Wide full hips. Wide hips are normal in women.

Rounded hips are very beautiful and feminine, but it is this part of the body that often gives women the greatest amount of trouble. If the hips are full and the waist is narrow, then the figure still seems massive. If the waist is also far from the aspen, then the silhouette becomes square at all. However, this problem is not only of an aesthetic nature.

If your thighs are full, it can be difficult to choose clothes for yourself. Especially fashion trousers do not want to sit on standards other than 90:60:90. It is not easier for those girls who have fragile shoulders and a thin waist, with wide hips. In this case, the clothes will have to be sewn to order. However, let's figure out what to do with such a complex figure in order to make it more proportional.

"Pear" or "hourglass"

Let's dwell a little on theory. How do you determine what type your shape is? If the hips are full, it does not always look disharmonious, for some it is very sexy and attractive. It's all about proportions here.

You will need to take some measurements, and specifically - measure at the narrowest point of the waist, and at the widest - the hips. Now divide the first into the second:

  • if the resulting figure has a value up to 0.65, then you have a pear-shaped figure;
  • if from 0.65 to 0.75 - "hourglass";
  • and if more, then your type is closer to an apple.

The most difficult thing is to keep their figure in good shape for women with Usually they are more emotional and prone to stress. This is due to elevated estrogen levels. And stress often leads to excessive consumption of sweets and the accumulation of extra pounds. So if the hips are full, then our eating habits are ultimately to blame.

Diet, or step number one

Normalizing your diet is a very important step in the struggle for the fact that the thighs of obese women, like a magnet, attract all new reserves of precious fat. which tend to expand below the belt line, have a very slow metabolism. That is, they can eat very little, but at the same time they will not lose weight, and every extra candy will be deposited on the hips.

Proper nutrition must take into account the characteristics of the figure. Wide, full hips in the owner of a pear-shaped figure with great difficulty part with the accumulated wealth, since blood circulation in the thighs and buttocks is usually slower. And the accumulation of fat cells in these areas leads to impaired blood flow.

As you know, nutrients are transported precisely by the bloodstream, which means that in this case the body cannot extract energy from the accumulations. Dramatic weight loss is not an option for you. In this case, the face, shoulders, chest will quickly become thinner, which will lead to an even greater imbalance in the body.

Balanced diet

The ideal option would be a diet based on balanced proportions of carbohydrates and proteins with limited fat intake. Moreover, most of the carbohydrates and fats should be consumed in the morning. It is best to choose a vegetable lunch, then a protein snack and a light but nutritious dinner. Boiled meat and baked fish, as well as a variety of vegetables should be firmly entrenched in your menu.

A little more about diet

Women with wide, full hips should not consume more than 1500 kcal per day. Only in this case will it be possible to gradually get rid of the accumulated fat. For example, this could be a cup of oatmeal for breakfast, a banana, an apple, or fresh juice. For your second breakfast, you can make a few slices of cheese.

For lunch, make a sandwich with a couple of slices of whole grain bread and boiled meat. Add greens and vegetables for a complete meal. Any fruit can be used as a dessert, and before dinner you can have a snack with yogurt and an apple.

Prepare chicken fillets and beans for dinner. If it seems a little, feel free to add vegetable salad.

What to eat and what to refuse

It must be remembered that women with a figure of the described type must necessarily include in the diet foods that accelerate metabolism:

  • These are, first of all, low-fat sources of protein, that is, chicken breast and boiled meat, lean fish, kefir and cottage cheese.
  • The source of carbohydrates should be fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole wheat bread and whole grain cereals.
  • If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then seasonings (cordamom, turmeric) can be added to dishes; they can also speed up metabolism.
  • Eat greens, cabbage and tomatoes as often as possible (in winter, you can use tomato juice).

But legumes and cereals, fatty varieties of cape and fish, rice and potatoes, sweets and flour products are better off from your diet.

Physical exercise

Girls with full hips should definitely increase the physical activity on the lower part of their body. This is the only way to speed up the metabolism, speed up the process of weight loss and make the figure more proportional.

Walking or jogging is very helpful, so even just walking a few stops every day from home to work can significantly improve your diet results. An excellent exercise option would be lunges or squats.

The best way to start your workout is to warm up. Stretch well, do a series of swings, and start exercising. Perform pop-squats, lowering on bent legs to knee level. Then move on to lunges. To do this, you need to take a step forward, transferring your weight to your right, bent leg and linger for a few seconds. In this case, the left leg is also bent. Then, pushing off, you stand up straight and repeat the exercise. An excellent option for training will be.They can be done from a standing or lying position, with a maximum amplitude.

Finally, cardio is ideal for boosting your metabolism and speeding up your weight loss process. It is necessary to devote at least 45 minutes to classes, two to three times a week. Moreover, you can choose which type of training you like best. It can be either an exercise bike, or a treadmill or swimming.

We tried to consider the features of the pear-shaped figure - how it differs, and how you can correct it with the help of diet and exercise.

As you know, the types of the female figure are different. The owner of the most feminine type of "pear" is often worried about the problem, whose name is wide hips. We will tell you how to dress correctly so as not to be complex about this. Wide hips can be your highlight.

Wide hips - is it a problem?

Did you know that in many countries such a physique is highly prized? In addition, when a man looks at a girl with wide hips, the same pleasure zones are activated in his brain as when drinking alcohol. If this does not calm you, then you need to correct wide hips with clothes.

Clothes and wardrobe for girls with wide hips

Pants with wide hips

Wide trousers are truly salvation for a woman with wide hips. If they displace skirts, then they gradually become on a par with them. Trousers are not only comfortable to wear, but like no other thing, they hide the excess fullness of the hips. And the figure is given harmony and fit. How do you choose them correctly?

Preference should be given to trousers with wide legs. The waistline is lowered, there should be no pockets on the sides. High-waisted tight-fitting models should be avoided. Numerous details in the back and small pockets are undesirable.

Skirts with wide hips

The choice of this part of the women's wardrobe for girls who have wide hips should be taken with the greatest care. The wrong length, color and texture of the skirt can easily ruin the look. The style of a skirt for wide hips should be restrained. The best silhouette is in the shape of the letter "A". Any length, preferably up to the knee.

It should be plain fabric, dark or dull color, soft drapery. Note that a vertical stitching or pleat on the skirt will lengthen the silhouette and make the figure look slimmer. You need to wear such a skirt with classic shoes, it is possible without backdrops, with low heels. It is worth avoiding models that are cut along the side, narrowed downwards, with patch pockets, horizontal lines, pleating.

Dresses for wide hips

A properly chosen dress can completely transform a woman. It is worth choosing a model with an emphasis on the chest, narrowed waist and widened downwards. Details at the top of the dress will draw attention away from the wide hips. Long dresses are suitable for formal occasions. It is better to refuse models with folds, gathers, details on the waist, buttocks and hips.

Coat with wide hips

The coat is a very functional item. Some women even have several for one season. A coat bought wisely will not only last a long time, but also hide figure flaws.

If you have wide hips, a three-quarter coat that flares out at the bottom is the best model. Like the skirt, it should be in the shape of the letter "A". Oversized shawl collars and cuffs balance the figure. They visually enlarge the chest and shoulders. The fullness of the thighs becomes less noticeable.

  1. The jacket should be slightly below the waistline or elongated.
  2. Choose a dress for the summer with a dark bottom and a light top. Thus, attention will shift to the top of the figure.
  3. Styles with embellishments on the thighs are taboo! They visually expand this area even more.
  4. The material of the trousers should not wrinkle and form creases.
  5. Blouses and tunics should be taken with vertical decorative elements. They slim down wide hips.

Remember! A dark shade always visually narrows the thigh line. An elegant blouse is always only with a U-neck. Light models with flounces, voluminous details and large ruffles are preferable. When buying a dress with sleeves, it should be 3/4 long. The top can be decorated with a large brooch.

You can distract attention from the wide line of the hips using scarves, capes, shawls.

Many of us are complex about our wide hips. However, is it worth it? In my new article, I will talk about celebrities with wide hips who not only do not complex, but also made a pop cult out of their curvy hips. Let's get started.

1. Kim Kardashian, the owner of not only wide hips, but also a decent priests. Kim: "Self-confidence is the most important rule on the way to a sexy figure. Love your forms. And skillfully emphasize them, and do not try to hide."

Weight: 53 kg, height: 157 cm, 99-66-86

2. One of the sexiest TV presenters - Anfisa Chekhova. She is not shy about her body and wears revealing outfits.

Height: 165 cm, weight: 69 kg, 100-76-108

3. Jennifer Lopez made her fifth point famous, so she is proud of her lush thighs and rounded booty.

Height: 167 cm, weight: 57 kg, * -58-96

4. Beyoncé does not suffer from the fact that her fifth point does not fit in 38 model size. "I feel great when I'm not crawling and when I'm not skinny. Natural forms look much more appetizing."

Height: 172 cm, Weight: 62 kg, 88-66-98

5. Monica Bellucci

Height: 175 cm, weight: 64 kg, 89-61-89

6. Nicki Minaj flaunts his colorful volumes in every possible way.

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But the latest scientific research has proven that her perception is much less subjective than previously thought. In fact, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixon, men are attracted to women with very specific body parameters. Moreover - and this should inevitably cause a storm of protest - the scientist insists that the weight category is not decisive.

The anthropologist's secret formula for female attractiveness is based on a principle that is not all that new. As you know, the interest of the stronger sex to the weaker relies on sexual instincts, formed already in prehistoric times. These ancient tyrants, hiding in the subconscious, push men in search of the ideal female - a trustworthy continuer of the genus, whose fertility is directly written on her face (more precisely, somewhat lower).

What is the most striking physiological sign of fertility? Of course, wide hips, which, in turn, indicate the width of the pelvis. But men, when assessing the appearance of a potential partner, of course, are not aware of all these delicate nuances - they are guided by a purely visual effect. And to achieve it, the owner of a "fertile" figure does not necessarily have to have a rear part the size of a horse's croup or a ship's stern. All the salt is in the ratio between the circumferences of the hips and waist, thanks to which an alluring bend appears in the outlines.

And now the doctor of anthropology Barnaby Dixon from the University of Victoria calculated this ratio by forcing a group of male volunteers to look at specially processed images of the same woman. Taking some more or less abstract model as a basis, the scientist's colleagues, using a computer program, modified her figure in the photograph, creating several completely different versions. In some pictures, the experimental lady turned out to be busty and broad-hipped, in others - slender, in others - puffy.

The subjects had to stare at these modifications in order to then rate them on a ten-point scale, while infrared cameras, meanwhile, recorded every eye movement, determining the direction of gaze.

Based on the results of the experiment, the composition of the "favorites" was determined. Researchers, having studied the readings of the cameras, revealed the secret of their attractiveness: it turns out that men's gazes froze at the waist and slid down the thighs, and then rose back, and so on several times. Having discovered the scope of the basic instinct, the scientists measured the difference between the waist and hips in those virtual models that the volunteers liked, and got the coveted result.

So, here it is - the formula for female attractiveness: divide the waist by the hips and get 0.7. By the way, the "gold" standard 90-60-90 falls short of Dixon's formula by a few hundredths. Either the waist is too big, or the hips are too narrow ... But on the other hand, examples from the starry world testify in favor of the calculations of the New Zealand anthropologist - unfashionable, but not in doubt about their seductiveness. Those very seven-tenths of the difference between the waist and hips are in the unforgettable Marilyn Monroe and Jessica Alba, the famous Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio and, paradoxically, the bony brawler Kate Moss.

Barnaby Dixon was not too lazy and checked the validity of his calculations on the men of other countries. It turned out that not only New Zealanders, but also residents of Great Britain, Cameroon, Germany and China are greedy for the secret formula. “As I expected, it does not depend on the country and culture, - says the anthropologist. - The optimal ratio between the girth of the waist and the hips gives the woman such contours of the figure, at the sight of which the signal light in the male's brain lights up.“ This individual is healthy, she will give birth you healthy children "- dictates his instinct."

The study echoes those scientific projects, the results of which were published last year in Germany. Experts from the University of Regensburg have found that sharp curves of a female figure are more attractive for men than long legs and athletic muscle elasticity. They shed light on the opposite process, calculating the laws of male attractiveness and calming those guys for whom the concept of "stronger sex" does not include physical strength.

It turns out that women do not peck at hypertrophied biceps and triceps, nurtured by great works in the sweaty stuffiness of the "rocking chair", but at the signs of tenderness and sensitivity, which the pumped-up muscles, you must agree, are not. "The subconscious mind tells them to look for effeminate traits in a potential partner, indicating the absence of aggression, because it is a person with a gentle character and balanced temperament that will become the best father for the intended offspring," the authors of the study explained.

Hips are considered one of the most striking indicators of sexuality., since looking directly at the woman from the front, evaluating the beauty of the neckline is a little uncomfortable. And nothing prevents from looking at the girls from behind. The standards of beauty and fashion canons are constantly changing, while rushing from one extreme to another. But one thing remains unchanged - these are beautiful hips that attract, attract and attract male admiring glances.

World catwalks are pretty for a long time cast to the female and male society, the opinion that only long-legged tall beauties are beautiful, with parameters set by fashion, in which there is no place for wide hips. But, despite this, the opinion of men in this case was divided. A tight little ass can be quite attractive, but at the same time it does not generate any interest in terms of sexuality.

A girl with very narrow hips looks beautiful only when her breasts are relatively small and very thin waist, in other words - proportional figure... But studies show that most of the narrow-hip women do not have a pronounced waist, despite the fact that they are very thin. The majority of men agreed that women look more sexy if they have a pronounced waist, as well as proportionally beautiful, wide hips.

Wide hips attract men primarily. because they are associated with a girl's puberty. A flat one looks more like a child's figure, so not all men like such shapes. And even more so * plank * forms do not cause much attraction. But one should not forget about the individuality of opinions, because something cannot be stated unequivocally.

Men generally try not to focus on only one part of the body, but evaluate the overall silhouette. If the gaze falls on wide hips, then attention is immediately drawn to how harmonious the hips look against the background of the waist and, of course, with the chest.

Average estimates, obtained through surveys and research, in which men of different ages, professions and nationalities took part, say this - seventy-five percent of all men surveyed prefer women with wide hips, rounded, even slightly plump, booty, but without cellulite and hanging fat. Eleven percent prefer skinny and models, another eleven answered that the shape of such a part of the body as the hips should be proportional to the whole figure and not have * ears * on them. And the remaining three percent said they didn’t care about the shape of a woman’s hips, as they considered other parts of the body to be sexual stimuli.

Finally, it is worth noting that no matter what a woman's hips are - wide or narrow, the main thing is that they look beautiful, sexy and attractive. This can be easily achieved by keeping your body in great physical shape and, of course, choosing the right one.