Affirmations for love and relationships. Affirmations for love and early marriage: the subtleties of the technique

Love is a great force that helps us experience a whole range of positive emotions. And without her life seems to us not so bright and joyful. We all strive for it, we want to feel loved and desired. We want to experience closeness and harmony, so that there is a person dear to us next to whom we can give care and warmth ...

But what if no one is around? Then you need to open love within yourself and use the power of reason to meet with the right man or woman.

Using Love Affirmations

You can use affirmations to attract love. Scientists have found that they help tune your mind to meet the person you need. You can use your own suggestion formulas or those found in this article. The main thing is regularity and work with sensations. That is, it is not enough just to read affirmations, it is important to pass them through your heart.

The most effective affirmations of love

1. I open my heart to love.

2. I radiate love. And she comes back to me.

3. I am a magnet that attracts love into my life.

4. I bring great relationships into my life.

5. I am worthy of love.

6. I feel closeness and harmony in a relationship with a loved one.

7. I enjoy intimacy and love.

8. I feel happy in a relationship with someone close to me.

9. I find the person I need. There is love and passion between us.

10. Our passion is enduring.

11. I feel harmony, tenderness and warmth in communication with my beloved.

12. I love men (women) and let them into my life.

13. I love myself. I treat myself as the dearest person in my life.

14. I attract love for myself because I deserve it.

15. I freely express my feelings.

16. I accept and give love easily and effortlessly.

17. I have a long and happy relationship in my life.

18. I feel loved.

19. My heart is open to tender feelings.

20. I allow myself to love. It is safe.

21. I allow myself to be loved and desired.

22. I love! I am loved)! It's so cool!

3.Affirmations alone are not enough?

And as you know, the power of love is great. And people will begin to reach out to you if you yourself send positive vibrations into the world.

In addition, it is important to give this sacred feeling not only to the world and to yourself. It is important. Remember one simple truth: "All changes for the better begin when you can."

How to Strengthen Affirmations to Attract Love

To enhance your work with affirmations, you can use a combination of them with visualization. See caption pictures daily and create the feeling of having the relationship you want.

You can also do or. And enjoy the contemplation of images aimed at materializing the meeting and subsequent relationship with a loved one.

Be aware of the time lag. To create a relationship, you need to work hard for several months (the time spent for everyone is different, depending on resistance and other factors), and then let go of the desire.

Well, remember that only actions count. Help space meet you with the person you need. Be active. Be away from home more often, taking advantage of all the opportunities and enjoying life now and acting as if you already have what you want to attract!

35 love affirmations

1. I attract into my life only those people with whom I can create a loving, gentle, passionate, sexual, long-term relationship.

2. I am open to love. I let her into my life.

3. I easily get to know people, easily communicate with them.

4. Men (women) like me. I am attractive to people.

5. Love relationships are always present in my life.

6. I am confident. I know that I can seduce any man (woman) in my life.

7. Mutual love comes to me. And I enjoy a wonderful, perfect relationship.

8. I am open and people are open. I love and people love me.

9. I love myself. I am an individual, bright, sexy, loving woman. I am worthy of love. And I let her into my life.

10. Love is everywhere. She is inside me. And around. I see her and accept. I radiate love and give it to the world and people.

11. I deserve tenderness and attention. And I myself appear as an attentive woman who warms her man (woman) with warmth and care.

12. I let go of the past. I let go of my former partners and forgive them. I wish them all the very best.

I let go of all the pain, all the grievances associated with the past. Now I am ready for a happy and mutual love.

13. Now my heart is free for new feelings. And I fall in love. Mutual feelings come into my life. I love. I am loved. This is great! I'm happy!

14. I grow and develop in relationships.

15. Mutual love comes to me. I am open to her. I completely trust the Universe and I know that all the best awaits me.

16. I am a self-sufficient woman who loves herself. I value myself and respect.

17. With me are only those people who are really important to me for my spiritual growth, who are suitable for me for friendly and loving relationships.

18. I allow myself to have vivid emotions and feelings. I decorate my life with them.

19. I let go of all limiting relational beliefs. I believe that soon I will be happy and find my love. And indeed it is.

20. I clearly know what I want. I create an image of those relationships that are important to me and they enter my life.

21. I easily take the first steps. I know that it is important to act to achieve what I want, and I go forward in a playful and positive way.

22. I meet new people and communicate with them. I go on dates and go out more often.

22. I freely express my interest in a person, my feelings for him.

23. I learn the skills of seduction and use them effectively when communicating with the person I need.

24. I am a magnet for love. I attract love into my life. I know what is inside and outside, so I open the energy of love inside me and give it to others and to myself. I surround myself with love. I am the love.

25. I'm sexy. I easily express my sexuality. I am a passionate woman. I give and enjoy sex. I'm sensual. And I am open to sensual neglect and pleasure.

26. I allow myself to love who I want. And be with whoever I want.

27. I easily and confidently realize my sexual fantasies.

Video version:

28. I trust my man (woman). I believe him (her), I respect him (her) and my personal space.

29. The light of love and joy comes from my heart and warms the world.

I give each person my warmth and tenderness. And I wish everyone well. I send people positive energies and attract them into my life. Every day I attract more and more love into my life.

30. I discover my femininity. I develop flexibility, tenderness, softness in myself. I love myself.

31. I attract love into my life. I create the perfect relationship. I'm ready for them. I truly believe that I deserve the best. I meet the person with whom I am starting a family.

32. My family relationships are harmonious. I speak to my partner in his love language. And we understand each other perfectly.

33. In my relationship with a loved one, there is everything that is important to me: a varied joint pastime, great sex, support and understanding, attention and care, love and tenderness.

34. My beloved and I walk in the same direction hand in hand towards our common goals. And that's great! We are happy!

35. We are made for each other. And so be it!

You can create affirmations for love yourself, or you can use ready-made ones. But, your own formulas work more efficiently. It is important that they are accepted by your heart.

Simply saying affirmations and not putting your energy into them is useless. It is imperative that the utmost focus is on what you are saying, plus visualization.

Poetic positive thoughts have the greatest effect.

Written affirmations work just as well.

"I attract love to myself

The one I dream of.

She is reciprocal and tender.

Reliable, Passionate and Strong!

Oh God, I'm in love again!

Love is given to me by the Lord!

"My relationship is full of love

And passion ignited with fire in blood

And tenderness warms the soul

And the look of a loved one caresses

I'm drawn to his lips

I'm reaching out to heaven

To give thanks

It's so great to love again! "

I like working with affirmations according to D. Murphy's method.

For this:

1. Tune in to your strength. Read prayers. Think about your inner strength and your connection to God.

2. Speak the required formulas for 15 minutes.

3. End the session with creative visualization. That is, include images.

Do you like to watch touching sad melodramas and hum "tear" melodies? Keep in mind - they quietly program you for this very sadness. After all, most of these films and songs exaggerate mainly the theme of unhappy love in a variety of variations.

Cinematography and variety art teach us that this kind of love is romantic, beautiful and worthy of attention. A subconscious mindset for failure in love affairs is formed, which makes it very difficult to build a normal relationship with a man. The search for your “half” can take years.

However, it is quite possible to change the situation and speed up the meeting with love with the help of correct affirmations. These are short phrases in which the cherished desire is succinctly and succinctly stated. In fact, it is a loud announcement to the world, working like a program. Moreover, it should be formulated only in a positive way, since the well-known rule works: "as it comes around, it will respond."

A thoughtfully worded affirmation is recommended to be repeated mentally or in voice many times a day. Persistently and calmly. There is not only memorization of a positive text, but also the introduction of information into the subconscious. But it is precisely this that governs our emotions and behavior. It is it, dear, that forms the scenario of our life, the attitude towards ourselves, towards others, towards the world as a whole.

Successfully composed affirmations for a man's love in an incomprehensible way affect a woman's self-awareness, giving her appearance an irresistible charm. Such are the games of the subconscious.

To change the life situation for the better and find a betrothed, you need to start with yourself. Therefore, affirmations should mainly begin with the word "I" (the options are "Me", "Me") and represent an assertion of an event that has already happened. Examples of good phrases:

  • I'm happy in love
  • I am love itself.
  • I am happy and loved.
  • I am open to love.
  • I am married to a beloved and faithful man.
  • I am the source of love and happiness.
  • I love myself and the whole world.
  • I am a magnet for men.
  • I receive love.
  • I am a happy wife.
  • Happy marriage makes me happy
  • I am surrounded by the love of the best husband in the world

That is, you need to try on the role of a happy and beloved beauty. As if everything had already come true. And to say words of gratitude is also important. You can repeat the above phrases, but it is better to write your own affirmations for love and early marriage, as a fait accompli. The main thing is to correctly formulate the request, otherwise incorrect settings may turn out, such as these:

  • I want real love. (The subconscious is instructed to continue “wanting,” not loving.)
  • I'm looking forward to meeting love. (It turns out that we must continue to "wait" - nothing more.)

And one more extremely important point: you cannot use the "not" particle. No denials like "I'm not alone." The subconscious mind does not pass the word “not” through its filter. As a result, the statement "I am lonely" is obtained. Such verbal constructions should be avoided.

I repeat over and over ...

Affirmations are not instantaneous. They must first "accumulate" to a certain "critical mass". To enhance the effectiveness of this psychotechnique, auditory and visual perception should also be used.

Affirmations can be placed in the form of small posters on the wall, on the refrigerator, above the bed or on the desktop, and listen to their recording on a voice recorder. (It is better to warn those at home ...).

The most appropriate time to repeat affirmations is the minutes before falling asleep and immediately after waking up. At such moments, the consciousness is clouded, so it is easier to reach the subconscious. Cherished affirmations to attract mutual love and early marriage will easily overcome the "customs" of conscious control.

Experience shows that such a tool, despite its simplicity, is very effective. "A drop wears away a stone." And even if you can't immediately get a sense of future happiness, often repeated statements still work. Emotions come later. The clarity and specificity of the request is essential to the success of the entire event.

A statement like "I'm marrying a good man" is too vague. It is necessary to indicate (write on paper) what is meant by the word “good”. List specifically: kind, strong, funny or serious, romantic or pragmatist - define for yourself all these nuances. You can also add about the material level.

True, affirmations to attract a millionaire are unlikely to come true. There are not as many millionaires as we would like, but you can try.

Sincere willingness to change

Sometimes love affirmations cause inner protest. Most often, this indicates a bad experience of past relationships that have not yet recovered. We need to remind ourselves that it's over. And now a new stage begins, which will be completely different - bright and joyful. That is, you need some kind of readiness for a new relationship. If it is not there, the affirmations will still work, but much more slowly, overcoming the "material resistance".

Sometimes there is a variant of behavior in which a woman seems to want marriage, but it is not the true goal. It is more attracted to obtaining social status through marriage, or monetary interests prevail. Affirmations are unlikely to help in this case. After all, the application is for marriage, but something else is meant that does not coincide with the text in meaning.

Such a discrepancy extinguishes the energy of positive statements, since the guide to action for the subconscious is precisely a sincere, latent desire, even if it is not fully realized by the woman herself.

The effect of positive affirmations can be enhanced using a well-known visualization technique. It is also useful to make a color collage by sticking pictures and photos on a large sheet of Whatman paper that match your idea of ​​a happy life.

A vivid image of a future family idyll with a betrothed, created by the imagination and captured on paper, contributes to the implementation of a new, optimistic version of a life scenario. Dreams do come true. It turns out that by sending only good thoughts and feelings into space, one can quite naturally expect that the reciprocal "echo" will also be kind. "How will backfire ...".

Video - Affirmations:

Love is the biggest force that makes it possible to feel the world a little differently, and experience many positive emotions. It is not surprising that each of us strives to know this feeling. True, some have to press it for a long time. It's good that there are ways to fill your life with love. One of these ways is affirmations for a man's love. Just do not confuse them with magic, they will not lead you to the doorstep of the "prince", but only change your attitude to life, give you the opportunity to act in such a way as to achieve your goal. Therefore, just repeating affirmations to attract love is not enough, you will need to act on your own.

In addition to affirmations for love, you can use an equally effective method of sending love. It is based on the immutable law of reward, as the saying goes, "you reap what you sow." Therefore, if you want to receive love, then you have to give it. Moreover, you need to give it not only to the world, but also to yourself.

It is not enough to attract love into life, you also want to preserve the relationship that has arisen for a long time. To do this, you can use the following affirmations.

  1. My earthly marriage is a reflection of the union made in heaven.

  2. My marriage is getting better and stronger every day.

  3. I create romance and love in my life.

  4. I have an irresistible attraction to my partner.

  5. I have pure, unconditional love for my partner.

  6. My partner and I love each other very much.

  7. My partner is loyal to me.

  8. My partner is the love of my life, and he treats me as well.

  9. My partner and I are perfect sexually.

  10. I have a great partner, we are happy.

  11. My partner and I are ideally suited spiritually.

  12. I and my partner are ideally suited intellectually.

  13. I am grateful to my relationship for the lessons taught.

  14. Everything is fine in my marriage.

  15. We are ideally suited with a partner emotionally.

  16. I have a happy sexual relationship with a person who really loves me.

  17. All changes in my marriage life are positive, I am completely safe.

  18. I always have a sense of humor about events in our marriage.

  19. I sincerely admire my husband.

  20. My partner respects my point of view, and I respect his opinion.

You do not need to repeat all the above affirmations to attract a loved one, choose only those that are found in you the greatest response, or even better, come up with your own statement. Since it will be much more effective than someone else's words, your personal affirmation will reflect your state, it will be charged with your energy, which means it will work better. It is also worth remembering that not only the specially spoken affirmations, but also the rest of your thoughts and words, have an impact. Therefore, if in the morning you say to yourself a couple of times that you are worthy of love, and for the rest of the day you will torment yourself with the thoughts that nothing will shine for you, since the figure is not the same, and in general you are a failure, then you will not expect any positive effect from affirmations costs.

Perhaps you are tired of being alone and dreaming of finding your love. Or maybe you have a partner and you value him, respect and value your relationship, but you feel that the heat in your heart begins to fade. However, you can use the power of your word to create a state of deep love within yourself, or attract love, or revive it. Affirmations for love will help you with this.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired state of affairs. When these statements are repeated often, they are deposited in the subconscious, leaving a lasting mark there, and soon it causes a positive effect of the subconscious on your life.

Just imagine that you and your friends came to the pool, and they made you angry with their banter about your inability to properly stay on the water. "And I bet I'll swim across the pool without stopping!" - you say, wanting to prove that you are not so clumsy. You start swimming, at the same time starting to repeat in your mind: "I can swim, I will swim!" You think that you have enough strength to swim the entire intended distance without stopping, and you believe that you will be able to show this to your friends!

What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations! It is they who help you gather strength and, believing in yourself, achieve your goal. But, unfortunately, most people introduce negative words and statements into their subconscious minds regarding situations and events in their life, and this leads to undesirable results. Our words work in two ways - they can build, but they can also destroy. It is how we use them that determines whether they will bring us positive or negative results.

Pay attention to the words you say to yourself in your mind to see if you are using negative language such as:

  • I can not do it;
  • I'm too lazy for that;
  • I lack inner strength;
  • I am unattractive;
  • I will definitely fail on the first try.

Your subconscious mind perceives as truth what is constantly being told to it. And as a result, it attracts relevant events and situations in your life. So why not choose only positive affirmations to get positive results? After all, affirmations program the mind in the same way as the entered commands program the work of a computer.

Duplicate words will help you focus on your goal. They also create corresponding mental images in consciousness, which, in turn, accordingly influence the subconscious. Thus, you program the subconscious mind according to your will. And it, in turn, shapes your habits, behavior, reactions, attitude to the surrounding reality and even your life itself.

How to return love to a cold relationship

Now you already know how powerful your word is. But in order to master this weapon, you need to understand some things. And above all - why there is so little love in your life and why you blocked it.

The Buddha is said to have said, "What you think, so you become." And what you say is a reflection of what you think about. Listen to your thoughts and try to find those negative thoughts that are building a powerful block against love. How do you speak or think to yourself about others or about yourself? Do you have thoughts like these: “I have no time for love right now,” “All good men have been busy for a long time,” or “I’m not a beauty, they don’t like such people”?

And if you have a partner, how do you talk or think about him? Always with respect, gratitude, gratitude and love, or do you make malicious remarks or complaints about his shortcomings and constant oversights in your speeches and thoughts? What is more - respect or irritation, gratitude or resentment? It's unlikely you will ever be able to heal a relationship if you focus on how terrible it is and how unhappy you are.

Having sifted your thoughts through the sieve of awareness, you may be horrified at how much gloomy and unfriendly you have - whether about yourself or about your partner - arguments and statements. But the people you attract into your life reflect how you feel and how you perceive the world. Without giving love, you cannot receive it. This means that if you want to attract love into your life, you must first begin to radiate it. And if you don't know how to do this, then you can help yourself by using the affirmation to attract love. They will help you become a loving person who attracts reciprocal feelings like a magnet.

People cannot live without air, food, water and ... love! Love is really among the four necessary conditions for life, only it is an intangible factor. Air is always around us; what efforts must be made to provide ourselves with food and water - we also know, but how to ensure the presence of love in our life? Affirmations of love! How do they work?

Love has many forms. Love between mother and child, between two friends, between lovers, between spouses. We often see that women who could not find an object for their love among people transfer it to pets. In one form or another, but love must exist in our lives. However, just because you want love does not mean you will receive it. If you do not know how to love, do not know how to give love, then you will not be able to receive it. And in order to learn to love, you must first of all love yourself. Does it seem impossible to you? Then start using the self-love affirmations first:

  • I am worthy ..! (Worthy of love. Worthy of praise. Worthy of happiness. Worthy of pleasure. Worthy of tranquility.)
  • I exude goodness.
  • All that matters to me is my own opinion of myself.
  • I am stunningly beautiful and charming!
  • My life is beautiful!
  • I'm doing everything right.

You can come up with your own statements. The main thing is that they should be formulated only in a positive way. Write all the self-love affirmations on a piece of paper and hang them near the bathroom mirror. Create a wonderful morning and evening ritual for yourself to read this self-love affirmation sheet. It is better if at the same time you look into your own eyes with the help of a mirror - this will significantly strengthen your connection with your own subconscious.

As soon as you can change the attitude towards yourself, start saying one affirmation after another to attract love to your relationship with your partner. Try to call to help not only your thoughts, but also your emotions. Just as your emotions affect speech - how you say what you say - you can use this energy in the opposite direction by consciously changing your inner speech to create a feeling of love within you. Emotional love affirmations can help you create that feeling.

Here's how to do it: As soon as you start waking up in the morning, don't get out of bed right away. First, imagine that your loved one is lying next to you. Feel warmth and love just from being around. If in reality your relationship begins to break down, try to recreate the same feelings that you had when love was still strong.

Such sensations cause vibrations that are capable of awakening love that was asleep. The mere idea of ​​how good it is for you to be around your loved one can make you experience just such emotions around your man. Therefore, learn to permeate your feelings with feelings of love and happiness by helping yourself with affirmations of love. Choose statements for yourself that resonate with you, and repeat them every day several times from morning to evening:

  • I am happy in the presence of my beloved.
  • I am grateful to fate for sending me an ideal partner.
  • I see love in the eyes of my partner (husband, boyfriend). I love what I see.
  • Our relationship is getting better and better every day.
  • My lover and I are the perfect match for each other spiritually, sexually, emotionally and intellectually.
  • I attract love and romance into my life.
  • I happily give unconditional love to my partner (husband, boyfriend).
  • I have a wonderful partner (husband, boyfriend), and our relationship is filled with happiness and love.
  • Love is everywhere and I am open to receiving love.
  • I am happy in a relationship with someone who really loves me.
  • Our love grows every day.
  • I really like to accept and respect our differences - we perfectly complement each other.
  • I support my partner (husband, boyfriend) in everything, and he supports me in everything.
  • I love and respect my partner (husband, boyfriend).
  • I want love and I radiate love.

How to attract love into your life

It may be that you have not yet found that young man who would call you his beloved. Is it possible to attract such a man with affirmations of love? You can, of course, but here you must understand: you cannot receive love simply because you want love. First of all, you must give love. Only when you give love, you receive it in return!

There are several ways to experience and express love. Some dream of trembling with passion, others want to hear a whisper of love near their ear, and still others would like love to be shown to them through gifts or actions. The best way to get the love you dream of is to radiate that kind of love yourself. By becoming a loving person, we attract into our lives those people who reflect our individuality. Therefore, when coming up with an affirmation for attracting love, create precisely those statements that reflect your desires as fully as possible.

Combine your own statements with those we have suggested that work best for you, and repeat them over and over, preferably in front of a mirror, up to a hundred times a day for six to seven months. As time goes on, you will see that you have become a loving person and have learned to attract more and more loving people to yourself. Here are our love affirmations to help you:

  • I am surrounded by love and happy with my life.
  • My heart is always open to love, and I also radiate love.
  • All my relationships are long lasting and imbued with love.
  • I love life and everything that it gives me.
  • My partner is the love of my life and the center of my universe. He loves me as much as I love him.
  • In life, I always receive what I give in a multiple amount. I am always ready to give love.
  • I receive love whenever I am in a relationship, and I am happy to receive and give love.
  • I deserve love, and I receive it in abundance.
  • I am the most loving person and my life is full of joy.
  • I love others, and in return everyone loves me.
  • Wherever I go, I will find my love everywhere. Life is full of joy!
  • My partner and I are perfect for each other, and our love is simply divine!
  • I give love, and it comes back to me, strengthened many times over.

The key to success is using affirmations correctly

We want to give you some important tips to consider when using love affirmations:

  • Always say affirmations in the present tense. Do not program your consciousness that you will meet love in the future, which is always the future and will remain. Do you want to get love now?
  • Always construct a phrase in the form of an affirmation, not a negation. For example, do not say “I don’t want to be alone”, say “I am swimming in love”, “I have a perfect partner”.
  • Don't put limits on yourself. Do not give specific deadlines, for example, "in five months I will find the perfect partner." Who told you this won't happen sooner? Remember the first tip and remove the future tense. Remove the restriction (in this case, by time). If it seems to you that now you are not ready to accept love, because your beliefs about yourself, about others and about love are still clouded by negative vibrations, then start over by working on yourself. “I'm getting better and better,” for example, or any other statement that will awaken self-love in you. We talked about them at the beginning of the article.
  • Better, of course, if you say all these affirmations out loud. But this is not a prerequisite. You can say them to yourself - the main thing is that in both cases you pronounce them regularly, constantly and with feeling, with conviction in the correctness of each statement.
  • Support affirmations with visualization. Imagine your future partner. Just do not be distracted by specifics - the appearance of a man, his profession, and so on. Imagine your emotional state - what you want you to feel in life when he is with you. Your emotions when he hugs you, when you cook dinner together, when you walk in a nearby park. So in the future you will not be able to ignore a partner who is ideally suited to you on an emotional level just because he outwardly will not correspond to the image of an ideal man you have dreamed up.

By working on yourself, you will speed up the meeting with your love. She is already knocking on your life. Are you ready to accept it?

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Every person dreams of meeting mutual love on their path in life, but not everyone is lucky with the fulfillment of this dream. Things can get better if you learn to use love affirmations (affirmations for Love).

How does this technique work? We will tell you about this now. First, start dreaming about meeting your loved one. Imagine your joint (long and happy) life with him. Believe that your dreams of love will come true, and begin to "radiate" love yourself. Present it to relatives, nature, animals, friends and girlfriends. Why start with this kind of love? The fact is that many people are looking for love, but they do not even suspect that they are not quite ready for a serious relationship. After all, true love is one hundred percent willingness to compromise and sacrifice oneself for the sake of the beloved “half”.

The choice of positive statements must be taken with great responsibility. There are people who choose a phrase that is completely inappropriate for a given situation. The whole danger is that an incorrectly chosen affirmation can "lead" a person to terrible trouble.

Make a list on a completely blank piece of paper. Evaluate the level of sincerity of each of them. The most successful will be the affirmation that "sits" somewhere in the depths of your heart.

Try to make positive affirmations while on a pleasant trip or while enjoying the taste of your favorite food. At such times, your brain is focused on one thing, and it will not lead you into a state of delusion.

Affirmations work according to the principle of substitution. At any given moment, the human mind is able to keep "inside itself" only one thought. It follows that the essence lies in filling and keeping thoughts in consciousness, which are fully supported by your desire.

Imagine that there is a large glass of very cloudy water right in front of your eyes. Imagine that you are placing this glass under the tap and pouring very clean water into it. In a glass, cloudy water pours over the edges and disappears, but clear water remains in the glass.

Did you read everything carefully? It is important! The fact is that something similar is happening in the human head! The brain (glass) is filled to the brim with beliefs and thoughts. When you start working on a new affirmation, it begins to replace the old one. Please note that the replacement does not happen instantly, but over time. The stronger the affirmation you choose, the longer it will take to “process” it.

Affirmations should always sound in the affirmative.

As if you have already achieved everything ...


  1. I fell in love with this man and he loved me.
  2. My beloved person is crazy about me.
  3. My Love is mutual.
  4. I am loved and desired.

Do not use such words (phrases, particles) in affirmations: “not”, “stopped”, “no”, “never”.

Specific affirmations. "Specificity" evokes the strongest emotions. And here are the words that are very suitable for the "role" of affirmations: "with admiration", "with pleasure", "easy", "comfortable", "amazing", "stunning", "charming".

Which affirmation is better to choose (the one that is read in someone else's text or the one that you can compose yourself)? Pay attention to the second option! Yes! It is better to compose affirmations yourself, and not look for them in other people's lines.

How to check if the affirmation is correct?

Very simple! Read the phrase or say it. If you experience the state of "flight" while pronouncing (reading) a phrase, then you are doing everything as it should.

There are stones that enhance the work of affirmations. Now we list the names of these wonderful stones: ruby, amethyst (in a gold frame), carnelian, turquoise, carbuncle. They are considered to be stones that are fully "charged" with love.


We have great advice for you! Make a wish map or make a visualization board. Spend time contemplating beautiful images that are associated with love, with your loved one, with feelings.

Do not hurry! Give God the opportunity to do everything for you specifically at the time in which he already “wrote in” everything, while you were living a completely different life. Be at home less and less! Live as if you have already succeeded! You live, as they say, to the fullest.

Many people, unfortunately, are sure that affirmations will not be enough for luck to "stick" to a person. Affirmations quickly turn away from such people.

Unmarried girls and women dream of attracting tender feelings into their lives. They naturally wait for an offer from a man who they can like. The most effective affirmations for such a situation are: "I am happily married", "my adored spouse loves me", "my family is the best family in the world."

Some women need affirmations to help them love their bodies ...

  1. My legs dance great.
  2. I love my body!
  3. I've always been good at taking care of myself.
  4. I admire my body!
  5. I feel a feeling of love for literally every cell of my body!
  6. I am very good at taking care of myself.

You must Love yourself! Then it will be easier to attract love into your difficult life! "Transfer" affirmations into words. Speak them directly in front of the mirror (to your adored reflection).

These affirmations must be said sincerely and with smiles! Another condition is a great mood. You now have a "problem" that needs to be solved every day. Make sure that no one "instills" even a small portion of negativity into your destiny. How to do it? Just don't let such people get very close to your own person!

Love Affirmations are wonderful!

Be sure to work hard to learn how to use them. Exercise. Training will help you perceive affirmations in a different way. It will be very easy for you to deal with them. Words and phrases (of the nature of affirmations) will act on you as effective hypnosis.