Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Day of the rescuer of the Russian Federation (Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations). The history of the creation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Life consists not only of positive moments and joyful events. It is not complete without emergencies and accidents that can lead to loss of life and even serious environmental consequences. It is very difficult to deal with earthquakes, or, for example, large-scale floods. Therefore, one cannot do without specialists who are able to eliminate the consequences of any disaster and save lives. Being a lifeguard is not easy. And even on their professional holiday, the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not rest, because they need to ensure safety.

Thank the rescuers for what they do, you need to constantly. On the account of many specialists from this field, more than one saved human life. But one day of the year, you need not only to say “thank you” to them, but also to congratulate them on their own professional holiday. When is the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations celebrated in 2016, what date, let's consider.

When is the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia

The date of this holiday is fixed, it does not change. The Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is celebrated annually on December 27. The document approving this holiday was signed on December 26, 1995, then by the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin. This time the rescuers will celebrate their professional holiday for the twenty-first time. On this day, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as always, perform their duties, and in addition, they participate in solemn and various events.

All rescuers participate in the events dedicated to this holiday. These are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and all structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as specialists from duty teams, dispatch services and fire protection. In addition, the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is celebrated by future employees - students, as well as their teachers. It is also customary to congratulate former employees.

Traditions of celebrating the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not complete without solemn events and festive feasts. It is customary to recall the successes of colleagues, difficulties in work and new joint victories. Plans for the future, necessary reforms and changes in the system are also discussed. As a rule, rescuers are wished good health, strength and good luck, and the relatives of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are wished patience and perseverance.

Those who already know when the day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia 2016 should take into account that more details about this holiday can be found on television and radio. Rescuers in an interview talk about the difficulties they face in their work, and from what situations they had to extricate themselves. Various teachings and solemn congratulations from the first persons are also broadcast.

On this day, diplomas and honorary titles are also awarded to the best specialists. People who have done heroic deeds and saved people receive rewards from the leadership. Also on this day, some employees are promoted.

In addition, concerts are organized at which the best creative teams of the cities perform.

Rescuers not only eliminate the consequences of emergencies, but also ensure that all safety measures are observed at the enterprises, that the equipment that employees have at their disposal is properly operated, and that all fire safety rules are observed. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations provide assistance in any difficult situation, whether it be a fire, an earthquake, or a flood. Therefore, it is very important to congratulate all rescuers on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2016. What date is it marked? - 27th of December.

Rescuer's Day is extremely important
Everyone can tell you!
After all, lifeguards protect our lives
We rescue us from various troubles

This congratulations flies to you from us
Wish that rock was not evil!
So that work brings joy,
And the light force helped you!

lifeguard day today
We in Russia celebrate
The holiday is very important.
We know about it for sure!

We send congratulations
To all rescuers now
And today we wish you
So that your finest hour comes!

Happy Rescue Day guys!
Only someone to save.
My kittens in the yard
They decided to play hide and seek!
Who climbed the tree
Who fell into the well
Who was afraid of the dog.
I would like to ask you
Save all the smart kittens
Hand over to their living corner!
I wish you happy days
Accept congratulations!

He is ready to enter into fire and water,
To save human life!
No wonder it's called the lifeguard.
Today, on his day, praise him!
Rescuers today - congratulations,
And a lot of warm words.
Rescuers - praise and honor,
Thank you for being in Russia!

Danger awaits you everywhere.
Sometimes the working day is a solid "courage",
And rarely betray the public publicity
At what price did your feat go!
But know the same: for everything we are grateful to you,
Accept our curtsy and nod,
And also this cute, wonderful,
Smiling and humble congratulations.
Screams today everywhere kids
For you, your hot: "Hurrah!"

If the case of force majeure,
Who came to help you?
Well, of course - the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
We always expect miracles from them.
These guys are amazing
Deal with any element
And they will go into fire and into water,
Regardless of the weather
We send greetings
From west to east
Through Russia boundless,
Let the service be pleasant.

Rescuers are almost holy people,
It depends on you what will happen to us,
After all, you save people from all sorts of troubles,
And it is very difficult to count your victories over the troubles!

Today we congratulate you on the day of the rescuer,
We wish you courage, success, luck,
And a warm congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart!
May your souls know happiness and know no worries!

To all rescuers of Russia,
Put a wreath on your head.
Call Great, Saints,
And give them congratulations!

Less emergency at work
And vacation in Europe.
In addition to diplomas and awards,
Find a very significant treasure.
Family to be strong
And I didn't have a headache.

Every Russian knows
That you are always on duty
And you will come to the rescue in a moment,
If he gets into trouble.

And today we congratulate
We want you all from the bottom of our hearts.
This holiday is the cry of Russia,
That her spirit is invincible.

'Cause it's got these guys in it
They are on duty all year
And for that, dear ones,
Accept congratulations!

Saving is a calling
Someone, maybe you?
Someone's punishment
It's a shame to be saved.

But you always strive
Support each other
Not a bit afraid
We say to you: keep it up!

2015 is an anniversary year for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the department.

Every year on December 27 Russian rescuers celebrate their professional holiday. 2015 is an anniversary year for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, this year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the department.

The Day of the Rescuer in Russia was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1306 of November 26, 1995 “On the Establishment of the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation”. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance - it was on December 27, 1990 that the Russian Rescue Corps was formed on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. The date of adoption of this resolution is considered the time of the formation of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and the professional holiday of rescuers.

Today, emergency response has gained national importance. Work in this area requires high qualifications, initiative, responsibility, courage. Readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of saving people's lives distinguishes those who serve in the units of emergency rescue teams. Man-made disasters and natural disasters are opposed by the highest professionalism, dedication to their work, experience and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult, sometimes extreme situations.

The lifeguard profession is one of the most difficult and most noble on earth. Even in peaceful days, rescuers are at the forefront, fighting for the life and health of people. They are constantly learning, improving their skills and are able to respond to the most difficult situation, which gives residents a guarantee of protection from any danger. In the hands of those who serve in the units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia - the safety of people, their peace of mind and confidence in their future. The departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employ real professionals - people for whom regular and daily work is a constant risk, who daily prevent the grave consequences of disasters, rampant disasters or simply go to the rescue of those who find themselves in a difficult situation.

Courage and courage, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of saving people's lives have always distinguished representatives of this profession. The highest professionalism, experience and ability to find a way out of the most difficult, sometimes extreme situations - all these qualities allowed the rescuers to win the authority and respect of Russians. After all, every day of work here is estimated by the most expensive indicators - saved human lives.

"Warning, Rescue, Help" is the motto of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Not retreating from it even for a minute, Amur rescuers and firefighters go every day to tame the fire element, eliminate emergency situations, sometimes risking their own lives.

Rescuer Day 2019 is celebrated in Russia on December 27th. Another common name for the holiday is the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In 2019, it is celebrated for the 25th time. The celebrations are attended by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), service personnel, duty teams, dispatchers, fire brigade, various structures of the ministry. Students, teachers of specialized educational institutions and former employees of the federal ministry join the celebration.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin dated December 26, 1995 No. 1306 “On the establishment of the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation”.

The date has a symbolic meaning. It was timed to coincide with the adoption of a resolution by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on the formation of a rescue organization on December 27, 1990. The document also provided for the creation of a service for forecasting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergency situations.

On the Day of the Rescuer, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receive certificates, diplomas, awards for their courage and heroism during the elimination of fires. For outstanding services, orders are issued to receive extraordinary ranks and promotions. Highly professional specialists are awarded the honorary title "Honored Lifeguard of the Russian Federation" for their personal merits.

In cultural institutions, performances by creative teams are held, government telegrams are read out, and appeals of the first persons of the state are shown. Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to the lifeguard profession.

About the lifeguard profession

Rescuers prevent and eliminate the consequences of accidents and natural disasters. Their tasks include supervision over the activities of enterprises and industries for compliance with safety measures for the operation of equipment. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are involved in extinguishing fires, search operations, providing assistance on land and water.

The path to the profession begins after graduation from a specialized educational institution. An employee applying for any position must successfully pass the certification. Employees regularly pass standards for handling equipment.

The activities of structures are considered dangerous. Rescuers have ranks and insignia identical to military ones. They can retire after 20 years of service, attend preventive and medical institutions. They are entitled to a social package in the form of benefits for utility bills, treatment and rehabilitation.


    Your profession is full of dangers.
    In case of trouble or any trouble
    You will certainly rush to help people
    And everyone is ready to help immediately.

    Today, congratulating you on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
    We wish you various miracles in your life.
    Health to always be in order
    And so that there are no overlaps in your work.

Rescuer Day is a day of courageous, strong and brave people who sometimes risk their own lives to save the lives of other people. Emergencies happen every day, it can be very difficult to foresee them. But rescuers are exactly those people who are always ready to help. The introduction of a holiday for them by the Government of the Russian Federation once again emphasizes the importance and necessity of this profession.

When is celebrated

All services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations annually celebrate their official holiday on December 27, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1995 No. 1306 “On the establishment of the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation”. This date was appointed not without reason: in 1990, on this day, the Ministry of Emergency Situations was created, the corresponding resolution was issued by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. This day is not a day off, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are constantly on duty. But on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, solemn events are held among professional rescuers, awards and certificates of honor are awarded to the best. On the Day of the Rescuer of the EMERCOM of Russia in 2014, the traditions of holding events and awarding will also be observed.

Who is celebrating

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation are accepted by everyone who every day carries out this difficult and dangerous service. To date, the work of a rescuer has many areas, emergency cases can occur in production, which can affect not only workers, but also people who live near this plant. Such situations occur daily, which requires the rescuers to constantly develop and prepare. Therefore, the Ministry of Emergency Situations has its own training centers for personnel.

A little about the profession

At the moment, Russia has a fairly large need for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. These are fearless specialists who are the first to come to the rescue in case of natural disasters, fires, accidents, they are able to provide first medical and psychological assistance to the victims. In the Russian Federation, the rescue profession is considered one of the youngest, as it was recently separated into a separate structure. But, despite this fact, experienced specialists are in the ranks of professional rescuers.

Background of the holiday

The celebration of the Day of the Rescuer appeared only in Russia, in the USSR this holiday simply did not exist, just as the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not exist. In 1990, a separate structure for emergency situations was allocated, and on November 26, 1995, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, signed a decree in which the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was established.