Download postcard happy birthday mommy. How to make a postcard for mom: original ideas and techniques

Mommy! Is there anyone closer to her in the world? This is the most native of our person who is always there and is ready to help in a difficult moment! At her birthday, I want to surprise, please and organize a creative surprise. How to make greetings original and call a smile on your face? Simple gifts here do not count. They are boring and banal. We must come up with something unusual.

You can compose a poem, draw a poster or choose special pictures with beautiful words. After all, thanks to the internet to find, download for free and present an amazing gift Mamule will not be difficult for even a small child. And what delight will cause her present a gift!

Choice of congratulations

First you need to decide on the form. What will my mother be happy today? Although, she is always pleased with any little things from loved ones. After all, attention is important for her attention and care.

Among the common options for using pictures on the birthday of a cute mom as a congratulatory element, relatives and friends are chosen as follows:

  • beautiful greeting cards with flowers who love every woman;
  • booklets with poems or prose in the festive design, because good words always touch the soul and even cause tears in their eyes;
  • voice SMS from native, stars, celebrities.

If the mother is a cheerful man, progress and keeps up with the times, it is worth trying to make creative ideas in her name day. It is worth choosing funny pictures with merry inscriptions as happy birthday. It will raise her mood, charges vigor, make it laugh.

How to give such an unusual present

Online cards, this is not the gift that is handed out of hand to hand. But here there are many ways to congratulations.
  1. Print the selected picture with verses after downloading and lay with flowers in the morning on the pillow.
  2. Send to email box.
  3. Add congratulations on the tape for public viscements on social networks;
  4. Insert the picture on the desktop in the form of a screensaver.

Ideas can be much more, it all depends on the specific situation and the imagination of loved ones.

Congratulations format:

We all, regardless of gender and age, treat our parents with special trepidation. For many, the word mom is associated with love, warmth, care. Therefore, you do not need to miss the opportunity to give these same feelings in response, especially if there is a serious reason for this. To congratulate the most native person happy birthday now it became even easier, because even without finance every child, going to our site, can choose and download a beautiful congratulation with a picture completely free. You just imagine how nice your favorite mom will get poems on a postcard with flowers from the daughter. Seeing your online gift, you may not doubt that it will have to taste, because a woman is very important attention and an individual approach to choosing an animated present, it is important for her to feel like a loved one and understand that she has not stayed on his birthday without congratulations.

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Congratulations in verse and prose:

How to download beautiful happy birthday mom? Everything is simple here, because you can even focus on our site. Where, depending on the preferences of the birthday room, you can choose an animated postcard with wishes. It is only worth considering all the proposed categories carefully. For example, if you need to congratulate an adult person Happy Birthday, be something a godfather, mother of his girlfriend or a friend - it is worth sticking to the etiquette of gifts and give preference more restrained inscriptions. More pictures with flowers that are presented for every taste will be appropriate. It is worth remembering that, depending on the age of a woman, one or another color gamut of the floral animated present should be selected. If, for example, the birthday girl crossed a 40-year-old frontier, it will be appropriate to choose the flowers of more rich color, and very young creatures are relevant to present gentle, not screaming shades. If the picture is intended for your mother's mother and it is all right with a sense of humor, then a wide selection of funny illustrations will make you spend a lot of time at the computer before you give your preference for some single picture. Cool lettering on congratulations is better and for a long time crash into memory of the birthday men. If you decide to thoroughly approach the preparation of a gift on the birthday of the native heart of a person, then you should begin to begin in advance. You can draw a picture with your own hands using special templates for drawing and then decorate your artwork with bright colors. Such a gift can safely be placed in the frame and admire it with guests. Undoubtedly, he will be the most memorable and expensive among all others. For lovers of dynamic greeting cards, lively animated pictures will probably come to taste. Here your fantasy can embody any idea. Whether a birthday cake with burning candles, or sparkling overflowing flower arrangements. Whatever you choose as a birthday gift, the main thing is that in the eyes of your beloved mommy there is a sense of love, warmth and happiness, and their brilliance never faded.

On March 8, for a birthday or an anniversary, my beloved mom I want to congratulate sincerely, from the soul.

Buy the finished postcard in any execution is currently not a problem.

But how many emotions will mom get if you gave her a postcard made by your own hands?

Postcard made by personnel "This is not just a small bonus to the main gift, and the present testimony of love and appreciation is cute mom. Such a souvenir will be kept in mom in a prominent place for many years.

Always remember! Postcard in Mother's holiday postcard does not have to be perfect and look flawless.

This postcard is always very beautiful, elegant, original, easy to manufacture and does not require much time and material investments. Be sure to find a suitable option for yourself and create a postcard yourself - please your native person!

As a basis, you can take the cardboard of a gentle-cherry shade, cut out a rectangle from it. Next, take the cardboard in the cell and cut out from it in an arbitrary form figure to half of our cherry base, glue, the place of the gluing is made up with exquisite white lace. We decorate the postcard with bows, beads and buttons, add good sincere congratulations and our surprise for your favorite mother is ready!

The basis of the postcard will be all the same cardboard. We labeled two different strips from the tissue on the basis of the width. On the upper wide strip, you can stick the words "mom" letters carved from a different cardboard. Lower strip leave congratulations for the decor and warm words. The decor can be ribbons, beads, pieces of lace, various flowers, in general, everything that your imagination will tell you.

The basis of the postcard will be white or other light cardboard. On the cardboard from above glue in the form of appliqués flowers, leaves, hearts, ladybugs, cute birds, etc. Colors must be selected very competently - no more than 3 shades so that your postcard looks harmonious. For volume, you can add beads, laces, buttons.

Postcard for the birthday mom from paper with their own hands in stages.

To do this, we need:

To work, you will need to print on the printer. vase pattern.

Do you like such a miracle made by your own?

Unusual and volumetric

If you have a desire to make a complex and unusual postcard for a birthday, there are many such options.

Which one is suitable for your mom personally - to solve only you. Each of them in its own way is original, beautiful and easy to execute

Gorgeous and original

If you really want to give mom more complicated, give her what will truly surprise and give positive emotions.

Highlight a little precious time and create a 3D card, or a postcard from unusual materials. It is not at all difficult to implement, but there will be a little more time, as well as patience and perseverance, attention and painstaking work. But such a masterpiece will be really appreciated and will cause a squall of positive emotions!

Master class "How to make an infinite postcard?" See in our video:

You can browse your highlight, change colors or material, add in your opinion the missing elements of the decor, etc. But the most important thing is kind, warm and sincere words for your beloved mommy!

Beautiful postcard on his beloved mom for a birthday

In order to create such an unusually beautiful postcard you will need:

  • double-sided cardboard coated white;
  • paper with verses, you can with notes, with the effect of aging;
  • - artificial leaflets and flowers;
  • - Two round stickers with congratulatory inscriptions;
  • - Blue ribbon;
  • - color sequins;
  • - Sticker or pre-printed inscription "Congratulations!";
  • - Pencil, scissors, ruler, double-sided tape, glue.

Getting to work.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in your postcard made by your own hands for your mother's favorite, most importantly not paper, ribbons or rhinestones, and not even those wishes that you write on the reversal of the postcards. The most important thing is your sincere desire to please your native mommy, to take care and attention!

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Touching event - Mom's birthday. And even more touching - to congratulate the native person not just a purchased gift, but make some craft yourself. To present a pleasant surprise for Mom, you can make her birthday card with your own hands.

Materials for creating a postcard

To realize the flight of fantasies into life and make a truly original postcard you will need a standard tool kit:

As well as a variety of materials:

  • sheets of fine cardboard or dense colored paper;
  • multicolored paper, you can for packing gifts;
  • various ribbons, material flaps, laces;
  • rhinestones, beads, beads, buttons.

Postcard in the technique of quilling for mom "Bouquet of flowers"

An excellent addition to a gift or as a small surprise is a postcard "Bouquet of flowers", made in a quilling technique (paper). For its manufacture, you will need a cardboard sheet, colored paper, suitable to it in contrast and color, tape, a wand for queening and a standard set of tools.

Now you can go to work:

Bulk card "Heart"

Greeting card with your own hands for mom for a birthday will look especially penetrating if the central figure will be a heart on it. For its manufacture, you will need sheets of dense white paper A4 and scarlet paper, glue and scissors.

All work consists of 4-5 stages:

Postcard-suspension "Butterflies"

For the birthday of mom you can make your own hand postcard in the form of a butterfly.

Gentle and romantic handicraft, made in the beloved Tones of the birthday girl, will require a set of tools:

Work occupies a little more than an hour, and is divided into 4 stages:

  1. White paper sheet cuts out the blank base of postcards and bends in the middle. From the outside, this detail decorates the same as a sheet of paper for scrapbooking with an unobtrusive pattern.
  2. After connecting two sheets, a small hole is made in the upper left corner of the hole, which can be fixed and enhanced by chalk. Now, through the future postcard, you can turn a beautiful lace and hang the craft for a prominent place.
  3. The basis is ready, it remains to decorate the front of the crafts. Just below the middle of the cover are glued with segments of lace, imitating the fence of flower beds. On one of the edges, the core details 3 of the colors heads are attached to one of the edges. Above their pair of butterflies so that their wings remain free. Flowers and butterflies can be done by themselves, find ready-made, cut from postcards.
  4. The decoration process is completed by arbitrary stagnation of beads or beads, as well as attachment against the background of a small chipboard colors.

Goth's birthday card ready. Now you can decorate the inside of the product with your own hands by writing a couple of warm rows with calligraphic handwriting.

Postcard with a surprise: step-by-step manufacture

Surprise in a postcard is something unexpected and extraordinary.

One of the options for such a gift is very simple:

  1. On a sheet, paper must be drawn with a circulation 2 circle, one in another, where the inner circle is 2 times less external.
  2. Petals are drawn between circles. As a result, the drawing looks like a disclosed chamomile.
  3. In the middle of the flower is written congratulations.
  4. Petals cut through, separated from each other, painted with color pencil and bend inside. On one of the petals can be written "I bloom in water." It will be a tip.
  5. Card ready. Now it remains to give a surprise birthday and watch, as a flower with warm words will open in the water.

Postcard with a secret inside

A pleasant surprise remains for a long time in memory, so you can congratulate the birthday party with a secret. To do this, you will need colored paper, glue, scissors and lace.

The preparation of a gift consists of several stages:

  1. The basis will be a sheet of paper equal to the size of a double postcard. The billet bends in the middle, where paired cuts of different length are made. The number of cuts (future holders) is determined by the overall composition consisting of 2-3 secret parts.
  2. Cuts bend inside the future postcard. Several times the bending / extensive movements are made so that the paper makes the necessary form.
  3. Preparation of actually secret pictures. They can become carved from colored paper a bouquet of flowers, balloons, an anniversary date, as well as chipboard with congratulations. The card will look original with the wishes together with the photographic figure of the performer of the postcard itself.
  4. The outer side of the crafts is sealed with paper and size as the basis. Printed on the holders of the picture.
  5. If suddenly it seems that the outside of the postcard looks not festive enough, it can be decorated, placing the lace with beads over the entire surface. The main thing is that all the details have harmonized with each other.

Postcard with two sash

To make a postcard with 2 sash, you will need 2 sheets of photo paper, tape, tape and decorative elements at the discretion of congratulations.

Total 4 steps and an exclusive gift Ready:

  1. One of the sheets is cut into 2 parts - they will become sash. Billets with the help of tape are glued to the main sheet.
  2. Each sash is attached to the cutting of the tape so that the bow can be tied. Calculate the fabric can be used with glue or stapler.
  3. Decorating the sash on the outside is recommended by several small details so as not to get a overloaded surface. You can, for example, use edging beads.
  4. The inner part of the gift should contain the text of the congratulations. So that everything looked worthily, you can use the computer set, decorating the congratulation itself not only in interesting font, but also with vignettes.

Card in the style of scrapbooking

For those who are not very familiar with the technique of manufacturing postcards in the style of scrapbooking, you can advise you to purchase a ready-made set of materials in which:

  • several options for cardboard foundations;
  • colored paper with different patterns;
  • lace flaps and ribbons;
  • beads with a flat base for convenience when gluing;
  • elements of the figure decor: artificial flowers, various types of figurines, frames, templates.

If there is already experience in making postcards in a similar style, then fantasy can prompt replace cardboard photographic, artificial flowers dried and covered with a protective layer, factory lace on lace made with their own hands.

In addition to the presence of materials, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly I want to capture on the postcard:

  • traditional birthday greetings,
  • reminder of some kind of pleasant event,
  • hobby hint
  • humorous collage.

Only after that the selection of decor begins.

The easiest idea for congratulations Mom is a glued on a photo paper or a special cardboard frame.

It will be possible to put a photo of the birthday girl and write a few soulful words. The corners of the improvised portrait decorated with small bowls or flowers, in which beads can be attached to the core. The most important thing is not to overload the surface of the gift and stick all the details so that together they look like a single, holistic composition.

Original greeting card with flowers embroidered cord

Greeting card with your own hands for my mother's birthday will look original if the flowers on it to embroider with a lace.

To perform work, you will need:

  • lace of silver tone and color (1 mm thickness, you can buy in a specialized store);
  • dark tone cardboard;
  • 2 needles - with a big ear and with small;
  • ordinary white threads;
  • simple pencil, color markers;
  • scissors;
  • copy paper.

To begin with, you need to bend the cardboard in half the color outside. On an ordinary white sheet, the contour of an elegant flower or a beautiful bouquet is drawn. The drawing should not be difficult, as the chip is not in its sophistication, but in the resulting volume. The finished circuit is transferred to the color base of the postcard.

The surface is prepared for embroidery with a silver cord, which is in needle with a big ear (Gypsy needle). In an ordinary needle, a white thread is designed to secure the lace in certain positions and places. Flower head can be embroidered with a lace of another color. Plot cardboard is needed very carefully, so as not to remember.

Words Congratulations can be written with a marker or print on the printer and paste for a gift in a convenient location.

Unusual greeting card with fabric flowers

A postcard with your own hands for my mother's birthday can be made of girlfriend.

It will take:

  • tape of fabric;
  • buttons;
  • needle, silk and ordinary threads;
  • a set of paper and cardboard;
  • glue.

A piece of fabric tape is stitched by a zigzag stitch, then tighten it and stitch the edges. The billet looks like a flower. He will have a bright core, a catchy button, which is sewn in the center with silk threads. If the bouquet is conceived, then the blanks should be 3 or 5.

The basis of the postcard is formed with the help of folded cardboardwhich paste colored paper slightly smaller sizes. Now, with the help of glue, you can start forming a bouquet. It can consist only of floral heads or have stalks made from a suitable cord.

Below the colors pasted a small leaflet with congratulations. Its form can be beat as a sheet, a bark of any tree or just a note from hand.

3D greeting card from girlfriend

Fantasy and diligence will help to make a very interesting 3D postcard for a native person.

It will be necessary for it:

  • photographic sheet;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • bilateral adhesive tape and glue;
  • ribbons (lace and satin);
  • scrap-sheet;
  • small scissors.

To begin with, it is selected on the Internet pictures with the image of various colors. It is printed several times on the photographic paper using a color printer.

Now you can make 5 colors blanks, cutting parts for each flower as follows:

  • 1st - in full size;
  • 2 - a little less than the first;
  • 3 - even less;
  • 4 - a little more of the flower center;
  • 5th - almost the center.

On the back side of each workpiece sticks double-sided adhesion, after which the flowers are carefully collected.

The basis of the postcard will be bent in half the cardboard on which a slightly smaller scrap-sheet is pasted. In a few CM from the edge of the latter in width, a lace tape is attached, and on top of it - satin. These manipulations are better carried out using two-way or foamed tape.

From the remaining trimming of cardboard and scrap-sheet, 2 ovala are cut - color slightly less than white, they must be glued together and attach to the basis of the postcard. On the oval part, the composition of the colors made. It remains only to write wishes for a loved one or on the greeting card or on a curly sheet (card), which after attaching to the inside of the gift craft.

Original ideas for making postcards for mom for a birthday from a daughter

How many pleasant memories are flooded after many years to mom, when it gets a postcard, once made daughter. Such crafts are particularly touching, where the main detail appear to the pencil hands on the paper.

To implement one of these ideas, it is necessary to circle a pencil on the cream color paper, cut the outline and stick it to the postcard prepared at its discretion in such a way that the fingers remain free. Next, using queling technique, make 3-5 colors heads and cut the stems and leaves from green paper.

The flower arrangement is attached to glue so that the impression of the hand holding flowers is created. A couple of good wishes will complement a postcard. Another idea for a postcard will require a photo of the birthday girl (better together with the performer of a gift), which passes on the prepared framework of the crafts. Photos can be taken into the lace frame.

The second step is the cutting circuit of the right and left hand with a continuation of the wrist. The workpieces are pasted in such a way that it seemed that the children's hands crosswise arrive or hold a photo.

You can not waste time making cards for your mother on her birthday, you can find something suitable in the finished printed abundance. But isn't the purchase card absorb the warmth of loving hands, will the template of congratulators reflect the whole range of his daughter's feelings?

Video: Greeting card with your own hands for my birthday mom

How to make a postcard for mom with your own hands, look in a video clip:

We make a postcard for mom with your own hands: