What is an aroma lamp: history and types. How to use an aroma lamp: useful tips

With the help of an aroma lamp, you can fill your home or office with the invigorating or relaxing aromas of your favorite essential oils.
Aroma lamps are a quick and convenient way to give a room a pleasant scent. Easy to use, they gently warm the essential oil, which begins to evaporate, releasing volatile aromas into the air, filling your room with a pleasant scent.
home comfort
Aroma lamps can be used everywhere - both at home and in the office. They will help you cheer up or relax after a hard day at work. Aroma lamps have a very subtle, almost imperceptible effect, they are more suitable for maintaining your mood than for healing or for concentration during meditation. You can buy an aroma lamp at large department stores or specialty stores.
Wherever you are, an aroma lamp with a candle will help create a relaxing atmosphere. You can surround the lamp with scented candles to deepen your experience.
The principle of operation of the aroma lamp
Our ability to smell smells is due to the presence of tiny molecules in the air. When we inhale these molecules, they are recognized by receptors located in the nose. Then the received information is transmitted through the nerve channels to the brain, including those areas of it that are responsible for emotions, behavior and memory. The odor molecules dissolve in the blood, and their active components begin to work.
The aroma lamp will quickly fill your room with wonderful aromas.
Aroma lamps heat the aromatic oil, maintaining the temperature at which it begins to evaporate. At the same time, aroma molecules enter the air and saturate it much faster than without thermal exposure.
Air circulation
By heating the aromatic oil, the aroma lamp simultaneously heats the surrounding air. The warm air flow rises, causing the air in the room to circulate faster.
The principle of operation of aroma lamps
You can simply add a few drops of your favorite fragrance oil to a saucer, or mix several scents at once, but any of the methods below will evaporate the oil faster.
How to use aroma oil
In aroma lamps, you can use undiluted essential oils or purchase special mixtures for aroma lamps. In both cases, five drops should be added to the aroma lamp container.
Attention! Massage and essential oils are not suitable for use in aroma lamps.
Aroma lamps with a candle
An aroma lamp with a candle consists of a small bowl for oil and water placed over a candle. The heat from the candle causes the oil to evaporate and disperse into the air.
Fill the lamp bowl with water and add three to five drops of oil. When the candle heats up the mixture, the oil will begin to evaporate faster.
Since aroma lamps with a candle do not need electricity, they can be used anywhere.
Electric aroma lamps
In electric aroma lamps, oil is heated by electricity.
The first type consists of a ceramic saucer. connected to an outlet. Add water and a few drops of oil to a saucer, and as it heats up, the oil will begin to evaporate. The other type is a small ceramic ring that fits over the bulb of a table lamp. The heat from the light bulb will cause the oil to evaporate.
Homemade heater
If you don't want to buy an aroma lamp, the best way to make your own is to simply place a small ceramic container on top of the battery.
You can also put a few drops on a handkerchief and hang it on a heater or radiator.

The best essential oils to use in an aroma lamp
Invigorating (will help you wake up in the morning): bergamot, black pepper, lemon, mint, rosemary
Relaxing (will help you relax in the evening): lavender, mandarin, sweet marjoram, lemon balm, neroli
Antiseptic (will help clean the air of germs): benzoic, eucalyptus, juniper berry, tea tree, thyme (thyme)
Sensual (will help create a romantic mood): cedarwood, lavender, patchouli, rose, ylang-ylang
Calming (relieve you of anxiety and nervousness): geranium, juniper berry, marjoram, rose, sandalwood
For headaches (will help relieve headaches): chamomile, lavender, marjoram, neroli, rosemary

Since ancient times, it has been known that smells help to restore peace of mind, relieve fatigue, relax or, conversely, recharge with energy - mental, physical or sexual. Our mood, condition and health largely depend on the atmosphere prevailing in the house. Properly selected essential oils exude an unobtrusive cozy aroma. And an aromatic incense burner can nicely complement the interior.

What is an aroma lamp and how does it work

An aroma lamp of any design is designed to evaporate essential oils. It is an affordable and easy to use device consisting of a heat source and an evaporator. The simplest design is an arch with an evaporator bowl mounted on it, under which a candle is placed.

A simple design of an aroma lamp with a candle

The principle of operation is also simple - water is poured into the evaporator, essential oil is added to it. A candle burning under the bowl heats the oil mixture, and the room is gradually filled with aroma.

Aroma lamps are increasingly becoming an indispensable attribute of beauty salons, psychologists' offices and even offices.

Given the increasing demand, the market offers a variety of aroma lamps:

  • ceramic and glass;
  • electrical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • USB devices;
  • stone.

They can be a wonderful decoration and have a purely practical focus, as, for example, electrical devices.

Terms of use and safety

The safety of the aroma lamp lies not only in compliance with the operating conditions, but also in its proper charging with aroma oil. Incorrectly selected ether or its excess amount can be harmful to health - cause an allergy or an asthma attack. Rules for conducting a session using any type of lamp:

  • the room should be well ventilated;
  • there should be no draft during the session;
  • depending on the capacity of the evaporator, 2-4 tablespoons of warm water will be required;
  • for the first session, 2 drops of ether are enough (in the future, the amount should be increased gradually);
  • the standard dosage of oil is 6 drops of oil per 15 sq. m;

The duration of the first session should not exceed 20 minutes. The maximum aromatherapy time is 2 hours.

Electric aroma lamps are the safest due to the absence of open flames.

In an electric lamp, heating occurs slowly, so the aroma is not so pronounced and spreads gradually. An electric or ultrasonic lamp is considered safer - they do not use open flames.

A lamp with a candle is installed out of reach of small children, there should not be flammable objects nearby.

The candle lamp must not stand on a plastic surface and must not be left unattended.

The larger the volume of the bowl, the slower the evaporation of aromatic substances will occur. For short sessions, it can be filled halfway. In ceramic lamps, you can not leave an empty bowl over the fire, it can crack. You can only top up the bowl with warm water. Cold temperatures due to temperature contrasts can also ruin the lamp. For safety reasons, an electric lamp should also not be left on with an empty evaporator.

The choice of aroma lamp

The choice of an aroma lamp is a matter of taste and practicality. Graceful carved stone lamps or elegant ceramics are more suitable for home interiors. Stylish and concise electric models will help create a working atmosphere in the office. You can organize a “local” aromatherapy session using a USB lamp connected to a laptop. Portable, battery-powered, safe electric aroma lamp is convenient when traveling and travelling.

Classic candle lamps

Traditional aroma lamps are a vessel on the bottom of which a candle is placed. For such lamps, a small flat candle-tablet is used. It is installed through a special hole. Types of candle lamps:

  • stone carved (most often Indian);
  • classic ceramic aroma lamps;
  • glass;
  • wooden;
  • metal, made in a modern design.

Ceramics is the choice of lovers of the classics. Metal vases are great for modern minimalist interiors. The advantages of candle lamps from different materials can be considered their decorative effect, durability (especially stone ones) and environmental friendliness.

Ceramic aroma lamps are chosen by lovers of the classics

The liquid in the evaporator should not boil, the optimum temperature is not higher than 60°C. Therefore, it is better to choose an aroma lamp with a distance between the candle and the bottom of the bowl of at least 10 cm and a volume of at least 30 ml, then the water will heat up more slowly. It is better if the bowl is deep so that the oil mixture does not spill.

After the end of the session, the evaporator bowl must be thoroughly washed with soap and dried. It is more convenient to use a censer with a removable bowl. Candle smudges at the bottom of the lamp are removed with a wooden scraper or a match.

Features of stone aroma lamps

Stone aroma lamps are used in India. These are carvings made of soapstone - steatite. Usually they are cut from a single piece. True connoisseurs of aromatherapy acquire just such incense burners. They do not warm up as quickly as glass and ceramics and keep warm longer. The evaporator bowl inside is covered with a metal that does not enter into a chemical reaction with the oil mixture.

Stone Indian incense burners enhance the effect of aromas

It is believed that the stone enhances the effect of aromas. A stone Indian aroma lamp is an excellent neutral gift that can be presented to loved ones, colleagues and just acquaintances. Through carving turns the incense burner into a decorative lamp.

Glass lamps

A variety of glass designs can be bought in Egypt. This is a traditional material for local aroma censers. But they are not suitable for aromatherapy. The bowl in them is very hot, the oil boils and loses its healing properties.

Glass aroma lamps of catalytic combustion are made in the form of perfume bottles

Glass lamps are often made according to the principle of catalytic (flameless) combustion. The aromatic mixture based on isopropyl alcohol rises through the wick to the burner. Alcohol reacts with a catalyst applied along its contour. In this capacity, platinum is most often used. The aromatic part of the mixture enters the center of the burner, from where it evaporates under the influence of heat.

The catalytic combustion process releases ozone, which is the best air purifier.

The principle of operation of the lamp is simple. An aromatic mixture is poured into the bottle and a burner with a wick is inserted. For its impregnation, 10-15 minutes are enough, then the wick is set on fire. When the fire becomes very small, you need to blow it out, put on a carved cap and enjoy the aroma. After 20 minutes, a one-piece cap is put on the wick - a flame arrester - and the combustion process stops.

Designer glass aroma lamps

Aromatic catalytic combustion incense burners from well-known European perfume brands additionally perform the function of air disinfection and elimination of unpleasant odors - tobacco or cooking.

Lampe Berger Paris produces designer lamps in the form of beautiful bottles, equipped with a carved cap, a burner with a wick is included. Lamps of various shapes can be filled with aromatic essences that increase mood and vitality, relieve stress and insomnia. One lamp lasts 40 days if used 20 minutes a day.

Lampe Berger Paris aroma lamps are available in different shapes and sizes

Similar lamps are produced by the Venetian laboratory Dr. vranjes. These are luxurious vases made in the corporate style of Venetian glass or ceramics, which can be matched to the interior in any style. For lamps, a line of branded fragrances is sold.

Ultrasonic devices

The ultrasonic aroma lamp consists of an adapter and a diffuser. The adapter is connected to the network, oil is dripping into the diffuser. Water is not used for this. To charge an ultrasound device, you will need less oil than in a classic water aroma lamp. The oil does not heat up, it evaporates under the action of ultrasound. There is no danger that the oil may burn.

The absence of open fire and heating makes such lamps preferable for use in a children's room.

Ultrasound increases the bioavailability of aromatic substances released into the air

In addition, ultrasound increases the bioavailability of active substances released from esters. After use, the diffuser is not washed, but wiped with an alcohol wipe.

The electric version of the aroma lamp is represented by two types - water and anhydrous. Water lamps work on the principle of candles, only the source of heat is electricity. The inner surface of the bowl in them can be glass, metal or ceramic. Caring for it is the same as for a classic aroma lamp. Due to the absence of burning, electric lamps give a purer aroma, without the admixture of candle smell.

The design of an electrical appliance can be very different - from techno style to elegant vessels with carved walls. Waterless aroma lamps are a ceramic ring that is placed on a regular light bulb. Oil is dripped onto the ring, which begins to evaporate as the ceramic heats up.

USB devices and battery operated aroma lamps

Battery powered lamps work in the same way as electric lamps. Their advantage is independence from the power source. USB lamp is made in the form of a flash drive. It plugs into a computer and is powered by it.

A USB stick lamp will help to conduct an aromatherapy session at the workplace

The lamp flash drive is convenient for use in the office. A small amount of oil does not allow the aroma to spread over a long distance, so the smell will not interfere with others.

salt lamps

Salt aroma lamps are used for medicinal and health purposes. It is made from a large salt crystal with a built-in light bulb. Halotherapy - treatment with salt vapor, widely used in modern medicine (speleotherapy). When salt crystals are heated, the air is ionized. You can keep the salt lamp turned on as long as you like - there is no overdose.

Salt lamp has no restrictions and contraindications for use

The intensity of evaporation depends on the size of the crystal. Lamps are used to treat and prevent colds, bronchitis and other lung diseases. Salt helps relieve stress and fatigue. A salt lamp is a type of electric lamp. For heating, it uses a conventional light bulb. It is made in the form of lamps.

Video: what should be the ideal aroma lamp

Today, aromatherapy is gradually replacing the usual ways of relieving stress and preventive measures familiar from childhood in the form of hardening. Our homes are filled with healing aromas. The constructive variety of aromatherapy lamps allows you to choose a design according to your taste and needs.

Aromatic oils today, due to their diversity and a wide range of useful properties, have become a real fashion trend. However, not everyone knows how to use them correctly, and here an aroma lamp will become your assistant.

What are aroma lamps

There are two types of aroma lamps - classical, where the heating of aromatic oils occurs with the help of fire, and modern, in which heating occurs due to electricity. Which aroma lamp you prefer to use is up to you, both have their pros and cons. For classics, this is real fire, a feeling of comfort, natural materials, for electric lamps - modern design, a guarantee of fire safety, the possibility of automatic control.

How to use the aroma lamp

In order for the aroma lamp to bring you a good mood and not cause problems, you need to use it correctly. Here are the principles you must follow.

  • Before using the aroma lamp, be sure to ventilate the room, and when using it, close the windows so that there are no drafts.
  • Strictly observe the proportions of the use of aromatic oils. The golden mean for indoor aroma lamps is 3-5 drops of oil in two tablespoons of warm water.
  • The technology is as follows - water is first strictly poured into the bowl, a few drops of essential oil or a prepared mixture of aroma oils are added to it, only after that a candle is lit (or, if you have an electric aroma lamp, turn on the network).
  • Make sure there is always water in the bowl. If the water evaporates actively, add a tablespoon every 15 minutes.
  • In electric lamps, everything is calculated, but for classic aroma lamps with a candle, it is very important to choose the right distance between the fire and the bowl with the aromatic composition. As practice has shown, this distance should be at least 10-12 centimeters, otherwise the oils simply start to burn.
  • Live fire is always dangerous. Do not use the aroma lamp on plastic surfaces, do not place it in a draft, do not let it fall into the hands of children.
  • By time. If you are just starting your journey into aromatherapy and have not yet chosen the right oils, you should not use the aroma lamp for more than 20 minutes, the body needs to get used to processing odors. Over time, if desired, you can increase the time to an hour. But, as practice shows, there is no point in keeping the aroma lamp for so long, the air is already steadfastly saturated with the necessary smells.
  • If you plan to change aroma oils in the future, then after use, the bowl should be thoroughly washed with soapy water, and then rinsed with vinegar to eliminate previous oil residues and odors.

Essential oils for aromatherapy

  • Whichever type of aroma lamp you choose, The effectiveness of aromatherapy depends on the choice of essential oils. After all, different oils affect the human body in completely different ways. Here are some oils that can be used with an aroma lamp in different life situations.
  • Raise the tone oils of bergamot, rosemary, black pepper, lemon and mint oil will help. Therefore, these essential oils are best used in the morning or in the middle of a working day to invigorate the body and tune in to vigorous activity.
  • Relax, relieve stress- also not a problem. Use mandarin or lemon balm oil, lavender oil, marjoram or neroli oil in the aroma lamp.
  • During the "heyday" of colds purify indoor air from harmful viruses and pathogenic microbes will allow the aroma of tea tree and thyme oils, eucalyptus and benzoin a little.
  • If there is an unpleasant smell in the apartment If you need to get rid of it quickly, use oils such as citronella, lemongrass, or a mixture of peppermint, rosemary, and lemon oils.
  • If you are preparing for a romantic date, stock up on rose or lavender oil, which are effective arodisiacs. The same properties when used in an aroma lamp have cedar oil, patchouli oil and ylang-ylang.
  • For a headache relieve the aroma lamp with essential oils of rosemary, chamomile, neroli or lavender oil.
  • And if there is an aroma lamp, but you haven’t bought oils yet . Also not a problem - drop a few drops of orange or lemon juice into the water, or put fragrant spices in the water - cloves, cinnamon, rosemary. When heated, the water will make them give off their aromas to the environment, and you will get the desired atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

At home, you can make real hand made lamps, that is, with your own hands. And it looks great and smells great. For example, as in the photo - cut off the top of an orange or grapefruit, select some pulp and immerse a candle there. The second option is to cut the orange in half, carefully remove the pulp so that the walls are not damaged, cut off the top of one half to a height of about 1 cm, put a candle inside and close the second half.

Another way also allows you to fill your home with aromas of self-selected scents. Take a beautiful jar, fill it with products containing essential oils, fill it with water, close it with a tight lid and send it to infuse for two weeks in the refrigerator. At the right time, take it out, open it, put a floating candle into the jar and enjoy the wonderful smell. You can create a mixture of your own, but there are also classic examples - lemon with rosemary, orange with cinnamon, spruce plus laurel - experiment. And if you want to know how you can do without an aroma lamp at home, here is a link -how to fill the house with pleasant aromas , we recommend!

Olga Spasskaya All rights reserved

Essential oils are an amazing tool that can be used simultaneously to heal an illness, create an amazing atmosphere, fragrance, and purify the air in your home.

Different oils have different uses based on the properties of the plants they are extracted from. Without special knowledge and instructions, the world of ethers will seem a little confusing to you, but this is only at first.

A good way to learn and understand essential oil is to enjoy it gradually and over a long period of time. This opportunity is given by a special device - an aroma lamp. To use it, you do not need to study manuals for operation, it is arranged extremely simply.

The convenience of the aroma lamp is that it is used in any room, regardless of the purpose: in the office, at home, in a kindergarten or a store. The small, compact design is made from a variety of materials and colors.

The main rule is to ensure gradual heating with the help of a candle flame, a cup, which is located above the burner. A small amount of water with essential oil added to it is poured into the recess above the candle. The recommended dose is 8 drops. But this is not so important, and in the process of use, you can choose the optimal and pleasant concentration for yourself.

The aroma lamp for essential oils should have such a bowl that the candle installed in it burns out before the water evaporates. Otherwise, overheating of the ether or boiling of water is possible, and this will instantly ruin the effect.

When purchasing a design, you must decide in advance how to use an aroma lamp for essential oils in your home. Perhaps the use of candles is not entirely suitable for you, and you will choose the electric version of the device. The variety of models offered is great, it will not be difficult to choose something specific for the interior of the apartment or the color scheme in the room.

To use the aroma lamp and fully enjoy the amazing aroma, you just have to pour water into the bowl, add a few drops of the essential oil chosen for this purpose and light the candle. The heat will gently diffuse the fragrance and fill the room with it.

Using an aroma lamp - how does it work?

As the water in the lamp heats up, the ether molecules fill the room. When inhaled, they settle on the nasal mucosa. After that, an impulse is sent to the brain, the processing of the received information and the reaction: relaxation, excitement, suppression of anxiety, etc.

Due to the fact that the properties of essential oils for an aroma lamp can vary greatly, and sometimes create a synergistic effect, the choice of esters must be approached responsibly or have at least basic knowledge so as not to “overdo it” or get the opposite effect.

You can choose absolutely any combination, essential oils for an aroma lamp can be mixed with each other and get your own fragrance recipes that fully match your taste and character.

By placing fragrant ether in a lamp, two effects are achieved. The first is designed to create a certain atmosphere, that is, to obtain a favorable climate for those present in the room. The goal is the most prosperous background for relieving stress, anxiety and getting positive emotions.

The second effect is therapeutic, when by means of essential oils they want to have a therapeutic effect and take preventive measures in order to reduce the likelihood of exacerbations.

When Essential Oils Can Help You

Evaporation of ether during research gave unexpected results. Aroma lamp oil, when dispersed in the air, affects the limbic system and is able to solve:

  1. Respiratory problems.
  2. Calm the nervous system.
  3. Treat throat infections.
  4. Reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. Eliminate colds.
  6. Relieve mental and physical fatigue.
Details of the use of a particular oil and recipes for use can be found in the section “Therapeutic use of oils”

Having shown interest, you will be able to independently choose the esters you need and create your own recipes. But first, it’s better to get acquainted with the basic compositions and feel their influence.

For the living room, where we stay for a long time, relax and communicate with relatives and friends, special essential oils are suitable. We need those that tune in to positive emotions, promote relaxation and communication. Pay attention to the oil of orange, geranium, rosemary, bergamot, petitgrain and lemon.

For an office or office where concentration and concentration are required, it is better to choose mint, black pepper, rosemary, eucalyptus.

For the bedroom, unobtrusive aromas are required, which, first of all, can soothe and relax. You will like to fall asleep with the ether of chamomile, lavender, neroli, rose, geranium, lemon balm.

For a child's room, the choice of essential oil is more carefully chosen to calm the baby, balance, increase body resistance and reduce anxiety, choose eucalyptus or sandalwood. Chamomile and geranium also do an excellent job.

For special occasions or treatments, there are proven recipes for aroma lamps with essential oils. During the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention and prevention of colds, pay attention to tea tree oil. This is a unique ether that has a lot of useful properties and features. It can be mixed with eucalyptus, that is, each take 4 drops for an aroma lamp and install it in places where the family gathers or the sick person is located.

If such an "active" fragrance is not for you, you can consider a more "soft", but no less effective, when you take 2 drops of sandalwood, bergamot and sage.

People who suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) should have it monitored regularly, as it can lead to various health problems: angina pectoris, stroke and thrombosis, as well as atherosclerosis. You can use lavender, marjoram, lemon balm and ylang-ylang to reduce pressure. Not allowed: hyssop, thyme, rosemary.

Ylang-ylang, a sensual essential oil that is natural, will help you tune in to a romantic mood and relaxation, prepare for an intimate meeting. You can use it in its pure form or enhance it with rose or geranium oil, in what proportion you decide to mix, just do not use more than 8-9 drops per session.

Using an aroma lamp is probably the most enjoyable use of essential oils. It is not comparable to synthetically scented fresheners that are installed or sprayed in the room. In addition to evaporating the fragrant oil and improving the atmosphere in your home, you get an additional benefit as a therapeutic effect.

Remember to be careful when using a burner in a room with children and the elderly.

The aroma lamp is the most accessible and well-known method of aromatherapy. With its help, it is easy to use the properties of essential oils that create a unique atmosphere and good mood. The aroma lamp not only saturates the air with a wonderful aroma, but also heals. How to use the aroma lamp correctly?

What is an aroma lamp?

An aroma lamp is a device that includes a water bowl (heated evaporation tank) and arches, as well as a decorative case in which a warming candle is installed. The aroma lamp is also called the aroma smoker. Usually it is performed by their ceramics.

There are aroma burners with open fire or electrical appliances. In the first case, heating occurs due to a special candle-tablet.

How to use the aroma lamp correctly

Using the aroma smoker is as easy as shelling pears:

  1. Pour 2 to 15 tablespoons of water into a container;
  2. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. It can be any oil or a mixture thereof;
  3. Light a candle or plug the device into the network;
  4. Let the miraculous fragrance spread for two hours, but no more. The first session should not be longer than 20-25 minutes.

The candle heats up the bowl of water and the water begins to evaporate. The aroma spreads throughout the room and enters the lungs. Essential oils can simply create a cozy atmosphere or serve as a prevention of colds.

But before using this method of aromatherapy:

  • Ventilate the room so that it is filled with fresh air;
  • After airing, close the windows, vents and doors: there should be no drafts during the procedure, otherwise the essential oils will evaporate from the room;
  • Do not place the aroma lamp on a plastic surface or any other that may catch fire;
  • The aroma lamp should not be in the area reachable by children.

The effect of aromas on the human body

Aromatherapy is an inhalation method of treatment and prevention. With the right fragrance or composition, you can:

  • Correct the psycho-emotional state;
  • Eliminate obsessive mental states;
  • Increase overall tone;
  • Prevention of dystonia;
  • Get rid of fatigue and depression;
  • Improve memory and intellectual abilities;
  • Prevention of acute respiratory diseases.

Don't forget that if you use an aroma lamp only to eliminate unpleasant odors or just to fill a room with a pleasant aroma, essential oils will still affect you. Therefore, consider the impact on the body of each of the oils and use only those that are not contraindicated for you (and your loved ones, if they are in the room).

Fragrant compositions

To create a favorable atmosphere for a particular activity, you need to be able to correctly compose a fragrant composition.

Children's room

Mix equal parts essential oils:

  • cinnamon;
  • Mandarin.

For office

Mix essential oils:

  • Lemon - 2 parts;
  • Rosemary - 1 part.

For the bedroom

The optimal fragrant background for the bedroom is created from a mixture of essential oils:

  • Neroli;
  • Melissa;
  • lavender;
  • Ylang-ylang.

For the living room

To create a good atmosphere for communication, prepare a mixture of essential oils:

  • orange;
  • Lemon;
  • Lemongrass;
  • Petitgrain.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections

An aromatic mixture of aromas will help to avoid infectious diseases:

  • tea tree;
  • Eucalyptus.

These essential oils prevent the spread of viruses and other pathogens. It is especially convenient to use if someone from the family is already sick.

If eucalyptus and tea tree seem unpleasant to you, then I use another mixture with a milder aroma:

  • Sandalwood;
  • Bergamot;
  • Mandarin;
  • Sage.

Eliminate odor

To get rid of unpleasant odors, drop lemongrass oil or citronella oil into the bowl. A mixture of essential oils can help:

  • rosemary;
  • Lemon;
  • Mint.

romantic setting

Romantic mood will create:

  • Ginger;
  • Neroli;
  • Sandal;
  • Ylang-ylang;
  • Rose.

To calm the nervous system

To relax, use a mixture of oils:

  • Lemongrass;
  • Limetta;
  • ginger.

It is necessary to use an aroma lamp, observing the rules for its operation. The following tips will also help you to use it:

  • For some people, inhaling an essential oil can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Therefore, if you are not alone in the room, use fragrances that are suitable for each of you;
  • Do not exceed the maximum dose of essential oils. Otherwise, you will not get the desired effect: your nervous system will be in a depressed state, you will lose vigor and positive mood, your physical condition will also not be normal;
  • Add warm water to the aroma incense bowl;
  • Pour periodically into the water in the bowl to prevent the device from running "dry";
  • Never leave an aroma lamp unattended;
  • The next time you decide to light an oil burner with other essential oils, wash the bowl with soap and then rinse it in vinegar. This will help you avoid mixing flavors.

Now you can use the aroma lamp for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. But never add more than 15 drops of essential oil to the lamp, so as not to get the opposite effect.