Golden hair color for blue-gray eyes. Hair color for gray-blue eyes in the types "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter". Hair color depending on the color of the appearance

There are several factors to consider when choosing your hair color, including your eye color. If you choose the right combination, you can achieve amazing results. The eyes will "shine" in a new way and the appearance will automatically transform. In this article, we will find out which hair color suits light eyes and how to choose the shade of the curls, taking into account the skin tone.

Choosing a hair color to match your eye color

Hair tint for blue eyes

For girls with blue eyes, light tones of curls are the most successful. They can afford an ashy shade, light brown, bronze and wheat. However, it is also important to pay attention to the color of the epidermis. Only a successful combination of these three shades will improve the look.

  1. If the epidermis is dark with a bronze or gold tint, and golden highlights flicker in the eyes, then you should pay attention to the shades of the hair of the same type. You can also look at the red tones, as well as the color of golden chestnut or walnut and caramel shades.
  2. If the skin has a pinkish "warm" shade, and the eyes, on the contrary, are "cold" blue, then you should take a closer look at the ash shades, as well as light blond color. If you prefer darker curls, then light chestnut tones and caramel shades will suit you. This combination will balance the image, and it will not be repulsively cold.

dark chocolate

light caramel

Hair tint for green eyes

Owners of green eyes can afford red shades of curls, copper and chestnut. However, this case also has its own nuances.

  1. The epidermis is golden in color and orange or light yellow highlights of the eyes are combined with red, gold and red tones of curls. As you can see, in this case everything is harmonious. Very bright hair color will not spoil the appearance. On the contrary, it will accentuate the tint of the eyes and skin.
  2. The bright light green eye tint works well with a range of medium to dark auburn tones. In addition, in this case, you can afford the chestnut color of your hair. This combination will accentuate the color of the eyes and improve the appearance.
  3. The marsh shade of the eyes allows for brown, chestnut and dark blond curls. In this case, the color of the epidermis does not matter. Note that the red shade of hair is categorically not suitable for this eye color. The fact is that this combination will create the feeling that the eyes are sore and have an unhealthy shine.

Note that light hair color is categorically contraindicated for green eyes. Otherwise, your eyes will be "lost" and you will lose your charm, which is highly undesirable if you want to look attractive.

dark chestnut

medium blond

Hair tint for gray eyes

This eye color is the most advantageous, since almost all shades of curls are suitable for it. However, if you do not want to look older than your age, then you should not dye your hair in dark colors. In addition, the color of the skin should be taken into account.

  1. If the epidermis has a golden hue, and the eyes are gray at the same time, then it is permissible to stain the curls in red, caramel, light brown, wheat and brown (both light and dark) tones.
  2. If the epidermis is light and the eyes are gray, then the curls can be of any color: from wheat to chestnut. In this case, you have a lot to choose from, so you can experiment.

medium blond with an ash tint

chocolate with ombre

Choosing a hair color to match your skin color

We figured out the question of what hair color suits light eyes, but besides that, it is also important to pay attention to skin color. We have already mentioned which shades are suitable for a specific epidermis, now we will talk about this in more detail and consider other options.

Hair tint for yellow skin

In this case, light shades should be avoided, as they will emphasize the yellowness of the epidermis. For such a shade of the epidermis, you need to opt for dark tones, chocolate, red and chestnut tones of curls.

You can read about the features of choosing the desired shade of chocolate hair color in the article

Hair tint for fair skin

As a rule, natural light shades of curls correspond to this type of skin. In this case, rarely does anyone want to change their hair color. If you decide to repaint, then you should give preference to ash and light brown tones. It is better to refrain from too dark colors.

Hair shade for dark skin

Girls with a swarthy type of epidermis should beware of light shades of curls. In this case, the contrasting combination will only spoil the look. Such curls will look unnatural, and this is what you should be afraid of this season, since now only natural shades of hair are in fashion. In this case, you should stop your choice on dark and chocolate tones. In addition, you can give your hair a reddish tint, but this must be done very carefully. The best option is to dye a few strands red. Then you get an original stylish hairstyle.



light blond

light blond with an ash tint

dark chestnut

medium blond

caramel copper

medium blond



saturated copper

light blond



light blond

dark blond with longitudinal highlighting

Now you know which hair color suits light eyes and different skin tones. This will help you find the most appropriate option for yourself.

Blue eyes are more typical for residents of northern regions and countries, since the iris filters are weaker. Sometimes gray eyes are also mistaken for blue, but there are still differences. It should be noted that the color of the eyes can vary depending on the mood of the person throughout the day. As a rule, blue-eyed people have fair hair, but modern women of fashion are worried about the question: what hair color for blue eyes is the most harmonious?

What hair color suits blue eyes?

It is believed that people with blue eyes are emotionally fickle: at a party, they can suddenly become sad and can ruin the fun of everyone. Sometimes they get angry for no reason. They are able to easily cope with a difficult task, but sometimes they can spend the whole day in bed.

Impulsive behavior is one of the main disadvantages of blue-eyed people, but they are usually distinguished by logical and non-standard solutions to complex problems.

In general, blue-eyed people are creators by nature. Often their intellectual development is significantly higher than that of the owners of eyes of a different color. They obey the air element and are changeable, like the air: usually kind and calm, but in an irritated state they are able to crush everything, like a raging sky.

So which hair color suits blue eyes?

When you can determine the optimal hair color for your blue eyes, your clear eyes will become a harmonious accent to your appearance. Eyes come in different shades:

  • clear sky blue;
  • green or gray-blue;
  • chilly blue (icy);
  • blue with grayish, blue or brown blotches.

There are four main color types of female appearance: spring, summer, winter and autumn. "Summer" for Slavs is the most common type, most of them are among the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries and northerners. The largest number of blue-eyed blondes is from here. This type is considered low contrast. The most uncommon type is winter, when with blue eyes, dark hair. The spring type is also rare, but it is a warm type. Dark hair color for blue eyes is not a good choice for the spring type.

Usually red-haired girls have naturally green or gray-blue eyes. Reddish tones are suitable for women with light brown hair and fair skin.

Red hair color wonderfully matches blue eyes, shading them. A bright warm background will make blue eyes shine even brighter, creating a wonderful effect. Red hair goes well with blue or gray-blue eyes and smooth skin.

A model for changing blond hair to red hair is artist Christina Hendrix. Naturally blonde, she was transformed with bright red curls that accentuated the richness of her blue eyes. It was this transformation that helped the actress build a brilliant career.

The darker the hair and skin, the more contrast, and therefore the brighter the eyes will look. For this type of women, the modern style of ombre dyeing is perfect. Cool shades, when combined, add contrast to blonde hair.

A cool “winter” would look great with neutral ash shades that give this contrasting type more vibrancy. Light skin and blue eyes will look great with dark hair for a sophisticated feminine look. But red, reddish and eggplant shades are best avoided, as they will not look pretty. The color type "winter" is usually distinguished by a spectacular natural shade, which can be emphasized by choosing the natural tone of the paint. "Winter" can experiment with fashionable shades: lilac, blue, purple, turquoise. Just one such strand, made with pastels, and the eyes will become richer.

What hair color is best for blue-gray eyes?

Owners of gray-blue eyes are well aware of all their benefits: their eyes are blue during the day, and at night they turn gray. The spectacular pigment of blue-gray eyes may not be immediately remembered by others, but when combined with an optimally selected shade, it will form a wonderful image.

Girls with gray-blue eyes are worried about the question: what hair color suits them best? The face of a girl with gray-blue eyes will look great in a frame of golden curls. If calmer tones appeal to you, choose a wheat, ash or light blond shade. But keep in mind that it should not be faded, with an ash or linen shade, as they will give the face a tired look.

Beautiful hair color under gray-blue eyes

Modern women of fashion love to change the color of their hair, paying tribute to fashion trends. So, what hair color under gray-blue eyes would suit the most?

Blue-gray eyes are a common natural phenomenon. This cute shade goes well with naturally blond hair. As a rule, the owners of gray or blue eyes have light blond or white hair, but girls want to emphasize their appearance with more saturated shades.

Today, light brown hair is popular, although for a long time it was simply an outcast of fashion trends. Now blond hair has become a fashion trend preferred by many celebrities. The dominant shades are:

  • ash blonde;
  • dark ash shade;
  • classic, rich light brown shade.

In 2017, shades of caramel, milk chocolate, bright rust and others will surely conquer the catwalks and adorn the hairstyles of Hollywood stars.

The shade of dark chocolate will suit everyone, without exception, and looks very organic.

Hair color for blue-gray eyes should also be chosen based on preferred clothing colors.

A correctly chosen shade of hair will help to give originality to blue eyes, without letting them "get lost" on the face. But if you think that it is impossible to harm the beauty of the face, you are very mistaken.

What hair color suits blue eyes? If you choose the wrong shade, blue eyes, which so resemble transparent pieces of ice or expensive sapphires, can lose their radiance.

What colors are suitable for brunettes with blue eyes?

Black hair and blue eyes are one of the most striking contrasts that draw attention to. The combination between blonde, blue eyes and dark hair is literally mesmerizing.

Keep in mind, however, that such a sharp contrast is not suitable for everyone, as it can make your face look rough. Try to start by making the curls 1-2 shades darker within the cold range.

Dark blond color suits blue-eyed women with large and regular facial features. Girls with a different face type should try the brown range with gentle highlights. Brown shades look great with blue eyes, giving them brightness, especially for those with dark skin.

It is better not to repaint bright blue-eyed brunettes in a platinum blonde - the face will become dull from this, and the eyes will become less expressive.

What hair color suits blue eyes? Blue eyes always look gentle in combination with light curls, associated with traditional Slavic beauties. If you have beautiful blue eyes and light brown hair, you can try going blonde.

A radiant blonde looks great, and with makeup such as a bluish liner or eye shadow, you can make your eyes look unique.

If your color type is "spring with light brown hair", and your skin is peachy, choose a golden blond. A striking example is the actress Gwyneth Paltrow. At the start of her career, she changed the color of her warm blond curls to sunny white, which advantageously emphasized her blue eyes.

What colors are best for blondes with blue eyes?

For some reason, it is believed that any colors in the wardrobe for blondes with blue eyes are suitable, but this is not at all the case. This opinion has long been denied by fashion designers. The fact is that blond hair, on the contrary, accentuates even minor flaws and it is necessary to extremely responsibly choose the combination of colors in the wardrobe.

What colors go to blondes with blue eyes and how is it better for them to emphasize their appearance?

  1. Blondes with pale skin and light blue eyes can use green, purple, gray shades in their clothes.
  2. Blondes with dark skin can try rich shades of green, orange, red, which are in perfect harmony with the natural color of the eyes.
  3. What color suits blue eyes and shades of cold blond (ash, platinum, beige)? Such ladies may prefer pastel shades with prevailing gray and blue tones. Bright red tones in the wardrobe are also suitable, especially with evening make-up.
  4. The delicate skin of blondes is successfully emphasized by blue, purple, green, pink tones. But the milky shade is not suitable for this type of blondes, as it gives the appearance of mediocrity and even vulgarity.
  5. Blondes of the "warm" type with golden hair should be careful when dressing in yellow and orange shades. The rest of the tones will emphasize their delicate face and beauty of the face, only the shades should be juicy. Shades of grass, ocean water, turquoise, ivory, coral and shrimp look great. Clothes with colorful prints and mixed colors, peach and dark lilac shades will also look great. But pastel tones, shades of silver will not suit the "Goldilocks" - they can "extinguish" their natural charm, which is so characteristic of blondes.
  6. If there are colored or highlighted strands, choose a wardrobe taking into account the color of the hair that frames the face. And also it is necessary to take into account the shades available in the hairstyle.
  7. Surprisingly, black in clothes is universal for blondes, giving them a stylish and attractive look. Spectacular jewelry is an excellent accent: for "cold" blondes, these are items made of platinum and silver, and for "warm" ones - items made of bright artificial and precious stones.
  8. Lovers of bold experiments will suit pink and crimson tones. Pink should be worn in combination with contrasting black or turquoise shades so as not to look like Barbie.
  9. Gray shades will give the blonde charm and sophistication, and diluting it with a bright decoration, you will look very stylish!

These simple principles will help you make the best choice, but you still need to experiment to find exactly what will emphasize your personality.

Now you have received an exhaustive answer to the question of which colors are suitable for blondes with blue eyes and you can make the right choice!

Lovely ladies are constantly striving for excellence. This applies to perfectly matched makeup, clothes, hairstyle. Sometimes you want to radically change your image, it is best to do this by dyeing your hair. Owners of gray eyes are very lucky. Almost all shades are suitable for them.

Today we will take a closer look at which colors will suit gray-eyed beauties. We will find out which paint to choose, we will study useful tips from professional stylists. From the following material, you will learn how to emphasize the depth, shade of gray eyes.

Dark shades

The owners of gray eyes are very lucky, they are creative, bright natures. Gray can be cast in various colors (blue, gold and other shades). The color is multifaceted and versatile. Consider chestnut, black tones.

Ladies with gray eyes should not be afraid of experiments, but they also do not need to get carried away too much. Bright, burning shades of black can add extra years to the face, highlight minor imperfections (wrinkles, pimples, age spots). This tone can only be afforded by a very young lady who seeks to look more solid, more mature.

Perfectly emphasizes the natural beauty of gray eyes with chocolate tones, they give the look a lively shine. Various shades of chestnut look harmoniously on ladies 30 years old and older. They give them freshness, enliven the image. The style is especially suitable for ladies with a cold skin type. When choosing these particular shades, pay attention to your daily makeup, it should not be faded.

Cognac shades look playful on those with gray eyes. The image is especially harmonious against the background of dark skin. These tones should be combined with well-defined eyes (always highlight them with makeup). A lady with walnut, cognac-colored hair will be noticed in any situation.

Red hair colors

Many beauties want to be repainted in fiery red tones. This is not strange, such shades give the image brightness, unusualness, stand out from the crowd. With their help, any girl, woman will become a star.

Shades of copper, red, bright red are perfect for gray-eyed ladies. These tones look good on all types of hair and can be used to hide imperfections on the face. For women over 40, it is better not to choose reddish hair colors. They can age them.

Bright blondes

Almost every woman dreams of becoming a blonde. Is the dream real for gray eyes? Gray-eyed girls, as well as with black, should avoid bright white tones. A rich blond emphasizes minor defects on the face, adds age.

All shades of light brown look great. For a cold skin type, darker shades are suitable, for dark-skinned women - deeper tones of light brown. All light brown colors are ideal for the warm season. Several shades can be combined using the current staining technique.

Pay attention to the golden blond, with dark skin, the color will brighten the image, emphasize the depth of the gray eyes. Ashy tones are ideal for pale-faced ladies, they make them aristocratic, graceful. Another plus of ash, pearl flowers is the ability to mask fine wrinkles and pimples. This advantage pleases many women.

Selection rules for skin type

As mentioned above, not only the eyes play a key role in choosing an excellent shade of hair. It is worth considering the skin tone, the image as a whole. One or another hair tone may be suitable for gray eyes, but the color of the skin merges, does not harmonize with it. Then all the work down the drain. To prevent this from happening, consider all the features before the staining procedure.

For ladies with gray eyes, "cold" skin, calm shades of red, light colors (ashy, light brown) are recommended. Do not get carried away with golden tones so that the strands do not merge with the epidermis.

Girls with "warm" skin should pay attention to bronze, chocolate, chestnut shades. Combinations of several colors (coloring, highlighting) look good. With their help, gray eyes acquire additional shine, the image as a whole becomes alive.

Face shape

Everyone knows a simple truth - clothes of light colors add volume, and black hides extra centimeters. This principle works on hair too. With a round face, light hair will make it even more blurry. Dark strands, on the other hand, will give the face the desired contour. Do not forget about the right choice of haircuts and styling.

A good option is coloring or highlighting. With the help of such techniques, you can easily give an image of originality, elegance. Also, discoloration is an excellent option for painting over the first manifestations of gray hair. After all, only ashy, light brown tones are able to paint over gray hair by 100%.

A fun way to smooth out all the unevenness of a square, triangular face is to use bright colors. It is not necessary to repaint in red, yellow shades. You can just use special crayons, which will give individual strands a bright tone for just a little while. Then you can easily wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Features of staining after 40

It is necessary to perform the staining procedure after 40 years only after careful selection of the desired shade, following the following recommendations:

  • if you nevertheless chose dark shades of strands after 40 years, it is recommended to even out the tone of the face with the help of foundation, to do expressive makeup. Thus, you will smooth out all irregularities, hide small wrinkles;
  • after 40, curls lose their elasticity, firmness, natural beauty. To make the hairstyle harmony, it is not recommended to use the technique of imitation of a disheveled look. Better give preference to large Hollywood curls;
  • black hair is suitable only for young ladies, but at the same time it is worth highlighting your eyes or lips with bright makeup every day. But you don't need to focus on everything;
  • unusual shades are perfect for gray-eyed ladies: juicy cherries, marzipan, currants, etc.;
  • regardless of age, dyed curls should be constantly looked after. It is necessary to regularly apply nourishing masks, substances that maintain the desired shade of the strands. It will not be superfluous to visit the salon for cutting the split ends. Due to this procedure, the hairs will grow better, become more beautiful;
  • techniques of highlighting, coloring, ombre look great. With their help, small defects on the skin of the face are easily hidden.

Using the advice of professional stylists, the owners of gray eyes at any age will look stunning.

For dyeing hair, you always need to select high-quality dyes from trusted manufacturers. For a good result, long-lasting color without damaging the hair. Experts recommend giving preference to such brands:

  • Loreal... Lack of unpleasant odor, lasts up to 8 weeks, has a reasonable price, has already been tested by many ladies;
  • Estelle... Colors strands evenly, easy to apply;
  • Londa... The manufacturer took care of a persistent, saturated color, a rich palette, all shades paint over gray hair well. Among the disadvantages: an unpleasant smell, due to the presence of ammonia, but its action is softened by natural components, so the hair will not suffer greatly;
  • Schwarzkopf(there are dyes without ammonia, which helps to keep the hair structure intact);
  • SYOSS Professional. Paints are designed by stylists for professional painting at home. The color is identical to that stated on the package; after use, the curls become smooth, silky;
  • Garnier olia... This product is specially formulated for damaged, dull hair. With its help, the owners of gray eyes will be able to dye their hair in the desired color and heal the curls. All thanks to the various essential oils included in the paint. They actively nourish every hair, scalp, maintain the resulting shade.

Regardless of which paint you choose, be vigilant (carefully read the instructions, composition). Choose loyal dyes that do not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. After dyeing, the strands will not lose their natural shine and elasticity.

After considering hair colors that are suitable for gray eyes, find the perfect one for you. Consider all of the above tips for a stunning result.

How to choose the right hair color? Pro tips in the following video:

A person is constantly trying to change and improve something in his life, including the features that nature has endowed him with. This shows his desire for harmony with himself and the world around him.

But why do some experiments with the appearance seem unsuccessful or repulsive to us? The fact is that there are certain color types of appearance and the rules for their determination, which make it possible to choose a beautiful and natural hair color, for example, for gray eyes and fair skin or other variations.

A lot of studies have been carried out to explain the harmony of the combination of colors, schemes and tables of their mutual correspondence have been developed. It has been established that different gamma is capable of influencing the mental and emotional state. The developments have affected many aspects of human life and are actively used in the design of premises to create comfort, advertising activities in order to increase sales, therapeutic dietetics, modeling clothes and changing the external image of a person.

This is how the theory of the conditional division of women into four types spread, allowing you to get an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe color palette suitable for an image. Appearances are euphoniously named after the seasons and are graphically presented in the table.

Table. Basic color types

Color type Eyes Leather Hair Feature of the image
Spring Blue, light green, green-hazel Warm peach or golden tones (typically blush) Mostly light with a warm tint: golden, sometimes with reddish, linseed, straw, wheat, honey Tenderness
Summer Blue-gray, light gray, green-gray, blue or hazel-hazel Cold tones (pink, olive) with a bluish tint Various shades from light to dark, but always with an ash tint Muffledness
Autumn Green, brown with golden sparkles, coffee Warm tones (no blush, frequent freckles) Red, copper, dark blond, chestnut with a bright red or reddish tint Brightness
Winter Blue-gray, dark brown (the whites of the eyes are very white) Cold light colors (transparency is characteristic) Dark, black, rarely platinum blond Contrast

When a lady wants to update her look, she often starts by dyeing her hair. A lady can walk in deep thoughtfulness for a long time along the endless rows of paints, wondering if the chosen shade is right for her.

To avoid such a painful choice, you need to determine your type according to the tabular data presented above. If in doubt about the correctness of the decision made, you can turn to your friends or a professional hairdresser for help, who can unbiasedly assess the parameters of your appearance.

In the future, you can safely decide on the hair dye within your color type or even radically change the image, including changing the color of the eyes and skin with the help of lenses and a tanning bed.

Tips for owners of blue eyes and fair skin

Blue eyes are very pretty and need a spectacular frame. In combination with fair skin, they are most often found in representatives of summer and winter color types.

Winter girls with blue eyes are quite rare. They have a dark hair color, and the more transparent the skin and the more contrasting the strands, the more the image bewitches. Therefore, you can advise to choose a paint darker than the natural color of the curls, but no more than 2 - 3 tones, otherwise the growing roots will stand out too much and make the hairstyle look messy.

It is worth paying attention to such a palette of shades:

  • bluish black;
  • dark blond;
  • dark chocolate;
  • chestnut;
  • ash blond.

Girls who are of the summer type are more likely to experiment with their appearance. This is due to the fact that the combination of blue eyes, cold skin and blonde hair is sometimes lackluster.

This problem is solved by increasing the contrast by several tones. The main thing is not to overdo it. The abrupt transition from light color to dark will lead to the need to constantly renew the color of the regrown hair. Light roots on a contrasting background look at least unkempt.

An excellent solution would be to highlight the strands by highlighting, coloring or ombre at the ends of the curls. Don't forget about makeup.

The principles of choosing hair color for gray-eyed beauties with fair skin

Women with gray eyes have a wider choice of color palette than others. But to create a harmonious look, you need to focus on skin tone.

First you need to decide what changes you want to achieve: to increase the emphasis on the eyes, increasing their expressiveness; shade the skin of the face, making it fresh; hide wrinkles; reduce age or add solidity to yourself.

Gray eyes and light skin of pinkish and olive tones are inherent, as a rule, of the summer type. But gray-green eyes can be emphasized by a bold decision to color the strands in tones with a reddish tint and complement the image with a delicate tan, turning into an autumn girl.

If you are not afraid of the prospect of constant renewal of the coloring, persons with gray eyes can change their hair color to rich dark shades, changing the color type from summer to winter.

For those who are not ready for drastic changes, we can recommend not to go far from their natural color of the strands and use:

  • all shades of light brown;
  • ashen;
  • ash-blond;
  • pearl.

You should not dye your hair reddish, brown, deep red shades, especially after 40 years, as they will age.

The chosen hair color should please and reflect the character of its owner.

To feel comfortable in a new look, you may have to change it more than once. But, nevertheless, each change will bring exciting emotions: from anticipation to satisfaction with the result.


Nature is never wrong when it comes to giving a person a particular color for hair, eyes, and skin tone. This is exactly the combination that looks, if not ideal, then the closest to it. Perhaps this explains the desire of women, who are tired of experimenting with their appearance, to return to their original data.

But at the beginning of their life, women, as a rule, try to bring something new, unexpected into their image. This craving for experimentation is explained by the fact that women, for the most part, are not happy with their appearance. Fortunately, for the search for perfection in our world, there are a lot of devices, cosmetics, etc. The choice is so extensive that it is limited only by the flight of the lady's imagination, and the knowledge of the basic principles of the selection of colors.

Gray eyes and the benefits of this color

A rare, mysterious and surprisingly clear color that human nature gives - gray. For the most part, they have the ability to transform into different shades of gray and gray-blue. Therefore, the choice of hair colors for gray eyes is quite extensive. As a rule, girls with gray eyes are naturally blonde or have light brown curls. Less often you can find red-haired beauties with gray eyes. A unique combination that causes delight - gray-eyed girls with chestnut hair. It is in the latter version that changes in hair color will be detrimental to the image.

With other combinations, experimenting with the image will give you real pleasure.

The main guideline for changing hair color should be the original (natural) color. The second indicator is the color type to which you belong:

Cold. Girls of this color type are distinguished by a pinkish-white skin;
Warm. These ladies include those whose natural skin color is close to beige, golden (warm) tones.

Choose shades for your hair according to your skin type. Cool shades of ash, platinum, pearls, and even black look great when paired with gray eyes. At the same time, the black color, nevertheless, remains in question. Try on a black wig in order not to be mistaken in your choice. And the best thing is to contact. You risk turning your unique iris color into a fishy, ​​glassy, ​​meaningless expression.

For ladies of the second color type (warm), it is recommended, respectively, to use all warm tones of paint. These include blond with golden sheen, chestnut, warm chocolate, nutty, honey. As in the first case, it is better not to use black. You will age yourself by several years.

The topic of choosing the right hair color for gray eyes is especially relevant for women over forty. At this age, as a rule, the amount of gray hair is already such that it cannot be hidden without special means, and it is visible with the naked eye. Therefore, the color of the paint you choose should be as close as possible to. However, even this sometimes does not save you from a large amount of gray hair. Aging curls lose pigment, but along with it, the structure of the hair and its perception of the dye suffer. Therefore, it is better for women with a cold color type to choose platinum shades of light colors. Will hide gray hair fine highlighting for any length of hair. It will be interesting to look at one single gray curl that remains unpainted in the total mass of hair.

Of course, one of the criteria for a woman's expressive appearance is the right combination of eye, skin and hair color. However, who said that "right" is the way everyone else is doing? Experiment with shades, tones and midtones, pick the color that suits you, and looks harmonious in combination with the color of the skin and eyes.

Hair color for gray eyes: which one to choose?

Choose an appropriate hair color depending on the shades of gray.

Natural gray color.

A bright blond in combination with pure gray eyes looks like an option with a doll. Moreover, up to vulgarity. The same inconsistency is caused by dark hair tones in accordance with a given eye color. However, at a young age, you can afford such a combination, in order to give a solid appearance. After 30 years, dark colors will only age you for several years.

These eyes and a warm skin tone with curls of the color of gold, honey, stained wood, walnut, mahogany look interesting.

Pale-faced beauties with cold skin types should never use warm, sunny tones. Their prerogative is ice beauty - ashy, pearl, mother-of-pearl, light blond.

In combination with a dark complexion, bright colors win. This will only emphasize the expressiveness and brightness of the image. These are colors such as chestnut, cherry, pomegranate, cognac shades.

Gray eyes interspersed with other colors.

Light, seemingly insignificant deviations from the truly gray eye color in the form of small specks, dictate completely different rules in choosing a hair color.

In the total number of gray-eyed beauties, this particular variety is the most common.

In order not to get into a quandary with the choice of color, follow the tips of the stylists:

Blotches of brown, light coffee, honey or chocolate shade. It is advisable to select them for hair dyes of warm shades;
Green border around the gray iris. Use dyes with cold, winter shades - ash, platinum, pearl, pearl or light blond;
For an exclusive version with chameleon eyes, it is better to choose paint with cold shades. In this combination, the image looks like a complete painting, unique in its beauty;
Try coloring or ombre. Only use the right one for best results.

Hair color for gray-blue eyes.

This is the most common gray eye variation. The amazing combination of two colors in one is very popular with girls. This color is in perfect harmony with the shade of ash blonde, which is very popular today. In addition, girls with both a warm skin tone and a light one can try themselves in this style. It suits everyone equally. In addition, the following colors are offered that are close to natural:

Light brown;
Delicate beige;
Blond of all tones and shades;
Ripe wheat color;
Black (only for young girls with the permission of the stylist).

A wonderful gray color looks in combination with chestnut curls. Highlighting or coloring is perfect for gray-blue eyes. The image will be complete and interesting.

Gray-brown eyes: choosing a hair color.

This is one of the most common gray eye combinations found in nature. As a rule, it is recommended to match them with warm shades of any color. These include the following:

Milk chocolate;
Bitter chocolate;
Blond is closer to natural.

An interesting variant of one of the lines of the “chocolate” color is dark chocolate. This is one of the trends of the season that many beauties have already tried on themselves.

Hair color for gray-green eyes.

As a rule, girls endowed with this type of eyes by nature have porcelain, snow-white skin and curls with a reddish tint. In accordance with natural data, the following shades of hair color are suitable for gray-green eyes:

Black (use only on the recommendation of a stylist).

Stylists rightly argue that gray eye color is universal for the selection of hair dye. It will not be difficult to create a unique image for representatives of gray-eyed beauties. Adhering to the recommendations, you can independently choose the necessary hair color for gray eyes and skin type.

Decorative cosmetics for gray-eyed beauties

An image is considered complete only if all the conditions for its creation are met. For example, the color of eyebrows, eyelashes, and the correct use of the color range of cosmetics.

For gray eyes, shadows of the color that you like more as the dominant one are suitable. If you want the eyes to look green, use an appropriate shade palette. The same goes for the desire to shade the iris of the eye with gray. Together with this, you can use honey, golden, copper, brown, beige shades.

Ink and pencil in this case are traditional black and brown tones. For those who wish to highlight the color of their eyes, trace along the contour of the eyelid with a steel or gray pencil. Try to avoid clear lines and borders in your makeup. Use as an experiment shadows and pencils of grayish, brown, greenish tones.

It is advisable to choose lipstick according to the color type of the skin. Gray-eyed beauties will go for such lipstick colors as pale pink, beige, terracotta, lilac (closer to lavender), fuchsia, burgundy, scarlet, etc. It all depends on what purpose you pursue in applying makeup - going to a youth party or rushing to work in the office.

Nobody claims that these tips are the only correct and correct decision that can be made. You have the right to experiment on your appearance. Just use one piece of advice - do not dye your hair for the first time a few shades lighter or darker than the natural color. A difference of 1-2 tones is enough. After you visually see the result, it will be easier for you to decide on further experiments on your own appearance. And remember, the moment you change your hair color, you need to carefully select the means of decorative cosmetics.

April 22, 2014 11:23 am