Lesson on acquaintance with Russian folklore in the second junior group “A good guest brings joy to the house. Partial program "Folklore" for the second junior group

Elena Chigrik
Synopsis of a folklore lesson in the second junior group using the layout "In Grandma's Yard"

Target classes: Introduce children to folklore works, which tells about a cat, a dog, a chicken, chickens.

Expand orientation in the surrounding world. Form cognitive activity.

Emotionally enrich the kids with the warmth of folk poetry. To convey, by means of national art, bright, bright feelings when meeting with your favorite characters. Cultivate a humanistic good attitude towards "our smaller brothers".

Cultivate love for the native language, enrich speech with words and lines of poems, nursery rhymes, songs.

In progress use musical techniques, emotional and artistic expressiveness, as well as other methods of orienting reinforcement.

Lesson progress:

Shadow - shadow - sweat,

The cat sat under the fence.

The sparrows flew

Clap them hands:

Fly away, sparrows!

Beware of the cat!

Children, do you want to go for a walk?

Then offer what let's go:

Child: Chiki-chiki-chikalochki

Oleg rides on a stick

And Yana is in the cart

Cracks nuts.

Interesting offer, but who else? will offer:

Child: Because of the forest, because of the mountains

Grandpa Egor is coming.

Himself on a filly

wife on a cow

children on calves,

Grandchildren on goats.

Light offer you:

Knocking, strumming down the street:

Thomas rides a chicken

Timoshka - on a cat

On a crooked path.

caregiver: Wu-u-u-u

The locomotive hummed

He drove wagons

Chu-chu far I'll rock.

Children with a teacher go - walking one after another.

We've arrived!

Who did we come to?

TO grandmother.

Hello children, my grandchildren. Come on in. Oh, and who is it that lay down on our way and does not let us pass.

Pussy, pussy, pussy, come on!

Don't sit on the path.

Our baby will go

It will fall through the pussy.

The pussy ran away.

Do you want to know who lives in my yard? (children's answers).

- Guess the riddle:

Kvokhchet, quohchet, calls the children,

Gathers everyone under the wing (children answer - HEN)

Here's another guess riddle:

Appeared in a yellow coat

Goodbye two shells. (CHICKENS).

Now let's play with you. I will be the mother hen and you will be my chicks. Song dramatization "Hen and Chicks".

Ku-ka-re-ku! Who are the children? (COCK).

Our cockerel is loud,

He screams in the morning "Hello"

On his feet are his boots

Earrings hanging on the ears

Scallop on the head

What a cock he is!

Let's all talk about the cockerel together.

A cockerel is walking, a scallop is on its side,

Red beard, oil head.

He gets up early and does not let others sleep.

Sitting on the fence, screaming the loudest!

How do guys crow cock? (children's answers).

Let's be cockerels, let's be yard walk like cockerels, look for grains.

Children walk around the hall to the music, waving "wings", crow, peck grains. Grandmother quietly takes the dog (toy) and scare the roosters. A game repeated several times.

Guys, it looks like it's going to rain. Let's tell the sentences about the rain all together.

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

You don't let us walk.

“Rain, it’s full of rain,

Wet little kids!”

Rather, hide everything under my umbrella.

And now let's all call together Sun:

Children: "Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window

Children are waiting for you

The kids are waiting."

Did you like me? (children answer).

And I'll bake pancakes for you on the way.

Sweeties, sweeties

Grandma baked pancakes

poured oil,

gave to the kids

Dasha two, Oleg two.

Our pancakes are good grandmothers

Children give thanks grandmother(the teacher takes off his apron and scarf).

Let's go to group eat our pancakes grandmothers.

It's time for us to return. We sit in the train and go.

Choo-choo-choo-I'm going home!

The children are leaving with their teacher.

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MDOU "Kindergarten No. 1"

Pedagogical project

in 1(2) junior group

Project leaders: caregiver : Gerasimova A. I.

Educator: Chuzhaykina E. Yu.

Saransk 2013

Pedagogical project in 1(2) junior group

"Folklore. The value of folklore in the education of a preschooler "

Project leaders:

Educator: Gerasimova A.I.

Educator: Chuzhaykina E. Yu.

Project participants: children 1 (2) of the younger group, educators, parents.

Project type: cognitive - creative, group, joint.

Relevance: in the modern world, children have a great interest in folk traditions, holidays, and in general, in the knowledge of the cultural values ​​of their people. Assimilation and acceptance of these values ​​by children is possible when their integrity and interconnection is preserved. It is difficult to overestimate the role that oral folklore plays in the process of becoming a child's personality.

Hypothesis: Activities based on the principles of folklore creativity will develop artistic - figurative, associative thinking, the child's imagination, which allows you to activate his most diverse creative manifestations. That is, the nursery rhyme is a tool of pedagogical influence on the child.

Subject of study: folklore.

The object of the study is a nursery rhyme, which is used to familiarize children with oral folk art.

Stage 1. Search.

Target: promoting the development of children's ideas about the world around them through the use of nursery rhymes in the educational process.

Tasks: 1. give a figurative idea of ​​the origins and meaning of the nursery rhyme.

2. Introduce children to the traditions of folk culture.

3. To teach to see the inner world of man and the beauty of nature.

4. To develop the emotional and moral sphere of the child by means of folklore.

5. Cultivate love for people and animals, the desire to take care of them.

Estimated results of the project implementation:

    Children's knowledge of information about small forms of folklore nursery rhyme, proverb, saying, incantation and others.

    Understanding the meaning of the word "fun".

    The ability to independently organize plot-role-playing games using a field.

    Creation of card files of all kinds of nursery rhymes.

    Teaching children nursery rhymes.

Collection of information

    Ask questions:

    What do you know about jokes?

    What jokes do you know?

    Who else would you like to have fun with?

Project plan development

    Select illustrations for nursery rhymes;

    Find literature that tells about nursery rhymes;

    Select heroes of nursery rhymes;

    Ask your parents for help.

Stage 2. Analytical.

Plan of the project "Poteshka":

    Selecting a theme and developing a project (October).

    Study and analysis of literary sources, educational and methodological and game materials, modern scientific developments, stories about nursery rhymes (November).

    Create a questionnaire and conduct a survey among parents. To analyze their attitude to the given question (November).

    Create an information stand for parents (December).

    Drawing up a working plan for the implementation of the project (December).

    Acquaintance of children with a nursery rhyme (January).

    Topic: heroes of nursery rhymes (artistic activity, role-playing games) (February - March).

    Topic: household items (theatrical performances, didactic games) (March - April).

    Interaction with parents (ongoing).

Project development

    Create a development environment:

    Bring pictures with illustrations for nursery rhymes to the group.

    Fill the corner of the book with collections of nursery rhymes.

    Make an album "Rhymes".

    Organize direct educational activities.

    Speech development. Topic: "Reading the nursery rhyme" Goat - white-legged ".

    Fiction. Reading jokes.

    Productive activity (drawing) - "Gift to the Cockerel", "Pancakes, pancakes such as grandmother's."

    Joint activities of the educator with the children.

    Making cards with illustrations for nursery rhymes with children;

    Excursions around the territory of the kindergarten;

    Observation on a walk;

    Reading fiction on the topic of the project;

    Conversation with children on the content of nursery rhymes.

    Independent activity of children.

    Board and didactic games;

    Story - role-playing games.

    Family interaction.

    Prepare a questionnaire for parents;

    Exhibition of drawings of children and their parents with illustrations for nursery rhymes.

Stage 3. Practical.

Forms of work

1. Direct educational activities

Cognitive activity (speech development).

Acquaintance of children with nursery rhymes. Pronunciation of individual phrases for the teacher.

Socio-personal development.

Topic: “Katya washes”, “Masha eats”.


Reading nursery rhymes about animals, about people; nursery rhymes used during regime moments.

Productive activity (drawing).

Topic: "Gift for the Cockerel", "Pancakes, pancakes such as grandmother's."

2. Joint activities with children carried out during regime moments

Game activity: c / r games: "Katya washes", "Let's put Olya's doll to sleep", "Masha is having lunch" and others.

Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten.

Reading nursery rhymes about animals, about people.

Acquaintance with other types of folklore.

Conversation with children "What nursery rhymes do I know."

3. Independent activity


Examination of paintings, illustrations for nursery rhymes.

Drawing animals, birds heroes of nursery rhymes.

Coloring pages with animals and birds.

Organization of role-playing games.

Modeling peas, gingerbread for animals.

4.Interaction with family

Preparation of questionnaire for parents.

Information on the stand.

Advice for parents on the importance of folklore in raising children.

Stage 4. Presentation of the project.

Target: production of mini-books.

    Children are divided into small subgroups;

    Each subgroup decorates one or another hero of the nursery rhyme;

    Each subgroup talks about their hero in 2-3 sentences;

    Designing pages together with educators;

    Making a book with nursery rhymes.

Stage 5. Control.

    Reflective Conversation: What other nursery rhymes do you want to know about?

    Interview with parents.

Creative project "Gulenki"

Theme "Russian folklore and native word"

2 junior group.

Completed by the educator

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Rodnichok "

Spitsyna Elena Alekseevna

n. Shaigino

1. Passport of the project.

2. Relevance of the topic.

Focus on satisfaction of personal interest and personal

the needs of the project participants.

Orientation to the most urgent problems of education of modern children.

Goals, tasks of the creative event.

humanistic orientation.

Correspondence of the content to the modern level of development of society, cultural life and opportunities for personal growth.

The experience of creative activity (methods of creative transformation of reality) and the experience of personality relations (the system of motivational-value and emotional-volitional relations).

4. Methods and forms of the project.

Rationale for the choice of forms and methods.

Age and individual characteristics of preschool children.

Work with society, parents.

5. Realism and feasibility of the project.

Practical part (materials of a practical nature (author's planning, lesson projects, didactic material, other developments).

(Appendix.) Efficiency of the work performed based on the results of diagnostic studies. Conclusions.

6. The final stage of the project (“Gatherings”).

7. Literature.

Passport of the project Creative.

Long-term (academic year).

Participants: children 2 junior group, parents, teachers.

Specialist participants: music director, librarians and 4.

houses of culture.

5. Estimated result.

6. Diagnostic studies.

7. Presentation of the project: entertainment "Gatherings".

Relevance of the topic “The Russian people have created a huge oral literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics, heroic, magical, everyday and ridiculous tales.

It is vain to think that this literature was only the fruit of popular leisure. She was the dignity and mind of the people. It formed and strengthened his moral image, was his historical memory, the festive clothes of his soul, and filled with deep content his whole measured life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work, nature and veneration of fathers and grandfathers.

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For fruitful communication between an adult and a child, it is important to establish good and trusting relationships, emotional contact is important. Children's folklore helps with this - fairy tales and small folklore genres: songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, teasers, chants, chants, pestles.

Folklore (English folk-lore) - folk art, works created by the people and existing in it. The distinctive features of folklore are collectivity and nationality, as well as the fact that it is the source of any literature and art in general, has a comprehensive impact on human development. The small folklore genre is a miniature poetic work created for children and having a certain pedagogical orientation. They color the speech of the teacher, making it figurative and colorful, attract the attention of children, enliven the usual daily activities of a preschooler. Rhyme songs bring joy, make you want to repeat the words after an adult, complete the tasks of the teacher, and participate in common games. Games in which you need to choose a leader are not complete without counting rhymes, and we remember from childhood: “Aty-bats, soldiers were walking ...” Lullabies soothe, relieve stress, prepare the child for sleep, lull him to sleep.

It has been noticed that children are drawn to a teacher who masterfully masters figurative folklore: they are fascinated by the melodiousness of words, unexpected twists in the plot or real “fabulous stories and unspeakable stories” attract attention.

Under the nursery rhymes, children wash themselves with pleasure, fall asleep, have lunch, and do various things. The life of a child becomes brighter, more interesting. Boredom, monotony, monotony leave it. At the same time, the child develops memory, attention, thinking and speech, and if he performs certain movements, he additionally develops coordination and dexterity.

It is impossible to say better about the importance of native culture in the upbringing of the younger generation than Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev did.

He wished everyone to live in the sphere of goodness, and this sphere should be largely created by the people themselves from good deeds, good feelings, good impacts on the environment, memory for good. Evil is forgotten faster than good, because remembering the good is more pleasant than the bad.

The children's team is a condition, a means and a place for the formation of the personality of each child. And our task is to teach children to see manifestations of moral qualities in life, to distinguish between good and evil, sensitivity and indifference.

A prerequisite for successfully influencing children is sincere love for them. Love is the creator of everything good, strong, warm and bright.


To educate children's interest in oral folk art.

To develop social emotions and motives that contribute to the establishment of interpersonal relationships with adults and with each other, as the moral foundations of social behavior.

To enrich the emotional, speech and mental development of children with new experiences, with the help of various folklore genres.


To acquaint children with the objects of Russian life and their purpose. (Museum room).

To acquaint with Russian folk art (games, round dances, carols, songs, etc.) To form the skills of independent creative, visual, constructive activity.

When children get acquainted with folk culture, an active, creative assimilation of many, which seemed already dead and frozen traditions of folk culture, many useful truths from the "grandmother's chest" takes place.

During the academic year, the teachers and I replenished the museum room with the necessary items of folk life. They opened a theater studio, produced manuals for various types of theaters, attributes for games.

Constantly noticing the interest of the kids in nursery rhymes, riddles, it was clear how they help teachers "talk" children.

While washing, combing the kids, they were introduced to the songs "Vodichka, Vodicka ...", "Grow, Spit ..." and others. After such short beats, the kids easily memorized the songs and transferred them to everyday play. Acquaintance with nursery rhymes began with looking at pictures, illustrations, toys. In a preliminary conversation, they explained the meaning of new words that the guys would hear in a nursery rhyme. It was nice to see how children used songs while playing "daughters - mothers", how carefully they treated their dolls.

The children grew up and it was necessary to select folklore material with a more complex meaning. The children were given the task of not only memorizing the text, but also emotionally losing and beating it. The children as a group learned to move, talk like a fox, a hare, a bear, etc., depending on what the song is about.

For example, in a joke:

Shadow, shadow, sweat, above the city wattle fence,

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Bunny boasted:

"Come, catch up!" Not all children could convey the character of the character. But gradually each child in the group could play any role. In the second half of the school year, a lot of time was devoted to telling fairy tales.

Children should see the face of the narrator, his emotions, facial expressions. This helps to understand the content of the tale, to express the attitude towards its characters. Competitions were repeatedly held among children for the best drawing or crafts based on fairy tales, for example, "What a miracle these fairy tales are ...", "Who did Kolobok meet?".

Games were held - dramatization of individual episodes at the request of the children. This stage is the most painstaking, but also the most interesting.

Folklore provides excellent examples of Russian speech, the imitation of which allows the child to more successfully master the native language.

Proverbs and sayings are called pearls of folk art. They affect not only the mind, but also the feelings of a person. The proverb can be used in any situation. Children in everyday life independently learned how to use them: “Seven do not wait for one”, “Hurry up to make people laugh”, “He is not good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good for work”, etc.

Studying proverbs about work, the children turned out to be my active assistants in creating a card index of proverbs and sayings. They looked for them at home with their parents, and in kindergarten we explained their meaning together, learned to understand in what situations they can be used. The guys often encouraged each other: "Patience and work will grind everything", "The work of the master is afraid", "Finished the work - walk boldly." At leisure, competitions "Continue the proverb" were held.

In order to deepen and clarify the knowledge of preschoolers about the world around them, games and exercises were carried out that are useful for the children's mind - these are riddles: "Who and what is this?", "I will guess, and you guess", "Tell me a word." At first, it was not easy to teach children to solve riddles. But when introducing toys, when observing, when using riddles - rhymes, the children fell in love with them. They looked forward to the evenings of riddles, when Grandma Zagadushka came to them. She brought in her basket natural and waste material for making crafts - clues to a new riddle.

Exhibitions of drawings, applications, figurines made of plasticine, made based on the works of oral folk art, have become traditional in the ecological room. They invited children from other groups and employees of the kindergarten.

Great importance in the work was given to teaching children folk plot, mobile and round dance games. Even having taught children to freely communicate with the traditional game, it is still impossible to achieve the main goal - for children to play on their own, without the participation of adults. This is one of the problems - children play very little and are reluctant to play complex games unless they are supervised by adults. This is largely due to the lack of appropriate gaming skills. Gradually, encouraging children's interest in joint and independent games, we introduced them to ritual, leisure, outdoor, story games.

We looked at household items and art with the guys in the museum room, interested in national customs, folklore. They talked about the plot of the game, explained the role of the driver, used counting rhymes.

Children learned many different games: "Geese - swans", "Vaska-cat", "At the bear in the forest", "Wattle", "Taking the snowy town", "Blind Man's Buff" and many others. In the course of any game, we drew the attention of children to its content, monitored physical activity, supported an emotionally positive mood, and relationships between children. In a word, we tried to teach children to play independently and with pleasure.

The group has created the necessary conditions for games. A card index of folk games with rules and their descriptions has been collected. In an accessible place - masks, costumes, outfits for transforming children into heroes of different games. An exhibition was set up in the museum room, containing antiquities (fork, cast iron, tuesa, samovar, etc.).

Almost all musical activities include dance games, elements of folklore, the use of folk instruments.

At physical education classes, folk games with objects were learned: "Fishing Rod", "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell", and others. Folk games contribute to the education of mental activity, physical development of children. Each game puts the child in a situation where his mind must work quickly and energetically. As a result, his actions become more meaningful and purposeful.

Project Methods

Memorizing nursery rhymes, jokes, invocations.

Use of proverbs, riddles, sayings.

Reading fiction.

Use of Russian folk songs and dances.

Conducting Russian folk games.

The use of Russian folk costumes in holidays and independent activities.

The use of toys and handicrafts.

Puppet show performance.

Playing scenes and episodes of fairy tales.

A story about folk customs and traditions.

Examination of illustrations about Russian life.

Conversations, questions, clarifications.

Surprise moment.

Project Forms

Mode moments.

Complexes of morning exercises.

direct educational activities.

Cooperative activity.

Holidays and entertainment.

Observations in everyday life and nature.

Excursions to the children's library.

Organization of competitions of drawings and crafts.

Visiting thematic exhibitions in the museum and environmental rooms of the preschool educational institution.

Watching performances in the theater studio of the preschool educational institution, the House of Culture "New Year's Tale", cartoons, listening to music.

Meeting interesting people.

Working with parents

Our work would not have been so fruitful if it were not for the help of parents. To find a response in their hearts, we held short conversations and consultations with them. They also explained what great benefits folk art brings to children. During the school year, mothers and fathers helped to piece together old household items for our museum room, where the children saw the spinning wheel in action, "cooked" dinner in a cast iron pot, and drank tea from a samovar.

Together they organized the exhibitions “Gifts of Autumn”, “Mom has golden hands”, “Toys of our childhood”. Also, parents with great interest annually took part in holding folk holidays and entertainment.

Seeing off Shrovetide, Osenina has become traditional. Entertainment was held with the invitation of grandmothers "Grandmother's games", competitions "Scyth - girl's beauty", "Our hands do not know boredom" and many others. On the initiative of the parents, the museum produced the album "Corner of Russia", which contains drawings of adults about their small homeland.

Realism and feasibility of the project

One of the most important tasks facing our society at the present time is its spiritual moral and patriotic revival, which cannot be carried out without assimilating the cultural and historical experience of the people. Nothing contributes to the formation and development of a personality, its creative activity, as an appeal to folk traditions, rituals, folk art, oral and song, because, being in a natural speech environment, which is for a child his native language.

To achieve the maximum educational effect with the help of oral folk art, it is important to represent a variety of genres, to include in all the life processes of a child in kindergarten, in all types of children's activities.

The use of elements of oral folklore in music classes, emotionally liberates and relieves psychological stress in children. Introducing children to small folklore forms, you can use objects of folk art and Russian folk musical instruments pipes ("... Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo ... The shepherd lost his pipe ...");

pipes ("Ay, lyuli-lyuli .."); horns (“Tu-ru-ru ... Oh, guys, ta-ra-ra ...”); harp ("Trend-log, guselki, golden strings ..."); balalaika ("Tin-tin ...");

wooden spoons (“Chickens peck grains”), etc. When working on dance movements, in games, round dances, riddles, sayings, speech and motor exercises are also used. In listening to music in class, the music director selects small excerpts from Russian folk tales, proverbs, riddles, sayings, which allows developing and shaping moral, aesthetic, patriotic ideals, understanding beauty, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

In the process of learning songs in their work, educators use nursery rhymes, rhymes, chants, tongue twisters, riddles to achieve artistic, expressive and high-quality performance, stable skills of correct and accurate intonation of the melody, and the formation of musical speech activity.

In all activities with children, educators use oral folklore (rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, rhymes, sayings, incantations, chants), which contribute to the development of memory, speech, rhythmic abilities, communicative communication in children, increase activity and interest in different types of activities.

All this contributes to the emotional perception of the song, the formation of musical and aesthetic feelings in children, a sense of psychological comfort, thereby preparing a positive emotional background for the perception of the world around and its reflection in various types of children's activities. This is how the foundation of cognitive activity is laid, on which further comprehension of both the secrets of nature and the greatness of the human spirit will be built.

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Russian folklore. Songs, rhymes, incantations.

“Finger-boy ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, “Night has come ...”, “Forty, forty ...”, “I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom! Tili-bom!..”, “Like our cat…”, “Squirrel sits on a cart…”, “Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi…”, “We lived with granny…”, “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki…” , “We lived with a granny ...”, “Kisonka-murysenka ...”, “Zaryazarenitsa ...”, “Grass-ant ...”, “There are three hens on the street ...”, “Shadow-shade sweater ...”, “Ryabushechka hen ...”, “ Rain, rain, more…”, “Ladybug…”, “Rainbow-arc…”.

Fairy tales:

"Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Wolf and goats", arr. A.N. Tolstoy;

"Cat, rooster and fox, arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

"Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and the Fox";

"Goby - black barrel, white hooves", arr. M. Bulatova;

"The Fox and the Hare", arr. V. Dahl;

“Fear has big eyes”, arr. M. Serova;

"Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

Expected result The success of the implementation of the tasks set depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life of a preschool institution, the atmosphere in which the child is brought up, on a specially set, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children, and all employees of a preschool institution who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

Formed subject-developing environment and conditions for enriching the various artistic activities of children.

Child at the end of the school year:

independent, active, shows initiative in artistic activity, has a bright personality;

emotionally responsive to the state of other children, the beauty of the world and works of art, has practical skills to make changes in the environment.

Improving the professional level of managing the process of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

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Stages of work on the problem:

Design of the subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution, groups, locker rooms.

Replenishment of museum exhibits, literature.

Opening of the theater studio.

Acquaintance of children with small forms of folklore, in order to identify the cognitive and emotional response of children.

Selection of board games, various types of theater.

The transition of children from the position of the listener to the position of the narrator.

Games are dramatizations.

Tailoring of Russian folk costumes for holidays and entertainment.

Making masks for outdoor games.

Exhibitions in the ecological room.

Holidays and entertainment with parents.

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arouse in children sympathy for peers;

help kids to believe that each of them is a wonderful child, and adults love them.


Who is good for us? Who is handsome?

Sashenka (Tyomochka, etc.) is good, Sashenka is handsome.

The teacher talks about the child, emphasizing his dignity, for example:

“Sasha is really handsome. Fair-haired, with beautiful blue eyes. And he is friends with girls, does not offend them. And how in the morning he tenderly says goodbye to grandpa! Nice to see!” and so on.

Such stories children should hear throughout the year. It is advisable to pay special attention to "problem" children (nervous, fighters, crybabies, etc.), each time emphasizing how successfully they cope with their problems, how they grow up.

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"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

After reading and talking, at the right moment (in a group, on a site, at a music lesson), the teacher invites children who want to play a fairy tale, helping the performers of the roles of a fox, a cockerel and a cat musician to sing songs and pronounce a simple text (in abbreviated form).

Educator (not talking loudly).

The cat will go hunting, and the cockerel will clean up everything in the hut, sweep the floor cleanly (the cockerel depicts the appropriate actions), sings songs.

Cockerel. Ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku.

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They will fall through the pussy.

Running around the hall, children rattle rattles (onomatopoeia “bom-bom”).

Tili-tili, tili-bom, Cat's house caught fire.

Walking. Breathing exercises. Building in a circle.

General educational exercises with rattles.

1. The cat jumped out,

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"Pussy-Pussy". I. p. - the main stance, rattles in the hands behind the back: waving the arms, onomatopoeia "meow-meow". Repeat 5 times.

2. A chicken runs with a bucket,

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“Teteri” I. p. - sitting, rattles in the hands at the hips: bend your legs, knock with rattles, onomatopoeia “tra-ta-ta”. Repeat 5 times.

"Swan". I.p. - lying on the stomach, rattles in the hands above: lifting the upper body, imitation of swings. Repeat 4 times.

4. The sun is a bucket, look out the window.

Sunshine, dress up! Sunshine, show yourself!

Rain, rain, full of pouring,

–  –  –

"Rain and sunshine" I.p. - main stance, rattles below: 8-10 jumps with the transition to walking and breathing exercises. Repeat 2 times.

Walking in circles The cat went into the woods, The cat found a belt.

He dressed up, returned, He began to rock the cradle.

Loose running, onomatopoeia "ding-ding".

The birds are flying, the bells are ringing.

One, two, do not crow! They fled like fire.

Walking, breathing exercise.

A horse walks along the bank, black on green.

He waves his little head, rattles his golden bridle.

Excursions to the museum room


"Introduction to Matryoshkas".

1. "To Aunt Arina."

Please, dear guests. Come in, you are welcome, and bread and salt in the old way.

(Children are treated to bread and salt). Red girls, good fellows! Today, according to Russian tradition, we gathered for gatherings, to get to know each other, to play, to guess riddles.

Welcome with bread and salt

–  –  –

2. "Exhibition of dolls."

The exhibits in the museum are accessible to the direct perception of children. They develop the ability to admire, enjoy the exhibits: touch, play. Children get the opportunity to come into contact with the beautiful, experience the joy of the beauty of products, especially the dolls were made by the hands of their parents.

3. "Introduction to pets."

Educator. Our hostess was smart,

–  –  –

The chicken sweeps the rug with a broom.

Surprise moment:

A cat appears (the children stroke it, read their favorite nursery rhymes) “The cat went to Torzhok”, “Like our cat, the coat is very good”, etc.

Topic: “A fairy tale came to visit us:“ Gingerbread Man ”

Purpose: to teach how to make fairy-tale characters from waste material; give children an idea of ​​what waste material is and how to work with it; develop accuracy, consistency, imagination, colloquial speech. To instill in children a sense of beauty; maintain an interest in doing manual labor.

Vocabulary: junk material; tea brew; kolobok.

Material: a sheet of paper, pencils, glue, tea leaves, threads of different colors and thicknesses, semolina, napkins, illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Preliminary work: the story of the illustrated fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", games, singing songs from the fairy tale with children, introduce children to millet and semolina;

brewing and drying tea leaves.

The course of the lesson Illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" hang on the wall. The teacher gathers a subgroup of children around him. Offers to recall fairy-tale characters from a fairy tale.

Teacher: What is the name of the main character in the story? (Children: Kolobok).

Teacher: Why was the main character of the fairy tale called Kolobok?

Children: the gingerbread man was round, that's why they called it that.

Teacher: Why did Kolobok run away from grandparents?

Children: he was tired of lying; he didn't want to be eaten; he wanted to see what was outside the window, etc.

Teacher: And what shape and color was the Gingerbread Man?

Children: The gingerbread man was round and ruddy; yellow like bread.

Teacher: Guys, let's go to the tables and create each our own Kolobok.

(Children pass and sit at the tables. Prepared material for the lesson lies on the tables).

Teacher: Guys, today we will make a Kolobok from waste material.

Junk means unnecessary which we want to throw out. What do you see in front of you?

Children: threads of different colors; semolina and millet.

Teacher: What kind of cereal do you think we will make the sun from?

Children: from millet it is yellow like the sun (children, together with the teacher, make the sun - pouring millet on a circle smeared with glue).

Teacher: We made a round sun, but the sun has rays, what do you think, what will we make rays from?

Children: from yellow threads (children, together with the teacher, make rays from threads).

Teacher: Did we get a beautiful sun? (Children: Yes).

Teacher: Guys, where did Kolobok roll? (Children: to the forest along the path).

Teacher: So our Gingerbread Man will roll along the path. How can we make a path?

(Children: draw).

Teacher: But no, we will lay out the path from the tea leaves. What color are they?

Children: Brown.

Teacher: what color is the tea? (children, together with the teacher, make a path - putting tea leaves on the glue).

Teacher: And now let's draw the bun itself on the track with glue. From what cereal will we have a bun? (Children: from semolina).

(children, together with the teacher, make a kolobok - applying semolina on glue) Teacher: So we got a kolobok on the track. And what journey he will go with us, we will find out later.

A physical minute is held at the request of the teacher.

Teacher: Now tell us where your bun rolled and what adventures lay in wait for it.

Children: tell their stories.

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech "Collect a picture"

Purpose of the game: to teach children from parts to compose a whole image, to name a fairy tale, characters, to learn sequentially, to tell a fairy tale.

Cultivate attention, perseverance. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

Game progress: the child is invited to assemble a whole image of the plot of a fairy tale from parts. The child must name the fairy tale and the characters, and then tell the fairy tale.


Make up, make up, don't fight anymore!

If you fight, I will bite!

And we can't bite, Because we are FRIENDS!


Purpose: to fix walking and running one after another in a circle, in pairs, in a column one at a time; exercise in walking on a gymnastic bench, crawling: on the stomach, on all fours; to develop in children endurance, balance, the ability to navigate in space.

Material: costume of the storyteller Arina, Gingerbread man - a toy, bodywork, sports attributes.

Lesson progress:

Storyteller. Hello guys! My name is Arina. Do you like fairy tales?... There is a box with me, it is full of fairy tales. Today I will tell you a familiar story about Kolobok. He will get into trouble when he meets the fox. The fox can eat it if you don't help it. Are you ready to go in search of Kolobok? ... Storyteller. The path will be long and long, but I will help you. So, go! (children walk through the hall to the music). Keep up or you'll get lost in the woods. Now the path has become narrow, stand in pairs. And along this path, go one after another one by one. There is a swamp ahead, only bumps are visible. Let's go over the bumps on the toes.

Finally, we came to the meadow, the grass in the meadow is high - to the waist. (Children walk, raising their knees high.) Before us is a dense forest: stumps and snags under our feet.

(Children step over obstacles.) And an evil wizard lives here, let's hide behind a hillock (gymnastic bench) so that he does not notice us.

Get down, get down! And here is Fairytale Village. Grandfather and grandmother live in this.

(The storyteller shows Kolobok.) Tired of Kolobok lying down, he rolled from the window onto the grass, from the grass onto the path.

Let's run after Kolobok. (Children run one after another in a circle, first with acceleration, then slowing down, finally stop.) Kolobok is rolling, rolling, show who did he meet? What can he do?

(Children perform jumps on two legs in place and moving forward, hands in front of the chest, perform turns left and right.) Kolobok rolls, rolls, and a wolf meets him.

(Children imitate the movements of a wolf: they walk along an inclined plane (gymnastic bench) up and down.) Kolobok rolls, rolls, and a bear meets him.

(Children walk clubfoot, roll over, climb the gymnastic ladder and descend from it.) Storyteller. And then Kolobok met a fox.

(Children perform a slow run, with their heads turning left and right.

They move in short dashes, carefully, then quickly.) Storyteller. Guys, we need to drive the fox away, because she will eat Kolobok.

(Children stomp their feet, clap their hands: “Go away, Fox, we won’t give you Kolobok.”)

Storyteller. The fox got scared and ran into the forest. Kolobok began to thank the children:

“Thank you guys, what a great fellow you are, you saved me from the fox!”

And Kolobok went where? ... Home, to grandparents. And they began to live without grieve.

(Children say goodbye to Kolobok and to the storyteller - grandmother Arina.) (At the end of the lesson, the game "Hares and the Fox" is played.

The purpose of which is to train children in performing movements according to the text;

develop orientation in space and dexterity.

The “hare” children stand on one side of the playground, a rope is stretched in front of them - a barrier. To the "hares" comes the "fox" with the words:

I'll bend in an arc, hush, hush. No hoo!

I'll run in the meadow to lie in wait for the cockerel.

I'll sneak up slowly, I'll catch a cockerel.

Cockerel, cockerel, get into my bag.

Theater corner.

(Independent activity. Inventing a fairy tale in a new way "Zayushkina's hut"

Regime moments This finger is a grandfather!

–  –  –

Fingers up, Hooray! It's time to go to kindergarten.

Jokes and nursery rhymes Purpose: to familiarize children with the Russian folk tradition; show the possibilities of a stucco whistle; introduce a fairy tale in the theater of stucco toys; encourage children to role-play; to teach clearly and emotionally to speak jokes and nursery rhymes.

Material and equipment:

Museum room, stucco whistles (lamb, horse, bird); Russian costumes for children and adults.

Children in Russian costumes go into the hut and sit on the benches. The educator - in the role of a storyteller, picks up a systula and whistles.

Storyteller. It was a long time ago, I don’t remember when, but an old man settled in one village. He began to make whistles from clay. He will fashion a whistle, dry it, paint it with different colors and let's whistle. (Whistles into the whistle.) People liked to listen to his whistle and look at it: beautiful, but okay. And the whistle praised itself. (The teacher takes a whistle-horse and plays with it. The horse gallops in the air.) Narrator. (For a horse).

Here is a painted horse, Rushing along the path, Rushing along the path, Only the dust swirls.

(The teacher takes a lamb whistle and plays with it.) Narrator. (For a lamb).

Horn-horned ram, Don't go to the threshold, Don't knock with your feet, Don't shake your horns.

The teacher takes both toys in his hands and presents the children with a fairy tale in the theater of stucco toys “The Gold-maned Horse and the Horned Sheep”.

Storyteller. One day a ram-horned ram and a horse lamb-mane met on the bridge. The horse neighed: “Wow! Get out of the way, sheep." And the ram is not inferior to her. “Yourself,” she says, “go away.” The horse of a ram scares with strong hooves.

The ram shows his steep horns to the horse. So they stand; the horse threatens with its hooves, and the ram shakes its horns. How long, how short, only a small bird flew over the bridge. (The teacher shows how a bird flies - a stucco whistle.) She began to reconcile the horse and the ram: “You, horse, are so smart, beautiful, stand aside, let the ram pass. Time will pass, the sun will go down the mountain. The night will bring darkness. You can fall off the bridge. Only the horse does not listen to the little bird, it keeps repeating: “Wow! I won't give up!" The bird began to say to the ram: “You, lamb, are so strong, strong, stand aside, let the horse through. Time will pass, the sun will go down the mountain. The night will bring darkness. You can fall off the bridge. And the lamb did not listen to the wise bird. I did not listen, but it happened, as the bird said. Night has come, brought darkness.

The horse and the lamb were arguing all the time, stubbornly and from the bridge and fell down. That's the whole story. And you, guys, listen and shake your lips: the world is better than a quarrel.

After the fairy tale, children play with whistles. The storyteller brings out the cockerel and the Hen (children).

Storyteller. We have a Cockerel and a Hen.

I’ll get up early at dawn, I’ll sing in the yard, I’ll wave my wings, “Ku-ka-re-ku” shout to everyone.

I am a mother hen

In worries all day:

Oh, where are my children?

I'm not lazy to work.

Storyteller. Hen and Cockerel, dance for the guests.

Children play musical instruments, and Kurochka and Petushok dance to the Russian folk tune “Like under a hill under a mountain.”

Familiar fairy tales (Final lesson) Purpose: to cause a positive attitude towards a theatrical game, to activate the imagination of children; to encourage emotional response to the proposed role.

Material and equipment: Disc for the game, top; cap for heroes of fairy tales;

flannelgraph and pictures for fairy tales; bibabo doll Cockerel.

The teacher puts the children at a round table, on which lies a painted disk (cardboard) with marked sectors. Pictures are glued on the sectors - a goat and kids, mice and a cockerel, a teremok. Hare and crow. The teacher takes a spinning top with an arrow glued on it - a pointer.


Spin, spin, spin, spin, Lead us to a fairy tale.

(music sounds, the top spins.) Educator. Yula stopped, shows us the way to the fairy tale ... (children look at the picture) "Kids and the wolf"

The teacher puts on a mother's hat - a goat, on the children - goat hats and play a scene from a fairy tale in the form of a game.


Goats, kids!

Open up, open up.

Your mother came - she brought milk, Milk flows over the mark, From the mark to the hoof, From the hoof to the cheese ground.

Goats. (do imaginary actions - unlock the door). Mom mom!

Goat. Do you goats recognize me? (yes!) Goat. What voice did I use? (thin.) Goat. Show how you sang (children imitate) Goat. Did you open the wolf? (no!) Goat. And with what voice did the wolf sing? (Rude!) Goat. Show how you sang (children imitate the wolf) Goat. What obedient kids, go into the house, play, but don't open the door for the wolf.

The teacher says magic words and spinning again. next tale

- "Spikelet"

The teacher takes the Cockerel doll and plays with the guys.

(The cockerel appears on the screen, crows) Child.

Cockerel, cockerel, golden scallop, Why do you get up early, sing loudly?

Do you let the kids sleep?

I am a cockerel, a golden scallop.

Do you guys know who lives with me? (Yes, these are mice!) Cockerel. What are their names? (Twist and Turn).

Cockerel. Did they help me work? (No!) Cockerel. Will you help? (Yes!) Cockerel. Help me please. Let's do everything together: chop wood, sweep with a broom, shake rugs.

(Children make imitation movements to rhythmic music under the guidance of a cockerel and a teacher).

The next time the arrow of the spinning top shows on the fairy tale "the fox and the hare."

The teacher lays out on the flannelgraph pictures of a fox on the stove, a hare and a cockerel, and asks any child who wants to tell an excerpt from a fairy tale.

At the end of the lesson, the arrow stops according to the fairy tale "Teremok". Children name the heroes of this fairy tale. The teacher puts on the hats of the named heroes and invites everyone to a round dance. Children read poetry.

I'm running along the field Directly to the tower.

I want to live in it And cook porridge.

I am a jumping frog, I am a frog, I will live in a house, I will carry water!

Gray bunny, jump, yes lope,

Asked to the teremok:

I have to live in a tower, I will carry firewood!

I am a beauty - a fox, I am a craftswoman to bake pancakes, I will iron, I will sew - I have to live in a tower!

I'm not a terrible wolf at all, I know a lot about the economy, I can melt the stove And guard the economy!

After reading the poems, the children, together with the heroes, dance in a round dance.

The game "Leaf fall"

Purpose: To teach children to find leaves that are the same in shape and color. Learn to sing folk songs, songs, nursery rhymes. Develop physical activity.

The game "Pancakes are baked"

Two children stand opposite each other and clap their hands:

Two at the same time;

–  –  –

In doing so, they say:

Bake ruddy pancakes, Ruddy, hot, Pike ruddy pancakes, Ruddy, hot!

Fun game Here is the key (wrist), Here is the key (elbow), Here is the key (forearm), And here is Fresh (tickle under the arm) Key water!

The game "In the jar"

The driver hits the ball on the ground:

I dropped a jug And broke it on the floor, One, two, three, Vanechka, catch it!

On the word “catch”, he hits the ball hard on the ground and runs away. He is picked up on the fly by the one whose name was called. Game continues.

"Folklore is the medicine of mankind"

–  –  –

Proverbs "A man is not a scientist, that an ax is not sharpened"

"Learning in childhood is like carving on stone"

“What Vanya did not learn, Ivan will not learn”

"Respect a teacher like a parent"

"To live without work, only to smoke the sky"

"Where there is work, there is happiness"

“Happy and beautiful makes a person work”

"A tree is valued by its fruits, but a man by his work"

“If work is pleasure, then life is pleasure”

"A craft suits every young man"

"The truth is brighter than the sun"

"Where there is truth, there is happiness"

Commandments of Russian folk pedagogy:

Love your children, and their love will be your highest reward.

The unity of words and deeds is one of the strongest aspects of education.

Respect for elders.

Caring for relatives.

In the organization of family relations, there should not be a fear of 5.

physical strength, but the fear of upsetting a person (therefore, they were not afraid to praise the kids, but as soon as the child began to understand everything, the praises of loved ones were sharply reduced: let strangers praise you for good deeds.) “Don’t regret your thanks”, “Punish children with shame, and not a thunderstorm and a scourge, ”the people said.

6. Awareness of oneself as a particle of the general. Empathy, common joy and care help a person grow in the understanding that kindness, courage, strength, generosity are a common asset.

7. Teach us to understand that the things around us are conceived and created by someone.

Take care of them!

8. Conscious participation in labor (Russian families were drawn into common labor from the age of 5-6). At the same time, children were not taught individual operations, not the monotony of children's handicrafts, craft (let them immediately see the ultimate goal of their efforts.) A girl was born - they gave a small spinning wheel, then a larger one. First the game. And by the age of 10 - a task. The boy was given tools to make - the man is growing!

Used Books

1. Golitsyna N.S. Organization and content of the work of the senior educator of preschool educational institution Moscow 2008

2. Gavrilova I.G. The origins of Russian folk culture in kindergarten. Saint Petersburg 2008

3. Kostina E.P., Kochneva N.N., Karimova L.G., Semikova L.A. My native home N.Novgorod 2000

4. Makhaneva M.D., Reshchikova S.V. Game lessons with children from 1 to 3 years old Moscow 2008

5. Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten Program and guidelines Moscow 2007

6. Gerbova V.V. Classes for the development of speech Moscow 2009.

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Nina Golodenko
Prospective planning on the topic "Folk culture and traditions" in the 2nd junior group.

Plan– project of educational activities

Time spending (month) March

Group(younger age) 2 junior group.

Full name of the teacher responsible for development: Golodenko N. V.

Topic#1: « Folk culture and traditions» .

(source of theme selection: calendar-thematic planning, ways to motivate children to participate in activities: update the content of the game zones.)

Implementation period: from 6.03.17 to 31.03.17)

Expected Results:

Topic 1: Formed interest in Russian folk culture and traditions, ideas about decorative and applied art were enriched, interest in Russian folklore was brought up.

Module 1 "Main directions for the implementation of the educational areas of the program"

Module 2. "Interaction between teacher and children"

2.1. Direct educational activities

Date of implementation Form of implementation Content

"Motor activity"

Physical education according to the plan physical education instructor culture

"Communicative activity"

8.03.17. Reading a poem by I. Kosyakov "All She". Didactic exercise “I love my mother very much, because ...”". Introduce children to I. Kosyakov's poem "All She". Improve children's dialogic speech.

15.03.17. "Sonic a culture of speech: sounds t, p, k ".

To fix the pronunciation of the sound t in words and phrasal speech; learn to clearly pronounce onomatopoeia with the sounds t, p, k; exercise in pronouncing onomatopoeia at different speeds and volumes.

03/22/17 "Reading Russian folk tale"Fear has big eyes"».

Remind children of the Russians they know folk fairy tales and acquaint with a fairy tale "Fear has big eyes" (arr. M. Serova). Help to correctly reproduce the beginning and end of the tale.

03/29/17 “Viewing the painting "Children play with cubes".Didactic exercise on sound pronunciation (didactic game "What changed")". Continue to teach children to look at the storyline by helping them identify the theme and flesh out actions and relationships. characters. Practicing the correct and distinct pronunciation of onomatopoeic words (learn to characterize the location of objects).

"Cognitive and research activities"

(study of objects of animate and inanimate nature)

10.03.17 "I have a kitten." Continue familiarity with pets. Develop the ability to properly handle animals. Develop the desire to watch the kitten. Learn to share experiences

(knowledge of the objective and social world)

17.03.17 “How Funtik and I carried sand”. To give children the idea that dad takes care of his family; dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is a driver in his house. Build respect for your dad.

24.03.17 "Plate of Clay". To acquaint children with the properties of clay, with the structure of its surface.

03/31/17 Caring for indoor plants. Expand your understanding of indoor plants. To consolidate the ability to water plants from a watering can. Learn to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Maintain interest in indoor plants and the desire to care for them.

3. Educational developmental situation

(mathematical and sensory development)

Lesson 1. Continue to learn to compare two unequal groups objects in ways of imposition and application, designate the results of comparison with the words more - less, as much - how much, equally.

Improve the ability to distinguish and name a circle, square, triangle.

03/14/17 Lesson 2. Improve the ability to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects, use expressions equally, as much - how much, more - less.

Fix ways to compare two objects in length and height, indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

junior group of kindergarten", With.

Lesson 3. Exercise in comparing two groups objects in ways of imposition and application and use the words as much - how much, more - less.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts days: day Night.

I. Pomoraeva, V. Pozina. "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten", With.

03/28/17 Lesson 4. Fix the ways of comparing two objects in length and width, indicate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one).

Exercise in distinguishing and naming geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.

I. Pomoraeva, V. Pozina. "Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second junior group of kindergarten", With.

"Visual activity"

1. Educational developmental situation


"Decorate the Dymkovo duck". Continue to introduce children to the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight the elements of the painting, apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the result; from the brightness and beauty of the Dymkovo painting.

"Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 154

"All the icicles were crying". To learn how to rhythmically apply strokes, placing them on a sheet of paper in accordance with the direction of the icicles, to develop skills in working with a brush, the ability to figuratively perceive color spots; to cultivate an emotional perception of natural phenomena, an interest in drawing.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 196

"My cheerful sonorous ball". To form children's ideas about the round shape of objects and their size; consolidate knowledge about color; learn to paint over drawings with a brush, draw lines in one direction; develop interest in the result of their work.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 216

30.03.17 Festive flags. Learn to draw rectangular objects, paint over with a pencil within the contour, drawing lines and strokes in one direction, develop pencil drawing skills; enrich the idea of ​​color; cultivate aesthetic taste.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy page 222

6.03.17 "Tumbler" To teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts of the same shape, but of different sizes, tightly pressing the parts to each other. Arouse the desire to decorate an object with small details (pompom on hat, buttons on dress). Clarify children's ideas about the size of objects. Strengthen the ability to sculpt neatly. Cause a feeling of joy from the created.

T. S. Komarova page 33

20. 03.17 "Chickens Walk" To form the ability to convey in modeling the image of a chicken, the shape of body parts, head, tail; to consolidate the plucking technique with the fingertips (beak, tail, the ability to firmly fasten the parts, pressing them tightly; develop the desire to talk about what they did.

Complex classes according to the program "Birth to School" N. Veraksy


13.03.17. "Circle Pattern" To teach children to place the pattern along the edge of the circle, correctly alternating the figures in size; make a pattern in a certain sequences: above, below, on the right, on the left - large circles, and between them - small ones. To consolidate the ability to glue the entire form with glue. Develop a sense of rhythm. Cultivate independence.

T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten" page 29

27.03.17 "Beautiful handkerchief" Learn to create a pattern on a square-shaped sheet of paper, placing small squares and triangles in a certain order. Develop spatial representation: in the middle, at the corners, above, below, on the side.

Develop a sense of color, composition, aesthetic perception.

T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten" page 36

2. Educational developmental situation


A beautiful house for nesting dolls. Arouse interest in the construction, teach exactly the connection of geometric bodies, show different construction options.

"Musical Activity"

Music lesson for plan music director

"Reading Fiction"

1. Educational developmental situation Activities based on artistic text:

2.2. Joint educational activities and cultural practice of the educator and children in sensitive moments

Reading Russian folk tale"Masha and the Bear", "Teremok", "Mitten"; folk proverbs and sayings, Russian folk riddles, tongue twisters, rhymes To cultivate interest in fiction, which displays the theme of labor.

“There is a dream near the windows.

To acquaint with an ancient subject - a cradle. Activate in speech words: cradle, unsteady, cradle. Develop interest in songs, nursery rhymes

"Like our cat."

To acquaint with the inhabitant of the hut - the cat Vaska. learn nursery rhyme< Как у нашего кота>. Develop interest in small folklore.

"Come, spring, with joy..." To acquaint with the season - in the spring, its features, using invocations, riddles, signs. Teach the children a spring call. Develop interest in folklore

learning nursery rhymes "Grow braid to the waist". Instill love for Russian folk art

To acquaint children with the work, to talk about how this nursery rhyme was used by our ancestors. Develop memory, create a positive attitude. (girls).

Reading a fairy tale "Fox with a rock". Learn to listen carefully to the story and answer questions about the story. Acquaintance with household items - a rolling pin.

Reading Russian folk tale"Goby - black barrel, white hooves". Get to know Russian folk tale. Learn to look at the plot picture and talk about what is depicted on it. Use techniques for teaching children to listen carefully and emotionally perceive a fairy tale, expressively convey its content using gestures and facial expressions.

reading nursery rhymes "Goat-white leg". Teach children to listen carefully. Highlight the triumph of a good start.

Reading a poem by E. Baranov "Spring spring! How clean the air is... Learn to listen carefully to the poem. Fix the signs of spring.


Situations of communication, conversations and conversations with children, game trainings

Conversation "Russian doll".

Familiarize with folk toy - matryoshka. Enter into active dictionary words: matryoshka, painted, wooden. To develop interest in the nesting doll, the desire to decorate it.

Conversation Foka boils water and shines like a mirror.

To acquaint with the history of the kettle, its predecessor - the samovar. Expand vocabulary stock: samovar, kettle, tea party. Bring up culture table behavior through play "Let's drink tea to the doll".

Examining the poster "Dymkovo patterns". Learn to highlight and name the individual elements of the pattern, their color.

situational communication: “The cat will go out into the garden - the whole will be alarmed people» Introduction to jokes and songs about pets.

Conversation: "What stories do you have". Continue to teach children to correctly name the name of the fairy tale and retell the fairy tales they know.

Conversation "Kalachi from the oven".

Continue to introduce Russian folk art.

chat "What clothes did our grandmothers' grandmothers wear", ask to bring photos of grandmothers and mothers in beautiful clothes" Consolidate knowledge about the attributes of clothing. Instill love for folk costume.

Conversation "Icicles". Familiarize yourself with the safety rules. Which must be observed during the period of active snow melting.

computer presentation "In early spring". To enrich children's ideas about the phenomena of early spring.

Slideshow "Migratory birds". Enrich children's ideas about birds.

Examining plot pictures "The Rooks Have Arrived". Invite children to look at pictures, learn to name familiar birds. The actions they take. Make up short stories with the children.

Examining objects with children folk– applied art – various clay toys. Build an idea about handicrafts to instill respect for the work of people.

Situational conversation on the questions “Which animals woke up from winter sleep? What do they need in the spring? What do animals eat? What would you send to the animals? To develop cognitive abilities in children. Develop speech, thinking.

Conversation “Do the birds need our help in early spring? Why? How can we help her?" Enrich children's understanding of the life of birds. Make them want to help.

Conversation "Where the sun sleeps". Pay attention to the fact that during the day it changes its position to her: The sunrise can be seen from one window and the sunset from another.

Reading books about birds. Teach children to compare birds. Find similarities and differences.

Conversation “How do children dress in spring? To fix the concept of clothes with children. Name the difference between winter clothes and spring clothes.

"Game activity"

Role-playing, building and constructive, theatrical game, dramatization game, outdoor games, leisure, health and outdoor games.

Role-playing game activity.

game situation "Like a cat went to visit".

Acquaintance with the custom of visiting guests with gifts. Encourage children to independently complete elementary instructions: after the game, put away toys, building material.

Story game "Let's make a room for the doll" Learn to distinguish and name pieces of furniture, talk about their purpose, cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll

Role-playing game "At the doctor's appointment" To consolidate knowledge about the human body and maintaining health.

Role-playing game "My family" Teach children to understand differences in adults based on gender (father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt).

Role-playing game "Visiting Grandma Arina".

To develop in children the desire to use during games folk songs, consolidate knowledge about the items of utensils.

Construction and constructive activity.

According to the intention of the children. Non-directive assistance from the educator in organizing and conducting the game.

"Build a house for the birds". Teach children to build a house, beat the building. Learn to consider a sample of what details and how it is built.

Theatrical game, dramatization game,

Game - dramatization "Ay alright, alright, alright", “I’ll bake a pie for Tanya”, "The people are sleeping". Introduces children to Russian folklore, encourages the desire of children to participate in dramatizations that imitate labor activities.

Shadow theater based on a fairy tale "Teremok" Teaching children to communicate fairy tale characters expressively pronouncing their remarks.

Outdoor games.

Russian folk mobile game"Carousel" Development of general motor skills, attention.

P / and Outdoor game: We are funny guys. keep the kids in a good mood.

P. game "Who's good", Target: teach children to perform small exercises, develop speech, fine motor skills of fingers

P / s "Catch the plane". Learn to run at the signal of the teacher, without looking back.

P / s "Birds in the nest". Continue to teach children to perform jumps on two legs, develop the muscles of the back, legs, and coordination of movements.

P / s "Sun Bunnies". Specify directions: up, down, sideways; learn to perform a variety of movements.

P / s "Tram". To teach children to move in pairs, to coordinate their movements with the movements of the players, to learn to recognize colors and remove movements in accordance with them.

P / s "Rabbits"

P / s "Birds are playing". Exercise in running, agility.

P / s "Find Us". Fix the names of objects on the site, teach children to navigate the terrain.

P / s "Dog and Sparrows". It will consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic movements of birds, teach them to imitate their voices.

P / s "Traps with a bell" Get kids to run. Learn to navigate the area.

P / s "Day Night". To develop motor activity of children, to fix parts of the day.

P / s "Rabbits". Teach children to jump on two legs, moving forward, develop dexterity.

P / s "Birds one, birds two!" Teach children to perform movements, exercise in counting.

P / s "Dog and Sparrows". To consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic movements of birds, to teach them to imitate their voices.

"Cognitive and research activities"

Sensory, game and intellectual trainings, experiences, experiments, observations, observations of nature, musical and theatrical living room,

creative workshop, reading literary works.

Experiments, experiments.

"Sowing a Seed"(vegetable or flower. Teach children how to care for plants. Instill work skills.

"Catch a fish, both small and large". Find out the ability of a magnet to attract certain objects.

Experience "The temperature of objects in the sun and in the shade". To teach children to compare the temperature of objects in the shade and in the bright sun, touching them with their palms. Explain that with the onset of spring. The sun was getting hotter.

Observations of nature.

Themed walk "The sun shines in the blue sky". Continue to acquaint with natural phenomena, explain why the sun warms more in spring.

Recognizing Observation "Spring is Coming Soon". Draw the attention of children to the signs of the approaching spring, teach them to name the observed phenomena.

consideration "Snow in March". To draw the attention of children to the state of snow, to help connect these changes with other natural phenomena.

Themed walk: "Sky sky". Show the features of the spring sky, form an idea of ​​​​the sky.

Themed walk: "Migratory birds". It will expand children's ideas about wintering and migratory birds.

Themed walk "What does birch and spruce look like in early spring". To expand children's ideas about trees, to teach to protect nature.

Themed walk "Water all around". Show a variety of actions with melted snow.

Recognizing Observation "Bird Behavior in Early Spring". Continue to acquaint with the behavior of birds in early spring, note the changes in the behavior of birds.

Recognizing Observation "Spring Morning". Learn to observe the course of natural phenomena, name the observed phenomena and actions.

Recognizing Observation "Shadow". Introduce children to the concept "shadow", pay attention to the fact that if you stand next to a light source, you can see a shadow, show how the shadow follows the contour of objects.

Themed walk "Light Sky Blue". To consolidate the idea of ​​spring, pay attention to the changes that have occurred in nature.

Themed walk: "The snow is melting, melting, flowing, flowing, flowing stream". Expand your understanding of spring and the properties of snow.

Creative workshop.

"Painting in watercolor on wax "Spring is coming". Introduce children to the technique of drawing on wax, teach them to paint over a sheet with watercolors and watch how they show through "spring thaws" on a piece of paper.

"Round dance of matryoshkas" To consolidate with children the ability to apply a pattern on the silhouette of a nesting doll.

Musical theater room.

round dance game "Galya walked around the garden". Keep children in a good mood. .

round dance "Vaska walks gray".

Teach children how to dance; practice squatting

Encourage children to follow the rules in outdoor games.

round dance "The sun is warmer". To teach children to dance at a calm pace, holding hands, rhythmically perform claps and stomps.

Reading literary works.

Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "The snow is no longer the same". Teach children to listen carefully to poems. Learn to compare your observations with the content of a literary work.

Reading a poem by V. Lunin "Spring is coming" Continue to acquaint children with changes in nature, compare their observations with the content in nature.

"Self-service and elementary household work"

Labor assignments (individually and subgroups, common and joint work.

Cleaning out inventory.

Teach children to carry out simple assignments, act according to instructions, transfer instructions to comrades.

Practical exercise "Children returned from a walk". To form in children the skill of self-service, to teach them to independently put things in their locker in a certain sequence.

Canteen duty. Learn to lay out spoons by holding them by the handles.

Labor assignments: remove toys. To teach children to carry out simple instructions, act according to instructions, understand the essence of the game and practical tasks.

Labor order: help clear the table. To teach children to carry out elementary tasks, offer to collect the remnants of bread, gently crumble it to feed the birds. To form labor skills, to cultivate industriousness, accuracy.

Practical exercise "Neat Guys" To teach children to wash and dry their hands thoroughly, to form the habit of performing the necessary hygiene procedures after a walk.

Practical exercise "Neat Locker". Teach children to take off various items of clothing, name them, fold them neatly in a locker.

Practical exercise "Hat and jacket". Teach children to take off certain items of clothing. Ask adults for help, use polite words. Encourage independence, cultivate accuracy.

Practical exercise "Let's go for a walk". Teach children to put on certain items of clothing on their own, if necessary, seek help from adults.

Labor order "Helping set the table" Teach children to perform familiar labor assignments, to act according to instructions. Cultivate diligence, accuracy, responsibility.

Module 3 "Independent activity of children"

3.1. Organization of the developing object-spatial environment

Centers: cognitive activity, artistic and productive activity, patriotic education, motor activity of board-printed and educational games. Library, laboratory.

Center for cognitive activity

Various types of constructors.

Place different matryoshkas in the Development Zones; children's musical instruments; illustrations depicting old clothes; illustrations about work in the field, garden, in the hut, barn.

Center for Artistic and Productive Activities

diluted gouache, stencils, plasticine, wax crayons, cotton buds, cotton pads, pencils, felt-tip pens, white and tinted paper, brushes, boards, stacks.

Images folk- applied arts, nesting dolls. Dymkovo toys.

Center for Patriotic Education album "My family", "My city".

photographic materials "Starooskol toys"

Movement center. hoops, balls, skittles, health tracks.

Center for desktop-printing and developing games. DI "Professions", "Shapes", "Whose baby". "Who lives where".


Illustrations for fairy tales and nursery rhymes "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "Swan geese", "Goby - black barrel, white hooves", "Our goat; Russian books folk tales, illustrations based on fairy tales;

Laboratory. Magnets, plant seeds for planting. Priming.

3.2. "Equipment for walking"

Cognitive, didactic, outdoor games, observation, work, independent activity.

Shovels, buckets, rakes, balls, skittles. Items for experimentation Which items heat up faster in the sun?.

3.2. "Children's initiative in various activities"(ways of directing and supporting children's initiative "non-directive help")

Educational developmental situation at the suggestion of children

Conducting thematic days, discussion - summing up the results of independent activities, organizing children's mini-projects, organizing help for kids.

Mini project "Garden on the window".

3.3. Individually oriented interaction (weekly)

The activities of the educator aimed at pedagogical support for children and assistance in overcoming difficulties and problems of self-realization in various activities

Module 4. Interaction with parents (legal representatives) pupils"

Pedagogical monitoring

Pedagogical support Consultation: "Child health and computer".

Teacher Education

Joint activities of teachers and parents. Co-creation in mini-garden group.

Homework for parents: doll clothes repair

The hall is decorated in the form of a village courtyard. Colored leaves are scattered across the floor.

Children enter the hall behind the teacher to calm music.


Autumn looked into the garden

to make the kids happy

we came to a beautiful hall,

who took it away like that?

Musical director: Autumn looked into the garden to please the guys.


Yes, it's bright and beautiful!

Here is the hut. What a marvel!

And the wattle fence, there is a bench ...,

who lives here? (knocks, no one answers)

The hostess enters to the music

Hostess: And here I am - the hostess of the house, hello, my friends (The teacher greets the Hostess).


I got up early today

worked hard, worked hard

fired up the oven

cooked to eat...

Just didn't have time to remove the leaves,

so that your feet can walk.

Educator: And we will help you - let's go to the garden and collect the leaves!

Song with movements "Autumn Leaves" by N. Vereskova

(after the dance, the leaves are collected in a basket)

Hostess: How glad I am, kids, that you came to visit me.

Eh, the legs are shaking, they do not stand still,

Come on, kids, let's dance together!

Dance "Fingers and Hands" to a Russian folk melody.

Hostess: Come in, sit down. Be my guests.

Children go to their places and sit down.

Hostess: Thank you for coming to visit me, I want to introduce you to my home friends. The cat Vaska lives in my yard. At night, he watches over mice, and during the day he sleeps on the mound and sings songs. How does the cat Vaska sing songs?

Children: Murrr - murrr!

Educator: And let's play with the cat!

Dance-game "Mice" by M. Kartushina.

The mice are dancing on the path: wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee!

They put mice in their palms: wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee!

The mice are playing patty: wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee!

And they hit the palms: pi-pi-pi-, pi-pi-pi-!

The mice twirled their tails: wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee!

And they looked around: wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee!

The mice heard something: wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee!

And they trembled with fear: pee-pee-pee, pee-pee!

Educator: This is Vaska the cat, he will find mice now!

Children run away from the cat (toy).

Educator: We will treat the cat Vaska with milk,

Let him play again! (puts a saucer of milk near the cat).

Hostess: But listen, who else lives next to me: he gets up early in the morning, sings songs loudly, does not let the children sleep. Who is this?

Children: Rooster!


A cockerel is walking, a scallop is on its side,

Red beard, oil head.

He gets up early and does not let others sleep.

He sits on the fence - he screams the loudest!

How does a cockerel crow?

Children: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Presenter: Ah, let's be cockerels and hens, we will walk around the yard, look for grains.

Children walk around the hall to the music, wave their “wings”, crow, peck grains. The hostess imperceptibly takes a dog toy.

Doggie Sharik barks loudly, disperses cockerels and hens! (children run to places).

Educator: And we will fill the cockerel with grains, we will still play with him (they give the hostess a saucer with grain), and we will give Sharik a dog, we will give a bone, we want such a defender to visit!

Hostess: Oh, guys, it seems it's starting to rain!

Educator: Let's ask the rain to stop coming.

- Rain, rain, drip da drip,

you do not drip for a long time,

don't scare us with the rain,

play with us

Teacher: Let's sing a song about rain.

Song "Rain" by G. Romanova.

Hostess: Thank you guys for the song. You sing very well. Oh, and after the rain, a goat with a goat came out into my yard. And here they go!

The Goat with the Kid (children of the preparatory group) enter the hall, go around the hall.

Hostess: The goat left the house and the kid said ...

Goat: Do not be afraid, my son, it will be scary - here is the call.

As the bell rings, mom will quickly come running (leaves).

Educator: Children, let's become cockerels and go to visit the Kid!

Children to the music go to the Kid, wave their “wings”, crow, the Kid gets scared, rings a bell, the children run away.

Goat appears:

Who hurt you son?

Kid: Oh, look who I saw...

Goat: Well, what a coward you are, you were afraid of cockerels!

Do not be afraid, my son, it will be scary - here is the call.

As the bell rings, mom will immediately come running (leaves).

Educator: And now let's go to the Kid as Bunnies.

Children jump like bunnies to the music, the kid gets scared, rings the bell, the children run away.

Goat appears:

Who hurt you son?

Kid: Oh, look. Who did I see...

Goat: Well, what a coward you are, scared of bunnies!

Educator: We will take handkerchiefs, we will go to visit Kozlik, how the children will dance and wave handkerchiefs! Let's play with them, dance and mother - Goat - calm down!

Dance with handkerchiefs to a Russian folk tune.

Goat: Thank you, kids, for not scaring my son.

It's time for the kid and me, goodbye, kids! (leave, children sit down)

Presenter: How good it was for us to visit you, Hostess!

Hostess: I am very glad that you came to visit me, and cleaned the yard, and played with my friends, fed all the animals and had fun.

Educator: But it's time for us to go home!

Hostess: Thank you for your help.

In autumn, not only leaves decorate the kindergarten,

but vegetables and fruits are on the table for all the guys!

Here are autumn gifts from my garden.

The hostess gives the children a basket of apples.

The children say thanks and leave.

Title: Scenario of the holiday with elements of folklore in the 2nd junior group "Visiting the Hostess"

Position: music director of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 36
Location: Kamensk-Shakhtinsky city, Rostov region