Frequent brushing of hair. Tips for combing your hair

Many people think that brushing your hair is a simple and straightforward business. It seems that it could be simpler: I woke up, ran a brush through my hair several times - that's all. However, in reality, if combed correctly, this daily routine can not only be turned into a quality grooming procedure, but many hair problems can also be prevented. Correct brushing helps to maintain the attractive appearance of curls, promotes blood flow to the roots, removes dead cells from the skin surface and even stimulates hair growth.

It should be borne in mind that when combing, not only individual hairs are unraveled, as is commonly believed, but they are also cleared of microparticles of the epidermis and dust. During this procedure, the sebum is evenly distributed over the surface of the scalp and along the hair itself - from roots to ends.

It is recommended to comb your hair twice a day, this will take about 10 minutes in the morning and evening. Prolonged brushing is especially beneficial as it is the simplest and most effective way to massage the scalp. Surprisingly, this was known to our ancestors: in ancient times, beauties were sitting at the window for a reason, loosening their braids and combing it with a comb for a long time.

How to brush wet hair correctly?

Experts recommend giving up combing wet hair, because they are much more susceptible to mechanical damage than dried hair. Wet hair should remain in its natural state for some time: in this case, they will have time to absorb the required amount of moisture. But what about styling? After all, it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to create a neat hairstyle from dried matted hair. If wet hair is very tangled, it is still recommended to comb it with a comb with sparse teeth (as for curly hair), but this must be done very carefully. Start at the roots and move smoothly to the tips, being careful not to make any sudden movements. Wet hair loses its natural elasticity, so in this condition it is easy to cause the ends to split or simply pull out individual hairs by the roots. Apply conditioner or conditioner to the entire length of your hair immediately after washing for easier combing. The product must be kept for several minutes, but no longer than indicated in the instructions. After such a procedure, it is recommended to rinse the hair with cool water - the skin of the hands will feel it as slightly warm, and the scalp as cold. The use of a conditioner or balm will make the hair more pliable, eliminate static electricity, provide protection from negative external influences, and give the curls elasticity and shine.

How Do I Pick a Good Hairbrush?

For proper hair care, it is important not only to comb it gently, but also to do it using quality tools. Today, you can choose a hairbrush from a huge range of similar products. To purchase the model that suits the best, you should focus on the condition of the hair, first of all, their degree of density and length. It is recommended to have several different combs and massage brushes for different tasks.

Firstly, it is necessary to talk about the teeth of the comb, because it is they that testify to the quality of this hairdressing tool. You shouldn't buy products with sharpened teeth. They can only be used very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the scalp. A comb with rounded teeth is much safer. It is not difficult to assess the degree of their sharpness: just run the comb along the back of your hand, it should not scratch the skin.

Long hair is recommended to be brushed with natural bristle brushes. The best option is products made from natural materials: bone or wood. These combs reduce the risk of scalp injury and do not electrify the hair. For weak and brittle hair, fine-toothed combs and soft brushes are suitable. The use of metal and plastic products is recommended only for creating certain styling, for example, fleece. In other cases, it is better to refuse such combs: after using them, the hair is saturated with electricity and literally "stands on end." The massage brush and comb should be washed frequently, especially if the wearer suffers from dandruff. For those with thick and long hair, choose a wide-toothed comb for daily grooming. A special round brush is useful for styling. And the use of a massage comb with teeth that have round balls at the end will help improve blood circulation to the scalp.

How to brush your long hair correctly?

Those with long hair will need at least a couple of combs, one with wide teeth and a massage brush for daily grooming. It is necessary to start combing long curls from the ends, gradually moving closer to the roots. In this case, the risk of breaking the hair is reduced. After they have been untangled along their entire length, it is recommended to take a massage brush with natural bristles and brush it several times from root to tip.

How to comb short hair correctly?

If you have shoulder length hair, you can comb it all the way down, starting directly from the roots. Straight short hair is less tangled than long, wavy hair, so a massage brush works well for it. The wider its working surface, the better. The main thing is not to use inexpensive combs with sharp teeth that scratch the scalp.

How to comb curly hair correctly?

Wavy hair looks very impressive, but requires extra care. The main problem is that they get confused very easily. To comb your curls most effectively, just like long curls, you need to use a wide-toothed comb. Start the procedure from the roots and gradually work down to the ends. If you need to style your hair in beautiful waves, you should refuse the massage brush. In this case, two combs are enough for grooming and creating a daily hairstyle - with rare (for untangling) and medium teeth.

Every girl preoccupied with grooming her hair should know which comb is best for her hair type. Brushing is a daily routine, so it should be as gentle and thoughtful as possible.

Features and Benefits

An improperly selected comb will damage hair, tear strands, and even contribute to clipping the ends. It can also electrify hair and make it frizzy.

But a high-quality comb, chosen according to all the rules, on the contrary, will provide your hair with proper care.

Regular brushing ensures blood flow to the scalp, which speeds up hair growth and makes it healthier.


There are several types of combs. Each of them has its own purpose and characteristics. That is why a real girl should have more than one comb in her assortment, but several models at once that perform different functions.


The most common comb of a classic shape should be for every girl. But they differ in material. It can be artificial, natural or mixed.

The best option is a natural bristle comb. The wooden comb perfectly massages the head. A fine comb of this type also helps to unravel the curls, making the hairstyle neat and well-groomed. This comb is too bulky to carry around. But she is great for brushing her curls before bed.


A quality massage brush is another useful personal care accessory. It is needed to massage the head, which, in turn, promotes increased blood circulation and, accordingly, faster hair growth.

By combing your hair with a massage brush, you will make it smoother, more even and well-groomed.

There are different options for these combs: wood, metal or plastic. Experts recommend choosing wooden ones. Massage with a brush made of natural material is able to bring maximum benefit.


For a long time, beauties have been using fine combs for hair care. The history of such combs is so long ago that the appearance of the first combs dates back to the times of Ancient Rome. In those days, combs were made of bones, but today models made of wood or plastic are more popular.

It is still undesirable to use plastic combs - they will only aggravate the tangles of your hair and increase its electrification.


Another important variety is compact combs that you can take with you. These can be small brushes, combs, or even multifunctional models that are both a comb and a mirror at the same time. They fit easily into your bag, so you can always tweak your hair throughout the day, wherever you go.


Brushing are special combs that are most often used for professional styling. They have a cylindrical shape and a round hole right inside the body. These brushes should be used for blow-drying. So you get the most beautiful and effective styling at home. With the help of brushing, you can create large curls, as well as give a special shape to short-cropped hair.

It is best to choose a brush with as natural bristles as possible. In this case, your hairstyle will not be too voluminous and electrified.

The secret of brushing from a professional hairdresser:

Popular materials

Combs differ not only in their appearance, but also in what material they are made of. Let's take a look at three of the most popular options that modern girls use in their daily lives.


Wood combs are generally the best choice for girls, regardless of hair type. These are the brushes that are best suited for grooming. They do not electrify the hair, but only smooth it as gently as possible. These combs are best for combing your hair after applying masks or various styling products. This is justified by the fact that all these funds do not enter into a chemical reaction with the elements present in their composition.

When choosing materials, you should pay attention to the features of each of them. Thus, a birch comb helps to treat dandruff. It also enhances the effect of masks on your hair. To soothe damaged scalp and relieve itching, use an oak comb.

Another popular option is the juniper comb. In addition to the pleasant forest scent that this brush gives, its ability to soothe and relieve stress can be called its plus. But if you have dandruff problems, then you should buy a cherry comb.

When choosing wooden brushes, it is better to refuse painted models. Your purchase should be as natural as possible and, accordingly, of high quality.


It is better to refuse combs made of plastic. They do not care for the hair, but only increase the brittleness of the strand and spoil the general condition of the hair. Carbon or silicone brushes are more useful for hair condition.

They are used by professional stylists and hairdressers. You shouldn't use them on a daily basis, but they are suitable for certain procedures - haircuts, styling or coloring. In this case, thin plastic combs perfectly separate the strands and are easy to clean.


Another common option is a metal comb. It allows you to unravel even the most wrapped curls. But stylists recommend not to use such combs for owners of colored hair. The fact is that metal can react with the chemical components of your paint, changing the shade of your hair.

In addition, hard metal combs can injure strands of hair. This especially applies to the owners of thin and brittle strands.

Which is better

The choice of a comb should match the individual characteristics of your appearance. First of all, pay attention to the length. For owners of short-cut hair, it is enough to choose one high-quality comb. But if you have long curls, then you should get two brushes - one for daily use, and the other for special occasions when you need a spectacular styling.

The best choice for a daily comb is a classic natural bristle brush. But for styling, you can choose brushing, which will allow you to style your hair into the desired hairstyle without any problems.

Another important point to keep in mind is that a massage brush is better for long hair, while a flat brush is more useful for short hair. The length of the teeth also depends on the length of the hair. The longer your curls are, the longer, respectively, should be the teeth on your comb. This will make brushing easier.

If you have dry or dry hair, then the brush should be supplemented with the softest and most elastic teeth. You can also choose a comb with natural bristles, which also won't hurt your hair. If you have oily hair, it is better to use a wooden or horny comb.

For fine and straight hair, you can choose any massage brush. Such combs do not harm the hair or spoil its structure. The same brushes are worth buying for hair loss. If this problem is relevant for you, then it is better to buy just such a soft comb that will smooth out curls without pulling them out. And due to the fact that such a brush also massages the head, blood flow to its surface increases, which means that the hair begins to grow faster.

But tangled and naughty curls will be easier to comb with a comb with rare teeth. This will divide the curls into thin strands without damaging them.

For thick hair, use a wide comb with natural bristles. It is to her that you can comb the strands as efficiently as possible, separating them.

In addition, the comb needs to be thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis. The brush should be rinsed at least once a week. Of course, this can only be done if the material allows. For this, boiling water is used first, and then a soap solution. The comb washed in this way must then be rinsed well and dried, laying on a thick terry towel.

It is also worth remembering that the comb you use on a regular basis should not be passed on to someone else. Do not use the same brush for two, even with loved ones, so that your hair always remains healthy and looks well-groomed.

But, even if you provide your comb with proper care, it should still not last you more than six months. Even if the comb still looks decent, it should still be replaced every two seasons.

It is also worth changing the comb if you notice at least minimal damage on it. If the tips of the teeth are cracking, then it's time for you to buy a new brush - this comb will only damage the strands more.

The general indicators of the health of the human body are certainly displayed on the state of the hair. So, a deficiency of vitamins, bad habits, a low level of physical activity and an unhealthy diet cannot but affect the appearance and health of the strands.

Not the least important in this case is the high-quality care of the curls, which presupposes the correct daily combing of the hair.

Unfortunately, most girls and women do not know how to comb their hair correctly - they choose unsuitable combs from cheap materials, cut off strands, and do the procedure not often enough. Over time, such actions necessarily lead to a violation of the structure of the curls on the head (especially if these are long strands).

How to comb your hair , will be discussed later.

The meaning of manipulation

The procedure itself is very useful for curls:

  • in the process of combing, the strands are cleaned of surface contamination;
  • massage of the dermis of the head helps to activate the work of the hair follicles, which leads to a more intense growth of hair;
  • during manipulations, sebum is distributed throughout the hair shaft, lubricating and nourishing it.

What are the combs

Treating hair of any length starts with choosing the right brushing tool

The modern market offers owners of long and short curls several options for the materials from which the combs are made:

  • wood is the best choice for any type of hair. It has several drawbacks - it absorbs moisture too intensively, so it soon "breaks down"; it is difficult to care for it (gets dirty quickly).
  • Plastic is the most common material. Such combs are lightweight, easy to care for, and an inexpensive tool. The plastic comb has one significant drawback: it strongly electrifies the curls.
  • Horn is a structural material, the composition of which is close to the biological structure of human strands. With improper care, such combs may develop jags, dents, stripes, which in subsequent procedures can injure the hair shafts.

When choosing a combing tool, you should also pay attention to such a parameter as the nature of the comb teeth. Here are some guidelines:

  • you cannot choose combs with hard or sharp teeth - they injure the strands, as well as the dermis of the head;
  • when dandruff is a problem, it is better to choose combs with fine teeth.
  • the teeth at the ends should have rounded outlines;
  • if the girl's curls are confused, then it is better to give preference to wooden combs equipped with rare teeth.

Daily combing of hair on your head should be accompanied by such simple rules:

  • first of all, it should be noted that combing wet or damp strands is strictly prohibited. The hair that has absorbed moisture becomes heavy and, under mechanical stress, long curls can break loose and break.
  • It is better to give preference to smooth combs made from natural materials with blunt sparse teeth. This is necessary so that in the process of combing, the tool does not damage the dermis on the head. The best choice is wooden or horny combs.
  • If a woman does not have any special problems with the condition of her hair and scalp, it is necessary to comb her hair with a massage brush equipped with natural bristles.
  • In case of alopecia, it is recommended to use a thin comb.
  • The combs should only be customized. From time to time, it is recommended to clean them of dirt with a warm soapy solution or ten percent ammonia.


How to comb your hair correctly? The procedure must be approached carefully, because when combing too roughly, long hair on the head breaks, splits, and structural nodules form on the hair shafts. This kind of consequences will certainly affect the health of the strands.

There are a few simple rules:

  • short hair is combed, starting from the roots towards the ends;
  • long strands are processed from the free ends.

In a situation where, as the procedure progresses, the curls become tangled, it is recommended to divide the hair into separate small strands and carefully process them. Moving from the periphery towards the center of the head.

In order to qualitatively clean the hair shaft from dirt, it is recommended to comb in different directions - first along the growth of the curls, then in the opposite direction.

The duration of the event should be at least 10-15 minutes per day.

Technique for performing manipulations

Like any hair care procedure, combing has a number of technical nuances:

  • curls should be combed at least three times a day - immediately after waking up, upon arrival from school (work), immediately before bedtime;
  • before starting the procedure, it is recommended to slightly tilt the head forward - this is necessary to improve local blood flow in the dermis.
  • Begin manipulations from the occipital zone, evenly comb the hair in all possible directions.
  • If the technique is correct, after two to three minutes you can feel a slight warmth in the dermis of the head (a clear sign of an active rush of blood).
  • In the process of combing, it is recommended to alternate active movements with a brush or comb with stroking the curls with your hand - this manipulation improves the mechanism for distributing fat along the hair shaft.
  • All movements should be only smooth and soft - otherwise there is a risk of disrupting the structure of the strands.

Unfortunately, not every owner of luxurious hair knows how to comb hair correctly. Nevertheless, the health and beauty of the strands directly depends on the correctness of this procedure.

The approach to combing should be comprehensive - choose the right comb (brush), carry out the procedure at least three times a day, pay attention to the described manipulation technique. Only if all the requirements are met, the curls will look well-groomed, shiny and smooth.

It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a guy, but if your hair is longer than five centimeters, then you comb every day. But just because this activity is so familiar and familiar does not mean that you are doing everything right.

Here are seven mistakes many people make on a daily basis, and if you continue like this, the health (and quantity) of your hair can deteriorate, not to mention the appearance.

When people start having problems with their hair, when they become oily, weak or electrified, they often try to change their care product - they buy other shampoos, conditioners, masks.

No one even thinks that it may be in the inability to comb the hair. So, 7 mistakes, eliminating which, you can improve the condition of your hair.

1. Brushing from roots to tips

If you brush your hair by running the comb from root to tip, it is bad for your hair - the comb pulls the hair out of the follicle and gets tangled and you end up pulling out more hair.

How is it correct?

Comb, starting a few centimeters from the ends, gradually working upward and detangling the knots from the hair. This method does not traumatize or rip the hair out.

2. Brushing wet hair

When the hair fibers are filled with moisture, they stretch, making them weaker. When combing, stretched hair is damaged and broken faster.

How is it correct?

Wait until the hair is dry, and then comb it.

3. Detangle hair with a flat brush

When the hair is very tangled, many use a brush or "massage", while pulling the hair out almost in strands. This method is too harsh, no matter if the hair is dry or damp.

How is it correct?

For detangling, it is better to use a wide-toothed comb, but first spray your hair with a special product, such as a spray for easy combing.

After such remedies, the comb will glide well through the hair, and it will unravel faster and easier, without damage.

4. Combing too much

There is such a ridiculous myth: in order to comb well, you need to brush through your hair 100 times. In fact, such sessions only spoil the hair - they break it.

How is it correct?

There is no need to get carried away with the number of times, it is better to take care of the quality in order to carefully remove all the nodules.

5. Wrong brush

Natural boar bristle brushes are much softer on hair than artificial bristle brushes. They also distribute natural fats better along the entire length, from root to tip. As a result, your hair will look cleaner for longer.

6. Dirty brush

Many people never wash their comb at all, believing that it cannot be dirty. In fact, loose hair, dead skin particles and sebum accumulate on it. Just think about it the next time you brush your clean hair.

How is it correct?

The brush should be washed once a week - first remove the hair from it, and then rinse it under water with soap or shampoo.

7. Static electricity

Static electricity can be generated due to the rubbing of the brush on the hair. To prevent this from happening, spray the brush with hair spray before brushing. Alternatively, you can put a couple of drops of hair oil on your fingers and run it all over your scalp.

Take pity on your hair and brush it right!

Which consists in unraveling, smoothing, straightening.

Preventing hair from tangling

Prevention is always easier than recovery. This rule applies to different areas of life. Since combing is quite stressful for a woman and her hair, it is worth familiarizing yourself with prevention methods and possible problems.

  • Satin or silk bedding. For some reason, US stylists associate this "secret" With Marilyn Monroe, although people slept on silk underwear long before the birth of the blonde beauty. However, the "trick" really works: a satin or silk pillowcase helps keep hair hydrated, prevents tangles and breaks the hair. On the contrary, silk polishes the hair, as it were, giving it a glossy effect.
  • Braids or tufts for the night. This is both a great way to save time on your morning hair and a great method to prevent hair breakage during sleep. The only point: you can not overdo it. It is better to loosen the braid than to pull it too tightly (this is also stress on the hair). In addition, the hair in a dream will "breathe" better.
  • Straighten hair, not wash. If you sleep on your side, the hairstyle may turn out to be asymmetrical and lose volume. But this is not a reason to torment poor hair with styling products. You just need to take a hairdryer and direct a stream of warm air to the roots where the hair is wrinkled. Under the influence of air, the hair will straighten out and does not require a new styling of wet hair, which is harmful for the hairstyle.
  • Dry shampoo. It is worth trying to buy dry shampoo or make your own. This product will not only avoid frequent washing, but will also be an excellent styling agent. Waking up in the morning, you can expect an unpleasant surprise - hair fresh from the evening "got googled" by the morning. To avoid washing your hair too often, you can use dry shampoo, and then proceed to hot styling.
  • Bang . Bangs become greasy and dirty much faster than the rest of the hair, which, again, leads to the need to wash your hair often. Instead, consider getting hairpins that won't break your hair. Thus, it is recommended to pin the bangs on the side while sleeping, and in the morning just style them with a hot hairdryer.

Correct hair combing

So, let's start combing. Brushing is one of the most important ways to care for the beauty and health of your hair. There are a few simple rules to follow to keep your hair looking healthy, shiny and beautiful. They are easy to remember, and five minutes a day is enough to complete them.

  • Hair should be brushed daily, at least three times a day. Hairdressers recommend brushing your hair about 100 times a day. It is also recommended to comb your hair before bed. This allows them to breathe at night. And in the morning you don't have to unravel your hair in the morning rush.
  • You should comb your hair until all the strands are unraveled and the hairstyle takes shape.
  • Hair should be brushed gently. The movement of the hand holding the comb should be smooth. With rough movements, the hair, on the contrary, will get tangled even more, will break, and the follicles will be damaged. It is also necessary to ensure that the hair does not stretch, so that during combing the scalp is not damaged.
  • Damp hair, regardless of length, should only be brushed with a sparse-toothed comb. In general, it is advisable to wait until they are completely dry.
  • When brushing, take into account the length of the hair. For very short hair, start combing from the roots, and long hair from the free ends, gradually moving higher towards the roots. Strand by strand. First, comb the hair on the back of the head, then on the rest of the head - in the direction of the hair, against the growth of the hair. That is, it is necessary to constantly change the direction of movement of the comb.
  • When brushing, touch the scalp with the teeth of the comb gently, without pressure. This creates the effect of a light massage. Massage plays an important role in improving blood circulation, accelerating hair growth. It makes hair silky, improves nutrition, and prevents increased hair loss.
  • Owners of oily hair should know the following. Since when combing, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated, fat is released, you should try to comb your hair so as not to touch the scalp. Thanks to this technique, the grease is not diffused as much throughout the hair. Oily hair should not be brushed more than three times a day. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the comb under hot water each time. This measure also prevents the grease remaining on the comb from re-smearing over the scalp.
  • Dry hair is most susceptible to breakage. They can become looped, which can cause dirt to build up in the hair nodules. It does irreparable damage to your hair.

  • Professionals recommend brushing your hair outdoors to improve oxygenation of the hair, scalp and roots.
  • It is necessary to seriously approach the choice of a comb - it should suit your hair type, length. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the hair.
  • Do not use combs with seams, burrs or other irregularities on the surface. This injures the scalp and causes the hair to split at the ends.
  • Fine-bristled brushes make brushing easier and tangle free.

Aroma combing

There is such a type of combing as aroma combing. This is a common type of hair care using aromatic oils.

This procedure is quite simple. An ordinary comb is taken - preferably from natural materials. A few drops of essential oil are applied to it, and then the hair is combed for a long time and carefully. Plastic or metal combs will not work as essential oils can interact with these materials.

This type of combing makes hair healthy and improves its appearance. They become smooth, shiny and firm. Hair follicles also receive nutrition. They are stimulated during aroma combing, and they also receive useful substances from essential oils.

By combing with essential oils, you can give your hair a subtle scent that will accompany you with a light trail all day and accordingly affect your psycho-emotional state. That is why you should be careful with oils and avoid mixing them with the scent of perfume. An overabundance of odors - especially incompatible ones - can cause headaches and depression.

You should also select oils depending on the time of day. After all, some oils have a tonic effect, and some have a calming effect. The first ones should be used in the morning to wake up well and feel cheerful and energized all day. These include rosemary, cinnamon, and ginger. The latter should be used before bed, after a hard day, to relax well and get ready for bed. These include chamomile, lavender, vanilla. Also at the end of the day, adaptogenic aromas that have an anti-stress effect are well suited: ylang ylang, citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, petitgrain), myrtle, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, eucalyptus.

Hair brushing myths and truths

If you comb your hair at night, you will have a headache in the morning..

No. Quite the opposite. The brushing procedure before bed cleanses the scalp well from dead cells, dust and sebum, and a gentle massage improves hair nutrition. And in the morning - not a hint of a headache.

It is necessary to comb your hair at least a hundred times before going to bed, first from right to left, and then vice versa..

Yes. The direction doesn't matter. Massage for the scalp plays the main role here. But provided that the comb is of very high quality. Otherwise, you can thin out the hair.

Wet hair should not be brushed.

Yes, they are very fragile and easily pulled out.

Short hair should be combed from the roots, long hair - from the ends, having previously divided into strands.

Yes, this is the correct mechanism for combing hair. And it must be borne in mind: the longer the hair, the wider the distance between the teeth should be.

Avoid brushing your hair often... It's really not worth overdoing it. If you brush your hair too often, it will start to get dirty faster. Measure is good in everything!