals with rice or oatmeal, gradually adding buckwheat and semolina.

Already 2 months after the start of complementary feeding with artificial feeding, the child is given porridge in cow's milk (first diluted 1: 1), if there is an allergic reaction, the product is canceled.

Table of indicative weight gain for children by month

AGE, months




The following table will help to draw up an approximate complementary feeding menu.

Table of complementary foods for a child by months with artificial and breastfeeding


Fruit juices, ml5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Fruit puree, g5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 80-100
Curd, g 40 40 40 40 40-50
Yolk, pcs. ¼ ½ ½ ½
Vegetable puree, g 10-100 150 150 170 180 180-200
Milk porridge, g 50-100 150 170 180 180-200
Meat puree, g 5-30 50 50 60-70
Fish puree, g 5-30 30-60
Fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, ml 200 200-400 200-400
Wheat bread, g 5 5 10
Rusks, biscuits, g 3-5 5 5 10-15
Vegetable oil, g 1-3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter, g 1-4 4 4 5 6
Whole milk, ml 100 200 200 200 200 200

Here are some that take into account the above recommendations.

The most famous and extraordinary pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, as always, breaks the generally accepted norms, offering his vision of the optimal composition of complementary foods for artificial feeding.

5 differences between the Komarovsky system and the traditional complementary feeding scheme

  1. Do not give complementary foods to babies up to 6 months... This applies to both breastfed and bottle-fed babies.
  2. As the first feeding, use low-fat kefir (special for children) and gradually introduce cottage cheese from 6 months.
  3. The best option for evening feeding would be milk and cereal porridge. Starting from 2-3 tsp, gradually bring the amount of porridge to the usual single serving - 200 g.
  4. The introduction of vegetables and fruits should be carried out after the appearance of the first teeth (the timing and symptoms of the eruption of the first teeth), then include meat, fish and yolk in the menu.
  5. For complementary foods, use products that are genetically "native" for our country and do not experiment with exotic delicacies.

The introduction of complementary foods is an important and responsible business! Late familiarity with normal food can delay the development of the child; earlier feeding with "adult" food - problems in the unformed digestive system, in particular, and an unbearable load on the internal organs.

In any case, a sound approach and consultation with a pediatrician at such an important stage of a child's growing up are essential.

Is your baby artificial? Don't know when to introduce complementary foods? We will help you solve this difficult problem by giving recommendations from pediatricians for children of different ages. Indeed, in 90% of cases out of 100%, you will receive a lot of advice about grandmothers, claiming that "in my years, complementary foods were introduced from 1 month!". But such advice should be ignored in terms of facts and advice from pediatricians.

At what age is a child on IV fed with complementary foods?

The table most accurately reflects the time frames and rates for the introduction of complementary foods, so you should definitely print it and use the data as needed!

Complementary feeding table

Rules for the introduction of new food for artificially fed children

To start giving the artificial complementary food correctly, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  1. Introduce new foods to the diet of a healthy child who does not suffer from colic, bloating, stool problems, or dysbiosis.
  2. 1 product is introduced into the baby's diet per week, observing the reaction of his body. You should not give your child juice and meat at once, otherwise you will not be able to accurately determine the nature of the allergy.
  3. 99% of children are not allergic to apple juice. Therefore, it is worth starting to give this particular drink to the baby with ½ part of a teaspoon. Then you need to wait at least a day, in the absence of allergies, the daily dose is adjusted to the required volume, gradually increasing the amount of juice.
  4. The baby is first fed, and then complementary foods are given when the baby is in a sitting position so that he does not choke.
  5. The kid does not yet know how to chew, and the required number of teeth in his mouth is missing, so all food should be liquid or puree. Make sure that there are no lumps in cereals, films in meat, and coarse pulp or skins in juices.
  6. After juices - vegetables, choose non-allergenic potatoes, zucchini, broccoli.
  7. During the development of new food, you can, no, you even need to give the child boiled water.

What foods to give when introducing the first complementary foods?

The following products are used as the first food for babies:

Fruit juices

If you cook them yourself, then remember that freshly squeezed juice is good for the first 30 minutes.

Vegetable purees

Prepared by bringing to a liquid consistency using milk mixture or water, adding 1-2 drops of vegetable oil. Foods such as beets or carrots can stain your baby's urine, but this is natural and should not be worried if there is no blood impurity in the urine or feces.


Give in six months. If the child is slowly gaining weight, then the porridge is introduced earlier so that the baby gets better faster.

Cottage cheese and dairy products

The second stage of complementary feeding includes sea fish and tender meat of chicken, rabbit or beef. Any meat is cooked for a long time, and then crushed to a puree consistency.

Note that "coloring products" should not be given to a child. These are tomatoes, pumpkin, cherries, strawberries, salmon, sturgeon, which cause allergies. If you are in doubt about the products, then it is worth purchasing industrial purees, which reduces the risk of developing allergies, although many children have colic from canned products.

Now let's take a closer look at the listed products.

How to give juices and vegetable purees?

Traditionally, the first vegetable that is introduced into the diet of the crumbs on IV is potatoes. It does not cause allergies, is well absorbed and, which distinguishes it favorably from cabbage, does not cause bloating. Potatoes just need to be peeled, finely chopped and boiled until soft, then crush, add a drop of oil to it for better assimilation. And then give the baby ½ part of a teaspoon, trying to increase the amount daily.

They give mashed potatoes during lunchtime, then observe the behavior of the child and his stool. If severe colic occurs on the same day or the next day, changes in stool or mucus in the feces are observed, then it is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods for 1 week.

Features of the introduction of cereals and cottage cheese

These foods are high in fiber, but can lead to rapid weight gain, so be careful. Porridge is prepared in milk or mixture, if there is lactose intolerance, then use soy mixture.

Babies tolerate such cereals well, which they are given at 6-8 months (the timing depends on the rate of weight gain):

  1. Buckwheat and rice (the latter in the case when the baby does not have constipation).
  2. Oatmeal, boiled until smooth.

You can enter cereals sold in stores and recommended for infants. Usually these are cereals crushed into dust, which are enough to boil for 1-2 minutes in water or milk. Curd is simply diluted with milk to a liquid consistency.

When to give meat and yolk to babies?

Products are introduced into the baby's menu after six months, when his gastrointestinal tract is ready to assimilate them. As for the yolk, pediatricians give a monophonic recommendation: give ¼ part during the first attempts to introduce complementary foods, then increase the amount. The yolk can be rubbed with milk or added to mashed potatoes if the child has been successfully eating potatoes for at least 1 month.

Rabbit or chicken puree is given at 5.5-6 months, buying either ready-made meat baby food, or boiling and grinding chicken or rabbit meat on your own. You can start giving the child beef, then rabbit and chicken in the form of mashed potatoes, by 8 months the child will already be able to eat steamed meatballs, and by the year - cutlets.

It is recommended to introduce meat and yolk very carefully, because these products are rich in protein and difficult to digest. And fish and dishes from it are given to a baby over 8 months old, using low-fat marine species (hake, pollock) for cooking. The fish is well boiled and chopped, making sure that no bones are present in the dish.

Several recipes for delicious complementary foods your baby will love

To introduce complementary foods correctly, you must have several recipes in your arsenal for preparing delicious dishes!

Porridge for underweight children

  1. Grind a teaspoon of buckwheat in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour the resulting flour with 100 ml of water.
  3. Cook for only 3 minutes, because the groats are well chopped.
  4. If the dish is too thick, then it can be diluted with milk or mixture.

Delicious and natural curd for babies

Of course, you can buy cottage cheese in the store, but this is often not only expensive, but also dangerous. Therefore, we have chosen a simple recipe that will help you quickly prepare a natural fermented milk product in just an hour:

  1. 200 ml of kefir is poured into an enamel deep plate.
  2. Then the dishes are put on the fire and the kefir is heated.
  3. Kefir should begin to roll up (the more it rolls up, the denser the curd will turn out).
  4. That's it, now cover the colander with gauze, pour the future cottage cheese into it and wait for the whey to drain.

Compote to help relieve constipation

Often, when introducing new food into the baby's diet, mothers are faced with the problem of constipation. But do not be upset, because there is a good recipe for a decoction with prunes:

  • About 7-8 prunes are pitted and washed well.
  • Now the berries must be transferred into a deep cup, and then pour a glass of boiling water.
  • This broth is infused for half a day, so it is better to cook it in the evening.
  • After insisting, the broth is decanted and given to a child older than 6 months for 1 tsp. If the baby is drinking this remedy for the first time, then the resulting broth should be diluted 1: 1 with water.


In individual cases, complementary foods may be recommended by the pediatrician earlier if the child is diagnosed with anemia or underweight. In this case, the menu is adjusted individually and depends on the problems faced by the parents. In other cases, it is worth adhering to the above table, and also not to introduce more than 1 new product per week into the infant's diet!