What children understand at 3 months. Well forgotten old. Hearing and sight

In pediatrics, there are criteria for the norms of the physical and mental development of infants. Sensible parents need to know them in order to compare the achievements of their little one with the generally accepted ones. This is important because it will help to identify developmental delays at the initial stage, when timely measures taken can completely correct the situation. The standards are clearly spelled out for each age group: from the first to the twelfth month. Next, we will talk about what a child should be able to do at 3 months of age, some tips will be given that will help the baby develop harmoniously.

Development by 3 months

An infant is born with functionally immature life systems. The nervous system is no exception. The development of higher nervous activity is associated with the flawless functioning of the sense organs, which are carriers of information about the world around us. And new information makes you adjust and develop. How should analyzers function for a three-month-old baby?

Visual system

Correct functional development of the visual analyzer is very important. Sometimes the eyes are called the structure of the brain brought to the surface. Vision provides eighty percent of information about the world around us and thus actively stimulates the development of the nervous system. What a three month old baby should be able to do:

  • fix the object binocularly (with two eyes);
  • monitor the movement of adults in the room;
  • watch the movement of a large bright toy;
  • examine your pens.

Pens are the beginning of self-awareness. The child admires them with pleasure, fingering with his fingers, squeezing a fist.

Help the baby actively. In your arsenal should be green, red, blue toys of bright juicy shades. They must be large enough. Show your child pictures, books with large drawings. Sunlight should get into the baby's room well. Color and light stimulation contribute to the full maturation of photoreceptors (rods and cones) of the retina of the eyeball. More often carry the child in your arms in an upright position, walk. So the picture of perception of the surrounding reality will be similar to that which an adult feels while standing on his feet. This is more informative than the supine position.

Auditory analyzer

The child begins to hear while still in the womb. At three months baby:

  • reacts negatively to loud sounds, expressing it by crying;
  • turns his head towards the sound stimulus. True, a regularity was noted that boys show a reaction more sluggishly and slowly than girls. The same is observed with motor development. As a rule, toddlers-boys lag behind their peers: later they begin to roll over, sit, crawl, walk. Scientists associate this with the stimulating effect of female sex hormones - estrogens on the structures of the brain;
  • positively attuned to quiet gentle music. You can turn on pleasant melodies for the baby, but you should not abuse it, as this can disrupt the normal mode of sleep and wakefulness;
  • loves the voice of mom and dad, emotionally reacts to them.

Tactile sense

The baby is constantly feeling his body, items of clothing, bedding. The development of sense of touch promotes the growth of cells in the cerebral cortex. Keep on hand items made of different materials (wood, metal, leather, plastic, cotton) that differ in texture (rough, smooth). The kid should touch hard and soft, warm and cold things. Use cubes, balls, cone-shaped, cylindrical, pyramidal toys. Tactile knowledge of volumetric figures improves the spatial perception of the world. Do not forget that three-month-old babies, like all children under 3 years old, actively use, in addition to their fingertips, the tongue as an organ of touch. Often, you will see your baby suck on a diaper or a beanie tie. Make sure that small parts do not enter the larynx.

Taste and smell

The kid tastes great. It reacts positively to sweet and frowns at bitter and sour. Taste receptors are located not only on the tongue, as in an adult, but also on the mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips.

The child has a well-developed sense of smell. It smells milk and easily identifies mom even without eye contact. Bad smells force him to pull away.

Don't forget about hygiene aspects. Eye, ear, nose, and skin care should be done properly.

Unconditioned reflexes

A baby is born with a number of unconditioned reflexes (automatisms). Some of them remain for life - the swallowing reflex, blinking when touching the cornea of ​​the eye, the gag reflex when a foreign body hits the root of the tongue. And some of them - passing (transit) - they must disappear, each in its own time. And if this does not happen, then one can suspect a delay in the development of the nervous system. By the third month, the following reflex actions should have disappeared:

  • the child should not stretch his lips if he lightly hit them with a finger;
  • the baby will not turn his head towards the stimulus if he touches the area close to the corner of the mouth;
  • when pressing on the palmar surface of the hand, the baby will not open his mouth, as he did in the first two months of life;
  • when a newborn is placed on a hard surface, he rests on his legs and begins to make involuntary steps, if he is guided, now you will not observe such a feature;
  • the baby will turn its head to the side when placed on its stomach - a natural defense against suffocation. A three-month-old baby can already hold his head, so he no longer needs such a reflex act;
  • in the supine position in the limbs there will be no tension of the extensor muscles, and in the prone position - the flexor muscles, as it was at birth. Now the physiological hypertonicity of the muscles goes away, the arms and legs are relaxing. This is a necessary process, it helps the child learn to control their movements.

A new reflex appears if the baby is placed freely in the air with its back up, its head will occupy a vertical position, and its back will bend in an arc.

The child's reflex activity changes due to the increased influence of the cerebral cortex.

Neuropsychic development

The mental development of a child at 3 months will be marked by a pronounced revitalization complex. The kid gets used to his parents, feels his security and affection for mom and dad. He begins to give a reaction to warm words and affectionate addresses:

  • smiles at the sight of adults and at their attempt to strike up a conversation;
  • reacts emotionally to new successes;
  • begins to walk (coo) - sounds come from the back of the mouth.

This is the first stage of speech development in children, which ends by the age of four, when words become one hundred percent understandable. A baby's verbal skills at 3 months may be more progressive. Some babies already know how to babble - pronounce separate vowels and consonants with different intonations. But don't be discouraged if this hasn't happened yet. It is too early to say that there is a delay in speech development (RAD).

You can help a three-month-old baby to fully master the second signaling system. Communicate with him more often. Sing nursery rhymes, tell educational rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes with overlapping words and syllables. Copy the sounds of your baby, and he will repeat after you. Thus, we develop the baby and strengthen the social connection with him, which is of tremendous importance in the formation of higher nervous activity. What a 3-month-old baby can do depends on you.

Motor functions

The baby's movements become less chaotic, acquiring regularity and control. What can a baby do at 3 months:

The importance of sleep

Correct development of the senses favors the optimal development of the nervous system. But an equally important aspect of the issue is the optimization of sleep patterns. Insufficient sleep becomes the cause of the child's lethargy, tearfulness, and contributes to a delay in neuropsychic development. Breastfed babies are more likely to wake up at night, since milk is evacuated from the stomach faster than artificial formula. It will be nice if the baby's bed will stand next to yours, so that if you wake up, you can quickly put him to sleep.

Some believe that babies sleep longer on their belly, less often wake up at night. This position is appropriate if the baby often spits up. However, such a dream requires constant monitoring of the child. No objects should obstruct the respiratory tract.

Form the rhythm of your daytime sleep. Falling asleep for your baby at regular intervals will be convenient both for him and for you. This will help you plan your activities while the baby is sleeping.

If the baby still has passing reflexes, there is a suspicion that the sense organs are not working properly, and the psycho-motor functions are not developing, this will alert the supervising pediatrician. Most likely, he will prescribe additional examination methods, consultation with a neurologist and other necessary related specialists. But do not worry if the child has not yet mastered only a few skills. Perhaps this is his individual feature. Follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, perform all procedures and do massages. This will help the baby to catch up with his peers faster.

By the age of three months, the baby is more and more adapting and getting used to the new world, acquiring useful skills and reflexes. Reactions and emotions become more varied and meaningful. For the baby, as in the previous months of life, breastfeeding and the attention of the mother remain important. Breast milk, bodily and emotional contact with the mother has a positive effect on the physical and mental development of the child.

What can a 3-month-old baby do?

The development of a child at 3 months is characterized by the fact that he has learned the meaningful expression of emotions. Loud laughter appears when the child is happy, or a sharp cry when the child does not like something. In addition, individual voice intonations are manifested. Let's list what a baby should be able to do at three months:

  • Control with your own hands;
  • Take and hold toys in your hands, bring toys to your own face, reach for hanging toys with your hands;
  • Roll over from back to side, from back to stomach and from stomach to back;
  • Raise on your elbows while lying on your stomach;
  • Confidently keep your head lying on your stomach;
  • Laugh out loud;
  • Fix the gaze on a toy, small objects and a large pattern;
  • Notice the object in the supine position, on the side and on the stomach, on the hands of an adult;
  • Track the movement of large objects;
  • Listen to the sound of the rattle and turn your head to the source of the sound;
  • Look at the person speaking and listen to music, singing, etc.

As you can see, the child's physical and mental development has gone far ahead compared to the first weeks of life. In addition, in the third month, babies begin to develop a sense of smell. Now the baby should recognize the mother not only by touch, voice or appearance, but also by smell.

Taking proper care of your baby at 3 months

Nutrition, as in previous months, should be made entirely of breast milk. Only breastfeeding will ensure the correct physical and mental development of the child. Breast milk meets 100% of your baby's nutritional and drinking needs. It saturates the baby's body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthens bones and forms immunity, and has a positive effect on the work of internal organs.

By three months, the number of applications is 6-10 times during the day with an interval of 2.5-3.5 hours and about twice at night. The volume of milk consumed is equal to 100-150 ml per feeding.

Daily regime... The sleep of a baby at three months is reduced to 10-11 hours at night and up to 5-6 hours during the day. Sleep rates for children of this age are 15-17 hours a day. The rest of the time, the baby is active. Then educational games, gymnastics, swimming and massage will come in handy. Talk to your baby constantly, tell fairy tales and rhymes. Don't raise your voice! At this time, it is already worth giving up swaddling and wrapping. the baby must move freely!

Gymnastics and Swimming... Do the exercises that pediatricians recommend conscientiously. During this period, hardening in the form of air baths is added to standard gymnastics and swimming. Swimming lessons can be done every day for 20-30 minutes. The water temperature should not be lower than 32 degrees. With regular exercise, the baby will soon float on its own. Use supports, dives, jerks and turns.

Hygiene- the key to the successful development and good health of the child. It is important to maintain hygiene standards that include daily bathing and watering. Regularly wipe your body, hands and face with wet wipes, wipe your eyes with cotton pads soaked in warm water. Trim your child's nails, change diapers every 2-3 hours.

The child should be washed with soap no more than twice a week. After the water procedures are over, dry your baby thoroughly. It must always be dry! Don't forget about yourself. Wash your hands often, especially before feeding.

Massage favorably affects the health and well-being of the baby, soothes and relaxes. Massage the legs and arms, back and head with light movements, do not press on the body or squeeze the skin! With colic, circular movements in a clockwise direction are helpful. By the way, by the age of three months, the colic is reduced and the baby is less tormented! Be sure to talk and communicate with your child during the massage. You should not start the procedure if the baby has a cold or is in a bad mood. Read more about what massage procedures are suitable for a baby.

Walking- the most important element in the development of a child. At the age of three months, the baby lacks vitamin D, which strengthens bones and prevents rickets. The sun's rays contain a large amount of this vitamin! Fresh air improves appetite, sleep and mood. The baby will sleep well and soundly.

At a comfortable temperature, the duration of the walk is 1.5-2 hours, two to three times a day. In hot or cold weather, do not walk for more than 30-40 minutes. At temperatures over 25 degrees Celsius, do not walk between 11 and 16 hours. Stay in the shade and use baby sunscreen, because baby's delicate skin can burn in 5-10 minutes.

Physical development

In a three-month-old baby, the movement of the arms and legs becomes more coordinated. Children become more mobile, and many of them can easily roll over from back to tummy and back again. The baby can pick up and bring the toy to his face, pull the arms to the hanging toys. At this age, a relationship is formed between vision and hearing. In addition, the child grows, gains weight and height. The table shows the approximate physical parameters that are typical for children at 3 months.

Each child has its own developmental characteristics, therefore, the conditional indicators may differ from the norm. Deviations do not at all indicate problems in the development and health of the baby. If the baby is active and vigorous, eats and sleeps well, there is no cause for concern. By the way, there is a special formula that will help you calculate the correct weight of the baby, depending on the age and weight at birth. You will find this formula.

Educational games

Play is an essential element in child development. At three months, the baby is already free to move her fingers, therefore, at this time, they begin to develop fine motor skills.

Give your baby special bags with filling. These bags are easy to make yourself. Take natural materials that will not cause allergies as the main fabric! Inside the bag, you can put cut paper, cotton wool, small pebbles, buckwheat or peas. Have your toddler pick up the bags and feel the contents. This not only develops fine motor skills, but is also a good hand massage.

Games at this age are simple and short. They are accompanied by funny rhymes and nursery rhymes. Talk to your baby constantly, actively use different facial expressions and facial expressions, different intonations in the voice. The kid can already copy mimic movements and some sounds. Play your child music more often. The more diverse it is, the better.

Don't forget to play with a rattle. She perfectly develops hearing and attention in a child. Choose bright rattles, at three months the baby perceives red, yellow and orange colors well. At the same time, the toy should not be too loud, otherwise it will scare the child. And for the development of vision, every day show the baby a toy of medium size and moderate brightness at a distance of 40-50 cm, then slowly move the object from side to side. Gradually increase the distance each week.

Be sure to hang colored toys over your baby's playpen or crib. Choose products that you can tap on to hear sound. At this time, the baby is introduced to the pictures. Choose books with large, bright and simple illustrations. When viewing, be sure to pronounce and name each object and detail.

Developmental activities and games should not last more than 20 minutes. That being said, procedures and exercises must be constantly changing. Because one and the same type of activity will tire the child, and he will turn his attention to something else. In addition, a three-month-old baby cannot perceive everything for a long time. So, he perceives music and rhymes for 3-5 minutes. Stop playing if your toddler is crying, tired, or has lost interest.

Every new day your baby acquires not only a lot of unique impressions, but also the necessary skills in development. Therefore, it is so important for parents to know what a child should be able to at three months?

During the first months, the child got used to an independent life. He has already adapted to the new environment and begins to behave consciously.

Parents are interested in what level the development of the child reaches in the third month of life, whether the formation of a small organism is taking place correctly.

Physical development

The physical development of a child is a set of morphological and functional characteristics of the body, reflecting the processes of biological maturation of the baby. This allows you to determine the endurance and performance of the crumbs.

During the first months of life, there is a significant increase in height and weight. The parameters for boys and girls have similar meanings.

Babies should undergo a monthly prophylactic examination by a pediatrician, where the doctor measures anthropometric indicators. By the third month, weight increases by an average of 850g, growth by 4cm.

These data are directly related to the normal physical development of the child at three months. If the values ​​are decreasing, then the pediatrician prescribes a set of therapeutic and diagnostic measures.

IMPORTANT! If the child has a small weight gain, do not rush to transfer him to the mixture. It is necessary to analyze the quality of breastfeeding, and eliminate errors!

Psychomotor development

Psychomotor development is a collective concept that reflects the level of intelligence and motor activity of an infant. Indicators are selected depending on the innate and acquired skills of the baby and his age. What a baby should do at three months is broken down into the appropriate categories:

  1. Gross motor skills are movements that affect the work of large muscles in the body:
  • if the baby is put on his stomach, he will pull the arms forward, forming a right angle at the elbow joint;
  • symmetrically resting on the forearms, the head and chest are fixed on the weight;
  • the legs are straightened, the pelvis drops to the level of the surface, shifting the center of gravity behind it;
  • rolls over from back to side, read how to teach a child to roll over >>>;
  • the baby lies steadily on his back;
  • without falling on his side, he can tear his legs off the support or bring his hands to the midline;
  • if the baby is pulled up by the arms, the legs bent at the knee joints will pull up to the stomach;
  • in a prone position, briefly raises and holds his head, find out when the child starts to hold his head >>>;
  • reflexes of support and automatic walking disappear;
  • when trying to place the baby, nothing will work, the legs will remain bent.
  1. Fine motor skills:
  • at rest, the hand is in an open position;
  • the thumb is brought to the palm;
  • if you bring a toy to the baby's hand, he will grab it and hold it for some time.
  1. Perception:
  • monitors the movement of the rattle, turning the head, or just fixing it with a glance;
  • examines his own fingers, monitors their actions;
  • hand movements towards the toy or towards the mother are performed under visual control;
  • makes vowel sounds, after sound stimulation by the parent, read also: when the child starts to gurgle >>>
  1. Speech development:
  • fixation of the gaze in response to the voice of an adult, with a joyful emotional color;
  • intonational expressiveness of the sounds emitted;
  • the first fuzzy syllabic combinations, reflecting the mood;
  • "Humming".
  1. Social behavior, emotional and communicative development:
  • to the appearance of a human face, the child reacts with a smile, more about when the child begins to smile >>>
  • does not distinguish between friends and foes;
  • when communicating with an adult, he can laugh out loud (actively expressed "animation complex"). Read the article to find out when the child starts laughing?
  1. Thinking development:
  • holding the breast with his hand, the baby actively eats;
  • when saturated, the tongue pushes the nipple out of its mouth with the tongue;
  • the emergence of simple associations and the formation of a causal relationship.

It is important for parents to know the peculiarities of the psychomotor development of a child at three months. Tracking the skills of the baby, if deviations are found, you should consult a pediatrician about this. The doctor can advise on the necessary set of exercises for the full formation of skills.

Mental development

The mental development of a child at three months is constantly adjusted depending on his environment. If the baby is in a state that makes him uncomfortable, he will cry. When frightened, dissatisfied, or when your character traits are manifested, the angry roar of the baby will be directed towards the parents.

IMPORTANT! A child's whims should be distinguished from signs of anxiety. At 3 months it's too early to talk about being spoiled.

At the age of three months, the child happily communicates using long sound chains. He needs communication, so he tries to attract the attention of adults at any cost. By changing intonation and gesturing with his hands, the baby takes a full part in the conversation. What a baby does at three months, see this video:

Skills building

The baby learns the world around him with his hands, so the desire to touch everything contributes to the development of the following skills in the child of the third month of life:

  1. the muscles of the phalanges of the fingers are strengthened;
  2. grasping reflexes develop, in more detail about them and other reflexes of the newborn >>>;
  3. mental abilities are laid;
  4. a tactile perception of reality is formed.

IMPORTANT! Do not worry if the deviations from the standard scheme are insignificant, because the child is a living organism developing according to its own program.

But, despite the baby's own personality, parents should not miss a developmental deviation. It is worthwhile to be wary if the following skills have not been acquired from a child at three months old:

  • There is no visual response to any loud sounds. Does not turn his head towards the source of the noise. Find out how and when a newborn begins to hear >>>;
  • In no position can the child even for a short time keep his head in a canopy;
  • Not interested in the objects that surround him. Does not look at and does not pull his hands into his mouth;
  • When communicating with an adult, there is no response. The kid does not smile or emit vowel sounds when in contact with parents;
  • His gaze does not follow the movement of objects around him.

If a parent considers the list of what a child can do at 3 months, an already passed stage in his development, then it is necessary to focus on older indicators. In no case should you stop classes with the baby, continue to expand his capabilities and level of knowledge.

Features of the development of a premature baby

The category of premature babies includes children born prematurely, functionally immature, weighing less than 2.5 kg and a body length of no more than 45 cm. From an anatomical and physiological point of view, such newborns are distinguished by a disproportionate physique, not closed seams of the skull, hyperemia of the skin and others. Babies require more careful care and optimally elevated environmental conditions.

Birth weight (g) <1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 >2500

at three months

height (cm) 600-700 600-700 700-800 700-800
weight (g) 2,5 4,2 3,6 3,6

IMPORTANT! The difference in the development of skills in relation to mature children is about two months, depending on the degree of prematurity of the infant.

The characteristic features of the development of a premature baby at three months are:

  1. The predominant activities are sleep and eating. It is very important to evenly distribute the load on the bones of the skull. To do this, you need to lay the baby's head on different sides, constantly alternating;
  2. A change in mood is manifested by a change in facial expression;
  3. The kid already knows how to fix his gaze on his parents, raise and hold his head;
  4. There is no smile, but it mimically reacts to tactile contact;
  5. A grasping reflex is formed;
  6. Pronounced visual and acoustic focus.

For the correct development of a premature baby at three months, daily activities with the baby are necessary. Gymnastics, massage, bathing, affectionate communication, all this will only benefit the baby, and he will be able to catch up with his peers in all respects.

Hooray! We are 3 months old! For 12 weeks already, the baby has been adapting to the new environment and pleases the parents with his achievements. The development of a child at 3 months is the most accelerated compared to all other periods of the first year. This is the stage of active growth (up to 3 centimeters) and maximum weight gain (up to 1 kilogram). At this wonderful toothless age, the baby's small fontanel should almost close.

If the baby is 3 months old, then a lot of skills are included in his achievements.

Norm and pathology of development

The skin of a healthy three-month-old baby normally has a pale pink tint, velvety to the touch. On the body, especially on the legs, skin folds are pronounced. They should be symmetrical on both limbs. Asymmetry of the femoral folds most often indicates a congenital subluxation or. This disease develops in the second month of the mother's pregnancy and cannot be diagnosed in utero. It is treated quite successfully in most children by a non-surgical method until the age of 5 years. If the gluteal and femoral folds in your little one are absent or slightly expressed, this may be evidence of malnutrition or disease of the central nervous system.

Baby's skin is like a peach, soft and delicate.

Changes in the density, moisture, elasticity of the skin indicate nervous or somatic diseases. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should immediately visit your pediatrician, podiatrist and neurologist.

Useful skills

If from birth the baby was in swaddling clothes, then right now is the very time when it is necessary to slowly get used to the sliders. It is better to put on small pants or sliders while the baby is awake, and to cover it during sleep. Freedom of movement contributes to the correct and complete development of the baby.

By 3 months baby begins to distinguish between smells. Feeling a pleasant smell for him, the baby freezes, then revives, maybe even smile. Unpleasant odors are a reason for a disgruntled grimace and sneeze. Around this age, a baby begins to distinguish between tastes.

At three months, a child can pass for a professional taster.

Hearing abilities also increase little toddler. When any sound occurs, he first concentrates, and after a couple of seconds he turns his head to where the crackling, rustling, voice or ringing that interests him came from.

By the age of three months, the baby is able to distinguish sounds, react to them.

The wakefulness intervals are also increasing: now the baby can not close the eye for one and a half to two hours.

What can a 3-month-old baby do? The kid begins to actively play with his hands and pull them into his mouth, meaningfully rattles with a rattle. The baby with great pleasure and diligence will try to grab the toys suspended in front of his eyes, will try to attract them to him. This occupation is now very fascinating to him. The baby is capable of either side from the "supine" position. He holds the head well himself. If the crumb is on the tummy, it can rise slightly, leaning on the elbows.

How to reach for your favorite toy!

Here is the first dialogue

The kid can also already respond to your phrases like "agu" with the syllables "egh" or "akh". In response to mother's speech or smile, the toothless also smiles. At 3 months, your baby should be consciously responsive to your touch. For example, if you lightly touch his eyes - the baby will close them up and reach for them with his little hand, touch his palm - squeeze it into a fist.

Mom's touch means a lot to the baby.

In all new skills of the child, one unique property of infancy is manifested - an extremely close relationship and interdependence of motor motility and psyche (physical and mental). Interest in the world around him, positive experiences stimulate the development of gestures and other movements and, conversely, physical activity has a beneficial effect on the correct development of the psyche.

One of the most important skills that a mother should instill in her baby is. Teach your child to chew food gradually. By the age of 1.5 years, the baby should be able to eat on his own, this is necessary in order to get into the kindergarten.

Young children take a great interest in everything they see in their parents' plate or mug. What if your toddler tries to taste tea? You will find out if you can give this drink to your child.

Mom's voice will calm

Reading small fairy tales or poems with bright pictures is a must for the little one. Reading needs to be annotated pointing with your finger and speaking the name of the largest and most colorful objects. Thanks to the books, he, with your help, will not only discover a lot of new things, but later he will learn to look for the answers that interest him himself.

Calm songs, especially sung by a mother or grandmother, have a calming effect on a child, but loud rhythmic music can provoke hysterical crying. When the baby is awake and in high spirits, you can sing something funny like "Antoshka" to him, while dancing in front of his crib. At this time, the baby will follow your movements with great attention and turn the head after the mother.

Important manipulations

For the full development of the baby, it is important to regularly massage:

  • legs;
  • feet;
  • pens;
  • backs;
  • breasts;
  • tummy.

Massage techniques are based on movements:

We will not focus on specific massage complexes. Massage techniques are open to public access in any specialized or reference literature.

In addition to massage, daily physical education should be carried out with the child. A very good effect is given - a large inflatable ball.

Proper care and daily routine

Baby care for 3 months is almost the same as in the previous 2 months. The only thing, you need to start cleaning the ears and nose every day as the lacrimal glands became active. Carefully keep your toys clean, because now the kid strives to try everything "to the teeth".

Clean the ears of the crumbs regularly.

Must include mandatory outdoor walks. If it's cold enough outside, then you and your baby can be limited to a couple of 15-minute exits in the air, if it's hot - walk in the mornings and evenings (before swimming), when there is no scorching sun rays. Komarovsky advises to teach infants to sleep and wakefulness: "To get enough sleep at night, do not be afraid to wake up your child a little earlier in the day."

Walking in the fresh air will be useful for both mom and baby.

An infant at 3 months is most susceptible to the development of a terrible bone disease. For the prevention of rickets, the mother should drink vitamin "D" (for HB) or give it to the baby along with the mixture (as prescribed by the pediatrician). Walking in the gentle sun is useful.

From the first days of life, babies suffer from colic and gas. It can help in solving this delicate problem. This drug can be given to a child from the first days of life. The basis of the medicine is made up of fennel seeds, which are absolutely safe for the body and have a calming effect.

Very often, little children have illnesses that are not childhood at all. For example, many babies suffer from. A specialist will tell you about the causes of the development of the disease and how to treat it.

What to do if your one year old is coughing nonstop. Follow this link and find out how to help your little one.

Dissatisfied again

At 3 months, the baby is naughty for various reasons:

  • colic in the tummy;
  • fear that mom will leave;
  • wants to sleep, but he cannot fit himself;
  • requires mom's attention;
  • overexcited;
  • neurological problems;
  • reaction to heat or change of weather;
  • (some children already climb at this age).

At three months old, the baby will find a reason to worry and cry.

There can be many reasons for whims. Be that as it may, the child must be, it is best to pick up and sing a melodic song (just not sad, otherwise there will be even more crying).

Problems in 3 months


“I often change diapers for my son, but there is still diaper rash on my skin. What to do"?

The practicing pediatrician answers:

“Let the baby's skin“ breathe ”without a diaper (it's good if he sleeps without it during the day), bathe in Chereda, use corn or potato starch instead of powders. Do not use any ointments. "


“We have a problem: Karina, at the age of 3 months, is very tense and can hardly bend and unbend her arms and legs. What can this be?

The neurologist answers:

“Most likely your baby. It occurs in every newborn in varying degrees of severity. For many babies, it goes away by itself. If the tone is pronounced, then the treatment for the baby will be a special massage and herbal baths. Do daily gymnastics with your daughter and swim longer. "


“We have white spots on our bodies that look like eels. The pediatrician said that everything is in order, but I am worried "...


From this article you will find out what a child at 3 months of age can do on his own, which daily routine is most suitable for babies of this age, how and when to introduce complementary foods , weight and height of a three-month-old baby.

The behavior of a small child at three months is more meaningful than that of a two-month-old baby. Movement becomes more refined and focused, and the gaze can focus on the object in his field of vision. By the middle of 3 months, the child can slightly turn the body on its side in order to try to reach the favorite toy with the handle. ... The best toys for a three-month-old baby are rattles and multi-colored spinning over the bed soft toys (for example, a mobile).

At this age, the baby easily understands what mood the nearby adult is in. If mom or dad is in a good-natured mood, then it is immediately transmitted to the little person and he smiles with full mouth. And if the parents quarrel, sort things out, or are annoyed with something, then the small child cries and demonstrates restless behavior.

At the age of 3 months, the conversational skills of the baby are actively developing and therefore it is necessary to communicate with him as often as possible, to play educational games, clearly accompanying his actions with remarks. In response, the baby will happily walk and even try to reproduce sounds similar to to babble and syllables - agu, gu-gu, ta-ta.

A three-month-old baby gradually turns into a little explorer and enjoys looking at bright toys, items of clothing, and his pens. Muscle tone is no longer as tense and the fists are not clenched as tightly as in the first months after birth ... He often touches the surrounding things with his fingers, sometimes even grabs them with a handle and holds them. Develops tactile sensations and hand motor skills.

To better see nearby objects, the child can raise the head and the upper part of the body, resting the handles on the surface. But he cannot yet be in this position for a long time. At this age, the baby requires increased attention to himself and begins to be capricious if mom or dad does not communicate with him for a long time.

What is the appearance and what a child can do at 3 months:


Why is the baby crying?

the baby wants to sleep.
He is very tired or it's time to go to bed. The kid begins to rub his eyes with both handles, turn his head intensively from side to side, and if the laying is delayed, he begins to cry;

It's time for feeding, if the baby begins to sob little by little, and after a while crying loudly and loudly;

crying in pain.
If a child has a pain (head during fever, tummy from colic or swelling), then he suddenly begins to cry heavily, and immediately on a raised note.

Why does a 3-month-old baby salivate profusely?

at the age of three months, many children have increased salivation , as the salivary glands begin to develop and function more actively. This is normal and parents shouldn't worry about it;

in addition, at this age, the baby is actively interested in the taste of the objects around him and tries everything "on the tooth". And he often sticks his fingers deep in his mouth. At the same time, drool is abundantly released;

some children get thrush in their mouths. If you find symptoms of thrush in a child , be sure to visit a pediatrician;

in very rare cases, three-month-old babies begin
cut through the first teeth ... This leads to increased salivation.

Fever in a 3 month old baby.


the child is very active and moves a lot;

overheats outside in hot weather or due to excessive wrapping;

the first incisors appear;

the child is overextended during a prolonged cry;

incorrect drinking regime;

colds or infectious diseases .

See a doctor immediately if, against the background of an elevated temperature, the baby has:

Severe runny nose and noisy, irregular breathing;

Convulsions with rolling eyes and pale skin;

Apathy and lethargy (or vice versa - excessive overexcitement);

The muscles of the neck are very tense, the head cannot be bent to the body;

A small rash appeared on the skin;

- loose stools and vomiting;

The color of the urine has changed markedly. The kid does not urinate for a long time;

Refuses to feed within 5-6 hours.


1) stand on their legs without tightening the toes (an adult is holding the child at the same time);

to follow the object slowly moving nearby;

3) must be able to turn his head in the direction of the sound;

4) keep the body and head in good shape when they are picked up;

knows how to lift the body and head when lying on the tummy;

distinguish spoken language from other sounds;

7) swim in the bathroom in a special circle ;

at 3 and a half months, he attentively listens to the spoken words and tries to walk in response;

9) knows how not only to smile, but also to laugh for a long time;

eat, clasping a bottle or mom's chest with your palms .


Below is an example of a daily routine for a toddler:

◘ Sleep ◘

How much does a baby sleep at 3 months? A three-month-old baby should sleep a total of 17 hours daily.

In the open air, the child falls asleep better and sleeps better with a healthy sleep. In the cold season, it is not advisable to walk for more than an hour. If the air temperature is 3 degrees or lower, then shorten your walks to 40 minutes, dressing the child warmly.

In the summer, you can walk with your child for about two hours, covering the stroller with a cloth that does not allow direct sunlight and small insects to pass through.

In the daytime, a small child sleeps for about two hours 2-3 times. At night - a long sleep of 10-12 hours with a break for feeding.

◘ Food ◘

At 3 months of age, the baby continues to feed on breast milk. It is not advisable to introduce complementary foods until 4-5 months, since the baby's digestive system is not sufficiently formed and the likelihood of allergies and gastrointestinal disorders is high. The table shows an example of 6 single breastfeeds at three months:

How much does a small child eat at three months?
The daily volume of eaten infant formula (if the baby is bottle-fed) or breast milk increased by 60-70 ml. In just a day, a 3-month-old baby eats 860-870 ml, and for each feeding there is about 120-130 ml of food.

If full breastfeeding for one reason or another, it has stopped and the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, then complementary foods can be introduced at 3.5 months.

The break between feedings for a weakened baby who is on artificial feeding is approximately three hours during the day and 6 hours at night.

The transition from liquid food to a thicker one must be carried out very gradually. It is better to start introducing complementary foods into the diet not with fruit or vegetable puree, but with half diluted with water juice with sweet and sour taste.

You can choose apple juice and start giving it diluted half a teaspoon. Within 3 weeks, increase the daily intake to 5 teaspoons. Water or rosehip broth should also be given a little - a few teaspoons between feedings.


Boys weigh from 4.8 to 6.9 kg,
And girls - from 4.6 to 6.4 kg.


The height of boys at this age is from 57 to 63 cm,
And the growth of girls is from 56.4 to 62 cm.

It is advisable to purchase a special scale for weighing infants or weighing a crumbs once a month in a medical institution.
The baby's weight should increase evenly without sudden fluctuations. If body weight suddenly begins to decrease, then immediately consult a pediatrician for advice.

In 3 months, the weight of the crumbs will increase by about 850 grams, and their height by 3-4 cm.


According to the majority of child psychologists, it is undesirable to watch cartoons and any other animated pictures for children under 1 year old.

It is strictly forbidden to watch cartoons for a very small child for more than 2-3 minutes, since animation can cause deviations in mental development and vision problems!

Pictures in a cartoon should not be bright, with saturated colors of an acid shade. Animation should not be fast, calm, without abrupt transitions from one plot to another. The sound accompanying the plot is neither loud nor harsh. The characters in the cartoon must be positive. A child should not watch a cartoon alone.

Constantly comment on the plot, communicate with the baby. It is highly advisable to purchase or make do-it-yourself cartoon toy characters. During the game, act out scenes with toys in front of the baby's eyes according to the plot viewed the day before.

Now on the Internet you can find various educational cartoons for children 3 months old. Below is a video clip with a colorful and informative cartoon for very young children: