What to do with face pigmentation in summer. Brown spots on the face: why they appear and how to get rid of them. What studies and analyzes are needed for diagnosis

Each person strives for his face to be beautiful and well-groomed, but such a defect as age spots on the face, all the reasons and necessary treatment of which will be indicated below, often become a real problem.

In the fight against a skin defect, people use many different methods - these are cosmetic creams or ointments, as well as folk methods.

Pigmentation on the forehead or in another area of ​​the skin of the face often worries women. A skin defect forms in women after 35 years. It happens that pigmentation passes on its own over time, but in most cases such a defect has to be dealt with by appropriate methods.

Dark age spots on the face are presented in the form of an area of ​​the skin where an excessive amount of pigment - melanin - accumulates. It is present in different layers of the skin, but when it concentrates in the upper structure of the epidermis, it produces dark or pale (but distinguishable from skin tone) patches.

Pigmented spots never cause any pain to a person, they do not hurt, do not itch, do not get inflamed. The only unpleasant skin pigmentation is that it becomes a provocateur of emotional experiences and the cause of the formation of complexes.

The causes and treatment of age spots on the face in men are somewhat different. In men, hyperpigmentation can occur when melanin is deposited deep in the layers of the skin. In this case, the shade of pigmentation is much darker than usual.

A pigmented spot on the face can grow, grow and often rises on the surface of the skin. Hyperpigmentation also occurs in women, while the defect causes them significant discomfort - the stain interferes with the use of cosmetics, taking off or putting on clothes.

In medicine, skin pigmentation is classified into:

  • freckles;
  • lentigo, which you can learn more about in;
  • chloasma;
  • moles or birthmarks.



Let's outline the main reasons for the appearance of age spots on the cheeks, forehead or other areas of the skin.


Pigmentation is often hereditary. At the same time, with such a spot, the baby is already born, with age it can increase in size. The hereditary age spot on the face does not itch, does not itch, does not bring absolutely any painful sensations.

It is almost impossible to get rid of hereditary age spots with popular cosmetic preparations or alternative methods. Only stronger methods, for example, laser peeling, will help to eliminate the defect.

Changes in hormonal balance

The main reason for the appearance of age spots on the face in women is hormonal disorders. This can be a physiological change in hormonal levels (menopause) or hormonal pathology (pituitary gland).

Pigmentation due to hormonal changes is called chloasma. Doctors advise against using cardinal methods to eliminate chloasma. Often, after hormonal stabilization, the skin defect turns pale or disappears on its own.

If the pigmentation is caused by hormonal diseases, then it is important to deal with the therapy of the underlying pathology. After adequate treatment, pigmentation disappears.

Facial trauma

A pigmented spot on the face may appear as a bluish speck. The provocateurs of the formation of pigmentation are often burns - chemical or thermal, inflammatory acne, boils, a consequence of squeezing out acne. The intensity of the color spectrum of the spot depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis layer.

Treatment of post-traumatic pigmentation is carried out with cosmetics. If there are no results of conservative treatment, then stronger methods are used (phototherapy).

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays

The skin on the face is very thin and vulnerable, so a long stay in the open rays of the sun or abuse of visiting a solarium can lead to a skin defect.

Cosmetics or folk healers help to cope with a skin defect.

Digestive system diseases

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pigmentation is often formed. A red tint of spots indicates problems with the intestines, brown - a violation of the functionality of the liver or gallbladder, yellow-brown - kidney disease.

This type of pigmentation does not require appropriate treatment. A person is prescribed a therapeutic diet, drug therapy. After the disease is cured, age spots disappear on their own.

Diseases of a nervous nature

Permanent nervous disorders, prolonged stress, anxiety and depression can lead to the formation of pigmentation. Stabilizing the emotional background and using anti-pigmentation cosmetics will help get rid of a skin defect.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals

A very common problem. Skin pigmentation can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, as well as copper in the body. After organizing a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, age spots fade and gradually disappear.

The use of low-quality cosmetics

Spots on the skin of the face, allergic rashes and other negative manifestations often appear after using natural cosmetics.

The cause of the defect is an allergic reaction of epidermal cells to natural substances. Poor-quality ingredients that make up cosmetics can also cause pigmentation. Pigmentation treatment requires the rejection of low-quality or allergenic cosmetics.

Physiological aging of the skin

After 45-50 years of age, skin pigmentation (lentigo) is common. The appearance of a skin defect is triggered by the physiological aging of skin cells, the activity of chronic pathologies, and natural hormonal imbalance.

Methods for removing age spots from the face

Pigmentation of the skin on the face is not a dangerous disease for humans, but a skin defect is a signal of changes taking place inside the body. Only a doctor is able to determine the exact causes of pigmentation on a person after receiving the results of the medication prescribed to the patient. survey.

The main principle of adequate pigmentation therapy is the elimination of the provoking factor (cause). If the formation of a skin defect is provoked due to the presence of diseases, then the disease must first be treated, and the skin defect will brighten or disappear after a complete cure on its own.

If the skin defect is provoked by other reasons, then special methods will help get rid of it.

Removal of age spots using cosmetic methods

Removal of age spots on the forehead, cheeks or other areas of the skin is done in beauty salons or at a dermatologist. The specialist recommends to the patient a certain method of removing the problem, depending on numerous factors (and especially, on the severity of the problem and the physiological characteristics of the patient). Before the procedure, contraindications and all kinds of side effects must be taken into account.

Laser peeling

In the process of laser treatment of age spots on the face, laser beams are used, the effect of which occurs on the upper layer of the skin. The procedure promotes the renewal of the skin layer. Laser therapy has a beneficial effect on the structure of the epidermis, it helps the skin to become smooth, fresh, healthy and youthful.

Laser therapy is painfully tolerated by patients. After removal of pigmentation, the use of wound healing agents (ointment, cream) is required.

Ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic peeling is used to treat skin pigmentation. In the process of treatment, specials are used. equipment that facilitates the penetration of active components into the uppermost skin layers. The result of ultrasonic peeling is smooth, bleached skin, free from external defects.


Dermabrasion is used to remove age spots on the forehead and other parts of the skin. The procedure is the elimination of a skin defect by mechanical resurfacing of the epidermis.


To eliminate age spots after acne, phototherapy is actively used. The procedure is the impact on the problem area of ​​a laser beam that produces pulses of light.

Light rays act directly on the pigment spot, contributing to the complete destruction of all cells with accumulation of melanin.


Cryotherapy is capable of permanently getting rid of age spots after acne. The essence of the technique is "freezing" the problem area of ​​the skin with liquid nitrogen. Treatment of age spots with liquid nitrogen is carried out with a cotton swab or a medical spray.

Cryotherapy is absolutely painless and has no contraindications. The process of treating problem areas lasts several minutes (it depends on the activity of pigmentation formation). This procedure can be repeated.

Chemical peeling

If age spots appear after acne, a chemical peel is recommended. It is carried out using acids (glycolic). The result is chem. peeling - a renewed and even epidermis, elimination of pigmented dark and pale spots.

Whitening salon treatments

Specialists of beauty salons can offer clients a variety of methods for removing pigmentation. One of them is skin whitening.

The safest pigmentation bleach is zinc paste. It can even be used to remove age spots on the lips.

A paste containing zinc is used to treat problem areas on the face. The result is skin whitening, wrinkle smoothing, acne treatment.

3% hydrogen peroxide can also act as a bleach. It is important to remember that the use of this active agent often provokes a burn, especially if you remove pigmentation on the lips.

Mercury cream is another whitening product. It can only be used for a short time. Moreover, it is forbidden to use this whitening technique for pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed their newborns.

Cosmetics for age spots

Cosmetic stores and pharmacies offer a wide range of products that whiten the skin and deal with pigmentation.

Effective anti-pigmentation agents are creams and ointments that contain the following active ingredients:

  • any acid - hyaluronic, gluconic, fruit, etc.
  • mineral components - titanium dioxide;
  • extracts of grapes, parsley, cucumber, mulberry, lemon;
  • vitamins - beta-carotene, vitamin C;
  • arbutin;
  • hydroquinone;
  • natural vegetable oils - shea, jojoba, shea.

Traditional medicine recipes for age spots

Folk healers offer effective means of dealing with a skin defect. The recipes are based on natural remedies.

  • Parsley mask. Grind a bunch of green leaves into a soft gruel, add a small amount of honey, stir the mass thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the problem area on the skin, leave for half an hour, then rinse with cool water. An effective tool is able to eliminate even age spots in the eyelid area;
  • Potato mask. Grate a small potato on a small grater, squeeze out excess liquid. In the resulting gruel, drive st. a spoonful of olive oil, whole milk and oat bran. Convert everything into a homogeneous mass and apply to the pigmentation area. Hold for 20 minutes, then rinse;
  • Cucumber juice. Grate 1 medium cucumber, mix the resulting juice with any nutritious cream. Use the product daily for 1 month;
  • Essential natural oils. Mix castor oil and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. With the resulting composition, treat age spots daily.

To eliminate pigmentation, decoctions of herbal herbs (elderberry, dandelion, celandine, lovage) are used. The prepared product is used to wipe problem skin.

Prevention of the appearance of age spots on the face

You can minimize the likelihood of pigmentation if you follow the following principles:

  • Eliminate excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin. In the summer, it is imperative to use sunscreen;
  • Do not abuse the visit to the solarium;
  • Limit the use of salty foods and dishes;
  • Organize a correct, fortified menu.

Pigmented spots on the face and body, as well as areas with insufficient skin coloration or its complete absence are one of the most pressing problems of modern dermatocosmetology.

Such local disorders are associated with a coloring pigment, mainly melanin, as a result of which the term "melanosis" they are combined into one group of skin pathology. In recent decades, the number of people with hyperpigmentation has increased especially significantly.

Why do age spots appear?

Depending on the excess of melanin (dark spots), lack or absence of pigment (white spots), local melanosis is distinguished as hyper- and hypomelanosis, respectively. They are not just limited cosmetic defects, differing in reasons and mechanisms of development and very often seriously traumatizing the psyche, but can be a consequence of both local limited disorders and various diseases of the body. To have an idea of ​​how to get rid of age spots and in what cases it is possible, you need to understand the causes and mechanisms of their formation.

Melanin is the main pigment that determines the color of the skin. It exists in 2 types, the ratio of which determines the color of the skin:

  • eumelanin - an insoluble black or brown pigment;
  • pheomelanin is a soluble pigment with various shades ranging from brown to yellow.

Melanin is synthesized and contained in large cells with processes - melanocytes, which are located in the epidermal basal layer between keratinocytes. The main component of melanocytes is the amino acid tyrosine. As a result of a chain of biochemical reactions involving enzymes, the main of which is tyrosinase, tyrosine is oxidized to form a pigment from oxidation products.

The activation of the tyrosinase enzyme occurs only in the presence of oxygen, copper ions and under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The synthesized melanin accumulates in the organelles (melanosomes) formed in the melanocytes, which then move along the processes of the former to the keratinocytes of the epidermis and are evenly distributed at different depths in all layers, and the melanosomes are destroyed.

The regulation of melanin synthesis and secretion by biological processes is determined by genes, the influence of the endocrine system with the participation of the middle lobe of the pituitary gland (through melanin-stimulating hormone), ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources, and a combination of these factors.

In these processes, the violation of amino acid metabolism, the function of the nervous system, liver and spleen, and a deficiency of trace elements such as magnesium, copper, sulfur and iron are also of great importance. For example, magnesium is involved in the regulation of the secretion of melanin-stimulating hormone, is directly involved in the transmission of signals from hormonal receptors, is able to suppress the action of tyrosinase, and helps to maintain the connective tissue structure, due to which the pigment is distributed more evenly.

Thus, the reasons for the appearance of age spots are very numerous. They are capable of causing both a local decrease in the number of melanocytes and a disorder of the briefly described mechanisms, as a result of which there are disturbances in the synthesis and secretion of melanin and its distribution in the skin. The vast majority of patients with limited areas of increased pigmentation on the skin prevail.

Is it possible to remove age spots?

Depending on the causes and mechanisms of the occurrence of hypermelanosis, they are combined into two groups:

  1. Primary, representing a large group of diseases in which focal hyperpigmentation is the leading and, most often, the only clinical sign, although sometimes it can be combined with other manifestations of the disease. Primary hypermelanosis can be acquired, congenital and hereditary, which are inherited, detected immediately after birth or after some time and, often, in combination with the symptomatology of some other pathology.
  2. Secondary, including limited skin changes, the cause of which was the primary morphological elements in the form of rashes with any infectious or inflammatory origin. Hyperpigmentation in these cases develops as a result of the influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines. It has the character of residual effects of the transferred dermatosis (eczema, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, various vasculitis, etc.). Such defects, as a rule, do not need any therapy and after a while they disappear spontaneously after healing or prolonged remission of the underlying pathology.

Acquired hypermelanosis also includes all cases of increased synthesis and secretion of melanin, which develop throughout life under the influence of:

Some types of primary hypermelanosis can not be treated with cosmetic products at all. In these cases, it is possible to remove age spots only by therapeutic and sometimes surgical treatment of the underlying pathology.

The most common types of age spots


It is a primary hypermelanosis and usually develops between the ages of 10 and 70 years. The foci are represented by rounded or oval spots with a maximum diameter of a few millimeters to 1 - 2 cm and various colors - from light to dark brown and even black, depending on the duration of their existence. Most often, lentigo is localized on the face, neck, upper chest and arms.

The causes are chronic sun exposure and age. Depending on the latter, juvenile (simple, youthful) and senile lentigo are distinguished. A simple can develop on any skin area and even on mucous membranes. In the basal layer, an increased content of melanin is noted, but at the same time its local distribution is observed.

Already in old age, age spots very often arise, which is mainly associated with a change (slowdown) in metabolic processes. It is important that lentigo spots are a precancerous pathology. This is confirmed by histological examination - in the dermal layer, the degeneration of collagen fibers, prone to staining with alkaline dyes, is determined, which speaks of "solar" elastosis. Therefore, the choice of treatment in elderly patients should be very careful and reasoned enough.

Freckles, or ephelids

They are one of the typical features of the skin of blondes and red-haired people and belong to hereditary primary hypermelanosis. Their number is associated not with an increased number of melanocytic cells, but with a more intense formation and accumulation of melanin in keratinocytes.

Freckles appear in childhood (from 4 to 6 years old), and at an older age (after 30 years) - the number of elements decreases significantly. They look like spots with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.4 mm, localized on the face, on the back and front surface of the chest, as well as on the limbs. The boundaries of the ephelids are clearly delineated. Their number and intensity of pigmentation increase significantly in the spring and summer periods under the influence of ultraviolet rays, especially after sunburn.

In addition, in women (less often in men) after 40-50 years, so-called age-related freckles. With increasing age, their number is increasing.

The appearance of such age spots is associated with a decrease in the hormonal function of the ovaries and a decrease in the content of estrogens in the blood, with a weakening (in both women and men) of the protective reaction to the damaging effects of sunlight and a decrease in the barrier functions of the skin, as a result of which it becomes more susceptible to microdamage.

This melanosis is not a manifestation of a pathological condition and does not require treatment, however, patients often turn to cosmetology clinics about this. With a professional approach, in most cases it is possible to effectively whiten age spots.


This is the most common type of limited primary acquired hypermelonosis, in which melanin accumulates in the epidermal cells of the spinous and basal layers, and the number of melanosomes in the superficial dermal layers also increases.

Chloasma appears in the age period 20-50 years. They look like spots with irregular outlines of dark yellow or dark brown color. Favorite localization - forehead, cheeks, periorbital zone, upper lip and nose bridge, zygomatic region, neck. The cause of hyperpigmentation is excessive sun exposure against the background of changes in the blood levels of estrogens, progesterone and luteinizing hormone in women, and in men - low testosterone levels and increased levels of luteinizing hormone.

Especially often, such hormonal changes are associated with the second half of pregnancy, pathological processes in the uterus, ovarian tumors and taking oral contraceptives. Pigmented spots during pregnancy occur in most women (on average, 90%). First of all, they appear, mainly, in the "hormone-dependent" zones (areola, white line of the abdomen and inner thighs), and then in the above zones.

Chloasma, melasma


Which is equated by many authors with chloasma. However, melasma is not associated with reproductive organs, but with the pathology of other organs (liver disease, etc.) and ultraviolet radiation. It is characterized by a more pronounced aggressiveness of the course, compared with chloasma, and can be transient (in spring and summer, with hormonal surges) and chronic, when the spots of hyperpigmentation do not completely disappear, but only become paler.

The number of visits by patients with melasma is even significantly higher than that of chloasma. The remedy for age spots with melasma is chosen depending on its varieties (epidermal, dermal and mixed), which differ in the depth of the location of the excess amount of pigment.

Broca's perioral dermatosis pigmentosa

Allocated in a separate form of hypermelanosis. It develops mainly in women of middle (30-40 years old) age with hormonal dysfunction of the ovaries or dysfunction of the digestive tract. Foci with clear boundaries or vague outlines are localized in the zone of the nasolabial triangle. The spots have a yellow-brown color of varying intensity, up to complete disappearance. Removal of age spots on the face with Broca's dermatosis is possible only as a result of complex therapy with the predominant correction of the underlying pathology.

Treatment of age spots

In order to prevent the appearance of age spots or increase the color intensity, as well as during their treatment, photoprotective agents are used containing ultraviolet filters (with an SPF factor of at least 50) - sprays, emulsions and creams from various manufacturers.

Methods for getting rid of pigmented skin defects:

  1. Laser removal of age spots.
  2. Whitening, which consists of two stages - mechanical or chemical peeling and direct whitening effect. The latter is achieved mainly by blocking the tyrosinase enzyme and decreasing the production of melanin by melanocytes.

Laser exposure

For the purpose of selective photothermolysis, mainly carbon dioxide, alexandrite, ruby, copper vapor or dye lasers are used. If the principle of action consists in the evaporation of tissues containing melanin, then the lightening effect of other types consists in the destruction and dispersion of the pigment into particles (selective photothermolysis), which are then removed by macrophages through the lymphatic system. The laser can be used to remove age spots on the face and other parts of the body.

Each type of laser is designed for a specific type and depth of local hypermelanosis. Recently, high-impulse IPL therapy has been very popular. With the help of these treatment methods, it is possible to remove defects relatively quickly and obtain excellent results.

However, they are very expensive. In addition, laser removal of age spots can cause various complications - repeated, even more pronounced, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation in the form of white spots, scars. In ordinary beauty parlors, mechanical (dermabrasion and, much less often, cryodestruction) and chemical peels with subsequent whitening are mainly used.

Removal of age spots with a laser


Chemical peels are carried out using retinol and its derivatives, as well as fruit alpha-hydroxy acids - citric, kojic, apple, tartaric, glycolic, lactic, and almond. Fruit acids also have a regenerating effect.

To achieve a depigmenting effect, drugs are used, the main components of which are hydroquinone (rarely used due to toxicity), ricinol, arbutin, salicylic, kojic, azelaic acids, ascorbic acid in the form of magnesium ascorbyl-2-phosphate. In addition, these substances have mild exfoliating and some antioxidant effects. Chemical peels are often combined with mesotherapeutic procedures in order to administer ascorbic, glycolic acids and other drugs.

Pigmented spots are an unpleasant "decoration" of a woman's face. Moreover, light or dark spots, as well as freckles, usually do not spoil the appearance, but they bring strong psychological discomfort to the wearer. And along with it there is an irresistible desire to get rid of unwanted blemishes, getting perfectly even skin. It is quite possible to get rid of pigmentation, but first you need to identify the cause of its appearance.

There are several immediate causes of spots, and removing most of them can stop skin pigmentation.

Causes of pigmentation on the face:

  • Unsuitable cosmetics: any cream or ointment may contain allergy-causing ingredients in the form of stains.
  • Heredity: In some families, pigmentation is inherited and appears in a child at an early age.
  • Exposure: The sun's rays and UV lamps can provoke the appearance of pigmentation.
  • Lack of vitamins: they are involved in the production of essential, hair and eye pigment (melanin). When too little of it is released, the entire skin cannot be protected and brown spots appear.
  • Difficult pregnancy and childbirth: small spots often pop up in a pregnant woman after the birth of a baby. This is due to the imbalance of hormones in the body.
  • Consequences of acne: After improper treatment of acne and acne, reddish or brown spots may well form in their place.
  • Diseases of the organs. Pigmentation often signals diseases of the stomach, gallbladder, kidneys or liver.
  • Age-related changes: pigmentation can appear after 45 years due to hormonal shift.
  • Severe stress.
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of skin pigmentation

Chloasma (melasma). It is represented by large areas of pigmented skin formed from several specks.
Vitiligo. This look is whitish spots that appear due to problems with the release of melanin. They are usually inherited.
Senile ripples (lentigo). This is a change in the shoulders and arms. There are two types: youthful lentigo (a genetic phenomenon due to which small ripples appear on the child's skin by the age of 10) and senile lentigo (large spots appear in older people on the face and in places accessible to the sun).
Nevus (birthmarks). Due to the excess amount of melanin, cells appear in which it accumulates. These spots have clear edges and are called moles.
Ephelids (common freckles). As a rule, they form on the skin of people prone to pigmentation - blondes and redheads. Over time, the number of spots becomes less due to the fact that the skin itself learns to evenly distribute the sun's radiation.

In fact, pigmentation is not only hereditary and allergic, but also an age-related problem.

It most often appears in women after 40 years. This is due to the fact that at this age a lot of melanin is produced, and the body, due to hormonal disruptions, cannot evenly and competently distribute it.

Pigment spots are especially active in spring. The sun is becoming much more active in comparison with winter, and the skin has not yet had time to reorganize to the new regime. In this case, special protective creams from ultraviolet radiation will be excellent protection. Try to apply them every time before leaving the house. In this case, the protection factor must be at least the fourth.

Skin pigmentation treatment

In general, spots on the face do not pose a health hazard, but they bring psychological discomfort to their carriers. If you have firmly decided that you want to get rid of them, then immediately tune in to a positive effect. There are many ways and means to combat pigmentation, so it is quite possible to achieve what you want.

The main thing is to choose an effective method and immediately start treatment. It is not worth pulling because the spots can penetrate into the lower layers of the skin and over time it will be a little more difficult to remove them.

So, there are many safe ways to deal with this cosmetic defect. Let's look at the simplest ones first.

Age spots can be removed with a special bleaching compound. This could be:

  • one of the creams sold in cosmetic stores;
  • zinc ointment - it is especially effective for inflammation and acne);
  • hydrogen peroxide (you need to apply strictly to those spots in which there is the most pigment);
  • cream with mercury (it is a strong allergen and requires testing on the bend of the elbow, it is undesirable to use for a long time).

If for any reason the cream is not suitable, you can make a whitening one. He will help get rid of age spots, and will renew the keratinized skin, making it uniform. It is better not to do this on your own, but to use the services of a beautician.

Types of whitening peels:

  • (by means of influence on the formation of spots it is blocked);
  • Phototherapy (under the influence of infrared rays, cells with a large amount of melanin are destroyed, and healthy skin does not suffer);
  • Laser (to get rid of unwanted age spots, you need about three sessions, during which the skin can only be cleaned of shallow spots);
  • Ultrasonic (using ultrasound, drugs are injected into pigmented cells that break down melanin and whiten the skin well. The result will appear after 10 sessions).

There are also preparations specially designed to get rid of pigmentation that can be found in pharmacies and clinics:

  • "Achromin Max" (at the same time protects it from the rays of the sun. The tool must be applied daily in the morning and evening, and the result is expected in a couple of weeks);
  • "Retin-A" (this cream significantly reduces the amount of melanin in the skin. It is applied once a day and is thoroughly washed off after 6 hours. The results will be noticeable after four weeks);
  • "VC-IP" (this oil solution contains vitamin C, which prevents the skin from producing melanin and is quickly absorbed).

In addition to treatment with peels and creams, you can get rid of pigmentation through folk recipes. There are several effective recipes here based on natural substances that contribute to the formation of melanin. These are masks and tonics with sauerkraut, lemon, dandelions, radishes, oat flour and cucumbers. The following recipes are considered the most effective:

  1. Lemon-honey mask (mix a spoonful of honey and the juice of a whole lemon and apply on the face for half an hour);
  2. Parsley lotion (pour a large spoonful of parsley with vodka, insist for a week and wipe your face twice a day);
  3. Dandelion broth (boil two tablespoons of dandelion flowers and lubricate the face with the composition twice a day).

Most age spots can be dealt with on their own without resorting to surgical treatment. But if the spots are inherited, then only it will help out. In any case, the result will be, the main thing is to have patience and perseverance.

To combat age spots, there is a wonderful prophylactic agent that allows you to protect your skin all year round and reduce the number of freckles in the spring. This is the food it contains.

Stay beautiful and healthy! Your SuperCosmetologist!

Every woman wants to have healthy and beautiful skin, but often not everyone succeeds. A variety of obstacles prevent this from being achieved, for example, brown spots, annoying with their unattractive appearance. Every person who is faced with this problem begins to wonder how to remove pigmentation on the face. Most often, this cosmetic effect appears at the age of over 35. Getting rid of brown spots on the face can be difficult for women.

The appearance of pigmentation

Brown spots on the face are found in both young and older people. Most often, they form between the ages of 40 and 50. These are the so-called brown age spots on the face. It is extremely rare that pigmentation can disappear without any treatment, spontaneously. As a rule, stains tend to enlarge, and in order to get rid of them, you need to make a lot of effort.

Choice of treatment method

Many people ask the following question: "There are brown spots on the face, what should I do?" Pigmentation on the face is not only a cosmetic issue. The condition of the skin depends more on the functioning of internal systems and organs, therefore, the fight against various cosmetic problems only through masks and creams is meaningless. These methods are important only in conjunction with complex treatment. Before choosing a method of therapy, it is necessary to examine the entire body and identify the causes of the formation of brown spots.

Sometimes special cosmetic products for external use can give a certain result - the spots can decrease in size and turn pale. However, this, as a rule, is not enough, since even a very expensive cream cannot eliminate the cause of this defect on the skin of the face. After a while, they return again, and very often become more noticeable.

The essence of the problem

Pigmented spots are characterized by a high concentration of melanin in certain areas of the skin. You can notice the formation of moles or freckles if this substance is deposited in the upper layer of the epidermis. They, as a rule, do not cause any problems and do not cause discomfort.

Hyperpigmentation is caused by the accumulation of melanin in deeper layers, with the formation of dark brown spots on the skin surface, which sometimes can even protrude slightly.


Experts distinguish between the following types of pigmentation:

Brown spots on the face: causes

Melanin, which is located in different layers of the epidermis, begins to be more actively produced, and accumulates in specific areas of the skin, while it forms pigmentation on them.

Causes of brown spots on the face may include the following:

Consultation with specialists

By themselves, freckles or moles on the face do not cause uncomfortable and painful sensations, but it should be remembered that they cannot just appear. You should immediately go to the hospital and undergo a full body examination after they appear. In addition, it is recommended to visit doctors such as an endocrinologist, general practitioner, gynecologist and gastroenterologist. This will help identify the causes of brown spots on your face. Only after the diagnosis is made, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Methods for treating brown spots on the face

How to get rid of brown spots on your face? In order for them to completely disappear, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment, after which the spots will lighten or disappear.

To get rid of pigmentation on the face, beauty salons offer the following methods:

Whitening preparations for removing pigmentation on the face

Whitening beauty products are used to remove brown spots on the face. In order to avoid the appearance of even more moles and freckles on the face or their darkening, it is necessary to use these whitening products with extreme caution. In addition, some drugs have their own contraindications, so before you start using them, you should consult your doctor.

The most famous whitening products are:

  • Retin-A cream that stabilizes the level of melanin in the skin.
  • Facial mask "Belita Vitex" with acids and white clay. It removes age spots while moisturizing the skin.
  • Cream "Achromin MAX" has the function of protecting the skin from exposure to sunlight and removes brown spots.
  • Cream Biocon "Snow White", which is made on the basis of licorice, white lily and lactic acid, helps to prevent pigmentation on the face, and also has a sunscreen effect.
  • VC-IP solution with vitamin C eliminates hyperpigmentation of the skin cell layers.
  • Zinc ointment is also very good at whitening stains. It has no contraindications, so it can be used by pregnant women. The ointment should be applied to age spots 2 times a day until they disappear completely.

Before using any product, be sure to read the composition and do a test for a possible allergic reaction.

An integrated approach and protection against ultraviolet radiation

Any problem should be treated comprehensively, as well as pigmentation on the face. The effectiveness of complex cosmetic products in the treatment of brown spots has been clinically proven. The action of such drugs occurs in two directions:

  • Providing local medical and cosmetic results.
  • Providing protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

These funds include the complex preparation Neotone, which uses serum with such modern ingredients as licorice, alpha-arbutin, Lumiskin. It is designed for nighttime skin care. Also among the highly effective preparations is Radiance with an increased degree of protection SPF50 +, which provides the skin with morning care. It is a very effective remedy, it performs all the stages of facial skin care. In addition, it is a caring and cosmetic preparation that acts as a safe means of preventing age spots.

Traditional medicine

There are many proven and safe folk remedies to get rid of age spots. Masks that are applied to the face for 25-30 minutes have a very good effect, after which they are washed off with water. These masks include the following:


  • You should regularly exfoliate the top layer of the skin by a beautician.
  • Observe proper nutrition.
  • Protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation using cosmetics that contain shea and jojoba butter, retinol and vitamin C.
  • Including large amounts of fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. During vitamin deficiency in the spring, it is advisable to take niacin and vitamin C.
  • It is undesirable to use phototoxic agents on skin prone to the appearance of age spots.

Exposure to the sun's rays (sun exposure) is one of the triggers of the aging process of the skin. In view of the great importance of this phenomenon, scientists have given it a special name - photoaging. Signs of skin aging under the influence UV -Rays are the appearance of age spots in summer, thickening of the stratum corneum (solar keratosis), collagen degradation and the accumulation of atypical collagen fibers (elastosis). It should be borne in mind that small doses of ultraviolet radiation are still necessary for humans. Its role in vitamin synthesis D today there is no doubt. Also, ultraviolet light is involved in calcium metabolism and has a significant effect on the psychoemotional state of a person. Thus, it is possible to talk about the damaging effects of sunlight only with excessive insolation. It must be remembered that the bronze tint of the skin is not its only consequence. Much more unpleasant phenomena are age spots. They occur much more frequently in summer than in winter. A competent approach and a comprehensive effect on the entire mechanism of skin pigmentation will help to cope with hyperpigmentation.

Views pigmentation in summer

The most common types of pigmentation on the face in summer are freckles, chloasma and lentigo. Let's tell you more about each of them.

Chloasma -one of the types of acquired skin hyperpigmentation. It is also called melasma or "mask of pregnant women." Chloasma looks like a brown spot (different shades and intensity are possible) with fairly clear boundaries. The edges of the chloasma are uneven, serrated. According to cosmetologists, the contours of such spots resemble a geographical map. The main causes of chloasma are hormonal changes, the period of pregnancy and lactation, the use of hormonal drugs (including contraceptives) and diseases of the female genital area.

Lentigoare rounded brown spots. Their main difference is that lentigines rise above the surface of the epidermis and look slightly convex. This is due to the thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis - solar hyperkeratosis, which we have already talked about. The diameter of the spots usually varies from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Lentigines often appear in old age.

Freckles- perhaps one of the most famous and common types of pigmentation on the face in the summer. By the way, many people do not consider this type of cosmetic flaw, but on the contrary, they find their charm and charm in freckles. From a medical point of view, freckles are acquired pigmentation that does not protrude above the level of the skin. The size of the spots varies from one to several millimeters, the number of freckles - literally from a few elements to an uncountable number. In winter, freckles become less pronounced and contrasting, and with the first rays of the sun they again make themselves felt. More often found in persons with delicate light skin, as well as red or blond hair, a hereditary factor is also traced.

Summer care for skin prone to pigmentation by PLEYANA

You can find out more about the problem of hyperpigmentation and how to deal with it on our website. Also, we offer professionals to purchase educational literature on cosmetic whitening. Improve your professionalism and use products PLEYANA to combat skin hyperpigmentation!

PLEYANA brand : summer treatment for skin prone to pigmentation.
