Statuses about parting with meaning are short. Statuses about parting with a guy

What was your boyfriend's name? - "Moo * ak" - "There are coincidences! Mine too!"

But parting is always sad, even if there is no love anymore ...

Leaving me, you showed your next weakness... I'm beyond your strength!

Great love is canceled for technical reasons.

I saw my ex's girlfriend ... now I know for sure what to give him for his birthday - glasses!

It's all serious... Forget it, erase the number... It's all over, the end, game over.

Every time we part with someone we care about, we hope that the Universe will reward us for our selfless choice.

Yes, it was hard. Yes, I suffered. But only now, when we parted, I realized that I could no longer live without you ...

For a man to accept a woman into his life is an art. And parting should be an art. The farewell should be as beautiful as the beginning.

If you saw yourself through my eyes, you would understand how special you are to me...

If you call and say that we are breaking up, and then you hear a pop, don't worry, I opened the champagne.

Another glass, another cigarette, another sad song, tomorrow I'll change this CD. And I won't say another word about you.

As if on purpose, after our parting, there were so many couples in love on the streets!

When people break up, they talk too much... It's rare that breakups go like this: - Let's break up? - Come on ... So short and clear ... Nothing superfluous ... No banal phrases, unnecessary tears, empty promises ... Nothing ...

When you part with your loved ones, learn to let go, because someday you will also want to leave.

It is better to quarrel with those you love than to communicate with people you hate.

Love is not afraid of separation, for falling in love - this is the end ...

People part and wait who will scream first.

People are dying and we are running from each other.

People leave our lives, but traces remain ...

We broke up, it’s easier for me ... he’s generally awesome .... everything is fine.

We broke up ... It seems like forever ... I miss her too ... Question: what for then was parting?

I don’t know what I will do when I see your eyes ... After all, the heart says: “I love ...” And the mind whispers: “I hate”!

Don’t get used to a person if you don’t know how to adequately survive a breakup.

Never say goodbye, because at any moment you can return. Better say goodbye, and leave forever ...

New love... new breath... new calls... sms and suffering... but without tears... without tears and without you... you're just a past that is forgotten forever!!!

So what, yes, I broke up, I cry, I bite my elbows, cats scratch my soul, but I will be happy, I will!

Once we leave our loved ones, so that later we can mentally return to them all our lives ...

He so boldly confesses his love that it is immediately clear that he has experience.

She smiles at everyone and says "DO NOT RETURN TO HIM", but in the depths of her soul she dreams that he would return her.

  • Next >

Having made the decision to part with a person completely and irrevocably, you begin to be interested in the events that are connected with him.

Parting is like a carefully thought-out assassination attempt on a person: an explosive mechanism is laid in the heart, it is only a matter of time before it works ...

Indeed, parting with a loved one, even if the relationship is futile, is always difficult.

Good or bad almost always comes to an end, the pain of parting depends on the beauty of the experienced feelings and the strength of love. It is incredibly difficult to survive this pain and cope with haunting memories.

Best Status:
Humanity is not recommended to laugh, parting with the past, who knows what lies ahead?

There is nothing more bitter than the phrase “Let's remain friends” when you love a person. It is like control shots to the head and heart.

As painful as it is, it's better to pull the trigger and shoot than to live in obscurity and expect a breakup.

Parting with a loved one is not always the end and the collapse of hopes, most often it is a ticket to a new life, filled with bright memories and sadness.

An era is like a woman with whom you live: in order to appreciate it, you need to part with it forever.

True love is not one that endures years of separation, but one that endures years of intimacy.

What was - passed, and the pain died, what was a long time ago - it was then ... Forgive me, don't be angry, I loved you, forgive and accept - I'm no longer yours ...

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist draws the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that does not exist ...

Nowhere do you feel so lonely as among people. – T. Rebrik

Love comes and goes, and the reason for parting is in the changes that happen to people. Tastes, passions and interests change, and we change with them. But when people develop, they are happy next to each other.

The snow is melting, there is ice in my heart, A tear will not melt the ice on my cheek. We are different people, with different fates, Our meeting is a mistake. Mistake is love.

Parting is always sad; but at the same time somewhere deep - there is no parting. They part completely, irrevocably, hopelessly, only when their hearts grow cold; as long as the heart is warm, as long as there is a living heart memory - there is no real parting, people cannot lose each other. The mind can go crazy, weaken, - the heart does not interfere and does not weaken.

It's not fair to despise me for misjudging me. It's not my fault you were such an idiot.

It has always been so that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.

How much human happiness has been shattered just because one of the two did not say in a timely manner: “Sorry!”

From the point of view of women, men have two main shortcomings: that they think about sex all the time, and that their thoughts are at odds with their deeds.

You can communicate with absent friends, as often and for as long as you yourself want. In separation, we enjoy this fellowship even more. Life nearby makes us spoiled, and although we sometimes sit together, walk and talk together, but, dispersing separately, we stop thinking about those we just saw

A rough break is a sign of strong feelings.

One day you will realize that you lost me. One day you wake up lonely in a dream, you see how I cry, suddenly you understand how cruel you were, you understand the one you lost, in fact, you didn’t recognize me, and then one day you will cry the same tears as me.

Wings dropped to the ground, We will never again fly into the world, In this universe forgotten by the Lord, You should not wait for love - it is no longer here ...

Few slam the door once. It is really very difficult.

The gap does not always mean the end, but often it is a stepping stone for ascent.

It's a pity ... You just had to remember the basic rule of family life: if you are right, apologize soon.

I know now you are with another, and my heart beats only with you, I don’t know how I can live without you, I can’t forget you.

You amuse your pride, leave him and beckon with your finger, and he lay down without you and doesn’t wake up anymore ...

Bitter separation makes poor lovers decidedly dumb.

Parting does not make them [people] feel proud of a job well done, nor does it exhilarate anticipation of the next meeting - only a gloomy, exhausting uncertainty. In truth, no copulation gives rise to passions in a person comparable to the passions of separation.

Some friends are good far away, others near; one who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent in correspondence. Distance smooths out the flaws that are unbearable in close communication.

Each parting gives a foretaste of death and each meeting a foretaste of resurrection. That is why even people who were indifferent to each other rejoice if in twenty or thirty years they come together again.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

If your wife left you, remember how you got there.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

When it comes to property division, it turns out that husband and wife have a lot in common!

You will not see how I cry, I will be strong with you. And I don't know what I'll do, because you're leaving for good.

They meet and marry for beauty, part and divorce for wretchedness.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go.

Initiating a breakup with his beloved, a man will give her any reasons other than the true one - she does not suit him in bed.

There was love without joys, separation will be without sorrow.

Dude, I can't be with you. More than anything, I want to be with you. But I can not! That would be mean, you know. I am like sulfuric acid that has fallen in love with a titmouse, a small bird with black attentive eyes.

I prefer the sign "No Entry" to the sign "No Exit".

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.

Marriage is the union of two people to jointly overcome problems that they would not have had it not for this union.

You will understand that she is an angel only when she turns her back on you...

Why is memory not drawn with a simple pencil? Then it would be possible to erase the parting and redraw our meeting

People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and enjoy the return.

Rudeness and pride spoil relationships: the first leads to separation, the second interferes with reconciliation

If a marriage has taken place, then the bond of marriage is indissoluble, it cannot be broken: the spouses should not be apart.

Before you dream about something - think, what if it comes true.

Even after parting, a woman does not cease to consider a man her property. And he becomes furious when he finds out that he is happy with another. And it doesn't matter if she loved him or not

You can part with love, the pain will dissipate little by little, but only by deceiving ourselves - we can deceive, we will not be able to God !!!

I have never loved anyone so much and will never love again, even though I didn’t open my heart to you, I still keep your image in it.

If you do not want to part with your beloved very quickly, then be with her less often.

I always received only what I took, not noticing how much was given to me.

When you're alone, every couple in town wants to cuddle in public.

Why don't we fall in love with something new every month? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.

A person leaves not because of a lack of feelings, but because of a lack of reciprocity or betrayal.

We need to part. Better to be miserable without you than with you.

Breaking up is a big thing. It always seems to give more than it takes.

Once we leave our loved ones, so that later we can mentally return to them all our lives ...

Only in moments of meeting and separation do people know how much love their hearts concealed, and the words of love tremble on their lips, and their eyes fill with tears.

Sometimes, breaking up means doing the right thing.

Leave the past to those who remain in it ...

We keep a mistress to have, we have a wife to support.

People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and enjoy the return.

You need to leave a man before he thinks about leaving.

Some breakup stories evoke sad memories, while others have pleasant dreams about when they will have the same person that they can remember and be sad about.

The consequences of parting depend on how long and sincere the feelings were.

When the girls' wings are broken, they begin to fly on a broomstick.

You say that I'm not the one you need, you want me to be a faithful slave in front of you ... But I'm not a fool to be like that, go away dear!

The consequences of parting depend on how long and sincere the feelings were. Georges Elgosy

Here are three phrases to say when breaking up with a woman: "I'm leaving you", "It's over between us" and "I stopped loving you." As long as they are not pronounced, everything is still fixable.

Without a heart, it is impossible to exist... Without a soul, it is impossible to live... Without you, I do not exist.

There comes a time in every man's life when clean socks are easier to buy.

With every guy next to be the girl he deserves. so if he traded you for a fool, don't be upset.

Any meeting is the beginning of parting.

And even a blanket
They were not united.

If after a breakup a guy hates you and throws mud at you, know that you broke him..

Girls, if you broke up, do not write any statuses. Just try not to call him. Let him run!

I sit for hours on the windowsill, listen to the same song, wipe my tears with my palm and convince myself that I don’t care.

-You broke my heart... -Sweep it with a broom, put it in a jar and on the shelf))) -Bitch... You probably keep your brains in the same state..

I'm sorry, we have to part, I'm probably monogamous! - No, dude, you're not monogamous, you're a f*ck!!!

Before it's too late try to fall in love with me again

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him (Pliny the Younger).

It's very insulting... It's so hard if you love and you see that everything is fine for him...

If you love something, let it go. If it is yours, it will return.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go..

Parting with a loved one is a happy ticket to a new life. Life full of loneliness and sad songs

Even if we parted ... when I see you with another ... I quietly whisper: only mine ...

If your ex-boyfriend spreads gossip about you, then he cares about you...

I remember how he said that I was the meaning of his life. Then it turned out that even without the meaning of life, he manages very well.

Who said that I dropped my hands ??? I just warm them in my pocket ... - parting statuses

In order to quit, you have to take me.

Why is there no option "Desperate" in the item "Marital status"!?!?!?!?

Free! Next!

New love... new breath... new calls... sms and suffering... but without tears... without tears and without you... you're just a past that is forgotten forever!!!

And I don’t delete my beloved’s phone during a quarrel. I rename it to “Don’t call, fool”

When I see how he walks with her in the park, I want to speak in verse ... - Pushkin? - No, Chukovsky: The gorilla is coming, the crocodile is leading ...

I saw my ex's girlfriend ... now I know for sure what to give him for his birthday - glasses.

We have awakened this love and killed that friendship... Now we have killed love and cannot awaken friendship...

Parting and meeting are the two main parts of which someday happiness will be formed.

Yes, baby, cut your veins, suffer for him, stupid. People lived in the war and nothing.. And you.

Having lost, we do not learn to love, we just become missing something.

In my opinion, the most offensive thing that can be said to a woman after a breakup is "I never loved you" ...

They broke up, he never explained anything ... it hurts so much ...

If you leave someone... don't look back, otherwise you will see something that will make you stay...

I love beautiful, well-groomed and good guys, BUT I trust only dad, because only he will not betray!

You can leave in English, in French, in Chinese, but now, you're going to ***

Separation time stretches like eternity.
The hands on the clock slowed down
I count the hours until we meet
And the beat of my heart won't let me sleep.

Looks like I'm not made of hard dough
I sit at the computer for a long time at work,
But only here is the calm and the place
Which day I do not find myself.

That's why I'm trying to understand
Fortune will turn away or who knows
I'm more afraid of everything in my life
Forever losing you one day.

I need to say before it's too late
I have had the best years with you.
You gave me everything you could
I have discovered many new things in you.

I want your heart to stop
When you look tenderly into your eyes,
In my destiny you played the main roles,
And this is by and large miracles.

Please don't look for another happiness
I will try to always be with you
All the time to be in your power
And only think about you.

I'm sorry, love has gone cold.
in the morning, quietly, without making the bed,
She opened the window and fluttered...
and... yes, I let her go.

I'm sorry, love has gone cold.
during the day, she still occasionally reminded of herself,
disturbed the normal rhythm of the heart.
And then I just killed her.

All I can do is pray.
And for you and for your love.
It was nice to be your tit
But you dream about cranes again.

Sorry for not being around.
We were given only moments by fate.
But I want to be your reward
The love you get with someone else.

All my memories are still alive.
I also feel the warmth of your hand.
It was probably our last date.
Amethyst drop
teardrop trembles
On the chest.

In me a poet and a woman
Weaved into one.
Love and word crossed
And burst from within.
Male kites are circling
High above me
They don't want to be with me
Go with fate.
Oh, apparently, the third extra is here,
Weaved into one
There is a poet and a woman in me,
But I want love...

Love got dressed and left.
You are surrounded by loneliness.
slouched over the corner of the table,
You examine dinner with a fork.

And the head gets heavy
A large fruit on a thin branch.
Cast-iron words lie
Behind the eardrum.

Look without taking your eyes off
With incomprehension unfeigned,
How the mattress straightens
With a short memory for shapes.

But with a nose, like a hound dog,
Still catching the scent
Her perfume, her hair,
Frozen for a moment on his hind legs.

And the night from the black gun -
Don't rush, don't rush -
Holding the bull-moon in your mouth,
Shoots at you, aiming.

If the guy you abandoned continues to discuss and condemn you, you should know that you emerged from the relationship as a winner!

It’s better for us to part ... It’s easier for you without me, but I’m generally hurt!

Why can't the pictures of parting in memory be erased with an eraser and a new meeting drawn over them?

Do not take parting with your loved one as a punishment, perhaps this fact can make you happier than you were in a relationship with him ...

Best Status:
Life is a struggle with loneliness and a sad melody as a soundtrack ...

If your feelings are doomed and love cannot be returned back, stop trying to stir up the past ... It's like catching up with a train that you missed on your own two feet ... Break up with the past easily ...

Parting is tormented by memories, but no more ... Everything passes, and this pain will subside ...

How parting with love will affect your future life depends on how real it was.

An indescribable feeling that cannot be described in any way ... it seems that there are no prospects and a return is impossible, and the soul is torn from parting ...

I will stop loving you only when a blind artist draws the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that does not exist ...

Here you are texting all night with the former ... It seems that you have another one, you seem to be happy, but in your heart something is still beating, something hurts so quietly ... A strange feeling of the past ...

When you are in pain, you feel weak. When you are in a lot of pain, you feel angry. When you are torn apart by pain, you don't care anymore.

One day you will realize that you lost me. One day you wake up lonely in a dream, you see how I cry, suddenly you understand how cruel you were, you understand the one you lost, in fact, you didn’t recognize me, and then one day you will cry the same tears as me.

Dude, I can't be with you. More than anything, I want to be with you. But I can not! That would be mean, you know. I am like sulfuric acid that has fallen in love with a titmouse, a small bird with black attentive eyes.

I know now you are with another, and my heart beats only with you, I don’t know how I can live without you, I can’t forget you.

Some friends are good far away, others near; one who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent in correspondence. Distance smooths out the flaws that are unbearable in close communication.

The snow is melting, there is ice in my heart, A tear will not melt the ice on my cheek. We are different people, with different fates, Our meeting is a mistake. Mistake is love.

It is better to love and be unloved than to wash three baskets of laundry every week.

You know, when people complain about their problems to you, it's hard to understand whether a person trusts you, or simply considers you a trash can where you can dump all the accumulated dirt.

Leave the past to those who remain in it ...

A rough break is a sign of strong feelings.

People are dying and we are running from each other.

I have never loved anyone so much and will never love again, even though I didn’t open my heart to you, I still keep your image in it.

No one can forbid the soul to love, even if it was not destined to be together ...

True love is not one that endures years of separation, but one that endures years of intimacy.

What was - passed, and the pain died, what was a long time ago - it was then ... Forgive me, don't be angry, I loved you, forgive and accept - I'm no longer yours ...

Everything is going well! .. But by!

We keep a mistress to have, we have a wife to support.

There was love without joys, separation will be without sorrow.

It's a pity ... You just had to remember the basic rule of family life: if you are right, apologize soon.

You amuse your pride, leave him and beckon with your finger, and he lay down without you and doesn’t wake up anymore ...

And I will forever remain on the ground ... afraid to rise. Because I remember too well how it is to fall from a great height.

Only in moments of meeting and separation do people know how much love their hearts concealed, and the words of love tremble on their lips, and their eyes fill with tears.

They say that it hurts to look at the sun, But it hurts even more to look at the lips that you love, but you can't kiss!

Love, but who will appreciate it ... And who will secretly give an answer ... The one who will never change ... There are no such people in the world ...

When you're alone, every couple in town wants to cuddle in public.

You're an idiot, an idiot, and an idiot again. You do everything like an idiot and answer like an idiot. And in the idiot contest you would have taken 2nd place...because you're an idiot!.

Thank you very much, it's nice to know that someone cares!

When you lose something, rejoice that you haven't lost much. When you lose a lot - rejoice that you have not lost everything. When you have lost everything - rejoice that there is nothing to lose ...

There comes a time in every man's life when clean socks are easier to buy.

I have never allowed anyone in my entire life to cause me so much pain ... as I allowed you, in such a short time ...

Nowhere do you feel so lonely as among people. – T. Rebrik

I always received only what I took, not noticing how much was given to me.

Without a heart, it is impossible to exist... Without a soul, it is impossible to live... Without you, I do not exist.

It's not fair to despise me for misjudging me. It's not my fault you were such an idiot.

I was crushed by my own love ... As much as I loved, it hurt so much.

The consequences of parting depend on how long and sincere the feelings were. Georges Elgosy

When the girls' wings are broken, they begin to fly on a broomstick.

the meaning of life without it: 404 error - not found ...

And only the message history, the folder with photos on the desktop and the heart beyond repair will remain ...

If a marriage has taken place, then the bond of marriage is indissoluble, it cannot be broken: the spouses should not be apart.

Bitter separation makes poor lovers decidedly dumb.

Each parting gives a foretaste of death and each meeting a foretaste of resurrection. That is why even people who were indifferent to each other rejoice if in twenty or thirty years they come together again.

You will not see how I cry, I will be strong with you. And I don't know what I'll do, because you're leaving for good.

I meet a cold evening alone, and your name is like a prayer in the snow ... and I miss you, I miss you ... and I can’t help myself ...

Baby, get your hair done, sing and dance... Baby, really, fuck him! Baby breathe...

When you are thrown, you need to lose weight and return it! And not to get fat and prove that he did the right thing

Do you remember how we sat together in the evenings, enjoyed each other, listened to love songs .. walked, could go through several districts at once ... we were so close, and now they are so different ...

heart, come on!!! we're leaving now!!!

Often you need to part with the person you love in order to still love him.

Only a man who respects a woman can part with her without humiliating her.

She was only once His, but the important thing is that He still remains only HER

My heart is no longer mine, my soul is no longer mine, my pain is no longer mine, my tears are no longer mine, your new girl pours them, it’s a pity she doesn’t know what she got herself into and what it means to love you …

If you do not want to part with your beloved very quickly, then be with her less often.

If you love something, let it go. If it is yours, it will return.

It has always been so that the depth of love is known only in the hour of separation.

From the point of view of women, men have two main shortcomings: that they think about sex all the time, and that their thoughts are at odds with their deeds.

You say that I'm not the one you need, you want me to be a faithful slave in front of you ... But I'm not a fool to be like that, go away dear!

If your wife left you, remember how you got there.

You went ice skating on my rose-colored glasses, and I dance on these fragments.

You can communicate with absent friends, as often and for as long as you yourself want. In separation, we enjoy this fellowship even more. Life nearby makes us spoiled, and although we sometimes sit together, walk and talk together, but, dispersing separately, we stop thinking about those we just saw

It happens sometimes that life separates two people - just to show both how important they are to each other.

We need to part. Better to be miserable without you than with you.

Before you dream about something - think, what if it comes true.

I put an end to it ... I'm tired of playing with you ... You are a selfish, spoiled du * ak, who appreciates nothing but himself in this life

I saw my ex's girlfriend ... now I know for sure what to give him for his birthday - glasses!

I will also wear a skirt. Short. Often. So that you choke on the saliva of “friendship”.

It seems that everything is over, but somehow it hurts my heart, it’s unusual to understand that everything is over.

In my heart, cats scratch their claws on glass.

Marriage is the union of two people to jointly overcome problems that they would not have had it not for this union.

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him (Pliny the Younger)

I prefer the sign "No Entry" to the sign "No Exit".

Few slam the door once. It is really very difficult.

Now I'm going to bed, and in the morning I'll get up early and hang myself on a sober head.

You remain in me my desire to hate you.

When it comes to property division, it turns out that husband and wife have a lot in common!

When parting with a woman, a man can lie about anything, just not to say that she does not suit him in bed.

Broke up with a loved one. He is hurt and sad, but I feel good and happy. That's the kind of love.

Do you know why people can't fall in love so often? Because when parting, each gives a small piece of the heart to the other. Often falling in love, the heart is not enough for everyone.

You will love, but you will still part. You will deceive others, but you will never escape yourself. So you will lie to yourself until you believe in the invented lie.

Best Status:
People need a breakup. After all, how else to check your love and feelings of a partner. And people also want to yearn, be sad and indulge in melancholy.

Breaking up is kind of like an act of terrorism. When preparing a bomb, you plant it right in the heart and watch the destructive actions.

After the breakup, she became truly interested in the life of her ex. Previously, everything was somehow once.

Parting is a train ticket to the unknown full of sadness and loneliness.

We delete phone numbers so as not to call ... We are “proud and adults”, but still standard, on Saturday evenings we turn on “Drunken tariff”, because you will never delete numbers from memory.

You are no longer the hero of my tantrums

Do you think I feel bad without you? Do you think I suffer without you? Do you think I cry into my pillow at night? Yes, it's bad, I suffer and cry. It's just that you won't see it

It's better to leave with your head held high than to love on your knees...

Next time you visit my page, don't forget to remind yourself that you don't care.

By leaving me, you showed another weakness of yours ... I'm beyond your strength!

Here are three phrases to say when breaking up with a woman: "I'm leaving you", "It's over between us" and "I stopped loving you." As long as they are not pronounced, everything is still fixable.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go..

Once we leave our loved ones, so that later we can mentally return to them all our lives ...

Some breakup stories evoke sad memories, while others have pleasant dreams about when they will have the same person that they can remember and be sad about.

Another glass, another cigarette, another sad song, tomorrow I'll change this CD. And I won't say another word about you.

If you ever miss me, remember that you yourself let me go.

Why do I need rivers - I can cry the sea, why do I need the sky - my longing is bottomless, like the sky, why do I need eyes if I see only darkness, why do I need life if you are not around!

It's strange, but even when you know that there are no prospects when you part, it's still hard on your heart ...

How much human happiness has been shattered just because one of the two did not say in a timely manner: “Sorry!”

Parting is always sad; but at the same time somewhere deep - there is no parting. They part completely, irrevocably, hopelessly, only when their hearts grow cold; as long as the heart is warm, as long as there is a living heart memory - there is no real parting, people cannot lose each other. The mind can go crazy, weaken, - the heart does not interfere and does not weaken.

There is not enough strength to return, to apologize - pride, and to call - courage. I sit and suffer like a fool.

I am grateful to you for all the moments of happiness ... I let you go with a calm heart ... Where are you, the bastard, leaving me ?!

If, after parting, the guy hates you and pours mud on you, know that you broke him ..

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go.

I set the *waiting* mode in our relationship ... in time we will understand everything .. but for now we continue to live different lives ... I love.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

Parting only strengthens the power of those we paint.

I sit for hours on the windowsill, listen to the same song, wipe my tears with my palm and convince myself that I don’t care about you.

The consequences of parting depend on how long and sincere the feelings were.

Someone dies without experiencing this feeling. And you and I personally kill our love.

Today he called and asked “do you still not want to see me?” and I answered “take it higher, I don’t want to know you”

A person leaves not because of a lack of feelings, but because of a lack of reciprocity or betrayal.

I sobbed, I begged not to leave, I said that I loved him ... and he just left, pushing me with his shoulder and not turning around.

Sometimes, breaking up means doing the right thing.

People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and enjoy the return.

You will understand that she is an angel only when she turns her back on you...

Why is memory not drawn with a simple pencil? Then it would be possible to erase the parting and redraw our meeting

I thought I loved, but it turned out - I loved to think ...

If you have irretrievably parted with your loved one, you do not need to live with memories of him. It's like remembering and waiting for your childhood. Almost as pointless...

Breaking up is a big thing. It always seems to give more than it takes.

Parting does not make them [people] feel proud of a job well done, nor does it exhilarate anticipation of the next meeting - only a gloomy, exhausting uncertainty. In truth, no copulation gives rise to passions in a person comparable to the passions of separation.

One day you will wake up and understand how dear I am to you ... But when that day comes, I will wake up with someone who has already understood this ...

“Let's remain friends” - with these words, millions of people in the world are trying to end relationships, although it is precisely with them that one must START.

If you love someone, let them go. If it is yours, it will return.

When everything ends, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the experienced love. It is difficult to endure this pain, because memories immediately begin to torment a person.

An era is like a woman with whom you live: in order to appreciate it, you need to part with it forever.

They parted ... it seems that nothing has changed, but only the bear, presented to them, she began to press closer to her chest in a dream ...

You need to leave a man before he thinks about leaving.

Leave - just don't forget to look back ...

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.

The gap does not always mean the end, but often it is a stepping stone for ascent.

If mankind knew about its future, it would not laugh so much, parting with its past.

They meet and marry for beauty, part and divorce for wretchedness.