Winter fun conversation 2 younger group. Scenario of winter entertainment "Winter fun". Younger group. Check out a snippet of the thematic week

Integration of educational areas:"Communication", "Speech development", "Artistic creation", "Cognition".

Types of children's activities: play, communicative, cognitive, productive, reading.


  • To develop the activity and curiosity of children of primary preschool age in the process of cognitive activity.
  • Arouse interest in work using non-traditional techniques, drawing with "crumpled paper", and creating a composition using the collage technique.



Expand children's knowledge about the season - winter.

To reinforce the notion that winter activities are characteristic only of winter.

Learn to guess riddle poems.

To activate the speech of children through the artistic word.

Continue teaching how to answer questions.


Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop and improve communication skills.


Educate neatness;

Foster independence in completing the assignment.

Vocabulary work: frosty, cold, windy, snowy.

Equipment: Snowflake, paintings by artists about winter, illustrations of sports equipment and winter fun, album sheets for drawing, and sheets for clumps - stamps, plates with paints, cut-out illustrations of children playing in winter fun, glue, napkins.

Preliminary work: viewing pictures and illustrations about winter. Reading fiction. Conversations about winter fun. Making riddles. Drawing "Winter-Winter".

Course directly - educational activities

Children are included in the group seated on chairs. After that, a snowflake flies into the group.

I am a white snowflake

I fly, I fly, I fly.

Walkway and paths

I cover everything.

Guys, what time of year do snowflakes fly on the street? (children's answers)

Correctly in winter.

Look, the snowflake brought us paintings by artists. Children look at pictures of winter.

What is shown in the pictures? (Answers of children.)

Yes, the paintings depict the season "winter".

Tell us what happens to nature in winter; trees, plants, birds? (Answers of children.)

Tell me what winter is like if it's outside:

a lot of snow - snowy winter;

frost - frosty winter;

wind is windy winter;

cold - cold winter.

Well done! Guys, the snowflake wants to play with dreams. You are ready?

Physical education

Children perform imitative movements under the text.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, the snowflake asks, do you know what winter fun you can play outside in winter? (Answers of children.)

Now guess the riddles that the snowflake will ask you. As the teacher guesses riddles, the illustrations are placed on the easel.

Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These horses are red,

And their names are ...

I rush like a bullet forward

Only ice creaks

Yes, the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? ...

Dragged them up the hill

To arrange a race.

We made a snowball

They made a hat on it,

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out ... (Snowman.)

There is only one fun in winter.

Everyone needs accuracy and dexterity in her.

And what do you call "shells"

What are you sculpting and throwing at friends?

Guys, our snowflake will fly away soon. Let's draw for her a snow, blizzard, and glue illustrations of children playing winter fun. Children take tinted drawing sheets and white sheets of paper to make a lump - a stamp. The white sheet is crushed into a lump, and a lump is obtained - a die. They dip the lumps of paper into saucers of paint, and draw a snowstorm, applying prints on tinted paper. After that, children choose their favorite cut-out illustrations of children playing winter fun. And they are glued to their landscape. At the end of the work, the teacher offers to lay out the work on the carpet and admire it.

Snowflake: Oh, what a beauty !!! That made me happy! But I have to go, goodbye kids!

Children say goodbye to a snowflake. The snowflake flies away.

Reflection: Children, did you like the journey of the snowflake to visit us?

What did the snowflake bring us?

What is winter like?

What winter fun do you remember?

What did we give snowflakes?

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in the second junior group "Winter fun"

Theme: « Winter fun »

Target: Give an idea of ​​the signs of winter and winter fun.


1. Educational:

Teach children to guess riddle poems about winter.

To activate and enrich the vocabulary with nouns winter, frost, snow, snowflake, snowfall, blizzard, form adjectives from a noun, answer questions about the content of the picture, compose a descriptive story.

2. Developing:

3. Educational:

To cultivate a steady interest in classes, the desire for vigorous activity, the desire to help the Lion Cub.

Preliminary work:

Observing the weather, snow flakes; winter Games.

Equipment: snowflakes; plot pictures; a toy - a lion; blizzard soundtrack, music column, blanks of snowman lumps, chest.

The course of the lesson.

A little Lion came to visit us. He lives in Africa, where it is always summer and never winter. Guys, why do you think he is so sad. That's right, because he has never seen snow, and does not know what winter is ...

Let's help the lion cub tell us what winter we have?

Guess the riddle:

Powdered the tracks

And decorated the windows

I gave joy to children

And I gave it a ride on a sled.

What time of year is it? (Winter).

What words can you use to describe winter?

It's cold in winter. So, we can say that what winter is? (cold, (frosty).

There is a lot of snow in the winter. So what a winter (snowy).

Guys, look out the window to our window, such snowflakes have flown, look at them and tell me what are they? (light, airy, beautiful)... What is the name of such a phenomenon when many, many snowflakes fall to the ground? (Snowfall)... And if it snows and a strong wind blows, is this phenomenon called? (Snowstorm)... And now we will listen to how the blizzard howls.

At first she howls softly: oo-oo-oo, then intensifies, howls louder. Let's try to portray a blizzard. (Children pronounce onomatopoeia in chorus).

Adults and children love winter. Because you can have fun walking on the street, let's go and we will take a walk!


One two three four,

We made a snowball

We'll throw it once, we'll catch it twice,

Throw one time, catch two, And blow off like a breeze.

How can you walk merrily in winter so that everyone is interested?

(go downhill, sledding, skiing, playing snowballs and of course making a snowman).

Well done boys! Do you want to see how other children spend their time in winter? (Yes).

(the teacher shows a picture « Winter fun » ).

Consider the picture that you see on it, tell us (children are sledding down a hill, a girl is skating on the ice, several children are making a snowman).

What was the snow like that day when the children were walking? (white, clean, sticky).

What are the faces of children? (funny, joyful).

Do you think the kids are cold to walk? (no, everyone has red cheeks, children move a lot, are dressed in warm clothes, winter clothes).

What is the mood of the children? (good, funny, joyful).

Let's show how loudly children laugh (Ha-ha-ha, and if they laugh softly (Hee hee hee).

Look, guys, our Lion is not yet cheerful, what to do?

Do you want to make a present for the Lion? Shall we make a snowman? From snowballs (cotton) lay out the figure of a snowman.

Educator: the snowman came out very beautiful and funny.

Outcome classes: Look, guys, he is no longer sad at Lion, he really liked our snowman, the story about winter and winter fun.

The lion cub has also prepared a sweet surprise for you.

Brattseva Elena Yurievna
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 102 of general developmental type"
Brief description of work:

Date of publication: 2018-03-13 Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group on the development of speech "Winter. Winter fun " Brattseva Elena Yurievna Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group on the development of speech "Winter. Winter fun "

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Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group on the development of speech "Winter. Winter fun "


Reinforce ideas about the signs of winter and the play of children in winter.

Teach children to guess riddle poems about winter.


Activate and enrich vocabulary.

Practice clear pronunciation of sounds in w in onomatopoeia. - -to cultivate a love for the winter season.

Preliminary work:

Reading poems and riddles about winter, winter natural phenomena.

OOD progress:

Educator: Guys, please go to the clearing. Hello guys! I am glad to see you all in this clearing. Let's join hands and loudly, say, “Good morning!” To each other, well done, and now let's say in a whisper. Guys, look, we have guests. Let's say hello to them. Let's just say in a whisper "good morning", and now let's wave our hand loudly.

Well, well done guys. I am so glad that we are gathered in this clearing. After all, it is not simple with us, but now we will find out what kind of clearing we have. Now I’ll ask you a riddle, and you listen to me carefully and let's try to guess it. Good? children's answers.

Well listen:

Powdered the tracks

Decorated the windows

I gave joy to children

And I gave it a ride on a sled.

What kind of guys is this time of year? (winter)

Right. Well done. So we found out what kind of clearing we are in the winter clearing! Guys, you are not frozen in our winter meadow, are you? Let's get warm with you. I will show you what you need to do so that no frost is terrible.

Physical education "we are not afraid of frost."

We will warm ourselves a little

And clap your hands



We will warm our legs too,

And let's sink rather:

Top top top top top!

Top top top top top!

And now we warm our face.

Look to keep warm (rub your palms together)

Everything is as it should, rub it:

Cheeks (rubbing cheeks with palms),

Spout (nose wings),

Ears (ears)

Lips (top to bottom).

Steam even went from the fur coat (spread your arms to the sides, slightly stretch your lips and exhale a stream of warm air through them).

Educator. Well done boys! Everyone got warm. Oh, I even got hot. Let us swami take a rest and sit on our stumps. Good? let's sit down.

Winter walks on the ground and wants to know - do you know its signs?

What words can you use to describe winter?

It's cold in winter. So, we can say that what winter is? Cold.

There is a lot of snow in the winter. So we can say that the winter is snowy.

If there are big frosts in winter, then we can say that the winter is frosty.

Well done!

Guys, I still have a riddle for you. Listen to it carefully, please! And tell me what is it about in this riddle? Listen.

What kind of stars are

On a coat and on a scarf-

All through, cut-out,

And take it - water in your hand.

What are the asterisks in these poems? What about snow? What is he? (white, fluffy ..)

What do snowflakes look like? Why does it melt in your hand? What is the name of such a phenomenon when many, many snowflakes fall to the ground? (Snowfall). And if it snows and a strong wind blows, what can you call it? (Blizzard).

Let's depict how a blizzard howls. First, the boys will say: ooh, then the girls will say shhhh. The snowstorm is getting stronger, howling louder (Children pronounce onomatopoeia together in chorus).

Well done! You've caused such a blizzard in our clearing, but we're not afraid. Really guys? Well done!

Although it is cold outside in winter, you can think of many different games, fun and entertainment. Please tell us what interesting things you can do outside in winter? (Answers of children: making a snowman, playing snowballs, sledding, skiing, ice skating).

Sledding game.

How many of you sled down the hill? Once I also rode down a steep hill on a sled: fast, fast - wow! (straighten your back, put your hands on your knees) And then the sled overturned, and I fell into the snow, boo! (Throw up your hands and bend your head to your knees, cover it with your hands). Listen carefully and repeat after me fast sledding or falling into the snow.

Oh, and we rolled on a sled. We had fun. Well done!

Now it's time for us to return to our group. The guys got up on their feet near the chairs.

We clap, clap our hands

We're kicking top-top

We eyes a moment, a moment

We shoulder chick, chick

One here, two here, turn around you

And turn around one more time

Find yourself in a group together!

So we all returned to our group together.

Well done!

Tell me, where have we been with you today?

What did we talk about? What new have you learned today? And what did you and I portray? Who will you tell us today what we did? Who can you tell about the fun winter games?

Educational area : Communication.Chapter: Development of speech. Coherent speech.Theme: "Winter fun"Target : Drawing up a story based on a model.Tasks: 1. To fix the names of clothing items, signs of actions, the use of antonyms. To teach how to draw up a story based on a sample (mnemonic diagram).2. Develop auditory attention, coherent speech, memory, thinking. 3. Education of perseverance, the ability to listen and hear other children.The words work: winter games, sledges, skis - skier, figure skating, hockey, ice skates, hockey stick, puck.Bilingual component: shaңa - sled, қys - winter.

Equipment : Pictures of winter games and equipment.Preliminary work: Reading riddles, stories about winter games, viewing pictures, playing with snow while walking.

Organ. Search.

1. Circle of joy: "Magic Snowball". 2. Invites children to look out the window, name what time of year, and what games can you play?.

Games: "Who is dressed like?" ... Purpose: Knowing the name of the garments."What is the name of?" . Target : Exercise in the name of the winter games.

1. Children take a snowball and name winter words (winter, frost, cold, snow, sleds, hockey, etc.), 2. Determine the season - winter, they call games that can be played in winter. They take pictures of winter games on the table and name them (tobogganing, skiing, throwing snowballs, 0 jumping over snow ramparts, running in a snow maze, downhill skiing).

Motivational - incentive

3.Reading Winter Games Riddles:

4. D / and "Who needs what to play?"

5.Fizzy : "Here is under the tree"

I want to become an athlete, I quickly swing down the hill,

And I’ll go to the sled, I’m taking them the fastest.

I'll bend-bend-bend, I'll reach for the snow

I'll get a lot of snow, and then I'll snowball

And the lump is not easy, fast, well-aimed, mischievous!

He flew past the fence, over the ramparts over the mountains.

And he fell into the hands of my mother.

6.Offersconsider the pictures of the winter games.

Questions: - What season is shown in the picture? - Who is depicted in the picture? What clothes is he wearing? What is he doing? What equipment does he need to play? Why is he doing this? How did you like this game?

7.Bilingual component: shaңa - sled, қys - winter.

8. Consideration of the mnemonic scheme for composing a story: season; name of the game; how we play it; what equipment is needed; why like this game.

Composes a story for children.

9. Suggests to compose a story about any winter game.

3Find riddles

4.Select the equipment that is necessary for the game.

5. Perform movements in time with words.

6. Consider pictures of the winter games. Answers questions. 7. Repeat the pronunciation of words in the Kazakh language.

8. Consider the mnemonic diagram. Listen to how to compose a story based on it.

9. Make up a story about the winter game.

Ref. Cor.

10. Asks what the children liked in the lesson.

Game "My color mood".

Target : consolidation of knowledge of various colors, the ability to select

color to your mood.

10. They sit in a circle, pass each other a snowball, remember and name words about winter (sledges, skis, snowballs, bullfinches, fur coat, felt boots, snowman, snowdrift, mittens). They talk about what they liked in the lesson, remember what they did.

Reproduces : seen in the picture, make up a story on the mnemonic diagram.Understands: what is needed for a particular game in winter.

Applies : your knowledge from personal experience in conversation, games and exercises, the ability to work on a mnemonic scheme in composing stories.

Technological map No. 17 2.01.2017 Monday. Topic of the week: "Winter fun" 2nd junior group

Educational area : Creation.Chapter: Painting

Theme: "Snowballs" "(toothpaste or white emulsion, password stamps).

Target : Draw a round shape of snowballs.


1. Learn to draw snowballs with toothpaste or white emulsion with a password stamp. cultivate a love of nature.

2. R develop a sense of the relationship of colors (blue and white) with each other; fine motor skills of hands, aesthetic taste, memory, attention, observation.

3. To cultivate interest in the world around.The words work: snowballs, snowballs.

Bilingual component:

Equipment : sample, demonstration material, toothpaste or emulsion paint, napkins, snowballs made of papemash, cups of water, sheet number A-5, recording of the song "White Snowflakes".

Preliminary work: drawing in gouache, using different techniques and materials, examining paintings about the winter games of children with snow.

Organizational - search

1. Circle of joy : As if on a thin ice, a little white snow fell.

White snow fell, Vanechka's friend came out.

Vanechka went out, my friend, and on a thin ice.

2 . Surprising moment. (There is a basket in the center of the circle). The teacher, surprised, asks what the basket is in the middle.

What's in it? Children will know if they guess the riddle:

“It happens only in winter, when you hold it, your hands get cold.

What is it?" (Snowball)

3.P / and "Snowballs":

Asks the children to look into the basket. Did they guess correctly?

The teacher scatters the paper lumps and offers to play snowballs. After the game, he asks for help to collect everything in the basket.

Thanks children for their help.

4. Conversation: The teacher asks what time of the year you can play

snowballs. What color is the snow?

1. Children join hands and walk in a circle with quiet steps. They squat, arms to the sides, waving. They walk in a circle, hands on the belt with a wide step. They walk in a circle with a quiet step. 2. Guess the riddle, go to the basket,

look at what's inside. These are snowballs.

3. Children throw paper snowballs.

Collect them in a basket.

4. You can only play snowballs in winter. Snow is white.

Motivational and incentive.

5. Today we are going to draw snowballs.

Finger gymnastics: Before work, let's do gymnastics for fingers: exercise "Snowball".

Vocabulary work: snowballs, snowballs.

Bilingual component: kardyk kesegi - snowballs, lumps of snow.

Showing the way of drawing a snowball:

The teacher introduces the technique of drawing snowballs with toothpaste or emulsion using a foam rubber stamp. Reminds you how to do it right

draw with them. Demonstration of the technique of drawing a snowball in the air.

6.Fizminutka: " Proteins ".

Squirrels jump on branches.

Jump and jump, jump and jump!

Often taken away

High, high! 7. Reminds the rules of drawing with stamps and snowball emulsion. Observes the actions of children, helps them. Conducts individual work.

5. Children imagine and mold snow from it


The meanings of the words are called: snowballs, snowballs. They memorize words in the Kazakh language: kardyk kesegi - snowballs, lumps of snow.

Follow the demonstration of a method for drawing snowballs.

6. Children perform jumps: forward - backward; from left to right and vice versa.

7. Children paint lumps of snow with toothpaste

or emulsion using foam rubber stamps.

Refl core

8. Offers relaxation and breathing exercises. In winter

cold, while we were doing snowballs, our fingers froze. Let's

let's blow on them and warm them. Hangs out the drawings drawn by children, praises them, asks how they did it.

8. They blow on their fingers and rub their palms

about each other.

Children talk about their work, then

help the teacher to put everything in place.

Reproduces : talks about precipitation in winter, snow and snowfall.

Understands: what games are winter fun.Applies : Use the technique of drawing with stamps in your free time.

Olga Shuvaikina
GCD summary: "Winter fun" for the second junior group.


to consolidate the ability to answer the teacher's questions. Learn

consider illustrations indicating the activities of children.

Strengthen the knowledge of children about winter activities (skiing, on

sledging, playing snowballs, making a snowman).

Materials, Equipment:

subject picture "Walking in the Winter"; plot pictures "Winter fun"

Methods, techniques:

Conversation, story, thin. word, viewing pictures, p / game.

Course of the lesson

1 Introductory conversation

Guys, it's winter now. All children, young and old, love winter. How can you walk in winter to make it interesting? (Sculpt a snowman, ride a sled, clean paths, etc.).

Well done! You know how to have fun. Do you want to see how other children have fun in winter? (yes we want).

2 Conversation on the picture.

The teacher demonstrates the painting "Walking in the Winter".

Consider the picture that you see on it, tell me ... Children are sledding, skiing, several children are making a snowman.)

Guys, what do you think the snow was like that day when the children were walking? (White, clean, sticky).

Why do you think it's sticky? (Because they make a snowman).

Was the frost strong? (No).

What are the faces of children? (cheerful, joyful, smiling).

Are the children cold? (No, their cheeks are red, children move a lot).

What is the mood of the children? (Good, funny, joyful).

Physical education.

The game; "Gray Bunny".

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears (squatting)

Like this, like this, he wiggles his ears. (make "ears on top of the head" and wiggle "ears")

The bunny is cold to sit, it is necessary to warm the paws,

Like this, like this, you need to warm the paws. (rub the handle on the handle, slap themselves on the sides).

The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny must jump

Like this, like this, the bunny must jump. (jumping, turning around themselves).

The wolf scared the bunny, the gray bunny galloped away! (scatter in the group).

3 - There are a lot of winter activities. Let me now call you different winter activities, if I say it correctly, then clap your hands:

In winter they play snowballs.

In winter they swim in the river.

Cycling in winter.

Mushrooms are collected in winter.

The berries are harvested in winter.

In winter they skate on ice.

In winter, sledding.

They make snowmen in winter.

Skiing in winter.

Educator: Do you guys hear? Who flew to us?

The teacher points to the tree on which the images of birds are attached.

Children: Birds!

Educator: Many are familiar to you, let's call them.

Children call: crow, sparrow, tit, magpie, dove.

Educator: Right! These birds are called wintering birds. Why do you think?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes. Because they stay with us for the winter. And some birds fly away to warmer regions, they are called migratory.

Guys, is it easy for birds to survive the winter?

Children: No. Because they have nothing to eat in winter.

Educator: Right. What do birds eat?

Children: Sunflower seeds, grains, insects.

Educator: Of course. And we can help the birds, feed them.

5 Lesson summary

Guys, what did we talk about today? (about winter fun)

What are winter fun? (answers)

What did you like the most? What was difficult?

This concludes our lesson. You are great!

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