Wish fulfillment affirmations. Affirmations to help grant wishes or magic spells

Do you want to change something for the better in your life? Or feel more confident? Or find a good job? Then know that it is quite easy to do this with the help of the simplest exercises - affirmations. - the topic of our omnipotent article.

We, without knowing it, shape our own life and building our future with words and thoughts... The word has extraordinary power. This strength depends on the state in which the person is. Negative thoughts and negative emotions (anger, envy, resentment, jealousy, etc.) attract negative events and diseases to us, and fears are embodied. All this happens due to the fact that it is these thoughts that are strong, sincere and often scrolled in the head.

Are you familiar with the phrases: "I can't," "I will fail," etc.? You can't even imagine how dangerous statements like: “I can't hear it”, “This is killing me” ... Where does success and health come from if you give yourself the command to fail?

When you say something, your subconscious mind is listening carefully... If you complain about your life, whine and curse everything in the world, what is left for your subconscious to do, besides, how to meekly provide you with the life you are talking about?

Why don't we do the opposite? Let's try to make ourselves happy with a positive attitude. and bright thoughts, i.e. using affirmations.

Word "Affirmation"(from the Latin firmare - to make a statement) appeared in the 19th century. Affirmations are short positive statements (phrases) that, with repeated repetition, consolidate the required image or a certain setting in the subconscious of a person, thereby improving the psycho-emotional background, as well as stimulating positive changes in a person's life. Affirmation can also be viewed as self-hypnosis.

To clearly understand what an affirmation is, remember the movie "The Most Charming and Attractive" and its main character, who regularly repeated the phrase "I am the most charming and attractive" ... These repetitions are the real affirmation.

Rules for composing an affirmation for every day

Affirmations are drawn up only in the first person(for yourself) - with the use of the pronoun "I". They are repeated mentally or aloud. You can repeat phrases by writing multiple times.

But it is advisable to say the exercise out loud, pronouncing the phrase for 5-10 minutes. The next affirmation on a different topic should be pronounced no earlier than an hour later, so that your subconscious mind has time to clearly assimilate the previous setting.

must not contain the particle "not" and must be compiled in the present tense ("I am absolutely healthy", but not "I am not sick") and pronounced sincerely and thoughtfully.

A clear goal should be set: “I will open my own business”, but not “I want to open my own business”. The word "want" is not perceived by our subconscious as a command. The statement should be formulated as a fact and only what suits you should be chosen.

Use more specific phrases, and not general concepts - after all, happiness is different for everyone. Make short and positive statements.

Surprisingly, but at first your mind will resist affirmations - internal protest may arise and a sense of self-deception. You may even feel discomfort with making statements about your happy marriage or successful business. Try to start each day affirmations with “Why…” for a while (for example, “Why am I in charge of my life”). Consciousness without barriers will miss such a command, and the subconscious will do its best to give you an answer to this question. Later it will be possible to do without "Why".

Yogis offer another way to make your subconscious believe you: repeat the affirmation until you stop consciously reacting to it. Affirmation can be made to work for you by achieving a boredom-like state and completely relaxing.

Real result from affirmations will come only when you feel a slight feeling of flight and joy while pronouncing the desired phrase. This means that you are moving in the right direction, the subconscious mind believes you, and your desire will not keep you waiting long.

Our subconscious mind can be compared to muscles. That's why affirmations should be used daily to reach the goal and get what you want. Operate the selected installation for at least 1 month.

It is better to say affirmations for every day before going to bed or in the morning, while still in bed.

Examples of some affirmations helping to feel the inner harmony and self-confidence:

I can do everything!
I can do everything well!
In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
I am grateful (grateful) to the Universe for all the material goods in my life.
Today is the best day of my life.
I have everything I need to enjoy life in the here and now.
I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
I am doing well and every day my life is getting even better!
My life blooms in perfect harmony.
I am aware and feel my strength.
I am calm and focused in all situations.
I am always lucky.

Examples of affirmations for every day to attract money:

Wealth and prosperity are my natural state. I accept it now!
Boundless riches are flowing freely into my life right now.
Every day I become an even more financially wealthy person.
I live in abundance and abundance.
Money flows like a river to me.
I attract money like a magnet.
Money flows to me from all sides.

For career and work:

I have a favorite high-paying job.
I am rapidly climbing up the career ladder.
I do what I love.

For family relationships:

I am happy in the love that I meet every day.
I am willing to accept a happy and fulfilling relationship.
I am the source of love and happiness.

Treat every word you say like a metaprogram shaping your future. Affirmations for every day are an effective way to achieve your goals, love, health, inner harmony and well-being. The main thing is to really want and sincerely believe in the power of your intentions!

Affirmations are a simple way to influence the subconscious mind. Powerful success attracting affirmations are positive affirmations. If you tune your mind and consciousness for the best from day to day, then positive changes will begin in life. This will happen imperceptibly, and entirely due to the fact that the perception of the surrounding reality is being transformed.

List of self-contained affirmations for quick fulfillment of desires

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer you a selection of strong affirmations to fulfill your cherished desires and to attract luck, money and abundance into your everyday life:

  1. My every day is filled with joy.
  2. I am always accompanied by good luck and good mood.
  3. I always succeed in everything.
  4. I am open to the source of the universal riches.
  5. I receive money easily, with joy and gratitude.
  6. I live in peace, kindness, love and abundance.
  7. The supreme inspiration guides me in all my endeavors.
  8. I am filled with a sense of gratitude and calmness.
  9. Divine love fills my soul.
  10. An inexhaustible source of inspiration leads me on the right path.
  11. I enjoy every minute I live in peace with myself, harmony and love.
  12. My life is a holiday full of energy and prosperity.
  13. I forgive those whom I was offended, and now I am free.
  14. I wish every person happiness and well-being on earth.
  15. I am open to the true beauty and magic of life.
  16. Everything is happening in the best way for me.

Success attracting affirmations can be read aloud, as well as spoken to yourself. The effectiveness of the formulas of positive thinking from mental pronunciation will not decrease in the least. It is important to give the right vector to your mind, to think in one positive way, and then luck, love, abundance and fulfillment of desires will become your companions in life. And now I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will move on to a new interesting part of the article - affirmations to attract money into your life.

Attracting money affirmations - what you need to know about it

Now, in a nutshell, what you need to know when working with affirmations for wealth. Affirmations must be real. What does it mean? Only that you need to set realistic goals that are achievable within a specific time frame. There is no need for transcendental goals and unsolvable tasks, just as you should not underestimate your talents and capabilities.

Affirmations of attracting success and money should be short, clear, and at the same time should express your absolute desire to get money, fill the money channel. It is necessary to determine the ways in which the money will come. When it comes to successful career advancement, set a time frame for when you expect to get promoted. And if your goal is to get a big salary, you need to indicate a specific amount.

The most important thing when repeating self-affirmations on a daily basis is faith. Your belief that everything will turn out exactly the way you want it. And there must certainly be a very specific and clear visualization. Read over and over again money attraction affirmation words, listen to those sensations and experiences that appear when you imagine what you want as an already accomplished, real event. Now here are some examples of monetary affirmations.

You can create affirmations to attract money yourself.

This is not difficult to do, the main thing is to know exactly what you want. Any of you can create positive affirmations for yourself, but you can use existing positive thinking formulas with success.

So, here is a list of affirmations for filling the money channel.

  • I respect and love money.
  • Money loves me as much as I love it.
  • Money flows like a river to me.
  • My pockets and wallet are full of money.
  • I spend my money wisely and gratefully.
  • I think about money fondly.
  • I spend my money with love.
  • I know that the money I spent will soon return to me.
  • My fortune is growing exponentially.
  • Money flows to me in a continuous stream.
  • My income is growing every day.
  • I study and get a lot of money for it.
  • Every day I get more and more money.
  • I feel financially free and independent.
  • I deserve to have enough money.
  • I am worthy for my life to flourish.
  • I respect and value money, and it comes to me.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I always make more than I spend.
  • I allow myself to live in abundance.
  • Every day I feel more and more rich.
  • I am a wealthy person.
  • Today is a joyous day that brings abundance.
  • I love getting discounts in stores.
  • I feel comfortable with large sums of money.
  • Affirmations of Wealth and Wealth which I repeat attract money to me.
  • I rejoice in the success of others, because there is enough success for everyone.
  • I am the happiest person!
  • I attract all the best in my life!
  • All my wishes come true.
  • Money always comes to me.
  • Money comes into my life from a variety of sources, both expected and unexpected.
  • Gratitude makes me richer.
  • I am on the path to achieving my goals and success.
  • I have the talent to be successful.
  • I use every opportunity to become rich.
  • I enjoy the abundance of life and value what I have.
  • My destiny is happiness and success.
  • I inspire myself to new achievements.

Do you want to change something in your life for the better? Or feel more confident? Then know that it is quite easy to do this with the help of the simplest exercises - affirmations.

21:05 1.10.2012

We, without knowing it, shape our own life and build our future with the help of words and thoughts. The word has extraordinary power. This strength depends on the state in which the person is. Negative thoughts and negative emotions (anger, envy, resentment, jealousy, etc.) attract negative events and diseases to us, and fears are embodied. All this happens due to the fact that it is these thoughts that are strong, sincere and often scrolled in the head.

Do you know the phrases: “I can't”, “I will lose”, etc.? You have no idea how dangerous statements like: “I can't hear it”, “This is killing me” ... Where does success and health come from if you give yourself a command to fail?

When you say something, your subconscious mind listens attentively. If you complain about your life, whine and curse everything in the world, what is left for your subconscious to do, except how to meekly provide you with the life you are talking about?

Why don't we do the opposite? Let's try to make ourselves happy with the help of a positive attitude and rainbow thoughts, i.e. using affirmations.

The word "affirmation" (from the Latin firmare - to make a statement) appeared in the 19th century. Affirmations are short positive statements (phrases) that, with repeated repetition, consolidate the required image or a certain setting in the subconscious of a person, thereby improving the psycho-emotional background, as well as stimulating positive changes in a person's life. Affirmation can also be viewed as self-hypnosis.

To clearly understand what an affirmation is, remember the movie "The Most Charming and Attractive" and its main character, who regularly repeated the phrase "I am the most charming and attractive" ... These repetitions are the real affirmation.

Rules for composing an affirmation for every day
Affirmations are made only in the first person (for yourself) - with the use of the pronoun "I". They are repeated mentally or aloud. You can repeat phrases by writing multiple times.

But it is advisable to say the exercise out loud, pronouncing the phrase for 5-10 minutes. The next affirmation on a different topic should be pronounced no earlier than an hour later, so that your subconscious mind has time to clearly assimilate the previous setting.

Affirmations for every day should not contain a particle "not" and must be compiled in the present tense ("I am absolutely healthy", but not "I am not sick") and pronounced sincerely and thoughtfully.

A clear goal should be set: “I will open my own business”, but not “I want to open my own business”. The word "want" is not perceived by our subconscious as a command. The statement should be formulated as a fact and only what suits you should be chosen.

Use more specific phrases rather than general concepts - after all, everyone's happiness is different. Make short and positive statements.

Surprisingly, but at first your consciousness will resist affirmations - there may be an inner protest and a feeling of self-deception. You may even feel discomfort from making statements about your happy marriage or successful business. Try starting your affirmations for a while with the word “Why ...” (for example, “Why am I in charge of my life”) for a while. Consciousness without obstacles will miss such a command, and the subconscious will do its best to give you an answer to this question. Later it will be possible to do without "Why".

Yogis offer another way to make your subconscious believe you: repeat the affirmation until you stop consciously reacting to it. Affirmation can be made to work for you by achieving a boredom-like state and completely relaxing.

The real result from affirmations will come only when you feel a slight feeling of flight and joy while pronouncing the right phrase. This means that you are moving in the right direction, the subconscious mind believes you, and your desire will not keep you waiting long.

Our subconscious mind can be compared to muscles. Therefore, affirmations must be used daily to achieve the goal and get what you want. Work with the selected installation for at least 1 month.

It is better to say affirmations for every day before going to bed or in the morning, while still in bed.

Examples of some affirmations that help you feel inner harmony and self-confidence:

  • I can do everything!
  • I can do everything well!
  • In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
  • I am grateful (grateful) to the Universe for all the material goods in my life.
  • Today is the best day of my life.
  • I have everything I need to enjoy life in the here and now.
  • I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
  • I am doing well and every day my life is getting even better!
  • My life blooms in perfect harmony.
  • I am aware and feel my strength.
  • I am calm and focused in all situations.
  • I am always lucky.

Examples of affirmations for every day to attract money:

  • Wealth and prosperity are my natural state. I accept it now!
  • Boundless riches are flowing freely into my life right now.
  • Every day I become an even more financially wealthy person.
  • I live in abundance and abundance.
  • Money flows like a river to me.
  • I attract money like a magnet.
  • Money flows to me from all sides.

For career and work:

  • I have a favorite high-paying job.
  • I am rapidly climbing up the career ladder.
  • I do what I love.

For family relationships:

I am happy in the love that I meet every day.
I am willing to accept a happy and fulfilling relationship.
I am the source of love and happiness.

Treat every word you say as a metaprogram that shapes your future. Affirmations for every day are an effective way to achieve your goals, love, health, inner harmony and well-being. The main thing is to really want and sincerely believe in the power of your intentions!

There are many secrets in the fulfillment of wishes. You need a special place and time, a special state of energy, the right combination of circumstances. Only after all the conditions are met, the right people come and the right desires are attracted. But don't worry. This is not as difficult as it might seem.

Affirmations for the fulfillment of desires - which is better it is difficult to say. There are certain rules for this. You also need to know the possible reasons why it does not work out the way you want.

  • If your desires conflict with the world around you. In this case, the whole process is going "tightly" and the circumstances are difficult to overcome.
  • In case of internal conflict, it is possible that the wish will not come true. This is when you seem to want the fulfillment of your desire, but, on the other hand, you are afraid or think that you are unworthy.

It would seem that the reasons are different. But one thing in common. This is a conflict. Therefore, first of all, you need to realize that you are worthy and satisfied with everything. And start the process of giving birth to thoughts.

  • Determine what you anticipate. After all, it often happens that everything seems to be fine, but something is gnawing inside. This is where the first thought arises.
  • It lasts up to five seconds. However, this thought is the very first. You definitely need to "catch" it. After these few seconds, the mind will turn on and begin to reason. Just believe in the first thought and put it into shape.
  • Thus, a thought-form appears. When you "cut it" and say it several times, it has already turned into an affirmation.
  • It is the affirmation that should be used.
  • If you continue to work, the next step will already be materialization.

If you want your desire to be fulfilled, your subconscious mind must believe that there are no reasons or barriers for non-fulfillment. We want to offer you a technique that will relieve you of disharmony and make you believe in your energy potential. This way, all your wishes will come true.

Believe me, this is not difficult at all. When you wake up in the morning, you should definitely thank the Universe for a wonderful new day. Pick a few of your favorite affirmations and say them right after the gratitude.

Then say, "I want to brush my teeth." Go and clean them. When you brush your teeth, loudly record this fact like this: "All my desires are being fulfilled."

Then you can say, "I wish to iron the clothes for the new day." Do what you said again. And when you're done, document that fact again. In the same words: "All my desires are fulfilled."

Do this every time. This exercise will help you get rid of the limitations of your subconscious mind. You simply teach him that all your desires are fulfilled. This is how, gradually, they will actually start to come true.

Affirmations are a kind of attitudes that can direct a person in the right direction and help him tune in. Many people use such phrases in their own lives, but for some they help a lot, while for others they turn out to be useless. Why does this happen?

It is necessary to observe two basic conditions, because without their fulfillment nothing will work. Desires will remain dreams, and words will not help you in any way.

The most important condition number one

A person is obliged to understand exactly what he really wants to achieve, what he really needs. Everyone can make a huge list of wishes, but you need to think it over and only then express your wishes. Does a woman really dream of marrying a billionaire? Or does the mother want to do it, or maybe the woman wants to cause the envy of her friends?

Do you need to become the head of a huge company and spend all the time at work, or is it better to sit with your beloved spouse in the evenings on the veranda of your own country house and enjoy the sunset? Does a person want to occupy a high position or just do something that brings real pleasure?

All these questions are pretty simple, but necessary. It is necessary to clearly understand that these are true desires, and not far-fetched and imposed by others. Each person is now completely overwhelmed with all sorts of information. People are forced to watch ads every day.

Listen to the advice of others, adapt to someone and consider a happy life without a certain subject impossible. A person is forced to be surrounded by relatives and friends all the time, who have their own dreams, and therefore begins to want the same thing as the rest.

Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the application of affirmations. You need to allocate a certain amount of time for this and feel what desire is really the most important for a person. You need to clearly imagine that it has already come true, rejoice in this, listen to your own feelings and sensations. When a person comes to an agreement within himself and decides that he really wants to fulfill a dream, then only then there will be a chance to fulfill it.

The most important condition number two

The affirmations should be repeated daily and should be repeated as often as possible. A positive attitude helps to change the human subconscious, make it follow certain guidelines. However, do not expect instant changes. That is why affirmations take effect only after a certain amount of time.

It is not necessary in any case to be inactive, because the fulfillment of desire is just around the corner. It is necessary to repeat the magic words every day, only then the result will not be long in coming. You should start repeating the affirmations right now, don't put it off until tomorrow. You also need to think about when it will be convenient to do this and determine the time, you can set an alarm on your phone for this time.

Every day you need to carry out such a ritual to fulfill your desire, read affirmations, even if you are not in the mood or feeling unwell. In any case, you need to repeat magic phrases, even in moments of despair. Many experts claim that it takes only 21 days to transform consciousness and program it. During this time, one affirmation should be repeated, and then it remains only to be convinced of the effectiveness of this method.

But it is extremely undesirable to make several wishes at once. After all, the strength in the body may simply not be enough. You need to determine for yourself the most important and most important thing, and then strive to implement it.

My wish has already begun to come true.
I say thank you to the universe for making your wish come true.
I'm ready to get what I want.
I am ready to start life anew and use the opportunities that have opened up.
Every day my goal is getting closer.
I trust that my wish will come true.
Everything that happens in my life brings me closer to my goal.

What should be done to fulfill desires?

Working with affirmations is a bit like planting fruit plants. Only seeds replace human thoughts, and the resulting harvest is a fulfilled desire. However, do not forget that before you complete planting the seeds, you must first thoroughly clean them of weeds, otherwise there will be no harvest.

Before you start applying attitudes, it is worth throwing out all the negative, all unnecessary things that can interfere with the fulfillment of desires. Need to know:

  1. The world is not ideal, it cannot be bad or good, it reflects a person. That is why you should stop blaming others and evil fate for your troubles, you should look for the negative only in the person himself, and not in anyone else. When the wrong face is reflected in the mirror, you need to change his expression. A person will not even think about the fact that one should scold the mirror and blame it for something.
  2. If a person is dissatisfied with what is happening around him, then you should not get angry and offended, scold others in all the misfortunes, but you should change your worldview.
  3. It is worth destroying your own fears, otherwise they will interfere with the fulfillment of desires. The universe does not understand who should be sent what, grief or happiness. She is only able to hear the thoughts of a person and send what he most often thinks about.
  4. You need to set goals correctly. If a person himself does not know what he needs, then the Universe will not understand this either.
  5. You only need to do the right things, they help to clear karma. It is necessary to give to others what the person himself needs, then he will receive much more.
  6. It is better to eliminate all negativity, emotions and feelings, to leave only good thoughts and wishes. After all, negativity blocks everything and does not allow desires to come true. If a person has a lot of negativity inside, then the Universe will not bestow him.
  7. Do not forget that the thought that flashed once. Has no effect. Well, what a person repeats constantly has incredible power. This should be taken into account when reading affirmations, you should not dwell on problems in life.
  8. The thoughts that are in a person's head have great energy. Therefore, it is recommended to think only in a positive way, so as not to generate negativity.

Each person should know that he attracted everything in life on his own. The world only reflects what a person constantly thinks about. Therefore, you need to think only about happiness and love, give care to others and get pleasure from it, then the Universe will begin to fulfill desires.

It must be remembered that some desires are simply not able to be fulfilled quickly. If a person wants to achieve a big goal, then he must wait a little, because it will take time to achieve it. You can try to break down the desire into several small ones, and then carefully monitor the changes in life and the results. Then the person will constantly see the result and understand that he is moving in the right direction.

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Now on the shelves of bookstores and on the Internet there are a lot of tips on how to change your life for the better. After reading such literature, many women conclude that if they say the phrase "I want to get married" several times a day, then this desire must be fulfilled. But for some reason it remains just a desire. Why?

Yes, it has indeed been proven that our subconscious always strives to make our life as comfortable as possible, and tries to fulfill our desires. Moreover - fulfillment of desires is a law for the subconscious.

When we say something many times (not necessarily out loud, it can be often repeated thoughts), the subconscious mind perceives this as our desire, and begins to look for a correspondence between our desires and events in our life.

For example, if a person constantly complains “Nobody loves me,” the subconscious mind assesses the situation, and if it really is, it calms down: reality and the person's desires coincide, which means that everything is in order, the person is in complete harmony with the world around him. ...

When you say the phrase: "I want", the subconscious mind checks, do you really want? After making sure that you really want, the subconscious again calms down and decides that nothing can be done.

Why? Because your thoughts are in tune with your emotions. It should be so. Perhaps you are just pleased to experience a feeling of burning desire. Well, wish you health! Well, the fulfillment of your desires is a law for the subconscious!

But when you say "I am married," being single ... The situation is assessed again. And what does the subconscious mind see? Inconsistency! Lack of harmony between external and internal!

What conclusion does it make? A person should be happy! And he can be happy only when his inner world is in harmony with the world around him. Therefore, you need to hurry up - your subconscious concludes, and starts looking for ways to solve your problem.