Strong prayer so that nothing will be denied. What should be read during bureaucratic checks. Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Let us consider in detail so that a person lags behind the conspiracy forever - with a detailed description of all magical actions, so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

It is very important for any woman and girl to have a loved one nearby, whether he is in the status of her boyfriend or husband. You are planning a joint future, wondering what he can do for your relationship, imagine a future wedding and dream that your beloved boyfriend will become your husband. But what to do when a bright joint future no longer becomes the subject of your aspirations?

When you are thinking about what to do so that your former beloved will finally leave you behind and allow you to live in peace. Instead of living together, your desire is to protect yourself from close attention in order to avoid any contact with such a close person in the past. You look forward to the fact that your boyfriend or ex-husband will no longer bother you with your presence.

When you have tried all conceivable and inconceivable ways, went through all possible instances, tried all workarounds and it did not give any result, that is, there is another way out. The lapel is a reliable method that uses ritual and conspiracy to lape an annoying admirer away from him.

After the lapel, your husband or boyfriend will leave you alone, and you will be able to establish your personal life without any problems, walk the streets freely and do not worry if an annoying person "accidentally" appears from around the corner. Even if this is your husband, with whom you want to leave and divorce, the lapel will help you.

Let's figure out what a lapel is, how to open a man and how it will turn out for you.

Conspiracies for a man to lag behind a woman

Lapel is a magical action aimed at worsening love and interpersonal relationships. The lapel conspiracy aims to keep the person cool and not interested in you. In the case when a guy or husband does not give you life, turning his back is the only way out.

To make a good lapel so that your husband no longer interferes with life, you should read the conspiracy on a safety pin:

To be sure of the conspiracy, you can read another one. Say the following words:

As it scratches and scrapes, it will rid me of you. You will no longer be near me, as you unhook the wounding pin, so you will unhook yourself from me, and you will no longer know me.

How to use magic to make a man or a guy fall behind?

If you want to achieve that a man lagged behind you with the help of magic, you must understand what a lapel can be. A lapel from a guy is a ritual of cooling and strife, this is their symbiosis:

  • Cooling down is a magical action through conspiracy and ritual that helps the feelings of both men and women to cool down. It can be used to cool the senses of one person or both at once. From the outside, it looks as if the relationship between a man and a woman has exhausted itself and burned out, love and passion have calmed down.
  • Rassin is a magical action of a negative nature. They will be used so that the feelings not only cool down, but change to radically opposite ones. Such a couple constantly has conflict situations and quarrels. Also from the outside it looks as if love is gone and the relationship between a man and a woman is bursting at the seams and is held by a thread.

The lapel is both a fight and a cold together. But they are also used separately. In the case when you just want to break up with a man or a guy without quarrels and scandals, use only cool. After all, then you will simply be left alone, without aggressive actions and threats to yourself.

Prayer for the guy to fall behind

We will consider powerful prayers for an annoying man to leave you. Indeed, with the help of faith and church paraphernalia, prayer to heaven and the saints, you can achieve a lot.

Go to church. There, stand near the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Ask him to let my husband leave me alone.

Show your miracle, Holy pleaser of God. May your grace visit me, in order to leave yourself in peace with your grace. So that unkind people do not visit and look for me, so that my husband (name) does not climb up to me and torment me with his persistence and annoying attention for me. Amen.

Cross yourself three times and bow down to the icon.

To ask for protection, if an unwanted admirer is already overstepping all conceivable boundaries, follows from George the Victorious. It is he who is the warrior of God, and you can ask for protection from him.

Ask his icons. Say that need has led to ask the Holy Warrior of God.

May Saint George intercede for me, may he protect me from earthly and spiritual dangers. So that my husband (name of the fan) does not touch me, so that he does not offend me. I ask for help, intercession. May the warrior of God Saint George the Victorious save me and save me. And stands up for me from today and forever. So that the dangers passed over me and the evil people bypassed, so that their ill-will did not touch me and did not reach me.

The last prayer is also good because it will protect you from the conspiracies of other girls. After all, if you do not need a guy or a man, other girls who will try to win back your fan may well love him. And they may well harm you or read a conspiracy of failure or health problems on you. Therefore, do not forget: if you go to church for help, wear a pectoral cross as a talisman against other ill-wishers.

Conspiracy-lapel from a guy

Strong conspiracy using candles:

  • You will need two tall scarlet candles. They need to be placed in separate but similar candlesticks.
  • The table needs to be covered with black cloth, on which nothing but candles stood before this.
  • You will also need a pack of new matches, the contents of which are still intact.
  • With a knife that is not used in cooking, scratch the name of the husband you want to drive away from one candle on one candle, and your own on the other.
  • Place the candles on a table covered with black cloth, as close to one another as possible. This should be done at sunset.
  • Start reading the candle plot. Say: “As the flame burns and goes out, so the love of the servant of God (the name of the man) crushes me and dies out on the way. I drive it away from me like smoke from a candle. You don’t want to see me anymore, he’s not nice to me, so that he fenced me off from himself. My words are indestructible, key, lock. Amen".
  • As soon as it gets dark outside, you need to extinguish the candle flame with something wooden, but not personally, they also cannot be blown out.
  • The ceremony should be carried out every day, each time placing the candles further apart and also reading the conspiracy. The ritual can be completed when the candles are completely burned out and all this time will be moved aside.

Soon you will notice that your husband or boyfriend has grown cold towards you.

There is also a good and effective ritual and conspiracy for salt:

Rules for reading a conspiracy to cool the feelings of a man

Before carrying out a lapel to open a man, some rules should be considered:

  • If the plot does not indicate when it should be read, then the ritual should be carried out in the waning moon phase. The best day for a lapel is Saturday.
  • Do not put hatred in your words, do not wish evil on an annoying husband or boyfriend. After all, then everything will go downhill. Instead of a lapel, you end up spoiling the annoying person.
  • Be serious about your intention. This is not a joke, if you take the ritual and conspiracy lightly and with derision, you will get adverse consequences for yourself.

When reading a conspiracy to cool down or making a lapel, you should visualize only one specific man, so as not to make yourself worse. When reading such a conspiracy and conducting a ritual, you should use phrases that specifically indicate you, so use "me" and "yourself", your name. State the name of your husband or boyfriend. To make everything go well, try to get the lover's personal item, read a conspiracy on it and return it. At the same time, you should throw things on which you read the conspiracy from the previously mentioned rituals.

By specifying a person, you will protect yourself from the fact that the lapel will fail and you will become uninteresting to other men. After all, by doing cool and lapel, without adhering to the rules, you can cool the attitude of the entire opposite sex, and this is not at all what you need.

Consequences of conspiracies to turn a man away and their effect on a woman

Any magical action has its consequences and entails a rollback, as payment for the intervention of higher forces in the life of another person or people.

Reading the conspiracy, ponder over his words, become well acquainted with the attributes and their meaning, because you can get hooked on black magic, and then the consequences for you will be the most serious.

Do not wish evil on a person - illness, failure, death. After all, he will really start to get sick, drown in a black streak of failures. He will have serious problems at work, in relationships with other people. The same will happen to you.

Do not use things from the deceased, his clothes, the water that was used to wash him, do not put any items in the coffin, do not bury any things and photos of the annoying guy in the cemetery and do not use the earth from there. Rollback will literally sweep you away for using such necrotic magic.

Do not overdo it. When you see and feel coldness in relation to yourself from your boyfriend or husband, stop. After all, making cuffs on him further, you will only harm yourself. It will be very difficult for him to build normal relationships with other women. The negative influence of the lapel will ruin his personal life and instead of just driving him out of your life, you both will be left alone. He is like a person who received a lot of cuffs and chills, and you are like the person who made it and gets a kickback back.

Opening a guy is easy even easier to cool his feelings if you know how to do it right. Just do not forget about being careful and use magic for its intended purpose and in no case in order to harm a person.

Bad man conspiracy, 10 riddling conspiracies

To discourage a bad person from yourself, I recommend reading short conspiracies that save you from his bad presence.

Someone's negative thoughts or evil deeds can strike even a persistent person.

Sometimes it’s so uncomfortable to be with someone that you want to run.

A bad person may not give himself away, but, on the contrary, demonstrate cloying benevolence.

And only at the level of the soul, you are able to feel how the negative penetrates into your consciousness.

Before communicating with a bad person or wanting to get rid of his treatment, read special magic conspiracies to yourself, having memorized them.

* Bad man - go away. You are not with me. I'm not with you. Amen.

* If you do bad things, you will harm yourself. Amen.

* I get rid of the bad, I defend myself from the dashing. Amen.

* I am not afraid of harm, I will pray silently. Amen.

* How bad it will suddenly become, let my enemy lag behind. I will drive away trouble, I will ward off enmity. Amen.

* Whoever fixes the bad will take everything, then he will go back with this rabble. Amen.

* Whoever sends me bad will rot in a month. Amen.

* I get rid of bad people, I defend myself with this conspiracy. Amen.

* Take filthy thoughts with you, get away from me as soon as possible. Amen.

* For bad, you will receive twice, everything will return from God to you. Amen.

Now you have at your disposal 10 magical conspiracies to help get rid of a bad person.

Read them when you feel internal discomfort and anxiety.

Is there a conspiracy to get the person behind me and my family?

Help people. I don't know what to do anymore. I’m even ready to sin. I have such a situation. 7 years ago I met a guy, first relationship, first love, etc. She herself was small and stupid (14 years old), and he was 19. I met and that was all, because he was the first who drew attention to me. He himself was without a registration, did not graduate from school, a thief, an alcoholic. Naturally, the relatives were very categorically disposed. I didn't notice all this. Yes, and in my presence, he behaved normally, for the time being. After about half a year of relationship, he began to come to me drunk, then he began to beat people in front of me, then he began to call me names, then he began to let gossip that I was a slut, etc. (which half of the city still thinks, and I the child is actually at home, before him no one knew about my existence), then he began to beat me. I was silent, I was ashamed to admit the mistake in my choice and tell my family. The relationship was about 1.5 years old. I left him. And then he became wildly brutal. He started a pit bull, bought a pistol and was constantly waiting for me after school around the corner. He took away the phone and the keys to the house (he knew when his mother was at work from somewhere). He took me to my house and beat me. I couldn’t kick him out in any way. I told my mother, but she somehow did not react. Yes, I understand. You are the one to blame. Well, in general, there were people who kicked him off (sister's husband, a military man) and turned him away from me. And since then, this person has not lagged behind my family and me. First, he got a job with my father (my father lives in another family and my relationship did not really soar him) and they became friends with him. His comrades constantly looked after me at school. He called and wrote to my sister and mother. He called me and wrote. Quiet for a while.

About 3-4 years ago, I learn that my ex was sent to prison for murder. Joy knew no bounds, but it was not there - it was. My father still communicates with him, gives him money, brings handouts to prison, and he is happy, sits and complains about how bad he is (why is it my father.). He calls up my father. With my sister. I also talked to my mother, since my mother recently put him everywhere in emergency situations. And they talk, he calls, but they feel sorry for him, they say they put him in prison for nothing, and so the whole beggar ..

Than he touches me. And here's what. He knows everything about me. Knows everything about my family. Absolutely. Where I am. Who am I with. How I live, where I study. Knows just everything. About mom, dad, sister. His friends, whenever possible, report everything they know about me, his sister or friends for some reason bring him my photographs to prison. He himself also calls from different numbers, writes. In classmates, he often shines at a party, writes some kind of nonsense. Again, humiliating me that I am a slut, a whore, unclean, constantly annoys me with the fact that he knows everything about me.

People, I can't take it anymore. I have a loved one, and this scoundrel does not give me life. I want him to disappear from my life, to leave me and my family alone. All the more so soon he will be released from prison

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the intrigues of these people can seriously ruin our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nastiness, intrigue and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help to escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rituals - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. Getting rid of enemies is difficult, but we will help you deal with them. Rather simple spells will help you to punish the enemy, to protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to write.

How to pacify ill-wishers

There are enough enemies and envious people in everyday life. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, making them suffer and suffer. There is a proven conspiracy that removes your insecurities and makes enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

“If a bad person (called a name) looks after God's servant (your name) or a cow, dog, or my horse, then he will never be good for him. I collect sand from the sea, I take away your anger. Trees cannot be counted and all sea water cannot be drunk, so this man cannot overcome me. Let the wicked man's joints ache, as the roots of God’s power in the forest breaks. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magical neutralization of the enemy

Some particularly powerful rituals are designed to make the abuser fear you. Such conspiracies are read from enemies once, with the right hand laid on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who interfere with your life, mentally pronounce the spell:

“Not me to suffer, but you. From evil thoughts, Lord, protect me, take black deeds away. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are wax. From intrigues and unnecessary evil, my prayer is strong. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai. "

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who decide to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious and spiteful critics who interfere with career advancement, get their photos. For a spell from ill-wishers at work to be effective, the shot must be individual. You don't want black magic to do bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of whom is your nemesis. To carry out a magical ceremony, take scissors and remove unnecessary characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wind it harder on the photo you have obtained. The thread against enemies at work should be woolen. Procedure for performing actions:

  1. Cast a spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots are enough).
  3. Say the phrase: "I go and say - so be it."
  4. After reading the conspiracy against the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. Conspiracies from ill-wishers are different, they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Some spiteful critics are read spells for food, others - for three candles. Here is the full text of the "working" spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that many of the adversaries' undertakings go to a dead end. Let (mention of a name or names) take their hands off me, they do not achieve their task. I am winding a black thread, I wish the enemy to be chased away. Let (name of the enemy) torment with envy, but he cannot take my strength. He will always stray, lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

You will defend yourself with a powerful conspiracy from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both for the Slavs and for representatives of other peoples. The main thing is to know the name of a potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“Saint Elijah I call upon to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly host, earthly and water forces, tell me how to get rid of an envious person. I am leading the Guardian Angel to battle, all his power of the evil-doer will punish him. Help, heavenly host, to cope with an unpleasant person. Whoever thinks unkind - stop, who gets rid of me - warn me. The evil force will be defeated. Amen".

Conspiracy on a scarf

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief, you can confuse the enemy, prevent his aggressive actions. This is a strong defense against enemies, but you need to cast a spell before leaving the apartment. Pay attention to a number of points:

  • we speak a handkerchief in a whisper;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before leaving for work;
  • wiping your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the rite is repeated daily;
  • the spell can restore health, ward off corruption and create good conditions for business.

The handkerchief will create a bunch of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

“Seraphim and heavenly angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants, and unexpected guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil corruption from the house. What is stuck will go into a handkerchief. "

Rite of passage with poppy seeds

The poppy conspiracy is considered a preventive rite - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. At the same time, the status of the person and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Transfer the poppy seeds to a clay container.
  3. Cross the food 3 times.
  4. Read the conspiracy.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - just toss grains into a jacket or shirt pocket. This can be done when the guest wants to go to the toilet. Everything will be all right with the well-wisher, and the potential enemy will start having problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. At whom a bad thought was born, she immediately returned to the enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, they do not encroach on my ruin and health. If the enemy steals anything, the devil take him. "

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies are sometimes obtained from simple prayers. The candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual, you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross and drink water, light candles and start reading the prayer:

“Lord, save me from intrigues and nets, insidious notions and evil ideas, swords and poisons. Let not the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and the enemy's will hit me. Hot words, false promises, drowning wave, wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, they will protect me from early death, ailments and an inverted cross. Keep away from me. Amen".

Reflexive slander

There are slanderous words popularly called "boomerangs". The spell below is read mentally in the face of an enemy swearing with you. Procedure:

  1. Memorize the text.
  2. Say the slander in your mind.
  3. Seeing the fear in the eyes of your opponent, add: "It will come back to you."

The refund spell works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“Mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts are in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a talisman from enemies

Experienced healers recommend conspiracies so that enemies are afraid, combined with the manufacture of magical artifacts. Get out the loose gray poppy and start the ritual on Thursday. An important point: change in the store when buying poppy is not taken. The very same protective poppy crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“A month is behind me, the sun is red in front of my eyes. If the adversary is planning a dangerous one, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll out, gray poppy, to ruin my enemies and destroy the dastardly plans. Key and tongue lock. Evil scatters. Amen".

We have presented the simplest and most effective rituals used by our ancestors in everyday life from time immemorial. There are also more complex conspiracies pronounced at midnight or on major religious holidays. Some of the rituals fall under the category of dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

A conspiracy to keep the enemies behind.

What if enemies are constantly interfering in your life, and you do not believe that they will ever leave you behind? There are several conspiracies that can drive enmity from the heart of an ill-wisher, and your enemy will leave you behind and forget about your existence. Today I will share a few conspiracies to get the enemies behind you.

At exactly midnight, read the conspiracy from enemies 9 times. Here are the words of the conspiracy.

"Save, Lord God, and have mercy on me (name)

From the anger of a dashing, evil man,

From his thoughts and deeds,

From unkind words,

Secret malice, crafty thoughts.

May all his ideas and deeds

They will go to ashes, but before me, the servants of God (name)

They won't reach, they won't touch.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Here's another conspiracy that will keep your enemies behind you forever.

Conspiracy words to get enemies behind.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will walk across the open field,

Meeting of seven evil spirits and half-spirits.

Go you spirits and half spirits

Hang on to them and hold them

On a leash, eat their anger, drink their hate.

And I, the servant of God (name), will be safe and sound,

Unattainable for my enemies

Not in the field, not at home, not at a party,

Not on the road, not in the forest, not at the table,

Not in bed, not with relatives, not with strangers.

No one will interrupt my word,

Every evil person will leave me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

All is fair in war! Sometimes your enemies do such nasty and mean things that even.

/ li>

Probably everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, you probably know how difficult it is to return.

/ li>

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately, the weather is cold and gloomy, as well as constant rains.

Login to write a review.

All is fair in war! Sometimes your enemies do this.

Probably everyone knows what insomnia is. Also, probably.

Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately cold and gloomy.

You've probably heard of a conspiracy used to stop.

Voodoo rituals and corruption have long ceased to be plots in films. ...

Very often our knowledge is not enough to pass the exam successfully. For example, .

In our life, sometimes there are unnecessary, annoying people, from.

Together with spring, Easter is approaching. Many who are interested.

Losing weight is always painstaking work, even if it is carried out.

The standard of beauty changes every era. Previously, white was appreciated in Russia.

Hanging moles can be a lot of inconvenience. Elementary,.

It is no secret that extra sweets and buns are deposited in the form of fat.

Sometimes too slender body does not always look beautiful. Too much.

300 protective conspiracies for success and luck Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To have nothing denied

If you have a very important business, use this conspiracy before leaving your house. By doing this, you will make sure that after this you will not be denied your request. Read like this:

Lord, be with me forever and ever.


First time, God's hour,

Lord, God, help,

Bless my work.

Glorify my work itself

And put everything as I need it.

Is on God's table

Gold platter

There is a dear word in the Bible.

And the Lord speaks:

Who will ask in my name,

My Angel will not forget that,

He will sweep his wing,

In the most difficult case, he will help,

He will lay his wings on My shoulders,

He will take his right and left hand,

He will bring you to God's table.

There is a golden saucer on the table,

And in the Bible, the word is expensive on the table.

Against that word, not a single person

"No" will not be able to say.

And to me, the servant of God (name),

Nobody can

Refuse in my case.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.


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A. To have, give everything to everyone 1. When your body, your ego, and your dreams disappear, you will know that you will last forever. You truly think that this is achieved posthumously, but death cannot achieve anything, because death is nothing. Everything is achievable only through life, and life - from reason and in

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B. To Have Peace, Teach Peace, To Learn It 1. All believers in separation have a primordial fear of retribution and loneliness. They all believe in rejection and attack; that's all they perceive, what they teach and what they learn. These crazy ideas are clearly the result of separation and

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The Trauma of Rejection I am Kryon of Magnetic Service, and now I will touch on a few sensitive topics, as people are extremely sensitive in everything related to the field of sexuality. Despite the fact that they still had little idea of ​​what she meant or should have meant ... Po

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Meditation (45) for relieving the trauma of giving up I AM who I AM. Please take your place of meditation and make sure that there is a calm atmosphere and that you are not disturbed. You are in the middle of a stormy ocean, in a storm. Night. No land in sight. The tall ones rise around you

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To be successful in an important matter This conspiracy can be useful in various important matters, for example, if a person is interested in winning a competition, etc. To do this, you should step on the shadow of a big official or church minister, while you need to think about yourself:

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From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer. Edition 15 the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

[The meaning of giving up property] Similarly, the concept of giving up property is often misunderstood. Giving up property does not mean that you have to give everything away and give up everything. Things are the result of the creativity of mankind, and therefore they are needed

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

[Reasons for the refusal of the Mahatmas from the leadership of the Theosophical Society] Therefore, we, sensing the decline of our country, but not having the strength to immediately raise it, cannot act as we would have acted under other circumstances - neither in the main, nor in this particular issue. We are not

From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

So that there is no refusal to the wife of anything Light three candles and, looking at them, read such a conspiracy: The moon conspired, the star conspired, The sun conspired. All will agree among themselves, And all my words will be affirmed, They will be fulfilled and consolidated. All my decrees Be for the servant of God (name)

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So that you do not have a refusal (very strong conspiracy) If you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this conspiracy three times. I do not walk, I do not rush quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of the Siberian healer the author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

In order not to be denied in anything If you have a very important business, use this conspiracy before leaving your house. By doing this, you will make sure that after this you will not be denied your request. They read it like this: Lord, abide with me forever and ever. Amen. First time,

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A conspiracy before an important matter in order to have an impact on the event You will need: spring water, a silver spoon, a transparent container with wide edges, a candle Time for the ritual: on the eve of the event Place: premises What to do: Light a candle the night before and

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A conspiracy to have an impact on a new place of work (or in a new home) This conspiracy is done in the morning the next day after moving or after the first working day. You must go to wash in the morning (if the conspiracy is done at work, on the eve of the beginning of the second working day). Take from

Every person wants success in their personal life and work. A situation often arises when in order to get what you want, you need to ask. This may relate to the relationship with the boss or requests addressed to a loved one, relative, friend. Fear of refusal in a request often stops and forces us to adapt to the current circumstances.

In order to receive a positive answer to all your requests, you need to be able to ask correctly and enlist the support of higher powers.

Prayer that there is no refusal in anything is safe and effective, because this affirmation is addressed to the Universe and multiplies the effectiveness of such a message in the event that the asker believes in God.

What is prayer

What does this word mean? In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, she is given the following definition: “The conversion of a believer to God. Canonized text of the message ". Orthodox Christians have a more elevated attitude towards prayer and consider it not just a way to convey their thoughts and desires.

  • Believers believe that prayer is the connecting thread of the spiritual world.
  • They connect the earthly and spiritual worlds.

We can say that prayer is like air. If our thoughts and actions during it are pure, then the spiritual "air" will become pure and transparent. Grace will arise on the whole earth. If, while performing a prayer, a person will be overcome by gloomy and evil thoughts, then the spiritual "air" around will become gloomy and dark. And this is already a direct guide to the world of filth and vice.

So that the human soul does not end up in sin, and there is prayer. This is a kind of protective shield from the forces of evil. That is why it is so important for each of us.

Meaning of the word

What is the Christian meaning of the word prayer?

In the Holy Scripture, its definition is quite broadly disclosed: "Conversation of the soul with God as Father and Creator, connection with Him." Based on this definition, we can say that prayer is any thought, appeal, deed associated with the Lord.

Therefore, whatever deed an Orthodox Christian does, he does it with prayer. This means that he does it in front of our Lord.

So that after the end of earthly life, the soul does not end up in the abyss of hellish darkness, it is necessary to do all earthly deeds for the good of life on earth, with love for our Lord and for all living things. In this case, one can hope for spiritual grace.

Effectiveness of prayer

When we ask for something in prayer, God often answers the request.

Jesus unambiguously promised this: “And I will tell you: ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened ”(Luke 11: 9, 10). Often we do not receive what God would be happy to give us, for one reason: we do not ask Him for it. It is not for nothing that the apostle says: "... you do not have, because you do not ask" (James 4: 2).

Scripture provides many examples of God's answers to prayer - sometimes He even changes His mind in response to prayer.

  1. For example, when God said that He would destroy the Israelite people for sin, Moses offered up a prayer: "Turn away your fiery anger and abolish the destruction of your people" (Ex. 32:12). In response, “the Lord canceled out the evil about which he said that he would bring it to his people” (Ex. 32: 14).
  2. On a more personal level, John assures us that “if we confess our sins, then He, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1: 9).

These two examples, along with many others found in Scripture, should motivate us to pray more often, boldly asking the Lord to do what only He can do.

The effectiveness of prayer depends on faith in God

By and large, we have no right to ask God for anything. Our sins prevent us from asking for something from a holy God. But our prayers will be effective, the Bible promises, if we believe in Jesus. He became "the only mediator between God and men" (1 Tim. 2: 5). As Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14: 6).

So, God is not obligated to answer the prayers of those who reject His Son. Although God hears such prayers, and sometimes even answers them out of mercy, He does not promise to hear and answer the prayers of unbelievers the way He answers the prayers of believers who pray in accordance with His will.

Jesus is the only mediator between God and sinful people. Therefore, He taught His followers: “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you” (John 16:23). Having said this, Christ did not mean that one should mindlessly and repeatedly repeat the phrase “in the name of Jesus” in all prayer. It was about making requests on behalf of the mediator and in accordance with His character.

This is partly implicit in the words of John, who promised “to those who believe in the name of the Son of God” that “when we ask for anything according to His will, He listens to us” (1 John 5:13, 14).

Prayers that nothing will be denied

The strongest prayer

Thanks to this divine tool, you will be able to:

  • pass an interview;
  • achieve career growth;
  • enlist the support of your boss and colleagues;
  • get the desired position;
  • gain authority.

An example of a prayer address:

Lord, be with me forever and ever.Amen.

First time, God's hour,

Lord, God, help,Bless my work.

Glorify my work itselfAnd put everything as I need it.

Is on God's tableGold platter

There is a dear word in the Bible.

And the Lord speaks:

Who will ask in my name,My Angel will not forget that,

He will sweep his wing,In the most difficult case, he will help,

He will lay his wings on My shoulders,

He will take his right and left hand,He will bring you to God's table.

There is a golden saucer on the table,

And in the Bible, the word is expensive on the table.

Against that word, not a single person

"No" will not be able to say.

And to me, the servant of God (name),

Nobody canRefuse in my case.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.Amen.

To the Guardian Angel

The best appeal of a person for the fulfillment of what he wants is to his Guardian Angel. But it is worth praying if you really believe in higher powers, otherwise your attempts will not be crowned with success. And if the attitude is correct, you can hope for the help and indulgence of an angel who guards you throughout your life.

What is especially important:

  1. Tune in to the right emotions - you should be calm, address sincerely and believe that the desired result will come
  2. Accurately reproduce the prayer - every word has a meaning, so the text must be pronounced clearly and correctly
  3. Leave negative thoughts and tune in to the fact that everything will work out. Clearly create a mental image of what you want, and then begin to pronounce the cherished words

The text of the prayer is as follows:

Tune in, focus, and repeat the sacred text daily, waking up and before bed. If you follow all the rules, prayer will begin to act, and good luck will come into your life - everything you wish will begin to come true, as if by magic.

To Nicholas the Wonderworker

The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is sacred and revered not only in Russia, but throughout the entire world. People from all over the world turn to him with prayers so that nothing will be denied.

It is believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker patronizes children, men who work for a long time away from home and people who run their own businesses.

It should be addressed with this prayer:

It is advisable to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker in the church. But there is no need to go directly to the icon depicting this saint. First you need to bow down to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

It is important to be in a calm state of mind. Tune in to a positive, serene and calm mood. Then the Higher powers will come to the rescue and give you luck, money and whatever you want - nothing will be denied.

To Matrona of Moscow

Saint Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered and famous saints in our country. There is an opinion that thanks to the prayers addressed to her, real miracles happen in people in their lives. There were cases of miraculous healings of seriously ill people who earnestly prayed to Matrona.

She is considered the most "popular" saint, so you should turn to her with a prayer for good luck. The sacred text consists of one sentence. You need to contact Matrona of Moscow with the following words:

"Holy righteous old lady Matrono, pray to God for us!"

After you have pronounced the text of the prayer, you need to mentally say everything that should be fulfilled. Wish that you did not have a refusal, ask to send you good luck and bring luck into your life.

You can also speak out more specific desires - to apply with a request to establish things in work, to lead to harmony in family relationships. In general - talk about everything that worries you.

Prayers for the boss not to refuse


You can not only read a prayer at work from evil bosses. It must be remembered that anger is a mortal offense, therefore, a person who screams, is often angry, uses strong expressions, you need to feel sorry and give a note in the church about his health, pray for his soul.

Often the director is angry with the employee for demonizing, therefore, in addition to reading special prayers from the wrath of the bosses, it is imperative to lead a Christian way of life: go to church on Sundays, receive communion, confess, read the evening and morning prayer rules.

Do not try to turn to various magicians and sorcerers to get rid of the evil leader - God sees all our thoughts, and this is unlikely to harm the oppressor, but your soul will suffer heavy losses.

Protective petition to King David

So, let's find out how praying at work from evil bosses helps. In moments of danger, each person turns to higher powers for assistance. Of course, here we are not talking about those moments when a person needs to gather strength and begin to fight for his life. After all, as a rule, the Lord is remembered when a person has no hope left at all and things are disgusting.

  1. In order to be ready for any problem, to keep the clarity of the mind, to discipline the mind, you need a protective prayer to David.
  2. You must agree that everyone should know a prayer from an evil boss.
  3. This is how the unbeliever differs from the religious believer.
  4. A Christian always calculates a dangerous situation and then asks for help from heavenly powers.

The life of king David

It is known that King David during his lifetime was always very God-fearing. And this is with all the successes and military affairs, with the highest status of the state. At the same time, he was meek.

It can also be said that the tsar did not always follow the provisions of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Lord forbids having multiple wives. The ruler had a countless number of them.

Once King David fell in love with his subject's wife, whose name was Bathsheba. She was breathtakingly beautiful. To get her, the king sent her beloved husband to inevitable destruction. Saint Nathan from Israel convicted David of sin, and he did not justify himself, but immediately sincerely repented to the Lord.

Since that time, prayer words of repentance have become the most popular prayer book for such disasters:

  • ailments;
  • enemies;
  • enemies;
  • in a difficult situation;
  • before danger.

The prayer "Lord, remember King David" helps to soften or even completely neutralize the anger that often appears among rulers, evil leaders. This supplication can "pacify" all the keepers of order.

You can also read this prayer book when you feel that you are not able to cope with your fit of anger, rage, irritation. It is even allowed to say the prayer to oneself. The priests recommend doing this nine times. After that, as a rule, the soul is pacified, calm comes.

The prayer of King David from an evil boss is very effective, as it always helps to protect oneself from irritated and angry people. For many centuries it has been reconciling and subduing the warring parties. It is also effective when read before exams. This appeal will protect you from an evil teacher or teacher.

What is good about prayer to the Archangel Michael from an evil boss? It helps to protect oneself from the evil eye, all adversity and ill-wishers. Archangel Michael is considered the most powerful protector of the body and spirit of the believer, and is revered by the Christian Church.

  • He is the main (supreme) angel, the leader of God's army, in other words, the archangel.
  • It was under his leadership that angels fought against demons and the devil.
  • Even before the birth of Christ, at the behest of God, he supported the Jewish people in the struggle against the pagans.

When Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, Michael accompanied them, showing the way. He appeared to Joshua and before the storming of Jericho. The chronicle of the Orthodox Church preserved the memory of the large number of miracles performed by the angel. Therefore, the icon depicting the Archangel Michael is a very strong protection for all Christians, and a petition addressed to the image protects from any grief.

Strong protection

A very powerful prayer from an evil boss is a prayer to the Archangel Michael. On the icons, the main angel is depicted with a long, sharp sword in his hand. This weapon cuts off human fears and anxieties, conquers evil forces. Michael helps people get rid of evil, deceit, takes away from temptation. He is the foremost protector of all who keep the laws of the Lord.

A prayer from the evil chief was inscribed on the porch of the church of the Archangel Michael, the Kremlin's Miracle Monastery, which was blown up after the October Revolution.

  • from evil people;
  • from the evil one;
  • from temptations;
  • from the evil eye and other magical influences;
  • from tragic events;
  • from sudden attacks and robberies.

This prayer addressed to the supreme angel will also help the soul get rid of the torments of hell. You need to write on a piece of paper the names of your parents, children, loved ones - all those for whom you want to ask. Further, when reading the prayer to the angel, you need to call all the inscribed names, where it is indicated.

Also, what kind of prayer at work from evil bosses helps? A powerful prayer from the wrath of the leadership is also considered to be a petition to St. Alexis.

The future Metropolitan of Moscow, Saint Alexy (in the world of Eleutherius) was born in 1292 (according to other sources, in 1304) in the family of the boyar Byakont Fyodor in Moscow. According to legend, when he was twelve years old, he fell asleep while catching birds and heard the words: “Why are you working in vain? You will catch people. "

From that moment on, Alexy began to often retire and, at the age of fifteen, decided to become a novice. He entered the Epiphany monastery located in Moscow in 1320, where he remained for about twenty years.

Pacifying prayer

As you know, bosses are not selected, therefore, if you get an angry leader, get ready for the working day at home. In the morning, be sure to read a prayer to your angel so that he will protect you during the day.

If you see that the boss is already annoyed in the morning and is looking for something to cling to, say a pacifying prayer from the anger of the leader. It is usually read to the prophet David and has the following content:

"Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness, as Father King David was short, quiet, merciful and patient, so that all enemies for the servant of God (name) were meek, quiet, merciful and patient."

How to pray correctly

Sacred prayer has incredible power. But in order for your message to the Higher powers and God through the saints to be embodied in life, you need to follow certain rules.

If you are praying in the temple:

  • Before entering a sacred place, you must cross yourself and bow three times, turning your gaze to the dome of the church
  • Women must cover their heads with a scarf. Better to wear a long dress to the floor or a skirt - your legs should be covered. You cannot open your shoulders either - try to come to the temple in the most closed outfit
  • All negative thoughts and bad moods should be left outside the threshold of the temple. One should enter God's place with pure thoughts and a pure soul. Therefore, if anger, resentment or other bad emotions fill you, it is better to refrain from attending the temple on that day.
  • The best time to address the saints and visit the temple is early in the morning. At this time, there is no fatigue, and negative emotions do not have time to accumulate during the day.
  • Before visiting the temple, you need to take a shower, come not only with a clean soul, but also with a clean body

If you want to increase the power of prayer, you can donate to the church or give alms to the beggars who are usually outside the temple. But you need to share in a kind way, give money with a pure heart, not expecting that the Lord will send something in return.

If you are praying at home:

  1. It is better to pronounce the sacred text, referring to the icon of the saint to whom the words of the prayer are intended
  2. You can light wax candles next to the icon, and then start prayer
  3. There should be no other people or pets in the room while the prayer is being read. Make sure there is silence around and no one to bother you.
  4. Be calm and focused, relaxed in body, but concentrated in thoughts on what you want to ask the saints.

What is a conspiracy

At the very beginning of the origin of magic, people turned to natural phenomena, believed that they had incredible power. The words of the conspiracies were composed in such a way as to attract the attention of the entity that controls the elements.

That is, the text of the spell is a set of sounds designed to connect the magician with the egregor.

It can be a little easier to tell what a conspiracy is. Imagine that you are standing on the bank of a river and want to have breakfast, and on the opposite side your friend is resting, next to whom there is a basket of food. You need a bridge to get to the goodies. Conspiracy and fulfills its role.

He connects the magician with forces that can help him. The building material of this "bridge" is not only words, but rather the mental attitude, the inner strength of the wizard. The text is actually necessary to direct the energy flow in a certain channel, namely to the egregor.

How a conspiracy works

Let's discuss the magic mechanism a little so that it does not frighten or cause bewilderment. The spoken words do nothing by themselves. Your aura or subtle bodies are at work. We are all multidimensional beings. The physical body is in our usual space. But there are also subtle fields that are not visible to the eye. They are parts of our body and exist in magical worlds.

  • For example, we see dreams in the astral plane. This is the closest world to ours, in which there are feelings and the fruits of the imagination.
  • Conspiracies work due to the energy of subtle bodies. Few people can feel it.
  • But for us it is clear that magic is effective when you believe in it. It is this feeling of confidence in the effectiveness of conspiracies that shows the readiness of the aura to work.
  • If it is, then the person becomes a wizard.
  • In his absence, the sorcerer does little, no matter how much he learns spells or penetrates into the intricacies of rituals. And no ancient conspiracy book will help. The aura needs to be ready for work, for magic.

Attracting forces

Magicians use the entire visible and unmanifest world for their own purposes.

You've heard that there is a conspiracy to the moon, water, wind and the like. This is a way to involve natural phenomena in the process of achieving your own goal.

Words are spoken on certain days or even moments.

For example, there are rituals associated with lightning. For them to work, magicians wait for a natural electrical discharge in the atmosphere. But this, of course, is a difficult case. Often attracted by the cyclical phenomena of nature or the forces of plants and minerals.

What is the difference between prayer and conspiracy

A lot of people who want to magically help themselves without the participation of specialists begin to search the Internet for conspiracies, spells, prayers and read everything, mistakenly believing that this is a panacea and very soon the prince will knock on their door, near which there is already a bag of money ...

From ignorance of the nuances and subtleties, it turns out only one thing - they harm themselves. And very much. Therefore, I will try to explain how prayers differ from conspiracies.

Since ancient times, prayers and conspiracies are considered saviors from many ailments and healers of fate. Reading them, you can heal from the disease, find your betrothed, improve your financial situation.

Many people are mistaken when they think that prayer and conspiracy are one and the same. But both in the conspiracy and in prayer there are appeals to God and accompanying words, such as "Hallelujah" and "Amen."

Feature of conspiracies

A conspiracy is a powerful verbal formula that has a magical (magical) effect on the course of events. Reading a conspiracy, a person often calls for help from the forces of nature, the elements and awakens the hidden capabilities of the human body.

It is not for nothing that they say that the power of the human word is unreal and powerful. And it is true. Conspiracies exist for health, luck, fortune, career growth, good pregnancy and childbirth, improvement of the material condition, meeting your destiny ...

  1. In order for the conspiracy to be valid, it must be read exactly as indicated in the source.
  2. Do not confuse anything, change nothing and invent nothing.
  3. Only then will it work and start acting in the right direction.
  4. The main thing is to learn to distinguish between right and wrong and think a hundred times before reading any conspiracy.
  5. Analyze his words.

Often, conspiracies are accompanied by some other actions (rituals). They also need to be done strictly according to the instructions. And in general, magic at home often turns into evil. From ignorance, people harm themselves. Therefore, be alert and confident in what you are doing. A conspiracy is fast, effective, but dangerous!

Feature of prayers

Prayer is words that are addressed to God and the higher light forces and spirits. With the help of prayer, people protect themselves from the action of demons, dark forces, enlist divine support and ask for the healing of spirit, soul, body and destiny. The effect of prayer is often compared to a miracle. This is a miracle!

Prayer always involves your spirit. It's a huge job to read prayers. In most cases, you need to read for at least 40 days for the prayer to really start working. There are prayers that need to be read by the whole family for healing, for example, the family tree.

  • You need to sacredly believe in what you are doing when reading prayers.
  • Sincerely and truly desire what you ask for.
  • Or thank you.
  • Ideally, prayer is asking, real, crying, sometimes spontaneous.
  • Just mumbling something under your breath in the morning, believing that you have “prayed” - this is not enough, it’s better not to do it at all.

Prayer helps to get rid of phobias, fears, unpleasant and difficult moments. It itself carries a completely different meaning than a conspiracy. Angels often dictate prayers to me to be read on specific occasions. And in this regard, the conspiracy, of course, is more prosaic, but clearer and more specific. There is nothing lofty and uttered in it, but there is a goal! Prayer is primarily aimed at your healing.

By the way, prayer brings only a positive result, the conspiracy is often unpredictable. Therefore, always listen to your heart.

What help does a conspiracy provide

In the old days, this spell was read when it was necessary to turn to a master, a clerk or other superiors with a request. As a rule, requests related to everyday issues - preparing firewood for the winter, providing assistance in building a hut, resolving conflicts with neighbors, etc.

Today, the old Slavic conspiracy can be used for the following purposes:

  • Settlement of issues regarding housing and communal services, property;
  • The need to get a vacation;
  • All kinds of petitions and court cases;
  • Registration of subsidies or benefits;
  • Employment for work;
  • The need to enlist the support of superiors or colleagues;
  • Discussion of promotions, receiving bonuses, salary increases, and other requests to the authorities.

For the conspiracy to work, several conditions must be met. First, your request must be legal and proportionate to your needs. For example, a perfectly healthy person will not be able to receive disability benefits with his help. Secondly, the request should not infringe on the interests of other people (as an example - an attempt to expand your land plot at the expense of neighbors).

Conspiracies so that nothing is denied

Conspiracy 1

Read the conspiracy so that your request is not denied. I assure you that the person you need will treat you and your request favorably and will not dare to refuse you. The conspiracy is read before leaving the house. Cross yourself and say the words of the conspiracy three times.

So, the conspiracy so as not to refuse the request.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will rise, the servant of God (name), early,
I will wash myself whitewashed at dawn.
I will go out of the gate, I will go out of the fields, Where the winds are raging.
I will bow, I will cross myself, I will pray to the east.
I'll take a look at the royal house.

Both kings and kings go there, And boyars, priests and nobles
Old and young.
Everyone respects them, they are afraid, Orders are quickly carried out.
So in my request. Let there be no refusal.
Accept (name) my request And pour your permission on him.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Here is another conspiracy that they read so that the request is not refused.

“Jesus Christ has Mother Mary,
He Can't Beloved Mother
No request to refuse.
So let me too, all who are behind this door
They sit, they could not refuse me anything,
They did not dare to reject my request.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Chief conspiracies

At work, almost any adult able-bodied person who wants to achieve something in life spends a fairly large amount of time. Even raising your children requires a lot of work. It would be possible, of course, to start a business, but not everyone succeeds, and there are a lot of pitfalls there, so everything is not so rosy as it might seem from the outside. So ordinary people have to somehow get along in a team and build relationships with their superiors.

And not all bosses are as pleasant as a birthday present. Life at work can turn into a real nightmare, but with the help of conspiracies, all these irregularities can be easily smoothed out.

Conspiracy so that the boss does not find fault

It happens that the boss often finds fault, the power, albeit small, still spoils people. But you shouldn't blame him, for many bosses the work, though not dusty, but, as a rule, is nervous, so many do not stand it, and then the character deteriorates, and it becomes a habit to yell.

You could, of course, spit on everything, yell at the boss yourself, slam the door and leave with your head held high and beg for alms somewhere near the metro. Well, the latter, of course, is superfluous, but in reality you can look for a good job for months and not the fact that you are lucky. But if you reasonably judge, wherever you go, in any case it will turn out, as they say here in Russia: “when you leave one“ madhouse ”, you end up in another“ madhouse ””.

The best thing that can be done in this case is to carry out a simple magic conspiracy on the boss. Take a small plate and put exactly seven pinches of salt in it, saying each time:

“White and pure salt, take all the nagging of my boss into yourself, take all his bad thoughts and bad speeches for yourself. Let the insult pass, let the anger irrevocably go away, and let my boss, God's servant (Ivan), begin to appreciate me, God's servant (Elena). Amen"

  1. That is, the conspiracy from the boss needs to be read seven times, well, you yourself understood that.
  2. Next, you need to add salt before entering the boss's office, before entering the organization and in the boss's office in all corners.
  3. It is necessary that no one sees you during this activity.
  4. It is important to add salt so that it is not immediately detected, for example, not under the threshold itself, but above the doorway.
  5. And pour salt into the corners of the cabinet behind the plinth, pushing (unscrew) it a little with a screwdriver and then push it back, if the design allows.

It can also help you in your case if you have unhindered access to offices, including the chief’s office. Or you have strong friendships with people who have such access, for example, a secretary, a cleaner, a system administrator, and the like.

To win the boss's trust

One of the best ways to protect yourself from a boss’s nagging is to win over him or her trust.

To do this, take a little honey or sugar. And sprinkling the threshold in front of the boss's office with sugar, or smearing with honey, say:

“Like honey (sugar), it brings sweetness and joy to all people. So I too, a servant of God (Elizabeth), let my boss (boss), a servant of God (servant of God) (name) be pleasant. And bring joy to his (her) heart, every time he (she) sees me. Amen"

Do not forget that the ceremony should be performed only on the growing moon or on the full moon. In this case, the best conspiracy from the boss's nagging will work carried out on Sunday or Friday.

Conspiracy so that the boss does not scold

Before you go to work, so that the boss does not scold and nag once again, knock on the wooden table three times with your left hand, more precisely with your fist, and then say:

“As this wooden table is strong and firmly standing, so let the mouth of my boss, God's servant (God's servant) (Name), be silent in my presence. Let my boss not find fault with me, the servant of God (the servant of God) (his name), he should not be sprayed with anger. Let my desire he (she) take into account, and my authority in the eyes of him (her) grows. Let everything go well at work, the matter is in my hands, and the boss does not quarrel with me. Amen"

Here, instead of the word boss, you can pronounce it - director, manager and the like, depending on the position held.

  • This conspiracy from an evil boss needs to be spoken out for several days in a row before work.
  • And then soon everything will work out for you at work, the boss will start looking at you with completely different eyes, will begin to appreciate more and find fault less.

So that there is no refusal to you

When you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this conspiracy three times:

“I don’t go on foot, I don’t hurry quietly, on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name): neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday, nor on Wednesday, nor on Thursday, nor on Friday, nor on Saturday.

Take the hell to yourself my concern. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They did not move their tongue against, they would respect me and love me.

Cross with cross, deal with a good ending.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To be hired

Before you go to get a job, wash yourself off the door bracket (door handle). With your right hand you pour water onto the bracket so that it flows down it, and with your left hand you take the drained water and wash your face.

When you wash you read the conspiracy:

“Water - from the face, beauty - to the face. To whom I go, I go in single file, and I will return in a king. The sun is behind me, the threshold is in front of me. And you, chief, be under my foot. As I say - I will express it, so in my opinion it will be. Amen".

To be hired

“I'm going to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, the owner to have a look. My face is sweet to him, my soul does not grow cold. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be moved by my words. He would not have banished the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words slave and slave can be changed depending on who is reading, man or woman.

Ways to Ask and Get What You Want

It is imperative to be able to sincerely ask and sincerely give. Then we are all given to each other in order to lend a helping hand at the right time and be near. And at the same time, you need to be ready to hear a refusal - after all, people have every right to either show you a favor or refuse.

And in order for your requests to be heard and so that you hear refusals as little as possible, you need to know how to ask correctly and at the same time feel great.

Express your request in a polite and open manner.

Always speak honestly and openly about your desires and requests, even if you understand that you may be refused. Do not manipulate people by showing with all your appearance that you will be offended if they do not fulfill what you ask.

Instead of covertly demanding that your request be fulfilled, ask for help politely and openly. If the request is about your business, sincerely share your big plans and enthusiasm - it inspires people and makes them even more willing to help you.

Ask in a calm, soft and kind voice

Often times, people (especially men) can refuse a request because they hear the order in it. Anyone will feel wounded in such a situation and will react coldly to such a request.

  1. Therefore, if you want to increase the chances of getting what you want a hundredfold, ask gently, calmly, kindly.
  2. Not a single person, and in particular a man, will remain indifferent to such a woman's request.
  3. If you are refused, in any case, do not react to it with aggression and anger, just take it as another chance to repeat your request.

Thank you in advance

Gratitude is your acknowledgment of another person's merits. Even if someone refuses you, still express your gratitude out loud. Indeed, often it is not the benefit that is important for people, but your gratitude for their actions.

This is especially true for your husband or partner. The more often you ask him and at the same time sincerely thank him, you will very soon see how willingly a man fulfills all your requests, because he feels needed. And perhaps then you will not have to ask any more - he himself will foresee your desires and requests.

When your request concerns a business, in addition to gratitude, it is also important to think about what you can give in exchange for the service. Do your best to show the person you are asking of all the benefits of your proposal.

Speak or write clearly and specifically

Vague requests lead to vague results. And some people, out of fear to ask, begin to beat around the bush, tell long backstories about what caused the request itself, etc. This is ineffective - if a person initially wanted to help, then everything that accompanies this request is already annoying him.

Be clear about what you need and when. This is especially true for requests addressed to men, and doubly especially if your relationship is just beginning, because they do not understand the hints.

  • Translating this into the business sphere, from my experience I will say that if you yourself are not 100% sure of what you are doing and what you are asking for, if you are not ready to provide clear details, plans and specifics at your request, then to you will not be taken seriously.
  • Prepare as much as possible for the request and you will get what you want.

Repeat requests

Think about how the children ask and what results they get. Looking at my 6-year-old daughter, I myself learn this art from her. Remember, if one person rejects you, don't give up and turn to another. And if he didn’t answer at all… it doesn’t mean that he didn’t want to help… maybe he didn’t see your letter or didn’t hear your request.

For example, when you ask your man for something, but he does not respond. You wait for him to fulfill your request, but he still hesitates, and you start to slowly boil or do everything yourself.

  1. And here the main thing is to cool down and ask again. And then over and over again until you get the result. Because usually a man is always engaged in only one thing (works, reads, watches TV, talks to friends, etc.), is completely focused on him and simply does not respond to your request.
  2. And do not forget about point 2 - even for the seventh time, ask in a calm, soft and kind voice. After all, he hears your request for the first time.

It's the same in business. People might just be busy and might accidentally miss your email. When you re-write about your request or ask a question, it is not obsession - it is persistence.

Ask with confidence to get it

Many people, even before they start asking, paint in their heads sad pictures of refusals and their consequences. Of course, you will not help the cause with such an attitude, but on the contrary, you can really attract a refusal to yourself.

Therefore, when you ask someone for something, speak as if you have already received what you need, but at the same time you are not afraid of rejection. This positive expectation is sure to attract what you want, even if not the first time.

Learn to want and allow yourself

If we have forgotten how to desire, want and allow ourselves to have something (gifts, requests, help, etc.), then most likely we will not have it. Others will refuse to help us, will not respond to our requests, men will not give gifts ...

If we ourselves do not allow ourselves to have what we want, then why should others give it to us? If you have found echoes of this problem in yourself, think about how you can start correcting this situation right today and allow yourself to have everything that you deserve.

Complete collection and description: prayer so that no one can refuse for the spiritual life of a believer.

If you are meeting on an important matter, then read a special conspiracy before leaving the house. In this case, no one will deny you any request. The conspiracy is as follows:

Lord, be with me forever and ever. Amen.

First time, God's hour,

Lord God, help,

Bless my cause,

Glorify my work itself

There is a golden saucer on God's table,

There is a dear word in the Bible.

“Who will ask in my name,

My Angel will not forget that,

He will sweep his wing,

He will lay his wings on his shoulders,

He will bring you to God's table. "

"No" won't be able to say

And to me, the servant of God (name), no one can

Refuse in my case.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that there is no refusal in the request

Each of us has to address from time to time with various requests to bosses or officials. Postpone vacation for a more suitable month, obtain permission to redevelop an apartment, apply for an allowance - but you never know what may be required in life! But getting what you want is not always possible, because not all leaders and officials are sensitive people, ready to delve into other people's problems.

When going to a meeting with an important person, you can play it safe and read a special conspiracy so that the request is not refused. White magic will help you break down bureaucratic obstacles and break through the wall of indifference. Provided, of course, that your request is fair and proportionate to your needs.

What help does a conspiracy provide

In the old days, this spell was read when it was necessary to turn to a master, a clerk or other superiors with a request. As a rule, requests related to everyday issues - preparing firewood for the winter, providing assistance in building a hut, resolving conflicts with neighbors, etc. Today, the old Slavic conspiracy can be used for the following purposes:

  • Settlement of issues regarding housing and communal services, property;
  • The need to get a vacation;
  • All kinds of petitions and court cases;
  • Registration of subsidies or benefits;
  • Employment for work;
  • The need to enlist the support of superiors or colleagues;
  • Discussion of promotions, receiving bonuses, salary increases, and other requests to the authorities.

For the conspiracy to work, several conditions must be met. First, your request must be legal and proportionate to your needs. For example, a perfectly healthy person will not be able to receive disability benefits with his help. Secondly, the request should not infringe on the interests of other people (as an example - an attempt to expand your land plot at the expense of neighbors).

How to read a conspiracy

This text needs to be said before you go to a meeting with the person on whom the solution to your problem depends:

Conspiracy so that the request is not refused:

I'm going to the bar, not young and not old,

I carry with me a demand that I need more than bread,

Nicholas the Wonderworker, saint, intercede,

Pray for me before the Lord!

So that according to your order, nothing will be denied to me,

Neither in the fall, nor in the spring, nor in the winter cold, nor in the summer heat,

Not under a clear sun, not under a full moon.

I will cross on four sides

Everyone I turn to will not refuse!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, you can read the Orthodox prayer Our Father. Light a candle, read a prayer, then turn with your request to a higher force. Then you can go to a meeting - if your need is fully justified, then there will be no refusal.

By the way, the above conspiracy can help even a person who does not believe in magic or does not want to pronounce a spell aloud. Rewrite the text by hand on a blank sheet of paper, fold the sheet several times and put it in the pocket of the person going to an interview or meeting with a boss / official. For safety, you can put the resulting bundle in a plastic bag or paste over it with tape.

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Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer that nothing will be denied

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our Vkontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

Every modern person dreams of a highly paid and promising job. But in the current conditions, with constant crises and economic leaps, finding such a place is a real gift of fate. In addition, most people are engaged in an unloved business, constantly complain about their work and do not know what to do in this situation.

But there is always a way out. To get a profitable, relevant, promising and interesting position, we recommend using the help of the Almighty or other heavenly forces. For this, the prayer "So that there is no refusal" is suitable.

Thanks to this divine tool, you will be able to:

  • pass an interview;
  • achieve career growth;
  • enlist the support of your boss and colleagues;
  • get the desired position;
  • gain authority.

An example of a prayer address:

Lord, be with me forever and ever.

First time, God's hour,

Lord, God, help,

Bless my work.

Glorify my work itself

And put everything as I need it.

Is on God's table

There is a dear word in the Bible.

Who will ask in my name,

My Angel will not forget that,

He will sweep his wing,

In the most difficult case, he will help,

He will lay his wings on My shoulders,

He will take his right and left hand,

He will bring you to God's table.

There is a golden saucer on the table,

And in the Bible, the word is expensive on the table.

Against that word, not a single person

"No" will not be able to say.

And to me, the servant of God (name),

Refuse in my case.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch a video from which you will learn powerful prayers for good luck in everything:

Prayer that nothing is denied - we turn to the saints correctly

Prayer that nothing will be denied is a variant of affirmation. That is, the sacred text is a mental message of a person, materializing thoughts and desires. But if typical affiramations are addressed to the Universe, and therefore do not always help, then prayer also carries a deep religious meaning. A person's faith in God multiplies the effectiveness of such a request.

We will share the best prayer options that will help bring good luck into your life.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

The best appeal of a person for the fulfillment of what he wants is to his Guardian Angel. But it is worth praying if you really believe in higher powers, otherwise your attempts will not be crowned with success. And if the attitude is correct, you can hope for the help and indulgence of an angel who guards you throughout your life.

What is especially important:

  1. Tune in to the right emotions - you should be calm, address sincerely and believe that the desired result will come
  2. Accurately reproduce the prayer - every word has a meaning, so the text must be pronounced clearly and correctly
  3. Leave negative thoughts and tune in to the fact that everything will work out. Clearly create a mental image of what you want, and then begin to pronounce the cherished words

The text of the prayer is as follows:

Tune in, focus, and repeat the sacred text daily, waking up and before bed. If you follow all the rules, prayer will begin to act, and good luck will come into your life - everything you wish will begin to come true, as if by magic.

Prayer addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is sacred and revered not only in Russia, but throughout the entire world. People from all over the world turn to him with prayers so that nothing will be denied.

It is believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker patronizes children, men who work for a long time away from home and people who run their own businesses.

It should be addressed with this prayer:

It is advisable to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker in the church. But there is no need to go directly to the icon depicting this saint. First you need to bow down to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. It is important to be in a calm state of mind. Tune in to a positive, serene and calm mood. Then the Higher powers will come to the rescue and give you luck, money and whatever you want - nothing will be denied.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow

Saint Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered and famous saints in our country. There is an opinion that thanks to the prayers addressed to her, real miracles happen in people in their lives. There were cases of miraculous healings of seriously ill people who earnestly prayed to Matrona.

She is considered the most "popular" saint, so you should turn to her with a prayer for good luck. The sacred text consists of one sentence. You need to contact Matrona of Moscow with the following words:

"Holy righteous old lady Matrono, pray to God for us!"

After you have pronounced the text of the prayer, you need to mentally say everything that should be fulfilled. Wish that you did not have a refusal, ask to send you good luck and bring luck into your life.

You can also speak out more specific desires - to apply with a request to establish things in work, to lead to harmony in family relationships. In general - talk about everything that worries you.

How to pray correctly

Sacred prayer has incredible power. But in order for your message to the Higher powers and God through the saints to be embodied in life, you need to follow certain rules.

If you are praying in the temple:

  • Before entering a sacred place, you must cross yourself and bow three times, turning your gaze to the dome of the church
  • Women must cover their heads with a scarf. Better to wear a long dress to the floor or a skirt - your legs should be covered. You cannot open your shoulders either - try to come to the temple in the most closed outfit
  • All negative thoughts and bad moods should be left outside the threshold of the temple. One should enter God's place with pure thoughts and a pure soul. Therefore, if anger, resentment or other bad emotions fill you, it is better to refrain from attending the temple on that day.
  • The best time to address the saints and visit the temple is early in the morning. At this time, there is no fatigue, and negative emotions do not have time to accumulate during the day.
  • Before visiting the temple, you need to take a shower, come not only with a clean soul, but also with a clean body

If you want to increase the power of prayer, you can donate to the church or give alms to the beggars who are usually outside the temple. But you need to share in a kind way, give money with a pure heart, not expecting that the Lord will send something in return.

If you are praying at home:

  • It is better to pronounce the sacred text, referring to the icon of the saint to whom the words of the prayer are intended
  • You can light wax candles next to the icon, and then start prayer
  • There should be no other people or pets in the room while the prayer is being read. Make sure there is silence around and no one to bother you.
  • Be calm and focused, relaxed in body, but focused in thoughts on what you want to ask the saints

See in the video what other prayers are aimed at good luck and success in life:

And it is very important that a person who turns to the saints should not lead a sinful life. If you want your prayers to work, live your life without shame. Eliminate harsh, swear words from your vocabulary. Do not quarrel with loved ones and do not offend other people on your way. Don't break the commandments. Don't have bad habits.

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Conspiracy so that there is no refusal to you

Conspiracy so that there is no refusal to you

"I do not go on foot, I do not hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name):

Not Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Take the hell to yourself my concern.

So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any.

They did not move their tongue against, they would respect me and love me.

Cross with cross, deal with a good ending.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

I will test and write a review)

And before you (name) good rіch I change:

I am a holy shepherd before you,

"I am not going, I am not going, I am disgusting,

And before you (name), I’ll replace the nasty r_ch:

(state the essence of the wish - what a person should do according to your plan)

I'm going across the sea, I'll throw a poppy by the sea,

Well I will say - everything is so good,

I’m up to you because of a bass pointer,

And before me, be from a kind affection. "

Copyright © 2017 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Conspiracy, so as not to refuse the request.

If you are going to an official with a request, then prepare for this in advance. Read the conspiracy so that your request is not denied.

I assure you that the person you need will treat you and your request favorably and will not dare to refuse you. The conspiracy is read before leaving the house. Cross yourself and say the words of the conspiracy three times.

So, the conspiracy so as not to refuse the request.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will rise, the servant of God (name), early,

I will wash myself whitewashed at dawn.

I will go out of the gate, I will go out of the fields,

Where the winds are raging.

I will pray to the east.

I'll take a look at the royal house.

Both kings and kings go there,

And boyars, priests and nobles

Old and young.

Everyone respects them, they are afraid

Orders are carried out quickly.

So in my request

Let there be no rejection.

Accept (name) my request

And pour your will on him.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Here is another conspiracy that they read so that the request is not refused. They read it before entering the office.

“Jesus Christ has Mother Mary,

He Can't Beloved Mother

No request to refuse.

So let me too, all who are behind this door

They sit, they could not refuse me anything,

They did not dare to reject my request.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Love and respect of others can be achieved through conspiracies. You must understand that.

Login to write a review.

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