Hair on the mucous lips. Epilation of germ lips. Men's intimate zones

To the hair in some parts of the human body there was an ambiguous attitude. On the one hand, the Europeans for the most part consider hair and at the pubic atavism and all their forces seek to get rid of them. On the other hand, the Asian countries are currently experiencing the peak of the popularity of operations, during which the hair from the client's head is transplanted by him. The fact is that vegetation in the field of genital organs among Asians is extremely scarce, and they are confident that they will become more sexually attractive and prolific after such a transplant.

Why are hair in intimate places grow hair?

Until now, there is no consensus on why during evolution not all hair on the human body became short and thin. There is a hypothesis that hair in groin and is the antenna themselves created by the nature itself, for which people transmit and receive special information. Another hypothesis states that the hair is called upon to attract the attention of a potential partner to the fact that this particular has reached biological maturity and is ready for mating and tooling offspring. Finally, the third common hypothesis is most like the truth: the hair retains and strengthen the spread of odors, which, again, attract the attention of the most suitable partner of the opposite sex.

So do you need hair in intimate places?

There is no definitely correct answer to the question of whether the hair should be removed in the groin and armpits. From the point of view of hygiene, it is extremely desirable to do this in order to prevent the appearance of the smell of sweat or discharge. Let these smells be relevant from the position of the cave man and are attractive, but a modern person, the "fragrant" who is so long, society will perceive negatively in any case.
On the other hand, there are many people defending their right to naturalness in everything. It applies to hair on the body including. At the same time, such people are no less developed, are formed and clean than those who prefer to remove vegetation on the body. This is their opinion, which, in any case, is worthy of respect.
Nevertheless, the fashion for smooth skin of the entire body is preserved, and thousands of people daily turn into beauty salons. They want one - remove hair places of their body, and make it as efficient as possible. The modern beauty industry offers dozens of ways for this, each of whom has its pros and cons.

Deep bikini wax epilation (synonyms - "Vaxing", "Waxing", "Brazilian Hair Removal", "Total or complete") is one of the types of cosmetology procedures, in which unwanted hair in the crotch area, external genital organs, anus, buttocks are removed using preheated (hot or warm) liquid wax.

The deep bikini zone is usually hidden from unauthorized eyes with clothes and is out of sight of the surrounding. However, it is impossible to look an intimate place in a modern girl should be equally impeccable not only in the sun season and swimwear, but also in everyday life - in bed, fitness club, sauna, etc. Situations. Therefore, the demand for the removal of unwanted hair in one way or another is stable. Someone goes to the cosmetology salon, someone takes a razor in the old man. It is better to surrender in the hands of a professional - salon epilation of deep bikini wax will allow to obtain flawlessly smooth and gentle skin of this delicate place!

Historical certificate.

The epilation of a deep bikini zone is an intimate procedure, known to women for over 3000 years. The wax method of removal of undesirable vegetation in the zone of deep bikini used another Queen of Ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians epilated hair with sharply sharpened objects, which were the progenitors of modern razors. The ancient Egyptians invented the first creams depilators. They were a thick mass of a mixture of honey, wax and plant juice, which was applied to places intended for epilation (deep bikini, buttocks, including anus, and limbs). Such a mixture used Nefertiti. In ancient papyrus, records have been preserved that Pharaohs wished to see concubine girls hairless. The Egyptian queens and the highest nobility had special maids who removed the hair from the bodies of Mrs. with special tweezers. In ancient Greece, a woman has hair on the genitals was considered shame. And the ancient Greek men to the overgrown crotch and anus of women treated with contempt.

Types of epilation bikini

"CLASSIC" "Deep bikini"
Hair removal goes along the panties line. They are removed from the pubic and from the inner surface of the hips - so as not to look out from under the edges of the linen. Hair on sex lips, crotch, in an inter-fodder fold and anal area in this embodiment do not touch. This is a "lightweight" option of the procedure, it happens like preparation for deep epilation. This option of intimate epilation implies the complete elimination of vegetation in the anogenital region and the crotch - from the pubic, sex lips, around the anus, folds between the buttocks, buttocks (optional). The epilation of a deep bikini is the perfect way to appear completely naked, or with a small strip on the pubic.

Preparation for the procedure

Before making a deep bikini epilation, it is advisable to know several moments. Preparation is practically no need if not considered the adoption of the shower before the procedure. It is desirable that the hair length is at least 4-5 mm. When visiting a specialist during menstruation, the use of a tampon.

How to do everything enough? If the hair removal procedure in the deep bikini zone seems too sensitive, we can offer the applying anesthetic cream, optimally - Emla, 20-30 minutes before the start of the session. However, it is not necessary to wait, this is completely all the dishonor - as a rule, sensitivity is reduced by 30-50%.


  • Pregnancy and lactation period
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Fungal diseases in the intimate zone
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Disturbance of skin integrity
  • Oncological diseases
  • Sugar diabetes, varicose veins
  • Diseases of the skin of the anogenital region
  • Blood coagulation disorder (hemophilia)
  • Exacerbation of herpetic infection
  • Mental diseases
  • Warts, Moles in the epilation zone
  • Age up to 14 years

How do deep bikini epilation

It is best to make the epilation of deep bikini wax in the cabin of cosmetology or clinic. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe metro station "Kutuzovskaya", in the middle of the Kutuzovsky Prospect of the city of Moscow, women, girls and girls - adolescents are carried out by experienced and delicate specialists of our clinic. The paper uses the best import waxes from the best manufacturers.

During the procedure, you will need to trust a specialist and for the time of the procedure to forget about shyness. You calmly remove all the clothes from the belt and below (although many prefer to stay only in the bra) and comfortably arrange in a professional chair and push the legs. The office is not cold and not hot, a rather neutral temperature is always supported. In the course of the session, you will take poses to which the specialist will indicate, for the effective and least painful hair removal from the desired places. For a better result, we can perform epilation on the gynecological chair.

Stages of the procedure

1. Beginning

Initially, it is necessary to prepare the skin: carefully process the antiseptic, clean, soften and dry with special cosmetics. Wax can be applied only on clean dry skin.

2. Gamble epilation, pubic zones, crotch

A one-time spatula is applied with a strip of hot wax on the skin from the edge of the area, gradually approaching the most intimate corners. Within a few seconds, wax dries out and "hugs" each hairs. Next, the skin is correctly stretched with one hand, and the sharp movement of another hand wax is dramatically removed from the skin area along with unnecessary hairs. Having treated one side, we move to another half and repeat the procedure (the edge of the bikini, part of the pubic hair, the zone between the buttocks, including the folds between the buttock and the foot, and, finally, sex lips and above the clitoris). These zones are epilac in the position lying on the back with diluted to the sides and bent in their knees; At individual stages, it will be necessary alternately or simultaneously tighten the legs bent into the knees to the stomach.

3. Hair removal around the anus and on the buttocks

We turn to the most intimate sites - hair removal around the anus and zone between the buttocks. For the maximum full and painless process, one or another posture may be prompted. You lie on the stomach and hold the brought on the sides of the buttock with your hands, or lie on the back or side with the legs tumaled to the stomach, or take the knee-elbow position. The last posture in the epilation of deep bikini allows you to get the most easy and full access to the hard-to-reach places of the anal area and remove the vegetation as possible and painlessly. In any case, the last word in choosing a particular position is yours).

4. Completion

At the end of the wax remains, they are removed by a special lotion, then the skin is disinfected, a moisturizing, softening or healing cream, is applied. You can additionally carry out sessions of cosmetic care for an intimate zone. Since the skin at this moment is very annoyed, she needs time to restore its functions. It is recommended not to sunbathe, do not visit the bath, sauna and not take a hot bath for 2-3 days. See: Results epilation deep bikini: photo before and after!

Questions - Answers about removal deep bikini

I shy to decide to take the epilation of bikini ...

Often, girls refuse to make hair removal in intimate places due to the fact that they are shy to appear before the master nude. Someone is confused and poses that are accepted for the procedure. First, the adoption of one or another posture is necessary to ensure the greatest tension of the skin and, accordingly, minimizing the unpleasant sensations. Secondly, the constraint is unnecessary because the doctor will work in the clinic - a specialist in intimate cosmetology. In addition, cosmetologists joke that it is awkward only on the first session, and then everything becomes usual. In any case, the last word in the choice of one or another posture when hair epilation zone of bikini remains for you))

How much time do it? ...

If you want to get beautiful and gentle skin in an intimate place and do not experience psychological stress, it is not necessary to hurry and make such a procedure "on the run", in the first Salon's path. Our specialists are responsible to their work, provide complete sterility for a session and an excellent result! Therefore, we are not in a hurry - the time of the removal of deep bikini epilation is from 60 minutes (depending on the type of epilation and selected options). We do not strive for the recondition of the speed of hair out of the skin of the client - it is more important for your state of health during this intimate procedure and satisfaction with the final result! Therefore, a convincing request to reserve time on the procedure in advance by phone or through the online form on the site!

Well, let's find out how to break the machine in an intimate place? First, it is worth remembering that the razor movements must go strictly for hair growth in the bikini zone, not otherwise. Remember that the key to success is not only how to shave intimate place. Careful and regular care plays not a small role. Therefore, at least once a day, you need to wash with soap or gel for intimate places. In cases of irritation or due to delicate skin, you should not shave the bikini zone daily. Some girls have allergies to foam, so you can use soap foam to the procedure. On how to shave intimate place correctly, both men and women are conceived. Most often to bring an intimate zone in order, girls use a razor, as this is the most affordable, fast and also painless way of removing unwanted hair. How to shave intimate place machine you will learn in this article

When the beach season or the time of vacation and we are in his opposition, not only the figure, but also the problem of epilation. And this is especially true of the bikini area, because not everyone knows how it is right and the better to shave this zone.

First, let's figure it out, the better to remove the hair in the bikini zone, shave or make hair removal, such as wax. Epilation is capable of making a smooth skin for a long time, but not all are solved on it. Photo-epilation or laser cost a lot, and the epilation of wax is rather painful. So, if you do not have any extra money, nor the pain tolerate do not want, then for you the answer to the question, the better remove the hair from intimate places, such is just shaving. According to some, the male intimate place on which hair shave, looks very gently in the eyes of women. For those who are interested in how to beat the pubic hair correctly and do not cause irritation, let's give some tips.

Frequent issues of doctors gynecologists: "I have been already 18 years old, I don't know how to shave in the bikini zone. Do I need all the hair to remove it? Or how? And how to clean them on the sex lips?" Knowing some subtleties, you can easily and correctly shake an intimate place without irritation and make it quick enough.

Read the answers to such questions below.

How to shave the intimate zone?

So, you decided to shave an intimate place, but how to do it right, especially the zone of deep bikini, do not have the slightest presentation? Then the time to fill the lack of knowledge in this area.

  1. Before you find out how to shave an intimate place, you must choose the right razor. The main condition - it should be acute, and therefore no disposable machines. It is better to take a male razor, it will be sharper, and restricters protecting against cuts that close the review, there is no. If the lady thought about how to shave an intimate place correctly, then she should acquire a special machine for women.
  2. The next point we select a shave agent. It is possible to use soap, but it is very dried with the skin, and here it is not far from irritation. So it is better to choose a gel bikini zone to shave or shaving cream with an additional moisturizer. If the skin is very sensitive or you often suffer from allergies after applying various cosmetics, it is better to choose a hypoallergenic cream (gel), without dyes and fragrances.
  3. Choosing a razor and cream, it's time to start shaving. But do not rush, before shaving an intimate place, the skin must be properly prepared, otherwise irritation will not be avoided. Before as shaveintimatea placeIt does not prevent unpiring the skin - it will greatly facilitate the procedures. For example, we take a bath or shower to split the skin, and then rinse your intimate place that we are going to shave with cool water.
  4. If the hair is very long, then you first cut the hair on an intimate place - scissors for the usual haircut, but neatly, not twitching.
  5. We apply a cream or gel for shaving on the skin and wait a few minutes so that the skin and hair softened.
  6. Properly shaving the intimate bikini zone is needed using as much movement as possible, it is better that they were at all 2. Once a razor slides on hair growth, once - against growth, or both times for hair growth. The first option is not suitable for everyone, because shaving against the growth of hair in some of the representatives of the fine floor causes the appearance of ingrown hair. If you resort to this procedure and fear to cut down, then it is better to arm a mirror. Chain comfortable, so that freely see the place you are going to shave.
  7. After the end of the shave, you need to wash with soap to avoid the risk of infection. You can use a lotion containing alcohol or after shaving moisturizer. Many helps to avoid talc irritation. The main thing is to do it carefully, sailing to the fields. If the cuts could not be avoided, then before processing the skin with lotions, you need to lubricate the cuts of hydrogen peroxide.
  8. Do not forget about hygiene - all shaved intimate sites need to be washed at least once a day.
  9. And more, whatever razor, the shaving and lotion cream is not chosen, the irritation will still appear if you are trying too often. Those who have a very sensitive skin, it is important to catch the moment when the hair, reflected, begin to cause inconvenience - to bother. It is at this time that they need to suffer, otherwise the irritation will definitely appear. Naturally, each chooses the frequency of shaving for itself on their own, but for the daily "communication" with a razor, no skin says to you, and will answer such bullying irritation.

How to shave hair on sex lips?

Shave not necessarily. Cut with small scissors.
But next to them - the most convenient special depilation cream (Veet, for example). Slip, hold 5 minutes and wash off.

You can be a female razor machine, but neatly: bottom up. It is necessary to pull the skin with your fingers if you are afraid to cut down.


Of course, over time, experience comes, snorkeling and questions, how to shave the intimate place, does not occur. Therefore, do not ignore the useful tips, for the initial stage they will be invaluable. Compliance with safety will also not be superfluous, because it is a very tender place on our body.

Let's finish our article with a small advice for moms. Try to tell your smaller daughter in time about how to glorify an intimate place. Teens are very often rushed in extremes, and the girl can make mistakes by ignorance. Buy her a personal machine, foam and explain about the need for this procedure and let me read this article.

Girls, tell me who goes to the interior of the epilation (shigaring) of a deep bikini ?? Tell me what is it ??? Do the epilation of the germ lip do ?? Priests ?? What are the postures ?? I can't even imagine, I am ashamed .. to shoot pants to an unfamiliar person- How ?? And then everything overgrown in the same place .... And what if there will be a selection during the procedure? P.S. For how many days to date to make shugaring, so that the irritation passed and so that the first did not increase the hairs

Read completely...

About beauty!

Whose someone struck me in the last days. Babonki, but tell me such a thing ... Did you have such a desire to stay young eternally with the parameters 90-60-90 with Khrena Lisogo ??? Do you generally imagine if suddenly, it will be possible sharply and immediately .... the film Seporford wives watched? Itself is not disgusted with yourself? :))))) With what such, look at 35 on 25 is good? Here, for example, I do not want, I want to look at 35 at 35, and 50 to 50 ... on the normal 35 and on ...

Any young girl at least once thought about the question: why do you need hair on the pubic part? To remove them or not - the case of everyone and purely personal. However, before doing this, it is better to ask your partner, as it belongs to such an intimate haircut.

Hair nature on the pubic part

It's no secret to anyone that people originated from monkeys. Initially, the females of these animals were bare, so the male could immediately assess the degree of excitement of the partner. In women, this part of the body is covered with hair on the pubic part. This means that the existing vegetation is designed to facilitate the search for a partner and excite it. This opinion was maintained for a long time. At the same time, the pubic hair in men perform a completely different function. They regulate the selection of pheromones, which are also stand out in the axillary depressions. It is thanks to the hair, women from afar can feel representatives of strong sex.

What are they?

Regardless of the hair on the pubic part there are different. They can be thinner or thicker, and their structure differs in density. Also, the hair on the pubic part can be curly or straight. Their appearance is very dependent on the race of a person and the color of the vegetation itself. The shade of the pubic hair is darker, the more curly.

Interestingly, when pubic hair is just beginning to grow, they are light, and over time they get dark a bit. It is impossible vegetation on this part of the body to compare on a shade with curls on the man's head. In the color of the hair on intimate parts of the body very much resemble natural tone of eyebrows. Due to the difference in the hormonal background in men and women, the area of \u200b\u200bhair cover on the pubic part is different. Intimate places of girls are much less covered with hair than young men. Moreover, the pubic hair in men often overlook their borders on the abdominal zone and hips.

Function of vegetation on the pubis

In addition, hair is involved in the production of pheromones in men and make a woman more attractive, they have other functions. Why do you need hair on the pubic part? Everything is simple: they actively participate in the thermoregulation process. Vegetation creates an airbag between the underwear and the pubic, thereby protecting intimate places, including nearby lymph nodes, from sudden temperature drops. Also, the hair on the intimate part of the body help absorb sweat, which is formed during intercourse.

Also very important hair for a female body. The fact is that their presence is able to protect the microflora vulva from the effects of bacteria. Many doctors are convinced that a fully shaved pubic part adversely affects the state of the rifle bodies of the young lady and its sexual system as a whole. Despite the fact that the hair carry an important function in the human body, many women and girls try to completely get rid of them. They believe in vain that their presence is able to prevent them from conducting active partner search. Baryshni and do not suspect that many men like them and even excite them.

Shave or intimate haircut?

Of course, knowing why you need hair on the pubic part, you can easily decide that it is better: a complete shave or the positive side of the first version of the development of events is to complete the removal of vegetation from the bikini zone. In some countries, only such is considered beautiful and sexy. However, not all men agree with it.

Some representatives of strong sex are convinced that the neat haircut looks much more beautiful than a completely shaved pubic zone. Partly this is true. The fact is that the inept shaving of pubic vegetation, which is very tough, injured gentle skin on intimate places. As a result, bruises appear there and by the way, Marilyn Monroe first introduced to fashion painting vegetation on the pubic. At that time, she actively blew her, wanting to be blonde from head to feet. Since then, the painted intimate haircut does not cease to be fashionable. Hair shades can be selected the most diverse. But the strong floor prefers naturalness.

Doctors on the removal of pubic hair

If you contact the doctors with the question, why do you need hair on the pubic part, then they will answer unambiguously: Nature would not create something unnecessary. Many scientific medical staff investigated the issue of removal of intimate vegetation. Employees of Harvard University found out that this process, for example, leads to obesity.

In addition, it has been proven that women who regularly make intimate haircuts or completely shave the pubic part, the menstruals of the menstrual cycle are more often observed, and the climax caresses them much earlier. The lack of pubic hair adversely affects the hormonal background of the girl. As a result, her skin becomes more damage, and also appears a threshiness. Of course, such consequences are not always very pronounced. And a person just can not notice them. However, doctors note that shaving hair on the pubic part is needed as less as possible.