Soon the new year is cool statuses. New Year is the time of fairy tales and magic. Interesting selection of New Year status

Very soon the brightest and emotional winter holidays will begin. During this period, everyone wants to surround himself and close to the special fabulous atmosphere, as well as raise the mood to friends on social networks, placing the funny New Year statuses 2019 for VK and classmates.

Now, account settings in public portals allow you to decorate your page with meaning: thematic photos and a beautiful background drawing in the style of the New Year. But nothing can make it more lively and interesting as cool statuses.

Each user of social network knows that short spokes written by the owner of the page occupy a special place. They are in the central place, moreover, all friends come alerts about their shift. They are also automatically placed in the event ribbon. Therefore, if you want to congratulate in verses of all subscribers with New Year's holidays or just write about what you think, then change the status and be sure that everyone will see it!

Now you do not need to break your head yourself and invent original statuses. They are on the Internet a huge trailer and a small trolley. We picked up the best short statements that are perfect for any New Year page.

New Year statuses in the year of pig

To give my mood and your loved ones, we recommend paying attention to humorous statements with the meaning that you can safely use as a cool New Year status:

  • "Dear Grandfather Frost, I'm on a diet, so I can not be sweet. Please, please, semi-sweet drawer! ";
  • "If you want, in the new year you have everything good, put the chocolate tile under the pillow and already on January 1st everything will be" in chocolate "!";
  • "So the new year has come, and I still have a last ashamed!";
  • "You should not wait for miracles from the new year, you sang yourself!";
  • "The most inexplicable magic of the new year is the disappearance of money from the wallet";
  • "If you" cut off "from the heart" on the New Year's corporate, then you will definitely begin the new year with the search for new work ";
  • "Only he will remember the new year who does not smoke and does not drink!";
  • "There is no tastier beverage on January 1st than a cucumber brine";
  • "In the new year, there are doors to a new life for many, but, unfortunately, not everyone can get into them";
  • "The longest per year night comes on December 31, and ends - the 14th";
  • "Dear Santa Claus! Last time my letter either did not reach, or I misinterpretated the word "Ferrari" in it.

Funny and funny statuses about the new year

To raise your mood and subscribers, we recommend paying attention to humorous statements in prose. Among the many short messages, we chose the most interesting in our opinion:

  • Dear Grandfather Frost, I can not sweet, so it came better than a semi-sweet box!
  • If you want everything is good for you, then put the chocolate under the pillow for the new year. In the morning everything will be in chocolate.
  • The new year is approaching, and I still have a last ashable.
    The most inexplicable magic of the new year is the speed of disappearance of money from the wallet
  • With the arrival of the new year, doors open to the best life, but, unfortunately, not everything is able to get into them.
  • Do not wait for miracles for the new year! Someone!
  • If you spent a good New Year's corporate, then you will start a new year with the search for new work!
  • Only he will remember the new year who does not smoke and does not drink!
  • What is the worst after the New Year holidays? - Stop on the scales!
  • No delicate drink on January 1, than cool water!
  • Childhood the guys ends when he wants wishes to perform not Santa Claus, and Snow Maiden.
  • Dear Grandfather Frost! I was a very good boy all year, so please hand me as a gift to some bad girl.
  • Dear Grandfather Frost! I behaved well for a whole year. Can I, at least in New Year's Eve I will behave badly?
  • I wish everyone in the coming new year not to pass through his happiness with the mouse!
  • What to give you for the new year? - Yes, Dari what you want! The most important thing is that it is touch and with headphones.
  • Childhood is when you wait for the new year, wait ... wait, wait ... And in half the twelfth cut off.
  • Santa Claus! Make so that I was not teased. Vova Kakashkin. 7 years.
  • Do not forget December 31 at 23:55 to come out of contact and meet the New Year.

Beautiful greetings in verse

This small selection contains wishes for friends. New Year's poems are perfect for those who want to originally congratulate their subscribers:

I wish you health
In the nineteenth year!
To happiness to adorgans
Generously in every family!

Be happy, friends!
May the pig will help you!
Scratch gently ear -
Will be faithful to the girlfriend!

If the abdomen scratch our yellow pig,
And the desire to guess - quickly, without sticking,
Then, of course, it will come true with a striving.
Being luck is destined for a whole year with you!

Let the year of the pig bearing good luck -
All difficult solve the task
And the odds, like rain,
Gold and silver!

On the soft snowball flies on skis
To you careless, young new year.
Let luck will be closer in life
Weared and fun will bring!

Fun, joy, success,
Mental toast, songs, laughter,
Good, like stars under the skill,
In short, you all happy new year!

Happy new year I congratulate you
Let it be happy every hour
Let the fate smile cute you
And your dreams are all - let them come true.

Let the new year be happy
Quietly in the morning will wake you up
Magic will open the doors,
Wake all the dreams and faith,
Hope will give you again,
As well as joy and love.

Year of letting not shake
On fun, happiness, laughter,
In the house wealth will knock
Waiting for any success.

Let the dreams of the New Year come true
Resentment forever will be forgotten
And let it certainly happens
All that's what is now dreaming about!

New Year statuses 2019 with meaning

And finally, I would like to add a few more beautiful statements about the beautiful holiday:

  • When we get older, the list of desires for the new year is becoming less and less, and the fact that we really want for the new year is not to buy for money.
  • I want to put 3 gifts in the New Year Santa Claus under the Christmas tree - happiness to the house, love in the family, health is loved ones.
  • On the eve of the New Year, I want to wish all friends and relatives, magic and miracle, as in childhood, when in the parent house smelled of cheese, candy and tangerines. When each Christmas tree toy seemed like a little Mirk with his New Year's fairy tale.

New Year's Aphorisms and Quotes

Some of the most popular status in social networks are aphorisms. The winged phrases are able to stand out among the total mass of various statements by wit and originality. Also, some of them are written in a humorous spirit, so they will raise the mood even to phlegmatic and melancholics:

  • Dear santa claus! All I want for the new year is your list of girls who behaved badly.
  • The new year is always better than old, but not always for you.
  • I read so much about the dangers of alcohol and smoking that I decided to throw from the new year. To read.
  • To adequately meet the New Year, you need to rehearse a long time, and you can begin today.
  • If you want your children to celebrate the new year at home - go to visit.
  • December 31 - day when the calendar is broken by full!
  • On New Year's Eve, fifty people and fourteen snowmen were delivered to the detox. The cause of the error of the police is found out.
  • How New Year will meet, so you need!
  • The beginning of January for Russians coincides with the beginning of the month "Drabadad".
  • How much Santa Claus is not like, he will not forget his bag.
  • Old New Year is not a holiday. This is a control shot to the liver!
  • No story sadly in the world than the new year and thoughts about the diet.
  • Again comes the year named some other cattle ... And so I wanted to live in human!
  • The celebration of the New Year is a sad farewell with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.
  • Let the New Year's Eve in your door will be happiness ... And God forbid that you at this point are at home.

Santa Claus, red nose, wool beard! You "Lexus" give me, do not buy from salary!

In memory of childhood, memories are preserved about the Singles, in which you are brought with full packages of Mandarin and sweets, on a snowy street for the celebration of the New Year?

You can return to the new year completely free and around the clock, if you bring a clairvoyant photo from his celebration.

I have not bought anything else, have not done, there is no place to celebrate, and the new year is already coming.

The most welcome dish is the brine and mineral water, and all girls turn into beauties.

A typical answer to the question: "How did you celebrate the new year?" Sounds "Probably good, I don't remember" or "vodka this year was enough ..."

Where is the Grandfather Frost, a beard of cotton, where are my BMW and Hut gifts?

Who does not agree that the new 2012 is the last, be sure to click the "Tell Friends" button, after you have found "I like."

Mom, what did you give dad to the new year? Yes, nothing, son. - And you take an example from me. I have my own arrangement with my frost.

new Year is a good thing when you get a lot of gifts on free and 10l champagne

And catching lips snow to realize ... life continues ..

I want from a gift for the new year I just fucking and exclaimed with delight: "Wow! This is Lambardzhi! That's for me?"

If an old old old old year with a white beard comes to your new year, and let you go into the bag, do not be scared, I ordered you as a gift for the new year.)

Only on New Year's time I like it all last year's food, look at the same films and do not remember what was on New Year's Eve

No matter how trying to make the celebration of the New Year special, still the result will be a festive booze, and I will not remember anything in the morning

If you have come for a new year drunken seats, do not be sad, NNAs are already a lot!

New Year's sign: who after the new year earlier all comes in contact, and posts pictures and updates the status of VKontakte, he is less than all the boiled.

The new year passes, and celebrate it at least a week. Thank you, Dmitry Anatolyevich, for the New Year holidays and sick liver

Dear, Roman Abramovich! Mom told me that Santa does not exist ((so I will write to you ..

Who does not smoke and do not drink, he will remember the new year!

For one night, people eat everything worried 15 days earlier

New Year's approach you start feeling after Coca-Cola's advertising with Santa Claus

Dear Grandfather Frost Can not be sweet, I got better for a semi-sweet box)

I wonder how many days after the meeting of the coming year, people will still drink for him?

If you see Santa Claus, moving your way, know: or right, or on the left very fun celebrated the New Year!)))

It does not matter what the window is rain, snow, blizzard or blizzard. The main thing is that in the heart there is always warm, which I wish you in this coming year !!! Be happy, people!

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, there was an obstetrician in shock!

Somewhere after 10 minutes, the psol of how the new year comes, all operators begin the free action "Network is busy"

And I will fade in the new year so that this night the karaoke broke on this night

If you want you to be all right. Put for the new year under the pillow of chocolate and in the morning you will have everything in chocolate.

Dear Grandfather Frost! I want for the new year your list of boys who behaved badly .. and please do not forget to attach photos and ID VKontakte.

As you will celebrate the New Year, you will spend the whole year!

I want a faster new year ... what exactly at midnight go out into the street, look at the sky ...

Dear Grand Grandfather - this letter is not spam, and the real opportunity to earn ...

Grandfather Frost, please give me for the new year of the perfect man!

himself led.

If a fat uncle is performed at night and you will sleep in a bag ... Do not psychore, we just asked you to Santa Claus for the New Year.)))

Girls! Before you make a desire in the New Year, think, and is it worth spending it because of this asshole ...

New Year, like sex - first you're ready for him for a long time, spend money, so much is trying and all for one second pleasure.

Santa Claus Letter: Dear Grandfather Frost, give me a brother or sister! Santa Claus: Saving your mother \u003d)

I'm on a year younger again than I will be in the next January!

Well, now the new year is again. Farewell My 42 size, hello "You have grown something" and "everything, from tomorrow on a diet"

MTS company early starts New Year's action `network busy` Everyone participate

For everyone who is going to come to me celebrate the New Year! Please come with gifts, but I take gifts only with money on one piece of 1 or 5 thousand. So who is going to me come to me?

Wake up on January 1 with a terrible woman - it's still nothing, but if you have a naked man, it will be much worse

Old New Year is an opportunity to spend all the money if it did not work at the end of December. Do not miss your chance!)))

But imagine, a man comes from a business trip at 23.00 on December 31, it comes to the store, and it does not sell vodka. That's what to do, eh? Let's all together ask the president to cancel this law for a couple of days!

New Year's Eve is when the computer begins to accumulate the peel from the tangerium at the computer besides empty mug.

Soon the new year, and I am still ashamed for the last ...

She like a little girl waiting for a new year, snow and your call.

Mandarins begin to appear in stores, it means that the new year is not far off!

from mandarin.

Taste of the New Year - Mandarins and Olivier.

New Year -Mandarine I am in my mouth! Santa Claus-Olovier I am in my nose !!!

Winter is in white tones, to start a guide from a white sheet.

Grandfather Frost, a beard of Wat, I ask you ... Next year somehow without deer ... Okay?

Do you want in childhood? ... on the street Snow, a blizzard, and you are wrapped in a jacket and driven on Salochki \u003d)) ... with full packaging packages and candies on the knees ..

So that your gift for the new year does not seem useless, give your friends a bottle of vodka, they will definitely find her use)))

The current New Year will come on the night from Saturday to Sunday. Straight a double reason some kind

And let's call those who do not do any new year without anything? - Let's ... - Mi-Li-qi! Mi-Li-Qi-I!

Let your life in the new year be as champagne - light, exciting, beautiful and beating over the edge.

Nothing so dilutes the brain as New Year's Teeth.

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23:59 and January 1 at 00:01. It will be the perfect end of 2010 and the stunning beginning of 2011

Santa Claus, as and first of January, does not exist!

in a stall?! ...

I wish you next year to grasp the ass to the ice.

Old New Year is not a holiday. This is a control shot to the liver!

This year, as always, we will not have time to move away from the celebration of the New Year, how old will come. Damn, I'll have to drink again ...

So it is necessary to urgently do something so super, so that the years will ask for the New Year's table "How was the old year?" You could hit everyone

Already in the Christmas tree, I'm not looking for, what was so glad, I want to congratulate you, I'll sit under the Christmas tree!

Santa Claus, come out! - Children shouted, dancing near the toilet

The new year has passed, but the head is not :)

Dear Grandfather Frost)) For the last new year, I asked you a guy) So here we take this goat and come on markers)

dear Grandfather Frost, I came for the new year, please list the guys who were badly led this year

New Year is measured by liters

You did not notice that on the New Year's Eve on TV, only the president and the fight of the Kuranta are listening, everything else is somehow badly remembered on January 1

Soon already celebrate the new year, and I still did not come up with where I will celebrate the night of December 31 at, at least, January 7

Soon you will see on the Internet, we will not cope the New Year, but to update.

Soon the new year - and I have only two desires ... it is snow ... And you, next to me ...

In the course, for the new year we will throw asphalt

New Year is a country, choking champagne and vodka, falls out in Olivier

grandfather Frost, give me a magic wand for the new year ... And I will fulfill my desires myself!

I do not drink ... well, if only a little champagne ... okay, just for the ladies! ... who will run

Nothing paints the table like Petard in Olivier ...

The problems are not frightened, and the crisis is nothing more than, we still will be beautiful to meet the new year. The world is happening, and keeps in the saddle, while there is still enough for a basin Olivier

New Year needs children for a fairy tale, losers - as a point of reference of the new hope and the rest - for fun

"Santa Claus, come out!" - Kids shouted, dancing near the toilet

I wish everyone in the upcoming new year not to upload his happiness with the mouse. People, let's communicate in real life, so more interesting!

I really want Santa Claus to come not only on New Year's Eve with gifts, but also on January 1 with mineral

What is snowing to me that I know that I will be delimo, when my friends are with me!

The problem is frightened and the crisis is no reason, we still nicely meet a new year. The people are exile and keeps in the saddle, while there is still enough for a basin Olivier

Maybe someone gives out a new car, someone's money ... And I will make me hug me with this morning and so it was always ...

As you would like to have for the new year, at 00:00, he called, and he said that he loved me ...

My liver has a new problem - the new year!

In the new year, everything comes true, even the fact that it is not possible to sell at other times.

Only in our new year, the president's congratulation goes on all channels, but they are watching him only in the first.

With every eaten mandarin you bring the new year for 3 minutes!))

January 1: What I feel so bad, I need to remember, I first saw champagne, then vodka, then champagne again. For sure! Olivier poisoned

I wonder, did anyone guess me for the new year?

Grandfather Frost, give me a new heart for the new year without side effects and additional functions, let it just shakes blood ...

Frost and sun. Friend day. When you go in the morning early, and the cheeks, the nose, and on the lips of the question: "What would not stay at home, when did you suddenly be minus twenty?

Santa Claus! I promise that if you fulfill my desire this year, I will never bother you again. Grandfather Frost, make me, please Roman Abramovich!

I want to be snowing with big-big flakes and there was warmth on the street, and I go to his hand with him and understand that my New Year's desire came true!

How New Year will meet, so you need

And only Christmas trees hate the new year!

So I want, as in childhood, believing in the New Year's fairy tale, make a desire with the hope that it will come true and wait for the New Year's Eve a miracle ...

New Year is when you're glad even to those who just made a mistake door ...

On New Year's Eve in the company, there must be one nonbeptions to tell the next day to tell everyone what was

Dear Grandfather Frost, I want for the new year your list of boys who are bad

Soon you will see on the Internet, we will not cope the New Year, but to update.

Grandfather Frost, all the year I behaved well ... And now I can I come to someone ??? :)))

Want to feel like a star - sit on the tree!

With each Internet access "for five minutes" you bring the new year at least one and a half hours

Congratulations on your new year, who can only come up with! Let it be so new and successful that you will be surprised to this!

Hello old fireman! For two years I do not believe in you!

At first he blinded a snowy girl, and then made her woman ...

New Year. The time of promises and faith in the fact that in the morning everything will begin again, it will be better and happier.

If a thick uncle suddenly takes place at night and starts to shove you into the bag ... do not psycho. I asked for the New Year from Santa Claus - you!

Dear Grandfather Frost, I can not sweet, please come me a semi-sweet drawer ...

We are holy promising that from the new year they will stop doing everything that caused us the greatest pleasure in the old one.

Dear Grandfather Frost! Let the president, the government and deputies live on the scholarship, to which students are trying to live ... preferably another at all)

Hello, Grandfather Frost here is such a thing ... Good - I brought a bag, you need to hide the body ...

New Year is the only holiday when the whole world is happy to eat last year's food

Hello Dedushka Moroz! I'll break your nose! I have the fifth day with your gifts for the fifth day ...

The most correct relations begin in winter. If you liked each other in a pile of clothes, a hat and with a red nose - this is exactly love.

Grandfather Frost, give me a new year that seeing which, I would say: "Waau, Ferrari!"

And let's call those who do not do any new year without anything? - Let's ... - Die-Qi-I! Police!

"Santa Claus, come out!" - Children shouted, dancing near the toilet.

If you read this status, know! Santa Claus loves you and fulfill your most cherished dream, the main thing to believe! :)

We meet the new year with the artificial Christmas tree - spend the whole year with an inflatable woman.

Never stick under the New Year Snowflakes on the refrigerator - Drunk guests they resemble the letter

Grandfather Frost, and this time you can this time, huh?

I will order you Santa Claus for the New Year !!! .. But I have not yet decided how ... Immediately or so that you suffer ...

- Dear, and the truth is that hares are the most stupid animals? - Yes, my bunny!

List of my desires for the new year ... I want: to you, you, with you, from you, for you and forever) like this \u003d)

You are always the old new year in a family circle, I will have bypassed your home trouble, and life was like a paradise.

New year will come soon,
What will take alas, I do not know
Can happiness waiting for me?
And I will love and happy.
After all, how many women are lonely,
Unfortunate, from solitude tired,
But how can I see a girlfriend
That was disintegiving.
I did not ask me questions
With whom I lived all these years
I do not want memories
Why it all turn it all.
I will live only by her
And loyalty to keep her
Always I will be with her
Her love to go out.
Let it be faithful to the hostess
Where emptiness will create comfort
Where it used to be not cozy
Slaps our family life.

May life! May world and light will be
And happiness to various countries and peoples ...
Wave benevolence to all
Let him enter the soul before the New Year.

And let it ride forward
Without hiding after this date.
Let yourself fill the whole year
And not the current MIG on the dial.

Under the new year glasses chime
There is a non-stop in a circle ...
Let there be a true reason
Transfer all the best to each other.

Let joy grow up and let
Nice will not be able to manifest
And continuously ticking pulse
Happy days will not give to stop.

When the new year is knocking out the window,
So you want to hope for happiness,
On wisdom of loved ones, kindness, participation,
That certainly joy is waiting.

Let the magic conquer the fairy tale
Hopes turn into reality.

Let the miracle work in the New Year,
And everything about what is dreaming, will come.

We wish you good health,
In the soul - harmony, success in affairs,
And hearts covered with love
Such which dreamed in dreams.

Let the heart be singing when the chimes are trying,
Let the harmony be filled with the soul,
Let them bloom as the wonderful garden, talents,
And life will go easy and good!

We wish you in the year of the dog,
That on the threshold is about to step,
Easy to solve the fate of the task
Strive above and forward.

Let the new year do not get tired of trying to give you joy,
Let the new year bring you good luck and success,
Let in the New Year none of you will not be a drop
And in your house let him sound a delayed laughter!

We wish you from the soul, adults and kids,
Many sun and warmth, happiness, joy, good,
Optimism and success in New Year's holiday - laughter
And for the whole year ahead of everything - the absence of worries!

We in the New Year want you to wish
To the brilliant heights of aspirations,
We wish you to hold and win,
We wish you talented solutions!

I wish you in the life of dark there were no bands,
To joyfully, trustly, very happily lived,
So that sharp angles would be able to round
In short, the new year was like a piglet,
Round, kind, without worries pink pigs.

Do not slow down and strive to the tops,
Be talented and free as a bird,
People joy to give and not get down on the way
In the new year with optimistic happiness to enter.

Let this snow new year
Health, happiness will bring
And wonderful weather
In any season!

Seconds before the battle of the chimes on New Year's Eve is always very excited, we make desires and believe that they will definitely come true. Seasoned with subtle humor and sincere wishes. Beautiful statuses about the new year will help you to congratulate your friends and loved ones. Either short, or long - beautiful New Year statuses with meaning, placed in a few moments before the holiday on your page VK or classmates, will seem to all truly sincere.

For the new year, I will make it a gift ... For a birthday, I will make it a gift for my birthday ... I will make him a gift for Christmas. I will get my wishes all the magical evil, but they will be pulled to me!

Let the desire made under the battle of New Year's chimes, will be fulfilled. And the New Year will bring a sea of \u200b\u200bnew impressions, interesting dating, useful knowledge and grand planners. Wish each other happiness, sitting at the festive table! Let real wonders happen in the New Year's Eve in your life!

I hope that the New Year will meet me welcome, give hopes, plans, will save from enemies, unnecessary experiences and human envy ... In general, I believe in a row in wonders!))

The anticipation of the New Year awakens the child in me ... As in childhood, I woke up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under her ... I want to play snowballs and there is snow and not think about what you get sick ..

How much is a lot of New Year's fuss. And all this ... .. love because of one !!! Seconds !!

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23.59 and January 1 at 00.01 ... It will be the perfect end of the old and amazing beginning of the new year!

When the door turns into a new happy life in the New Year, do not crowind. Stop on your knees and enjoy your happiness!

Santa Claus exists, I know it for sure. I see it in the eyes of my little son, who sinks for his family health and happiness, confident that it will certainly be fulfilled! I can't let him ...

New Year's Eve is an amazing, fabulous, enchanting, night, when miracles occur and come true the most cherished desires and dreams. So let this wonderful night fulfill all your desires!

Soon the new year - I have only two desires .... snow…. And you're near ...

Everything stopped waiting for a fairy tale, the snow sparkles with all the colors behind the window and, having hopping his breath, wait when the clock starts the countdown to a new life.

I want the New Year to be not as he, but was a truly new, new beginning in my life ...

I ask you, Santa Claus, let the new year there will be no tears. Let the war ends, the wall falls between people, which lined up life and one who in this benefit is only waiting ...

I have already grown and know that Santa Claus does not exist. What does not interfere with me to make a new year of desire and believe in miracles.

Do you want childhood? ... Snow, a snowstorm on the street, and you, having wrapped in a jacket, carry on sleds ... with full packages of sweets and tangerines on the knees ...

Building plans for the coming year we always hope for the best, dream, make a desire. I want to wish that all you wanted and mad for the new year turned! So that you and your loved ones were healthy and happy that luck would accompany the love surrounding and filled you and your home.

I want to put three gifts for the New Year's Grandfather in the Christmas tree - happiness in the house, in the family love, native health.

I put a hundred dollars in my letter to Santa Claus, and then he was always on the fact that I was guessing, lacking and gives me that since last year I was lying on.

Quiet step, slowly, only the wings of the rustle, with a red ridge without worries the new year is stealing!

Winter and created in white tones to have the opportunity to start their life from a white sheet.

They say New Year's Eve - the night of the fulfillment of desires. I guess that all people became happy on the entire planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy New Year!

In the new year, every time you want to strike the page ahead and make sure that now there will be only an interesting plot and a single mint or eliminated sheet ...

The best gift for the new year is when your beloved with you, everyone is healthy and joyful, and a lot of a lot of happy moments together.

It does not matter what the rain window, snow, blizzard or blizzard. The main thing is that in the heart there is always warmth, which I wish you in this coming year!

The new year is the official chance to start a new life. Only it is honest. Examine unnecessary people, stop being lazy, and make promised.

I really want to stroll around the city in the evening for the New Year's Day, when everything will burn with lights, congratulations on the New Year and in the air will smell an approaching new year.

From the New Year's hangover, nothing will save, like a glass of milk, cool shower and sex. Did not help? Then old, grandfather ...

Oh, this is the pre-New Year's madness! Such a feeling that we were not cleaned all year all year, did not buy shopping, did not prepare, did not repair and did not dress ... And only in December they remembered everything!

The inevitable continuation of the festive table is a festive chair.

Funny statuses for the new year: no Tale is sadger in the world than the new year and thoughts about the diet ...

Never stop believing in a miracle! All with the coming!

Grandfather Frost, for the last new year I asked you a guy. So take it back this goat and let's better markers.

Grandfather Frost, do not give me, please, more sweet ... No, no need .... Better semi-sweet.

Well, now the new year is again. Farewell My 42 size, hello "You have grown something" and "everything, from tomorrow on a diet"

Well, thank God, fucked up ... retracted Olivier ... Salutes at midnight launched ... I would still remember ... with whom and where ...

She: - Who will you dress for the new year? He: - Shrek. - Bought a mask? - Not yet, and who will you? - Beauty !!! - I bought a mask?

My status went to the forest, probably for the Christmas tree.

Frost nicely pinch nose. Hand, drank under the pub, nicely pinch Santa Claus, .. for the ass. Young Snow Maid.

We are waiting for Santa Claus, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas or any other man, most importantly with gifts!

New Year! As noted - you will be like hanging out!

New Year! Again, the irony of fate and vodka with Olivier.

If you want you to be all right. Put for the new year under the pillow of chocolate and in the morning you will have everything in chocolate.

I wish in the coming year: care is not to know, do not measure, love, hope and believe !!!

I wish you next year to grasp the ass to ice!

And I will not see the blue light for the new year. He has already become so blue that it is impossible to look

It is useless to try to send Santa Claus, many have already checked, he never forgets their bag ...

In the red fur coat, with a red nose, the grandfather is figching in the cold: in the header, with a stick and with a bag, and with a snowman booze. The rabbit in heels and a snowometry on the horns. If you meet this chaw, then the new year will soon !!!

All thumping comrades, congratulations on the upcoming!)

Funny statuses for the new year: everyone with the coming! I wish you to buy a fur coat !!!

With each Internet access "for five minutes" you bring the new year at least one and a half hours.

With whom the new year you will meet with the same way!

Only in our new year, the president's congratulation goes on all channels, but they are watching him only in the first.

This year, as always, we will not have time to move away from the celebration of the New Year, how old will come. Damn, I'll have to drink again ...

That's what new year you are, night thumps, the week is rushing!

Grandfather Frost, come out! - shouted children dancing near the toilet.

Grandfather Frost, for the last new year I asked you a guy. So take it back this goat and let's better markers :)

Under the New Year, a good husband is dressed up with a Christmas tree, but a very good wife!