Dark kcal during pregnancy. Effect of food on the colors of the feces. Standards for future mothers

Discussion of many delicate issues leads to future mothers in confusion. One of them - if during pregnancy a woman became black feces. This problem is not one pregnant woman, with it almost every one. Let's find out what the cause of such a phenomenon is.

Why do pregnant feces black?

There are many reasons why during pregnancy feces can be black. They are divided into natural and unnatural when there is a health problem. Recognize and understand them sometimes not easy, but after analyzing your condition, as well as a lifestyle that took place in the last days, you can come to a certain conclusion.

Natural reasons

Most often, the situation when the feces in a pregnant black color means that this is the impact of so-called pregnancy hormones. They are guilty of not only in changing the color of the chair, but in a bad mood, its drops, frequent urges "in a small". This is a normal phenomenon that does not require any treatment.

A woman could have a lot of currant, blackberry, blueberries, and then the feces are painted black, thanks to a natural dye. But food, such as liver, kiwi, pomegranate with regular use of stewed steel, thanks to the natural gland contained in them.

By the way, multivitamin complexes also contain this necessary each pregnant component and produce a similar effect. Seeing once that the feces changed the color, do not be afraid - most likely it is an iron action.

Deviations from the norm

But, if a woman feels weakness, she had a pulse, a dizziness, fainting, the skin became pale, then the feces of black color could testify about internal bleeding. Some think that the observed ulcer should give bloody color, but it will not be so, since the blood decomposes due to the digestive enzymes of the intestine and it turns out exactly in the form of a black liquid feces.

Not only can give a change in the color of the chair. The ulceration of the duodenum, intraish hemorrhoids - all this provokes black feces. These are abnormal situations when you should immediately contact the doctor.

There may be similar diseases during pregnancy, and then to establish the cause of the crown of feces will take time. But if a woman knows that she has chronic diseases, she is obliged to report them to his district gynecologist, while registering.

Now we know why during pregnancy in women can be black feces. It should be attentive even to the trifles during a baby tooling, and then this time will become one of the happiest periods of life.

All people are embarrassing when mentioning the feces, and there are also sensitive pregnant women and are at all seeking to avoid such a delicate theme. In fact, there is nothing ridiculous or awkward in the discussion of these issues with doctors, since the color of the chair signals changes in the body, and during pregnancy, future mothers should especially carefully follow their health. In addition, the fear of discussion of those associated with the feces can lead to the emergence of fears and anxiety, absolutely inappropriate with such an interesting position of a woman.

For the conservation of feces, its color, consistency and smell meets the liver, and during the pregnancy it works in reinforced mode. The normal feces of a healthy person, as a rule, is painted in brown with bile pigments. But depending on changes in the body, the color of the chair may vary from white to black. This effect may occur due to the use of food with intensive coloring (everyone knows what happens with a fender after beet salad, for example), but any deviations in the body can be manifested. Changing the color of the feces during pregnancy is important for the diagnosis, since in most cases due to developing diseases or pathologies.

Black Cal during pregnancy

Almost all pregnant women take vitamin complexes containing iron. It is this trace element that stains the feces in black. Thus, the body gets rid of extra, not digestible iron. To be frightened and stop drinking vitamins is not worth it, especially if the well-being is good.

If there is no confidence for changing the feces, you can consult with your doctor and conduct an experiment: the reception of the vitamin complex must be stopped for several days and trace the color of the feces. If the color becomes the same, it means that it is all the case in multivitamins, and you can only rejoice that they act.

Sometimes black feces in pregnancy cause such foods such as blueberries, beets, liver, blood sausage and currant.

But if these products were not used and the vitamin complexes were not prescribed, and the feces still blackened, then additional surveys should be held:

  • Biochemistry and overall blood test.
  • Analysis of the feces on the hidden blood at the previously identified ulcers of the stomach or duodenum.

In the second variant, the dark feces can be a symptom of gastric bleeding, but at the same time the well-being of a pregnant woman is definitely worsening (it becomes pale, sweats), and the feces itself looks more liquid and its color looks like a coffee thickness.

Green feces during pregnancy

Such a fight may appear for various reasons. If a person is healthy and does not bother him, then such a phenomenon may occur when eating foods with green dyes.

Also, the green feces can appear for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, dysbacteriosis. Also, there is a rotten unpleasant smell. These symptoms occur due to dead leukocytes, which accumulate in the intestine as a result of an acute inflammatory process.

The green chair may be in dysentery, but at the same time such symptoms are added as: general weakness, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea and raising body temperature.

In the diseases of blood and the liver, the mass collapse of the erythrocytes occurs, as a result of which bilirubin is formed - this pigment stains the feces in a dark green color.

With green feces and any accompanying symptoms, a pregnant woman must consult a doctor to identify the cause of deviation.

Bright feces during pregnancy

The causes of the light feces can be both completely harmless (vegetable diet, the use of dairy products in large quantities), and indicating serious problems. In case of infectious diseases that affect the liver and pancreas - hepatitis, pancreatitis, etc. - enormal processes are broken, and the bile is produced in insufficient quantity. This is the cause of calming feces.

Light yellow feces during pregnancy can also talk about the presence of interference in the body for a normal breeching - stones, tumors, etc.

Cal with blood during pregnancy

Cal with fresh blood can only be observed in cases where the place of internal bleeding is located near the anal opening - in the rectum or one of the last divisions of the large intestine. In other cases, blood will change the color of the chair, and it will become black.

The causes of the bed with blood can be: hemorrhoids, cracks in the anal holes, malignant tumors of the rectum.

Blood in the form of clots or streaks in feces is a sign of the development of chronic intestinal disease, for example, crown disease, dysbacteriosis or nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Cal with mucus during pregnancy

Sometimes, with endocrine disorders in the body or at a low-tech image of a pregnant woman (for example, bedding, with a threat of miscarriage), there are constipation of future mothers. If the delay in the intestinal emptying is long, then there is a dilution of the chair with mucus arising due to irritation of the intestinal walls. In this case, the feces will be with mucus, but after the normalization of the chair, such a phenomenon should disappear.

Also, mucus in feces can appear in acute inflammatory bowel diseases - colitis, enteritis, proctitis, etc.

As we can see, the change in the color of the feces can indicate both developing pathologies, and changing the diet, so the primary factor in this case is the overall health of a pregnant woman.

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It is a pity that there are no statistical data on how many women can be black in pregnancy. This statistic would certainly comfort you immediately, even without clarifying the probable causes of such a phenomenon. Because in reality the dark chair is observed in very, very many future mothers already in the earliest period of pregnancy. And in almost one hundred percent of cases, its darkening is due to the reception of drugs containing iron.

Black chair during pregnancy when receiving iron

Very few women manage to endure a baby without receiving iron-containing drugs in the first trimester. All because iron deficiency anemia has become a satellite of the life of many of us because of a variety of reasons. With the onset of pregnancy, the risk of anemia increases significantly, and subject to the insufficiency of iron in the body of a woman even before conception - after him anemia progresses. She pays in itself very many dangers, and always with the onset of pregnancy doctors will either treat it or prevent.

With the need for future mothers, separate iron preparations in the dosage required for it are prescribed. In other cases, only multivitamin complexes, which typically contain a certain amount of iron as one of the most necessary substances during pregnancy.

In the abstracts to drugs, as a rule, it is indicated that their reception can contribute to staining of the chair in a dark color, but, of course, the instructions are read far away. Therefore, taking into account the increased criminality and anxiety of pregnant women, doctors appointing them such funds are obliged to warn about the likely "special effects."

Feeding mass when receiving iron-containing drugs, not only can be darker, but also acquire a specific smell and even change the consistency slightly.

Black Color Cala from Vitamins: What does and what to do?

It is quite natural and normal that against the background of receiving iron-containing vitamin complexes is formed black feces. Moreover, there are evidence that such a phenomenon can indirectly indicate the quality of vitamins: the stool is black - it means that the drug still contains. Meanwhile, the characteristic dark shade of Kalu gives it precisely non-refined iron, output from the body. Sometimes women describe such a chair not only as black, but also as an earthy, gray, greenish or stool of swamp color during pregnancy.

It happens that a woman, let's say, took some pharmacy vitamins, but did not notice the painting feces effect. Then, after some period, the doctor prescribed her the same drug again - and here it is surprising, the chair darkened! It should be understood that, most likely, during the reception of the fund for the first time the body was experiencing a too much need for the hardware, which was assumed by him entirely, and therefore, together with the fee, it was not displayed. Later, when a large iron deficit was no longer observed, but the need for his additional admission appeared, the body took himself exactly as much as he needed, and the rest was getting rid of.

However, if you are taking drugs of synthetic origin, in any case, it is not necessary to hope for their high digestibility: at best, you can "squeeze" from such tablets just over 50%. But less than half is absorbed more often.

So what should you ask if the black color of the feces during pregnancy turned out to be a consequence of taking vitamins? Never mind! Continue the course prescribed by the doctor and do not pay attention to the color - it is not dangerous.

But if there are no vitamins here, then the pathological reasons are not excluded, although first ... What did you eat on the eve?

Why there may still be a dark feces: reasons

To determine whether your vitamins in the darkening of the chair are guilty, it is possible to be very simple and reliably: stop your reception for several days - and make sure about the changes. If after that he glanced the chair, and with the renewal of vitamin therapy, he began to darken back, then the whole truth is obvious.

Otherwise, the causes of the black feces during pregnancy are others. And it is most likely that this is a reception of drugs or the use of products, staining chair in a dark color. Among pharmacy drugs, in addition to those already mentioned, such properties have activated carbon or carbollen, bismuth preparations (like, for example, de nol, Novobismol).

A rather large list of foods that can affect the color of the chair in the dark side:

  • liver;
  • products with an animal blood (for example, blood sausage);
  • blueberries;
  • prunes;
  • dark grapes;
  • black currant;
  • black-tree rowan;
  • sheet greens in large quantities;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • garnet;
  • coffee;
  • containing artificial dye products and drinks (for example, powder red wine).

On a note. The soluble staining substances falling into the human body are derived from it in two ways: along with urine - water-soluble products, together with the feces - fat-soluble. Moreover, the color of the feces is sometimes completely unexpected and even frightening. Caliac masses can not be painted, but only contain painted non-digested food particles - for example, the peel of berries or seeds.

It is noteworthy that often when eating bananas in feces, dark fragments can be viewed - black strings, points, grains, accommodation, enclosures (banana fiber is completely not digested by our stomach). But it is also not excluded that black worms in a chair during pregnancy are worms.

The use of any of the staining foods (with general well-being) should not cause you any more suspicion. But when a woman feels weakness, malaise, she throws it into sweat or pain on the background of a black chair appears, and even more so if diarrhea has a dark color during pregnancy, then the doctor should be treated immediately!

Why is there black diarrhea during pregnancy?

The most likely cause of a black liquid chair is the poisoning of the product that can paint the chair in a dark color. If the activated carbon is also taken, then it is suppressed.

Even such a state as diarrhea during pregnancy is unsafe and requires medical care. Therefore, to engage in self-medication in this situation - at least irresponsible. Especially since the reasons for the black liquid feces can be even more serious.

The black feast is formed when the content of blood in it, the source of which is certainly located in the upper gastrointestinal tract. It may be bleeding in the stomach or a 12-risen intestine due to the exacerbated ulcers; polyps and other formations in the gastrointestinal bodies; Varicosis of veins in the esophagus. Black blood testifies to its oxidation with digestive enzymes. If the blood is lower, closer to the rectum and its hole, then the feces will contain impurities of fresh blood scarlet.

So, with the development of internal bleeding, painting feces in black, other painful symptoms are also marked:

  • chills, shiver, increase body temperature;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • reinforced sweating (sweat cold, sticky);
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • lack of appetite.

It is important to note that the chair at the same time is slightly diluted. Intense gastrointestinal bleeding is manifested by the appearance of a coffee grip, a tin-shaped black feces, called melena medicine.

In addition to exacerbation of diseases, some drugs from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are also capable of becoming the aggravation of diseases (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents), especially during their long-term admission: acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, nimesulide, Luxidol, Naz, etc.

This state is very dangerous and requires urgent medical care. To paint the chair in a dark color is also able to swallow a large amount of blood with nasal bleeding.

Black Cal for Pregnancy: Forum

And yet, the forum and feedback indicate that it is usually not even food products, namely the "pharmacy iron" causes a dark chair during pregnancy. Most often it turns out to be vitamin complexes Elevit and Vitrum (the last gynecologists recommend less often, because it was noticed that many pregnant women are nauseous). Also, the appearance of black feces, judging by reports on the forums, cause drugs sorbifer, Ferrum-Lek, Tardeferon, etc.

Women tell me that they turned to their gynecologist with complaints about the dark chair and received confirmation of their guesses: all this is due to iron and danger. The main thing is that the well-being is normal and no other painful symptoms (constant swelling, pain in the stomach, diarrhea or constipation, vomiting, high temperature, etc.) did not appear.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Future mothers are always very worried about any deviations in their condition - God forbid to reflect on the child! A lot of concern cause a "surprises" of the excretory system in the form of a robe of black in pregnancy. Not everyone knows what it is connected with and how dangerous. Let's look for answers to these questions together.

The reasons for the black feces during pregnancy are different: sometimes with a visit to the medical insurance, it is better to hurry, in other cases - just remember what you were taking place on the eve. Gastroenterologists assure that almost always this unpleasant symptom can be eliminated using the correct diet. However, the clarification of the cause of such a reaction of the body is messenger.

Why there is black feces during pregnancy

In the first trimester of the "interesting" situation begins the most important stage of the formation of a future person - organogenesis. During this period, many women tormented moderate or strong toxicosis, which is often accompanied by all sorts of violations of the tract: poor appetite, nausea, sudden bits of vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. To this list, you can also add a change in the consistency and the painting of the feces. This happens on the basis of hormonal restructuring and special intervention does not require. But there are clinical cases of black feces, then pregnant is most important to be in reliable hands of qualified specialists.

Black feces in early pregnancy: what in the refrigerator has a future mother

Often an unusual coloring of the chair directly depends on food that pregnant eating. If you discovered honey masses very dark or black, first try to remember that you ate in the morning or on the eve of the evening. Some products by virtue of their composition and the presence of coloring pigments can "repaint" the intestinal contents:

  • fruits with increased pigments - grenades, dark grapes, blue plums, black rowan;
  • vegetables and dried fruits - beets, tomatoes, prunes;
  • meat delicacies and sub-products - Blood Sausage, liver;
  • drinks - multicolored "soda", natural coffee, powder wine.

All these foods digestion organs are passing only partially, and pigmented particles are outlined together with the feces, giving it a frightening dark shade. When a pregnant woman, after analyzing his diet, refuses to time from the product that caused this symptom, the chair is likely to normalize very quickly.

Cal black in pregnancy: reception of "coloring" medicines

The cause of black chairs during pregnancy is often becoming pharmacy preparations that took a woman in position. The ability to paint the contents of the intestine into black is the following means:

  • black Activated Coal;
  • mono- or polycomponent compositions with iron;
  • medicines containing bismuth;
  • polyvitamins.

What pregnant woman did not take several tablets of activated coal, when the symptoms of toxicosis became especially painful? The sorbing components of the coal are not absorbed by the stomach, so they are removed in the undigested state in full, giving the hazard masses an unpretentious appearance.

Or now - women are often asked on the forums, how to do when, when pregnant, black feces appear after receiving Elevit Prontash. The polyvitamin drug, which includes iron, is given to many future mothers to help the female body to provide a child with all the necessary useful substances. Naturally, Elevit and other iron-containing agents are split in the stomach and the intestines are not completely, therefore, the remains of iron are outlined from the body in pristine form. That is, black feces during pregnancy against the background of anemia treatment with special preparations are considered absolutely normal.

Sometimes such situations occur: pregnant has previously taken any vitamins and did not bother her. After some time, she resumed the reception of the same drug, but this time it was very alarmed, because the chair was very darkened. There is nothing to fear! At first, the body experienced such a strong deficit of iron, which hesitated the trace element for its needs. Another time, when the "thirst" was not so strong, only the necessary part of the iron was observed, and from excessive organism got rid of. Refusing to the unplugrating vitamins in this case, rashly, as a woman and her baby threatens nothing.

Cal black during pregnancy: when you need to contact the hospital

When black feces appear during pregnancy after taking iron, the cause of this is the factors of physiological nature. It is quite different things to the darkening of the chair in the future mother, which is a long time suffers from gastritis, ulcer of the stomach or 12-rosewoman. Then the black feces are viewed as the first symptom of internal intestinal bleeding, which appeared as a result of the exacerbation of the disease.

When the erosive vessel begins to bleed, the blood fills the stomach or a 12-point intestine, which reacts with gastric juice and changes its color, mixing afterwards with the feet. At the same time, other fairly pronounced signs of complications appear:

  • periodically exacerbating and subsomes abdominal pain;
  • the growing signs of anemia: pale leather, weakness, rapid heart rhythm, sweat on the face, pre-corrupt state.

Internal bleeding is a greater danger to the fetus, so when the black chairs appears, accompanied by at least one of the listed symptoms, it is necessary to urgently seem like a specialist.

Green-black calorie in the form of diarrhea during pregnancy most often indicates the presence of an intestinal infection. There are other eloquent "hints" to the disease:

  • spastic or constant pain in the abdomen;
  • chills;
  • fevering condition;
  • headache;
  • nausea attacks;
  • vomiting.

Such critical states require immediate medical intervention and are treated, as a rule, a whole complex of medicines with the predominance of antibiotics.

Features of diagnostics of eats of black in pregnancy

When the dark feces appear during pregnancy, it is extremely important to find out the reason for this symptom, as well as to distinguish a pathological condition from a physiologically conditional norm. In addition to the complaints of the patient, to establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor collects the following information about the future mother:

  • gestational age;
  • are there any gestosis (if the black feces appeared during pregnancy in the three trimester);
  • are there any diseases of the digestive system;
  • frequency of black chair;
  • consistency of black chair;
  • what products make up the diet of a pregnant woman.

Based on the obtained data, the doctor will determine with the diagnostic method, which will complement the mandatory deployed blood test, the overall analysis of urine and feces analysis:

  • coprogram;
  • analysis of the sample of potassium masses to the Gregersen reaction.
  • ezophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • respiratory test.

What to do if during pregnancy black feces

The correction of diagnosed pathology, which manifested itself in the form of a darkened chair during pregnancy, not only provides for the use of drugs, but also allows you to appeal to homeopathy and traditional medicine. Pregnant patient shows room mode without unnecessary physical and emotional loads. Do not do without a special diet.

Treatment of black feces during pregnancy: diet

The new diet is based on the use of gentle products that are easily and quickly accelerated:

  • if necessary, to thermally handle food prefer cooking. Ready dish Eat warm;
  • choose low-calorie products without high food fiber content (for example, apple puree, boiled potatoes without peel, manna porridge, steam fish, milk);
  • on sour, smoked products and pickles - strict taboo;
  • from simple carbohydrates will also have to refuse - remove the candy away, sweet pastries and white bread. Replace them with complex carbohydrates in the form of oatmeal, which is known for its enveloping effect;
  • eat the protein every day - boiled meat and fish. With legs better to postpone;
  • dairy products are allowed in very modest quantities;
  • of the drinks, it is preferable to all warm fastening tea, homemade sea and uvar.

Moderate diet - an integral component of the successful treatment of the gastrointestinal bodies during pregnancy.

Treatment of eats of black in pregnancy: medication

If the diagnosis confirmed in a pregnant woman's existence of an intestinal infection of bacterial origin, the use of antibacterial drug, adsorbent and probiotic is combined in treatment. Prescribed medications taking into account the particular position of the patient, which imposes certain restrictions on the use of drugs. The doctor is obliged to select only those means whose action will not affect the intrauterine life of the fetus. During the period of treatment, the condition of the mother and the baby is constantly monitored to take emergency measures in the event of various complications.

An exemplary treatment program for a pregnant woman who applied with complaints of black feces during pregnancy can be based on such preparations:

  1. Cefepim - Antibacterial agent belonging to the cephalosporins of 4 generations. The active substance of the drug effectively destroys a wide range of pathogenic bacteria. Cefepim is produced in the form of a powder for injection for 1 g. The daily dose of medication is 1 g and is intended for intramuscular or intravenous injections. The course of treatment usually lasts up to 1 week. The medicine does not have teratogenic influence on the fruit and pregnancy in general, but may cause complications in the form of headaches, high fatigue, allergies and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Smekt - Popular and tested sorbent. It is applied to purify and normalize the intestinal excretory ability, the elimination of heartburn and meteorism. Sold in pharmacies in bags of 3 g. The use of medication is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding - the smect is not delayed in the tissues and extends in an unusted form. However, the drug is not recommended to be taken due to the presence of individual intolerance or intestinal obstruction. Package smects are divorced in 100 ml of water immediately before use. The medicine is drunk 3 times a day for 5 to 7 days.
  3. Linex. - Belongs to probiotics that need to accompany any antibiotic treatment. The means in the form of capsules contains "live" bacteria, which restores a healthy intestinal microflora and contributes to the elimination of diarrhea. Allowed during pregnancy and does not have serious side effects. Assign Linex 2 capsules three times a day after eating for 3 to 7 days.

Vitamins during the exacerbation of the state of the gastrointestinal tract, which during pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of a black chair, during the main treatment is not accepted.

Treatment of eats of black in pregnancy: recipes of traditional medicine

The use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of black chair during pregnancy has a general anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. We give simple recipes that the future mother can use without feet:

  • dry crushed leaves of the Hypericum and immortelle Fill 1 tbsp. Waters, boil for 5 minutes, then insist 10 minutes. Chilled and pasty drink take 1/4 tbsp. three times a day;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Chamomile flowers brew in 1 liter of boiled water and insist for 1 hour. The finished medicine sweetened with honey and drink half a cup of three times a day;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Salfa will brew in 1 liter of boiling water, insist about 1 hour, then strain and quench the thirst for herbal infusion of 1/2 cup twice a day.

Treatment of eats of black in pregnancy: homeopathic agents

Adherents of homeopathy science believe that treatment of natural medicines during pregnancy safely and allows you to effectively deal with diseases of any severity:

  • NUKS Nomika-Gomakkord - drops with combined composition. Perfectly copes with an inflammatory intestinal process. Consume 10 drops on 1 tbsp. l. Waters three times a day. In isolated cases, an allergy was observed for the drug.
  • Mukoz composites - natural remedy, known for its pronounced restoring, relaxing and blocking inflammation. Moreover, the medicine is useful if there is a need to strengthen the intestinal motorcycle. Mukoz composites is a solution for injections of 2.2 ml. In exacerbation of pathology, injections are made in the muscle or under the skin at a dose of 2.2 ml 1 time per day, with sluggish disorders - 1 time per week. It is possible to develop allergies.
  • Viborol is an excellent analgesic and spasmolitic, effectively eliminating extensive foci of inflammation. It is performed in the form of suppositories and is shown for rectal introduction 3 times a day (in the morning, day and evening) in 1 candle. Viborolus does not have contraindications, and unwanted effects in the form of allergies provoke extremely rarely.

Cal black during pregnancy: how to prevent

Preventive measures of darkening of the chair in pregnancy are nonspecific and consist of eliminating all sorts of factors that can cause this unexpected symptom. It is advisable to review your diet for the presence of "provoking" products, and even better to balance it with a qualified nutritionist.

In addition, women in the position should stay away from the places of accumulation of people suffering from infectious diseases, as well as observe the elementary hygiene measures - be sure to wash their hands after returning from the street home, after visiting the toilet, before eating. If there is an ulcer of the stomach or 12-rosysome integrated treatment, they are carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning to prevent problems in the future.