Sports activities for pregnant women in the early stages. Features of sports for pregnant women. Why sports are good for pregnant women

“Eat more and no physical activity! You're PREGNANT !!! "

Have you ever heard something like this? Yes, yes ... some future grandmothers and great-grandmothers like to say that. You follow the advice of your elders, lean on food and try to move as little as possible ("so as not to disturb the baby").

Doctors, on the other hand, warn that one should eat in moderation.

As for sports- here everything is individual and depends on the flow of a particular woman.

Of course, if there is a threat of miscarriage, then any kind of physical exercise should be approached extremely carefully, be patient and wait out the period of threat, which most often happens in the first trimester. But if the pregnancy is proceeding calmly, without deviations, then why not pay attention to what will ease your, albeit pleasant, albeit long-awaited, but still a burden?

Some women who are in a position sometimes have a desire to "unfasten" their tummy for a while and again feel lightness throughout their body. Unfastening, of course, will not work for 9 months, but you can still feel lightness being pregnant. And sports will help you with this.

Will physical education harm the expectant mother and baby? Is physical activity so dangerous during pregnancy? Or are there any kinds of sports that you can and should do?

At first, pregnancy is not a disease, and not even just carrying a baby, but also preparing for the upcoming birth, which is hard physical work. And the woman's body must be prepared for this work.

Imagine an athlete who gives up training before an important competition. Strange, isn't it? After all, for the competition to be successful, you need to prepare for it. What then can we say about a pregnant woman who completely excludes physical activity. What kind of childbirth will she then be ready for? Only operational, which, unfortunately, happens in many cases.

And the few sessions that are organized at antenatal clinics to prepare a pregnant woman for childbirth are negligible.

Nature has taken care of us: expectant mothers significantly increase the elasticity of all muscles and tendons, which contributes to their flexibility and endurance. If the motor activity of the expectant mother does not decrease during pregnancy, then reasonable regular physical activity will help not only develop natural flexibility, but also increase the reserve of muscle endurance, which is necessary for a successful childbirth.

Therefore, if you feel good, find the strength to devote some time to physical exercise and your doctor gives you the green light, then go ahead!

Worth remembering that pregnancy, although not a disease, nevertheless imposes certain restrictions on sports activities. And it is very important to remember them for future mothers.

In no case should you go in for parachuting, ski jumping, mountain climbing.

Perhaps some mothers will be surprised - are there really those who will think of jumping from a parachute while pregnant. Believe me, there are women who cannot live a day without a certain sport. Therefore, such serious restrictions are for them.

You should not do exercises associated with holding the breath (for example, body flex). By the way, scuba diving remains a controversial type. It is believed that divers do not have problems in childbirth precisely because of the ability to hold their breath, but it should be borne in mind that they are accustomed to pressure drops since childhood. Therefore, if you have not dived before pregnancy, you should not try it during. Holding your breath can harm both yourself and your baby.

Limit yourself to milder physical activity. Aerobics can be replaced with simple yoga exercises and shaping. Swimming and plastic gymnastics are very useful. Swimming like no other sport gives you a feeling of lightness. Therefore, almost all doctors recommend visiting the pool during pregnancy, if, as mentioned above, there are no strict contraindications. And of course, don't forget about outdoor hiking!

Do you feel empowered? Walk as much as possible!

If none of the acceptable sports appeals to you, then you can do oriental dance for pregnant women. Belly dancing develops plasticity well, so you can't even call a clumsy woman with a belly.

Dancing is the same pleasant emotions and. After all, it is so important that physical activity, be it swimming, gymnastics or dancing, benefits not only the body, but also gives the expectant mother positive emotions. If mom is cheerful and cheerful, then pregnancy is transferred much easier and softer.

One more important point should be noted - each trimester has its own physical education.

In the first trimester (up to the 16th week) the fetus is being formed, its connection with the mother's body is weak. Therefore, any heavy load can cause termination of pregnancy.

The mother's body only tunes in to pregnancy, and therefore, an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system occurs, which often leads to nausea, constipation, flatulence, accumulation of fat and toxins. The need for oxygen in the tissues of the body increases, and therefore it is best to pay more attention to calm walking during this period. If you decide to do gymnastics in the first trimester (perhaps you want to continue what you were doing before pregnancy), then doctors advise excluding the following exercises: sharp bends and bends of the body, sharp lifts of the body from a prone position, lifting straight legs.

In the second trimester (from the 16th to the 32nd week) there is a formation of a circle of blood circulation "mother - fetus" and instability of blood pressure can be observed (most often it rises), an increase in venous pressure, which leads to edema and the appearance of varicose veins. Placental hormones are included in the metabolism, which enhance the growth of the uterus and mammary glands, an increase in the abdomen leads to a change in posture, and a flattening of the foot is possible. Classes during this period should form and consolidate the skills of deep and rhythmic breathing. Swimming is recommended during this period.

A pregnant woman begins to feel heaviness, and swimming, like no other sport, helps to "unload" spine and feel your body for a while as it was before pregnancy. When the abdomen becomes clearly visible, it is advised to stop the abdominal exercises from a prone position, but you can leave the various exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles. Such activities will help you do without a bandage and protect your body from lateral stretch marks.

In the third trimester (32 weeks to delivery) there is an increase in the uterus, the load on the heart increases, diaphragmatic breathing is difficult, the venous outflow from the legs and small pelvis worsens, the load on the spine and the arch of the foot increases. Classes during this period are aimed at improving blood circulation in all organs and systems. The overall load should be reduced. Relaxation exercises are essential. Massage of the neck area is very useful (the future dad can help you with this). It is necessary to exclude forward bending of the body.

The onset of gestation is considered the most anxious time for gestation. Mom already knows about an interesting situation and is elated in anticipation of the baby. Her body has not changed yet, there is no protruding tummy, but inside, the processes of laying all the systems of a small organism are already taking place. Within reasonable limits, sports in the first trimester of pregnancy will only help such an important process.

Moderate exercise will help the expectant mother avoid many health problems

If gestation is proceeding normally, then no restrictions on motor activity are required. Moderate stress will help mom to always be in the right shape, prepare the body for the upcoming delivery, and also contribute to a faster recovery after childbirth. But combining pregnancy and sports in the first trimester of pregnancy requires a more careful approach.

In principle, the first trimester is not considered a contraindication for training, especially for those mothers who regularly played sports before conception and are accustomed to constant physical exertion. It is these women who are usually interested in whether it is possible to play sports while carrying.

Limited sports loads are recommended for all pregnant women (if there are no individual contraindications). Reasonable loads help to cope with dizziness, toxicosis and ailments, you just need to choose the right kind of sport, frequency and intensity of training. Previously, doctors recommended rest for moms, but these stereotypes have long been outdated. Now experts, on the contrary, recommend that women be reasonably active, then the body will be in the right tone, it will perfectly tolerate gestation and childbirth.

How are classes useful?

The inactivity of a pregnant woman leads to a weakening of muscle tone, insufficient oxygen supply, weakened labor and other complications. If you provide moderate physical activity, then:

  1. The supply of oxygen increases, which is extremely beneficial for fetal development;
  2. Sport during pregnancy strengthens the heart and vascular system;
  3. Promotes the training of muscle tissues, which will help facilitate labor;
  4. Eases toxic manifestations;
  5. Provokes an increased production of endorphin hormones, which contributes to an excellent mood and emotional stability;
  6. Material exchange processes are normalized;
  7. Sports activities during pregnancy increase the patient's stamina;
  8. The likelihood of developing complications of gestation and childbirth is minimized;
  9. Exercise helps to be active and the baby, which develops the adaptive and protective systems of the body.

With regular physical exertion, labor is facilitated, and after it the body quickly recovers and begins to function in the same rhythm.

Selection rules

The choice of training should be approached very carefully, avoiding increased cardio load. Mom, suffering from toxic attacks and weakness, should experience exceptionally pleasant sensations when doing exercises. In order not to provoke unpleasant sensations or ailments after sports activities, it is necessary to train according to certain rules. These include a ban on lifting weights and holding your breath, overly dynamic exercises such as running with obstacles or jumping. Do not overuse stretching elements in the early stages, otherwise the ligamentous apparatus can be damaged.

It is necessary to provide that the woman is engaged in a cool room, since overheating is unacceptable. It is necessary to quench your thirst in a timely manner when the body requires water. Moreover, when performing sports elements, mom should be guided not by her own well-being, but by medical recommendations. Sometimes the fetus is at serious risk even when mommy is feeling relatively well.

Sports activities such as volleyball or basketball are not suitable for pregnant women, as these training sessions are fraught with serious injuries. If fitness is the preference, then moms need to train in fitness centers, taking into account the cold season. It is unacceptable to visit the gym during an epidemic, otherwise you can easily catch a cold or flu, which is unsafe for the fetus. In such a case, it is better to prefer a workout in the gym to workout at home.

The training program is usually determined based on the patient's health condition. If, before conception, a girl regularly worked in the gym or was a professional athlete, then you should not completely abandon training. It is necessary to discuss a lightweight training program with an instructor or trainer, and then practice according to it. If there are no individual contraindications, then up to a 12-week period, you can train in the mode that was maintained even before conception.

Swimming brings maximum benefit to both the expectant mother and the baby

If earlier mommy was not particularly fond of sports, then simple fitness is suitable for her during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. At first, you need to set aside for training for half an hour three or four times a week. At the same time, elements such as bending and light stretching of the limbs, walking, swimming or special gymnastics for pregnant women are recommended. In terms of load, workouts should be moderate, but they should be carried out regularly. Exercise in the morning should be done every day. During training, you must carefully monitor your own condition so that the heart rate does not rise above 120-130 beats / min.


Practicing yoga during gestation helps mom prepare for childbirth and normalize the psychoemotional state, which in such cases sometimes gives some disruptions. A special yoga has been developed for moms, which is of great benefit:

  • Helps strengthen the pelvic, leg and spine muscles;
  • All elements of yoga are aimed at improving blood supply, which is extremely important for the full development of the baby;
  • Many asanas help to cope with early toxicosis;
  • Yoga asanas upside down is one of the most effective ways to prevent incorrect fetal presentation;
  • Respiratory yoga helps to increase the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

Such training provides an excellent mood, women become calmer, the psycho-emotional background is leveled, drops stop, etc.

Gymnastics and fitness

Gymnastics for mothers until the second trimester allows the entire range of breathing exercises. Such gymnastics helps to prepare for childbirth, and if it is also performed at a later date, then oxygen will be used more efficiently. It is also allowed to perform gymnastic elements to strengthen the peritoneum. But the press is allowed only up to 12 weeks. For pregnant women, the 2nd trimester is a contraindication for abdominal exercises.

Best snack - fresh fruit

Gymnastics is useful for strengthening the back muscles and ankle joints, small-pelvic perineal muscles. For example, Kegel gymnastics helps prepare the perineal muscles for delivery. Relaxing gymnastic complexes effectively relieve fatigue.

Today, many people prefer to go in for fitness, which helps to maintain a healthy figure. If the patient has no health problems, then in the early stages she is not prohibited from doing fitness. But you will have to limit jumping and running, load on the press, etc.


Undoubtedly useful for pregnant women with a short term and swimming. It trains the back muscles, pelvic and abdominal muscles, strengthens the vascular and myocardial system, improves the general blood supply and prevents the development of varicose veins. Helps swimming and relieve increased stress, typical for late periods. Such water treatments help to relax and train the respiratory system.

Not all sports activities are suitable for pregnant women, sometimes certain harm is possible from gymnastics. Usually, this is observed if mommy takes on disproportionate physical activity or performs exercise complexes that are selected incorrectly. Some patients with severe toxicosis only get worse if they start exercising. In such a situation, there is no need to expect any benefit from training.

  • For the mother, sports can be harmful if you are doing intense cardio or heavy lifting, staying upright for a long time, or when hitting, jumping or falling.
  • The baby also faces a negative impact, since all of the above factors can disrupt the normal processes of formation of placental tissues.

Even a minor failure in the functioning of the mother's body against the background of active training can become deplorable, provoking an interruption or congenital abnormalities of the fetus.

Prohibitions and some restrictions

If mommy has decided to engage in gestation, then you need to consult a doctor on this issue. Usually, experts do not recommend training too intensely and often. The most optimal schedule will be 3 lessons per week. It is better to walk or perform a special gymnastic complex for expectant mothers.

If the patient already has experience in training before conception, then it is possible to do it at home, since the patient can independently control her own loads. If the patient did not previously lead an active lifestyle, then now she should not rush into the maelstrom of sports. Better to limit yourself to morning exercises and walking, fitness for pregnant women or yoga. It is better to turn to a professional trainer who has experience working with pregnant women and can correctly draw up a training program.

When contraindicated

It is contraindicated to engage in any sports training for pregnant women in the early gestational periods if there are factors such as endocrine pathologies and anemic conditions, arrhythmias or diabetes. Also, training is contraindicated if mom has done 3 or more abortions in the past or has spontaneous interruptions in her anamnesis.

If the patient is diagnosed with an increased risk of interruption against the background of uterine tone or bloody discharge, or during gestation she periodically bleeds, then any training is also prohibited. You will also have to give up sports in case of pronounced toxicological conditions, constant soreness in the lower abdomen, or pressure drops during gestation.


It is not harmful for pregnant women to move, but it must be done correctly. Any sports training must be approved by a specialist. A well-thought-out physical activity of a pregnant woman in the first gestational months will help to strengthen the health of the mother herself, and the baby will supply oxygen, contributing to a favorable course of gestation.

All loads for pregnant women are selected exclusively by a specialist who leads the pregnancy. He is familiar with the picture of the patient's condition and the history of the gynecological field, knows about possible threats to the fetus, therefore he will be able to correctly draw up a training program. Such training will help pregnant women competently prepare for childbirth. Trained muscle structures, proper breathing - all this will help the patient and the baby to cope safely with labor.

The doctor is authorized to prohibit any physical activity if the patient reveals pathologies or risks to the fetus. Such medical recommendations should be taken into account and followed.

In fact, the concept of "don't shake the baby" is outdated a long time ago. Modern research proves that reasonable stress during pregnancy (not bodybuilding, of course) greatly facilitates the bearing of a child and has a beneficial effect on the health of both participants in the process. Moreover, the positive effect only increases if you lead an active lifestyle from the very beginning.

An important study conducted by the Canadian University of Queens in 2011 proved that women who regularly exercise fitness from the first trimester of pregnancy significantly reduce the risk of preeclampsia (a very severe and common complication) in the later stages. In addition, in physically active women, childbirth is about 30% faster, and children almost do not suffer from hypoxia and slow heartbeat. “During the first 12 weeks, you usually die of weakness and self-pity,” explains Melinda Nicci, prenatal fitness trainer and creator of the Prima Baby program. - And sports during pregnancy gives strength and promotes the production of endorphins, hormones of joy, which are so needed during this period. In addition, the better your physical condition, the less excess weight you will gain. "

But do not rush to the gym immediately after you see those two stripes. Here's what to consider.

Sports during pregnancy: the main rules

In the first trimester, the pulse increases and the pressure rises, so serious cardio loads are contraindicated - the heart is already working in double volume.

Relaxin softens and stretches the ligaments, so do not overuse stretching exercises - they can result in serious injuries.

Do not overheat: this interferes with the blood supply to the fetus. Exercise during pregnancy should be thoughtful in every respect: Exercise in a cool, dry environment, drink enough water, and get in good breathable form.

Do not be guided by how you feel, no matter how strange it may sound. In the first trimester, dangerous conditions often arise in which the expectant mother does not feel any negative changes. Better play it safe: postpone sports until the moment you go to your first appointment with a doctor, get tested and do an ultrasound.

With anemia, multiple pregnancies, the threat of interruption, bleeding, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, any load during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Protect yourself as much as possible: do not overcool during street workouts, do not go to the gym during a flu epidemic. It is in the first trimester that immunity is radically reduced, and diseases negatively affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the arsenal of drugs available to you is reduced to literally one or two. So the best option for you is fitness at home.

Avoid physical activity with a high risk of injury and falls - basketball, skiing, horse riding, snowboarding.

Choose a doctor you trust unconditionally and consult with him about any stress. A good specialist will not be overinsured, but will thoughtfully explain what kind of sport during pregnancy is indicated or contraindicated for you.

If you did not exercise before pregnancy

You do not have a goal to maximally preserve the ideal "pre-pregnant" shape and physical fitness, so concentrate on the most pleasant thing: harmonious preparation of the body for pregnancy and childbirth. “For women who haven't exercised before, the first trimester is best done three times a week for half an hour,” explains Melinda Nicci. "More frequent and intense sports during pregnancy will add additional stress to the rebuilding body." Workout number one is walking, preferably in a park, but a treadmill is fine. First, be sure to warm up: do light stretches for the arms and legs, as well as rotational head movements and body bends from side to side. Thirty minutes of walking at a moderate pace has been proven to be great for dealing with nausea, so schedule your workout at the most unpleasant time in the morning. Try to buy or borrow a heart rate monitor and carefully monitor your heart rate: it should not exceed 120-130 beats per minute.

Another great option is swimming. According to the American Pregnancy Association, this is the safest sport during pregnancy, and there are many benefits from it: it improves blood circulation, back pain and dizziness go away. In the first trimester, you can swim and do water aerobics for 40-50 minutes (again, including a warm-up). And remember, there is not a single study that supports the risk of swimming in chlorinated water. But a dacha lake or pond can be dangerous.

Finally, special yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women can and should be started in the first trimester. As a rule, this is a very mild set of exercises aimed precisely at relieving unpleasant symptoms and gradually preparing the body for childbirth. A great example is with Svetlana Litvinova.

If you exercised before pregnancy

The good news is that the first trimester is the perfect time for you. Most professional athletes practice sports during pregnancy as usual until the fourth month, that is, until the moment the fetus becomes relatively large, and with it the belly. However, the first thing you should do is report your pregnancy to your instructor. It will help you to correctly adjust the load.

Intensive aerobic activities - dancing, shaping, step aerobics - can usually be continued at the same rhythm. They increase blood flow to the uterus (and hence, the blood supply to the fetus), help prevent postpartum hemorrhoids and varicose veins in the later stages. If you have practiced martial arts, convert them to contactless format to avoid injury. Elements that require balancing (eg dance pirouettes) are best skipped.

Strength training two to three times a week is also possible, but you will have to modify it a little. Choose lighter weights and eliminate stress on your abs. Sports during pregnancy may include some abdominal exercises, but only under the supervision of a trainer. Concentrate on your back muscles: they will be especially important in the long term. Remember to work out your upper body and your inner and outer thighs. The main rule is not to bring yourself to shortness of breath and do not hold your breath. All this causes fetal hypoxia.

Yoga is usually considered ideal for pregnant women, but this is not always the case: many asanas and directions (for example, ashtanga) are prohibited. You can continue Iyengar yoga - it has a special prenatal complex - hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, as well as qigong and Chinese gymnastics. Ask your instructor to find out your pelvic opening asanas and breathing exercises for total relaxation, especially during childbirth.

Do you choose sports during pregnancy?

Also in our online store you can buy a DVD with lessons.

Pregnancy and sports - are they compatible? What kind of sport to choose during pregnancy.

Pregnancy. No life cycle is shrouded in so many myths, superstitions and false advice. After reading and listening to myths about pregnancy, about what can and cannot be done, many young girls stop leading a full-fledged lifestyle as soon as they find out about their situation.

Thus, doing more harm than good to yourself and your baby. In this article, we are destroying the myth that pregnant women should not exercise.

Can I exercise during pregnancy? Necessary

Indeed, there are pregnancies with complications, during which doctors recommend bed rest, lack of physical activity and, of course, complete peace of mind.

But this is only a small percentage, the rest of young women, especially those who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, can and even should engage in physical activity in order to keep themselves in good shape and prepare for natural childbirth.

In order not to waste your time, we will immediately announce who sports should be postponed for later:

  • Until the first visit to the doctor and complete tests. Even if you feel great, some problem that has not yet made itself felt may lurk within you. For this, there is the delivery of tests and ultrasound. Pass all the necessary examinations, make sure everything is going well, and then start fitness
  • Anemia. It is not so rare in a pregnant woman, while the diagnosis is both made and removed during pregnancy. For treatment, most often it is enough to drink a course of pills and after making sure that everything is working out, you can go to fitness
  • Multiple pregnancy. For a woman's body, this is a double load. Therefore, without the advice of a doctor, do not overwork yourself.
  • Threat of interruption, drawing pains, bleeding and daub, profuse discharge. In this case, you are shown bed rest and in no case any loads.

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

It is possible and necessary. Often he not only older women, but also young people can hear the phrase "you can not shake the child." With this, they justify the need to refrain from sports and intimate relationships before childbirth. Let's dive a little deeper into history and take a look at our pregnant great-grandmothers.

An example (described many times in the literature and scientific tracts). A field, a hayfield, a woman on the drift at the moment of labor goes to a haystack, away from the rest. There a new person appears. She wraps him up in a diaper (which she began to carry with her in advance) and stayed with him for a couple of hours to rest. Then I got up and went on to work.

  • From this description, it can be understood that the women worked (the same physical activity) until the birth, and after a few hours they were recovered enough to continue working. There are many such examples in history, these are women warriors, artisans, and many others.
  • When, and by whom, was the “you can't shake the child” theory invented? Presumably the theory appeared in the royal houses of Europe with the advent of Christianity. The ladies weren't too burdened with work anyway. But with the advent of a new religion, menstruation, pregnancy and the process of giving birth to a child finally acquired a negative color.
  • On such days, women increasingly sat in their quarters, performing as few movements as possible. Later, the theory gained popularity, and despite the ardent beliefs of doctors that pregnancy is not a disease, women in many countries of the world tried to move to a minimum.

But these days are in the past and doctors today strongly recommend healthy exercise. You have no contraindications, do you want a healthy baby and a beautiful figure shortly after giving birth?

Do you want to give birth on your own without anesthesia and the intervention of doctors? Fitness for pregnant women, what you need now!

What kind of load should you choose?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the testimony of doctors. The second is whether you have been involved in sports before. For those who did exercises for the last time at school, and now decided to prepare for childbirth, we can recommend yoga for pregnant women, as well as swimming and fitness for pregnant women in the water. The third is the trimester of pregnancy. Depending on it, we will choose one or another load.

Cardio loads must be reduced by those who have been engaged before and not start if there was no previous experience. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is difficult for many with high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and even dizziness because of this. The heart is already actively working during this period, it does not need any load.

From the moment you saw two stripes on the test, sports with a high risk of injury are contraindicated. This includes snowboarding, skiing, basketball, horse riding and even cycling if it is fast or with obstacles.

If there was no sport before pregnancy

Training time and frequency: For expectant mothers who decide to lead an active lifestyle in the first trimester, it is advisable to do fitness no more than 3 times a week for an average of 30 minutes with a complete absence of cardio loads.

: walking in the park. It is often suggested to replace the treadmill at low speeds, but this proposal is relevant only when the treadmill is in the fresh air.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women - 1 trimester

What kind of load should you choose?

  • Swimming and water aerobics. Note that scientists have studied more than a thousand pregnant women swimming in chlorinated and river water. In the first case, no safety was found, but regarding river and lake water, scientists around the world are categorically opposed. Sea water causes a lot of controversy, but still there are no contraindications
  • Yoga. It will help to tighten and work out all the muscles of the body, prepare the body for bearing a baby in the last stages, go through childbirth easily and almost painlessly
  • Gymnastics for pregnant women. Light physical exercises that can be done to keep the body in good shape, relieve unpleasant symptoms and smoothly prepare for the upcoming birth

If a woman went in for sports before pregnancy.

Target: Maintain the original ideal body size and restore the figure as soon as possible after childbirth. Going through the process of pregnancy and childbirth is as easy and pleasant as possible. Do not forget about your lifestyle and please yourself with excellent forms throughout your pregnancy.

Training time and frequency: for a trained body, the first trimester often passes almost imperceptibly. Many world athletes participated in competitions during the first trimester and even took first places. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of training or its frequency only according to the indications of doctors. In the event that the sport is classified as traumatic, continue or switch to a bladeless sport.

Be sure to inform the trainer about pregnancy, he will adjust the load and will monitor you more closely during training.

What kind of load should you choose?

  • First of all, the one that you did before pregnancy. But changes are also possible (replacement for another sport or partial replacement)
  • Cordio training in your case, shown until the beginning of the third trimester
  • Strength training needs to be adjusted with a trainer in order to continue training the body, but not to allow overloads that are harmful to the expectant mother and baby.
  • Dancing, all types of aerobics, shaping and strip plastic can be continued until the birth itself or until the tummy grows so much that it will be difficult to practice

In addition, you need to add: hiking, exercise in the fresh air. Swimming, aqua aerobics and yoga to gradually prepare for childbirth.

If you decide to do fitness for the first time in this period, we recommend staying on fitness for pregnant women, which will prepare the body for gestation in the last stages and natural childbirth.

Exercises in the water, yoga in the fresh air (if the pregnancy takes place during the summer period), or indoors, gymnastics for pregnant women are perfect for you.

If you have previously been involved in sports and there are no contraindications, continue at your own pace. Listen to yourself, if the body is tired, dizzy, weak or other ailments, it is better to leave the workout for this day. If symptoms persist, visit your doctor to make sure everything is in order with your health.


If you previously went in for sports, but had to stop in the first trimester (toxicosis or time restrictions of doctors, which are currently removed), training is permissible only under the supervision of an instructor according to a specially prepared program.

In addition, from the beginning of the third trimester, it is advisable for everyone, without exception, to add breathing exercises that help in the process of childbirth, as well as Kegel exercises.

Today, many celebrities are setting an example by their lifestyle, and thus inspiring millions of women. We hope these women inspire you today!

Video: Fitness for pregnant women