Bouquet of candy cow. Ladybug is a symbol of good luck and good. Master Class on Sweet Design "Lady Cow

Ladybird do it yourself. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master Class: Ladybug from a strong paper.

The work is made in the Paperoplasty technique.

Master class is designed for school-age children, teachers and parents.
Purpose: Interior decoration, good idea for gift.
Nowadays, gifts made by their own hands are greatly popular. It's nice to get as a gift that such God's cow, you can do, using candy in the technique of sweet - design. And we, we will make our craft using beautiful pebbles, such a gift can be desktop, and you can hang on the wall.
There are many poems about the benefits that ladybugs carry, here is one of them:
Posted by: L. Likbez
That's so miracle! Here is fun!
Salted garden from laughter:
Puffy from the sky very deft
Down dive cows
Like a drip-rain.
Red flashes backs.
Light rustling of wings is heard.
In the garden paratroopers designed.
On the cabbage some of their villages,
TRU on it instantly ate.
Someone cleans tomatoes.
Has hard nests:
Croach all harmful groans chasing,
After all, from them a plant moan,
Do not give colors to open
Steel their face.
And fighting brews
Everyone cleaned, washed.
Black and red wound clouded,
Strong military mighty.
And where the trouble came,
WMIG will fly there.
Grateful to them a plant
The work is useful, without a doubt.
The garden is pleasing to health.
Thank you, cows!

But we often ask the question, why is it so called? Usually, children are also watching a wonderful spotted bug with great interest, which is not afraid of human hands, turn the palm, and the Ladybird unfolds, and crawl up, towards the sky ....
Ladybug, flying to the sky ... Remember?
As a child, I was on the question of the name of the "Ladybug" the grandmother, said: "Cow - because the cow is similar to coloring, redhead in black spots, and God's - because the creature is God's God and it cannot be touched. Today I offer you one of the options for the manufacture of ladybugs in the technique of "Paper of plastic paper paper".

For work it is necessary:

Mast paper red and brown
Polynescence (and can be foam)
Glue gun
Stationery knife
Green artificial leaves
Wicker caspo
Wire, sliced \u200b\u200bin advance 7-8 cm
PVA glue

Step-by-step process of performance:

1. Singing a piece of polyelentelen 25 x 40, a marker is drawing the image of God's feed, you can use stencil. Then we take the stationery knife and cut out, spinning the sides.

2. Now we prepare brown paper, cut the circle with a diameter of 8 cm and the place for the wings triangle 17 x 5, gently glue on the back and tighten your head with brown paper and glue with the help of PVA glue. The crepe paper is very flexible and stretch well therefore, there is almost no folds, even if they are, then not significant and can not be seen.

3. Take a red paper and cut the strips 35x5, the edge of the paper is figurino stretching the pillows of fingers and good a strong paper that it turns out a wavy and beautiful wave-like edge

4. We take the marker and carefully screw the future flower on the spiral

5. Ready flower fix the wire and start gradually from the middle to straighten with a neat right hand in a circle of petals
It turned out fluffy ryushevy flower

6. In this way, we make 25 red and 12 brown colors

7. Using the term glue into each flower, fasten the toothpick

8. There are such billets that we will decorate our God's cow.

9. We take our image of God's cows, and cook first brown flowers

10. You can make a hole with a spacing, then it will be convenient to apply glue and insert ready-made flower

11. We glue brown flowers to the term, it turns out like this

12. Now we take red flowers and begin to glue a step by step close to each other.

13. We have this way to get

14. Take beautiful pebbles and with the help of the terms of glue crepary, thereby making a middle of a flower

15. And already our flowers came to life

16. We take the eyes and sponges, and glit on the face and our ladybug looks at us and smiles

17.Dell a mustache, prepare a rectangle 10 x 3, carefully wrap on a skeleton and bind from both sides, it turns out corrugated mustache,

18. Krepim with a term glue

19. A mustache bounce on the mustache

20. Incidential part, we make a place where our ladybug will be located, take a wicker circle and artificial leaves

21. Krepim God's cow in the middle, Polynescent is very lightweight, so it is possible to glue the term glue. And our leaflets are also glued in a circle, so that God's cow sat in greenery

22. Now consider our beauty from all sides, front view

View from above



Morce closer

Alla Kovalenko

Ladybug - Symbol of good luck and good.

Agree that everything loves her. In the old days they believed that ladybug He is a messenger god. If she sat on someone, then it is necessary to make a desire. And it will surely come true.

So my eldest daughter considers this little creature with his faith and talisman.

This year on her birthday, the whole family we decided to make a gift with your own hands « God's cow» .

Master Class« ladybug» .

First of all, it is necessary to make a blank from the foam in the form « god's cow» .

Then prepare the following: Candy smolden on the toothpicks and fasten your scotch so way:

Third stage: Take a corrugated paper of two colors (red and brown, cut strips wide - 4cm, length - 20cm, and wrap candy to get flowers.

Brown corrugated paper wrap the head of the workpiece. And begin masite our« god's cow» , Decorating it with prepared colors.

From the plywood sheet, cut out the figure in the form of a leaf, on which our snaps will be. Covered by her grass from corrugated green paper. For it, you need to cut the squares from the paper (size 4x4, turn on the pencil and put on glue.

That's what we did:

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues on the Internet now offer a lot of different crafts that can be done with children. Most recently, I saw crafts.

This is what Ladybird turned out from us as a result of work applique and drawing. We will now share how to do it. So,.

I congratulate everyone, friends, on the day of February 14th, and I wish you all right now, be happy day away. The holiday of lovers is coming,.

The needle "Ladybug" Hello, colleagues! Soon the holiday will come on March 8! In our group of turmoil and preparation for the festive concert.

For the manufacture of this craft, you will need: cotton discs, colored paper, color cardboard, scissors, gouache, glue. Take one cotton disk and paint.

Master Class. Valentine - "Ladybug". I am hearts in the picture Mom with dad I will give. Let Valentine tell, as I love them very much.

With children, he learned the dance of the "Ladybug". Children should have ladybugs to hold in their hands. Organized work with parents for the manufacture.

We offer to your attention a stylish design of the Kinder Eggs - the creation of God's bows from corrugated paper. Such cute ladybugs can be used as a separate souvenir, as well as them can be decorated with sweets or use for the compilation of sweet bouquets.

To create God's cows, you will need:

Children's egg "Kindder Surprise";

Wire (thin and slightly thicker);

3 corrugations of about 4 cm wide, about 4.5 and 3.5 divisions;

Hot glue, scissors;

For decor: braid, beads, a bow of a tape.

Ladybug from corrugated paper and "Kinder" step by step:

We turn the black cut corrugation to the contemporary, while at the same time creating depresses under the kinder surprise with the help of fingers (Fig. 2).

We have a kinder-surprise to sharp spout to the twist. I corrected the corrugation, pull in the form of a chocolate egg (Fig. 3).

We close the "shell" from corrugations, the side edges are lining point in one place. The glue is applied only on the lower half of the corrugations, we try not to fall on the egg itself (Fig. 4).

"Tailing" corrugated curvature twist in several turns thin wire. Cut the corrugation to Maxim briefly so that the wire does not slip (Fig. 5).

Similarly with a black cut, we twist the red cuts of the corrugations in the middle (Fig. 6).

We fold in half, forming wings (Fig. 7).

Cut on the sides of a bit for a narrowing. The edges are a little macaw. Clean some of the glue each "wing" (Fig. 8).

We glue the wings to the back (Fig. 9). We decorate the edge of the tape (Fig. 10). We stick to the "tail" bow (Fig. 11).

Cut the piece of wire with a length of about 3-4 cm. Push into the twist of the wire, form the mustache. You can drip a bit of thermoclause under the wire (Fig. 12).

We glue the eye beads and points on the wings (Figure 13).

Here is the ready ladybug! By the same principle, you can create other insects, for example, a bee. Chocolate kinder-egg can be reached by promoting on the "tail"wire . If you want to keep the form (from corrugated) from such a ladybug, thenput inside, any filler, for example, cotton wool.

Good luck!

MK author:

A bouquet of sweets is a "double" gift, with success, replacing and traditional flower bouquet, and a box of chocolate candies. But much more important is the fact that a bouquet of sweets made by their own hands demonstrates your attention and care as any gift bought in the store.

In this article, we have collected a few of the most interesting and at the same time simple master classes for the manufacture of "candy" bouquets with step-by-step photos - so that you can please your favorite moms, grandmothers, wives and friends with an original "sweet" homemade gift.

Festive bouquet of candies and satin ribbons

A truly luxurious gift that will produce an unforgettable impression on any woman on March 8 - a festive bouquet of sweets, satin ribbons and lace. Sufficiently difficult to manufacture, such a bouquet will become a real decoration and will be relevant for a very long time after the holiday of March 8. For the manufacture of such a bouquet, any sweets are suitable - candies "Chupa-Chups", round candies and even miniature chocolate bars, the main thing - to get in advance with long plastic or wooden chopsticks for fastening candy on the "stems" instead of ordinary colors.

Step-by-step photo master class:

Corrugated paper bouquet

Perhaps one of the simplest in the manufacture and at the same time an unusually beautiful bouquet that will be a great gift for any holiday. For this homemade bouquet, any candies in the wrapper with "tails" are caramel, chocolate, and so on, as well as corrugated paper of two colors - green and yellow (red, orange - in general, any selected color of tulips). As the basis for fasteners of "colors" from corrugated paper, you can take either a special ball / cube for Topiaria (sold in specialized stores for needlework), or a regular large housing sponge.

Step-by-step photo master class:

Homemade bouquet on March 8 from marmalade

The most simple bouquet on March 8 can be made from marmalade candies in sugar - any color and taste, the main thing is that they are round or at least very small. For the manufacture of such a bouquet, in addition to sweets, only the food film is required and a few wooden "swipes" for canapes. Wrap the finished bouquet is possible in special wrapping paper or color corrugated paper.

Step-by-step photo master class:

Composition "Ladybug" from candies

Very interesting and truly unusual looking composition of sweets, which will adequately decorate any festive table on March 8 and will surprise the gathered guests. Despite the external originality, in fact, such a composition can easily be done at home. This will require:

  1. Piece of foam
  2. Corrugated paper 2 colors - red and black (brown)
  3. Toothpick
  4. Gouache brown or black
  5. Chocolate candies (ideally round, but in the wrapper with "tails")

From the foamflast with a conventional knife, cut out the "body" of our "God's cow", the head is painting a gouache in brown (or black) color. Additionally, the head of God's cow can be decorated with "eyes" and "begging" from the wire or other priest materials. The main thing is to make "sockets" from several layers of corrugated paper (as in the photo below), consolidate candy on the toothpicks and stick the second tip of the toothpick in the foam base.

Step-by-step photo Master class on the production of composition:

Calla corrugated paper with candy

Flowers with the non-inactive name "White" are also known as calla - gentle, elegantly curved, snow-white, ideally suitable for the festive bouquet. At home from corrugated paper white, it is easy to make calla, a snowy whiteness of which will be wonderful to combine with glitter of foil chocolate chocolates. A bouquet is best adding to "greens" again from corrugated paper. How to do it - look at step-by-step photos below.