And the facts last number. Analysis of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts"

"Arguments and Facts" ("AIF") - the Russian weekly newspaper of the tabloid format, which is published by the publishing house "Arguments and Facts", which is included in the media group "Media3", managing the media activists of the Promsvyazbital group.

The newspaper comes out from January1978. Initially, it was a bulletin for lecturers and propagandists, publishing information, statistical data, an analysis of events and figures that were difficult to find in the official press. Weekly published since 1982. It turns out on Wednesdays. The editorial office was part of the structure of the "Knowledge" publishing house of the All-Union Society "Knowledge". In 1978-1979 - Monthly exit, from 1980 to March 1982 - 2 times a month. The appearance and format of the publication pages in these years has changed radically. Close to modern newspaper - from February 1983.

In May 1990, the Guinness Book of Records [Source is not specified 115 days] as a newspaper with the largest edition in the history of mankind - 33.5 million copies, and the number of readers exceeded 100 million. Today, it remains leading in terms of the volume of circulation by the weekly periodical edition of Russia (circulation of 2,997,800 copies). The reader's audience of the newspaper is about 8 million people. In addition to Russia, it is distributed in 57 countries around the world. Circulation AIF abroad is 609,970 copies, weekly is published in the USA, Japan, Thailand, as well as in all European countries.

In 2005, due to disagreements with the shareholders, the deputy editor-in-chief Andrei Uglanov left the newspaper. In May 2006, he began to produce a new weekly newspaper - "Arguments of the Week".

Chief editor of the newspaper - Nikolay Bogykov. In addition to him, the edition includes:

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexey Ananyev
  • CEO Alexander Strakhov
  • Deputy Chief Editor - Evgeny Factors
  • Vitaly Zadlyev - Head of Policy Department
  • Andrei Dorofeev - Chief artist
  • Vyacheslav Kostikov - Director of the Center for Strategic Planning
  • Yulia Shigarev - Head of Culture Department
  • Vladimir Polupanov - Music Observer
  • Georgy Zotov - Director of the Department of Foreign Interviews and Investigations
  • Internet service chef Alexey Sinelnikov, Director Irina Chefranova
  • Sergey Dubovitsky - Head of the Call Center

The publishing house "AIF" also publishes a number of projects and regional applications (last 66): "AIF PETERSBURG", "AIF in Belarus", "AIF Tbilisi", "AIF Europe", "AIF health" (Tatyana Kukusheva), "AIF on Dacha "(Alexander Belyaev)," AIF Children's Encyclopedia "(Vladimir Polyakov) (with their complete list can be found at the address).

The release of the Applications "AIF Superzovyda", "Mother's Daughters", "AIF I want to know everything!", "AIF Long-List" stopped. The new magazine project of the publishing house - AIF about health (head of Bogdan Kurilko, chief editor - Christina Larchenko).

Analysis of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts"

"Arguments and Facts"- Leading Russian weekly newspaper and absolute leader among the Russian press abroad. The publication comes to 32 - 64 bands (depending on the region) in Russian, has regional applications, a wide correspondent network and representation abroad. The reader's audience "AIF" includes representatives of various ages, social groups and professions. Among them are workers, creative and technical intelligentsia, business people, politicians and management workers. "AIF" - laureate of many Russian and international awards. In 1990, the weekly "AIF" with a record edition of 33.4 million copies was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records as the most vague weekly in the world. Among the Russian publications "AIF" - the leader in foreign markets. The newspaper is widely known in all CIS countries, USA, Canada, Australia, Israel, Europe. Advertising in the newspaper AIF can be, both independent and interacting with other media.

Circulation 33534500 copies. This newspaper occupies a leading position among the periodicals of the country. The topics of the newspaper - lighting of events in Russia and abroad, analytics and comments; An overview of business and economics issues, events of cultural and sports life. Life newspaper compared to magazines regarding short. Studies conducted in our country and abroad, testify that the reader spends 10-15 minutes to read the daily newspaper. Therefore, publishers are trying to maximize the last minute, placing them on the first pages, and analytical materials and reviews for other newspapers are mainly oriented on the average age contingent belonging to the average social class. This is not an opposition press and its political preferences of the newspaper close to the ruling coalition, although it is stated that "AIF" profess the basic principles of the independence of the editorial policy and transparency of business.

Also, "AIF" has many applications:

  • · Ayf Moscow
  • · AIF in the country
  • · AiF history
  • · AIF "Teen" s "
  • · AiF Health
  • · AiF Petersburg
  • · AIF super serz
  • · Mother's Mother's Ayif
  • · AIF long-lived
  • · AIF Family Council
  • · AIF I want to know everything!
  • · AiF children's encyclopedia

As the role of newspapers increases in the dissemination of information, the public turned out to be in an increasingly growing dependence on everyday information. This was explained by a number of reasons. First, there were few competing votes, except for commercial newspapers and books. Secondly, even these competing news sources could not compete in efficiency and sequences. Thirdly, newspapers from the very beginning did not hide that they are not going to be politically neutral, and appealed to prejudice their readers. Fourth, the principles of the democratic political system required the electorate to always be aware of cases regarding the functioning of this system, and initially newspapers could provide it. Fifth, the Middle Citizen did not have enough time or his own organization, to keep up for the development of political events, and, by virtue of this, was forced to rely on newspaper information. Finally, sixth, newspapers offered not only political and economic information. Publishing entertainment materials and local news, they failed ordinary people to consider themselves as part of a wider world responding to occurring events.

Although in the XX century. The reader's audience of newspapers declined somewhat, they still continue to remain an important source of information. Despite the spread of radio and television (TV) newspapers and today continue to remain a source of more detailed and deeper information.

Advertising and reference feature in "Arguments and Facts" do not use much popular, because This is a serious newspaper, which is why there are few materials on entertainment and advertising topics; The communicative function is noticeably used in the material, since the journalist more often seeks to establish contact with the mass audience; Directly organizational, is associated with the fact that the journal publishes more often articles of critical content; And finally, the cultural and educational - with the highest frequency in the materials due to the fact that all the same, this rubric called "Culture", journalists seek to introduce an audience for art.

The "Arguments and Facts" newspaper exist the following main headings: news, society, money, culture, sport. Thus, the newspaper seeks to embrace almost all the most significant areas of vital activity.

Almost every room contains articles with political propaganda.

The proximity of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" to the ruling coalition can also be seen in an interview with the applicable politicians of our country.

Propagandait may be an informative communication when the propagandist and the audience share certain common ideas and when something is explained. Information transmitted by the propagandist may be completely indisputable and absolutely true. However, the propagandist knows that its task is not to achieve mutual understanding, but in achieving its own goals. The propagandist will strive to control the information and send public opinion by forming perception through the information communication strategy. Similarly, the inspiring shares the idea with the audience explains, instructs in order to achieve interdependence. In fact, inspiring effectively uses data rather to teach a potential audience than for her belief. The information itself does not convince in itself, but only provides confidence in the inspiring. However, the suggestion is not always informational communication. It extremely clearly sets out its goal, if it really wants to change the settings of the audience.

Advertising It is a series of appeals, symbols and applications, obviously intended to influence receiving information in such a way that it takes the point of view desired by the communicator, and acted as a specific way as a result of the received signal calling for it, vote, stick to positive or negative views or simply remember. From other forms of inspiring communication, advertising is distinguished by intention and carefully designed as appeals and symbols.

"Arguments and Facts" combine two main components of a serious respectable publication - a common highly professional level of editorial texts and articles of the so-called "golden feathers", well-known journalists.

In almost every room, interviews are printed ("Public Relay") with various famous people.

"Arguments and Facts" in all types of mass communication tries to be a relevant and serious newspaper.

AIF Arguments and Facts Newspaper

"Arguments and Facts" - a weekly, leaving 32 bands in Russian. This is a popular newspaper that enjoys unprecedented demand abroad and in Russia. This is not surprising, the "AIF" newspaper has the greatest overlap of a global scale. So in 1990, this publication was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records for the fabulous circulation, which was 33.5 million copies.

As Sociologists assure, today the fresh number of the newspaper "AIF" is kept in their hands at least 10 million people. These are not only entrepreneurs and workers, but also technical, and creative intelligentsia, managers, politicians. "Arguments and Facts" - a newspaper whose positions are characterized by its name. Let some citizens do not support the position of the newspaper, they still have to read it, because only it can find the most interesting, fresh news and facts.

The newspaper "Arguments and Facts", despite all its popularity, a relatively young edition in the field of periodicals. It began its existence in 1978, when the All-Russian Society "3Nania" began to produce a methodological manual that helped to lecturers to propagandists. In this edition, various information was printed, statistical data, all sorts of numbers that could not be found in the official press.

In 1980, "AIF" is already coming once a week. True, it did not spread through retail sale, the subscription to the newspaper was also very limited. After all, this weekly half-closed edition fulfilled its basic function - the implementation of polytheliformators. Of course, all materials passed the strictest selection and tough censorship.

"AIF" newspaper - awards and achievements

With the beginning of the perestroika, the newspaper began to work according to the principles of publicity. True, it led to the dismissal of the editor-in-chief "AIF" - Vladislav Starkov. Then, for the first time in the history of the press, the editorial team stood against a higher ideological body and made his editor. And a year later, the weekly was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 1995, "arguments and facts" are recognized as the "best newspaper of the year" at the second international festival of the press "Gong-95". Next year, the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation awards the newspaper and its editor-in-chief prize "The best editor and the newspaper of the year." This year brought the weekly an international award and the title "The best non-English-speaking publication of the world."

In the year of his 20th anniversary, the newspaper became the winner of a professional competition, which was held by the Guild of Publishers of Periodic Press, in the nomination "The Best Weekly of Russia of Russia 1998". And next year, a stone laid on which the "AIF" logo was knocked down, in Moscow on the old Arbat.

"AIF" newspaper - a success course

"Arguments and Facts" of the newspaper Last number, as well as the other numbers of the publication, do not just illuminate the life of society on their pages, but also carry a whole storehouse of useful and necessary information for a modern person. The editorial office is an active participant in various social projects. In addition, she herself assists private individuals and many organizations.

These significant advances in the newspaper for this short time indicate its grand potential. All this is due to the excellent creative abilities and the possibilities of journalists of the editors, as well as a stable and friendly team. Fresh newspaper "Arguments and Facts" is always timely and current information about events in Russia and abroad: culture, politics, social problems, ecology.

AIF newspaper - Regional projects

The newspaper is widely known and distributed in Russia and other CIS countries, in Western Europe, Canada, USA, Israel, Australia. The Publishing House "AIF" presents its readers a number of regional applications and projects:

· "AiF health",
· "AIF in Belarus",
· "AIF in the country",
· "AiF Europe",
· "AiF Petersburg",
· "AiF I want to know everything!",
· "AiF Tbilisi",
· "AIF children's encyclopedia",
· "Mother's daughters",
· "AiF long-liver"
· "AiF Superstovy",
· "AIF about health."

In 65 Russian regions, free Applications of the Weekly "Arguments and Facts" are published. Among them: "AIF-Moscow", "Aif-Petersburg", "AIF-South", "AIF-Kuban", "AiF-Ural".

The newspaper "Arguments and Facts": always the first.

On the publication

Weekly "Arguments and Facts"- One of the most authoritative and successful publications of Russia, the leader among socio-political weekly, its circulation is about 3 million copies.

The phenomenon "AIF" is that it retains millions of circulation, without turning into the boulevard edition. The schedule of the journalistic skill of the Ayfovtsev remains in an invariably high level, and therefore AIF is interested in all - both businessmen, politicians, and employees, and creative intelligentsia. According to TNS Gallup Media, the reader's audience of one AIF number is 7,146,000 people or 12.4% of Russia's total population aged 16+. Audience in Russia for six months - 26,273,500 people. In addition, "Arguments and Facts" is the most popular Russian edition abroad. The newspaper is distributed by subscription and retail in 60 countries of the world, including in the USA, Canada, Australia. "AIF" has the most extensive network of regional editions - 66 in Russia, 16 - abroad.
"War list" of achievements "AIF" A is the subject of pride not only the team of the weekly, but also the entire Russian press. In 1990, the circulation of "arguments and facts" was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records, as the most large-scale circulation in the world. In 1996, the Golden Prize "Crystal Ball" as the best non-English-speaking newspaper was awarded in London "AIF".
The publishing house "Arguments and Facts" also produces newspapers "AIF health", "AIF. In the country". Actively develops glossy journal projects under the general name AIF Pro. "AIF about health" is a monthly magazine about a healthy lifestyle of a modern successful woman. Coming over 150,000 copies., Volume 80 strips, full-color gloss. Magazine "AIF. About the kitchen "- the first edition on the Russian market about the kitchen as a center for family communication, designed for young energetic women. Volume 80 stripes, full-color gloss. The magazines AIF pro are distributed in Moscow and a number of regions of Russia. In 2009, the Family of Magazines "AIF" was replenished with the publishing house "Fashion Shop", already well known in the professional environment of the Fashion-Industry.
Since 1997, the Internet edition of "Arguments and Facts" is actively developing,, which has become a noticeable resource in the electronic media market. Online conferences with popular politicians, prominent government officials, show business stars are held on the site. In a month, the site is visited by almost 4 million (according to the counter Rambler Top 100)
Publishing House "Arguments and Facts" - one of the key players on the media advertising market. Among the advertising customers of the publishing house there are almost all international FMCG brands.
The secret of longevity and the constant success of "AIF" is that over the years he maintains a face in front of readers: there is no advertising of a dubious character, unverified facts. Also, "Arguments and Facts" support a dialogue with readers: the numbers of the answers are regularly overlooking, almost fully consisted of the answers of well-known politicians, high-ranking officials and experts on the most acute and interesting questions asked by readers. Required the questions of the readers "AIF" answers the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, who also reads the "Arguments and Facts" weekly.