What is cooked for cheer bail in tajikistan. How much did the dastarkhan cost to the Tajiks by Eid al-Adha. National dishes of different peoples

Millions of Russian Muslims celebrate the Eid al-Adha ("the holiday of breaking the fast"), which, along with Eid al-Adha ("the holiday of sacrifice"), is the main holiday of Islam.

Eid al-Adha is the name of the “holiday of breaking the fast” in Turkic languages. In Arabic it is called Eid al-Fitr. According to legend, it was installed by the Prophet Muhammad himself in 624.

The holiday is celebrated in honor of the end of fasting in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, during which all believers (with the exception of a number of categories - for example, the elderly and children) abstain from food, drink and entertainment during the day, and also perform a special night prayer - taraweeh ... At the end of each daylight hours, the restrictions were lifted and the believers gathered for Iftar - joint fasting.

Day of Eid al-Adha

On the very day of the holiday, believers gather for joint prayer. In the same place, the mufti (or imam) delivers a sermon for the believers.

“In our sermons, at the Eid prayer in Eid al-Adha, we say that the month is over, but good deeds, our thoughts, prayers must be constant and indefinite. Therefore, we urge that all the good that Muslims acquired during the month to strengthen their souls, of course, did not stop, and the charge that we received in the month of Ramadan continued for a year until the next month of Ramadan, "he said in an interview with RIA News of the first deputy chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia (RMC) Rushan Abbyasov.

Then the believers disperse to their homes in order to celebrate Eid al-Adha in the circle of loved ones. On the occasion of the holiday, it is customary to lay abundant tables, to which friends, neighbors, acquaintances are invited.

On this day, among Muslims, it is customary to congratulate each other with the words: "Eid Mubarak!" (blessed holiday!).

Alms for the holiday

During Ramadan, believers gave a special charity - "zakat ul-fitr" - so that, according to the doctrine, the Almighty would accept their fast. The collected money will go to charity.

The amount of alms zakat ul-fitr for 2017 for men, women and children was: 100 rubles from the poor; 300 rubles from people with an average income and from 500 rubles from wealthy people.

The minimum amount of atoning alms (fidya-sadaqa) paid by a person who is unable to observe fasting in the month of Ramadan for any reason is 150 rubles. However, as specified in the CMP, the amount may be increased depending on your own average daily food costs.

Also, on the post-holiday days, Muslims will visit various institutions for socially vulnerable categories of people. Volunteers are taking an active part in this, as the RMC representative said.

Celebrations in the capital

In Moscow, the Cathedral Mosque will become the center of the celebrations. It will open its doors for believers at 3.30. And at 7.00, the holiday prayer will begin, which will be led by the chairman of the RMC Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin.

Before the very beginning of the festive prayer, the mufti, as reported in the RMC, “will exalt words of praise to the Almighty,” after which he will turn to all Muslims of Russia with a sermon from the minbar (tribune - ed.) Of the mosque. At 9.00 Moscow time, the recording of the ceremony will be shown on the Rossiya TV channel.

In addition, prayers will be held at the Historical Mosque in Tatarsky Pereulok, the Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya Gora, the Yardyam Mosque and at venues designated by the Moscow government.

Special security measures will be taken in the places where the festival is held, as well as in the areas of active passage of people. The need for such measures is due to the fact that the football Confederations Cup is being held in Moscow these days.

Traffic will be limited in Moscow

On Sunday, from 04.00 to 11.00, traffic restrictions will be introduced: near the Moscow Cathedral Mosque - on Durov, Schepkina Streets (section from Samarskaya Street to the Garden Ring), Meshchanskaya, Gilyarovskogo Street (section from Kapelsky Lane to Garden Ring), in Kapelsky Lane (section from Prospect Mira to Gilyarovskogo street), as well as Vypolzov lane in the area of ​​house 7.

They will also restrict movement near the Historical Mosque on the streets: Bolshaya Tatarskaya, Old Tolmachevsky Lane, Maly Tatarsky Lane, Klimentovsky Lane, Ozerkovsky Lane. Near the Shukhada Mosque: Yuzhnobutovskaya street (section from Ostafievskaya street to Buninskaya alley); on Minskaya street (from Mosfilmovskaya street to Kutuzovsky prospect); on Andropov Avenue opposite house 11, building 2.

In addition, on Sunday from 04.00 to 11.00, the movement of vehicles will be hampered in the area near the mosques "Yardyam" and "Inam" on Khachaturian street (section from Altufevskoe highway to Otradnaya street) due to traffic restrictions in the extreme right lane. Also, the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers of ground public transport on this section will be temporarily suspended. On the same day, from 07.00 to 08.30, the Minskaya metro station will be closed for passengers.

Eid al-Adha or the holiday of Conversations, the second great holiday among Muslims, which is held in honor of the end of the fast of Ramadan, falls on June 16 in 2018.

The month of Ramadan, in which the Holy Quran was revealed, in 2018 began on May 17 with sunset and ends on June 15 in the evening.

© photo: Sputnik / Amir Isaev, STR

On the last day of Ramadan, after sunset, the holiday of Conversation or Eid al Fitr (in Arabic) comes - one of the most important events in Islam.

In different Muslim countries, Ramadan can start at different times, depending on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the moon.

Muslim calendar

The Muslim chronology is based on the resettlement (in Arabic hijra) of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Yathrib, later called the city of the Prophet - Medina. According to Christian chronology, the resettlement took place in the summer of 622.

The Muslim calendar, according to which Muslims all over the world live, is based on the lunar year, which consists of 12 months - it is 10 or 11 days less than the solar year, so the days of Muslim religious holidays each year are shifted relative to the Gregorian calendar.

A lunar month is 29 or 30 days long. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar in 2018 and lasts 30 days. This holy month of fasting and spiritual cleansing for Muslims is the most important and significant of all periods of the year.

A month of fasting and spiritual cleansing

With the onset of Ramadan, every devout Muslim must begin fasting - one of the five pillars of Islam, along with testimony of faith, prayer, alms and pilgrimage. Fasting in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar was prescribed in 624, the second year of the Hijri.

During the month of Ramadan, devout Muslims refuse to eat during the daytime, devoting them to spiritual and bodily cleansing. Therefore, Islam provides for two night meals: suhoor - before dawn and iftar - in the evening.

Muslims abstain not only from food and drink, but also from foul language and impure thoughts. Their goal is to strengthen faith, rethink their way of life, move away from the forbidden, determine for themselves the true values ​​of life. The fast of one whose deeds and thoughts are unclean and not pleasing to God is considered invalid.

During the holy month, after the obligatory night prayer, the taraweeh prayer is performed - a voluntary prayer that lasts until dawn. For its fulfillment, according to legend, a great reward follows from the Almighty.

Those who, for some reason, are exempted from fasting, must feed the poor every day or provide assistance to the needy, spending no less than the amount they spend on food per day.

The most important night of the year

In the holy month of Ramadan, there is the night of Laylat al-Qadr or the Night of Power and Predestination - the most important night of the year for every Muslim. That night, the Archangel Jebrail came down to the praying Prophet Muhammad and gave him the Koran.

According to the sources, Laylat al-Qadr is the night when angels descend to earth, and the prayer pronounced on this night is much more powerful than all the prayers in the year.

In the Qur'an, this Night is dedicated to the whole surah "Inna Anzalnagu", which says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand months in which it is not.

This is the night when the fate of every person, his life path, difficulties and trials that have to go through are predetermined in heaven, and if you spend this night in prayers, in understanding your deeds and possible mistakes, then Allah will forgive him his sins and be merciful.

Feast of Conversation

On the last day of Ramadan, after sunset, one of the great holidays begins - Eid al Fitr. At this time, Muslims should indulge in reflections on spiritual values ​​and rethinking life during the period of fasting.

This day is considered a holiday of salvation from hell, as well as a day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and take care of the elderly.

The holiday begins with the onset of the time for the evening prayer. At this time, it is desirable for all Muslims to read takbir (the formula for the exaltation of Allah). Takbir is recited before the festive prayer is performed on the day of the holiday. It is advisable to spend the night on the holiday in vigil, in the all-night service to Allah.

On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to put on clean clothes, put a silver ring on your finger, perfume yourself with incense and, after eating a little, go to the mosque early to perform the festive prayer.

On this day, they pay the obligatory zakat al-fitr or "alms for breaking the fast", show joy, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to fast, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, receive guests.

Uraza-Bairam is closely intertwined with the ideas of spiritual development and good deeds. During the celebration, it is customary to do good deeds, take care of relatives, and show compassion for those in need.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Seven Desirable Sunnah Actions

  1. According to one of the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), the night before the celebration of Eid al-Adha is recommended to spend time in prayer, do dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and say salawat (praise of the Prophet):
    “Whoever stands (in worship) the nights before the two holidays (Eid), hoping for a reward from his Lord, his heart will not die when the hearts of others die” (hadith narrated by Ibn Majah).

    Another hadith narrated by Tabarani also says that whoever spends the night in worship of the Almighty before the first day of the month of Ramadan, before Eid al-Adha and before Eid al-Adha, "He will not be grieved in the days when others are grieved."

  2. Before the holiday and collective prayer, the Muslim is ordered to take ghusl (complete ablution). This is stated in the hadith:
    "Three things are sunnah on Eid al-Fitr: attend the Eid prayer, take a bath, eat before going outside."
  3. It is worth highlighting a holiday not only with worship, but also with your appearance. Therefore, it is recommended to wear new (or better) clothing. According to hadiths, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wore a special cloak, which he wore only on Eid al-Fitr and on Fridays. Bayhaqi also reported that Ibn Umar wore his best robes on Eid.
  4. On the way to the Eid prayer, one should say takbir. Al-Darakutni and others reported that when Ibn Umar went to Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, he constantly recited takbir until he reached the place of prayer and he continued to recite it until the imam came.
  5. On this day, it is advisable to congratulate each other. For example, talking to each other (may Allah accept our good deeds from us and from you). Jubair ibn Nufayr said: “At the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when people met each other on the day of Eid, they said: "TakabalLahu minnee ue minkum!"(Ibn Hajar).
  6. In one of the hadiths transmitted by Bukhari, it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never returned from holiday prayer the same way he went there. Therefore, it is Sunnah to change your route, returning home after the festive collective prayer.

National traditions on the day of Eid al-Adha

Photo source: Rnk-concept.ru Celebrating Ida in the family circle.

In addition to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Muslims around the world have common and national traditions specific to a particular region. All of them help to feel even more the atmosphere of the holiday on this day.

Like any holiday, Eid al-Adha involves a festive table. On this day among the Tatar people, when men go to prayer in the mosque, women stay at home and make pancakes. But in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, on a holiday, traditional pilaf is prepared and men also do it. Kazakh Muslims traditionally prepare beshbarmak - a dish of meat and dough. In the North Caucasus, jizhig galnash (Chechnya) and Avar khinkal (Dagestan) serve as festive dishes.

On this day, it is customary to cook delicious and, if possible, various dishes, serve a variety of sweets for tea. Children are encouraged to treat them with sweets. In the North Caucasus, in some regions there is even a tradition on this day: children go to different houses, where they are presented with sweets for reading suras from the Koran, sung nasheed.

But most of all, Eid al-Adha, marking the end of fasting, helps to unite relatives, neighbors and friends at the festive table. On this day, Muslims visit each other. In Ingushetia, a family must visit at least 3-4 families, usually visiting up to 7 houses. As representatives of the diaspora in Tatarstan say, the whole day is spent on a visit and with guests. Moreover, anyone can come to the house of the Ingush without an invitation, and they will not refuse him. This is a wonderful tradition that helps not only unite Muslims, but also feed those in need. Also on this holiday, senior family members look after the brides of their sons for one thing.

Photo source: RIA Novosti Fotochki24.ru Distribution of gifts to children in honor of the Islamic holiday

Visiting relatives on Eid al-Adha is a kind of double sunnah. On the one hand, this is the creation of a festive atmosphere, sharing joy and gifts, as ordered by our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). On the other hand, this is an opportunity to strengthen family ties even with those whom you cannot see and rarely communicate on ordinary days. It is not necessary to give expensive gifts, to sit for a long time at a party. The attention and time given are important.

In the modern world, we don't communicate much with people from our yard and sometimes we don't even know our neighbors from the staircase. On the holiday of Conversation, Muslims have a chance to rectify the situation: the holiday serves as an occasion for acquaintance and the establishment of good-neighborly relations. It is known that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) treated his neighbors very well, regardless of their religion and nationality. One of the important duties is respectful attitude towards the neighbor, which is confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet and the orders of the Almighty. The hadith says: “ Angel Dzhabrail constantly broadcast about reverence for a neighbor, and I thought: I will also have to leave an inheritance to my neighbor."(Imam Ahmad, Ibn Hibban). Therefore, it is advisable to congratulate and invite your neighbors to the meal. Perhaps this will serve as the beginning for these neighbors to convert to Islam in the future.

Every secular holiday, be it Birthday, February 23, March 8, Mother's Day or another, every person tries to give gifts to loved ones, relatives and colleagues. On this sacred and one of the main holidays, to create an atmosphere of celebration, gifts should also be given, because this is not only pleasant, but also strengthens relationships. In a hadith narrated by Tabarani, it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“O community of Ansars, make gifts to each other, for truly, a gift casts out hidden enmity from hearts. If they give me the front leg of a ram, then I will definitely accept it, and if I am invited to taste the back leg of a ram, then I will definitely accept the invitation. "

Photo source: Saratov News. Holiday flag in honor of the holiday

Also, decorating their homes serves to create a festive atmosphere. This tradition exists in many Muslim countries and regions, but is not widespread in Russia. Not only to put things in order and do a general cleaning, but also to decorate your home in the best way helps to feel the holiday and instill love for this day in your children. You can not only hang balls, but also draw a poster with your child, make homemade garlands and flags. This will encourage family communication and strengthen love and friendships.

Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims tried to spend in worship, reading more of the Holy Quran, making additional prayers, doing good deeds, and also making dua for their dead relatives. While the holiday lasts three days, it is advisable not only to think about those who are nearby, but also those who have left this world. One of the desirable actions is visiting the graves of ancestors, reading prayers for them.

Eid al-Adha is a holiday for every Muslim, a day when it is ideal to spend it with your family: to visit with them and receive guests. Each family and each individual can create their own little traditions that will make the holiday special and the day memorable.

In Tajikistan starts in 2019 the 6th of May and ends on June 5th according to the calendar - the schedule which is approved by the supreme religious leaders of the country. This is the date of the post - Ruzy, but the month itself comes at 19 hours 37 minutes in the evening 5th Maya and the time of the Taraweeh prayer is established in 21:30 by local time.

The hanging month of Ramadan (int. Ramadan) is a very beloved month of the people of Tajikistan, since almost the entire population of the republic is Muslim and for them this month is quite important. In the month of Ramadan, social and cultural institutions, including Restaurants, Bars, Canteens, Teahouses, Clubs, Discos, etc., are suspended by 70-90% in Tajikistan.

Those who fast in the month of Ramadan in Tajikistan can be found both young and old, or men, be it a woman or a woman. The Tajik people are very attentive on the issue of observance of Islamic laws, including the fulfillment of the requirements of the rules of Ramadan, although sometimes you can meet many Tajiks who do not observe the religious aspects of Islam, since historical communist philosophies contributed to this.

In the month of Ramadan, Tajiks prefer to do more good deeds, including donating their wealth in the form of iftar, sadaqa of gifts, etc. which derive from Islamic culture. You can see how men in the evening go to prayer in mosques to perform Namaz Taraweeh.

Due to the fact that Tajikistan is a continental country and in the summer to keep a fast (ruza in Taj.) in the country is quite difficult. Since in summer the heat reaches up to +50 degrees Celsius and the issue of settlement is the opening time - the closing of the post, it is necessary to adjust the schedule so that everything is within the framework of the rules. Therefore, a schedule of the month of Ramadan for 2019 for residents of Tajikistan has been created for you. This year, on average, a holder of a ruza (uraza) in Tajikistan spends 17 hours to refrain from eating and the remaining 2 hours to pray, 1 to eat and only 4 hours to rest and sleep. It is better than in or the northern part of the planet.

This calendar is adapted mainly for the population of the city of Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. But it should be noted that in some regions of the country the time of suhur or iftar is slightly different by 1-7 minutes than in the city of Dushanbe. See down.

For example, in Murghab the day starts 20 minutes earlier and, accordingly, the ruza time ends earlier for this period. Or in the city of Kurgantyube, 5 minutes later than in the capital of Tajikistan, the fasting time begins or ends. But in any case, this issue needs to be settled on the basis of the hanging book of the Koran (Surah Bakara) where it says:

« Eat and drink until the white thread distinguishes itself from the black thread at dawn, then complete the fast until night. «

Schedule of the month of Ramadan 2019 for the cities of Tajikistan (Dushanbe). 1440 hijr-lunar
Fasting day Day of week date Fajr (Closings) Maghreb (Iftar - Discoveries)
1 Monday 06.05.2019 3:50 19:31
2 Tuesday 07.05.2019 3:48 19:31
3 Wednesday 08.05.2019 3:47 19:32
4 Thursday 09.05.2019 3:46 19:33
5 Friday 10.05.2019 3:45 19:34
6 Saturday 11.05.2019 3:44 19:35
7 Sunday 12.05.2019 3:43 19:36
8 Monday 13.05.2019 3:41 19:37
9 Tuesday 14.05.2019 3:40 19:37
10 Wednesday 15.05.2019 3:39 19:38
11 Thursday 16.05.2019 3:38 19:39
12 Friday 17.05.2019 3:37 19:40
13 Saturday 18.05.2019 3:36 19:41
14 Sunday 19.05.2019 3:35 19:42
15 Monday 20.05.2019 3:33 19:43
16 Tuesday 21.05.2019 3:32 19:43
17 Wednesday 22.05.2019 3:31 19:44
18 Thursday 23.05.2019 3:30 19:45
19 Friday 24.05.2019 3:29 19:46
20 Saturday 25.05.2019 3:28 19:47
21 Sunday 26.05.2019 3:26 19:48
22 Monday 27.05.2019 3:25 19:49
23 Tuesday 28.05.2019 3:24 19:50
24 Wednesday 29.05.2019 3:23 19:50
25 Thursday 30.05.2019 3:22 19:51
26 Friday 31.05.2019 3:21 19:52
27 Saturday 01.06.2019 3:20 19:53
28 Sunday 02.06.2019 3:18 19:54
29 Monday 03.06.2019 3:17 19:55
30 Tuesday 04.06.2019 3:16 19:55
Wednesday 05.06.2019 The holiday of Ramadan

What date is Kurban Bayram celebrated in 2019 in Russia, when the beginning and end of the holiday in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan: the beginning and end of the holiday, dates.

This holiday, which Muhammad commanded to celebrate, is the second largest after Ramadan Bayram. It is also called the holiday of the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha. The holiday symbolizes absolute, pure and sincere faith in the Almighty, unity with him and approaching him. Eid al-adha (the Arabic name for the event) always occurs seventy days after Eid al-Adha.

Date of Eid al-Adha 2019: when it starts and ends

The holiday is celebrated in the month of Zul-Hijja on the 10th, that is, in 2019, Eid al-Adha will begin on August 11th and will last until the 15th.

How to prepare for the holiday of Kurban Bayram

Despite the fact that the holiday itself will come on August 11, 2019, preparations will begin for the sacred event ten days before the date of Eid al-Adha. Faithful followers of the Prophet Mohammed who believe in Allah will fast.

During this time, the women will do a general cleaning of their homes and prepare clean, smart clothes for the holiday.

On August 11, before dawn, Muslims will bathe, change their clothes and go to prayer. You should not take food before the first prayer on a holiday. After prayer, you can have breakfast in order to later return to the mosque and listen to a sermon about the history of the holiday and its meaning.

Rules and traditions on Kurban Bayram, which must be observed in 2019

The celebration will begin at sunrise. Believers wash, put on clean clothes and go to the mosque to attend morning prayer. Then the local mullah reads a sermon, at the end of which the Muslims go to the cemetery in order to honor the memory of their deceased relatives.

The final stage of the holiday is the sacrifice of the animal. It can be a ram, camel, bull or other ungulate creature. The custom allows sacrificing not only for the health of the living, but also for the repose of deceased relatives or acquaintances. You cannot choose any animal that catches your eye as a victim. For example, a ram should not be more than a year old, a bull or a cow should not be more than two years old. As for the camel, it is allowed to choose an individual that has reached the age of five.

It is desirable that the chosen victim be in excellent health, large in size and have no physical disabilities. This means that the lame, blind and sick creatures cannot be used in the sacred rite of sacrifice.

Muslims believe that poor physical condition affects the taste of an animal. Before beating the sacrifice, the believer can say a prayer in the name of Allah. Then the animal is knocked to the floor, be sure to head towards Mecca.

It is recommended to divide the meat of the slain animal into three parts after the sacrifice: one to give to the needy and poor people, the second part to be used as the basis for festive dishes, which will then be distributed to neighbors, friends and relatives, and the third part can stay at the owner's home.

The meat of a sacrificial animal is allowed to be tasted by people of other religions, but in no case should it be sold or exchanged for something. It is forbidden to use this meat at the end of Eid al-Adha.

Muslims are of the opinion that a sheep or goat can be slaughtered from one person, and a camel, cow or bull - from seven people.

What to put on the table for Eid al-Adha 2019: traditional dishes

Muslims are hospitable people, they love to treat and delight other people, so it is not surprising that with the onset of Eid al-Adha, any true believer tries to invite as many people as possible to his home. They pay special attention to the poor and needy people. It is customary to prepare dishes traditional for this holiday from the meat of the sacrificial lamb. The more food you cook, the better.

  • On the first day, dishes are prepared from the liver and heart,
  • the second day should be started with soups cooked on sheep's heads and legs. They also cook roast or stew meat, and use beans, vegetables or rice as a side dish.
  • On the third and fourth days on the tables of Muslims there are lamb bone soups, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, barbecue, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara.
  • Not a single festive table is complete without the usual sweets, homemade bread, pies, tortillas and biscuits. Muslims prefer their almonds and raisins as their favorite dessert.

How did the holiday of Kurban Bayram appear?

Eid al-Adha, the holiday of sacrifice, appeared as proof of the unconditional faith of a true Muslim in Allah. According to the Koran, many centuries ago the Prophet Ibrahim the Almighty sent a test: he had to sacrifice his own son named Ismail. Prophet Ibrahim, following the will of the Most High, was already going to sacrifice his own child to him.

The Lord, convinced of the inviolability of his words, sent down an angel to him, who stopped the prophet's knife. Instead of a son, Ibrahim sacrificed a ram to the Almighty. Since then, faithful followers of Islam, celebrating the great day of Kubran Bayram, also slaughter a lamb, calf or young camel.

Traditionally, animal meat is divided into three parts. Keeping only one third for themselves, the remaining two parts of the sacrificial animal are distributed between the community and the poor people.

On this day, no one should remain hungry, and the doors of the houses of the followers of Islam are open to all guests.