Table entertainment for a small group of adults. Comic tasks for guests at the table, funny funny table contests, games, quizzes, jokes, jokes for a small cheerful company of adults, without leaving the table. How to entertain guests: Victor

You - mistress of the house, and a big cheerful company of friends and family came to your holiday. So funny! But there are times when everyone has eaten, talked, and there comes an awkward pause, someone reaches for the phone, someone stares at the TV, and someone is about to go out ... into the fresh air. It's unpleasant, but everything is in our hands! "Academy of Femininity" prepared for you some express tips on how to cheer bored guests at the festive table. Take advantage of them and become the head of a fun holiday!

Before the guests arrive, write various tasks on small pieces of paper. For example, eat something, dance, sing, guess a riddle, tell an anecdote. Then blow up the colored balloons. Place prepared leaves inside each. Let each guest take ball... Burst them, solve only without the help of hands. Taking out a piece of paper and reading the task, the participant must complete it. Give each guest a new balloon as a prize.

During a feast, you can offer guests a game "Activity", which requires task cards. You can buy a ready-made game in a specialized store, or you can prepare cards yourself, showing your imagination and ingenuity. The essence of the game is as follows: The guests are divided into two teams. One participant must explain the words written on the task cards, and the rest of the team must guess what the word is. Words can be explained in one of the given ways: pantomime, through synonyms or a picture. Only one minute is allocated to convey the meaning of the word, the success of the game depends on the ingenuity and cohesion of the team.


To cheer up the guests, put a box right at the entrance to the apartment or box with "tickets of happiness".

The tickets contain humorous predictions. Then, when the guests get bored, ask everyone to read theirs aloud. Here are some examples: Fireworks of bright events await you in the third decade of the year. Start preparing immediately. When giving your beloved a bouquet of daisies, count all the petals. Must be: loves! Do not scold the black cat that ran across your path, but rather take him to your home: he will keep your 38 parrots company. You are lucky! So be humble and don't grab more lucky tickets. Here you can show your imagination!

4. Home karaoke

The invention of a Japanese drummer helps to have fun at the table - karaoke. Prepare the disc with well-known hits of domestic performers, big screen TV and buy a special microphone... Or take the necessary equipment at the rental office in your city.

5. Endurance test

At the very end of the evening, you can spend endurance test... Two participants are invited to pick up a matchbox with two matches held in their hands. Pronunciation of tongue twisters can also be a test of "endurance". Each of the guests receives a piece of paper with a tongue twister written on it. The winner of the competition can be rewarded by presenting a small New Year's souvenir.

Remember that contests should be appropriate For the company! Entertainment that one company can appreciate may be rejected by another. Using common sense, you will certainly choose those activities in which each of your guests will be pleased to participate. And then the celebration of the Year of the Monkey will go well.

Many people prefer to hold special events in a cafe, restaurant or club, where it is possible to use the services of a professional animator. But what if you decide to celebrate the holiday at home?

So that the celebration does not turn into a banal mass eating of food, it is necessary to prepare an entertainment program in advance. With a little imagination, you can surprise your guests by making the evening boring and memorable.

Close people are usually invited to the holiday together with their family. This means that in order to entertain guests at a birthday party, you need to choose such games and contests that will be interesting for both an adult and a child.

  • If you and your guests love music, singing together to the accompaniment of a musical instrument - button accordion, guitar, piano, will be great entertainment. You can arrange an impromptu "mishmash" of your favorite songs, when, finishing the verse of one, the musician starts playing the chorus from another piece without interruption. At this time, those who did not have time to rebuild in time continue to sing the last song by inertia, while the rest of the participants have already tightened a new melody. This hilarious mess is guaranteed to cheer up kids and adults alike.
  • A game for all ages "Crocodile". The guests are divided into two teams. One team thinks out a word, the name of a movie or a catch phrase, which one of the participants must show with the help of gestures. The other team puts forward versions and tries to guess what the player is showing, asks him leading questions, to which the "crocodile" has the right to answer only with a nod of the head The game continues until it is guessed what the first team has guessed. The kids love this game, because there is rarely a chance to see their serious parent in the role of a silly mime.
  • Dancing for the fall. Does your company not only love to sing or laugh, but also love to dance? Then this competition is for you. Pick a few couples who will compete with each other. The highlight of the entertainment is that the couples start the dance while standing on a large piece of paper - it could be a Whatman paper or a spread newspaper. Every 5-7 minutes, a break is made and the paper is folded in half until the dancers are unable to resist on the remaining piece and gradually drop out of the game. Usually the players win, where the young man picks up his soul mate and remains alone on the sheet.
  • Pleasant words. This competition is aimed at expressing feelings of sympathy and respect for the birthday person. Sitting at the table, the guests take turns saying a bunch of two words, one of which is an adjective and the second is a noun. With this phrase they are trying to characterize the "culprit" of the occasion. Of course, in the most flattering and pleasant terms. For example, "Beautiful girl" if you are at a woman's birthday party or "Noble knight" if the hero of the day is a man.
  • Film, film, film ... Everyone loves old movie masterpieces and many of us are well aware of many famous cinema phrases. Write one statement on the pieces of paper, put it in a beautiful vase or bag, take it out one by one and collectively guess which movie these lines are from. Memories of your favorite paintings will amuse the guests and will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Note! If guests of different generations have gathered at your party, including elderly parents and young children, you should not arrange games related to alcohol or contests with a touch of vulgarity.

Some of those present will feel uncomfortable with this. Better to spend such entertainment in a circle of people close to you in age and views.

How to entertain guests at the anniversary

The question of what to do with the guests at the anniversary is especially important, since the “round” date is celebrated on a grand scale and with a large number of guests.
You can successfully use the games suggested for fun at the birthday party, but you can add a few new contests:

  • Chants. For this game, you will need a presenter with a list of quatrains (chants), three lines of which he reads himself, and the last one is shouted out in chorus. In this case, the last line is announced to the guests in advance and is repeated in each poem. You can prepare the words yourself, and invite the most active and cheerful of the guests to the role of the host. Examples of chants: o Host: You radiate a wonderful light!
    There is no better and dearer
    Ward off bad weather with your hand -

    o Host: Heart - kind, caring,
    Work is being done in the hands!
    The breadth of the soul, participation.
    Guests: Being with you is happiness!
  • Surprise box. Items of men's and women's wardrobe - a hat, tie, scarf, bra, skirt and so on - are put into a large opaque box. Players pass the box to each other to the accompaniment of funny music. Suddenly, the music stops and the participant who at this moment has a box with a surprise should, without looking, put his hand into it, get the thing and put it on. It's especially funny when clothes of the opposite sex come across - you must admit that a funny bow on a man's head looks quite humorous ...
  • Make a wish. This creative game is best carried out during that period of the feast, when the guests are a little tired of active fun and a little respite is required. Give everyone an identical white sheet and a bright felt-tip pen, and have each invitee draw what they wish for the hero of the day - a new house, car, jewelry, or an exotic vacation. You do not need to try especially, you can depict your wishes schematically. The main thing is that it is from the heart. You can arrange a sequel - the guests shout the date of execution (for example: "This wish will come true in a year"), and the birthday boy chooses a drawing from the deck at random.

How to entertain guests at a children's birthday

A holiday for children is fundamentally different from a feast for adults, if only in that children are not too interested in the dishes of the festive table. Kids are immediately tuned in to an active pastime.

Until the age of three, children's name days are celebrated, usually in the circle of relatives. But older children can already be interested in collective activities.

Age Entertainment
34 years We draw with our fingers. Draw a tree with many twigs on a large piece of Whatman paper in advance.

Give out paints in which each participant will place one finger and, touching the picture, leave a trace there - a leaf.

You can sign the imprint of each child, save this joint work and admire it in a few years.

5 years Delicious soup. Place two identical pots and place a handful of sweets, fruits and dried fruits at some distance from them.

A member of each team must transfer one product to the pan. The team that completes the task faster will win.

It will be especially fun if a small "cook" stands near each container and mix the contents with a large ladle.

6 years Cold - hot. A simple game loved by many since childhood, when a toy is hidden from one participant in the room, which must be found using the words "cold" and "hot".

The closer the player comes to the object, the "hot" it becomes around. Children help their friend find the secret loudly and cheerfully.

7 years Fanta. Write tasks on beautiful postcards and put them in a big hat.

As a test, you may be asked to read a rhyme, show a funny dance, or sing a song.

At this age, children love to speak in public, and those who refuse can change the task by "writing out" a fine - asking them to meow or grunt in a funny way.

Note! Thinking over a scenario for a children's holiday, do not forget that each child has a different temperament given to him at birth.

You can't force a shy toddler to do things that make him uncomfortable. After all, the main task of the owner is to make everyone leave his house happy. This is especially true for younger guests.

We have given in the article just a few examples of how you can cheerfully, not boring and without much investment cheer your guests. Remember the main thing - if you arrange a holiday with all your heart, then your attention, kind-heartedness and care for the guests will not leave anyone indifferent and the celebration will be remembered with a smile more than once.

Useful video

The festive table is not only about delicious food and drinks. It is also a meeting of people who have gathered in one place for a celebration. And in order for it to pass at the highest level, the owner of the house must make every effort to do this. And as entertainment, you can dilute the feast with various games, quizzes and other activities, where guests can show off their talents or knowledge.

Comic tasks at the table will help guests unwind, relieve the jitters of an unusual environment and get to know each other better. But, of course, their main function is to raise the degree of fun. In order for the comic tasks to succeed, the host of the celebration needs to prepare in advance. To do this, you can use the topics described below.

Sobriety test

The simplest, but at the same time very funny task. Especially if the host and guests use alcoholic drinks during the celebration of an event. But, and a sober person with such a task may not cope. That will cause a fit of laughter from others.

As the task of the "Sobriety Test", you can use various tongue twisters:

  • Lilac tooth pick from under the vypodvert
  • In Kabardino-Balkaria, valokordin from Bulgaria
  • Fluorographer fluorographed the fluorographer
  • The Staffordshire Terrier is reactive, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is frisky
  • It makes no sense to comprehend the meaning with meaningless thoughts

The list of such tongue twisters can be continued for a very long time. They can be found on the Internet or in special dictionaries.

Love and dislike

If close people are sitting at the table, then you can play the game "love-dislike" with them. The essence of this game is simple. You need to look at your neighbor on the table and say which trait in his character you dislike and which one you like. To complicate the task, you can prohibit the next pair from using the already named traits. When all the main character traits are over at the table, real fun begins.

New year mafia

A popular game "Mafia" stylized as this is ideal for celebrating the New Year. But, to carry it out, you need to prepare and change the standard cards for this game into "festive winter" ones. You also need to purchase Santa Claus hats and issue them with mafia cards. As well as the classic "Mafia", stylized for the New Year, will cause a storm of positive emotions and fun.

Funny funny contests and games for a small company for a birthday at the table

In order to make the celebration of your birthday not look like a similar event a year ago, you can play several exciting and funny games at the festive table. For example, such:

I look like ...

This very funny game is perfect for a small cozy company. To carry it out, you need to prepare several cards with animals, birds, cartoon characters and comics. The main thing is that the images on these cards are funny and memorable.

In addition to such cards, you need to make cards with phrases, part of which will be the phrase "I am like". For example:

  • In the morning I look like. ... ...
  • When I drink, I become like. ... ...
  • At work, I look like. ... ...
  • When the director calls me into his office, I become like. ... ...

The number of phrase cards depends on your imagination. It is desirable to make 10-15 of them.

The game is played as follows. First, the guest draws a card with a phrase (he should not see it in advance) and reads it aloud. Then he takes a card with animals or cartoon characters. He shouldn't see her in advance either. Then he shows it to the guests.

Some combinations of cards will make guests laugh.


Another simple, but quite fun game is the entertainment "Crocodile". Its essence is simple. You need to make a word to your neighbor on the table and ask him to portray him with pantomime and gestures. You cannot use words. When one of the guests guesses the word, the move is passed to him.


Surprise is a very interesting game for a small company. You need to put various objects in a small chest or box: a false nose, large false ears, a bonnet, funny glasses, etc. All of these items can be purchased at any souvenir shop. A box with things folded into it must be passed from one guest to another to the accompaniment of music. When it is over, the person who has it will have to open it and pull out a souvenir without looking. Then you need to put it on yourself. After such a transformation, the laughter of the guests is guaranteed.

Table fun contests and games for a small company for a corporate party for colleagues

A corporate party is not only a way to relax after working days, but also one of the ways of team building. That is, team building and team building. Therefore, you need to choose games for such a holiday so that they are not only funny, but also able to unite the team. Most often, at corporate events, games and contests are used, in which teams of 2-5 players participate.

Remember all

The guests of the corporate party are divided into two teams. The presenter writes on paper one task word at a time. Each of the teams receives its own piece of paper. The essence of this task is to remember and sing a song where this word is. Which team remembers more songs, that one won.

What? Where? When?

The famous game show can be adapted to be held at a corporate party. Everyone knows the rules of this game. As for the questions, they need to be picked up in advance. It is advisable to adapt them to the theme of the event or the field of activity of the company.

This game is based on memorizing the voices of colleagues. The presenter chooses one person from the team, who turns his back to the audience. They, in turn, pronounce the prepared phrase. And you need to say it, changing your voice. The player who guesses his colleagues the most will receive an incentive prize.


The names and positions of colleagues are written on pieces of paper. Then they are rolled up and placed in a container. The players come up to him in turn and take out one piece of paper. Then they must use gestures and facial expressions to portray their colleague. The rest of those present must solve this riddle.

Table funny jokes for a cheerful small group of adults

Games in the company of adults can be ambiguous. Many people like these games and cause a lot of positive feelings and emotions. Especially interesting are such games in companies in which participants do not suffer from complexes and who evaluate the contests presented below as a fun pastime, and not something more.

Come on, put it in

For this game you will need bottles and pens or pencils freed from alcohol. A pencil with a long string must be tied to the belt of a male player. The girl must squeeze the bottle between her legs. With the help of dexterity and coordination of movement, the man must hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil. And since this competition is held when the alcohol level in the blood rises, it looks very fun and perky.

Red maiden

The presenter must choose from the company of several girls who came to the party in skirts. Then he puts a small rug on the floor and blindfolds the girls. They should go over the rug so as not to hit it. That is, their legs should be very wide apart. When all the girls have passed such an obstacle, the presenter should lie face up on the mat and ask the girls to take off the bandages. The one that blushes the most at the sight of the presenter and is declared the winner of the competition.


Several pairs are needed for this game. Moreover, their number must be odd. Two guys are selected from them, who are bred on the far sides of the room. The others converge in the center of the room, between the two guys. The guys are blindfolded and oriental music is played. Guys have to take women to their harem. Whoever does it faster, then won. The difficulty lies in the fact that in addition to women, there are also men in the circle. And if one of them is chosen, then he becomes a sultan and we take the place of the one who chose him. And so on until all the girls are played.

Quizzes for a small group of adults at the table

The first quiz in our country appeared in 1928 in printed form on the pages of the Ogonyok magazine. Then the quizzes moved to TV screens. Some of them are still popular today. Like what? Where? When?" or "Field of Miracles". Others have sunk into oblivion. But, every self-respecting person likes to show off their knowledge in such contests. Thanks to this, they are held in schools, institutes and corporate parties.

For the quiz, you need to prepare questions in advance. It is advisable to dilute serious questions with funny ones, and also adapt them to the purpose of the event. At the New Year's corporate party, questions about winter and this cheerful holiday will be appropriate. You can also include in the list of questions and those related to the activities of the company, if the quiz is held during a corporate party.

The format of this article does not allow to post here an approximate list of questions. They can be found on the Internet or in various dictionaries and reference books. You can also find them on popular TV quiz sites. In addition to the above, you can find quite a few interesting questions in "Your Game", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", etc.

Table contests and games for the anniversary

Congratulatory contests during the celebration of the anniversary will help guests to get to know each other faster, and to the most shy ones, without embarrassment, wish the hero of the occasion all the best. Such entertainment will please even the most shy guests.

Let's reward the hero of the day

All guests are given paper or cardboard medals. Each of the guests writes on them what he wants to reward the hero of the day. Of all the "awards", the most original one is chosen. This competition can be made as a team competition. Or if the guests came in pairs, then one medal is accepted from each pair.

Competition "25 compliments"

All guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given one blank sheet of paper. You need to write 25 compliments on it in 2.5 minutes. Then the presenter takes these two sheets and compares them with each other. All the same compliments are crossed out. So the team wins, the list of which will contain more original compliments.

The best connoisseur of the hero of the day

All guests of the event can participate in this competition. The presenters asks questions about the hero of the day, and the guests solve them. Each correct answer is one point. Which of the guests will score more points is declared the winner.

For this competition, you can use the following questions:

  • What year was the birthday boy born?
  • How much did you weigh at birth?
  • At what age did you take the first step?
  • What year did you go to school?
  • What's his favorite food?
  • What's your favorite color?
  • What is the name of the hero of the day?
  • What's his favorite book?
  • What's his favorite movie?
  • What football club does the hero of the day support?
  • How tall is the birthday boy?
  • What shoe size does he wear?
  • What is the name of his cat / dog?

The more questions about the birthday boy, the better.

Drinking contests and games for seniors and seniors

Surely, many readers of our site remember how our grandmothers and grandfathers did not sit out for the next series, but gathered together and enjoyed various games. But even today your relatives of retirement age will certainly thank you if you gather them at one table for games and contests.


Perhaps the most popular game of all retirees is lotto. Today, kits for this game are sold in every souvenir shop. If you want to make this game even more interesting for your grandparents, you can organize a prize for the winner.

Comic auction

You need to choose several prizes and wrap them in bright and colorful packaging. Then each player needs to be handed out the same amount of souvenir money. We expose lots and conduct trades. For a successful bidding, players need to be given various leading questions. After the auction, you need to hold a competition to see which of the grandparents will be the most successful trader.

Master classes

Master classes can be held for creative grandparents. If the number of grandmothers prevails in the team of retirees, then a master class on decorating bouquets can be held for them. At the same time, you need to distribute flowers, ribbons and other floristic tools and accessories to everyone. After such a master class, you can hold a competition for the most beautiful bouquet.

Wedding table contests and games

A wedding is one of the happiest events in life. The celebration of this solemn day cannot be complete without a magnificent table and fun contests. Most of which can be held right at the table. The relaxed and fun atmosphere of these contests will help make your wedding celebration even more memorable.


The aim of this game is to congratulate the newlyweds. But, it is complicated by the fact that you need to start congratulations on the letter indicated by the previous congratulator. Everyone starts with the letter "A". The first person should make a congratulation to this letter. For example, “What kind of newlyweds we have today. I wish them many years of marriage and the same beautiful children. " The next person begins his congratulations with the next letter - "B". Etc.

Cherished wish

All participants are divided into two teams. The facilitator names each team a word-wish (happiness, health, love, success, etc.). At the same time, members of the opposite team should not hear this word. It is also called their word-wish. The task of the competition is to describe the wish with gestures and facial expressions so that rivals can guess it. Which team is the best to present its word-wish, that wins.

Guess: Who are you?

Before the start of the game, each participant is glued to the forehead with a sticker with a cartoon character, film, politician, musician, etc. All participants see the stickers of the others, but not their own. The task is to understand faster than others what kind of hero is placed on his sticker. To do this, you can ask leading questions: "Am I a man?", "Am I an actor?" etc.

Table contests and games for family meals

The most precious thing a person has is his family. The more time we spend with our family, the more happy days we have. It is customary for us that all home gatherings are associated with eating. But, also at the table you can hold various funny contests and games. In many countries, board games are very popular in the family circle. Why don't we adopt this tradition as well. But, in addition to board games, there are various contests that can be held in a family circle.

Such games as "Monopoly", "Scrabble" or various adventure games, where the number on the cube is responsible for the movement of the chip, very well help to unite the family. You can play the game "Memory" with children of primary school age. To do this, you need to buy a set with paired pictures, on the back of which will be the same picture. First, the cards are arranged face up and then turned face down. The player's task is to open all paired pictures. Whoever does it faster wins.

In addition, at the family table, you can play the championship in chess, checkers, dominoes, backgammon and other classic games. You can also create an analogue of the “What? Where? When "or" Brain Ringa ".

New Year's table contests and games for an adult company

No holiday can be complete without games and contests. Moreover, if this holiday is New Year. The contests presented below will be able to make the New Year's feast more cheerful and perky.

New year drink

Players are split in pairs. One player from each pair is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a glass: champagne, coca-cola, vodka, mineral water, etc. The blindfolded "taster" must identify the ingredients of the drink.

An analogue of this competition is the game "New Year's Sandwich". In it, the player must guess the ingredients of the sandwich.

New Year's prediction

To conduct this competition, you need to bake a cake, in pieces of which various accessories are placed, symbolizing predictions. Heart - love, envelope - good news, coin - wealth, etc. When using this cake, guests find an object that characterizes something from their future. Of course, before serving such a dessert to the table, you need to point out that there are "secrets" hidden in the cake.


To hold this competition at the New Year's table, you need a product such as jelly, jellied meat or soufflé. The task of the contestants is to eat a portion of this product using matches or toothpicks.

Drinking contests and games for a drunken company

In our country, a rare feast is complete without alcohol. That, gives the games and competitions held at this time additional excitement and fun. For a not very sober company, various contests are suitable. We have selected the funniest of them.


The presenter takes one person out of the room and explains to him that he must portray a kangaroo with the help of facial expressions, gestures and pantomime. At the same time, the presenter, in secret from the person taken away to the next room, says that the guests pretend that they do not understand what the person is portraying. Fun is assured.

If there was a sea of ​​vodka ...

Those who wish to participate in this competition are given transparent glasses and straws. Water is poured into all glasses, and vodka into one. The audience does not know in which glasses what is poured. Their task is to guess it. And the task of the contestant who gets the vodka is to do everything possible so that the audience thinks that he is drinking water.


Three male participants are selected from among the guests. They must pretend that they are going fishing, come to the place and cast their fishing rods. But, then the tide began and their task was to wrap their pants so as not to get wet. After they have done this, the host announces: “Attention! A competition for the best male legs of our party is announced! "

Funny contests, games for a female company

Funny and funny contests are held not only for New Years celebrations or corporate events. When celebrating a girl's birthday or on March 8, contests are also not complete. Since at such events, the team consists mostly of their representatives of the fair sex, this must be taken into account when holding contests.


Several girls are selected. The host asks them to smile like:

  • Girl to your boyfriend
  • Mother to her baby
  • Careless student to the teacher
  • Like a man who just won a million

After that, the audience must determine which girl coped with this competition better.

Witch on a broom

Skittles or champagne bottles (if there are enough of them) should be placed throughout the room. Girls from among the participants of the competition must "fly around" between all the pins on a broomstick. This competition must be accompanied by music. The winner is the "witch" who not only faster, but also more accurately flies around all obstacles.

What can be found in a women's cosmetic bag?

The host of the competition must have a large cosmetic bag prepared. You don't need to put various items in: nail polish, lipstick, mascara, bracelets and various accessories. The participant's task is to remove an object with a blindfold from the cosmetic bag and say what it is. For more fun, you can put not the most "feminine" things in the cosmetic bag.

Chamomile game for adults' birthday

Chamomile is a game that will make any holiday bright and unusual. In fact, it resembles forfeits. In chamomile, as in the aforementioned phantoms, you need to read the task and complete it. And these tasks are written on the petals of a flower. To do this, they are cut out of white cardboard, and the core is yellow. You can attach the petals to the middle of the flower in any way.

The presenter of the game comes up to the selected players and lets them pick a chamomile petal. At the same time, the players do not see what is written on the petals, since the daisy is turned to them with the other side. The player gently tears off the petal, reads the task out loud and completes it. As tasks, you can use the following list:

Jokes for a small, fun group of adults

Jokes and a cheerful mood are common during festive feasts. But, you can diversify the atmosphere with pre-prepared comic contests and scenes.

Who thinks about what

To conduct this comic competition, you need to prepare in advance. Find a few excerpts from the songs that will characterize this or that guest. For example, “Natural blond, there is only one in the whole country”, “I want to get married, I want to get married”, etc. Then, find a hat, and when the guests are at the table, tell them you have a magic hat that reads minds. Wear a hat on your guests and play a part of the song that characterizes the guest at the same time.

With a coin and a scarf

You can also do the trick with a coin and a handkerchief. Take a handkerchief by the middle and make it hang down like a bell. We take a coin with our other hand and show it to the guests. We push a coin into the handkerchief bell. Show everyone that there is a coin under the handkerchief. The last one to check for the presence of a coin in the scarf should be the partner, who discreetly removes it from there. Demonstratively shake the handkerchief and. ... ... everyone is convinced that the coin “magically” disappears.

With lemon

A great prank that you can play while drinking tea. Declare that you really love tea with lemon and can drink 10 or even 20 cups. As a rule, among the guests there are several gambling people who, of course, will not believe this and will ask you to prove it. Take a lemon, or preferably two, and place them whole in a mug. Then pour tea into it. Due to the fact that most of the mug was occupied by a lemon, there will be very little tea in it. In this amount, you can drink 10 or even 20 cups of tea.

Board game with notes at the festive table

The most popular scrapbook competition is forfeits. It can be arranged for both children and adults. The meaning of this game is in the implementation of tasks that are written on paper. At the same time, the phantom does not know in advance what task he will get.

Tasks for playing forfeits should not be offensive, hard from a physical point of view, unaesthetic or unhealthy. At the same time, it is important that all tasks must be quickly completed and when using them, the phantom must use its creative potential.

Each player in forfeits writes a task on a piece of paper. Then all the leaves are rolled up and placed in an opaque vessel, cap or bag. Forfeits players take turns retrieving assignment notes and completing them.

There are several variations of this game. The most risky one is forfeits with collateral. Each player leaves some kind of deposit, which is left as a prize if the phantom does not want to complete the task. You can also assign a cash prize. To do this, each of the players will hand over a certain amount, which will go to the winner.

The nature of this game lies precisely in the tasks. For a fun company, the following are suitable:

  • Show us a master class, dance on one leg!
  • The new hairstyle suits your face, now I will braid your braids!
  • And the mustache suits my face, I go through them all evening!
  • Show willpower, and show your cowards!
  • Tell us in Georgian and we will dance Lezginka!
  • Would you like a hellish sandwich? Put fish and lemon in your mouth!
  • Do a quick exercise, bite your heel.
  • Real, if you are a womanizer, hug as many girls as possible at a time.
  • If you are not drunk yet, drink a glass through a tube of vodka.
  • Grab your ass, squeeze your knees to your chest. And in this position, be ready to walk twenty steps!
  • Squeeze your elbows in the folds, a bottle and a glass quickly. And try to fill a glass, and try not to spill a drop.

Video. Entertainment game for parties and fun companies

The procedure for conducting a classic Russian wedding
General Tips
The order of conducting a classic wedding takes into account several points that have been identified by different leaders empirically during numerous celebrations:
1. The optimal duration of a wedding, from meeting the young couple to the end of the disco, is 6 hours. Of these, 4-4.5 hours - a competitive entertainment program, 1.5-2 hours - a disco.
2. Every 35-40 minutes of the program, 10-15 minute dance breaks should be taken.
3. It is necessary to agree in advance with the young people on what conditions the banquet can be shortened or extended.
4. To maintain the guests' interest in what is happening, the wedding must develop dramatically (setting, development of the action, culmination, catharsis, denouement). A wedding needs to be emotionally wavy (emotional rise - descent - rise). For example, first, to make guests laugh to tears with a competition, then smoothly move on to a lyrical wedding ceremony in order to cause tears of emotion, then again to cause laughter, etc.
5. The content of the holiday must be multi-faceted and multi-genre. Well-timed mass contests, pop performances, quizzes, re-dances will support a positive attitude and activity of guests throughout the evening.
6. Pop numbers (if any) at the wedding are distributed evenly throughout the program as the "hit" increases. The only exceptions are full-time variety programs. They are started in a block for 30-40 minutes.
7. Stylish appearance of the host, his charm, competent bright, emotional speech invariably attract the sympathy of the guests.
8. It should be borne in mind that the guests reach the optimal state for conducting frivolous entertainment after 2-2.5 hours of the correct conduct of the holiday. After the fourth hour at the banquet, it is not worthwhile to hold highly competitive contests, since the danger of conflict between the competitors increases sharply.

Thematic blocks
At a classic wedding, the banquet is usually divided into organizational and thematic blocks.

1 block.
Prologue - 20-25 min.
The main task: to solemnly meet the bride and groom, give them gifts.
As a rule, these are:
- "corridor of happiness"; (e.g. Meeting of the Young)
- meeting with bread and salt; (e.g. Kilometer Zero family path)
- beating glasses; (for example, a plate for good luck)
- entrance to the banquet hall; (e.g. Wedding surprises)
- giving gifts;
- Seating the newlyweds and guests (for example, Fur young).
Full combat readiness for the presenter occurs 30 minutes before the start of the banquet. The hall is decorated, the tables are set, the flower vases are prepared, the competition props are loaded, the microphones are checked. Themed media content is projected onto the screen (for example, photographs of wedding bouquets or photos of young people), background music plays corresponding to the meaning of the celebration (for example, football marches for a football wedding, American music of the 30-50s for a gangster party, etc.). If possible, in addition to the banquet table, a buffet table is set so that guests can drink a glass of wine before the banquet, "starve the worm" with a light snack. The buffet table very well contributes to the emergence of a relaxed atmosphere and facilitates the beginning of communication between guests.
The host, in full dress, is waiting for the arrival of the guests. At a wedding banquet, they usually appear before the bride and groom. The presenter tries to greet each newcomer personally, introduce himself, and establish emotional contact. It is not at all necessary to rush towards everyone who comes in and vigorously shake his hand. It is enough to sincerely smile, look benevolently and say: "Good evening! My name is ... I will be the host of our holiday! If anything, please contact!" You can add a casual joke about the weather, wedding, or mood. Such a dispositional behavior will win the presenter's sympathy, and will allow guests to feel comfortable from the very beginning.
10-15 minutes before the arrival of the young, the presenter conducts a general rehearsal for the meeting of the bride and groom:
- places guests in the "corridor of happiness";
- discusses with the parents their actions during the meeting of the bride and groom, the content and amount of liquid in the glasses. At the same time, the groom's parents are holding a loaf, and the bride's parents are holding glasses (for example, wedding ceremonies);
- be sure to tell parents that at any moment he will come to the rescue;
- distributes the actions of the greeters at the time of the arrival of the young;
- asks a couple of guests to become "bride and groom" for a while and makes a "run-through" of the meeting. During the rehearsal, the presenter always maintains a benevolent tone, constantly jokes and cheers up. A competently conducted rehearsal sharply raises the presenter's authority in the eyes of the audience, and gives him a credit of trust. If after the rehearsal there is time left before the arrival of the young, the presenter announces a break.
At the moment of the arrival of the wedding cortege, the host gives a “gathering signal” to the guests and goes to personally meet the bride and groom. During the meeting, he congratulates them on their wedding day, says the order of the couple's actions for the near future.
The meeting can start both from the car and from the moment the young people approach the "corridor of happiness" (for example, Everything that concerns the family ...). It is important that the groom and the bride feel the presenter's attention from the first seconds of their arrival.
After the meeting ceremony, the presenter, if necessary, gives the young people the opportunity to visit the toilet room, and he himself prepares the guests for the presentation of gifts.
The presenter evenly distributes those who come across the banquet hall. Fanfare sounds, and the bride and groom enter the hall solemnly, to the applause of the guests, who occupy a specially designed place for presenting gifts. Witnesses stand nearby, whose task is to help collect gifts and flowers.
The guests come up to the young ones, congratulate them briefly, give gifts and flowers and take places at the table.
The presenter gently guides the process, periodically reminding that those who wish will also have the opportunity to congratulate during the feast.
The gifts were handed over, the guests were seated. Fanfare sounds, and the bride and groom, accompanied by a standing ovation from the guests, pass to the head of the table, where they kiss and sit down.

2 block.
Starting a topic - 40-45 min.
The main task is to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere at the table.
As a rule, these are:
- concert number;
- the first toast (for example, the Bonds of Love);
- dating games;
- rules of conduct at the wedding table;
- congratulations from parents (for example, a mother's burden);
- dance with dad.
During the second block, the host enhances the positive effect of the prologue, rallies the guests. You can start with a pop number. A groovy or romantic show will set the guests in the right mood. Then the presenter reappears, says the first toast. If there is no number, then it is enough to turn on the fanfare again. It is important not to delay the beginning so that the guests do not "salivate hungry." After the first toast, they can quietly eat with background music for 3-4 minutes. Then the host announces the theme of the wedding (if any), as well as the basic rules of conduct at the wedding table. The meaning of these rules boils down to the following:
- eat and listen;
- wanted to drink - drink, do not wait for an invitation;
- wanted to congratulate - signal the presenter, he will give the floor.
So, the guests, as they say, are "in the know" and are ready to comply with the requirements. But they do not know each other yet, so the most convenient time for acquaintance comes (for example). You can arrange a "roll call of guests", loudly calling everyone by their last name and asking a question like this: "What are you ready to do for the young?"
You can divide the guests into teams of the bride and groom and ask them, repeating the movements behind the presenter, to dance an acquaintance dance at the table. In general, this task requires a lot of imagination from the host.
After meeting, the guests are "on the rise", and the presenter pays attention to the parents. He pays tribute to them and gives them the floor. It is advisable to call the parents on stage and create a lyrical mood.
Further, there may be several options for the development of events:
1) The presenter conducts a ceremony of lighting the "hearth", although sometimes it is held at the end of the celebration. The presenter makes a toast to the parents, and, if necessary, organizes a dance between the bride and her father (for example, invite the father). Then the first dance break is announced.
2) The facilitator makes a toast to the parents (for example, a toast to the parents). Conducts a competition to strengthen family ties. For example, a kissing workshop (for example, the Kissing Academy), where couples teach the bride and groom to kiss, and then announces the first dance break.
3) The presenter makes a toast to the parents, conducts small comic tests with them. For example, how well they know their son-in-law and daughter-in-law. Announces the first dance break, which lasts 10-12 minutes. During the break, young people prepare for the first dance.
In any case, at the end of the block, the mood of the guests should improve significantly.

3 block.
Dance floor - 10 min.
The main task is to give guests a rest and a smoke.
As a rule, these are 3 quick dances of a wedding theme.
During the first dance break, guests rarely dance, so usually DJs play cheerful songs about the wedding or music with the theme of the holiday.

4 block.
Development of the topic - 40-45 min.
The main task is to consolidate the dynamics of increasing the positive emotional background of the holiday.
As a rule, these are:
- slideshow or video clip about young people;
- the first dance (for example, the Lake of Love);
- concert number;
- contests for the bride and groom;
- a bouquet (for example, a wedding bouquet), a garter.
According to the laws of drama, in order to maintain a good mood of the guests, the wedding must be conducted in such a way that, after an emotional upsurge, there is a slight emotional decline, and then a rise again. Changing emotions and activities allows you to keep the active attention of guests for longer. The effect of the "emotional wave" must be taken into account when building both one block and the entire wedding as a whole.
Let us consider, using this block as an example, how the presenter "drives the wave". After the break, guests return to their seats slightly calmed, so it is important to cheer everyone up again. This will be very well helped by showing a slideshow of 25-30 photos, including children's photos of young people, photos of love stories or just photos of a wedding couple (for example, Fate tied). Those gathered always react vividly to photos or videos of young people, applaud, laugh. Next, you need to lower the level of emotions.
Romantic music is turned on, to which the groom spreads a large heart of rose petals on the floor. The music changes, the groom goes to his beloved, leads her to his heart, kneels down and, looking into the eyes of his chosen one, confesses his love to her. The guests wipe away their tears and become quiet. It's time for a new takeoff. The first dance is the next peak of the emotional background. In order for it to be taken, special effects are permissible at the first dance - soap bubbles, smoke, crackers, etc. After the dance, the presenter says a toast "To the happy family life of the young." This calms down the emotional background a little. Then a new rise begins. The host invites unmarried girls to catch the bridal bouquet. And - reaching an emotional peak: the groom throws a garter to single young men (for example, the Dossier on single men). Then again there is a decrease in emotions - the presenter conducts comic tests of the bride and groom (for example, the Hymenean tests). And the new peak is the competitive crowd scene.

5 block.

As a rule, these are:
- mass relay;
- contests in the style of "come to life", "samurai-dragon-princess" (for example, the Japanese theater);
- re-dancing (for example, a romantic story);
- a slow dance.
After comic tests of the bride and groom, the host encourages all guests to approach the young, divides those present into two teams with the newlyweds in the role of captains, and within 10-15 minutes conducts 2-3 mass contests (for example, Who is wiser?). For example, a dance marathon (for example, Dance beautifully) or a wedding relay. She puts on 1-2 slow dances so that the guests take a breath and calm down before climbing to the main emotional peak of the wedding - the climax of the theme.

5 block.
Competitive extras - 15-20 minutes. Participants are all guests divided into two teams. The team captains are the bride and groom.
The main task is to maximally use and unite all the guests of the holiday, to help them throw out their accumulated emotions.
As a rule, these are:
- mass relay;
- contests in the style of "come to life", "samurai-dragon-princess";
- re-dancing;
- a slow dance.
After comic tests of the bride and groom, the presenter encourages all guests to approach the young, divides those present into two teams with the newlyweds in the role of captains and holds 2-3 mass contests within 10-15 minutes. For example, a dance marathon or a wedding relay. She puts on 1-2 slow dances so that the guests take a breath and calm down before climbing to the main emotional peak of the wedding - the climax of the theme.

6 block.
The culmination of the topic - 35-40 minutes.
The main task is to bring guests to the top of emotional uplift.
As a rule, these are:
- the brightest pop numbers;
- the most successful drinking games, sweepstakes, contests;
- "branded chips".
If the holiday leading to the third hour works correctly, the guests are positive, energetic and look forward to continuing. The third hour is the prime time of the wedding, the peak of the emotional uplift of the whole celebration, so here the presenter presents the best that has been prepared from the program: the most successful draws, the coolest jokes, the funniest performances of comedians and the brightest numbers. If the presenter relies only on his own strength, then it is here that he holds 2-3 of the most fun non-mass contests (from 1 to 10 participants) (for example, Seven Wedding Generals) or a whole thematic 30-minute game block (for example, Musical Fly).
At the end of the block, if necessary, the host organizes the theft of the bride and the theft of the shoe (for example, Where is your bride?). The main thing is not to delay the action. All the details of the event should be definitely discussed with the young people at a preliminary meeting, since lately these customs have been increasingly ignored by both the guests and the bride. The transfer of these traditions to a later time is undesirable, since alcohol by that time can make its negative adjustments. After the "theft" of the bride or her shoes (for example, the Parade with Shoes), a dance break is necessarily announced (for example, the Merry Wedding Train).

7 block.
Dance floor - 15-20 minutes
The main task is to consolidate the level of positive emotional charge of the guests.
As a rule, these are the greatest hits that can start a given company.

8 block.
The denouement of the topic - 35-40 minutes.
The main task is to tune guests to a more relaxed mood.
As a rule, these are:
- show with dressing up (eg Carnival);
- karaoke;
- musical and comic quizzes (for example, White-white);
- fortune telling for the first child;
- concert block of the invited collective.
If the presenter practices dressing up, then in order to avoid delays during the dance break, he prepares the participants in the show and releases them at the beginning of the block.
The presenter slightly calms the passions and gradually prepares the guests for the finale: he conducts a karaoke show, a music or comic quiz (for example, Not everything is so simple), organizes fortune telling for the first child (for example, Ribbons).
In this block, a 30-minute concert block of the invited group goes well, smoothly turning into a dance break.

9 block.
Dance floor - 15-20 minutes
The main task is to let the guests dance and relax.
As a rule, this is a continuation of a hit theme.

10 block.
Final - 30 min.
The main task is to sum up the celebration.
As a rule, these are:
- the wedding cake;
- "home";
- gifts for parents;
- words of thanks from the young;
- slideshow or video clip of the wedding day;
- a bright concert number.
The presenter creates a lyrical atmosphere, tells the legend about the wedding cake - a symbol of family happiness. If necessary, organizes the ceremonial appearance of the cake in the banquet hall. The bride and groom together cut the first piece of the cake and, if desired, hold an auction with the help of the presenter. (for example SALE of a wedding cake).
Further, it is possible to ignite the "hearth" if it was not lit at the beginning of the wedding (for example, Two lights).
The bride and groom say grateful words to parents and guests and, if desired, present everyone with souvenirs (for example, We are happy).
It is appropriate to show the final pop number here, if there is one.
The presenter makes a final toast (for example, seeing off the newlyweds ...), introduces his colleagues who worked at the banquet, and invites everyone to the disco.
This completes the main work of the presenter, he can say goodbye to the guests and go home, but he can stay until the end of the banquet in order, if necessary, to help the young people organize a fire show, launching balls, fireworks, spontaneous toasts, ordering music or continuing a disco.

11 block.
Disco - Time Remaining.
The main task is to allow guests to freely communicate with each other, dance.
As a rule, these are dance compositions suitable for a given company.
At one of the moments of the disco, you can invite guests to the street to launch balls, fireworks or fire shows.

Gone are the days when guests were received at home. But how wonderful it is to meet friends and treat them to their own culinary masterpieces. Restaurant cuisine and entertainment program under the guidance of a professional toastmaster can get bored. Why not add some variety and come up with the perfect evening, which will be attended only by loved ones, soul mates and arrange the entertainment that your members prefer. And you can come up with something new, because the owner is a master!

Where to begin

Depending on what event the upcoming dinner party will be devoted to, you should think carefully about the list of guests invited to it. If these are colleagues, you should not get carried away with too frank conversations and games, especially if your immediate boss or other management will be present at the evening.

For a company of colleagues, themed entertainment with a professional bias is suitable. Such a scenario will be close to everyone and will cheer up.

If the company consists only of close friends, then you can completely relax and come up with a variety of games, even with a sexual bias.

In cases where a company is assembled, consisting of people of different ages, you need to take into account the interests of everyone and draw up a program that will unite. The organization will be successful if, after thinking over the scenario of the holiday and competitions, prepare everything in advance. Then the evening will be a success and will be remembered for a long time by all guests.

You can ask for help in organizing a holiday to the most active and creative individuals. Scripting alone is not only very difficult, but important details can be missed during the process.

If you give the task to come up with a competition for all guests, you can sum up at the end of the evening, whose competition is the most interesting.

If colleagues are invited

In cases where work colleagues gather at the table to organize a holiday, the following facts should be taken into account:

  1. The number of women and men in the team. If the team is same-sex, then pair competitions will not be arranged.
  2. How close the relationship is in the team. Usually, many people know about each other only the name and position, completely unaware of marital status and even age. In this case, you need to choose business games that do not affect the personal qualities of colleagues.
  3. The age of colleagues. If everyone is about the same age, you can come up with more explicit contests. When a company consists of colleagues between the ages of 25-50, the task is more difficult.

The main rule for organizing an evening among colleagues is the absence of flat jokes and overly frank conversations. Also, do not organize contests in which someone feels at a disadvantage.

Paired contests
Paired contests are very popular. Among colleagues, everyone is divided into 2 camps: men and women, between which competitions are held.

Who is more beautiful
Women choose a man for themselves and begin to tie bows on his hair in high-speed mode. The more bows a man has tied on his head during the competition, the better. The winner is the pair that not only copes with the task quickly, but also gets an advantage in the number of bows in comparison with others.

Embracing with one hand, the second man and woman hold a balloon, which should be inflated in turn. Whoever copes with this task faster wins.

Stickers are glued to the woman's clothes in different places. The man is blindfolded. He must remove all stickers from her. The winner is the one who completed the task the fastest.

If a company of close friends is going to, consisting of single men and women, you can think of an evening where everyone will find their soul mate.

Make pretty hearts and cut them in half in zigzags. Give these halves to all lonely people. To prevent the halves of one heart from falling into the hands of two men or two women, you can paint them in different colors. For example, the heart on one side will be pink, on the other - purple, therefore, the female half will be pink.

On the newspaper
Do your friends love to dance and don't miss out on opportunities to showcase their talent? So this competition is for them. Spread old newspapers on the floor. Each pair should stand close enough to fit on the same newspaper.

Moreover, they must be standing, they must dance on the newspaper, and so that it does not rip! As the players drop out, the task becomes more difficult: the newspaper is folded in half and you need to resist on this small piece. This happens until one pair remains. The most agile wins!

The rapid disappearance of the salad
Men usually take part in this game, as women do not want to demonstrate their ability to quickly eat salad. The men choose their favorite salad and put it on plates, after which they are blindfolded. Until the command is given to start, they change the plates, putting broth in front of them. When the command about the beginning of the competition sounds, the men, without suspecting anything, grab the forks and try to grab something from the plate, but nothing comes of them!

Haute couture
You will need old clothes for this competition. Guests are divided in pairs. A man should be dressed by a woman in women's clothes, then they change, and a man dresses a woman in a man's outfit. The game is more fun than meaningful. Friendship wins in such a competition.

Family celebration

The feast is not always accompanied by unbridled fun, sexual games and jokes. Sometimes relatives gather at the table, as a rule, people of different generations. We must pay tribute to them and invite them to our celebration. Usually the family gathers for someone's birthday or traditional family dinner.

Such meetings are accompanied by pleasant memories that happened in the life of the older generation. Sometimes the relaxed atmosphere can be replaced by tough polemics about politics and about politicians. In this case, the owner will need to defuse the atmosphere and entertain the guests with games, drinking songs and contests.

You should not be surprised, people of the older generation are very fond of entertainment of this nature, they are not boring old people, as you thought until recently, but very cheerful and cheerful people. This will help to make sure:

  • Board games;
  • Card tricks;
  • Song contests;
  • Memories of famous films;
  • Word games or city games.

The quick wit and speed of decision making of the older generation will surprise you. From the meeting, everyone will get a good impression and become even closer.

Beautiful words
The game is as follows: one of the names of those present is chosen, and everyone must describe it with words that begin with letters from this name. For example: Maria: sweet, adventurous, playful, playful, bright.

If there are many guests, and the chosen name is too short, you can add letters from the middle and last names. In this case, it is not always necessary to pronounce the adjective; you can also come up with something original.

Let's sing?
In a family circle, when several generations gather at once, it rarely goes without songs. Most have their own, family songs, which are usually sung during all meetings. Why not have a singing competition? Song Contest Ideas:

  • Recall songs in which plants are present (“apple and pear trees were blooming”, “oh, viburnum is in bloom”);
  • Colors ("green-eyed taxi");
  • Names, etc.

Memories of films

For this competition, you need to write famous phrases from your favorite films on paper, roll them into a tube and put them in a bag, from which everyone will take them out in turn, and remember the film.

The family dinner will be remembered for a long time. Laughing heartily, both young people and elderly relatives will remember this evening for a long time.

Any meeting can be organized so that it will be remembered for a long time, and it is not necessary to invite a professional toastmaster. By organizing such an evening on your own, you will demonstrate your care and attention for loved ones, friends or colleagues. And this is much more important than professionally organized meetings.

Video: how to entertain guests