A day that brings smiles. International Smile Day: the history and traditions of the holiday. Beautiful congratulations on the day of a smile in verse

- Attention! Say "chi-i-iz"! I'm filming!

With these words, the photographer is trying to evoke a kind of smile from his clients so that their faces do not look gloomy and tortured in the photo.

Often, instead of a smile, a miserable grin or a twisted grimace appears on the faces: the smile, it turns out, is so unusual for the person being photographed that the “serious” expression “spoils” his appearance less. A simple smile is not easy for some people. What is a smile? Why is it so hard for some people? How much does a simple smile cost? How to learn to smile with a “white-toothed” American smile, is it necessary at all?

Someone said an interesting phrase: "Nothing is valued so dearly, and does not cost the owner so cheaply as a simple, friendly smile." And indeed, we really want to see a smile on the face of a loved one: we are ready to give gifts, flowers, invite on dates. A smile is a reflection of the state of the human soul, its mood, turned outward. A smile is a password that signals to us that a person is disposed to communicate, he is ready to listen, share our need, you are pleasant to him. Knowing about these features of the human psyche, experienced managers invite those who know how to smile to work. The smiles of employees are not always sincere, but the mechanism laid down by nature works properly: those who smile win. The famous "Pan American" white-toothed smile (so that all 32 teeth are visible) is a symbol of a prosperous Western civilization. A smile-mask that hides the experiences of the soul involved in the Brownian movement of the rhythms of modern life is a phenomenon inherent in modern urbanized civilization.

Nevertheless, the smile remains a smile: inviting, inspiring, uplifting. Recently, there is even a special holiday: International Smile Day! It is celebrated on October 1, and owes its appearance to the American artist Harvey Bell. It is he who is the father of the emoticon, notorious to computer scientists. In the middle of the twentieth century, Bell received an order from an insurance company: to design a logo for the company. Apparently, Harvey had a lot of similar orders, as he treated him rather coolly. He made a smiling yellow face, got his fifty bucks earned, and went back to his paintings. But to the surprise of everyone, the smiley has gained unprecedented success and popularity among the company's customers. Over ten thousand emoji icons have been released within a few months! The logo began to be printed on matchboxes and postcards. The company's affairs went uphill, Bell gained fame. In one of the interviews, he admitted that no work has brought him so much happiness, joy and pleasure. Such a simple symbol turned out to be clear to everyone, there was no need for complex information schemes in order to convey one's disposition to one's neighbor. The yellow laughing face worked flawlessly for everyone: rich and poor, educated and uneducated, men and women, children and adults!

The World Smile Day was first celebrated in 1999. It is dedicated to good mood and good relations between people.

Why don't some people smile?

Learning to smile is not easy. Easy - learn to grimace. It is easy to work out and remember the techniques of “putting on a smile mask”. But it will not be a real smile, giving sincere joy to those around you. The secret to a real smile (like a sullen face) is inside, in our minds and hearts. If there is no real joy in the soul, no artificial smile of 32 teeth will allow your neighbor to be charged with joy and positive emotions from you. An artificial smile can cause short-term feelings, but you can’t really give real joy.

They tell a sad story. Once a circus came to the city, famous for its merry clown. During his speech, no one could remain indifferent, everyone laughed outright. At the same time, a young man turned to a psychologist in the same city and complained of a protracted depression, a dull and bleak existence. The psychologist, after listening carefully to the patient, offered him the easiest way to have fun: to attend the performance of the famous clown. Imagine his amazement when the young man sadly told the doctor that he was the very famous circus clown who amused thousands of people. “Making people happy is my job. But when I close the doors of my dressing room behind me and remain alone with myself, melancholy seizes me, and I sit exhausted in front of my mirror. Tears from my eyes dissolve the makeup on my face! I don't know what to be happy about!"

The ability to smile is not identical to the ability to rejoice. Learning to smile is much easier than learning to be happy. Joy is a consequence of inner harmony and peace. It is not easy to reach this state. It does not always come by itself, as something completely natural and regular. Joy is to be learned. A sincere smile is always a consequence of joy. Then the question should be asked: how to learn to rejoice?

smile rejoicing

Today there are many ways to find inner balance: use various auto-suggestion technologies (remember the words from the movie “In love of your own accord”: “I am calm! I am surprisingly calm ...”). Many methods teach how not to react to the irritating influence of the external environment, how to keep problems out of yourself, how to learn to behave in such a way that no one can manipulate you, etc. Everything, in fact, does not lead to the real joy of life. Rather, it kills sensitivity, turning it into an insensitive mannequin that does not perceive blows and injections.

Joy is the result of spiritual purity. This seemingly primitive idea underlies the joy of man. He rejoices who does not hold evil against his neighbor. Evil stored in the heart kills joy. In order to avoid this, you need to be able to forgive, because forgiveness is nothing more than the removal of the painful burden of hatred from the soul.

Joy is never unique. She always shares with someone. Turn your attention to your neighbors and endow them with your good mood. When you see their smiles, your joy will be even more complete.

A smile is a symbol of mood, a reflection of the inner world of each person. With its help, you can charm, ask, convince. She helps in any life situations, wins people over. Smile is the engine of human relations. Without her, the world would indeed be gloomy and gray. That is why we openly and at every opportunity demonstrate it. In honor of her, they even came up with a special event dedicated to her - International Smile Day.

The history of the holiday: how it all began

At the origins is then a simple, unknown artist Harvey Bell. This man lived in the middle of the 20th century, painted ordinary paintings and did not differ much from hundreds of the same creative people. But one fine day, employees of an insurance company turned to an ordinary master with a request to draw an interesting logo for them. Harvey set to work and, without thinking twice, drew a funny yellow face with eyes and a smiling mouth. He called his masterpiece "smiley face" and handed it over to insurers, receiving only $ 45 for the work.

What was his surprise when, in the near future, the emoticon became popular all over the world. He began to draw on postage stamps, T-shirts, dishes and calendars. As for the insurance company, they quickly realized that their new logo was conquering the whole world, and quickly ordered pins and badges for clothes with its image for all employees. They became pioneers and the first people who proudly showed a yellow face to everyone around.

How the smiley conquered everyone on the planet

World fame for this drawing came in the 1970s. It was then that the Frenchman Franklin Loufrani decided to bypass the United States. He claimed that the idea was his and registered the symbol as a trademark. Of course, the real author did not like this, and Harvey Bell also officially legalized the smiling face with his initials to boot. The man also opened a whole big company dedicated to him. It exists to this day and is called the World Smile Corporation. It is headed by the artist's son, Charles. The organization says that profits go only to pay taxes and to charitable activities.

Nowadays, the emoticon has become very popular on the Internet. It is actively inserted into sentences to portray their emotions when writing emails, postcards and just chatting. Interestingly, Scott Fahlman of the University of Pennsylvania suggested using a colon with a parenthesis as its graphic representation. Although the sign ":)" was first used unofficially by the famous Russian writer Nabokov, few people know about it.

For the first time, a holiday in honor of a smiling face was celebrated in 1999, on October 1. Since then, International Smile Day has been celebrated on the first Friday of the second autumn month. In 2014, it is October 3rd.

International Smile Day: what to give?

If you want to congratulate your loved ones on this holiday, then you need to prepare a thematic gift too. If this is International Smile Day, then the gift must have a picture of everyone's favorite face. For example, in stores you can buy a calendar dedicated to this symbol. Every day you stick emoticons with the image of your mood. This creates an emotional picture of the whole year you have lived.

You can also give a toaster that makes crispy bread with a smile on it. Another thematic present will be a set of underwear, on each copy of which a different mood is drawn. Thanks to him, it is possible to wear a set every day, depending on your own. A set of emoticon pillows, sunny smiling slippers and bed linen with a pattern of smiles will also be a good solution. All this can be bought in the store, since nowadays the assortment is wide. With such gifts, International Smile Day will be fun and cool.

How to celebrate International Smile Day

Of course, everyone decides for himself where to go on the first Friday of October. But of course, you need to celebrate this event in the office. First, and the smile is already its symbol. And, secondly, it is easier and more creative for the whole team to come up with a program for the International Smile Day. The scenario may include general drawing, cutting and sticking yellow faces around the office, singing the children's song "From a smile will make everyone brighter" with a cheerful tea party.

Something similar can be arranged at home, only here there is an opportunity to expand even wider, since this is your own legal territory, and here you have the right to do whatever you want: from baking a cake in the shape of a smile to painting the walls in yellow faces. The main thing is that at the same time all family members should be happy. Include not only children, but even grandparents in the process, dress them up in open champagne and sweets and arrange real fun with all its attributes.

It's no secret that with its help we ourselves can cheer ourselves up. Even when cats are scratching at the soul, a smile increases the charge of energy, vigor increases, and the internal emotional state improves. It is also able to relieve stress and calm the shattered nervous system. Smiling stabilizes blood pressure and improves the functioning of all systems in the body.

While we smile, over 50 muscles are involved in the face. There is a small charge, which improves the overall tone, the condition of the skin in the nasolabial part of the head. This means that we are more beautiful and younger looking. Also, 15 minutes of laughter has long been equated to one full-fledged half-hour workout. So, with its help, we also lose weight, keep the figure in excellent condition and improve heart function at the same time.

International Smile Day is only once a year. But now we have plenty of reasons to celebrate it at every opportunity. After all, a smile and laughter not only create a mood, but also make us healthier, more beautiful and younger.

Scientists have long come to the conclusion that a sincere smile is no less useful, and therefore important for every person, than vitamins. People who do not receive a charge of cheerful emotions and walk daily dissatisfied, gloomy and grumbling over trifles have a great chance of getting some kind of nervous or mental disorder and getting sick than those who enjoy life and use every free minute to enjoy this wonderful life. .

Conduct an experiment, smile at a passerby, and you will definitely be rewarded with a smile in return. There is even a holiday called International Smile Day which has a great story that everyone should know.

history of the holiday

If not everyone, then many people know about the history of the appearance of the "funny, laughing emoticon", because the story is filled with positive and bright energy, which we all so often lack in our lives.

Such a wonderful holiday appeared thanks to the little-known American artist Harvey Baell, who lived in the middle of the 20th century. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​drawing a funny face, which is now known to many under the name "smiley". The insurance company commissioned him to draw a business card with a catchy logo. For the performance of such a task, he received only $ 50, but he was quite satisfied with the cost of the fee, because the process of doing the work brought him great pleasure.

The insurance company issued badges with such an emblem for its employees and distributed them to them. It should be noted that this action was quite a success. People who came to employees for help or for other purposes, having paid attention to funny icons, involuntarily smiled and thus were already disposed to a conversation at an optimistic level, because, as you know, when a person smiles, his mood rises, and he carries on a conversation at a more pleasant level, and the employee, having seen a good attitude towards himself, works with fuller dedication and does not feel negative towards the client, which is very important when conducting a dialogue.

The author of the emoticon is known not to many, but to most people who are interested in the history of the appearance of bright and extravagant works of art. His name did not become world famous because he did not register the copyright for his work and for this reason also did not become a millionaire. It is worth noting that he never regretted it, because he was pleased that his work is relevant and millions of people use the "smiling face" he painted for their own purposes.

Many people even tried to dishonestly appropriate his invention. The very first false creator in history, who assures society that he owns the work, was the Frenchman Franklin Loufrani, who was engaged in entrepreneurial activities. But, Harvey Baell was a forgiving person, which can be understood by paying attention to his drawing, so he never harbored a grudge against dishonest people and plagiarists who tried to copy his work and pass off the drawing as their own.

A simple drawing has sunk into the soul of the people and now we can all see it not only on business cards of well-known companies, but also as a logo on T-shirts, matchboxes, postcards, etc. The laughing face is now also used as stickers on social networks, and derivative faces appear from it with the image of sadness, joy, anger, crying or love.

It should be noted that it was Harvey Baellu who first came up with the initiative to consolidate such a holiday, which will be celebrated on the first Friday of October. The holiday was first celebrated on this day in 1999, moreover, in a very positive and original way.

How to celebrate?

This day should certainly be celebrated with a smile on your lips, because you have every right to enjoy this beautiful and not stingy life, and on such a holiday it is doubly pleasant to do so. Charge and charge each other with positive, fill these days with joy and fun, because many people busy with their own problems do not notice all the beauty of this beautiful world. Give yourself a day of freedom and fun, especially this year 2015 it is easier to do this, because the holiday falls on October 4, that is, on Sunday, when you can afford to take a break from work, study and worldly problems in general.

Try to congratulate all your friends on such a day. Make a call to your dear people, send them a postcard or a simple, but cheerful and sincere congratulations via SMS with kind words that will certainly bring a smile. Also use the Internet mailing list, that is, pick up a beautiful picture, write kind words and send it to all those people who are really dear to you and whom you love. If you don’t like to write congratulations, then send a smiley face to relatives, friends or ordinary acquaintances in the morning, which is sure to cheer you up for the whole day.

Going out into the street, give a random passerby a smile that will please him and perhaps even make him want to get to know you. If you see a sad person, then be sure to smile at him, because it’s not difficult for you to smile once again, and you may cheer him up. For the sake of experiment, smile at all the people around you, and you will see how many of those who will be happy with a smile and how few of those who will be at a loss from your act.

If you are a positive and active person, a member of a certain youth organization, organize a flash mob, especially now it is not difficult to do it. Make an appointment at a specific location by notifying everyone via the Internet, TV ads, or printed flyers that you can put in mailboxes. Pick up some music and make a flash mob by positioning people so that they are a smiley face on top. Arrange contests, get badges with emoticons. Hand out sweets to children, flowers to women (it’s better if you make them yourself out of cardboard and instead of a flower, a smiley face with a smile will be made on the stem).

You can also celebrate the holiday by gathering all the relatives and beloved friends at home. Bake a cake, pastries or cookies in the shape of a smiley. Decorate the room with gel balloons with this logo and arrange a fun party that will charge all guests with positive emotions and bright emotions until the next holiday.

A smile will help create a wonderful atmosphere of harmony, kindness and happiness in the house. Always smile, give joy to your dear people, and then your family and friendship will be the strongest and most stable, and people will want to meet you halfway, spend all their free minutes, because it is always fun and comfortable with a cheerful person, even in the most difficult moments of life .

Positive - increases life expectancy! Do not accumulate negative emotions in yourself, enjoy life, appreciate all the moments and love everything that surrounds you, and then you will really be the happiest person with whom it is always warm and pleasant to spend time.

Date in 2019: October 4th, Friday.

From a simple smile, the world becomes brighter, life is more beautiful, and the soul is happier. But so rarely does a person remember a simple recipe for happiness. Smile with us. Indeed, on the first Friday in October we will celebrate an unusual holiday - the Day of Smiles.

Take a look around. Right now, wherever you are: at work, at home, in a public place. How many smiling faces did you see? Dozens, ones, none? And, indeed, most have forgotten how to smile for no reason, just like that. And an ordinary smile can work wonders, and there is even a special holiday, World Smile Day, designed to change the world.

Who celebrates the holiday of a smile?

In the dry language of physiology, a smile is a simple movement of the facial muscles.

Psychologists classify a smile as a person's disposition to laugh, as a facial expression that conveys positive feelings in the form of pleasure, friendliness, joy, happiness. However, any capacious definition is not able to convey those emotions that accompany or cause a smile.

Try to find a synonym for this word. What comes to mind is a grimace, facial expression, antics. None of these words underline the true meaning of the smile.

“Kiss of the soul”, “the sun that drives winter away from the face” - such beautiful epic names were given to a smile among the people. And not just like that.

Only man is endowed with such a unique ability by nature. And the most interesting thing is that a little man is already born with a smile, and does not learn, as some say, to smile at his parents, and later on other people.

It turns out that we knew how to smile even before birth, and this is proved by ultrasound examinations of the fetus in the womb of a woman. The kids smile at the sun and their mother, the meowing cat and the breeze.

And it is very interesting what kind of dreams the baby has - the smile of a sleeping baby is especially sweet. But for some reason, having matured, we are looking for reasons to smile, and completely forget that it is laid down at the genetic level. And what is not a reason to smile is the fact that a person has been given life.

But even a smile through the force can change the mood and even well-being. Produced by the body, thanks to a normal smile, endorphins can relieve pain and improve emotional mood. This is easy to check. One has only to smile for one minute, even through force, and there will be no trace of bad and gloomy thoughts.

Even such negatively expressed emotions as anger or disappointment change their color under the influence of a smile. There is a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, and the surrounding people, it turns out, are not so boring or unbearable.

Thanks to a smile, a person finds like-minded people, wins over an interlocutor and even stops disputes. But the habit of smiling just like that is not characteristic of our compatriots. Common stereotypes will immediately write down a person smiling at passers-by in the ranks of crazy or mentally retarded.

And people try, having crossed the threshold of the house, to stick a preoccupied or business expression on their faces. Such facial expressions become habitual, and a person does not want to change it even for a second, just to smile at the warm sun, green grass. A person involuntarily provokes constant tension, and even a stressful state.

Therefore, we are surrounded by frowning, dissatisfied faces. But frowning is much more difficult for the facial muscles than smiling - 2.5 times less muscle is involved in a smile.

A smiling person does not just look happier and younger, he wins over and involuntarily prolongs his life.

Thanks to the synthesis of certain hormones under the influence of positive emotions, the work of all systems and organs improves, and the body actually rejuvenates.

So why look for a reason to smile when you can make your life so much happier just by smiling. And it is not surprising that such a kind and bright holiday, the Day of Smiles, appeared.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​a smile holiday belongs to an American artist. Harvey Bell, presenting himself as an "ambassador of happiness" on the planet, proposed in 1999 to celebrate a holiday dedicated to good good mood. And he even came up with an original slogan, which in translation sounds like: “Do good. Help with one personal smile.

Where does such confidence in the success of his idea come from a simple, little-known creator? The answer is pretty simple. The concept of the holiday is connected with the popularity of the emoticon, well-known to Internet users. After all, a smile is a smile, and it was Bell who came up with a funny face that conquered the whole world.

The story that made the failed artist an international celebrity is rather banal. The man received an order to develop a bright extraordinary symbol from an insurance company. American businessmen, in the hope of increasing profits and an influx of customers, took the unprecedented step of the early sixties by combining two small organizations into a single corporation. But they got the opposite effect.

Employees preoccupied with their future did not contribute to the development of business. The mood of employees under the influence of thoughts about the possible loss of work became gloomy and gloomy. Nervousness and absent-mindedness were involuntarily transmitted to potential clients. It was necessary to urgently save the situation.

It was decided to develop a good-natured business card. Bell coped with the task in just a few minutes. So a funny round face was born with a smile from ear to ear.

Surprisingly, such an ingenuous icon was able to correct the situation. Workers wearing laughing face badges simply couldn't stay gloomy. Involuntarily, smiles appeared on their faces, and the response of the customers was not long in coming.

The management of the corporation immediately ordered several thousand badges depicting smiling faces, which became the hallmark of the company.

The fame of the unusual effect of the smiley quickly spread around the world. Unfortunately, the author of such an original idea did not have time to patent his invention. But he didn't regret it for a second.

Today, Bell's bright yellow face can be seen anywhere in the world. She has become an integral part of friendly communication on the Internet, has found herself as a print on clothes, jewelry, toys and images on dishes. A symbol of good mood, many organizations, and just private individuals, are used for commercial purposes, without giving a penny to the author of such a good invention.

And even if the smiley did not bring fabulous profits to the American artist, the memory of his work will live forever as long as people smile.

Of course, it was the smiley that became the symbol of the new holiday invented by Harvey. And it was decided to celebrate the international holiday on the first Fridays of October.

In Russia, this unusual and cheerful holiday appeared quite recently, but quickly won its fans. Join the fun celebration and don't forget that Smile Day 2016 falls on October 7th.

How to celebrate the most smiling day?

There are just a lot of ideas for Smile Day. Already in the first year of the holiday, an unimaginable number of toys, postcards, souvenirs with a smiley face and other funny characters appeared that people with smiles on their faces could give to each other. Proceeds from such sales are necessarily directed to charitable purposes.

Prepare a script for a holiday in kindergarten, invite the kids to draw a funny animal or person with a smile on their face. Older kids can make funny masks and even funny costumes.

For schoolchildren, offer a mini-conference where young speakers can talk about sociological and psychological research related to smiling.

In the circle of employees at work, organize an extraordinary corporate party in an informal setting. For a fun pastime, interesting photos and fun contests will come in handy.

Do not forget to smile on this good day to your family, friends and even management at work. Start the day with a smile. Smiling at your reflection in the mirror, you will feel how the world will sparkle with bright colors and sound with new melodies.

Happy Smile Day

Smile and let the whole world know about the good mood. Give positive, and let sincere laughter be heard in response. Forget about sorrows, troubles and evil. And on the Day for Smiles, make your life and your friends a little kinder and happier.

It's not easy to live in the world

Without a smile, even children know.

From a simple smile, the world becomes kinder,

Smile, and your heart will become more cheerful.

Maybe it's a typo, a joke, a bluff?

A day of smiles was invented by a man.

No, today is the best holiday, the best day of the year.

Why don't you laugh with us, I don't understand.

Larisa , August 25, 2016 .

“From a smile it will become brighter for everyone ...” ... These words from a children's song in our country are known to everyone, young and old. They have become a hymn to good mood, good deeds, because just one sincere smile can make someone a little happier, cheer up, and even change the world. The origin of this holiday is rather unusual. In 1963, the American artist Harvey Bal was approached by employees of an insurance company with a request to come up with some kind of cheerful symbol - the company's business card. This is how the first emoticon with a smiling face appeared, which has now spread all over the world. Inspired by the success of his work, the artist proposed to celebrate the International Smile Day, dedicated to kindness and good mood, which is celebrated on the first Friday of October.

Smile Day is a good holiday,
Accept congratulations,
Every day with a warm smile
Begin by all means.

Smile to everyone at home
Both colleagues and friends
Smile at the gray clouds
Falls and rain.

Let a smile help
In relationships and work
On the shoulder let them be with her
All hard worries.

Happy smile day, congratulations
You smile back at me
And you will see how happy
And life will be rich.

smiling trees,
Sun, herbs and flowers,
And in response to them on this holiday
Give me a smile.

I wish that she
Didn't leave your lips
To meet the world with a smile
Your life has become happy.

Happy Smile Day!
I want to smile every day
Only sincerely, from the heart,
And not so that by inertia.

From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness
And loving tender passion.
And goodness and prosperity,
And dreams come true.

Share smiles people
May this world be happier
And there will be no shadow
From a gloomy mood.

Even if there are clouds in the sky
Chance will smile at you in return,
Happiness will smile at you in return.
Smile more often, friends.

Let today on earth
Smiles are scattered
The world will become a little brighter
Bathed in happiness.

Give everyone a smile
Who meets along the way
And, you will see, the score of problems
Decreases rapidly.

From a smile the world is more beautiful
This truth is clear.
Let it shine today
Your all she mouth.

Smile to everyone today
It will become easier on the soul.
And twist life-villain
In a new, bright courage.

Give those a smile
Who is suffering or waiting.
And the fire of love, hope
With a heart in an instant, she will light.

The sun smiles
In the sky blue
It gives smiles
Both you and me.

I have a happy day for you
Congratulations today
Let her face
Shines happily.

Rays of laughter
Let them scatter from the eyes
Let me meet you
People are smiling.

Let happiness with a smile
Your house comes
Remains joy
Forever with you

You with a joyful smile
I send congratulations
On the Day of Smiles festive
Let there be a mood.

I don't want to pity you
smiles for friends
Share with strangers
With your smile.

Let the sun shine
They're on your faces
Let them make you happy
And the poor, and the princes.

I wish you a day of smiles
To make the whole world smile
So that sad and unhappy
Nobody stayed.

Happy smile day
And I want to smile
An unbreakable optimist
Staying in life is difficult.

Let the cheerful, sonorous laughter
Drives away all sorrows
I want smiles
They were given to relatives and friends.

Let this glorious gift
The mood lifts
The spark of a bright smile
The path in the darkness illuminates you.

Let everything be difficult sometimes
From troubles do not breathe
But any height
Friends will show the way
When you need it, they will help you
And you need to smile
After all, everything is from God
Don't turn away from them!
What a holiday this is!
... and without him nothing
Give different smiles
Don't laugh like that!

Congratulations: 24 in verse.