Aromatic sachet as a symbol of love and a healing scent. Fragrant business - sachet production

What natural aromas to use at home and how to make sachets at home are interrelated questions. Indeed, to create comfort in the house, it is not at all necessary to constantly buy expensive bouquets of fresh flowers. You can fill the room with a pleasant and relaxing aroma with the help of a sachet of dry plants.

How to make sachets at home from dry plants

Sachet is a word of French origin, it translates as "pouch". Several centuries ago, rich Parisians hung in their homes small silk bags filled with fragrant herbs or flower petals. This tradition has survived to this day.

A good aroma in the house was valued at all times and now it is also relevant. That is why today, when you come to visit someone, you can often see miniature bags in the kitchen, in the bedroom or in the living room. Moreover, for each separate room, a unique collection with a special aroma has been selected. And most often, sachets for the home are made by hand, since it is the hostess who can choose the aromas for the temperament of each family member and common rooms.

How to make a sachet yourself?

You need to take a small bag (torbka) made of natural fabric. It can be burlap, linen or cotton. This fabric is well breathable, so that the fragrant aroma will freely spread throughout the house. You can buy a bag ready-made, or even better, sew a sachet with your own hands, choosing the color and size according to your preferences.

Do-it-yourself sachet fillers

What to use as filling? Herbs can be collected by yourself and then dried in a shady area. For those who do not have such an opportunity, it is recommended to buy ready-made raw materials. Dried citrus peels, coffee beans and other products with a strong persistent odor will also serve as an excellent filler. But it is important to remember that some of them can cause allergic reactions.

It is advisable to mix the components for the sachet in a large container, so it is easier to adjust the aroma and amount of herbs. For men's sachets, it is better to use spicy fillings, and for women, more delicate flavors. For example, for men, a combination of basil, lemongrass and birch bark is suitable - three fairly strong components, and women will like a sachet of peony petals, roses and mint leaves. If the herbs or inflorescences are too large, then they should be crushed a little so that they give off a better smell.

Fragrant sachets can be used and placed anywhere: in the car, in the closet, in the kitchen, in the children's room or in the bathroom. For the bedroom, a “calm” mixture of rose petals, lavender and yarrow is suitable. And by the way, do not forget that some additives in the sachet can also be used as mosquito repellent plants.

But rosemary, thyme, mint and lemon balm will help maintain immunity during the rampant colds. For the kitchen - lavender, rose petals and sage. In the nursery, you can leave a bag with chamomile, lavender and rose petals.

Want to find your own scent? Then you have to experiment a little. No matter how it turns out, the house will still be filled with coziness, comfort and an unforgettable aroma. We hope these ideas on how to make sachets at home are helpful and make it easy for you to find natural flavors for yourself.

Aromatic pads are one of the oldest methods of aromatherapy, which has not lost its relevance and popularity even today. Affordable and easy-to-make sachets that allow you to fill the house and your favorite things with a magical aroma, were once considered an invariable attribute of the home of every lady and real hostess. And although today they rather appear as one of the many means of aromatherapy, aromatic pads do not lose their relevance.

Sachets are simple small pillows or bags filled with fragrant eco-friendly materials - twigs, petals, herbs, spices, needles. In order for dry flowers and other plant materials to retain the smell longer and create a brighter fragrant background, essential oils are also added to the filler during the manufacture of the sachet. They allow, in addition to the general effect, to use sachets to change the emotional background, prevent diseases.

Scented sachets make a great personal gift - especially if they are handmade.

How to use the sachet

Most often, sachets are used to flavor chests of drawers and wardrobes with clothes, to flavor bed linen and other things. Of course, a simple pillow can also be used as a fragrant pillow, but with skillful decoration, sachets can become a real decoration of a room: laid out on shelves or in baskets, they will attract the eye and envelop the room with a subtle pleasant aroma.

  • Near the bed (if you use soothing aromas), sachets will act as an excellent tool to help you relax and calm down, get rid of sleep disorders and.
  • Near the workplace, impregnated with suitable effects, they will stimulate efficiency and concentration.
  • In the living room, sachets will be a great addition for family vacations or romantic meetings.

If ribbons and loops are sewn to the sachet, they can be hung on hangers, shelves, handles of drawers and chest of drawers. And although many superstitions have already sunk into oblivion, sachets are often still perceived as a kind of home amulet, a means of protecting the house from negative energy and bad intentions.

You can buy sachets in aromatherapy stores, pharmacies or souvenir shops, or you can easily make your own. So, any cotton and mesh fabric can turn into a primitive bag or pillow in a few seconds of working with a thread and a needle, and you can simply intercept a handkerchief with a ribbon if you are too lazy to sew.

Fillers and essential oils

As for filling, the most popular materials are lavender, thyme and lemon balm, as well as spices - oregano, basil, dill. You can add any dry flowers, fruits and seasonings that you and your loved ones like to them.

Some materials are associated with certain sacred properties.

  • It is believed that the best option for a romantic sachet is filling with rose petals, orange peel, as well as sage and gypsophila.
  • A mixture of patchouli, cinnamon and cloves is said to attract wealth.
  • Basil, dill, laurel, fennel, rosemary and fern leaves with a handful of salt protect the house from evil spirits.

Essential oils are added to the filler after dissolving them in a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka. Usually, 5 drops of aromatic oil or a mixture of different essential oils are used per 10 grams of plant materials.

The materials mixed in the container are sprinkled with the prepared aromatic mixture, thoroughly mixed, left to “soak” for at least half an hour in a closed container, and only then they are filled into bags and pillows. This allows essential oils to retain their fragrance longer. You can just drop a few drops on the finished sachet.

There is another way - do not use a vegetable base, but fill the bag with absorbent material - finely chopped synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, sponge, cotton wool, knitted fabric. Essential oils are simply dripped onto a small piece and after the sachet is filled, as it were, the fragrant ball is “buried” inside the rest of the material.

The aroma of the sachet almost completely disappears at best after 5 days, and most often after 2 days, and essential oils will have to be “added” to it. If we are talking about natural materials, then essential oils are dripped onto the pad or into the middle, if we are talking about artificial filler, they soak part of the filler and again “dig in” inside the sachet.

  • The classic combination of essential oils for a universal sachet -

Yarrow, tansy, sage, motherwort - bunches during drying. Photo - Doris Ershova

And in this post we will talk about recipes for filling aroma sachets.

Sachet- translated from French means bag .

Aromatic sachets are made from anything. It can be a fabric, mesh or even a paper bag filled with dry aromatic herbs, flower petals, spices, stems or bark of plants or their mixtures, well crushed. Sometimes they are ground into powder. Often their aroma is enhanced with the help of natural essential oils and the aroma is fixed with fragrant resins.

Every housewife had sachets since the ancient times of the Middle Ages. According to old beliefs, such bags not only scented the room or clothes, but also protected the house from evil spirits, the evil eye, and unkind people. Carefully selected combinations of herbs in the sachet served for home and family well-being, brought love, prosperity, improved well-being, restored the harmony of relations between the inhabitants of the home.

1) a small decorative pillow, perfumed or filled with solid aromatic substances, which is placed in linen to give it a pleasant smell;
2) type of cosmetic bag: a small decorative cloth bag in the form of an envelope, decorated with embroidery and ribbons, in which handkerchiefs, combs, hairpins, etc. are stored;
3) a cloth bag with a large number of compartments for storing small items of haberdashery.
[Fr. sachet - bag, sachet, from sac - bag, bag< лат. saccus — мешок, сумка < греч. sakkos — мешок.]

Aromatic sachets have been bringing a particle of warmth and comfort into our lives for several centuries.

Previously, sachets were made from a variety of materials from leather to sea shells, nowadays sachets are made from fabric and come in a variety of sizes, the palm size is considered the most optimal.

Of course, the secret of the sachet was also known to our great-great-grandmothers. They did not know such a word, but they collected fragrant healing herbs and made pillows from them, on which they slept, fanned with meadow or forest aromas.

The arrogant Britons invented their own version of the sachet - they still scent the linen in their bedrooms with the help of carved wooden figures, which, however, run out of steam quite easily.

The Soviet version of the sachet - fragrant soap - not only perfectly flavored the contents of the cabinets, but also drove away impudent moths.

The Indians have a tradition: in memory of every good event, to dry various odorous objects associated with it. From time to time they inhale their fragrance and relive the happiest days of life.

Sasha is an excellent gift, it is not only a purely practical thing, but also a way to demonstrate your care and friendship to a loved one.

Sachet scents should be chosen wisely and tastefully.

Bedding made from natural fabrics keeps the fragrance for a long time and if you have already fallen out of love with it, even washing may not help get rid of the lingering smell.

This accessory can be placed in a chest of drawers or on a wardrobe shelf, it will fill the linen with an unobtrusive but lasting aroma of roses, flowers, woods or cinnamon.

Charming in their simplicity, cotton sachets create a special atmosphere in the dressing room, in addition, thanks to them, clothes will always be fresh and fragrant.

What and how to fill the sachet:

you can use dried oregano (this is a very effective fragrance for linen and clothes), dried lavender, mint, blackcurrant leaf, rose petals, orange peels, cinnamon sticks, clove stars. You can also buy ready-made mixtures for sachets (you can find very interesting options in stores, for example, with the smell of the sea).

For this you will need:

For embroidery, I used this pattern (I slightly changed the palette and composition), by Sophie Helene:

  1. Embroider any picture you like in advance. It took me four days to embroider. I embroidered with millimeter crosses. The size of the embroidery is determined by a frame prepared in advance. The frame can be made of any material, I prefer wood. It is better to embroider on a harsh coarse calico. This fabric has a convenient weave for embroidery and it is not too loose, grass dust will not spill out.
  2. We try on embroidery to the frame. We put dots in the corners. From these points we will draw lines to the corners of the embroidery to form a parallelepipid-shaped bag.
  3. Focusing on the marked points, fold the fabric. First, along the perimeter from point to point, then we lay diagonals from the set points to the edges of the corners of the fabric.
  4. We bend the corners inward and sew perpendicular to the main part of the embroidery. We sew from the inner corner to the outer edge. We do not bring the seam to the edge. This will allow you to later bend the outer edge outward.
  5. You should get a figure similar to the lid of the box.
  6. Bend the edge outward evenly around the perimeter. The width of the bent part should be equal to the inner ledge in the frame. The back of the frame rests on this ledge.
  7. Check symmetry and level. There should be no distortion.
  8. Trying on a frame.
  9. We check how the protruding part of the bag looks.
  10. For the back wall of the bag, cut out two rectangles. The lower one is the main part, the upper one is the valve.
  11. We cut off the lower part with embroidery.
  12. We pin the valve.
  13. Check symmetry and level.
  14. We sew. I sewed with a back stitch.
  15. Iron the stitched edges.
  16. It turned out a bag with a slot for stuffing. Subsequently, the bag can be removed from the frame and the filling can be changed.
  17. We try on the bag to the frame. Fill with aromatic herbs.

In order for the bag to keep a beautiful shape, I fill it with holofiber. I iron over the embroidery. The shape becomes more streamlined. After I take out almost the entire holofiber, I leave quite a bit in the lower part so that the bag does not sag. And I fill it with herbs, flowers, spices. You can use an essential oil for a more intense aroma or coffee bean. In this sachet, I put mint leaves and flowers, coffee beans and lemon and tangerine peels. Very fragrant!

Decorated the frame. To begin with, I painted it with latex paint (intended for wooden surfaces). The paint is thick. The brush is hard with an uneven (torn) edge. The paint lay in grooves. Dyed along the fibers. Painted on all sides. The paint was completely dry in two hours.

Then I applied a drawing with a simple pencil - an improvisation on the theme of an embroidered motif. Painted with acrylic paints. For the main pattern, I mixed blue and brown. I added "volume" with white and bronze paint.

All. Sachet in a wooden frame is ready.

Nov 15, 2015 Galinka


Sachet (fr.) - a bag, a bag.

Sachet - a pad with fragrances, designed to scent linen or repel moths.

Sachet - a bag with spices and fragrant herbs. Dipped for a while in broth or soup for flavoring.

Sachet - an embroidered cloth bag for storing handkerchiefs, combs, etc.

Sachet - a kind of packaging in the form of a small flat package.

Sachet (for rooms) is used for aromatization of rooms, linen or repelling moths. As flavorings, as a rule, a mixture of finely ground fragrant plants and resins is used. The aroma of the sachet can be preserved for a long time.

How to do

First you need to choose a fragrant mixture. Its composition is a matter of your taste or goals, for which sachet will apply. Fragrant mixtures will remind you of summer, the spicy East in the cold season, or they will help create the mood of the New Year holidays.

Fragrant "filling" is placed in a bag. There is absolutely nothing complicated in tailoring a sachet. In fact, these are two identical pieces of fabric sewn together. The bag can be fabric or mesh. Any form can be given. Sasha can be decorated in any original way.

A mixture of flavors is laid out in a bag, which is then sewn up. When the smells disappear, we open the sachet and fill it with a new “filling”.

Flavors and their effects

1. Coffee

This filler is able to neutralize unpleasant odors. The aroma of coffee lifts the mood and awakens the appetite, so this sachet is perfect for the kitchen. You can use both whole beans and coarse ground coffee.

2. Dried citrus peel

Citrus fruits cheer up, increase efficiency and repel moths. You can place such a sachet both in the closet and on the desktop. The aroma can be enhanced by dropping a little essential oil of lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin on the peel. But citrus oils are very "volatile", so you will have to renew the fragrance quite often.

3. Spices

In a sachet, you can add cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, vanilla pods, ginger root and bay leaf. Of course, it is better to place such a sachet in the kitchen to increase your appetite.

4. Fragrant soap

Put a piece of fragrant soap in the bag so that your favorite smell accompanies you all the time.

5. Fragrant teas

In any tea department you can find a huge variety of teas. And flavored tea (with aromas of fruits, berries or flowers) will be an ideal filler for sachets, as it combines the smells of tea and an aromatic additive.

6. Dry herbs

You can bring them from the dacha, or you can buy them in the vegetable row. The choice is great: basil, fennel, thyme, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, marjoram, sage. The aroma of mint soothes, relieves irritation, pacifies. This herb is the most popular flavoring.

7 Flavored Sea Salt

You can buy ready-made, or you can give the aroma of sea salt with essential oils or your favorite perfume. Salt can be replaced with rice, sawdust, wood shavings, etc.

8. Coniferous plants

Pine buds, needles, cones and pieces of bark are used. This is the most suitable flavor for the New Year holidays. Again, the aroma can be enhanced with pine essential oils. Coniferous smells are uplifting, good for the lungs, deodorize the room and have antibacterial properties.

9. Dry flowers, petals and forest herbs

Lavender, rose petals, jasmine, chamomile, calendula - the choice is very large. Choose the aromas of which flowers or medicinal herbs are more to your heart.

10. Wax

A subtle honey flavor will help give your sachet some beeswax. Grate it and mix in a jar 1:1 with sea salt, let stand 2-4 days. Get a filler with a delicate aroma of honey. But do not leave such a sachet in direct sunlight or near a battery, as the wax may melt.

1. All herbs and flowers that you plan to use in the sachet mixture should be finely chopped with your hands, but not to the state of dust.

2. For the bag, it is better to use light natural fabrics - cotton or chintz. The bag can be decorated with lace, decorative buttons, braid, appliqué or embroidery.

3. Bags of lavender or hops have a beneficial effect on sleep. Such a sachet would be appropriate under a pillow or on a bedside table.

4. For drawers with underwear, it is better to use not an ordinary sachet, but sheets of paper sprayed with floral or citrus oils, as well as your favorite perfume. Such sheets should be placed at the bottom of the box.

5. To combat moths, you can use sachets filled with dried citrus peel, thyme, lavender, ginseng, cedar or sage.

6. In the Eastern tradition, cloves and cinnamon are considered “money” spices, acorns are symbols of fertility and wealth, and patchouli herb is considered stability and constancy. Make a mini sachet with this filling and carry it with you in your purse. Suddenly, a fragrant bag will attract eyes to you. Good luck!

Enjoy your favorite fragrances anytime, anywhere with a simple sachet.