What is the best lpg anti-cellulite massage. Hardware LPG massage: reviews, photos, pros and cons. Indications for use

Modern technologies do not stand still. For 20 years, hardware cosmetology has undergone significant changes. Exhausting trips to the gym and strict diets are yesterday, new hardware methods remove not only extra centimeters from the waist, but also get rid of the hated cellulite. These techniques include lpg massage. What it is, its advantages and methods in comparison with other cavitation know-how, and what results can be achieved, read the article.

What is LPG?

LPG is short for Louis Paul Gitey. Founder of a French corporation who designed an endermotherapy apparatus that uses a vacuum to break down old fat deposits. Then the lpg apparatus began to be used in therapy, in particular for the treatment of keloid scars and post-burn injuries. It is widely used for the rehabilitation of sports injuries and in the cosmetic field for weight loss and cellulite reduction.

The use of this device delighted the fair sex. After all, now you do not need to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. For 30 years, Gitei has been improving his invention and today, cosmetologists are practicing the seventh generation apparatus.

With its help, even the most persistent fats, which could not be eliminated by diets and grueling workouts, will go away in a short time. Such results are achieved only through liposuction, so it is not for nothing that the technique has a second name - liposculpture.

How does LPG massage work

After the plane crash, in which Monsieur Githea fell, he underwent a debilitating rehabilitation course. During manual massage, he drew attention to its ineffectiveness. This prompted the engineer to create a massager that greatly simplifies the work of the masseur, and the massage process itself is done tenfold better.

The lpg machine has a three-dimensional effect on the skin. The procedure is carried out using a special suit that is put on the body. It serves for hygiene and makes the procedure better in terms of comfort, softening the effects of hardware manipulations. The manipulations themselves are carried out with special rollers, one of which captures the fold of the skin, vacuum sucks it in, and the other roller smoothes it.

Thanks to this procedure, collagen is synthesized in the skin, the level of elasticity and color improves. This aids the slimming process as there is intense fat burning (lipolysis). After several procedures, the appearance of cellulite is noticeably reduced. The massage itself is pleasant for its atraumatic nature, after the procedure there are practically no bruises, it is not only completely painless, but rather pleasant. After the procedure, clients receive not only a renewed body, but also get rid of stress and poor health.

Anti-cellulite massage lpg

One of the types of LPG massage is anti-cellulite massage. Due to the three-dimensional effect that the apparatus provides, the lymph flow in the tissues is enhanced, the fat capsules begin to break down better. This is perhaps the only anti-cellulite massage that really helps to cure cellulite.

Unlike a manual one, it is less traumatic. After it, there is no swelling or bruising. In manual massage, the effectiveness depends only on the hands, the master, so clients wait for the effect for many months.

In the hardware LPZh massage, the first results will be noticeable after 2-3 sessions. The course lasts from 10 to 15 sessions. The procedure itself is no longer than 40–45 minutes. To completely get rid of cellulite, you need to go to the procedure every 3-4 days. After achieving the desired result, the maintenance sessions should be carried out 1 time in 3 weeks.

And since the device also has a therapeutic effect, in addition to losing weight and improving the condition of the skin, you will receive a general strengthening healing effect.

Before and after LPG massage

The cost of the service depends on many factors, the level of the salon or clinic, the number of procedures. You can buy a whole subscription or pay for a one-time visit. It is also necessary to purchase a special costume in which the massage is performed. Its price in the salon will be 800–1000 rubles, but you can save money by purchasing it in the online store for 500–600. In general, the price ranges from 1,000 to 4,000 rubles per procedure.

How to achieve the desired result

In addition to the systematic attendance of LPG massage courses, there are some measures that need to be applied while taking this course. Nutritionists advise maintaining the water-salt balance, so that the results are better visible, you should adhere to a proper diet, or at least not eat fatty foods at night. Drink as much clean, still water as possible. Since the technique is complex, it is possible to exclude all types of strength and cardio training, leaving only a small 10-minute charge.

When only minor body correction is required, no additional measures need to be taken, the device will do everything by itself. For 2 hours before the procedure itself, it is better to refrain from eating.

If there is a lot of excess weight, then for the fastest weight loss it is necessary to increase the outflow of fluid from the body. For this, additional wraps are prescribed, and in order to enhance the effect of the apparatus, hydromassage is prescribed.


The type of LPG massage is quite atraumatic, its use is possible even with varicose veins. It's just that in this case, the device is used at low speeds, but there are still some contraindications. They differ in:

  • local contraindications;
  • general contraindications

Local deformities include deformations of the skin, on which the device should not be used. If the patient suffers from viral or fungal infections that are pronounced on the skin, then the increased lymph circulation, which is facilitated by massage, can spread pathogenic bacteria and microbes and worsen the disease.

Avoid areas of the body where there are any growths or hernias. With thrombophlebitis, a blood clot can come off from increased blood flow. If liposuction was performed before the LPV procedure, then a special course is prescribed, which helps to relieve postoperative edema and tighten sagging skin. It is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the operation. General contraindications for which anti-cellulite LPG massage is not performed are as follows:

  • the first days of menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • heart and liver failure;
  • high body temperature;
  • diabetes

What is cavitation

One of the newfangled revolutionary procedures in the field of cosmetology is cavitation. It is also called non-surgical liposuction. Using this technique, you can not only achieve stunning slimming results, but also get rid of cellulite. Her method consists in the action of ultrasonic waves on fat cells, under this influence they are broken down, become liquid and excreted from the body in a natural way.

Cavitation is also popular among males, it helps to remove a beer belly and a double chin. During the procedure, under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the skin heats up, which stimulates the production of collagen, this allows the skin to gain firmness and elasticity, which is important in the treatment of cellulite.

Cavitation can be described as a physiotherapeutic procedure, since after the procedure there are no scars, hematomas and edema. The only thing that the client feels is an unpleasant sound to the ears, similar to the clatter of grasshoppers.

lpg massage against cellulite

Benefits and reviews of cavitation for weight loss

Cavitation is a real find for lazy women who do not want to improve their figure in the gym. After ultrasound therapy for several sessions, you can significantly reduce the volume of your own body, tighten flabby sagging skin, remove the appearance of even the most advanced cellulite. At the same time, do not strain and sweat on the simulators in the fitness club. As for customer reviews, they were divided into both positive and negative. The positive ones include:

  • Duration of the procedure. In one session, you can remove up to 3 cm in volume. The anti-cellulite effect is achieved by attending 10 sessions, which are carried out once a week. Further, to maintain the body in order, they go to cavitation 1 time in 4–5 months.
  • No pain, bruising or swelling. Only pleasant warmth.
  • The procedure is considered physiotherapy, so it can be used at any age.
  • Saves time. The longest procedure lasts no more than an hour in neglected areas, generally the processing time lasts 15-25 minutes.

There are much more negative reviews, which mainly include the high cost of the procedure. One cavitation session in different cities of Russia can range from 3000 to 8000 rubles. Some women say it's easier to get an annual gym or pool membership for that price. There are those for whom cavitation did not bring visible results, and forced many to sit on strict diets during the ultrasound procedure.

What is better cavitation or massage lpg

Cavitation and LPG massage are mainly aimed at the goal of losing weight and getting rid of cellulite. The ultrasound procedure claims to help in the treatment of cellulite, but in fact it copes best with the deposition of fat, however, some people also need to carry out lymphatic drainage after cavitation in order to remove excess fluid from the body.

LPZh, on the contrary, positions itself for weight loss, in fact, it is indispensable for advanced cellulite. If we compare the prices of the declared methods, then the LPZ wins to a large extent. But given the length of the procedures, one can argue. LPZh benefits from the fact that, in addition to body shaping, it helps to achieve a general strengthening effect on the body. Contraindications for both procedures are similar, that it is impossible with one then and unacceptable with the other, so in this regard it will not be possible to win.

Anti-cellulite massage is a salon procedure, the purpose of which is to break down adipose tissue and remove it from the body. The most popular types of this procedure are roller-vacuum, cupping and LPG massage.

Features of the techniques:

1) Vacuum roller massage is done in the salon using a special apparatus. For the procedure, a special nozzle is used, into which a stream of air enters, creating a vacuum. Rotating rollers massage the body, as a result, edema disappears, the skin becomes elastic, metabolic processes lead to the elimination of toxins. The most popular today is the Starvac apparatus.

2) Cupping massage held in four bowls of different sizes. The skin is saturated with nutrition, blood circulation is enhanced. The canned acupressure treatment successfully fights cellulite by warming up the subcutaneous fat. Can be used before applying masks.

3) LPG massage... It is done with the help of a special computerized apparatus, the basis of which is a special handpiece with massage rollers. The system independently selects the intensity of the massage, depending on the current state of the patient's skin, the thickness of the fatty tissue and the goal programmed by the cosmetologist. A properly selected course of LPG massage in terms of its effect in the fight against cellulite can be compared with liposuction, which fully explains the popularity of this procedure all over the world and its second name - lipomassage.

Vacuum therapy is also used for face lifting. It includes four stages: exposure to the pumps themselves, lymphatic drainage, activation, shaping. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes more elastic, swelling is reduced, the face contour acquires clear outlines.

How vacuum and LPG massage work on the skin

During vacuum massage, by lowering the air pressure inside the can, the skin is sucked in. At the same time, subcutaneous fats are destroyed to a soft state, which is excreted from the body by the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

With LPG massage, a similar effect is achieved by self-propelled rollers, which, using a vacuum, form a fold of the skin and act on it mechanically.

The effect of such anti-cellulite procedures is as follows:

1) Increases blood flow to problem areas of the body.

2) Capillaries expand, enhancing metabolic processes in the affected area.

3) Receptors responsible for thermal functions are irritated.

4) Useful substances that saturate the blood vessels make the internal organs work.

5) Activated cells restore the body's defenses.

Only after passing the full anti-cellulite massage course , you will appreciate the result - cellulite is less noticeable, the contour becomes clear, the skin is tightened and attractive. The number and intensity of procedures is prescribed by a specialist.

With body massage - after the procedure, the result is noticeable after 3-4 procedures.

What happens: increased immunity; metabolic processes increase; the body is strengthened and healthier; lymph circulation is accelerated; subcutaneous fat deposits are reduced; prevents the formation of cellulite.

Strengthening the result is achieved through interaction with classical massage and electrolipolysis.

With anti-aging facial massage - after 4-5 procedures, the color improves; wrinkles are smoothed; the intake of nutrients is accelerated; the second chin decreases; the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is getting better.

Indications and contraindications for anti-cellulite massage

LPG and vacuum massage are prescribed for:

1) Increased body weight.

2) Lethargy of the skin.

3) The presence of cellulite.

4) Muscle pain.

5) Hair loss.

Both types of massage are prohibited if the patient has:

1) Hypersensitivity of the skin.

2) Varicose veins.

3) High temperature.

4) Allergic reaction.

5) Wounds, cuts.

6) Menstruation.

7) Heart disease.

8) Pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Preparation process for the procedure

At the beginning, a shower is taken, this adjusts the vessels for the further procedure and saves from the occurrence of hematomas. The body is massaged for several minutes with a stream of water from the bottom, gradually rising upward, while changing the temperature regime. Before the LPG massage procedure, the patient puts on a special suit.

After, the body is thoroughly wiped off. Manual massage warms up the skin. A moisturizing cream is applied to enhance the effect.

Before signing up for a course of hardware massage directly in the salon, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor. Only then can you be sure that you will not harm your health and will not waste your money.

Over the past 15-20 years, there have been incredible changes in the field of cosmetic services, especially in hardware cosmetology. Today it is not difficult to remove excess fat or cellulite, and you can forget about exhausting trips to the fitness club. The lpg massage belongs to new and modern hardware methods, with the help of which it is possible to get rid of excess fat deposits in a few procedures. About what this procedure is and what the results are, see our article.

What is LPG massage?

The LPG company was founded in France in 1986, and its letters represent the initials of a person who is an engineer, creator and founder of the corporation - this is Louis-Paul Githey. He created an apparatus that allows for a special vacuum massage to remove fat folds, which later became known as endermologic. The entire system for the use of this type of massage was called endermotherapy, since the methods began to be used in the following areas:

  • Therapeutic endermology - when a rehabilitation period is required after burns, appearance, joint stiffness, liposuction.
  • Sports endermology - when it is required to treat microtraumas of ligaments, muscles, tendons.
  • Aesthetic endermology - when a figure correction is required.

The incredible effectiveness of the method is achieved due to the combination of safety and physiological manipulation. No wonder the method has such synonyms as liposculpture, cosmemechanics, lipomodeling.

From 1986 to 2012 inclusive, Louis-Paul Guitem created several types of equipment, with the help of which it became increasingly easier to correct the figure and obtain aesthetic results. Currently, you can find the seventh generation of devices, the use of which allows you to hone and model a figure in a short period of time.

The entire range of therapeutic procedures is carried out in a special underwear or lpg-suit, which is worn by the patient. The presence of underwear allows you to easily and painlessly carry out massage at a sufficient depth, where it is difficult to reach with the help of a conventional manual one. This technology helps to remove the most "stubborn" fatty deposits, which do not go away with diet or exercise.

What is the essence of the endermology method

What is the difference between LPG hardware massage and conventional manual massage and what is the essence of the procedure? For the impact, special rollers are used (Roll In, Roll Out, Roll Up), each of which has its own function and performs the assigned task. One roller captures a fold of skin with fat deposits, the other "grinds" it and breaks the membranes of fat cells.

Due to the formation of a vacuum in the skin folds, a rush of blood begins, which means that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the problem areas. At the same time, the outflow of lymph increases, through which broken adipocytes (fat cells), as well as cellular decay products, poisons and stale toxins (the cause of cellulite), are gradually removed.

The destruction of adipocytes does not pass unnoticed by the surrounding tissues, where collagen and elastin fibers are located. Renewal occurs at the level of the subcutaneous fat layer, where the production of new collagen and elastin fibers increases, providing a toned and fresh look to problem areas of the body.

The entire program is computer-controlled, and the intensity of the massage and the number of sessions are calculated separately for each patient. The uniqueness and positive impact of the method was noted by the American FDA (medical certification commission), which at one time managed to prohibit even the use of silicone.

Indications and contraindications for lpg massage

LPG vacuum roller massage, like any procedure, has its own indications, as well as contraindications for carrying out. So, the readings are as follows:

  • Fat deposits in problem areas (buttocks, abdomen, thighs).
  • Obesity of varying degrees.
  • The presence of cellulite.
  • Sagging skin and folds after pregnancy or drastic weight loss.
  • Swelling on the body.
  • Rehabilitation of the skin after plastic surgery.
  • Asymmetry of soft tissues.


  • Pregnancy period.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Chronic illnesses.
  • Fever or fever.
  • Skin infections, including viral infections.
  • Taking certain medications (hormones, heparin).
  • Thrombophlebitis of veins.
  • The presence of oncological pathology.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before the session, the cosmetologist must diagnose and assess the condition of the problem areas. Next, a special protocol is drawn up, in which the existing problems are indicated, and also aesthetic programs for body modeling are selected. The patient puts on a suit, thanks to which the skating process of rollers on the body is improved, which eliminates the appearance of pain and meets the rules of hygiene.

Sessions of anti-cellulite massage lpg are carried out 2-3 times in 7-10 days, and the minimum number is at least 6. One session will take 30-60 minutes. If necessary and if there are individual indications, the number of manipulations can be increased to 10-15.


What effect can you expect?

Those grateful patients who have completed the course of therapy note that the effect persists for a long period of time. And this is not surprising, because lpg lymphatic drainage massage affects all the mechanisms of the formation of skin problems, which allows you to get rid of them in the same physiological way.

In general, the effect is as follows:

  • Body volumes change significantly.
  • The size of the clothes is reduced by 1-2 sizes.
  • Lymph and blood flow improves.
  • The skin becomes firm and elastic.
  • The body contours are re-modeled.
  • The work of all organs and systems improves (due to the improvement of microcirculation).
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is reduced.
  • Collagen and elastin production is stimulated.

Frequently asked questions:

How many massage procedures do you need? The number of sessions is at least 6, but with indications in each individual case, the duration of the course is determined for each patient.

Good day everyone!

This type of massage is performed on devices of several brands, the most famous are "LPG cellu m6" and "B-flexy". Someone says that only the original device "LPG cellu m6" gives the promised result, personally I think this is the intrigue of beauty salons and the manufacturer itself. The principle of action and effect on the body of "LPG cellu m6" and "B-flexy" is the same, "B -flexy "is not a cheap device either.

However, more to the point: I found out about this type of massage when I had free time and I went to the site with coupons and generally found out that there are some coupons :) at the same time I started trying to exercise, but this is different history.

After reading rave reviews about how I will turn from solid cellulite into a graceful doe, of course, I decided to give it a try. Armed with a coupon for 6 months of unlimited visits (the suit is purchased separately and the surcharge for each visit is 300 rubles), I signed up for Mon, Wed and Fri at the salon, session 35 - 40 minutes. By the way, according to all possible formulas, I did not suffer from overweight, but my standard life weight somehow increased by 2.6 kg, and for me this is a lot Cellulite I always had it, but with my rhythm of life, before it was not possible to pay attention to myself (and in vain !!! Stage III)

So, I'm enthusiastically driving on first session ... I buy a suit (very funny, like full body tights). Procedure on the apparatus "B-flexy". I lie down and wait for a miracle.

I would like to note that my pain threshold is quite high. BUT it was Hell. Adische, to be precise. The girl began to drive a maniple over me ... "The technique in the hands of the native is a pile of metal." Legs, in principle, during the procedure held as best they could, but there was a feeling that she was leading me right over the bones with this thing. But from the pain of the skin of the abdomen, towards the end of the eyes, they climbed onto the forehead. After the procedure, it turned out that further the intensity will be even greater.

What happened not right : 1. high power the work of the apparatus, 2. salon employee drove manipulation as it was convenient for her 3. manupulu abruptly ripped off from the skin in the same place 4. the stomach was treated while standing only on one side of the body 5. said you can stay in your underwear (bust) 6. the girl managed to massage me and sometimes answer phone calls.

I pulled myself together, deciding that the body must get used to it. Coming home, I just covered myself with ointment, until skin I just could not touch my stomach and legs !!!

Less enthusiastic, gritting my teeth so tightly, I ride on second session ... I get to another employee of the salon. This time it was not so hellish, but due to the fact that the skin had already "died" the last time, it was very painful, worse than the first time. This girl, thanks to her, sometimes I wondered if it was painful for me, and sometimes I could exhale. This time I saw some kind of consistency in the movements, it was clear that she was driving along certain lines of the body, but sometimes the maniple came off abruptly(not so when she falls off in places where there is less fat). Arriving home, I smeared myself with ointment again and waited with horror for Friday, now I also have bruises.

On Friday I rode with tears in my eyes on the third... I decided that if it is the same (this will be the third masseur), I will no longer go, I will go to another apparatus in another salon. This time I got to the man, decided that I had a "skiff" and lay down on the table. They asked me what session I was going through, they asked if I had vein diseases, examined! my legs, I told where it hurts badly and the procedure began .... huddled in horror into a ball, I suddenly realized that there was no pain. Feeling bad, yes, but it didn't hurt. With each change of the massaged zone, I was asked whether it hurt or not; the manipula never came off, and generally separated from the body much less frequently than in previous sessions! After leaving, I signed up for another week in advance

Girls my dear, LPG massage

About the result (my conclusions after personal experience and long communication with sane masseurs and cosmetologists):

  • I will not please you by saying that it is INDIVIDUALLY. For someone it can be a salvation, but for someone like a "dead poultice".

LPG, at correct exposure, it accelerates the lymph flow very well, namely, it removes decay products from the body, toxins and excess fat is outflowed.

  • Helps with excess water in the body and with the presence really overweight- these are the people who in most cases talk about the rapid weight loss from LPG

the simplest formula for women HEIGHT in cm - 110 = your normal the weight

Yes, I know that there are full-fledged sessions for an hour, but to be honest, I would not have been able to lpidge for so long. Personally, I WOULD NOT pay THIS procedure to 2000 rubles (where, of course, in Moscow, 60 minutes 1800-2000 in ordinary salons, not luxury). Only for the promotion.

I took the first session in February of this year. I went through 4 sessions only LPG, and then ... the most interesting thing began about the complex of my measures to get rid of sides, cellulite, with proper nutrition, and discovering the whole truth about manual massage procedures and pressotherapy , as well as about all kinds of sports supplements ..

And I will definitely write about this.

Thank you for reading my long story. I sincerely hope that my experience and this info will help you.

Smile! And be beautiful!

Massage is one of the most pleasant and effective procedures that affect the human body. Modern science has made great strides forward, now it has become possible to achieve maximum results in restoring and preserving body contours with the help of a hardware vacuum effect on the tissues of the body.

French engineer Louis Paul Gitel (hence the abbreviation LPG - LPG massage) designed a device, with the help of special massage rollers of which, mechanical massage is carried out.

LPG massage is a salon procedure using a special apparatus that has a vacuum-pinching effect on skin and muscle tissues. It is used to improve skin tone, as well as to fight excess body fat.

The use of various attachments allows for rhythmic or drainage massage. The attachments use LEDs with a chromatic spectrum of radiation, which enhance the effect of the massage.

Where are the

Hardware massage can be performed on the face and body using special handpieces.

Hardware facial massage

The appearance of facial skin depends on good blood supply as well as collagen production. With age, these functions fade away, skin turgor decreases, elasticity is lost, a healthy complexion disappears, sagging appears, and mimic wrinkles form.

The LPG device has a simulating effect on the deep layers of the epidermis and facial muscles, while achieving:

  • Restoration of skin density, elasticity;
  • Smoothing wrinkles that appear from active facial expressions;
  • Distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue in an even layer;
  • Tightening sagging skin in the area under the chin;
  • Elimination of tissue swelling.

Hardware body massage

Any part of the body is worked through with the help of handpieces. The vacuum effect enhances the lymphatic flow in the tissues, due to which the skin receives a fresh flow of blood and oxygen, its turgor improves, and fat deposits are broken. The LPG device will help to cope with scars, the consequences of burns, postpartum stretch marks, and cellulite.

Massaging can be carried out in areas such as:

  • Neck surface, deep décolleté, back;
  • Hands, including the shoulder girdle;
  • Abdomen, sides;
  • Inner and outer thighs, gluteal region.

Important! there is a specific roller head for each area of ​​the body. R / In is designed to work with fatty layers; R / Out helps to increase skin turgor; R / Up is used for sculptural lifting.

What happens during the procedure

Using a vacuum, the moving rollers of the apparatus capture the skin roll, work it out from both sides, acting at different speeds in different directions. The patient does not feel pain or discomfort, the program on the device is selected individually, for a specific type of skin, goals, objectives.

Under the influence of vacuum, muscles relax, blood flow increases, tissues receive increased nutrition and a portion of oxygen, fat cells are destroyed. The flow of lymph increases, together with it toxins and fats are removed.

The processes of interstitial regeneration are enhanced - new collagen and elastane fibers appear, the production of hyaluronic acids is produced, and metabolic processes are accelerated. The skin looks elastic, there is a good tone, color, excess fluid leaves, the subcutaneous fat layer is leveled to physiologically normal parameters.

Massage procedure

The hardware course of vacuum massage consists of several stages:

  1. An anthropometric measurement of the patient's body is carried out, a list of problem areas to be worked on is compiled. For clarity, the patient can be photographed at full height in order to then compare the results with the initial data.
  2. The patient is asked to put on a special suit made of elastic fabric and lie on the equipment table.
  3. Before the procedure, the doctor marks the localization of fatty deposits in problem areas on the suit.
  4. Massaging attachments are selected according to the tasks set. The necessary parameters are entered into the device, after which the program starts.
  5. The doctor uses a roller manipulator to treat the targeted problem areas on the patient's body.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Vacuum massage already after the first procedures shows its tangible effectiveness, the results of which persist for 6 months:

  • Decreases weight;
  • The sides, saggy belly, arms, hips, buttocks are tightened;
  • Edema, skin tuberosity go away;
  • Wrinkles, wrinkles, scars are smoothed out.

Important! To enhance the effectiveness, the use of specialized lipolytic gels is recommended.

In the process of massaging, the patient does not feel pain, a special suit, as well as a properly selected program of the device, deliver pleasant, comfortable sensations.

The action of the apparatus is completely physiological, since it is based on the principle of activating the body's own resources. Massage only helps to fully manifest them.

The only drawback may be the price for the full course of procedures. The cost of 1 session is from 1500 to 2000 rubles.

Technique for the face

The method of massaging the face and neck is somewhat different from the method of body massage - other attachments are used, as well as more delicate programs. The stages of this manipulation are as follows:

  1. A hygienic procedure is carried out to remove makeup and fatty contaminants from the skin of the face and neck.
  2. The skin surface is moisturized with a special emulsion.
  3. The doctor selects the attachment and the program for the device.
  4. A set of circular movements is carried out by the nozzle along the massage lines.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the face is treated with tonic.

Important! The area around the eyes is treated using a special technique with a separate program and attachment.

Features for men

Fat deposition in men is different from that in women. Fat in representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is deposited on the thighs, buttocks, as well as the anterior abdominal wall. Men accumulate fatty deposits on the inner abdominal wall; this fat builds up around the internal organs.

Men applying for the procedure of hardware massage should understand that the effect of the device is manifested at work with the subcutaneous fat layer, and not with intra-abdominal fat. Exposure to other parts of the body will produce a tangible lifting effect.

Features of the suit - which one to buy and how much it costs

For the session, the patient needs a special suit made of elastic material with strong flat seams. It can be bought or rented. The suit tightly fits the body of the body, including arms and legs, thereby creating full accessibility, as well as hygienic handling.

Important! The purchase of a suit for LPG massage should be slightly larger than your usual size.

The roller does not come into direct contact with the skin of the body, excluding their injury. The service life of the suit is long, it can withstand machine wash well, dries quickly. The suit is put on on the naked body, before the massage, the doctor makes contour marks on the fabric with a special marker.

Thanks to the suit, massage can be carried out even on the hairy part of the body, without causing discomfort to the patient. These protective products are available in three colors - white, gray, black. The average cost is from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Which is better: cavitation or LPG massage

The cavitation method of liposuction is carried out by the action of an ultrasonic device, thanks to which the fat cell is broken down. This method is painless and safe.

Fat is broken down into its constituent parts and water, with the flow of lymph these substances are excreted from the body. The effectiveness of this type of procedure is not immediately noticeable. In one procedure, you can break down 15 cubic centimeters of fatty deposits.

If we compare the methods of LPG massage and cavitation, it is obvious that with LPG massage deep muscle tissues are also worked out, which affects the body contours much more effectively. The cavitation process does not stimulate tissue renewal, the production of collagen, elastane - it only breaks down fat cells.

Hardware anti-cellulite LPG massage or manual massage - which is better

The manual type of massage is effective in deeply working out the muscles through mechanical action on problem areas of the body. There is a warming, relaxing, analgesic effect on tired muscles.

Accumulated lactic acid is removed from muscle tissue, clamps are removed, tendon contractures relax. The manual type of massage is used for therapeutic, not cosmetic purposes. Here it is important to speed up the restoration of lost functions, restore performance, relieve pain.

With LPG massage, completely different goals are pursued - it serves to solve aesthetic problems, prolong youth, freshness, eliminate fat deposits, and lift tissues.

Indications for use

It is advisable to apply this type of procedure under the following conditions:

  • Laxity of the skin, decreased elasticity;
  • Fat deposits in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen;
  • Face lifting, elimination of nasolabial folds, sagging skin under the chin, wrinkles, skin creases;
  • Cosmetic skin defects in the form of scars, consequences of injuries, burns, stretch marks after pregnancy;
  • Swelling of tissues;
  • Cellulite;
  • Sagging skin tissue after drastic weight loss;
  • Treatment of subcutaneous infiltrates caused by hematomas, as well as myalgias.

Video: LPG massage in the fight against body flaws

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to vacuum roller massage can be permanent or temporary.

Temporary contraindications:

  • Acute febrile manifestations of colds;
  • Uterine, nasal, proctological and other bleeding;
  • Pustular skin diseases, purulent abscesses;
  • Allergic skin rashes;
  • Unstable blood pressure;
  • Signs of a gastrointestinal upset;
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication, mental agitation.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Infectious, fungal, viral skin diseases;
  • Active form of tuberculosis, venereal diseases;
  • Psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers;
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, gangrene;
  • Aneurysms of large vessels or arteries;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • The presence of wound surfaces of any size;
  • Pregnancy, postpartum period.

Use after childbirth and caesarean section, breastfeeding

In the postpartum period, as well as with the postpartum surgical intervention "cesarean section", massaging the abdomen, lower back and thighs is temporarily contraindicated.

Massaging for 2 to 6 months can cause spontaneous breakthrough bleeding. The same applies to the condition after an abortion.

When breastfeeding, it is possible to carry out a gentle breast massage to enhance the function of lactation and facilitate expression of milk.

Expected results

The effectiveness of body contour modeling with the help of vacuum roller massage is manifested already after the first procedure - patients feel a surge of strength, vigor, and activity. In addition, many problems have been resolved. The effect is shown as follows:

  • Reduces body fat in problem areas of the body;
  • The microcirculation of the subcutaneous layer improves, cellulite deposits are reduced, puffiness goes away;
  • The figure becomes toned, slender, the size of the waist, hips decreases;
  • The tonic effect extends to the entire body;
  • The production of collagen, elastane is stimulated;
  • Flabbiness goes away, skin color improves, its elasticity, firmness;
  • Wrinkles, creases are smoothed, scars dissolve.

Important! Revision of the diet, as well as the transition to active physical activity, can enhance the results of hardware massaging.

Procedure frequency

The course of LPG massage therapy will be effective if you go through at least 10 sessions within 50-60 days. Fewer procedures do not give the desired impact. Results last up to six months with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

The standard course consists of 12-22 procedures, the more exact number of sessions depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The average number of sessions for abdominal correction is 10-12 procedures, and 12-18 procedures will be required to remove cellulite on the thighs. In time, each session takes 45-50 minutes, with a frequency of 2 times a week.

LPG hardware roller massage is a fast and reliable way to get your body in great shape. Effective and painless manipulation will give you a feeling of good mood, comfort and vigor. You will be pleased with the excellent results. Stay beautiful and young!