Wedding hairstyles with a veil are feminine and cute. Wedding hairstyles with a veil How to attach a veil to your hair

One of the undoubtedly important accessories, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a bride, is a veil. There are really a lot of styles in our time, they differ in style, color, decor, length. In this article we will talk about such an option as a Spanish veil.

Another version of the name: "Spanish mantilla", and its history is very trivial. It appeared several hundred years ago, but gained particular popularity only in the nineteenth century, when it began to adorn the royal head of Isabella III.

At that time, any thing seen on the royal family or other famous personalities quickly gained weight and became a real fashion trend, and therefore soon almost all Spanish brides began to prefer this particular veil.

The traditional fabric of the mantilla was considered to be Chantian lace, however, in the modern world there are an amazing variety of other materials that are also ideal for such an exquisite headdress. It can be: tulle, chiffon, soft tulle mesh and other light and translucent fabrics.

A distinctive feature of the mantilla is its shape. It can be either a full circle, or a semicircle, which is usually decorated with lace at the edges. The "Spanish woman" is distinguished from the usual tulle veil by the fact that it always looks rich due to lace details and other paraphernalia.

Some fashion designers even prefer to make the mantilla completely laced, because the combination of the bride's delicate skin and graceful lace makes the girl more feminine, and her image more attractive.


Despite its exquisite beauty, modern brides have undeservedly forgotten about the mantilla, so its demand is as small as ever. However, thanks to this, that girl who wants to distinguish herself from the rest may well do this with the help of this veil.

In addition to its unusual shape, it is distinguished by a huge variety of models and decor for them. Designers masterfully play with lace and decoration, as well as with the length of the veil, so that the "Spanish woman" is able to suit every wedding.

For those who want to keep up with traditions and have dreamed of legalizing relations in a registry office all their life, the average length of a veil, to the elbow or slightly below, is quite suitable. This is due to the convenience and the fact that the beautiful detail of the image will not get dirty or torn in various situations.

Girls who dream of a wedding may well use the traditional length of the mantilla, that is, to the floor. Thanks to this length, the bride will look solemn and very elegant, and her appearance will be completely unearthly. And most importantly - you will not have to spoil your hair with a scarf to go to church.

For those who doubt whether this accessory will suit their wedding dress, it is worth knowing that the mantilla is a universal item and fits absolutely any model, and not just fluffy dresses, as many mistakenly believe.

How to wear correctly

Even having picked up an accessory, any bride should know exactly how to use it, as well as what hairstyle will suit it and how to do it so as not to look like a laughingstock and not get into an unpleasant situation.

There are some simple tips, thanks to which all your fears can be forgotten and will not interfere with shining in your ceremony.

Traditionally, Spanish women preferred to wear the mantilla under their impressive size hats or other headdresses. This was done out of necessity, in order to hide the massive crest that held the veil on the bride's head.

But thanks to the rapidly developing fashion industry, the urgent need for this has disappeared. A great many small combs, beautiful hairpins, as well as hairstyles have been invented, with the help of which you can skillfully disguise the place where the mantilla is attached.

However, if you do not want to come up with different methods, then a hairpin or a comb, decorated with stones, or made in the form of flowers, animal figures and metal lace will suit you.

Remember that this accessory should not contrast too much with your entire outfit, in order not to look clumsy, and therefore reasonably combine colors and choose a hairpin in accordance with your image.

The classic version of the mantilla is distinguished by its impressive length, sometimes even with a train, but a shortened version of, say, medium length is quite suitable for a regular ceremony, which will not interfere too much, but at the same time retain the mystery inherent in this accessory.

Hairstyle for mantilla

An important point is also what hairstyle to attach a Spanish veil to, and how exactly to do it. If you do not like it too much, or the option with hairpins and a comb is not at all suitable, then you can easily attach the veil with a clip and decorate it in an original way with a living flower or a composition of flowers.

It is believed that the mantilla is attached to absolutely any hairstyle, and to some extent this is true, because if there is a desire and skill, the veil can hold even on freely flowing hair.

But it is much easier to do this if you fix it on a high hairstyle or gathered curls, and therefore you should definitely attend to the choice of a hairstyle before buying a mantilla.

In order to choose an adequate hairstyle and make the perfect look, it is worth talking about what hairstyles are acceptable for a wedding celebration, and what exactly brides and hairdressers prefer.

So, it could be:

  • hairstyles in the Greek style;
  • waves, curls or curls, gathered at the back of the bride's head, or freely falling over the shoulders;
  • shells, bunches;
  • ponytails, ponytails at the back of the head, as well as ponytail hairstyles.

Naturally, only a small part of what exists is listed here, and if your master has a rich imagination and skillful hands, as well as a great desire to create, then you will be able to get something really original.

Thanks to the collected hair, the mantilla can be attached even with ordinary hairpins. To preserve beauty and gloss, stones or flowers are attached to them, which will make your hairstyle graceful and harmonious.

But the veil is hard to attach to loose hair, and therefore hairdressers have to go to incredible tricks, such as massive fasteners, hoops, headbands, hairpins, in order to prevent the mantilla from slipping off the bride's head.

Remember that the fastening of the veil should be as strong and reliable as possible, if you do not want to spend the whole evening fixing it constantly and giving up most of the active wedding entertainment.

Do not save on time, pick up a decent and sturdy accessory with which the veil will be attached, and be sure to take care of its fixation.

  1. Find quality, sturdy hairpins with good clips and bindings, as well as combs.
  2. Always buy jewelry in reserve, because invisibility is often lost, or may fall out of the hairstyle.
  3. It is not necessary to cover your hair too much with varnish, it is better to comb the place where the mantilla will be attached, otherwise your hair will look dirty.
  4. Hairpins and combs should be comfortable, you should not take those that put pressure on your head, scratch your skin and pull your hair tightly, otherwise a beautiful hairstyle and veil will become a real torment for you.
  5. Be sure to wear the accessory before the wedding, try different options and methods of fastening, spend a little time in order to evaluate how conveniently and firmly the veil is fastened.
  6. Think about how long you will be wearing the Spanish fluffy shoe in order to determine how strong the fastener will be.
  7. If you want to be with loose hair, then remember that part of it can be easily assembled at the back of the head, making it much easier to attach the mantilla.

If you adhere to these rules, as well as choose the right hairstyle and the perfect style of the Spanish mantilla, then at your celebration you will definitely become a real star.

Every bride dreams that the main holiday of her life will be special. The first thing on the list of important things is the decoration of the newlywed. Trivial snow-white dresses on rings, lavishly decorated with artificial flowers and rhinestones, have long bored everyone, modern newlyweds want more. This is a wonderful trend, thanks to which the fashion world never ceases to be surprised by fresh ideas.

Our article is devoted to one of the types of such an important element of the bride's outfit as a veil. On the colorful pages of advertising brochures, you can find an unimaginable variety of options; some of them are quite popular and widespread, and some seem like a curiosity. Veil "Spanish" today is undeservedly deprived of the attention of brides. But maybe this is for the best, because those who dream of something completely unusual have a wonderful opportunity to complement their look with this accessory.

Mantilla: historical background

Anyone who is at least superficially familiar with the national traditions of Spain can easily guess why this type of veil is called that way. Head covers made of lace fabric in Spain were unusually widespread for some time. Mantilla - this is the name of such an accessory, which is part of the national women's costume.

Fashion historians cannot say for sure where and when the mantilla was invented. But many researchers are inclined to believe that the history of this accessory is closely related to the burqa, which the indigenous inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula first saw during the Arab conquest.

The mantilla is not a tracing paper with a burqa. Rather, the idea itself is common. Something similar can be traced in other cultures, even the inhabitants of Russia in the early Middle Ages used head covers. The mantilla also spread in the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America.

In different regions of the Pyrenees, the mantilla was different. In the cool north, they were made of dense fabrics that could protect from the coolness. On the Mediterranean southern coast - from the lightest canvas, capable of sheltering from the sun's rays and annoying midges.

The fashion for this wonderful accessory was introduced by Queen Isabella, who often appeared in a mantilla, not only during celebrations, but also in everyday life.

But the age of a beautiful head cape was short-lived: already at the beginning of the twentieth century, this accessory could only be seen on the heads of flamenco dancers and venerable matrons.

Mantilla in modern Spain

Queen Sofia, the predecessor of the current Queen Letizia, has always had great respect for the traditions of Spain. Sofia was born and raised in Greece, but during her reign she always tried to pay tribute to her new homeland. She often appears in a mantilla now. The current Queen Letizia rarely wears this accessory in her everyday life. But it is precisely this decoration that we will find on her if we look at her wedding photos. The "Spanish" veil suits her very well and emphasizes the elegance of her modest but incredibly stylish dress.

The example of their queen is often followed by subjects. At the beginning of the XXI century, many Spanish women increasingly began to make a choice in favor of this accessory - after a hundred years of oblivion.

Spanish veil in modern wedding fashion

Everything monarchs do attracts the eyes of millions of people. The "Spanish" veil of Queen Letizia did not go unnoticed either. More and more designers are paying attention to it, trying to beat the accessory. As an example, we can recall the latest wedding collection from

But we are not talking about a trend yet: the wedding mantilla is still gaining popularity.

Let's take a look at a few stellar examples. The "Spanish woman" was chosen as a veil by Hilary Thomas, the wife of Alec Baldwin. A similar accessory can be seen on Camilla Alves during a ceremony with Matthew McConaughey. Kate Moss and Gwen Stefani appeared in similar attire at weddings. The mantilla just perfectly went to the wedding image of Nicky Hilton, which she chose for the wedding with James Rothschild.


Another clear advantage of the "Spanish" veil is the huge variety of its varieties. The choice of the length of the product depends on the tastes of the newlywed.

As for the forms, there are only two of them: a semicircle and a circle. Everything is clear with the circle, and a semicircular mantilla can cause confusion for an ignorant bride. It can be worn in two ways: by laying an even cut (circle diameter) on the forehead, so that the rounded edge falls down behind; or, conversely, with a sloping edge towards the face, but even downward.

Fabrics and decorative items

In different regions of Spain, mantilla was made from a variety of types of lace. Today you can rely on the experience of seamstresses and lacemakers of the past centuries, or you can invent something completely unusual.

The entire mantilla can consist of textured lace, exquisite guipure. A monochromatic translucent fabric can also be used as a base: organza well-shaped, flowing natural silk, delicate chiffon, tulle with an interesting texture.

If the main fabric is uniform, the edge is usually decorated with lace. It can be either even, exactly repeating the shape of a circle, or curly or jagged.

Brides who afford can also order a handmade mantilla, for example, woven on bobbins or needles, crocheted or made in other techniques.

Feathers of noble birds, pearls (and their imitation), beads, Swarovski crystals, precious and semi-precious stones are used as decorative elements.

Initially, the most expensive mantilla was made of Chantilly lace, today it is still considered a noble classic. Such an accessory is not cheap, but the range of its tasks is not limited only to decorative ones. Such a Spanish veil can become the first family heirloom of a young family, which will eventually be passed on to the next generation.

Mounting methods

The question of how to attach a Spanish flute veil to your head is very important. If it is not fixed correctly, the exquisite jewelry will either fly away or cause inconvenience to the bride.

Initially, special combs - paintets - were used to fasten the "Spanish" veil. They were made of ivory or tortoiseshell, generously decorated with carvings. For weddings, white and cream paints were to be used, black and brown were only worn by married ladies, and flamenco dancers were supposed to fasten their mantilla with red combs.

Over time, the paintet has changed a lot. Today, both elephants and turtles no longer suffer from capricious fashionistas; modern plastics and other polymers are used. The accessory has lost its former purpose, it is often worn as an independent hair decoration. But if you decide to opt for a Spanish veil, you can also get a Payneta at the same time.

You can attach the mantilla with other hairpins. A professional hairdresser will cope with the task with the help of hairpins, clips and invisibility. It is advisable to entrust the matter to a professional, then the chances that the mantilla will last until the end of the holiday will increase many times over.

Let's tell you a secret: the Spanish women used not only massive paintets to attach the mantilla to the head, but also small inconspicuous pins to lay the free edge in beautiful folds and attach to clothes. According to the rules of etiquette of the past centuries, when turning the head, the shoulders should not be exposed. Now the rules are not so strict, but if you want that neither the gusts of the wind nor the whirlwinds of the wedding dance break the harmony of your image, you can use this little trick.

Hairstyles for mantilla

It is believed that a veil can be attached to any hairstyle. But the "Spanish" usually has a rather heavy edge, with poor fixation, it will slide.

  • braids and plaits, laid with a crown;
  • buns, "shells" and "snails";
  • high tails tied at the back of the head.

The illustrations will help you imagine what a Spanish veil looks like with a haircut. Photos prove that different styling can be combined with this accessory.

What dresses suits

A rich Spanish woman, lavishly decorated with wide lace, can become the main accent of a wedding look. As an ideal dress for such a veil, we can mention the recent attire of Megan Markle - stylish and elegant, luxurious in its simplicity. The Duchess of Sussex herself chose a different headdress for the wedding, but if her choice fell on the mantilla, the image would have turned out to be no less harmonious.

A long fluffy veil that falls to the floor will go well with a dress with lace shoulders and sleeves. An example of such attire can be considered the legendary outfit of Grace Kelly and something similar to Kate Middleton's dress.

With short dresses, you should only combine a short mantilla, but even here you should be very careful: this accessory is in better harmony with elongated silhouettes.

But what you should definitely not do is to complement outfits in frankly different ethnic styles with a mantle, for example, in Greek. Dissonance cannot be avoided.

Who is it for

If you are looking at a photo of a "Spanish woman" veil and understand that this particular accessory will be your choice, consider the general style of the celebration.

Such an accessory can be ideal for those who gravitate towards the classic style, as well as trends such as boho and eco.

The elongated “Spanish flu” sewn from dense fabric is perfect for those who are planning not only a civil ceremony, but also a church wedding.

As for the age, there are no restrictions here: the "Spanish woman" is perfect for both very young newlyweds and older ladies.

Veils are back in fashion. Long and short, multi-tiered and single-layered, modest and lush - this cute airy accessory adorns the heads of brides again. In order for the hairstyle and veil to harmoniously complement each other, you must first think over how you will fix veil on your wedding day.


1. Have you decided to do a high hairdo with curls and unnatural flowers or a string of pearls? In order not to cover such beauty, primitively attach a tiny veil below, under the hairdo.

2. If the wedding hairstyle is short or the hair will be loose and styled with flowing curls, attach veil from above, complementing the shining diadem. By the way, a diadem with a veil is amazingly suitable for virtually any hairstyle. However, keep the rest of the sparkling and high-flown jewelry in your hair to a minimum, on the contrary, the appearance will be overloaded. A tiara with a veil is perfect for young brides.

3. Brides who prefer a small veil to the waist made of thin airy fabric are allowed not to worry at all about the methods of fastening it. Such a graceful decoration is attached to the center of the wedding hairstyle on noticeable or decorative hairpins.

4. A long straight veil looks amazing as an extension of a wedding wreath. Bridal salons offer wreaths of the most varied shapes and colors, with woven strands of unnatural pearls, silk ribbons and unnatural flowers. Even decorations from fresh flowers are possible, but you will have to stock up on a small secret box in order to replace withered flowers with fresh ones during the day. The convenience of a veil on a wreath is that it can be easily removed when there is no need to carry a long train.

5. A two-tiered or three-tiered veil will suit lovers of voluminous dresses and hairstyles. Under such veil styling is done with an abundance of curls and curls. Attach a lush veil in a wedding hairstyle is allowed with the support of a wide comb with rhinestones or a tiny crown (hemming veil thin threads to these accessories).

6. Some brides choose to complement their look not with a classic hairstyle, but with a fashionable tiny hat. Put on a hat at a time and veil will not work. However, the design of the hats allows them to be combined. Ordinary wedding hats are attached to the back of the head. Outside, the hat is covered with satin fabric or lace, flowers, pearls and the very transparent fabric that plays the role of a veil. It is allowed to lower it on the face or throw it back. Some hats are offered with a graceful shoulder-length veil. This headdress is chosen by brides who are not getting married for the first time.

Probably, the veil is a particularly delicate and touching element of the bride's image. It is this accessory that can be called a symbol of purity and romance. In addition, a lot of wedding signs and traditions are associated with the veil. And if some time ago brides gave preference to different hats, tiaras and jewelry, today the veil is again at the height of fashion.


1. Attach veil to the hairstyle is allowed in different ways. The fastening of the veil to the hairpins is considered especially famous. To many, this method seems unreliable, but it is not at all true. An experienced craftsman will help you to consolidate veil with the help of hairpins so that gusts of wind will not be terrible for her and at the same time, the hairpins will remain absolutely noticeable to others. The disadvantages of this method can be attributed to a certain difficulty in removing the veil.

2. Another option for fastening is with a special comb or hair clip. As usual, they also serve as an additional decoration for your wedding look. The scallop can either be attached at ease to the veil or sold separately. By attaching veil on a comb or a hairpin, you can easily remove it at any time. But remember that this method of fastening should not be used if the wedding is scheduled for autumn or winter, when there is a possibility of gusts of wind and other vagaries of the weather.

3. If the program of wedding events supposes frequent removal and donning of the veil, pay attention to the special Velcro for fastening it. This option is the least correct, but it will allow you to change the image without damaging the hairstyle.

4. Remember that it is not as important as you attach veil, the main thing - so that it blends with the rest of your image, complements it and makes it even more luxurious and romantic.

Veil hairstyles are very popular with all brides. A wedding is an extraordinary event in the life of any girl. This day will be remembered for many years, and therefore everything should be perfect. The most attention is paid to the bride's image, therefore it is thought over to the smallest detail.

The first thing to choose is a dress. The whole image depends on his style, color and style. When the girl has decided on the outfit, you need to pick up a veil. Pay attention to the material, as how the veil will fall depends on it. In the salons you can see veils repeating the pattern or lace from the dress. It is worth taking a closer look, because everything will look more harmonious with the kit.

To facilitate the bride's decision in choosing a veil, consultation with a hairdresser will help. It is worth initially discussing all the wishes of the girl and the capabilities of the master, and then go shopping. When the veil is purchased, you can do a test styling.

For different hair lengths, the master will offer a fairly wide selection of styling. Hairstyles with a veil by themselves always look gentle. If a newlywed has medium hair and wants to style with long hair, then today this is not a problem. You can use overhead hairpieces. Fans of short haircuts shouldn't despair either, because they look stylish and bright.

Hairstyles with a veil for medium hair

All universal styling is done on medium hair. This length allows all the most daring desires of the bride to come true.

So, wedding dresses in the Greek style are now very popular, they require appropriate styling on the hair, namely, low-gathered hair in a bun. This hairstyle can be additionally decorated with thin braids. In this case, the veil should be hooked at the very bottom from under the styling.

A French braid decorated with a veil will look very beautiful and unusual. In addition, the bride will be able to braid such a braid, if desired, on her own, it is only necessary to practice the day before.

Ornate high styling will look harmonious with any veil. One has only to pay attention to some of the nuances. If the bride wants to focus on the veil itself, then a simple bunch will look best. The veil will give it solemnity. The diadem will also look good in such an ensemble.

Hairstyles for long hair with a veil

Long hair in itself is the pride of the owner. Many girls do not want to hide their hair in intricate hairstyles. Beautiful and romantic curls create an equally solemn image. Using a curling iron with different widths of attachments, you can do this hairstyle yourself. Curls and voluminous wavy hair will look equally beautiful. A fluffy veil of medium length is best suited for wrapping. In this case, it is attached to the crown. Alternatively, you can collect the front curls from the face and also stab them on the crown. It will turn out to be Malvinka.

An American veil also looks best on loose long hair that falls in a light wave.

Hairstyles with a long veil are worth noting. Most often it is single-layer or at most two-layer. By itself, it is not heavy and will not delay styling. This means that it can be used with any hair length and regardless of styling. Sometimes this veil is made heavier by lace (macrame on the edge), which is gaining incredible popularity this season. But if this is a high hairstyle, then you should not worry, it will keep the veil on itself. Any weaving can also easily cope with this task. It is worth the work if the bride has her hair down.

How to fix the veil correctly?

Veil hairstyles require some skill while attaching this element.

If the bride uses the services of a hairdresser, then this, of course, is not her concern. If the girl prefers to cope with the curls on her own, then the sales assistant of the wedding salon can tell you how to attach the veil to the hairdo.

Initially, this wedding accessory is equipped with a special comb. It is transparent and sewn with a fishing line to the fabric, so it will not be noticeable in the hair. The scallop can be easily sewn off if the veil is fastened with invisible ones. If the bride wants a fluffy veil in her hair, then it is the comb that will add volume by gathering at the base of the comb.

If the wedding accessory will come out of the hair, then, of course, in this case it is appropriate to use only invisible ones.

There is one little trick for loose hair. It's just that a veil on a comb or invisibility will not hold on to loose hair. Therefore, in the place where the veil will be attached (most often this is the crown of the head), it is necessary to braid a thin horizontal pigtail. For it you can easily hook both a comb and invisible ones.


So, a veil is an essential attribute of a wedding dress. She symbolizes the purity and beauty of the bride. Hairstyles with a veil look truly noble, make the bride's image complete and thoughtful.

Regardless of who makes the bride's hairstyle (the master or herself), the veil will in any case adorn the image. Moreover, it is not difficult to fasten it and any girl can do it. The main thing is that everything is beautifully selected and pleases the bride on this special day.

White veil is a symbol of purity and innocence. This is one of the most important wedding attributes, along with a dress and wedding rings. Despite the fickleness of fashion and the tendency to abandon accessories and décor, the sheer veil has remained a permanent adornment of the bride for many decades.

Girls who plan to create a wedding look on their own often ask themselves the question: how to fix a veil on their hair? Let's consider several options for fastening, depending on the length of the hair and the type of the selected accessory.

Varieties of veils

On the shelves of bridal shops, you can find many options for veils.

There are four types of veils, depending on the length:

  • short - up to 60 cm;
  • standard - up to 80 cm;
  • long - up to 110 cm;
  • veil train - over 110 cm.

The accessory can be round, oval, square and rectangular. Sometimes a veil consists of several layers of fabric, arranged in cascade relative to each other. Most often it is made from transparent tulle, tulle or organza, less often from lace and silk.

The veil is decorated with embroidery, beads, ribbons and lace inserts, but modern brides usually prefer simple, unadorned models.

As a rule, no type of veil has a ready-made fastening, so it should be carefully thought out so that the veil is fixed securely and beautifully.

Attaching a short veil to your hair

A short veil looks very flirty, daring, but at the same time elegant. This is an excellent choice for very young brides - petite, fragile and slender. Such products are harmoniously combined with laconic straight-cut dresses, including short ones.

Since the short veil is practically weightless, it will not be difficult to fix it in the hairdo. To do this, it is enough to use one or two hairpins, with which it is necessary to pierce the fabric at the attachment point and fix them in the hairstyle. If you don't want to make a torn hole in the veil, you can discreetly sew the pins with white thread.

Fashionable now, retro-style veils are secured with invisible hairpins or decorative hairpins decorated with flowers or feathers.

An original and unusual way of fixing a short veil is a hairpin or a diadem. Sparkling jewelry on smooth dark hair looks very stylish.

Fastening a narrow veil

A narrow single-layer veil, which has been relevant in the last few wedding seasons, regardless of its length, is usually also secured with several hairpins. If the girl is planning to do a tall hairstyle, such as a sleek bun, it is best to place the veil underneath.

If bouffant is supposed to be and the hairstyle is fixed in the lower part of the back of the head, it is appropriate to fix the veil at the top so that it partially hides the styled hair. In this case, it is best to choose smooth transparent models without additional decorative elements.

Fastening the mantilla

Nowadays, the fata-mantilla, which completely covers the head, is gaining more and more popularity. Long, lace-trimmed veils go well with retro dresses. The more decor on the mantilla, the more concise the rest of the bride's outfit should be. Lavishly decorated items should be secured with invisibility around the face.

If the mantilla is a piece of transparent fabric without embroidery and lace, you can fix it by wearing a wreath of artificial or natural flowers. If the veil is long, it is recommended to additionally secure it with a pair of invisible veils above the ears.

Attaching the veil-cap

An original and unusual solution for a celebration in the hair style of the 20-30s of the last century - a veil-hat or "Juliet's hat". The retro look is suitable for romantic and dreamy brides, emphasizing their fragility and grace. It is best to combine such an accessory with a long closed dress and an "American wave" hairstyle.

Sometimes you can find a ready-made hat. But most often it is made on the basis of a long rectangular veil. The edge of the fabric is tightly wrapped around the head and fixed at the back of the head, gathered in a knot or fixed with decorative hairpins or elastic bands. Around the face, for reliability, several invisibility should be inserted into the hair.

Attaching a long or curvy veil

A heavy multi-layer long or fluffy veil is quite difficult to fix with several invisible pins or hairpins.

It is best to use a comb for a wedding hairstyle with such an accessory. Its color should correspond to the color of the hair, and its width should correspond to their density: the more hair, the wider the attachment. The top of the scallop must be tightly wrapped with a strip of tulle, as in the photo below.

The veil should be carefully sewn to the resulting structure. Round models are folded in half so that, if desired, the upper tier can cover the face. The finished accessory is securely held in the hair, while the veil takes on a more voluminous and luxuriant look.

Attaching the veil depending on the hairstyle

Fixing the veil on complex hairstyles, as a rule, does not raise questions. But what about brides with short haircuts who want to get married without fail in a veil? Even on short hair, you can easily attach a veil. The only limitation is that it should be short, single-layer and very light.

To create a hairstyle, you need to mark the area where the veil is attached and lightly comb the hair in this place. Just below the level of the pile, you need to tie a small ponytail and sprinkle the hair with a lot of varnish. After it dries, you should fix the veil over the tail using hairpins or invisible pins.

Similarly, you can place the veil on long, loose hair.

Another interesting way to fix a veil on loose curls is with a tiara. It is necessary to choose a decoration that is suitable in style and size and fix the veil at its ends using transparent glue or threads. Wearing a tiara with a veil, you need to style your hair so that the attachment points are not visible.

Related video - how to fix a veil in a hairstyle

You can learn more about how to attach a veil to a wedding hairstyle by watching the following videos.