Does the child move during contractions: pain signs. Birth process: does the baby move during contractions? How babies behave before birth: movements in contractions, activity before childbirth

Childbirth is a long-awaited and inevitable physiological process that occurs at the end of pregnancy. Before birth, the activity of the fetus undergoes significant changes and reflects the state of his health. A pregnant woman and a doctor should carefully monitor every movement in order to find the pathology in time and protect herself and the baby.

How does the baby normally behave before childbirth?

How does the baby behave before birth? The level of development of the baby at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy is maximum. Height, weight and other anthropometric characteristics are almost equal to those of a newborn. The child begins active preparation before childbirth: he occupies a comfortable position in the uterine cavity, but tries not to allow unnecessary movements, as he experiences strong pressure.

The period of change of position is outwardly manifested by the active movements of the baby (the child pushes in the stomach). The movements of the growing fetus in the last weeks before childbirth are a good indicator that signals the full development of all systems and organs of the baby and adaptation to new conditions.

Before the birth, the baby calms down, preparing to exit the uterus. The fetus in the abdominal cavity goes down, the pressure on the anterior abdominal wall and bladder decreases, the frequency of urination increases, so the expectant mother is relieved. In both primiparous and multiparous women, this occurs at 39 weeks.

Does the baby move during contractions?

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Contractions are an integral part of the first stage of labor (we recommend reading:). They represent a synchronous process of contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which ensures the opening of the cervix and the preparation of the birth canal.

The behavior of the baby during contractions changes, as the fetus experiences strong resistance from all sides. When the contractions begin, he actively moves. True, a pregnant woman may not feel movements in the womb. This is due to the pain shock that she experiences during childbirth, and the general stressful situation.

Why does the child begin to move rapidly? First, he feels fear and panic due to a sharp change in living conditions in the abdomen. Secondly, the baby kicks, trying to take a comfortable position. When the “way to freedom” is found, the child tries with all his might to move towards it (toward the opening cervix), pushing off with his feet from the bottom of the muscular organ.

The third reason is oxygen deficiency. During contractions, the blood flow from the placenta slows down sharply, causing the baby to panic, and is restored immediately after the contraction (all indicators return to normal, and the baby calms down).

Does the baby move between contractions?

The movement of the fetus between contractions (before childbirth) is almost not felt. The child needs to gain strength, recover, fully prepare for the next "attack from the uterus." Rarely, movements can be observed caused by the advancement of the fetus through the birth canal or a change in its physiological position in the uterine cavity.

When should you sound the alarm?

Childbirth is a very complex dynamic process. Violations can occur at any time. You should be concerned in the following situations:

  • complete cessation of the child's activity;
  • too much activity of the child.

The activity of the child must be monitored before childbirth, as well as for a certain period of time before them (12 weeks). This will give a complete clinical picture.

Child hyperactivity

An active child before any birth is always bad! Usually, a child's hyperactivity is caused by compensated hypoxia, which is quickly monitored according to a cardiotocogram or by listening to the fetal heartbeat (more details in the article:). Normally, such a procedure during childbirth should be carried out every 30 minutes. The main causes of hypoxia that occurred during childbirth are as follows:

  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child;
  • anemia of moderate and severe degree;
  • violations of the fetoplacental blood flow;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta;
  • large fruit.

The child is quiet

Just before the birth, the baby experiences significant discomfort, as the walls of the uterus put pressure on him. Any pathology of this organ (hypertension, uterine prolapse, uterine fibroids, suture after cesarean section) can significantly worsen the condition of the baby. Under the influence of the described stirring factors, the crumbs subside, but do not completely stop.

The child needs to settle down with his head down, near the entrance to the small pelvis, while free movements of the arms and head are limited, movements become weak. It is very important to be able to feel them to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Thus, the behavior of the child before childbirth changes dramatically. The baby should show mobility, but very weak, barely noticeable. If the child's activity sharply decreases or stops completely, this means that the child is in a state of severe hypoxia or has received an injury, possibly incompatible with life.

Why count pushes?

The frequency of movement is an important indicator of the health of the baby and a criterion for assessing the process of labor activity. How many times a day should the baby move? Normally, the child performs from 45 to 55 movements per day. With such a rhythm, there is no reason to panic. Two extreme indicators are taken for pathology - less than 6 and more than 60, in which emergency interventions are required.

The expectant mother should record every push, move, kick or jump, roll, push. You can not register individual movements, but use a different method: every day for 10 hours, track up to 10 episodes of maximum motor activity in the form of complexes.

During pregnancy, a woman should take care of herself, be attentive to the health and condition of her baby, monitor his activity indicators. In general, the following is recommended:

  1. Maintain a table that displays fetal movements. So the doctor will receive meaningful information. The table should start from the 28th week of pregnancy (see also:). It should be monitored when any motor changes begin or, conversely, periods of calm.
  2. Monitor the nature of the movements on the eve of childbirth. This data should also be displayed in a table.
  3. Calm periods (their duration is usually no more than several tens of minutes) should not be confused with a complete cessation of activity. The baby “slows down” before the upcoming birth, but never stops moving completely.
  4. The main thing is to come to a consultation with a doctor in a timely manner and report all deviations!

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Every woman wants to accurately understand the behavior of her child, both during pregnancy and just before childbirth. Does the baby calm down before the birth or should it actively move, how often should the tremors be felt and how long before the birth does the baby calm down? There are a lot of questions.
To correctly recognize the baby's signals, let's take a closer look at the behavior of the baby before childbirth.

Every pregnant woman, especially in the early stages, wonders if her pregnancy is going well. Even if the doctor says that everything is in order, and the tests are normal, on a subconscious level, the question is tormented: “Is everything okay with my child?”. Only when a woman feels her baby moving for the first time does the feeling of anxiety decrease a little.

The movements of the child are a kind of "language of the baby", his way of communicating with his mother and the outside world. On it, he conveys messages about his physical and emotional state. Knowing such a “language”, a woman can understand whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally, how the child lies and, even, whether he is ready to be born.

It is believed that a pregnant woman can feel the first tremors no earlier than in the fifth month. In fact, already in the early stages, the baby begins to actively move and try to prove himself. Already at the 8th week, with the help of ultrasound, you can see how the baby moves his arms and legs. A woman can feel the movements herself during this period. At first, the movements of the baby are easily confused with gurgling in the intestines or a slight tickling. Some describe this feeling as if a small fish is swimming in the stomach.

The reason for this feeling is very simple. Starting from the second month, the development of the nervous system is in full swing, which is responsible for the motor activity of any person. By this time, the baby has already had muscle tissue and the brain begins to develop, which transmits impulses through the nerve fibers, causing the muscles to contract. The movements of the baby are completely unconscious. Due to the fact that the child is very small, and, while in the amniotic fluid, does not yet reach the walls of the uterus with its limbs, the expectant mother does not feel movement or takes them for intestinal processes.

Interesting Facts:

  • at 2.5 months, the child is able to change the trajectory of movement, starting from the walls of the uterus;
  • at the 16th week there is a reaction to sounds, first of all, to the voice of the mother;
  • at the 17th week, the child may squint;
  • in the 18th week, moves her arms and legs, touches her face, squeezes the umbilical cord, closes her face if she hears sharp sounds;
  • at the fifth month or at the 20th week, the child makes from 20 to 60 shocks within an hour. The pace and strength varies with the time of day;
  • at the 24th week, the baby begins to actively talk with his mother in the "language of movements" - with his sharp jerks or smooth movements, he expresses joy, anxiety or calmness;
  • According to statistics, starting from the 24th week, the child moves on average 10 times per hour. For three hours he sleeps and remains completely calm.

Is the baby quiet or active before birth?

At the sixth month, the expectant mother's stomach is still quite spacious and there is enough space for the baby to rotate and move. But later the situation changes, and the activity of the child before childbirth decreases.

There are two reasons why a baby calms down before childbirth:

  1. The child has grown and continues to develop. Although the uterus tends to stretch, by the end of pregnancy, the amount of free space is greatly reduced. Accordingly, there is practically no room for somersaults and pushes. The fact that in the last stages the uterus descends also affects, and the child is in a fixed state between the pelvic bones.
  2. The position of the child before childbirth changes from horizontal to vertical, that is, it turns out to be upside down. Thus, most of the blows will fall on the upper region of the uterus. And this is a less sensitive area in a woman due to a smaller number of nerve endings. In fact, even in this position upside down, the child is active before birth. But the sensations of the second trimester are incomparable to those that she is experiencing now. If earlier “the stomach was shaking” and the expectant mother could constantly observe either a protruding heel or an elbow, this will not happen at the end of pregnancy. We can say that the baby began to behave much quieter and calmer. He calms down and prepares for birth. Periodically, a woman feels shoving, but it is less intense and does not repeat often.

In order to assess the movements of the child from the fifth month of pregnancy, you need to do the following:

  • drink a cup of sweetened tea or eat something sweet;
  • 15 minutes after a snack, relax on the couch or in a comfortable chair for about an hour. Such simple actions encourage the baby to express himself.

If it was not possible to stir the baby, try to repeat your steps after a couple of hours. Maybe you got into a period of "quiet time" and the child was sleeping. If during the day, the baby did not respond, you should consult a doctor. Listening to heart sounds will explain the situation and put you at ease.

Do not forget that everything is individual and depends both on the nature of the baby and on the “sensitivity threshold” of the expectant mother. Some have a more active baby before birth, some less. Someone feels stronger blows with arms and legs, for someone it's like a tickle. Most often, by nature, girls are calmer, but boys already in the womb show their character and behave like real football players. You don't have to worry about the little things. Attention should be paid only to sudden changes in behavior. They can signal the appearance of problems during pregnancy. It is especially worth paying attention if the child suddenly begins to show great activity and does not calm down for a long time.

In order to find out what caused the deviations in the frequency and nature of the movement, cardiography is performed. CTG is a method for assessing the condition of a child through the study of his heart rate. Simply put, the doctor analyzes the baby's cardiac activity when he is at rest, in motion, with uterine contractions, and also when exposed to various environmental factors. This study helps to find out if the baby has oxygen starvation. Hypoxia or oxygen starvation is very dangerous, it can lead to various disorders during childbirth and in the early postpartum period, as well as affect the development of the child.

Causes of hypoxia:

  • bleeding;
  • various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and anemia;
  • fetal placental insufficiency;
  • pressing the umbilical cord;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • other.

At the initial stage of oxygen starvation, a sudden restless behavior of the child can be noted. The baby is constantly on the move, does not calm down for a very long time, his sharp and strong jolts can sometimes even bring pain to his mother. With progressive hypoxia, the behavior is extremely cardinal. The kid stops expressing himself completely. He calms down and does not make contact for a whole day. This condition is very dangerous and can be fatal. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to whether the baby is moving before childbirth, and to analyze its activity.

But it is worth remembering that the manifestation of sharp activity does not always indicate the presence of problems. Most likely, mom sat cross-legged or lay on her back. And these are the most unloved positions for the child, since the oxygen supply to him is reduced. In this case, you need to change the posture. If within a few hours, the child does not calm down, you should consult a doctor. Obstetricians recommend starting to pay attention to movement starting from the seventh month. Control should be carried out twice a day.

How does the baby lie before birth?

The child in the womb before birth takes the starting position for a safe exit into the world. The correct position is vertical, head down, chin pressed to the chest, buttocks up, arms and legs folded and pressed to the body. There are times when the child does not roll over. He can "sit on the priest" with crossed legs, or be in a horizontal position with his buttocks down, and keep his legs straight. But this happens very rarely, about 5% of children remain in the breech presentation. Even less often, there are cases when the child is in an oblique or transverse state. If the child does not want to take the right position, he will not be able to be born on his own. In such cases, doctors refuse natural childbirth and use caesarean.

The way the baby moves and moves can tell the mother without an ultrasound whether the baby is positioned correctly. In the last weeks, you can tell with accuracy which part of the body the baby is shoving. Most mothers on the left feel the back of the child, and all the pokes and kicks of the child fall on the right side.

The feeling of movement of the legs at the top of the abdomen indicates that the child has taken the correct starting position. If such sensations are in the lower abdomen, then with a high degree of probability, the child is in a breech presentation.

At 32-34 weeks, the expectant mother is given a screening ultrasound, on which the doctor determines the position of the crumbs. Sometimes this is a breech presentation, which can change closer to the birth. If the situation does not change at 38-40 weeks, there is still a chance that the baby will roll over. The correct position of the child can be formed almost on the day of birth, but this is a very rare case.

Factors contributing to breech presentation:

  • a large amount of amniotic fluid and a small baby size;
  • oligohydramnios;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • low position of the placenta.

A mother-to-be can help her baby roll over like this:

  1. It is necessary that the stomach sinks down a little under its own weight. To do this, sit on the edge of the sofa or on a chair. Spread your legs and let your belly sag down. It is better to sit on a chair backwards, that is, with your stomach to the back.
  2. Get a fitball and practice on it. Sit on the ball, bounce and sway a little, do a warm-up or just sit on it.
  3. Walk more, walk in the fresh air. Try to travel less often by car or public transport.
  4. Sign up for the pool. Water aerobics for pregnant women is very useful. Swim more on your back.
  5. Lie on your side on a hard surface, spend 15 minutes like this, then roll over to the other side through your back and also lie in this state for a quarter of an hour. Such turns must be performed five times.
  6. On the floor, take a pose on all fours and swing your hips a little.
  7. You can do gymnastics, but under the supervision of a specialist.

It is worth remembering that physical activity can be afforded only with the permission of a doctor, otherwise you can harm both the child and yourself.

Child before childbirth. Does the baby move during contractions?

Contractions are a process that occurs immediately before childbirth. It occurs due to the involuntary contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and is needed in order for the baby to be born. According to statistics, babies do not stop their activity during contractions and with their movements help their mother to provoke childbirth faster. When contractions begin, the child actively moves, rests his head on the pelvic floor, turns his head to squeeze in and pass through the winding birth canal, and pushes with all his might from the bottom of the uterus. Babies learn the repulsion reflex with their feet before they are born.

At the same time, if the child experiences oxygen starvation, he becomes too active due to the discomfort he experiences. This is manifested in the fact that the child also moves between contractions. As soon as the mother feels the baby's activity between contractions, it is urgent to tell the doctor about it.

Lack of movement between contractions is a normal part of the birth process. After all, the baby, like the mother, needs to accumulate strength and periodically rest.

During childbirth, a woman experiences a “pain shock”. Due to their pain, contractions dull the sensitivity. Therefore, in most cases, a woman during childbirth does not feel the activity of the baby. The birth of a child is not only a huge job for the expectant mother, but also for the child. It is also a huge stress for him.

Summing up

The moments when a woman saw the cherished two strips on the test, heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time, saw him for the first time on an ultrasound scan, felt the first push in her stomach, heard his first cry and finally saw him live - these are the most important and happiest moments, that belong only to you and the baby.

Of course, even if the pregnancy proceeded normally for all nine months without deviations, the expectant mother is worried about a huge number of questions. Especially if this is the first and long-awaited pregnancy. Any careless movement of the baby, any sharp blow or vice versa, calm behavior can plunge into panic. The first thing to do is to calm down and analyze what is happening. Think back to all the information you received in pregnancy classes, books, and doctors.

The following important points should be remembered as the child behaves before childbirth:

  1. It is very rare that anyone feels the movements of the baby until the fifth month. This is natural, since the child is still very small and simply cannot reach the walls of the uterus.
  2. From the seventh month, it is necessary to monitor and analyze the movements of the child twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If the baby "does not get in touch", try to provoke him by eating something sweet and lying down for a while.
  3. Closer to childbirth, activity decreases, the baby seems to calm down.
  4. Not always sudden activity means a problem. Perhaps you are sitting or lying in an uncomfortable position.
  5. Oxygen starvation or hypoxia can be the cause of an unusually long activity of the baby. It is worth consulting a doctor and going through all the necessary studies.
  6. Starting from the 32nd week, the baby turns upside down. Sometimes the baby is in a breech presentation until the day of birth, but these are rare cases. Most often, a couple of weeks before birth, the baby still rolls over.
  7. The expectant mother can influence the correct position of the baby. Water aerobics and gymnastics for pregnant women, as well as fitball exercises, are very effective. Physical education can be carried out only after the permission of the doctor leading the pregnancy.
  8. The baby is actively moving during contractions. But between contractions, he, like his mother, rests. Therefore, if the movements continue, be sure to notify the obstetrician.

And, most importantly, what the expectant mother should remember is that you can’t wind yourself up over trifles. A positive and optimistic attitude is the key to a successful birth of a child. You will miss those nine months during which you carried a child under your heart. Take care of yourself and baby.

Video "How the baby behaves before childbirth"

From about the 28th week of pregnancy, more and more are added to the list of diagnostically important indicators of the condition of the unborn child and his mother. From this moment on, the doctor will recommend that she control the movements, because their nature, intensity, frequency can tell a lot about the intrauterine life of the crumbs.

The frequency and intensity of fetal movements will change throughout the entire period. So, the peak of his turbulent intrauterine activity will fall at the beginning of the third trimester: there is still a lot of room in the tummy for skillful somersaults, and the limbs of the little gymnast are already strong enough so that the mother can “enjoy” the dances of her child. But towards the end of pregnancy, the space limited by the fetal bladder will increasingly hamper the movements of the child. Meanwhile, he will actively grow and gain weight, especially in the last week or two before giving birth: the baby will need a lot of strength to pass through the birth canal!

How does the baby behave before birth?

It is quite natural that in such conditions it is not possible to move much intensively, and it probably does not give much pleasure either. The movements of the fetus before childbirth change their character: the baby does not move so often, but its tremors are already distinguished by firmness and confidence. Moreover: right now, a little picky can show his character, demonstrating dissatisfaction with cramped space.

Mom feels almost every movement: there is absolutely no room for turns and turns. The next most important movement of the baby in line will be directed downward: in the pelvic region to the cervix. On the eve of childbirth, he directs the head into the pelvis, taking the starting position. You will feel that walking has become not very comfortable, but breathing is much easier than before: a rather large belly no longer supports the chest and does not cause shortness of breath.

An important harbinger of childbirth

Fetal movements before childbirth not only change, but are also important and quite reliable. Obstetricians say that at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels the greatest activity of the fetus, but then it noticeably declines. This period is very conditional, since, as you know, not all babies are born at the 40th week. But most of them change their behavioral tactics 1-2 weeks before the birth. Mom notices that the baby is no longer moving so often and actively, although now there are peaks: periods of complete calm can be replaced by periods of excessive activity.

If the baby suddenly calms down before childbirth, then mommy can go to the hospital. It may take another week or two before contractions start, but things should be ready, and you should not go far from home unaccompanied, much less go on long trips.

Prenatal control of fetal movements

However, even now, the control of movements must be carried out further. Too sharp a decrease in their number can be an alarming sign. Tell your doctor if the baby makes itself felt no more than 3 times a day.

You should not worry if you notice an increase in fetal activity before childbirth: he is also preparing for upcoming events, and, by the way, his movements are now taking on a rotational-translational character, doctors say. But here you should also listen to the signals from the inside and be able to interpret them correctly: is the baby playing or warning about danger? Sometimes it happens that a child experiences before birth. One of the signs of hypoxia may be excessive activity of the fetus before childbirth.

If you resort to numbers, then approximately you should feel at least 10 fetal movements in a 6-hour period or at least 24 in a 12-hour period. In one hour, the baby normally moves twice, but doctors do not recommend hourly observation as an indication, since the baby can sleep.

Movements should be considered any movement or episode of tremors that you feel. If it seems to you that the baby has calmed down for a long time, try eating a candy or drinking a glass of milk and lie on your left side. This position is considered uncomfortable for the fetus - and he should let you know about it. Also remember that all babies are different, so both high and low fetal activity before childbirth can be the norm.

But if something bothers you, then you need to consult a doctor. If, during the examination, the gynecologist told you that everything is fine with the baby, then there is no reason to worry about frequent or weak movements.

Extra worries are useless now. Be calm: the baby is almost ready to meet you. Even if there was a need to induce labor a little earlier, this would not affect his health badly. On the contrary: sometimes such a decision is the most correct, because it is made in the interests of the crumbs. So it’s not worth worrying at all: the stress hormone before childbirth is absolutely useless to either the small or you.

Especially for Elena Kichak

What does the baby feel during childbirth and how to behave in order to help your baby?

How does the baby understand that "it's time"?

Childbirth is a kind of program that starts long before the baby is born.

Even at 38-40 weeks, a woman may experience “training” contractions. They are short and are not accompanied by discomfort or pain, but appear for one purpose - to prepare the body of the mother and child for real contractions and childbirth. The baby remembers these vibrations and then “learns” them during childbirth, which helps him quickly adapt to the process.

Birth plan

Contractions are the first stage of childbirth. Normally, it is the longest. Looking at a woman in this period, one gets the impression that now she is the main character. But this is an erroneous opinion. The main role in the beginning of labor and the start of the mechanism of contractions is assigned to the baby. If the fetus is ready for birth, it releases hormones (oxytocin and corticotropin), to which the mother's body reacts by producing prostaglandin, which triggers contractions.

The second stage of childbirth - attempts. They are shorter than contractions, but more intense. At this stage of childbirth, the role of mother and baby is equivalent. After opening the cervix, the baby should move a few centimeters through the birth canal. In this, he is helped by the displacement of the bones of the skull, which are connected by cartilage and move easily, reducing the diameter of the head and thereby facilitating the process of passing through the birth canal. Both participants help each other so that the birth goes well and the baby is born without complications.

In the third stage of labor only mother works. The baby is resting, getting used to everything around him: new sounds, temperature, etc.

Stage one: the beginning of change

The first thing that the baby feels in this period of childbirth is the disappearance of the feeling of weightlessness. This occurs as a result of the rupture of the fetal bladder and the outflow of amniotic fluid. He begins to feel the force of attraction, which, one might say, he did not feel before because of being in the amniotic fluid. Almost at the same time, vibrations familiar from false contractions begin. But now they are stronger and more frequent. These are contractions during which the cervix slowly opens under the action of hormones, about 1 cm per hour. The muscles of the upper part of the uterus actively contract and begin to push the baby towards the birth canal. Unusually strong vibrations affect the baby, he is a little worried, which can be observed on the monitor of the ultrasound machine. There is another problem - lack of oxygen. During contractions, the blood vessels in the placenta constrict, and the blood flow in them slows down, and the baby does not receive enough oxygen. If a mother during contractions thinks only about her pain, screams and does not breathe correctly, then the child has a very difficult time.

Our advice. Relax between contractions. This is necessary not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Muscle tension increases the pain. Do not be nervous, do not panic, watch your emotions. Adrenaline, released when you feel fear, harms the baby, disrupting the work of his heart. Do not Cry. Because of the cry, the baby practically does not receive oxygen, and he has less and less strength to give birth.

Push Stage: Collaboration

Soon the cervix opens completely, about 10 cm, contractions become more frequent, and the pain becomes stronger, and oxytocin is produced in the mother's body, which provokes the appearance of attempts. This is how the second stage of childbirth begins - the stage of active work of mother and baby is already in the delivery room. In addition to the fact that during attempts, squeezing and lack of oxygen become stronger, the child’s pulse also quickens: up to 180 beats per minute. Now the crumbs have only one way out - outside. And he begins his movement along the narrow birth canal, stretching the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina. The “stepping reflex”, thanks to which the baby is pushed off the bottom of the uterus, helps him move in the right direction. The impact of the child's progress along the birth canal on the tissues and receptors in them makes the mother want to push. Do not resist this desire because of pain, try to strain the necessary muscles in time. The pain that a woman feels at the birth of a baby is within her power, because. nature has taken care to reduce the pain syndrome. In anticipation that everything will end soon, the mother's body begins to produce "happiness hormones" - endorphins, which play the role of a natural pain reliever for mother and child.

The most important thing now for the baby is the exit of his head. The head comes out the hardest of all, despite the mechanism laid down by nature to change its diameter by shifting the bones of the skull. As soon as his head comes out, you can calm down, because the rest of the body will appear much easier. Everything that a woman in labor does just before the head comes out is of great importance and is aimed at helping the baby to be born.

Our advice. Listen to the commands of the midwife, this will help you behave correctly in the most crucial period of childbirth and distribute your forces. In between attempts, do not forget to breathe properly: deep breathing has a calming effect on the child, and frequent and shallow breathing gives him the necessary oxygen. In the pushing period, the baby relies on the forces of nature and on his mother. Help your baby be born healthy, no one will do it except you.

The third stage: the appearance of the baby

Being born, the newborn enters the air environment, and air penetrates into his lungs, straightening them. Until the umbilical cord is cut, the baby has some time to adapt. After all, he never breathed with the help of his lungs, and he received all the necessary oxygen for life from his mother's blood. But, as soon as the baby loses contact with the mother's body through the placenta, he is forced to start breathing on his own. As a rule, a sharp breath brings pain due to unusual bursting in the chest, therefore, normally, the first breath of a child is accompanied by a cry.

Coming out of the mother's womb, the child is faced with a temperature difference, which is approximately 10-15C. This helps to launch another important mechanism for the body - thermoregulation. To help the baby quickly adapt, they use a table with an infrared lamp and, of course, mother's hugs.

In contact with the mother's body immediately after childbirth, the newborn calms down thanks to her voice, perceiving it as a vibration, which he has become accustomed to for 9 months. He recognizes exactly his mother's voice, and all other sounds, if they are not too loud, the baby perceives as a background. In the first hour after birth, in the arms of his mother, the baby finds himself in the most understandable and familiar space, because in addition to the mother's voice, he also hears the sounds of her heart and breathing, which remind him of what he heard in the womb. Being in close contact with the mother, the newborn also feels her familiar smell (it has been established that amniotic fluid “smells like mother”).

All together it has a calming effect on the baby. And this close connection with the mother, which symbolizes protection from the outside world for the child, lasts the entire period of infancy and begins to weaken only when the baby reaches the age of three.

After birth, the baby not only hears, but also distinguishes everything that is half a meter away from him. Therefore, in the first minutes after birth, the child remembers the images that he sees nearby (impirinting). This mechanism also helps to establish a close bond between the child and parents.

Our advice. Everything that reminds a child of life in the womb helps him to adapt to the new world. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, it is very important if the midwife or doctor rushes not to cut the umbilical cord, but first attach the newborn to the mother's breast. Tell your child how happy you are and how much you love him. Let your voice and your warmth be the first thing your child will hear and feel in this big world.

How to calm a newborn
There are several tricks to calm the baby, which work according to the laws of logic and physiology:
1. Take the baby in your arms and hold it close to you. So the baby will immediately remember the intrauterine period of life in a limited warm space.
2. Rock your newborn or walk around the room holding him in your arms. This will remind the baby of the swaying that he felt when his mother walked, being in her stomach.
3. When swaying, you can lightly pat him on the ass, this will remind the baby of the rhythm of his mother's heart, the beats of which he felt in the womb.
4. And the hissing sounds "h", "u" and "sh" (for example, in the word "quiet") calm the child, reminding him of the noise of his mother's lungs and intestines.
5. No matter what affectionate words the mother says to the child, he will calm down. Because he will hear the most native voice for him.

All pregnant women know that the movement of a child in the womb is one of the indicators of his condition. But the answer to the question of whether fetal movements are felt during contractions remains unclear for many. Let's try to figure out how the baby behaves at the time of his birth, and find out whether or not the child should move during the birth process.

How do babies move in the womb?

The fetus begins to move in the uterus already at 8-9 weeks of gestation, but at this time the expectant mother cannot yet feel these movements, because the child is still too small. Pregnant women can feel the first movements of the baby as early as 16 weeks. However, a slightly later date for the appearance of the first light shocks in the stomach is also not considered a deviation from the norm.

At first, the movements will be rare, but as the fetus grows, the woman will notice them more and more often. Most of all, the baby moves in the period from 24 to 30 weeks. From the moment when the movements become distinct, the pregnant woman will need to pay attention to how and how much the child moves in her womb: this will be one of the indicators of his well-being. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman can count the number of movements made by the fetus within 12 hours: this figure should not be less than 10. If deviations from the norm are observed downward or there are no movements at all during this period of time, this should be paid attention to and contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy as soon as possible. In addition, you should be wary if the child is too active: this may indicate oxygen starvation. However, do not panic ahead of time. Much also depends on the temperament of the baby: some children move more often and more, others less. In addition, sometimes the mother may simply not notice the movements of the fetus. However, at the next scheduled examination, you need to tell the doctor about your doubts.

But how does the child behave shortly before birth? In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is actively gaining weight, so over time it becomes crowded in the mother's stomach. Because of this, the motor activity of the baby is significantly reduced. In addition, before childbirth, the stomach drops somewhat, the child is fixed in the small pelvis, preparing for passage through the birth canal. In most cases, there is no reason to worry if the fetus has become less likely to move in the last weeks of pregnancy. This is completely normal. The movements will not be felt as often as before, but they will not disappear completely. Basically, the baby with jerks makes it clear to the mother that she has taken an uncomfortable position, and he does not like it.

However, it also happens that the baby moves right up to the very birth and only briefly calms down just before they begin. If the indications of ultrasound and CTG do not differ from the norm, this only indicates that a very active baby is growing in the mother's stomach.

Baby movements during contractions

The main moment of any pregnancy is childbirth. The further health of the mother and, of course, her baby depends on how they pass. Therefore, during the birth process, pregnant women continue to listen to their feelings and strive to understand how the child feels, who should be born very soon. Many of them absolutely do not feel how the fetus moves during contractions, and worry about whether everything is in order. Doctors assure: even if there are no fetal movements noticeable to the mother at the time of childbirth, this does not mean that the baby is not moving.

In fact, during its birth, a healthy baby is in motion every time the next contraction begins, because uterine contractions bring discomfort and pain not only to the mother, but also to the baby. In addition, in this way he accelerates his birth. However, the pain from contractions most often overshadows these movements, so it may seem to a woman that the child does not have any physical activity at all. In fact, at such moments, the baby is repelled by the heels from the bottom of the uterus and gradually moves along the birth canal. At this time, he can also press his chin to his chest and turn to take the position necessary for exiting the small pelvis. In addition, at the final stage of labor, he rotates his head to the left and right to ensure an easier and painless birth. By the way, the expectant mother may well feel the movements of her child, when the contractions of the uterus are still insignificant.

What happens in those moments when there are no contractions? It would seem that in moments of calm, the mother should feel her baby. But it turns out that normally between contractions, the baby should not move. At this time, he, like his mother, is gaining strength for the next “step”. If the fetus begins to move actively even before the next contractions begin, this is cause for alarm: it is likely that the child develops hypoxia. This condition requires urgent medical intervention, so this behavior of the fetus in the womb should be immediately reported to obstetricians. However, as a rule, any undesirable changes in the child's condition are reflected in his heartbeat, including hypoxia. Since specialists constantly monitor the fetal heart rate during childbirth, it will not be difficult for them to suspect the danger in time and take appropriate measures.

It also happens that the child practically does not move at the time of contractions, although this is rather an exception to the rule. Even with this course of events, childbirth can be quite successful, although it usually lasts longer than for women in labor whose children are actively involved in the process of their birth.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether the child should move during contractions is unequivocal: yes, it should. This facilitates the birth process and helps the baby to be born faster. Women do not feel these movements at all due to the fact that during contractions the sensitivity is significantly dulled. But this is not a reason to panic: if doctors do not observe any negative changes in the behavior and condition of the child, most likely, the birth is proceeding normally, and very soon the long-awaited baby will be in the arms of his mother.