What to ask your ex. questions to the girl to try to get to know her better. Good Questions When Dating in Real Life

In the article you will learn:

Greetings, readers! You know, if I asked some questions to my beloved directly in the forehead, then I got it on him ... Just kidding!

I know for sure that it is better to agree on the shore and get to know the person well before diving into the abyss of the future. Therefore, I have prepared questions for the guy about love and relationships that you can ask.

Moreover, it is important to know not only what to ask, but also how ask. Nobody likes interrogation with passion, but sincere interest is very pleasant. In addition, it promotes confidential conversation and the truthfulness of the answers.

About eternal

Do not be afraid to ask questions about yourself, about your attitude towards you, about love. The person who sympathizes with you will not feel any difficulty in answering you. Well, unless, of course, you ask for the twentieth time in the evening. Dose them carefully.

By the way, you can read about infidelity in a relationship.

Intimate questions

Avoid vulgar questions if you are new to the interlocutor! Since not everyone will like it and can create a vulgar image for you. But erotic questions can become an exciting and bonding moment between you.

Tricky questions for a guy

Trick questions, at first glance, are about something abstract, but in fact, answering them your loved one will talk about himself. They should be asked very at ease in a light conversation. Since the guy at this moment is relaxed and ready to share his thoughts with you. Don't take the answers too seriously, but they will give you a lot of interesting information about the values ​​and inner attitudes of your chosen one.

Family matters

While you are still dating, you can talk about any topic. But if the prospect of marriage or living together looms ahead, be sure to talk about family life:

You can't do without them

Here I will write a list of questions, without which not to do with any pair... A positive answer to any of them can seriously question the relationship that has begun:

Simple and fun

And these questions are good ask by correspondence... They do not strain at all, but at the same time create a topic for communication and help to learn more about each other:

  1. Who do you think you were in your past life?
  2. Do you believe in omens?
  3. Do you keep your socks like everyone else in the corners of your apartment?
  4. Do you also like to call your typewriter somehow affectionately?
  5. What is your favorite holiday?
  6. If you were an animal, who would you be?
  7. If you can describe yourself in just two words, which one would you choose?
  8. Is the glass half empty or half full?


It turned out in total 53 questions to the guy to get to know him better. And not only his attitude to love, but also family attitudes, values ​​and readiness for a serious relationship.
Listen to the answers and you will definitely understand together whether you will along the way. But ask very carefully, tactfully, and never interrogate. Listen carefully and be sure to clarify the answers. Remember that a man is an individual, and he may not have the same opinion as you.
Take care of each other! June was with you again.
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Is it true that a person can be deciphered by facial expressions, gestures or, for example, the lines on the hand? Non-verbalika really lifts the veil of the secrets of the human soul, but it is much more convenient, easier and faster to talk. About life, about love, about sex. Ask questions, get answers, analyze and try on yourself. Nothing complicated. Except that the question can be so uncomfortable that it becomes a stumbling block instead of a learning tool. Let's talk about the right and inappropriate questions for the guys.

Ask him yourself: questions the guy to get to know him better

Compare means and ends. If your dream is Mendelssohn's march, don't ask about your attitude to threesome sex and blowjob. At the same time, it is at least short-sighted to arrange interrogation with passion on an extremely narrow topic that worries you. Take it in general and wider - about hobbies, goals, dreams. And casually drop it - about the family, kids, betrayal. And most importantly - do not overwhelm with erudition, even if you are seven inches in your forehead. A man should feel equality, or better, superiority. However, a balance is needed here too. Sometimes pretending to be a fool is a good thing. To be a chronic fool is already an amateur. Here are some questions to ask a guy to see his inner world or just fill an awkward pause in a conversation.

Parent topic: Questions to help you get closer

They say that relationships are work, and both need to work so that everyone has happiness, love and orgasms. Another question is, how does it feel to work on a relationship? One of the means that strengthens heart bonds is a heart-to-heart dialogue. The very moment when you can and should get out of the comfort zone and talk about the burning - about hidden grievances and unfulfilled desires. Here are a couple of questions, honest answers to which will help develop and deepen your communication with your partner.

Mouth shut: questions not to ask guys

“What shoes should I wear today - this or that? As these? These have an uncomfortable heel, and those fit perfectly with the dress. On the other hand, I bought these recently, and those are already pretty worn out. So which ones? " With inquisitorial ruthlessness, we women can torment our men with stupid questions. And some of them cause sticky cold sweat ("Can I talk to you seriously?"). Or simply put in an awkward position ("If there was an opportunity to sleep with Scarlett Johansson, would you sleep?"). In general, sometimes it is better to chew and not run up than to ask and get the truth head-on.

What questions to ask the guy, we found out. We'll also show you where to get a guy who can be interrogated. Click on the link and go to the rating page, where you will find out all the details and pitfalls of dating portals. And if you add our site to your bookmarks, you will learn a lot about how to pick up guys and what to do with them later. Happy acquaintances!

Young boys and girls have always had a tendency to make new acquaintances. Previously, this was done on the streets, but now it is mostly done on the Internet. Corresponding with a boyfriend or girlfriend requires resourcefulness and ingenuity. Otherwise, your letters will go unnoticed. That is, they will not be answered. Let's try with you to figure out dating guys on the Internet. Often, girls have no idea how to attract the attention of the person with whom they are communicating. They find it very difficult to correspond with a guy. Now we will help them cope with the dialogue with the young men on the World Wide Web.

Where to begin

Of course, before you start asking the pen guy questions, you need to prepare a little. What should you tackle in the first place? Of course, for your virtual page.

If you do not yet have a profile on any social network, then the very thing is to create one. For example, the VKontakte website is very popular in Russia. There it is enough to register, link the form to your mobile, fill it out - and that's it, you can communicate.

It is worth worrying about your avatar in advance. After all, in order to answer how to please the pen guy, you will have to devote a lot of time to demonstrating your appearance. As you know, many "look" at it in the first place. So, put your best photo as an avatar on the profile.

Next, fill out the profile. Tell about yourself and your interests in it. Nowadays, some young men quite carefully read what is written in the dating questionnaire. In cases where you are already registered in some social network, you can skip this item. Let's try with you to see how the correspondence with the guy goes. Dialogue examples can be listed endlessly. Thus, it is worth focusing exclusively on what a girl can chat about with a young man in order to please him.

Story about myself

Naturally, any dialogue should be based on a story about yourself. If you're a girl who wants to know how to please a pen guy, then it's time to demonstrate (for now, in words, not in deeds) how interesting and wonderful you are.

It is important not to lie here. If a young man suspects deception, he will simply lose interest in you. Yes, some moments can sometimes be embellished (for example, if you do not like action movies, and your interlocutor adores them), but you should not get carried away with this. It is better to talk about your interests, life and plans for the future.

Remember, if you and your interlocutor initially have similar views on life and hobbies, then you will always find something to chat about. Starting a chat with a guy is always difficult. But only the first few minutes. Then you yourself will be able to figure out what to dialogue about. If this has not happened, then it is worth focusing on some key points.

Asking questions

What can you ask a guy? By correspondence - absolutely everything. For example, if you have been communicating with the interlocutor for some time, then the first step is to ask how he is doing. Sometimes unnecessary virtual conversations are, to put it mildly, out of place - you can run into rudeness, which was the result of a bad mood or a hard day at work. True, if you know for sure that the question "how are you?" can infuriate a friend, then it is worth refraining from him. There are also such individuals who try to keep their "affairs" to themselves. There is no need to impose and be interested in what they do not want to talk about.

But what else can you ask the pen guy? If there are no specific questions, and your acquaintance has just begun, then you can calmly ask the interlocutor to tell about yourself. Yes, often everything is already written in the questionnaire. Only now the information could have changed 20 times in real life. For example, find out the age of the future friend, as well as his hobbies.

In general, you should not overwhelm a person with questions. Sometimes they can just get bored. Asking a pen guy is a normal thing, but only when it is presented in a metered manner. If you want to know something from a person that can describe him, then just ask - "tell me about yourself." If necessary, you will be asked for specifics. And then you can already list: hobbies, age, interests, and so on.

Purpose of acquaintance

The correspondence with the guy, examples of which we gave just above, is more of a friendly conversation. So, before you start meeting someone, you have to set a specific goal for yourself. More precisely, tell yourself why you need a dialogue with this or that person.

Dating goals can be different - friendship, camaraderie, relationships, sex, family building. Depending on this, of course, the conversation with this or that young man will be different. For example, if you are interested in fleeting connections, then you should not go into a person's soul and find out his most intimate secrets.

If you are counting on a long-term relationship with the prospect of starting a family, then, of course, you will have to behave rather restrainedly. For example, don't talk about your need for a husband - some are scared off by this behavior. True, if you know for sure that your interlocutor is looking for a worthy spouse for himself, then you can say about your serious plans for the future. Show the person that you are not interested in fleeting connections. So texting with a guy can help you find the happiness of your whole life.

Observance of literacy

What questions to ask the pen guy? As already mentioned, you can ask whatever your heart desires. The main thing is not to "go too far", and also to monitor the literacy of your messages. If you make a lot of mistakes, then you may consider the dialogue a failure.

Recently, errors in messages have become very annoying to others. And therefore, some generally try to "ignore" illiterate interlocutors. And this is quite normal. After all, no one wants to communicate with an ignoramus. In order to figure out how to please the pen guy, you will have to brush up on the rules of the Russian language and spelling. If you write competent, understandable sentences, then the dialogue will be built very easily and simply. And then you don't have to think about what to ask the guy in the correspondence - all the questions will pop up by themselves. More precisely, they will be asked to you. But you, in turn, if you want to find out the same information that you said about yourself, ask "and you?".


When a person tries to get to know someone, they usually write something like "Hello. How are you?" In truth, this is far from the best approach to start a dialogue. Especially if you are a girl.

Corresponding with a guy is a very delicate matter. It requires special sophistication and ingenuity. So, interest the person with some very original and non-standard question. For example, if your potential interviewee is repairing computers, then ask about the cost of the repair, and so on. This approach will surely help you gain attention.

Naturally, if everyone around asks "How are you?", And then the message comes "Hi. My computer is broken, I heard you are doing them. How much can you fix it?", Then, of course, everything will be focused on you. ... However, there is one more trick. It will help you figure out how to understand the pen guy, and also how you can find an approach to your interlocutor. And now you and I have to find out.

Offer to play

Sometimes you can use one very interesting and useful technique - get to know someone through special interest groups. They are usually created and dedicated to specific games. But what does the correspondence with the guy have to do with it?

The thing is that at the moment the gaming industry is more and more developing cooperative games over the network. That is, you and your friends can play together. Invite the chosen object of adoration to play with you. For example, you can try "co-op" in Resident Evil (5, 6, Revelation) or Damned. The second game is an independent horror game with survival elements. And now many people love to scare girls so much. A good game of play will help you bond, and sometimes even strengthen your relationship.

To be honest, few people use this scenario. After all, girls, as a rule, do not like scary games and "cooperatives" very much. However, try this approach. It will definitely turn out to be much more original than questions from the category "let's get acquainted?"

Sense of humor

If you want to please a person, then you should not think about what questions to ask the guy by correspondence, but how to appear to him as a cheerful and "humorous" interlocutor. People are more inclined to communicate with open and kind people than with "beeches".

Try to joke more often. Just don't overdo it. The main thing is that all jokes are "to the point". That is, if you have a serious dialogue, then you should not insert unnecessary anecdotes and funny incidents from life into it. And you don't need to try to joke if you know for sure that your interlocutor is sad for some very serious reason. This will only make the situation worse.

In general, it is best to show yourself from the side of a cheerful person. Then it will be clear that you have everything in perfect order with a sense of humor. If this is not the case, then do not be upset - just show the person that you are interested with him. Be nice, and also explain that your sense of humor is "not very".

About career

What to ask a guy in a correspondence? For example, you can ask about his education and career. Often, our work makes us proud of our accomplishments. And men, as you know, are very fond of showing off their career growth. It allows them to feel confident, as well as to feel the role of "earner".

If you know for sure (or guess) that a person’s work is not very good, then it’s better not to touch on this topic. Especially if your career is all right. Guys now try to avoid successful women. After all, failed men feel themselves next to such "out of place".

In cases where it is clear that a person with career growth is just superb, then you should not very actively focus on the income of the interlocutor. Mercantileness is far from the best trait of girls. Successful guys may think that you see in him not a person, not a person, but just a wallet of money. And then you can not even count on a successful acquaintance.


Correspondence with a guy implies some forbidden topics. In any case, at first. And now we will find out what you should not be interested in right away.

For example, the size of wages. As already mentioned, this is bad form. Girls may seem materialistic to young men. If a person's career is interesting, then ask about his successes and prospects. It will be much nicer.

Sexual intercourse is also a taboo topic. And in general, the manifestation of excessive interest in a person's sex life is an invasion of his personal space. So, it is better not to touch on this topic. Until you get close enough to have this kind of conversation.

Former relationships are exactly the same "rake" that many are stepping on. And not only girls. Try not to take an interest in the other person's past relationship and do not ask him about his previous girlfriend (or boyfriend). If a person wants, he himself will tell you what he sees fit. And your task will be to provide support.


So we learned with you the main points to consider if you want to please the pen guy. Do not think that virtual dating will not bring you happiness.

Recently, more and more couples meet on social networks. Thus, it is impossible to say for sure where you will find your happiness. If you are a "home" person, then it is virtual communication that can help you.

Usually it is not a problem for a girl to formulate a question to a guy and get an answer. But what if the guy is not a big fan of chatting and even more expressing his feelings? Let's try to solve this problem by compiling a list of the most effective phrases that will help get your chosen one talking, including during correspondence with him. You will find out what questions you can ask any guy so that he does not remain silent. These phrases are suitable for every day, and you can learn a lot about your interlocutor.

The taciturnity of a young man is not at all a reason to panic. After all, if you like him, and if you want to be with him, you just need to push him to communicate, so that he goes to contact. But even those girls who understand what questions can be asked to a guy run the risk of meeting someone who will answer any question in monosyllables, even in correspondence via the Internet.

This behavior is usually caused by the personality traits of the guy and his upbringing. Many guys think that it is not proper for them to chat, that their answers should be succinct and restrained. And no matter how hard you try, he will say a couple of sentences in response, after which your conversation will be interrupted by an unpleasant pause.

♦ So, let's see a list of suitable questions for your chosen one:

- Questions about sports. Even if the guy's physique is clearly not athletic, try to touch the sports topic at least in passing. If your interlocutor is fascinated by at least one sport, he will be happy to talk with you on this topic, perhaps share his achievements with you. After all, sports do not always mean whole days in the gym or being part of the national team. Perhaps he is fascinated by the skateboard or he rides a bicycle.

- Questions about friends. There is one subtlety here, if you do not know what questions you can ask a guy during a conversation, you should not ask specifically who his friends are. This question will get you nowhere. It is better to ask in a more abstract way: how he spends time with friends, what does he do.

This way of posing the question has its own benefit. First, by asking him, you initially have no doubt that your interlocutor has many friends. Secondly, you do not limit yourself to listing their names, but expect a detailed story. Thus, in the further conversation you will be able to ask more specific, clarifying questions, entice your interlocutor.

- Questions about video games. It is better to skip the obvious question about your favorite music, and ask about a topic more unexpected for a girl, but very interesting for a young man: video games. Asking if he is playing something is worth even if you yourself do not understand it. It will still be interesting to listen to, many guys are fond of games. It can be either serious hits for consoles or some kind of browser games. Just ask what was the last game the guy played.

And even if he is that rare specimen that does not like computer and video games, he will still tell you why he doesn’t play, why he doesn’t like these games, and so on. The main thing is to touch on this topic so that it will be easier to develop it in the future.

- "What place in the city do you like the most?"
You shouldn't be silent about your favorite places either. When your interlocutor answers this question, go for a walk there so that you remember this place.

- "What is the best way to cheer you up?" The answer to this question may be very unexpected, but don't be caught off guard, just keep the conversation going.

- "What do you like to do in your free time?" This is a bit trivial, but a good question to help lengthen any conversation.

- "What kind of girls do you like?" Try not to try on the answer you received.

- "What do you believe in?". You should expect a response in the style of "Santa Claus", and if the guy answered that way, trying to laugh it off, try to continue the humorous theme by telling a fascinating anecdote.


It is very difficult to be the first to confess your love to a guy. Many girls are sure that he should take the first step. But how does a guy know that this very step needs to be taken in your direction, if you do not even give the appearance that you are not indifferent to him? Young men are often insecure and vulnerable, especially when it comes to a declaration of love, and often girls have to confess their feelings, overcome fear and shyness, because attraction is stronger than fear. A beautiful declaration of love to a guy is a bold step, but usually he is greeted with joy.

Try to observe the young man's words and actions. You can set up several situations so that he will accompany you, give you his jacket, and so on. If you are convinced of his reciprocity, consider a beautiful declaration of love that will please the guy and melt his heart. Of course, it is better to choose a romantic place: a quiet night street, a romantic dinner for two, a picnic on the roof.

Consider what to wear to please your chosen one. But, if you do not know his tastes, just dress not vulgarly and appropriately for the weather. Hairstyle and makeup should also be appropriate, highlighting your dignity.

So, if you are ready to confess your love to which you are breathing unevenly, be more courageous. Clearly, boldly tell him a few compliments and just pleasant things, not forgetting and most importantly: "I love you." Perhaps, from our examples you will gather the necessary words and comparisons to make your own beautiful declaration of love to the “that very” guy.

That I love you, I want to tell the whole world, but, at the same time, I want to keep it our little secret. I want to unravel your innermost secrets, but I also want to read your thoughts like an open book.

Reading your messages, I think about how I want to hear your warm voice as soon as possible. And when you call me, I want to see you as soon as possible, because a look is always more honest than words. Looking at your photo, I want to touch you and feel the warmth of your hands.

My dream is to make you the happiest man on the planet. I love you, and I want to be there every minute, to give you my care, tenderness and warmth.

At a time when I am sad or bad, I understand that I will see you, and it becomes much better. And when I feel good, I know: seeing you, I will become even happier. Love gives people wings so that they can go to meet their dreams, but mine has already come true. My dream is you, darling.

My dear, my soul did not see the light before meeting you, and it seemed that my heart was like a cold piece of ice. But you could melt my heart, took it from me, and became it yourself. Like air, I need you, you are my ray of light, my life. I love you insanely! You are my life, and I can no longer live without you.

If you are destined to live a hundred years, then I want to live exactly one day less, because I can't live a day without you. Let everyone hear your words, but only I can hear you when you are silent, because I really love you.

When we are near, a light lights up inside me, which warms me. When you hug me, I feel very comfortable, and your kisses are the most tender and sweetest. Even the whole universe cannot replace you for me, because you are my love, my little world.

For me you are a person for whom I want to live, but for whose sake it’s not scary to die. With you I was able to see heaven and light brighter than the sun. I love you and you have become a treasure in the endless ocean of life.

What questions can you ask a girl at the first meeting or during correspondence? This problem plagues many guys. For most young people, the first date is an exciting and important event, when hundreds of scenarios are scrolled through their heads, how everything will go, what to ask, what the girl will answer. The fear of being wrong, the fear of being rejected or looking stupid are all part and parcel of the excitement. I would like to know what questions you can ask a girl on a date so that there is no awkward silence.

Each of us calmly communicates with relatives and friends, and when you need to talk to a girl, especially on a date, excitement takes over. Let's list the questions that you can ask any girl on a first date or by correspondence, simply redesigning them for each interlocutor if you run out of topics for conversation. This list of questions is just a guide. Some of them are not suitable for a first date, but they will come in handy later.

Surely among your acquaintances there are people who, having nothing special but charisma, always have success with women. Everyone wants to get into this category, but where to start?


- At what age did you first fall in love? Was this feeling mutual?

What annoys you the most in the world? Why?

What personality traits turn you off the most?

How often do you tell lies?

Do you like cats? Why?

Do you like horror movies? Do they scare and impress you a lot?

How many foreign languages ​​do you know?

Do you like to paint?

Do you have a pet? What pet do you like best?

Do you believe in transmigration of souls?

Can you imagine life in the mountains / in a remote village / in the north?
What would you do if you lived there?

Does it ever happen that you cannot be forced to do something?

What do you not know how to do, and what do you dream of learning how to do?

What character traits do you like the most?

Do you like buying new shoes? How many pairs do you buy per season?

What do you usually do not go out without?

Will it be possible to live a month at the North Pole, taking your purse with you?

Do you like doing chores around the house? What do you like least of all?

Do you have a mole on your body that I haven't seen yet?

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

Are you abroad? How often?

What do you do in your free time, do you have a hobby?

Do you love children? How many children would you like to have?


Every person wants a beautiful and vibrant relationship. The couple begins to meet, each adjusts to his soul mate, gets to know her better. And, in the end, the time comes to confess your love. But a young man often simply does not know what to say, how to choose words, how to make a beautiful declaration of love to his girlfriend.

These words are of great importance, and you should not say them on the third day of the relationship, because the girl may simply not believe, and this is at best. And at worst, she will consider your confession as a blatant lie, which is aimed at some personal goals.

But just like that, in the meantime, it is better not to confess your love. Think carefully about where and how best to confess your love so that the girl will remember this moment for a very long time. If you do it in an original way, she will definitely believe your words and, of course, will reciprocate.

Having prepared a beautiful declaration of love, invite the girl to arrange a romantic dinner. It will be great if you prepare everything yourself (it is worth, of course, practice in advance), set the table and invite your beloved. You can just say that you want to surprise her and she will definitely be moved. It is worth taking care of purchasing her favorite flowers. And hide a note with a declaration of love in the bouquet. It will be very romantic, touching and childish, it will make the moment more relaxed. When she reads the note and looks up at you, confirm what she saw on the paper by talking about her feelings.

Darling, I have long wanted to tell you that you are the dearest person to me. I want to connect my life with you, share everything that I have with you, bring up our children together. I ask you, be with me always, and I will try to prove to you that my love is stronger than any stone, and that I am worthy of your love.

When I met you, the world around me shone, filled with bright colors, became like a rainbow. I learned to see beauty and see how beautiful your eyes are when illuminated by the sun. I love you very much, and I know how huge your heart is when you are happy.

My baby, you filled my heart, and now there is no place for others in it. And it makes me happy, because for me you are the girl of my dreams. I have never been so frank with anyone, I was able to entrust all my feelings, desires and thoughts to you. I want you to be the happiest with me, so that your eyes always shine with joy, and your tears were just tears of happiness. You gave me this wonderful feeling when you fall asleep and wake up thinking about your loved one, and I am very grateful to you for that. I want you to never forget how much I love you.

My beloved, your image is forever in my memory, and every word you say sounds to me like a wonderful song. Sometimes, I confess, I catch myself thinking that I do not hear your words, but simply enjoy the magic of your voice. Your gaze is like a bottomless ocean, in which you want to dissolve to the end, forgetting about everything in the world. The touch of your hands makes me forget, thinking only of you, and my love for you will be eternal. Thank you for being with me!

Darling, in an instant you were able to change my life, becoming its only treasure. For me, you are a gentle angel sent from heaven, because your love and tenderness make me happier every day. With one smile, you can dispel all my doubts and fears, making life such that I could not even dream of. Having met you, I realized that I could finally find what I had been looking for for so long. I do not have enough words to convey all the feelings, I am madly in love with you and I want you to always be there and give me your love! I thank you just for the fact that you are just by my side!