We care about the health of mother and future baby. Bandage for pregnant women to support the abdomen. Bandage prenatal and postnatal: what is it, how to choose the right one, how to determine the size of a pregnant woman

Each type of bandage has its own selection rules, but you should remember that you should not start wearing one or another bandage without first consulting a specialist. Hernia and postoperative bandages are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Prenatal bandages do not require a strict prescription from a doctor, but it is recommended to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist before purchasing them.

Postoperative and hernia bandages
Postoperative bandages differ in width and girth. The required width of the postoperative bandage is determined based on the height and build of the patient, as well as the length and location of the suture. The bandage should cover the postoperative suture from all sides by at least 1 cm. In order to correctly determine the girth of the postoperative bandage, it is necessary to know the patient's waist circumference.

Based on these data, the sales assistant will be able to choose the best model for you. Usually, manufacturers indicate in the description of the bandage what parameters it is designed for, so you can also choose the bandage yourself in an online store or pharmacy.

If a chest postoperative bandage is selected, then it is necessary to know the circumference of the chest in the place where it is planned to be worn. For women, the chest circumference is measured under the mammary glands.

For the correct selection of the inguinal bandage, it is necessary to know the volume of the abdomen. The volume of the abdomen is measured along the line passing between the waist and hips. In order to measure the volume of the abdomen, you must first measure 8-10 cm down from the waist line with a centimeter, then measure the volume of the body at the obtained point. This is the volume of the abdomen.

To correctly select the umbilical bandage, it is enough to know the waist size.

Prenatal and postnatal bandages
Before proceeding with the selection of a prenatal bandage, it is necessary to study the list of indications for wearing it. Firstly, it is worth thinking about a prenatal bandage after the 20th week of pregnancy, when the stomach is already visible. Secondly, physiological characteristics must be taken into account - a prenatal bandage is strongly recommended for weak abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, a fragile physique and a predisposition to the appearance of striae (stretch marks).

The main indication for wearing a bandage is, of course, pain in the lower back and back. From a medical point of view, these pains are natural and have no negative consequences, but it is difficult to endure them daily for several months.

It is important to consider the lifestyle of the expectant mother. With an active lifestyle, a bandage is simply necessary. Moreover, a lifestyle is considered active in which a pregnant woman is in an upright position for more than 3 hours a day, not to mention the fact that she can work.

A special point are certain obstetric pathologies (an excessive increase in the size of the uterus, multiple pregnancy, large fetus sizes, etc.), in which the bandage is prescribed by a doctor and is vital for both mother and baby.

Models of prenatal bandages
If we talk about models of prenatal bandages, then it can be a panty bandage and a bandage belt.

Bandage panties with a high waist and elastic inserts on the abdomen and lower back are worn over underwear or on the naked body. The second option is less preferable, as it requires daily washing of the bandage. Such a bandage is worn exclusively lying down.

The bandage-belt fastens under the belly with Velcro, fixes the uterus well without squeezing the fetus, and is adjustable in girth. This bandage can be worn both lying down and standing up.

Which model to choose depends on the lifestyle of the pregnant woman and her personal preferences. For women who lead an active lifestyle until late in pregnancy, a bandage belt is more suitable, as it is easier and faster to remove and put on.

Sizes of prenatal and postnatal bandages
The size of the prenatal bandage is most often determined by the girth of the hips under the abdomen. However, some manufacturers have their own size ranges, taking into account the circumference of the waist and hips at the widest point, as well as the height and weight of the pregnant woman. Therefore, before buying it is advisable to measure all these parameters. When choosing a panty bandage, you need to add one to the size of your underwear before pregnancy.

Obstetrician-gynecologists strongly recommend wearing a postpartum bandage in the first 2 weeks after childbirth in order to help the abdominal muscles restore tone and the muscles of the uterus contract. However, the decision to wear a postpartum bandage should only be made in consultation with your doctor. A postpartum bandage is not recommended for certain skin, gastrointestinal, and kidney conditions, as well as for certain sutures after a caesarean section. The size of the postpartum bandage is determined by the circumference of the hips after the birth of the child.

A gynecologist will help you choose a bandage for pregnant women. To maintain a comfortable level of health for a pregnant woman and an unborn child, doctors recommend wearing a special device called a bandage. It is prescribed both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Essence of the question

The bandage is worn to:

  • remove the load from the spinal column;
  • prevent back pain.

After childbirth, this device is necessary to restore the figure.
Choosing such a product for a pregnant woman is not difficult, but when buying, you need to consider several important factors:

  • the material from which it is made;
  • indications and contraindications;
  • the size.

By types of bandages are divided into:

  • prenatal;
  • postpartum;
  • universal (combined).

A prenatal bandage is prescribed by a doctor for the following indications:

  1. 1. There is a threat of miscarriage in the second or third trimester.
  2. 2. Scars appeared on the uterus from previous births performed by caesarean section.
  3. 3. The placenta is low.
  4. 4. There is a breech presentation of the fetus.
  5. 5. Osteochondrosis develops.
  6. 6. The fetus is very large or a multiple pregnancy develops.

Usually, a prenatal bandage should be worn from 20 weeks, but in some cases, doctors recommend doing this from 15 weeks. The device helps to distribute the load, reduce pain in the lower back, prevent stretching of the muscles of the peritoneum and the appearance of stretch marks. Thanks to wearing a bandage, the fetus occupies the correct position in the uterus, so it is prescribed as a preventive measure.

It is not recommended to wear the device without a doctor's prescription. It is possible that the fetus has not taken the correct position, so it is dangerous to wear a bandage. In such cases, therapeutic exercises are prescribed, and only then a bandage.

Product types

Among prenatal bandages, there are several types that women should pay attention to:

  • underpants;
  • belt;
  • universal.

Which one is better to choose? Only a gynecologist can answer this question, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of the future woman in labor. He should be the one to help you find what you need.
The product in the form of panties includes an elastic insert, which is located under the stomach. Therefore, it is worn as underwear. There are different colors and shapes of such a device, which is perfect for fashionistas. Its disadvantages are the following factors:

  1. 1. The need for daily washing.
  2. 2. You need to have spare bandages.
  3. 3. You can only put on the product while lying down.
  4. 4. You have to choose models with fasteners in order to go to the toilet without problems. Doing this at work is quite inconvenient.

In terms of size, such models may not be suitable for everyone, especially mothers who have a large body mass. In this case, the bandage will cause a feeling of discomfort, as it will press and rub the skin.

The model in the form of a belt is popular because it has an elastic band with Velcro. This allows you to adjust the size of the product. You need to wear it over tights or underwear. There are practically no complaints about this particular model. The belt does not slip or wrinkle, sits perfectly.

The universal model is used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. It is a belt, consisting of two parts - wide and narrow. The fabric is elastic, so it stretches well, it has Velcro at the edges. Before childbirth, the belt should be worn with the wide part towards the back, and the narrow part should be placed under the tummy. After childbirth, the position of the bands changes places. The size can be adjusted using the side Velcro, which allows you to take into account the individual features of the figure.

The universal brace is great for women who suffer from back pain. Therefore, such a device will help relieve heaviness, support the lower back.

Their disadvantage is that they are visible from under the clothes, since all models are produced in bulk. Velcro can ruin clothes, tights and underwear.

To choose the right bandage, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. 1. Take measurements before going to the store to know your size.
  2. 2. Do not take the product for growth, i.e. for abdominal enlargement. The stretchy fabric stretches well, so large fixtures are not needed.
  3. 3. Try on different models and choose the most comfortable one so as not to throw money away.

The product should not be worn all day, but only 3 hours or more. After removing it, it is worth taking a break for half an hour or an hour. First you need to get used to the device, so for the first two weeks it is recommended to wear it at home. The bandage is chosen correctly if the pregnant woman does not feel it.
It must be removed immediately if discomfort occurs, the product rubs or presses heavily, or the baby begins to push strongly.

It is not necessary to order a device on the Internet, so as not to miscalculate with the model and size. It is worth contacting only specialized trade organizations for the sale of medical equipment or pharmacies.

In order to extend the life of the product, the product must be washed regularly and monitored for its cleanliness. If the fabric is stretched, it is worth buying a new one, since the old one is no longer able to perform its functions.

It is possible to determine whether the bandage is correctly dressed only by sensations. If it does not press on the abdomen, then everything is done correctly. The packages in which devices for pregnant women are sold have instructions for their use, but they are not always correct. Don't wear any type of bandage too high.

In order to learn how to properly dress the product, you need to practice for some time. The first time you need to do this lying down to feel the pubic bone. Approximately the same put on a bandage on the hips. Signs of a properly worn bandage:

  1. 1. Located under the abdomen, below the buttocks.
  2. 2. Rests on the hips and covers the pubic bone.
  3. 3. There should be no feeling of pressure on the stomach.
  4. 4. Pull mode should be comfortable.

If you have any problems, then you should seek the advice of a doctor who should show you how to wear and put on a bandage.

If in the first three or four months of pregnancy, the belly of a young mother is still completely invisible, then from the middle of the second trimester it begins to gradually round out, prompting you to acquire a new wardrobe for a rapidly changing figure. It is from this moment, that is, from 15–16 weeks, that the time comes to think about acquiring a thing that greatly facilitates the life of a pregnant woman. We are talking, of course, about the bandage for pregnant women. What benefits does it bring in itself and how to choose it correctly, we will analyze in detail in our article.

Why do you need a prenatal bandage

A bandage becomes an extremely desirable thing in the arsenal of a future mother at a time when the stomach quickly begins to increase in size, due to the actively growing baby. Here are the main tasks that this item of women's wardrobe performs:

  • Significantly reduces the load on the spine, thereby preventing pain and aching sensations in the back and lower back.
  • Due to the soft support, it prevents stretch marks that appear precisely at the moment of a rapidly growing tummy, and, accordingly, stretching of the skin.
  • It improves the general well-being of a woman, as it relieves pressure from the abdominal front wall, “pulling” sensations disappear. It becomes much easier when walking, long-term loads.
  • Prevents premature lowering of the abdomen, due to which the expectant mother also ceases to experience discomfort.

How does wearing a bandage for a pregnant baby help?

  • A bandage for pregnant women improves the blood supply to the fetus by fixing the uterus.
  • Helps the baby to take the correct prenatal position.
  • Subsequently, it does not allow the child to turn incorrectly again, because the walls of the uterus are well compressed. This will prevent the baby from taking a breech presentation.

Medical indications for wearing

In addition to wearing a bandage for a pregnant woman at will, sometimes there is an urgent need for it. These are, first of all: complicated pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, spinal problems, polyhydramnios, threatened miscarriage, etc. In this case, doctors will definitely recommend that you wear a prenatal bandage, perhaps even before the end. You are also shown a bandage if your life is full of physical activity: you move a lot, go to work, do fitness, like long walks, etc.

Now let's figure out what types of bandages for pregnant women you can meet:

  • Bandage panties. This is the most common option. Bandage with a high dense belt and an elastic insert under the belly that fixes the back. The main advantage is the ease of putting on and wearing due to the absence of complex fasteners and fasteners. Such a bandage is perfect for the entire period of pregnancy, as the tape passing under the abdomen stretches well. What are his shortcomings? Firstly, it is advisable to wear panty bandage on a naked body, and this does not exclude the risk of causing an allergic reaction of the body. Secondly, in summer it can be hot and uncomfortable in such a bandage.
  • Lace bandage. It resembles a bandage with panties in shape, a distinctive feature is lacing on the stomach. A wide stretchy tape is fixed on it, the task of which is to support the tummy from below. Such a bandage is usually made of cotton fabric. The advantages of such a bandage for a pregnant woman are as follows: it allows you to adjust the contraction, which is convenient with a constantly growing belly. Disadvantages: it will be quite difficult to put on such a bandage alone. Again, in the hot season, it can be inconvenient.
  • Bandage-belt, made in the form of an elastic band. Such a bandage is fixed with Velcro under the abdomen and on the sides, it is convenient to adjust them depending on the volume of the abdomen. And a kind of such a bandage is “combined”, you can wear it both before and after childbirth. Advantages: it is quite easy to put on and take off on its own, it is not hot in it, since it is relatively small. It is put on underwear, so there is no need for frequent washing.

Rules for wearing a bandage for a pregnant woman

  • Under the bandage, it is recommended to wear underwear so that there is no irritation on the skin.
  • If for a longer period the fetus is in the pelvic or transverse position, then the bandage is strictly prohibited. Due to the fixation of the uterus, it practically does not leave the opportunity to take the correct prenatal position. As a result, there is a risk of severe delivery and surgical intervention.
  • We put on the bandage lying down (so all the muscles are as relaxed as possible and it is easier to put on the bandage).
  • We wear no more than 3-4 hours in a row.

How to choose the right prenatal bandage

  • We choose a bandage from natural fabrics. Elastic synthetic fibers are allowed only in the belt itself.
  • The bandage you used during your last pregnancy may have lost elasticity and won't support your stomach as well. So the best solution would be to buy a new bandage.
  • Buy a brace from a professional maternity store or pharmacy. The first option is preferable, because you will immediately be given the opportunity to try on several types of bandages in the fitting room. So, you definitely will not go wrong with the choice.

How do you know if a brace is right for you? Everything is very simple - you are comfortable in it!

Pregnancy is not only a time of happiness in anticipation of a baby, but also a time of worries. The expectant mother should take care of things for the baby and take care of herself. A large belly brings some discomfort and a bandage that should be chosen correctly will help to cope with the inconvenience of a pregnant woman.

The main thing in the article

Why does a pregnant woman need a bandage?

In what cases is a bandage required:

  1. The bandage should be worn by women with an active lifestyle who are on their feet for quite a long time. In this case, the bandage will unload the spine, reduce muscle spasms, preventing the growing fetus from putting much pressure on the coccyx and pelvic bones.
  2. In the presence of weak abdominal muscles, it is recommended to wear a bandage that will play the role of a muscle, supporting the growing tummy.
  3. If you have a tendency to stretch marks, then a bandage is necessary.
  4. In case of a threat of premature birth or by special prescription of a doctor in the presence of pathologies.
  5. With osteochondrosis and varicose veins.

Types of bandages for pregnant women: model options with photos

The range of bandages for pregnant women is not too wide, but there is a choice:

  • Combined - is popular before and after childbirth. It looks like a belt made of rubberized fabric, quite elastic. It is fixed with Velcro, provides support not only to a growing belly, but also to a tired back.

The bandage should be put on when the growth of the tummy becomes intense. That is, approximately twentieth week of pregnancy. If the abdominal muscles are well developed, a support belt may not be needed at all. If there are any medical indications, then here the period when it is worth starting to wear a bandage belt is individual and is prescribed by a doctor.

How to choose the right bandage for a pregnant woman?

  • Buy a bandage only from good materials in a proven place.
  • The best place to purchase would be a antenatal clinic or a pharmacy. Perhaps the doctor will advise you on the one that is more suitable, given the characteristics of the course of your pregnancy.
  • Be sure to choose a bandage of the right size for you.
  • Mandatory sample. If you feel that it is convenient for you in some particular bandage, it has become easier and more comfortable - feel free to buy. If there is even the slightest feeling of inconvenience and discomfort, take it off, this bandage does not suit you.

How to put on a bandage for pregnant women: instructions with a photo

The bandage belt for pregnant women must be worn correctly:

It just so happens that a pregnant woman needs to go to the toilet outside the home. If this happens, for example, in a hospital, the bandage can no longer be put on while lying down. In this case, lean back, slightly raise your tummy with your hand and gently press it. Standing in this position, fix the position with a bandage belt.

How to determine if the bandage is on correctly?

The bandage is worn correctly if:

  • does not press anything anywhere;
  • no pressure on the abdomen;
  • no discomfort is felt;
  • back is easier.

Universal bandage for pregnant women

The universal maternity bandage belt is a great option as it is needed both after and before childbirth. This allows a woman to save money and not bother herself with unnecessary searches in the future. Pregnant women wear it with a wide part towards the back so that it provides maximum support.

After childbirth, the bandage unfolds and is put on the other way around in order to tighten the stomach. Pregnant women wear it in a prone position. After childbirth, put on, relaxing the abdominal muscles. This will put them in the right position.

Advantages of a universal bandage:

  • economical;
  • universal;
  • easy to dress by yourself;
  • significantly reduces the load on the back.


How long to wear a bandage pregnant?

A pregnant woman should walk in a bandage belt no more than 4-5 hours a day. After every three, maximum four hours of wear, remove it for half an hour. In case of discomfort or too active pushing of the child, the bandage should be removed and a doctor should be consulted for advice. In any case, the duration of the bandage should be determined by the doctor, focusing on the condition of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy.

What you need to know about the bandage for pregnant women?

A few facts about the support bandage for pregnant women:

  1. Permanent wear is prohibited.
  2. It is forbidden to sleep in it.
  3. After three hours of wearing a support brace, take a break for thirty minutes by removing it.
  4. Carefully read the instructions that came with the bandage so that there are no problems in the future.
  5. You can not use a bandage if the child after the thirtieth week of pregnancy has not taken the correct position.
  6. You should not use a bandage in the presence of certain chronic diseases.

When is a postpartum bandage needed?

If you have given birth naturally, then the bandage can be worn from the next day. After a cesarean, you need to discuss the terms with the doctor. Most likely, he will recommend starting to wear it only after a week.

If you want to tighten the stomach with the help of a bandage so that it takes the position as before pregnancy, then the device will not be able to do this one hundred percent. Later you will have to use more physical exercises. But the bandage will be able to support sagging skin and muscles.

If you are comfortable walking without a bandage, then why not. But in the case when a sagging stomach brings discomfort, it is better to put on a bandage.

Video: how to choose and wear a bandage for pregnant women?

Whether to use a support belt is up to each woman to decide for herself. If your doctor recommends it, then be sure to wear it. But in no case do not tolerate pain or discomfort. Good luck to you and your baby!