What you need to do the battles. How to behave during battles to reduce pain. Most convenient positions

Good time of day, my dear readers!

The female theme is so diverse that it can be discussed endlessly. The most important thing for us, cute ladies, is health and our children. In the period of childbirth and the other turns out to be closely interrelated. But even more important - how the woman behaves.

Breathing, pose, moral attitude to what is happening - everything matters not only to weaken pain sensations, but also for the state of the future kid. I appeal to all future women in labor: let's find out how to behave during battles and childbirth.

If you give birth for the first time, the total battles will be about 16 hours. It is accepted for two periods:

  • latent - characterized by less pronounced pains and continues, until the uterus opens 4 cm;
  • active - contractions are becoming more pronounced and gradually transferred to swells.

The first birth is longer and tense. With a second pregnancy, the battles are cut to 6-8 hours (and some moments can give birth in 40 minutes, for example, I).

The latent period of childbirth is best to spend at home. Do not rush to go to the hospital at the first symptoms, whatever the child does not appear on your light. Fights can be false. Their difference is the unevenness of the intervals.

Waving to the hospital with such complaints, you risk staying in the hospital, which is not a better option in psychological fever.

Try at least the first few hours to spend in the native walls, and with increasing the fights can be confidently moved to the maternity hospital. It is very important, remaining at home, behave correctly.

Behavior during battles and childbirth

Compliance with simple rules, expensive readers, will help you facilitate the state during battles and childbirth. The main goal of your actions is to promote the early disclosure of the uterus and ensure the oxygen of a child moving along the generic paths. To do this, do this:

The last item is especially important, since it depends on the nutrition of the child with oxygen over the battle period. Usually, with any polyclinic, mandatory courses are held for the feminine, where they are told about the types of breathing. If you failed to learn to breathe, I will tell you how to fully inhale and exhale air.

Types of breathing

Here are some varieties of breathing types during battles and childbirth:

  • Slow. Inhale is made through the nose, and exhale - through the mouth. Inhale and exhale in duration should be correlated as 1: 2. This type of respiration should be used only during contractions. During the rest, we breathe, as usual.
  • Through chubby lips. Suitable for the latent period. When painful sensations reach their peak, you can do inhale through the nose and exhale with the sound of "PU" through the lips.
  • Diaphragm-chest. For the feeling of proper breathing, one hand put on the chest - and the other - on the navel. When inhaling, the stomach should rise as much as possible, and exhale - occur through the chest. At the very beginning, the fight is made up to 4 such breaths and exhalations.
  • Like a dog . It applies when a woman is already hard to control the breath. Then you can press the tongue to the sky and breathe often, as animals do during the heat.

But, for greater visibility, you have a video, how to breathe in the time of bages and childbirth:

Today, many future mothers are inclined to give birth at home. Safety of this choice is a separate topic. But wherever you are, try to comply with the rules described.

The most important thing is that the future mother must understand for himself, that childbirth is a completely natural process. Nature did everything so that everything goes as good as possible.

And even the pain that the girlfriends are experiencing during the battles, they completely forget after a minute after they make a small lump of happiness to his chest.

I hope now you know how to behave during childbirth and fights and how to facilitate your condition in pain (if you forgot, remind you with the right breathing).

See you soon!

This table is best printed and keep before your eyes when childbirth will begin. The table was prepared on the materials of the school lectures for the preparations for childbirth in the Savior-Perovian hospital.

In this crib in brief form, instructions for the behavior of a woman in childbirth are given. Birth consist of five stages called phases:

  1. latent (hidden) phase that some women do not even notice - during it, the opening of the uterus begins and comes to 3-4 cm;
  2. the active phase (kits) during which the woman in labor usually arrives in the hospital - the disclosure gradually increases to 8 cm;
  3. transition phase, during which the full opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200breached;
  4. the expulsion phases, or a wave period in which the child is born;
  5. the birth of the placenta.

Each phase of childbirth has its own characteristics. In the latent phase fight rare, short and almost painless; At the beginning they last about 30 seconds with an interval of 20-30 minutes; At the end of the latent phase, the fights lasts for a minute and the interval between them is reduced to 5-7 minutes. In this phase, you can do household chores, walk, take a shower. Sitting or lying should not be - it can slow down the contractions and weaken the generic activity. Reducing the interval between the fights up to 5-7 minutes - the reason to go to the hospital.

In the active phase, the fight is enhancedThey become more painful, so the feminine is useful to start using slow deep breathing. As the intensity is increasing, the fights can be used by rapid breathing (doggy) at the peak of contractions. Many helps an anesthetic massage of the lower back.

In the transition phase, the cervical disclosure is completed, reaching up to complete, the head of the kid is included in the generic canal. It is impossible to stew at this time, because you can break the cervix. The midwife asks the woman in labor to extend a few fights, for a woman is the most difficult moment of childbirth. But it does not happen at all, often at the active phase immediately follow.

Potumes Reformed relief, because with active activities, pain is easier. In addition, the climax came when the baby is about to appear. Typically, the wave period lasts for a long time, for 3-5 fertility, the child is born. On the fight, it is important to listen to the teams of the midwives, it is not going down, like with a hard stool, do not strain your head. With standard births on the chair, the chin chin is pressed to the chest, when the contamination approaches, you need to dial air and rebuild, then smoothly (not sharp) release air, make one more breathing again. Usually, for one fight, the female has time to make three coughs. In the interval between the fights (which became very short, about 30 seconds) you need to try to relax and accumulate forces.

As a rule, the head is born in a few festivals, in the gap of the midwife makes a turn, directing the shoulders, and in the next sweech, is already much easier, all the baby's calf is born. Library laid out a woman on the stomach, it is still connected by the umbilical cord with the placenta, which is still inside the uterus. After a few minutes, the Pupovina ceases to pulsate, the baby can already breathe independently. Utrate cut, often it is possible to make a father. The child is taken to wipe and suck the mucus from the respiratory tract, then the newborn cannon and help their mother to apply it to the chest. Sometimes children immediately take the chest to suck a few drops.

At this time, the obstetrics ask the woman to reassure again, and without much effort born. It is inspected to make sure of integrity (parts of the placenta should not remain inside the uterus, so it should not be dragged behind the umbilical cord, the placenta must be born spontaneously).



What can be What can not
Latent (hidden) phase of labor (contractions) 30 sec. int. 20 minutes.

1 min. int. 5-7 min.

Deep breasts, nose (you can mouth, if convenient) Do home affairs. Walk, sing, breathe. Take a shower, bath. Make an enema: warm, acidified with a tablespoon of apple vinegar by 1.5-2 liters. Drink tea with a chamber. At the end of this phase, go to the hospital! Shout. Sit. Lon (at the end of the hidden phase). Drink a lot. There is.
Active phase of childbirth (contractions) 2 minutes. int. 2-3 min. Slow deep breathing (4 accounts inhale - 6 accounts exhale), with a journey at the peak of the fight (dog's top of the lungs) Walk, sing, breathe. Listen to music. Relax! Be careful! Anesthetic massage. Rinse mouth with water. Shout. Sit. Lie. Drink. There is.
Transitional phase of labor (precomplying efforts) 2 minutes. Int.1-2 min. Deep, breast, diaphragm, pushing the baby to the exit. Walk Squat. Stand on all fours. Hurt
Exile Phase (Speakers) 3-5 min. With the beginning of the fight to gain air, it is possible to exhale air to the end only in the crotch. Repeat three times for the fight. When the head was born, breathe "doggy" and only mouth. Listen to the midwife. Relax in the intervals, breathe deeply. Sleep your stomach. Moisten mouth, lips. Stretch. Shout. Move legs
Birth of placenta 15-30 min. Free. You can reassure, gaining air. Stretch, roll. Pull the cord. Rush

With the onset of long-awaited fights, the future mother is experiencing different emotions - from confusion to experiences about how childbirth will be held. It is important to keep calm and have a crib, which will tell you how to behave during childbirth. In addition, it is necessary to avoid actions that may complicate the process of the appearance of a kid to light.

Stages of the generic process

There are three main phases of generic activities:

  • Fights - involuntary contraction of the muscles of the uterus, as a result of which the cervical disclosure occurs (more in the article :). Duration of various, gradually the attacks are enhanced, and the intervals between them are reduced.
  • Speakers - the period of expulsion of the fetus. Abbreviations of the uterus, which the guinea can control, helping the kid to go through the generic paths. Duration - 30-120 minutes.
  • Waste placenta and fruit shells. Processing postpartum breaks (if any).

How to distinguish the fight before childbirth from training?

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Fights - periodic involuntary cuts in the uterus. They indicate that generic activity begins. The nature of the experienced pain sensations are individual. Some women describe them like rolling the waves of pain that the body rolls. Others note that there were insignificant discomfort and unbearable painful sensations in the fights. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and pain.

The period of true contractions includes two main stages:

  • latent (hidden) - light periodic cuts, at the end of the cervix reveals 4 cm;
  • active - the frequency of attacks is enhanced, the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely revealed, swells occur.

Many pregnant women think about how to distinguish the beginning of true fights from false, who are precursors of future childbirth (on average 2 weeks before the birth of a baby). In contrast to the true fights that are becoming increasingly more frequent and accompanied by the disheve of the accumulating waters, the main feature of false fights are petition and feeling of gravity in the stomach for a short period of time. Other characteristic signs:

  • lack of frequency, severe pain;
  • duration no more than 1-2 minutes;
  • basically observed during the change of body position.

False contractions prepare a female organism to a complex and responsible point of birth. If there are no bloody discharges with them, it does not observe the drop in blood pressure and other signs of deterioration of well-being, it is not necessary to worry.

The behavior of the guinea during battles

The target of the fights is the opening of the cervix in order for the baby to go through the generic paths. On average, they last from 3 to 12 hours, primary blessings may be more painful, lasting to day. What to do during this period? If the future mother noticed that the fights take place with a periodicity of 10-15 minutes, you should go to the maternity hospital (more in the article :). It is important to fix the time of the first bout and note when each subsequent starts.

Since the start of childbirth, you should not eat and drink a lot. If it suffers thirst, rinse your mouth better or replace the breath of water with a piece of ice. This limitation is not only associated with the fact that food digestion will lead to an additional load on the body. Food can cause vomiting. In addition, it is not known how childbirth will be held. Perhaps need anesthesia, which is not made on a full stomach.

General rules for the behavior of the feminine during the fights:

  • At the initial stage, when the gaps between the attacks constitute up to 15 minutes, you need to call an ambulance or to inform you to bring the future mother in the maternity hospital. During the waiting period, you need to check the collected things once again, take a shower, lie down and try to relax.
  • During the second stage, the fights are preferably already located in a medical institution. Pulling sensations at the bottom of the abdomen will be all overflowing and more. Eating and drink is not recommended. You can make several sips of non-carbonated water.
  • In the period of the third and most painful stage, the frequency of the bouts is 2-3 minutes. This stage can last up to 4 hours, requires maximum concentration and patience. Treat from pain will allow conversation with close, special gymnastics and breathing, easy massage.

Most convenient positions

There are poses that are easier to survive painful and tedious contractions. During the attack, the following positions are recommended:

  • put on the chair a pillow and sit face to the back, while pain crossed his hands behind the back, lowering his head down;
  • rely on the wall or back of the bed, while maintaining a vertical position;
  • stand on all fours and relax, you can rely with the elbows to the phytball and sweeping slightly on it, like on the waves;
  • lie on the side, laying the pillows under the head and hips, in the period of attacking to curl up;
  • you can sit only on the phytball, swaying from side to the side (on the bed and on the floor in this painful period it is forbidden to sit).

If partner's birth, in the standing position should put hands on the shoulders near a person. When a fight bend and untap the back of the arc. The partner at the same time can massage the Hife lower back.

Can I walk?

Future mom cannot control the strength and frequency of contractions. If childbirth is in normal mode (not rapid, without pelvic preview and deterioration of the general well-being of the mother), from the very beginning it should be more moved. You can walk around the ward, go out into the corridor with the permission of medical personnel, more often change the position of the body. It activates generic activities, ensures the influx of oxygen to the tissues of the uterus and the fetus, will allow it to be more active at the time of appearance.

Between the bolts are important to relax muscles as much as possible. Their tension can be an invalid obstacle to the baby. In addition, the body becomes more susceptible to pain due to the emission of hormones into the blood, which are produced during stress.

Massage facilitating

Massage improves blood circulation, soothes, distracts from pain. In childbirth, it can carry out a partner or the future mother itself. The purpose of manipulations:

  • relax the tense muscles during the battles - light touch and strokes contribute to this;
  • reducing the painful syndrome during a painful attack - a strong press of the palm to the sacrum area will make it easier for pain.

Samo massage technique to reduce pain:

  • put hands on the waist and try in this position to confuse the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine;
  • massage the pads of the point on the protruding parts of the pelvis;
  • during a painful attack, it is necessary to breathe correctly, put the palms on the bottom of the abdomen, after the breath move their upwards through the side of the sides, you need to lower your hands on the exhale.

During childbirth, together with a partner, a husband can be from behind a woman and gently stroke her belly. The fever can relax and rely on his partner. Accompanying can be massaged with palm the thighs area, make lung pressing movements with an interval in a few seconds.

Special breathing exercises

Proper breathing distracts during severe pain during the delivery, provides the body of the mother and the baby with the necessary oxygen. Also, the correct breathing will help when fighting, and uncontrolled only aggravate the process. Applied techniques:

  • "At the expense of up to 10" - helps in the initial period (deep breath is made on 4 from the beginning of the fight, exhale stretch until the end of the counting);
  • "Frequent" - fast and rhythmic breaths-outflows at the peak of contractions.

What is categorically impossible to do?

Some actions of the future mother can interfere with the natural course of childbirth, so obstetrics prohibit:

  • strain the muscles of the pelvis - the maximum relaxation will help the baby easier to be born;
  • eat food during battles, drink it is better to replace ice cubes;
  • lying motionless on the back, tormented from pain (in this position the uterus turns the hollow vein, it leads to impaired blood circulation and oxygen starvation of the fetus);
  • during the dyg, it is ineffective, it is ineffective, leads to the fact that the capillaries are burst on the skin of the face and on the sclera of the eyes;
  • shout and panicing (childbirth - natural process, and if it passes under the control of doctors, everything will be fine);
  • it should be stuck only after the team of the midwife - only a specialist can determine how the baby is moving along the generic channel, and chooses the best moment so as not to harm the child.

When reading to Cesarean, the cross section does not need to be upset. The doctor knows when it is better to use this way of delivery. In addition, anesthesia does not make feel pain during surgery, and thanks to modern medical drugs, seams are healing quickly, without negative consequences for the body.

The behavior of the future mother during fence

Few - the process of expulsion of the fetus (more in the article :). The success of this stage depends on how well the fever should follow the teams of an obstetrician. The contractions at the same time grow, not stopping for a minute, but the woman should hold back and control the sweat. During this period you need:

  • alternatively only at the team of the obstetrician, otherwise the child can be injured, which makes every effort while driving on the generic paths;
  • watch the urge to sweat, try to stop it - this will allow you to control the generic process. The feminine can walk, rhythmically and often breathe, rely on the phytball or back of the bed;
  • completely on the teams of the obstetrician (3 times in one fight), it is important to strain the belly, not the head, make every effort to help the baby get along the generic paths;
  • you don't need to scream at the stage of the dyg, as it can provoke breaks and hypoxia in the baby.

How to psychologically tune in to successful childbirth?

Pregnancy ends by childbirth, during which a woman will face pain and unpleasant sensations. Nine months of tooling allow step by step to prepare the body to this exciting event. In addition to physical readiness, a positive psychological attitude is important.

Useful prohibitions

Or what can not be done during childbirth

Now they say a lot about the fact that childbirth is natural, or, in the language of doctors, the physiological process. But this does not mean that at the time of the appearance of the baby, his mother can behave as it is pleased. To make the birth of crumbs ended well, a woman needs to learn some restrictions that need to be observed during childbirth.

You can not forget the exchange card . Gathering into the maternity hospital, it is necessary to put this important document in your bag, because when it does not do, doctors can learn information about your pregnancy only from your mouth, but even if you are a doctor and all outlined information will be reliable, then official confirmations of the fact that You have passed all surveys and made tests, no. And this circumstance allows you to think that tests, in particular, AIDS, Syphilis and hepatitis, could be positive. Therefore, a woman without an exchange card may not be taken to the maternity hospital or put in a special observation department. You also need to take a passport with you, and if the contract has been concluded with the maternity house, then the documents confirming it. In addition, you must have an insurance policy, better with a copy.

By the way, if you forget at home something out of my personal things, it will not be so important, because in all maternity homes, if necessary, you will be given slippers (but better, of course, take them with you), and a bathrobe and nightgown in overwhelming Most medical institutions are issued by the Gennian in obligatory.

You can not hurry, fuss. With the beginning of a generic activity, with the first battle, you do not need to hurry from home. After all, the fights are involuntary contractions of the muscles of the uterus, manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back, can first be irregular, appear through large time intervals (30 minutes or more). Such contractions in no way lead to the rapid opening of the cervix, they allow not a hurry, all thinking, gather and get to the maternity hospital. So, the duration of the first birth, as a rule, is 10-12 hours, the second and subsequent labor occur faster (6-8 hours), but still the woman has enough time to get to the hospital. What you do not need to hurry should be remembered and your relatives should remember, especially if there is a driver among them who took to deliver the future mother to the maternity hospital. In hurry should be in cases where the previous births were fast or rapid, when water was strengthened, especially if the water is not transparent, but have a greenish tint, which indicates that the kid suffers inside the womb; And, of course, in cases where blood is distinguished from the genital paths, it is possible when the placenta is detaching - a condition threatening both mom and baby. In other cases, during the first birth, you can go to the maternity hospital when the gaps between the fights will be on average 10 minutes, with second and subsequent birth - 15 minutes. This statement is true if you can get to the hospital for an hour and a half.

In many hospitals, women in labor are not allowed to eat and drink during childbirth . This requirement is justified by the fact that during childbirth, the need for general anesthesia may arise, while the probability of regurgitation appears - casting the contents of the stomach in the mouth, and from there in the lungs, which, in turn, can lead to severe pneumonia (lung inflammation). In addition, during kits due to the reflex communication, which exists between the neck of the uterus and the stomach, sometimes vomiting occurs. The more content is in the stomach, the greater the likelihood of such phenomena.

During battles, it is impossible to clamp, strain - on the contrary, you should relax all the muscle groups as much as possible. During the first period of childbirth, the cervix is \u200b\u200bsmoothed, the deployment of the uterine zoom occurs, which allows the baby to be born. At the same time, the uterine contractions like pushing the fruit from the uterus. If at the same time strain the muscles of the pelvic bottom, the muscles of the limbs, then this tension creates an obstacle to the progress of the infant for the generic paths. In addition, the tension of the muscles of the pelvic bottom can lead to the cervical spa. A situation can be created in which painful contractions will not lead to the opening of the cervix. Among other things, the voltage during the bouts can provoke an increase in their pain. At voltage in the body, hormones will be released, which cause a decrease in the painful threshold. It turns out that the more the woman is straining, frightening the pain of the upcoming fight, the stronger the pain becomes. If there is no muscle tension, then all emotional reactions fade, including the manifestations of pain. Thus, if the body is completely relaxed during childbirth, it eliminates the excessive tone of circular fibers of the lower segments of the uterus, cervix, which determine the painful sensations during the bout. In a state of complete relaxation (relaxation) and tranquility, the activity of the uterus during childbirth is perceived simply as cutting muscles.

In order for the voltage during childbirth, it should be used to use all possible reserves that lie inhalation, making convenient postures, self-dense massage and mood.

With the beginning of the battle, when the pain is not strong and not long, it is possible to breathe deeply and smoothly during the contraction (so-called slow breathing). When involuntary contraction of the muscles of the uterus becomes more frequent and painful, you can use frequent surface breathing (similar to the breath of the dog).

Certain postures help to relax as much as possible: standing by the bed with a support on the back of the bed, sitting on the big ball, lying on his side.

It is possible to reduce pain and relax, by performing circular movements in fists in the lumbar region, stroking under the stomach on both sides of the Lonatic articulation parallel to the groin fold. Relaxes also a warm shower.

During childbirth, it is important to think about their prosperous outcome, the upcoming meeting with the baby.

Relaxing at least once during the fight, you will realize that it is so much easier to endure the unpleasant sensations associated with the cuts of the uterus.

Do not strain and during the inspections of the doctor (during these inspections, the doctor defines the opening of the cervix, the position of the fetus, the head of the head or the pelvic end), as the voltage will also enhance the pain. At the time of vaginal research, try to breathe often and superficially, relax all muscle groups, especially the muscles of the crotch.

During childbirth, you can not lie on your back. This limitation is valid not only for the birth period, but also for the second half of pregnancy. In the position lying on the back, the pregnant uterus squeezes large vessels (such as aorta and lower veins), which leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the heart, brain, other organs, the uterus, the fetus. This, in turn, leads to oxygen starvation of the baby and stagnation of venous blood in the internal organs (including in the uterus). This is the so-called lower hollow vein syndrome. Therefore, if you are for one reason or another during the batches are in bed, you need to take a position half-sidew or lying on the left side.

During childbirth it is impossible to sit. This rule should be followed closer to the end of the first period of delivery, when the fights have already become quite frequent - after 1-2 minutes - and strong, and even more so when you first have a desire to surprise. At this time, the baby's head is already entering the generic canal, and, pricing on the bed, the future mother creates an obstacle to the birth of the head.

You can not shout during contractions. During the scream, you exhale air, lose force, while the air is vital to the baby, which during the battle of the already experiencing oxygen starvation. This is due to the fact that at the time of contraction of the muscles of the uterus there is a compression of uterine vessels that feed the placenta, their lumen becomes already, the fetus gets less oxygen and nutrients. The future mother during a cry is also experiencing oxygen starvation, as already mentioned, loses the forces that she will also be very useful during the dyg. By the way, the cry during the fence also does not contribute to the prosperous course of the process of expulsion of the fetus.

It does not make sense during painful fights to demand that you make a cesarean section. The cesarean section operation is carried out only in accordance with medical testimony, as it, as well as any surgery, is related to certain risks that exceed the risks arising during childbirth. Cesarean section is performed only in those situations where labor through natural generics is fraught with a serious danger to life and health of the fetus or the woman itself.

Births cannot end through natural generic paths in the following cases:

· Premature delaying placenta - this situation is accompanied by bleeding, which is dangerous for the life of the mother and the fetus.

· Prelation of the placenta (the placenta overlaps the output from the uterus).

· Cross and oblique location of the fetus in the uterus.

· The difficult course of the late toxicosis of pregnancy is convulsions, an increase in blood pressure, which cannot be treated with medicines.

· Mind of the size of the pelvic of the mother and the head of the fetus.

· Pup loop loss.

· Tumors of the uterus, ovarian, bladder, blocking generic paths and preventing the birth of a child (for example, the mioma of the uterus).

Doctors watching the course of pregnancy and childbirth If any of these complications occur in a timely manner in a timely manner of the need for an operation, but in the absence of testimony, it is impractical to require operation.

It is impractical to demand anesthesia when the doctor says that it is too late. Most often nitrogen, narcotic analgesics and epidural anesthesia are most often used from medication methods of anesthesia. Nitrogen, which is served using a mask, can be used until the end of the battle period, because this mixture is output immediately after inhalation - through the upper respiratory tract. Other anesthesia methods are the introduction of narcotic analgesics, epidural anesthesia - apply only at a certain moment of childbirth. Thus, narcotic analgesics are usually introduced when the opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200b5-6 cm; If you enter an analgesic later, it remains a little time until the end of the birth (the total opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200b10 cm, while the discovery of up to 3-4 cm is the longest phase of birth), and the baby that received a certain dose of the drug can be born in narcotic depression , Up to the oppression of the respiratory center. If you produce epidural anesthesia before the end of childbirth, then at the time of the sweat, the woman will not feel the urges to sweep, it will not be able to effectively strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

It is impossible for the first time to stand without the permission of a doctor or midwife. When, after the battle period, you will have a desire to rebuild, similar to the urge to defecation (the desire to empty the intestine), it is impossible to implement this desire immediately. Premature swelling can lead to injury as mothers and baby. The desire to continue to be stirred when the fetal head begins to put pressure on the muscles of the pelvic bottom. It should be borne in mind that the threshold of sensitivity in all women is different, therefore, athlete for someone begin when the head has not yet advanced far from the generic channel and is high, and someone - when the head is already located on a pelvic day and her It remains to overcome only a small portion of the path. If events are developing as described in the second case, you will be allowed to try your hand immediately, if the head is still high, then you need to skip the cough using special breathing tricks. Such a need is justified as follows: The fetal head must pass by the generic paths gradually, since it is subjected to the so-called configuration during overcoming this short, but during the passage of the generic bone channel of the skull, one on the other like a tiled roof is superimposed. This happens due to the fact that there are seams and springs between the bones of the skull - the sections where there is no bone tissue, and there is only connective tissue (after the birth of the baby, these areas begin to close the bone tissue). If you start to sleep when the fetal head is still at the very beginning of the generic channel, has not yet occurred configuration, it may be traumatic for a child.

Another circumstance that is determined by the need for timely fence is the state of the cervix. If you start to sleep when the cervix has not yet opened to the end, then when moving the head forward using the abdominal press muscle contraction (and this is a sweat), the likelihood of injury appears - the cervical breaks of the fetus head.

Thus, when you first had a desire to sleep, breathe often and superficially (swaying a fast), and then call someone from the medical personnel to him.

During the fence, it is impossible to sleep in the face, to inflate cheeks . The correct sweats are the key to the success of the second period of childbirth - the period of expulsion of the fetus, that is, the state of both the Women itself depends on the behavior of the mother in this period of birth, and her baby. In order to good and correctly, you need to dial the full air breast; It is possible to do it easily, even if you first try to master it. It may be incorrect to be further actions. So, some feminine inflation cheeks, strain the muscles of the face, the sweat is ineffective, the fetal head is not moving along the generic channel. In addition, after such fence on the face and small hemorrhages may form. In order for childbirth quickly and safely, it is necessary, after you have gained full air boobs, how to swallow it (but do not exhale), press the chin to breast, leans the legs in the devices provided for this purpose on the maternity bed, and hands pull the handrails of this bed. It is necessary to strain the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall as much as possible (similar actions man performs during constipation). It is necessary to sleep for an average of 20 seconds, after that it is necessary to exhale smoothly, then immediately breathe full air boobs and repeat everything first. Such actions must be repeated three times in one consume.

It is impossible to wait that the baby will start smiling at the first second to you and suck the chest with pleasure. Birth is a complex, time-consuming process not only for mom, but also for the kid. Sometimes the baby needs a rest to capture the nipple with sponges well and get the first drops of colosure, because in order to eat, the baby needs a lot of strength. And a smile is a conscious manifestation of emotions, which appears only to achieve the structures of the brain of a certain level of development.

After the birth of the baby, it is impossible to think that everything is over. After the baby was born, you still have to give birth to the pilot, after which the procedure for inspection of the genital tract is waiting for you. And all this is the very beginning of your new life as mom's mom's great baby.

We hope that the observance of these prohibitions will help you successfully overcome all the difficulties that are possible during childbirth.

This table is best printed and keep before your eyes when childbirth will begin.
The table was prepared on the materials of the school lectures for the preparations for childbirth in the Savior-Perovian hospital.

Latent (hidden) phase of labor (contractions):

time - 30 sec. int. 20 minutes. 1 min. int. 5-7 min.

breathing - deep breasts, nose (you can mouth, if convenient)

What you can! - do household chores. Walk, sing, breathe. Take a shower, bath. Make an enema: warm, acidified with a tablespoon of apple vinegar by 1.5-2 liters. Drink tea with a chamber. At the end of this phase, go to the hospital!

What can not! - Shout. Sit. Lon (at the end of the hidden phase). Drink a lot. There is.

The active phase of childbirth (contamination):

time - 2 min. int. 2-3 min.

breathing - slow deep breathing (4 accounts inhale - 6 accounts exhale), with a jump at the peak of the fight (dog's upper part of the lungs)

What you can! - walk, sing, breathe. Listen to music. Relax! Be careful! Anesthetic massage. Rinse mouth with water.

What can not! - Shout. Sit. Lie. Drink. There is.

Transitional phase of labor (precomplying efforts):

time - 2 min. Int.1-2 min.

breathing - deep, breast, diaphragm, pushing the baby to the exit.

What you can! - walk. Squat. Stand on all fours.

What can not! - Take hell

Phase expulsion (swelling):

time - 3-5 min.

breathing - with the beginning of the fight to dial air, it is possible to exhale air to the end only in the crotch. Repeat three times for the fight. When the head was born, breathe "doggy" and only mouth.

What you can! - Listen to the midwife. Relax in the intervals, breathe deeply. Sleep your stomach. Moisten mouth, lips.

What can not! - Stretch. Shout. Move legs

Birth of the placenta:

time - 15-30 min.

breathing is free. You can reassure, gaining air.

What you can! - Stretch, dance.

What can not! - Tait for the umbilical cord. Rush

Anesthetic breath during childbirth

At the end of the hidden (latent) phase of childbirth, the fights are rapidly and become more painful. At this stage, you can start using analgesic breathing. It looks like this.
Inhale the nose to the account: 1-2-3-4 - the exhalation of mouth: 1-2-3-4-5-6, that is, exhalation is one and a half times longer than inhale. Such a system is called slow deep breathing. A longer exhaler avoids the hyperventilation of the lungs, while at the same time the baby gets more oxygen, and the mother relaxes and distracts from pain, focusing on breathing.

After half disclosure, when the fights are enhanced, and slow deep breathing no longer gives sufficient anesthesia. Then you can go to the rapid breathing at the peak of the fight. At the beginning of the fight, use slow deep breathing, and when it becomes painful, go to the upper part of the lungs "doggy", open mouth: chi ha-kh (for each syllable and breath, and exhale, that is, the breath is practically not audible). At the end of the contractions, go back to slow deep breathing.

Try to practice in advance and work out the skills of the right breathing even during pregnancy. It will help you with childbirth. Otherwise, in the turmoil, you can forget the breathing scheme than depriving yourself of an excellent painkillers.