A word of thanks from the parents of the garden. Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers in prose - congratulations in your own words. Sincere gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten

Kindergarten is the very first social society outside the family and at home, which a child encounters at the initial stages of his life. It is there that the baby spends most of the time, there for the first time receives important and useful knowledge, learns to be friends, share, measure, ask for forgiveness and be responsible for their actions. The entire staff of the preschool institution invests in the child's consciousness the basics of socialization and self-expression. Teachers open the door for children to a new world of knowledge, nannies teach the basics of hygiene, cooks feed healthy food, music directors and art teachers develop creative inclinations and instill a sense of beauty. A long five-year kindergarten life is followed by a farewell graduation ceremony. And on such a solemn and a little bit sad day of parting with the cloudless world of toys, small desks and cozy beds, I would like to thank all those who built it every day for timid reasons and nimble fidgets. I would like to pick up the most sincere and heartfelt words of gratitude to the teacher, nanny and everyone, everyone, everyone. It doesn't matter in poetry or prose. The main thing is from the bottom of my heart!

Beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the prom in verse

Kindergarten graduation is an exciting event not only for children. For parents, such a holiday also brings a lot of worries, worries and troubles. On this day, more than ever, mothers and grandmothers with tears in their eyes rejoice at the successes and achievements of their children and quietly get used to the thought of their relentless growing up. But all the positive results were obtained by the hard daily work of teachers. Do not skimp on praise and good wishes, prepare beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the prom in verse.

Examples of gratitude words for teachers at the graduation in kindergarten

Maybe it just became familiar to us
But you can't help but see it,
What do teachers usually have
In the evening, tired eyes ...
We know what it is
Children are a restless swarm!
Here with one you will not find peace,
And not that with such a crowd.
That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
There the fighter is already starting a battle ...
And the questions? Thousands of questions…
And anyone demands an answer.
How much affection and care is needed,
Hear everyone, understand everyone ...
The work is grateful and hard -
Constantly replace my mother ...
Mom is not anxious at work ...
Childish voices are cheerful ...
After all, they always follow the kids
Kind tired eyes.
The day is over ... Not all songs are sung.
Children are not disturbed by sleep ...
So take a bow from the whole planet
For the children, take our bow!

Accept our recognition today
For all your kindness and for your experience,
For raising our children!
Your profession is not more needed in the world,
And the children are all accustomed to your hands,
And now it will be difficult to explain to us
That they will not see your eyes henceforth,
Their years go by, they add up days,
And the children, of course, have grown up with us,
After all, they were always with you in business,
Now with a song, now with a brush, with many books!
You taught the letters and numbers of the kids,
And now they will go to school,
And they are grateful to you with love
Their moms and dads! And goodbye to you
There will be a desire for success and creativity,
Thank you for everything, for your work and patience,
We wish you happiness, we are all inspired!

Our children have become a year older
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our educators sad
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The cherished door has opened for the kids,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and labor for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded me from trouble, loving with all my heart,
You read fairy tales to them about the victory of good,
To live them with hope and faith in themselves.

Children lost socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you for such little things,
But with us you were calm and meek,
Doing your holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
Children from groups will scatter to their homes.
We bow to all our educators in the belt,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Thank you so much.
Because you loved our guys!

You kindled childish hearts with love,
For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries of a river,
Thank you very much for being there!

Touching words of gratitude in prose to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation

It is very important in moments when emotions are off scale, and in the depths of the soul there is a sincere feeling of gratitude, to find and choose the right words. The festive matinee in honor of the end of the kindergarten is an unforgettable event in the life of all its participants. On this day, both graduates, and parents, and those who accompanied the children from the pots to the first spelling hear a pure and real "thank you". Touching words of gratitude in prose to a kindergarten teacher at graduation should be written and learned in advance, so that at the moment of the most intense excitement he does not miss something very important and significant.

Examples of touching gratitude words in prose for a kindergarten teacher at graduation

Important! Print on beautiful paper touching words of gratitude in prosaic lines at the graduation in kindergarten and arrange them in a decorative wall panel for the teacher. Do not forget to include the teacher's name, graduation date, group number. We assure you that such a symbolic gift will remind the educator of his little graduates for many years.

We, the parents of the "Name" group of kindergarten N, sincerely express our gratitude to our dearly beloved and valued educators - IO and IO. You treated our children with special trepidation and warmth on these important days of growing up. It was you who taught our kids to be friends and respect each other. Together with you, they learned step by step our world, the joy of creativity, independent activity and their first personal opportunities. Thanks to you, our mischievous and mischievous girls always went to kindergarten with pleasure, happily studied and made their little discoveries. You found an approach to each of them, helped to overcome difficulties. And so our children today, without fear, move to a new stage of their young life - and this is your great merit!

Today we rejoice at the success of children and are proud of their achievements in kindergarten. They have come such a difficult path from helpless toddlers to tomorrow's first graders. And the first words of gratitude for our children are addressed to dear educators. It is so important for parents to be confident in the reliability of the hands in which he gives his child. And all these years we calmly and confidently trusted the most precious thing we have, wonderful educators. Thank you for your warm and kind words of welcome every morning, for your care and attention, for wise advice and high professionalism. Thanks to the educators, a homely atmosphere of comfort and kindness has always reigned in our group. Gradually, children learned about the world, learned a lot, developed. The educators managed to form small personalities of future schoolchildren. Please accept the sincere words of gratitude from your parents for the fact that we also learned from you pedagogical wisdom.

Affectionate May has come again. But now we do not move to the next group, but say goodbye to the kindergarten and educators forever. The kindergarten age has ended, and the kids are going to school ... Everyone knows that a person cannot achieve anything on his or her life alone. Everyone has mentors. You were the first teachers of our children. Your work is obvious: we all remember how we led here by the hand crying children who did not want to part with their mother, and now we see gentle, smart, talented children who know how to be friends, respect and love their parents. And all this is only thanks to your hard daily work and patience. Low bow and deep gratitude to educators, nannies, music directors for your ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty, the ability to love the world and the people around you. You have invested your heart and soul so that the future generation will meet our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! I wish you good health and real human happiness!

Cheerful and kind words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children

What a touching picture: grown up boys and girls in amazing outfits for the last time go to the center of the assembly hall to heartily utter their last words within the walls of their native kindergarten. “Thank you”, “We are grateful for everything”, “Farewell to the native garden, we will never forget you”! Cheerful and kind words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children will force even the most melancholic teachers and parents to look at the world with eyes full of tears. Isn't it cute? Especially if the words of gratitude at the graduation from the children were invented and compiled by the speakers themselves, according to their own emotions, memorable moments and experiences.

Text of gratitude from children for beloved kindergarten teachers

Thank you for your efforts,
For warmth and kindness,
For love and understanding,
Heart sensitivity, breadth.

With our tutor
Calm and warm.
With our tutor
We are very lucky:
There is no kinder character
And there is no more generous soul.
Happiness and joy to you
Kids wish!

Year after year for five years in a row
We came to kindergarten -
Cheerful, contented ...
But those days are gone.
Today we are graduates,
And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren.
We learned to count in the garden
And paint and dance
We learned the roles.
Blackboard and chalk and pencil
And watercolors and gouache
It's just like at school.
We were taught to go to kindergarten

They taught us diligently.
Of course, knowledge is stock
As long as ours is small,
But it will be necessary.
Year after year for five years in a row
We came to kindergarten -
Cheerful, contented ...
But those days are gone.
Today we are graduates,
And tomorrow we will be schoolchildren.
We learned to count in the garden
And paint and dance
We learned the roles.
Blackboard and chalk and pencil
And watercolors and gouache
It's just like at school.
We were taught to go to kindergarten
Love for friends, love for work.
They taught us diligently.
Of course, knowledge is stock
As long as ours is small,
But it will be necessary.

The maples are sad at the fences
Farewell day ...
Goodbye kindergarten,
We sit at our desks
This fall!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep ...
Sits on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are raindrops on the glass
Rolled ...
It's a sad day, we guys
And hilarious.
Goodbye, kindergarten.
Hello school!

Sincere words of gratitude from parents to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation

Most often, it is the parent committee that is instructed to say sincere words of gratitude from the parents to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation. But even proactive and socially active mothers find it difficult between cleaning, cooking and constant work to find time to compose a suitable text. At such moments, beautiful blanks come to the rescue: they are short enough not to tire the already tired graduates, but at the same time they are heartfelt, touching and very sincere.

Examples of sincere words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents at the graduation

On this warm May evening, we say goodbye to the kindergarten. Now he will forever be in the past. We will never bring these kids here again, we will not hear the melancholy "I want to see my mother", we will not watch the kindergarten matinees ... Ahead is the school, many new acquaintances and a meeting with the first duties. Many of you, dear nannies and educators, are secretly shedding tears at this moment. After all, you, too, are accustomed to the guys, as they are to you, so it is very sad to part. Thank you for helping to make their childhood happy and joyful, instilling respect for elders, love for the world around them, helping to reveal their first talents. Each day in kindergarten is a grain of your enormous contribution to the development of a child's personality. We wish you that your work will always be appreciated not only by your parents, but also by the state, adding monthly salaries and giving out bonuses. There is no work more valuable than yours, and we value very much what you have done for us!

It is very pleasant on this beautiful sunny day to thank our wonderful educators for the fact that they tirelessly took care of our children during these four years. You taught them to respect their elders, to eat independently, to be friends with each other, taught them everything useful. I think that they will not forget your love for many years. You were their second and third mother. After all, you spent so much time with them. Thank you very much!
I would like to say especially warm words to the teacher's assistant. You really did babysit them. They wiped their noses and not only, taught them to be clean and tidy, showed genuine concern. And what delicious dishes you fed them, and it doesn't matter what you didn’t cook (by the way, thanks to the cooks too), because the children ate, one might say, from your hands.
Low bows to the medical staff for the health of our children.
I would also like to contact the manager. The team gets along and peacefully cooperates with each other only if the leader is good. We all remember that the fish rots from the head. And our head is all right, it is in place and from its height perfectly observes what is happening. Thank you very much.

I don't want to offend anyone with inattention, so we thank all the kindergarten workers. Children obedient to you and more salaries, and the rest will follow. And again, thank you so much!

I express my gratitude to the head of kindergarten No. 1, the educators of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution for their selfless work and desire to work in kindergarten, raising the younger generation. You are all high-level professionals with extensive experience in working with children. Our children went to the garden with pleasure, and what is very important, we, parents, never worried, leaving children in your safe hands. We would like to note your sensitive attitude towards children, attention to parents, high professionalism in raising children. Educators approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, they cheered for all the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much!

A scene in gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten

Of course, it is pleasant to hear words of gratitude for every person who has put a piece of his soul into his business, and kindergarten teachers are no exception. But you can express genuine gratitude not only with words or material values. An excellent memorable gift in honor of the graduation of kindergarten is a congratulatory number from children or parents. A scene in gratitude to the teacher at the prom in kindergarten can be humorous, lyrical and even danceable. The main thing is to prepare in advance and arrange an unplanned surprise for the kindergarten staff.

A letter of thanks to the educators and the kindergarten staff at the graduation

In a letter of thanks, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each employee of the preschool institution for the daily care and sensitive upbringing of children. After all, each specialist is an important gear in the large mechanism of the kindergarten: teachers, methodologists, cooks, nannies, and nurses ... For your convenience, we have selected and placed below the most successful version of a letter of thanks to the teachers and the kindergarten staff at the graduation ceremony. Supplement it with your data and arrange it on a beautiful sheet F4.

The team of parents expresses its sincere gratitude to the pedagogical team of preschool educational institution No. ______. All employees of our kindergarten represent a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. You can feel it as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, does not at all amaze with modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that with the obvious modesty of funds in the garden, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative element in the design of whether it is a notice board or a corridor, which is always decorated with expositions of children's drawings and handicrafts, reigns.
We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed, looked after and, most importantly, trained and properly educated. In our kindergarten, special attention is paid to issues of upbringing, and at the same time, no formality is observed. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these are questions of history, and personal safety skills, and reading literary works (selected with great taste), and just conversations on general topics.
Of course, additional classes cannot be ignored - these are serious preparation for school, and drawing, and the rhythm and music lessons are simply beyond praise. The musical director, ___________________________ (full name), selects unique material for each holiday. Children are introduced to the origins of our culture in the best possible ways. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this seeming ease there is a huge work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our garden ___________________________ (full name), under whose wise leadership such vivid manifestations of extraordinary talents, both teachers and the parental team, became possible. After all, everyone knows that any gem is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only collected in a single composition, they make up a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. It is precisely such a leader that, in our opinion, is ___________________________ (full name).

All, without exception, representatives of the collective of workers of our garden deserve separate words of gratitude and attention. Chefs cook wonderfully, children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse ___________________________ (full name) surprises with extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as just humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, in the office of ___________________________ (full name) an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order reigns. And I would like to say especially warm words to educators ___________________________ (full name and full name) - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, what is especially important, with their parents. Low bows to all employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the hard work of educating the younger generation of children.

Often, excitement and surging emotions make it difficult to choose beautiful words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation party. All thoughts seem to fly apart, and it is already impossible to collect them. It is better to compose or find a speech from children and parents in advance in gratitude to the kindergarten staff in order to deliver beautiful poems or soulful prose on time.

Every year, with the arrival of spring heat, the time for graduation begins in kindergartens and schools. It is especially exciting to watch the kids, for whom this is the first "adult" holiday of the graduation from kindergarten - girls in luxuriant elegant dresses, and the boys are so funny and serious in their strict suits. After all, until recently, these guys were touching little ones who first crossed the threshold of the kindergarten, timidly holding on to their mother's hand. Only a few months will pass and many of the young graduates will become first graders at school, where a new and interesting life awaits them. By tradition, at the graduation party, the parents of the pupils say touching words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher - for affection and tenderness, warmth and care, sincere love and sincerity. In our selection you will find the most beautiful texts in poetry and prose that can be prepared for graduation to express immense gratitude to educators from children and their parents. Undoubtedly, such sincere and kind words will touch the most delicate strings of the heart and will be remembered for a long time by everyone present.

Beautiful words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the prom in verse

For most kids, kindergarten is the first "step" of socialization in society and the first experience of life in a team. Of course, sometimes such important changes are not given "painlessly" - far from mom and dad and the usual home environment, even a sociable child can get confused. The task of the kindergarten teacher is to help the child adapt to new unfamiliar conditions, as well as to transfer skills for the further harmonious development of the personality. Therefore, for the next few years, the educator becomes a real "second" mother for children - loving, caring, patient. So, at the graduation in kindergarten, it has become a good tradition on behalf of children and parents to say words of gratitude to the teacher, nanny and other employees of the preschool institution. We bring to your attention the most beautiful poems that you can prepare for the kindergarten graduation matinee and dedicate them to educators - people who have become truly family and friends for the child.

Examples of beautiful words of gratitude for teachers - verses for the graduation in kindergarten:

Thank you for the warmth and kindness,

For bringing up our children,

For giving them love

What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and wellness,

So that you live in abundance and love,

To always smile

So that you never feel sad!

For the help that they gave us,

For the fact that you raised our children,

For the fact that they skillfully dealt with them,

For being near you!

For gentle hands, for your warmth,

Thank you educators, relatives, for everything!

Thank you educators,

For affection and love

For work and charm,

For many kind words.

For wiped noses,

Wiped tears

For fairy tales and walks

Classes and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today

Congratulations and sadness,

And in the fall with a portfolio

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And the strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

Soulful words of gratitude in prose to the kindergarten teacher for the graduation matinee

The work of a kindergarten teacher is not easy and at the same time extremely important and necessary in society. Indeed, to work with children, it is not enough just to graduate from a pedagogical university or college, having received an appropriate diploma. An educator is more of a vocation and state of mind than just a profession. So, a good teacher will be able to calm down a crying baby so that the mother can safely go to work, as well as conduct an interesting lesson or captivate little fidgets with a fun game. How to thank the educators at the prom? When compiling a speech of gratitude for the graduation matinee, it will be appropriate to note the best qualities of the educator - kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness, patience and great love for their little pupils. Many sincere words of gratitude will be found among parents and for the nannies, the music director and the rest of the kindergarten staff, who took care of the child from the bottom of their hearts and participated in his daily life. Our selection contains the most sincere words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers in prose - the texts can be learned by heart or printed on a bright beautiful postcard.

Gratitude for the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten - prose in your own words:

Today is a wonderful day - today is the day of graduation from the kindergarten of our children. And we thank our beloved educators for this, who have been there all this time. It was the educators who helped our children grow up, gain life experience and become real people. Thank you for all that you have done, what you have taught our children. We will never forget your efforts and your help.

Our dear educators! At this solemn moment, I want to say a lot, to thank many. But we are all so nervous and worried that we forget the words. We are grateful to you for your work, for your work. We may not be able to say something beautifully and choose the right words, but we can tell you that the best words for you and for us will be the successes of our children and your pupils! You have done everything and even more to make the lives of our children go well. So let's wait a bit and enjoy their successes in life!

Dear educators! Today is a wonderful day - today is our children's graduation day. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment, I would like to say thank you so much for your work done. You didn’t just do your job, you did it with heart and desire. The best reward for all of us will be the success in the lives of our children and your pupils. You gave a happy childhood to all our children, and now they will give you their achievements and successes in life. We want to say again - thank you! You work so hard and hear so few words of gratitude.

Touching words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from children, video

Children spend most of the day in kindergarten, so it is important for parents to be sure that their child is in “reliable” hands. Indeed, during the kindergarten day, a rich program awaits the kids - morning exercises, drawing classes, handicrafts, educational games, singing, dancing. In addition, the teacher tries to instill in the children a sense of beauty, respect for nature, as well as learn the skills of reading, writing and counting. In a word, in kindergarten, educators make a lot of efforts for the all-round development of children - undoubtedly, such an important work deserves gratitude and gratitude. Especially touching are the words of gratitude from children who read poetry to their beloved educators at the graduation, sing beautiful songs and even stage thematic scenes. On the eve of this wonderful holiday, we have collected the best versions of thank you texts in verses - you can glean some ideas from the video recording the graduation matinee in kindergarten.

A selection of touching words of gratitude for a kindergarten teacher on graduation day - texts in verse:

Who taught us to eat with a spoon,

Cope with any fastener

Who read poems and fairy tales,

Did plasticine give paint ?!

THANKS to our first educators,

For being attentive to the kids !!!

They taught to draw,

And sculpt from plasticine,

Washed and fed

Didn't scold for no reason

They took care of our sleep, like guards ...

It was hard for them!

We will say thanks together

To your educators!

Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And it's light on a gloomy day.

You felt sorry for us, you loved us,

You raised us like flowers.

Wish we can get you

Take with you to first grade.

Words of gratitude in verse and prose to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation from parents

The graduation matinee in kindergarten is a great opportunity for parents to show a sign of attention and respect to their children's educators. So, each teacher will be pleased to hear sincere words of gratitude for the invaluable daily support and care, the warmth of gentle hands, wonderful fairy tales and funny games. For graduation teachers, you can prepare festive performances with the participation of moms and dads - reading poetry and prose texts, original musical numbers. On such a wonderful spring day, the most beautiful and touching words of gratitude in poetry and prose sound - to you, dear educators!

The best examples of words of gratitude to educators from parents - for graduation in kindergarten, poetry and prose:

Dear educators! Thank you for being with our children all these years. Thank you for helping us all these years to educate our children, teach them life and teach them how to live. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hard work, but so necessary for millions of people. You make life easier for many, while sacrificing much in your life yourself. We will never forget you, your efforts and your concern for our children. Thank you for everything, it was so great with you all these years.

An educator is not a profession,

An educator is a vocation

Could it be more wonderful

When children reach out to you themselves.

Trust of children's hearts to you,

Clear eyes and funny grimaces,

Here are collected texts for you (short and "full-length") with words of gratitude to the kindergarten teachers from the parents. They will come in handy to include them in the text of congratulations on graduation (or anniversary) and other holidays in kindergarten. You can also sign a postcard, a card for a bouquet, a gift with them, express personal gratitude to your favorite teacher (and other employees of the preschool institution).

All texts are written in prose, for those who want to express their gratitude in their own words.

All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. Recommendations for use will help you to shorten or lengthen any text, they are at the end of the page.

If you wish to express your appreciation in writing, they are waiting for you on a separate page.

Adding more wishes to the text will help you (just select the appropriate ones from it and add to the final part of the text you like).

Our dear, beloved helpers!

We love you very much and during the time that you have devoted to our children, we began to consider you members of our family. After all, you occupy a huge place in the lives of our children and us, parents. Together with us, you create a happy childhood for our children ... Together with us, you overcome the difficulties of educating the younger generation, exercise your ingenuity when you need to solve a new pedagogical problem. Together with us, you find a way out of any situations regarding the development of children ... You are not just employees of a children's institution, you are our support, support, friends and close people.

Thank you for being there. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your much needed work and the positive that you bring to the lives of our families.

Dear teachers, you are people with a capital letter. We are happy that there are helpers like you in our life and we thank fate for the fact that it is you who are involved in raising our child. Thank you from the bottom of my heart:

  • for your indifference to children and to us, parents;
  • for the fact that your friendly team creates a cozy, comfortable atmosphere for development and creativity in kindergarten;
  • for the fact that you are filled with positive and always smile when meeting children in the morning;
  • because you are patient and find the strength to do such difficult and responsible work every day;
  • for helping our children discover their talents and believe in themselves;
  • for not being stingy with praise and affectionate words to our kids;
  • for the preparation and conduct of cheerful, bright holidays.

But, most importantly, we love and respect you for choosing this troublesome path for yourself and remain faithful to it to this day. Let life return to multiply multiplied all the good that you create with your own hands every day. And we promise not to stand aside and do our best to make your job easier for you.

Dear friends, our beloved educators and everyone who contributes to the upbringing of future generations! We always admire your labor prowess, professional skill and teaching talents ... But today we want to express our endless gratitude for the fact that:

  • You take on a large part of our parenting work and make a significant contribution to the upbringing of our children. This makes our life easier and helps to relieve our everyday life from a lot of hassle.
  • You are attentive, responsible and responsive to children. This reduces our worries and we are not afraid to leave our children with you.
  • You skillfully and painstakingly create an environment for our children to develop their musical, artistic, creative, mathematical abilities and sports capabilities in it. Thanks to this, we are endlessly amazed at how much our children can and know.
  • You teach our children to respect each other, respect the rules of interaction with each other, constructively communicate and argue, fantasize and be friends. These are vital skills and we fully understand the importance of what you instill in them. They will help our children (and ourselves) to be effective in their future lives.
  • You create a fairy tale for children with your own hands that will stay with them forever. Thanks to this, we are calm for their childhood - warm, joyful and cozy.
  • You take care of warm clothes on walks, hygiene before breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea ... You follow the regime of our children and strictly observe all the rules for preserving life and health. This concern cannot be overemphasized. Thanks to this care, we are all healthier and more resilient than we could have been without you.
  • By your example, you show the ability to communicate effectively. It is always easy for us to come to an agreement. Your attentiveness to us, parents, is no less important to us than your sensitivity to children.
  • You are serious, strict and disciplined. Yes Yes! We are glad of this ... Because with such teachers we are not afraid!

We can endlessly praise you, list your merits and admire the fruits of your labor ... The most important thing for which I want to bow to you is for your contribution to our peace, and therefore to our health, as well as the health of our entire family. Thank you for this, our invaluable teachers!

Dear educators! On behalf of the entire team of parents, we thank you for your hard everyday work. For helping us to raise our children, develop and educate them. Thank you so much for helping us, parents ... for your support, valuable advice and observations, for sharing with us your many years of experience in working with children. Without you, we would be much less effective at managing our parenting responsibilities. May your life and professional path be easy, grateful and happy.

Thank you for making our children sociable and kind, creative and happy. For the fact that you put a piece of yourself in every child. Because you are not just people, you are wonderful people and the first teachers in the life of every child. Thank you for returning from kindergarten our children share with us the positive energy that you charged them with.

Dear teachers! Thank you for becoming not only wise mentors for us and our children, but also good friends. Thank you for your teaching skills, for your talent in raising children and for constantly improving your skills and your talent. You are the best teachers in the world and getting to know you is our personal, great success.

Dear teachers! The fruits of your labors endlessly surprise and delight us. You have discovered talents in our children that we never knew existed. You were able to create such an atmosphere in the kindergarten that the child runs to the kindergarten every morning, looking forward to every new meeting with you with joy and impatience. Of course, this proves that our garden has unique, talented and amazing teachers. The best possible! Thank you for this and for being with us.

Dear Maria Petrovna and Svetlana Ivanovna!

From the bottom of our hearts and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for choosing your profession - raising children and for giving our children care, warmth and your smile for so many years. We are very lucky that our children from a very young age met a wise, caring and respectful attitude towards themselves from their first teachers. For your patience, inexhaustible vigor and positiveness, responsiveness and pedagogical skill - a separate one to you, parent, thank you. May all your dreams come true, and in life there are only kind, understanding and respecting people.

Dear teachers!

Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for your many years of caring for our children. We are proud to communicate with such purposeful, caring, knowledgeable and interested people like you. Any educational institution can dream of such specialists, because you are real diamonds. You have no equal in raising children and your contribution to their development is enormous. And your help to us, parents, is priceless. Warmth to you, your families and may a worthy reward for your labors always find you, and be what you want.

Dear our educators! During the time of communication and cooperation with you, you have become a guiding star for us on the path of development and upbringing of our children. Together with us, you make childhood colorful and bright, decorate our days with cheerful holidays and constantly invent, invent, improve the environment in which our children grow up. Oddly enough, together with our children, with your help, we ourselves, parents, are improving. We learn a lot of new things, watch wonderful reincarnations taking place with our children, learn a lot and change a lot in ourselves. And all this is thanks to you. Thank you for participating, for being in the lives of our families and for making us better next to you.

Dear teachers! Thank you very much for the time you spent with us and our children. This period is one of the brightest, most memorable, joyful in the life of our families. He became so because you put a lot of effort into this and your pedagogical talent. You not only made the childhood of our children happier and more fruitful, but you give joy to us ourselves. And together with joy you give us peace and confidence in the bright future of our children. After all, so much attention, love and care has been invested in them.

They leave the kindergarten socialized, familiar with the basics of etiquette, they know the initial laws of communication and the rules of behavior in the environment in which they have to live and work. You, your friendly team and the results of your activity have surpassed all our lofty expectations. Special thanks to you for not deceiving our faith in you and for giving more than we expect.

We wish you all that life gives only the best and its gifts exceed your expectations, justify hopes and give only joy.

Dear teachers! We sincerely thank you for the fact that our children have a high-quality, solid foundation for their subsequent personal development. Thank you for being a reliable support to us, parents, and always providing feedback throughout the years of visiting our beautiful kindergarten. Thank you also for providing reliable support when we needed it and responding without delay to any questions that arise.

Thank you so much for your vigilant control over our children, for a strong nervous system, inexhaustible patience and dedication in work. May health, longevity and happiness pursue you.

Dear and dear! You are not simple educators, but real guides to the world of discoveries, new knowledge, skills and miracles. Thank you for making the educational process for our children fun, active and fruitful. Thank you for your tireless monitoring of the health and safety of the young discoverers and inventors as a result of this process. Low bow to you for the perseverance with which you realize yourself in a difficult pedagogical field, as well as:

  • for trying not to get sick;
  • for smiling when you are deadly tired;
  • for keeping calm even when there is no reason for calm;
  • for looking for energy somewhere to cope with restless fidgets;
  • for generating warmth and good mood in order to give them to children and us, parents;
  • for a creative approach to any business, and inexhaustible resourcefulness in solving any issues.

Special gratitude to you for your spiritual generosity and huge hearts. We wish your families warmth, stability, well-being and prosperity.

Dear teachers! Accept sincere parental gratitude, first of all, for giving children confidence in themselves, kindling a spark of curiosity in their eyes. Thank you for being creators, for not destroying the wonderful world of childhood and creating a solid foundation for the subsequent development of children as individuals.

We also thank you for working tirelessly for the development not only of children, but also of us - parents. For the fact that they are always friendly, balanced and find an individual approach to each child and parent. In our hearts you have forever occupied a firm place where the warmest memories and gratitude live. We wish you only pleasure from work, may all your plans come true, dreams come true and hopes come true.

Dear teachers! You have no equal in pedagogical skills just because you turned the preschool institution into a second home for children.

The guys are not afraid to come here, they do not whine, getting ready to meet with you in the morning. They are cheerful, joyful, full of new ideas and ready to implement all of them, they are confident in your support and that all ideas will come true. All these wonderful transformations that we observe every day in our children ... all these are the fruits of your labor. We are not only delighted with the results of your activity, but we are also infinitely grateful to you. Low bow to you for choosing a teaching activity for yourself and God forbid that your life be painted in the same bright colors as the drawings that our children use to decorate our home and our life.

Our dear teachers! Thank you for the fact that at certain periods of your life you replace the mother for children, console them in moments of despondency and share moments of joy with them. Let the warmth and care of your relatives surround you. May luck and inspiration accompany you throughout your life.

Dear teachers, friends! Each kindergarten worker always faces the main task - to bring up the best human qualities in a growing person. After many years of communicating with you and observing the results of your work, we can confidently say that you are doing an excellent job with your mission. Thank you very much for that!

Preschool age is the most important age in a child's life. At this age, health is laid, and the foundations of the future personality are formed. A prosperous childhood and the future fate of every child depends on the wisdom of teachers, their patience, and attention to the inner world of the child. With the help of their educators, preschool children learn to love and take care of their family, make friends, learn the secrets of the world around them ... We sincerely thank you, teachers, for generously sharing your knowledge and skills with children, and that you are fully teachers for them , guides to the big world in which they will live.

Dear friends! We all come from childhood ... Everything that is in our children and in ourselves, we got from there, from distant childhood. And we all bring up some kind of children: someone of our own, someone of others ... But there are people for whom education is a vocation. And these are not the people who have a diploma of the appropriate education ... these are people who have tremendous patience, boundless talent and deep understanding of children.

We really want, dear teachers, that the potential that is in you never runs out, as the spring does not run dry. So that your little pupils can always, having looked into this source, receive the most important thing - love, care, loyalty.

The most faithful admirers of your talent are your little pupils and we, their parents. Children respond to you with the same boundless love that you give them. And we, parents, have found allies in you, on whose experience you can rely, whose professional opinion you can trust.

Beloved teachers, may the light that you bear with dignity and give to our children will forever keep warmth, comfort and happiness in this world.

Dear and beloved employees of the kindergarten! Throughout a person's life, the seeds that you have sown grow and develop in him. Thank you for sowing only seeds of goodness, care, responsibility, sincerity, tenderness and friendship on this fertile soil. We sincerely wish you new pedagogical victories, longevity and material well-being.

Dear kindergarten staff! All of you, without exception, have become our second family! So much is required of you:

  • replace children with their parents while they (adults) at work;
  • be professional and empathetic with both children and parents;
  • be healthy, active, energetic and attentive;
  • organize and design an environment for the development of children;
  • maintain a healthy climate and warm atmosphere in the institution;
  • comply with the requirements of the administration, WHO, and regulatory authorities;
  • successfully communicate with each other and create a solid team of professionals.

And with all this, you need to pay attention to your own family ... This is a colossal daily work and people who manage to do all this cannot but amaze. Thank you for being you and for the fact that children from a very young age are lucky to communicate with people like you. Because only you can teach the best that is in a person.

Let in your life there are only grateful pupils and their parents. May your work bring you only benefit, health, joy and replenish your supply of vitality.

Thank you, dear ones, all the staff of the kindergarten!

We are happy to have spent several years with you. We are very lucky to have such assistants as you in raising children. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts:

  • for not allowing our children to be lazy and for not letting them suffer;
  • for wiping away tears and snot for our kids;
  • for not giving indulgences and forcing them to think and work;
  • for not being allowed to freeze and overheat;
  • for not being allowed to become ignorant, ill-mannered and uncivilized;
  • for not hiding their experience and pedagogical wisdom from us, parents;
  • for not allowing children to become closed and closed "loners", attracting them to interact with the group;
  • for the fact that none of the guys left you without friends;
  • for that, you did not ignore a single bad deed and did not leave without censure;
  • for the fact that you did not let any of the guys go without valuable life experience, without the skills of drawing, singing, modeling, dancing ... just to list what they now have in store for their future development.

Many thanks for all the brightest, real, truthful and kind that you put into our children, and most importantly - that none of us leaves your garden with an empty soul, an empty heart and empty eyes. All of us, with your help, bring many happy memories out of this kingdom of childhood, which will warm us throughout our future life. We really hope that you will not be left with anything either. Let your life be full of joy and love, laughter and kindness. Well, you already have our eternal gratitude.

Our precious, all employees of the beloved garden!

Today you are sending another batch of new graduates to the big world ... We congratulate you on the completion of the next educational and developmental process and the beginning of a new one. Please accept words of deep gratitude for all the good you have done. For all that we will forever preserve in our heart and in our memory. Thank you for being always there for all these years and helping us grow, gain new knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything received here will remain forever in us and our children and, therefore, we will never be able to forget you.

We're sorry the preschool years passed so quickly. I do not want to part with such talented teachers, who have become close and dear to us. We believe that your pupils will later become your pride and glorify you and your educational institution. And we wish you the realization of new creative ideas, inspiration in life and work, good health, happiness and stable prosperity.

The texts on this page are written in a special way. Each of them you can shorten or lengthen (turning into a full-fledged solemn speech) without losing meaning.

  • To shorten the text you like, leave only the first and last sentence. Next, select 1-2 items from the bulleted list (take them from the texts where there is such a list) and insert between the starting and ending sentences. You will receive your own unique text (shortened version).
  • If you need to express gratitude with just one phrase, then proceed as follows: say the words "Thank you for ..." and then say a phrase from any bulleted list on the page. This way, you will briefly express appreciation for something specific that you value most in the educator (or preschool).
  • To increase the volume of the text you like and make it a full-format solemn speech, add any paragraphs from any text with bulleted lists to it (keeping its initial part unchanged). In the final part of such text, you can insert any last sentence taken from any text on the page.
  • The thanksgiving speeches given on the page are just an example, they can be used in the version in which they are, but you can also transform, modify to your liking (the above are ways of how to do this). All of these texts are easy to convert. To do this, "play" with phrases, rearranging their places, moving sentences from one text to another.
  • All of these texts are universal and suitable for any kindergarten event. If you certainly want to designate in honor of what event you pronounce these heartfelt words, then in one of the first sentences of the text used, simply insert the words of congratulations (with the graduation of the pupils or with a professional holiday, happy birthday of a preschool employee, on the anniversary of the preschool, etc.) etc.).
  • Remember: in order for words to become touching, memorable, and speech - bright, it is not enough just to fulfill the formality by pronouncing beautiful phrases. The intonation and inner attitude towards those present also matter ... Better yet, sincerely feel real gratitude towards the people to whom you are addressing your words. Color your speech with lively emotions, facial expressions, gestures and your words can truly touch the soul of those present.
[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the educator in prose

Raising children is the most difficult, laborious, but, at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. To see how your pupils grow up, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for a teacher? Today is your holiday, and on this day I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, health, prosperity and joy, as well as love and kindness. Let everything be only the best in your destiny, and life will be so affectionate and kind with you that it will always be lucky! I wish on the path of life he finds great gifts, and may your pupils remember you for many years!

The winds take away the words, and the years take away the memories. We wish you to have them only bright, bright and long - for life. I wish you, dear, patience, good luck, happiness. Let the dark clouds never darken the sky above your head! Let all children's smiles turn into an unforgettable bright bouquet! Let the children never upset you! You are the kindest, most sensitive and caring, therefore we are very glad that you are the one leading this group. We wish you family well-being, good wages, and excellent health from all parents! We are always ready to support you - in any business and undertaking. Always stay so active and cheerful!

Every year at the most romantic time - the end of September, the Day of the Educator is celebrated. To these wonderful people who are raising our children, even nature itself gives round dances of fallen golden leaves. And on such a wonderful day, I would like to wish you the same bright mood and the same beautiful life. May your work be your only joy, the kids will be obedient, and their parents will be just as grateful. I also want to wish you the patience that you need so much. Love that will help you cope with the most restless pupils. Good luck, which will send you only the best kids, and hope for the best.

Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Teacher's Day is a great occasion to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you new successes. You were not mistaken, choosing a profession, you managed to find your calling - and this is great! How children are drawn to you, how they love you, and what warmth and pleasure your eyes radiate when you play and study with the little ones. It's nice to look at you, you feel comfortable among children, and they feel good, fun and calm with you. I wish you to continue to enjoy your professional success and enjoy your work. Let your pupils love you, your parents support you, and the leadership appreciate you!

Each of us has a chance to bring up our children. But there are people for whom education is a vocation. An educator is not just a person with an appropriate diploma. An educator is a person endowed with colossal patience, immense talent and boundless love for people in general and children in particular. Wisdom and kindness, indulgence and understanding, enthusiasm and inspiration - these are the traits that amaze in the people of this profession. So I would like to wish on your professional holiday not to lose all this valuable baggage, so that each new pupil can draw from this source, like from a well, kind, wise and eternal. And may fate thank you for such hard and useful work, because we trust the educators the most valuable thing. Be happy!

Our dear educator! Allow me on this day to congratulate you on your professional holiday to all who are rightfully called the blacksmiths of human souls and creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and incomparable with other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you - with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you unintelligent and cocky, now proudly say that they were your pupils. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, do not dwindle! Happy Holidays! Happy Teacher's Day!

Words of gratitude and warm, sincere wishes - that's all for you today, our dear educator! You lead the children to the beginning of life, holding the hand tightly, make sure that they do not stumble. You are always ready to explain, show, help with advice and, of course, forgive pranks. Thousands of apologies, tears of remorse were real only thanks to your just decisions, which sometimes are not easy. We wish you on your professional holiday, Teacher's Day, good mood and gratitude from the pupils! Be happy, healthy and successful! Share your wisdom, teach children to be fair, honest, reliable, so that they can confidently enter life as real people.

Our dear educator! Exupery wrote in his fairy tale: "We all come from childhood." And how right he was! All the main things that are in us, adults, were laid down in childhood. And how lucky he was with whom a kind and wise mentor stood next to at the very dawn of his life. We are happy that our children have a person like you! Every day you give our children your warmth and energy, childlike spontaneity and passion! You open your heart to them, and children are drawn to you, as timid spring shoots are drawn to the clear sun. So God grant you health, patience, inexhaustible invention, kindness, all the brightest in your life! May your days be filled with the same light that you give our children daily and hourly! Happy teacher's day! Be happy!

For a child graduating from kindergarten, graduation becomes the most exciting day. He sees and understands how his parents are worried, how the educators are worried, literally not finding a place for themselves. The kid knows: soon a completely different, new life awaits him - school. He parted ways with his friends who had played with him all these years, with kind nannies, with a musical director who always learns with no such kind, funny songs. Parents of future first-graders are also overwhelmed with emotions - they are preparing words of gratitude to the teacher . What is the best way to say “thank you” to a person who has been raising their child for several years with such love and care? You will learn about this from our examples of poetry and prose at the graduation in kindergarten.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten in beautiful verses

As a rule, children and parents say words of gratitude to the educator for graduation either before the matinee or after it. Today, on the Internet, you can easily find wonderful poems dedicated to the hard work and patience of the kindergarten staff. Perhaps one of the parents himself wants to be active and compose a poem about nannies, music workers, educators?

Examples of verses for graduation in kindergarten - Words of gratitude to educators

Graduation in kindergarten is always the most exciting and anticipated event for children and parents. Boys and girls can hardly be called babies - they have grown up, becoming almost schoolchildren. Of course, not a single such holiday is complete without words of gratitude to the educators - people who have become almost relatives to children. You can congratulate them with kind poems or even sing funny ditties about life in kindergarten groups.

How quickly the years passed.
We didn't have time to look back
It's time for the guys to go to first grade.
Today is the last time
We brought the children to the kindergarten.
Flowers, sweets brought ...
May, the long-awaited graduation!
Well, dear educator,
The hour of parting is already close,
And parents have for you,
Until the bell rang
There will be a couple of warm lines.

You rush to work every morning,
To take care of the children, to give them warmth of the soul,
And after all they answer only the same to you,
This is joyful, pleasant! We will thank you!

Educators from God, thank you for your love,
What do you give the kids so openly and easily,
Let the crumbs obey you, and sometimes without further ado
You will be told all the secrets - what is sad and funny!

They spend their nerves and strength,
Tired of looking at both,
How to live correctly is taught
The guys will teach Azam everything.

The teacher will always endure everything,
After all, the heart will fill with love
When he only looks in the eyes,
He worries again and again.

Thank you, dear friends,
For your, friends, warmth,
For your patience and tenderness,
You bring kindness to the world.

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation in beautiful prose

Over the several years the children spent in kindergarten, they made friends with educators, who became not only real mentors for them, but also almost family people. It was to the educators that the parents entrusted the most precious thing - their sons and daughters. Yes, the work of a kindergarten employee is difficult - it is every minute attention to his pupils, a sincere interest in their development, preparation for school. The mothers and fathers of the children speak about all this in words of gratitude to the wonderful educators at the graduation ceremony. Simple, sincere words spoken in prose are just a small opportunity to thank these people for their daily work.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten - Examples in prose

Educators teach kids not only about reading, drawing, modeling, music. They help them understand what real friendship is, how to live in a team, how to show respect and attention to comrades. Children grow up before their eyes. At the graduation ceremony in kindergarten, parents and grandparents say words of gratitude to these people with a kind heart. Often this is prose, coming from the depths of the soul.

Today is an exciting day for us - our children have grown up and are leaving the hospitable walls of the kindergarten. At this solemn and a little sad hour, we want to say the most sincere words to the educators who tirelessly took care of our children. Thanks to you, we could work in peace every day, and the confidence that our sons and daughters were in good hands gave us strength. Thank you for helping to fulfill parental duty: giving children warmth and affection, playing with them, instructing them, teaching them discipline. In kindergarten, our children acquired very important qualities - they learned to obey their elders, protect the younger ones, and make friends. We know that you, educators, sparing no effort and nerves, kept and protected each child as your own. Low bow to you for your good and constructive work!
We would also like to thank the assistant educators - nannies for the fact that, like the sun, they warmed the flowers of life - our girls and boys with their attention and care.
Everyone knows that a child's nutrition is a guarantee of his health, so we sincerely thank the kindergarten cooks who prepared delicious and healthy food for our children.
We are enormously grateful to the music director. Thank you for developing the creativity in every child, helping the children to be liberated, making their childhood world even brighter.

Dear kindergarten workers! Today, on behalf of all parents, we want to thank you for the peace of mind with which we left our children here, for the joy with which our children went to kindergarten, for all the good that they learned here. Today we are a little sad because it is time to part. Today we and our children say goodbye to those who have taken care of them for five years.

You raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our babies. You were all of them when we - the parents were at work, minding their own business.

We appreciate your work, we will never forget you. Thanks for our grown-up children! Thank you for everything you've done for us!

Dear Anna Ivanovna!

We express our sincere gratitude for the professional approach to work, sensitive attitude towards children. Thank you for your attention, care, kindness and warmth. The educational process in the group is perfectly organized, the children are happy to go to kindergarten, they are happy to study and learn a lot of new things.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for creating a friendly and warm atmosphere in the group, thanks to which the children consider the kindergarten their second home.

Thank you for teaching our children to be kind, open, honest and caring. Children grow up to be full-fledged personalities, they know how to be friends, respect each other and adults.

We wish you to remain the same professional at work, success, happiness and health!


Parents of children of group No. 2 of kindergarten No. 124

Words of gratitude to the teacher from children - Poems in kindergarten for graduation

Each of the kindergarten teachers has become a mentor, teacher, and friend for the child. These people played with them, taught children to read, write, and draw with crayons on the asphalt. Of course, children are a little sorry to part with people who are already so dear to them. Some of the children, future first graders, cannot hold back their tears at the prom. After the matinee, boys and girls express their gratitude to all the kindergarten workers - they read beautiful poems to them.

Examples of poems for a kindergarten teacher - Words of gratitude at the graduation

A few weeks before the matinee and graduation in kindergarten, children begin to learn beautiful poems and words of gratitude to the educators. They always do it sincerely and with heart - almost already first graders are grateful to the kindergarten for new friends, funny games, meeting the most interesting people invited to the kindergarten holidays.

Once upon a time, many years ago
We came to the kindergarten for the first time.
Oh, how many dolls, hares, bears ...
And how many little kids!
They run around the group, shout,
They spit, knock with spoons ...

And they all need to be taught:
Eat without mom, drink without mom,
Find a pot for each ...
I was personally shocked

And the teacher is not afraid.
Alas, not everyone will agree
Go to work in kindergarten,
With children ... For a small salary ...

Here is a manager - another matter,
Career, money, prestige ...
I bought and sold and you can safely,
At least to the Maldives, at least to Paris ...

And the teacher, what kind of work ?!
All day among crazy kids!
One spilled something on the floor
Another shouts: "I am a barmaley!"
There in the bedroom they jump over the beds,
They call to wipe the ass there,
They fought there, now they will cry ...
The dishes will not be washed.

Well, our dear educator,
Tireless teacher,
Romantic, storyteller, dreamer ...
There is a wonderful excuse.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And on this glorious day and hour
We will read so many poems to you,
That you will not forget about us.

Thank you, educators, great,
During this time, golden,
What they spent with us.
It's a shame the preschool days are over

Educator - what a word!
Light, kindness, warmth are hidden in it.
Who will delight children with the game?
Who will scold them not evil at all?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! You are not kinder in the world!
We wish you to be happy!

Words of gratitude to the best kindergarten teacher for graduation from parents

If you want to thank the kindergarten teacher where your child was brought up beautifully, prepare your presentation. You might want to write it down on a certificate sheet or even draw a large poster or wall newspaper. Very often, parents congratulate the kindergarten workers with a concert, the program of which includes ditties, dances, funny scenes and cool numbers. After the speech, the mothers and fathers of the graduates say gratitude to the educators.

Examples of grateful words from parents to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation

Preparing a surprise for kindergarten teachers at the graduation, parents can unite and organize a concert. Let each of the numbers in this performance be a kind of gratitude. Some of the mothers will read soulful poems, fathers with children can show acrobatic sketches, grandparents may want to perform a dance number.

Thanks to the teachers
For care and work,
Children love and appreciate them
Their names are very tender,
We express our gratitude
And we say thank you
We respect you very much,
We will repeat it a hundred times!

Our children grow up quickly
Sometimes you can't keep up with them,
But you are always responsible for them,
Give them good advice.

We rent chickens in the morning,
Which give you trouble.
And in the evening we take the preschool children away,
Who both write and count.

And how do you, nevertheless, succeed,
To bring up our children?
It remains to say thank you,
And convey gratitude!

Thank you for everything today,
The educators are expensive.
During this time you have become for us,
The closest people, relatives.

We wish you a long life,
May fate cover you with good.
Enjoy, live beautifully,
Life will give you beauty and warmth!

Sincere gratitude to the teacher at the graduation in kindergarten

Of course, every parent knows that his child did not always behave quietly and approximately in kindergarten. Some of the boys did not want to sleep at all in a quiet hour, breaking the silence with loud songs, others refused to eat porridge for breakfast, deliciously cooked by the cooks. The work of an educator is hard work, constant attention given to pupils, restraint, benevolence. Educators are responsible for the lives of boys and girls, for their health and peace. Children often cry in kindergarten - then only the teacher can find words of comfort, caress the child. For this hard, noble work, the parents sincerely thank all the educators at the graduation ceremony.

Examples of poetry and prose for graduation in kindergarten - Words of sincere gratitude to the teacher

After many years, after graduating from a kindergarten, school, institute, the children will always remember with warmth their teachers. They have always shown tenderness, caring for children. Their work is not a job, but a calling. Only a person with a pure, generous, kind heart can become a good educator. It is to such people that the parents who came to the graduation in kindergarten devote their words of sincere gratitude.

Thank you for your understanding,
Patience, care and attention.
You are helping the development of children,
So that they become kinder and smarter!

We wish you health, many years to come,
We also wish you personal victories!
Our children will grow up, then
We will definitely bring our grandchildren to your place!

Thank you for the warmth and kindness,
For bringing up our children,
For giving them love
What knowledge you gave them!

We wish you health and wellness,
So that you live in abundance and in love.
So that you always smile joyfully
So that you never feel sad at all!

Thanks to our dear and respected educators for their patience and incredible work, for sincere love for our children and a kind attitude, for exciting leisure and fun walks, for interesting hobbies and excellent upbringing. Be happy, dear, respected and successful.

Preparing words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at the graduation, parents will definitely remember all the good things that these sincere, caring people taught their children. They can perform after the matinee, thanking the kindergarten staff with prose, poetry or concert numbers. Albums with photos of pupils and flowers will be a wonderful gift for educators.